Newspaper Page Text
faaatmMfaiflaBroteBiffla&MSft . !& .: .h-.' v --. K( " THE TfH PROSPECTOR tawmmammtwfK OUR WATOHWORD--"OOOHISE COUNTY FiRST, THE WORLD AFTERWARD. rre VOL. X TOMBSrOXE. ARIZONA FKlV)A.Y EVENING. DECEMBER i3 IS96. No 6 1 II MW I ll i4 I F fl I Ik 1 B If 1 lj inr-' - t V s U. r DAILY PROSPECTOR City nd County Oilicial Paper PUBLISHED EVERY EVEN ISO (Exckit Sunday) BY Win. Eattich Editor and Proptietor. .Fremont St. Opposite Cliy Uall Tie Pxospectoi m-ill not hold itelf respon sible for any of the article or samotiiU ex pressed by any of It correspoadents. Eorma la the Tombstone Posloffite as Second Class matter. PROFESSIONAL. CARDS. I AMES REILLY. ATTORNEY AND I Counselor at Law. Land and Mining ' cases a spraaltT. Tombstone, Arlxona. w M.CSTAhHLE. ATTORNEY AT- Law and Notary Fublic, Tombstone' AlUona. G EO. W. BWAIN. ATIONEY AT i ... Will nmctice In all couits of the Territory, Tonibsus Ariicna. OS. CLARK, ATTONtY ANU COUN selor at Law. Office on FourCs i treet, between Allen and Toughnut. Tomb Will practice la all the couiu of tbe ory. CHARLES GRANVII.LISJJtraiU... Attorney and Counsellor at Law and Noury Public. 43" Fremont street bit. 4th and 5th streets. A member orthe Bar of the Supreme Court ot the Terntoiy, and ill practice in any ef the courts therein. WENTHWORTH COUNTY RE corderand Abstract Office. Abstracts of title to real esta-e and mines furn shed promptly and acuralely. Complete trn scripts. OSce in Court House. Tombstone. E. ALVORU, JUSTICE OF THE Peace. Office on Allen St; bet. 3d & ath Tombstone. LKOsKL UST1CE OFTHF PEACE l OlSce on 4th St. bet. Toughnut, Tombslone. Allen and I I S. GORDON. M.D. PHYSICIAN AND f""l Surgeon: Office adjoimnc bis residence 1 on 4th street. Call attended at aU hours day and night, r- CEARLE. ASSWER AND 1IETA I" logical laboratory. Office No 319. 1 Fremont St. opposite City HaU. THE ORDERS. F & A M. KING SOLOMON LODGE NO. 5 Meets third Saturday m each month. Vunins brothers cordially invited to at- eod7 1 h Mcpherson, w. m.. A L GROW Secretary. ' R. A M. OOCHISE CHAPTER NQ. 4 MEETS third Wednesday in each month. is itin? Companions cordially invited to at tend. TOM LOWRY. H. P. A. WENTWORTH Secretary. P. O. S. OF A. WASHINGTON CAMP NO 1 MEETS 1st Friday oening in each month. is ltine Comrades cordially inntrd J. W. CLAPK. President. A. L. GROW. Secretary. ft M. J. U. r T OMESTONE LODGE NO 3. A. O U. W. meet 1 stand 3m xnursaay in eaca monlk. Visiting brothers cordially in- ROBT. BESTM. W. ited. W.D. MONMONIER Recorder. K. OF P A RIZONA LODGE KNIGHTS OF i Ptthias No 4. meets eery 1st aad 3rd Monday's in each month. V.siung rattier errciailY invited. A. H.-JKMANUEL, C. C. W. D. MONMONIEK. K. ofS. f ROT ECTION HOSE COMPANY NO 3. T meets First Snnday in each month at their bose house en the corner of Serenlh and Fremont f treets, opposite the school r-osse. Foreman, TOM MITH Sccrttafy. fStSCUE HOE COMPANY MEETS - First ScndijMeacb month at Oiy Hall " Frrmcnt street. . v, vitMuu. ENTWORTH. Secty President J, N. McDONOUGH. Foreman. ENGINE COMPANY NO 1. MEETS UltNjaday in eah mon.hat hosehoure oj th? CvmerbfToahnut and jth street. IOSEPH UPPEKT Femn HENRY DUSKER, Secretaiy. Wan'ed Aaajem ineray-teciloa to can tiii J4 to JS a day made; sells at sight; also a man to sell staple good to dealers tt tide line. S7i a rrotth. Salirr or larce oonvon made; experience unnecessary For ralej joitjailars send sump. Qiftan Soap & Manciactonrig uxnpaoy, icannan, ur.ia. T ONION WORKS. F. CALVES, Prep. rcmpt Servie. Water per barrel, 35cts. JFer bucket, 5 cts. S&ecial Rates to Families Leave orders with wagon. MM&MBl "r?Ji& l& AV li -t -.4-, M iffivtviir. . 1 xrlSTiTVl :4TturC't Ttt t g r .r j 2110 . a - wttH J Wfi- c-f rjii-uenti; ' ir vr- - " na-m- - If you want your tea the same all the year round, get Schilling's Best of your grocer. If you don't like it, get your money back- of your grocer. TEAMS WANTED. Tolnul co! i an d copper bul lion between theterminus of the Gila Valley, Globe and Northern railway and thet own of Globe: Arizon For pnr iculars address WW. Ed wards, at Geronimo, Ariz ma tf 1880. 1898. 16i!i Annual Bali Rescue Hose Co!"o2 AT MINING EXHAGNGb HALL, New Years Eve Dec 31. 189G. AU members are requested to appear in fu'l uniform. TICKETS SI Music by tbe Mexican Bind. Wanted-An idsa I JTbe ctn thtttK Km iimpM tblnx co p&tPoW Protect roar 1dAi: ther m&r brloz too wealth. Writ JCUV WJLUDEKliUIUt k. CX), Patent Atu-r- MT. wufclotoo, U. C for thlr tlJM rlx oficr mall lUt at two buodrwd lnTecttoti w&nieo S. M. BARROW. r. v NEXT i 4. - r -w W r - & ? 30 T 4- S. M. BARROW. AT P The Irrigation Congress Fin ish Their Labors A NEW ORGANIZATION. Funds Will be Provided to Push Work and Leg islation. NEXT AT BRYAN'S HOME Phoksix The fifth eeseion ol the National Irrigation Congress is ended. Tbe teuton has been the most buiiuess like known to lb body and the organ ization will henceforth be uion the new Litis of a regular organization with pyinf; members with special committees and with funds for push ing legislation. Lincoln, Neb.,was liicd upon by un animous vote for the site of the next congre. LOOK HERE! Do you want some fine lay ing hens of bloeded stock cheap? ?oo hens and 12 roosters of white ?nd Brown leghorn an-l Black Spanish varieties. Good layers, will be sold at $12 per dozen. Call and see them and buy a dozen for home use. A. D Walsh, Can Can Restaurant. i r. Price's Cream Baking Powccr VorWs Fair Hizbeat Medal and Diskow- DAYS ooxn y&4z ?' THE SHAKES England Experiences a Vio lent Earthquake, t SIESMAT1C DISTRDBANCE LJttle Damage Done Bevond Scaring People Nearly to Death A CATHEDRAL INJURED London, An earthquake the most violent ever experienced :nltm coun try ban ahaVeu etcry kbore from Dur ham to Surrey and from Londju tt the Welsh coist. The mibUrrueuous distuttxuco was firtt notice 1 about 5:30 ycttsrday mori.inj- and lustvd 4 and 33 sjcoids. At imny points two distinct sheets verezperieuced. The most ftvero fhocks were fslt nt Cbel ton, Ledbury, and Deal Forot. Tbe cartli-shating was accompanied by a loud rushing toud. ISuildincs were iolently shaken, furniture shifted and doors thrown open. Chimneys were overthrown, vin donr, etc., smashed. At some joint I on country loids psrfons trero hurt a number of peorle weie thro-nt out of th ir bfd. Hereford cathedral was injured. FOB Vi:BrHTY YKAUM. An old, remedy. Mrs Winslow's Soothimjc Syrup has tu,! useu lor ocr tilty years by millions or mothers lor their children while teeth ing, with perfect success. It wxjthea the child, eoftuns the cam;, allays all pain, cured wind colic, and is th best remedy for diarrhoea. It n pleasant to the taste. Sold by drugsiit in every part of tbe world. Twenty-five cents n bottles Its valun is incalcu lable. Be sure and isk for Mr. Win-slOA-'a Soothing Syrup, end take no other kind. . x?-tc f f r'v . VcAUl i. ts .".:; j, PATEKTC, coFrKicsrs. sto FcTffriTrtit'oaarcl tss XlanCitt t t- V 11CX.J & vtx. sa mzzwsr, r rw yonc OUlett lAresi ft T-urt-ispttT.ntanicrtcfc 1 Tcr7TWIt5 tenrtsfc t7HiU Uca"ti befer fchepsUloLazatUcecIrkXxoCcX tar.oLatta rrJ. t - . J t- . ' .: ' ri; naa t"-- .I.vt f ,t "S.C-a - - -. - 1- - r t. cu, KCTJBALGrA curpd by Dr. HV-sa' a Vjua. "Oaecczt adoaa.,' Atfall druesJst' Vr. Price's Crcaa: Baking t'owce Vorld'a Fair Highest Atva.d. JO'JZ 5fev?: vst.y" s S2:.r" ?& '5:i 9J$ rr Jir 1 v .T 'N- v; s" m sssEMKsssHPVsur' fcggktsPifsLwai r-iEST wttb a tie S. niAokwell's UeaalDS Ball f-s Durham la la a class by lUelC on will find on ' coupon lnclde each two oaaee baff. aod two cou pons laslde eacb four ounce bacof BlackwelPs Genuine Durham Smoking Tobacco Bora bagof this celebrated tobacco and read tbe coupon wnicng-lvesaliitoivaiu&uiepreuiaaaabowlocetUiem. 1 NEW ORDER A U. S. Maashal Issues a Manifesto. WILL ARREST AIDERS. To the Cuban Cause" If the "Irealy Laws Ar.? Violated. lbo ARE READY ANlHoW Kixgas Cirr, United Slates Mar shal Geerge Shelby declared officially yesterday that all persons within "his jurisdiction nho were engaged in aid iuj; the Cuban inturgents contrary to the treaty laws of the Ujited States would bo nrr.sied wherever found. Ono hundred und fifty Texas ranger commanded by Temple Houston bee notitied thtir willingneen to fight Spain are said to bo iu radinees to go (o Cuba at a moment' notice. ''Wehndan epidemic of dysentery in this Mcinity last summer,'" says Samuel S. Pollock, of Hriccland, Cal. '! was taken with it and suffered severely until someone called my attention to Clian berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remtdv. I procured a bottle and felt better after the first dose. I'.efore one half of the bolt e had been used I uas well. I recommended it to my mend and their ixpenence ws the &anie. We all unte in saicg it is the beat." rot alc b) Druggisls. Atlvcrtiseil Lcttor. The foilo.vini; is .1 list of k-tter rt m.iininj; in the ceneral delivery at the Tombstone p.olollico for the -ei ending November 28, 1S0G: 11. Hanrojy, D. McDonald, Bcsso.- Wand, J. t-'eamon, W..U '.Jt Francisco Vi'.dez, 1. Harriuton. When calling for above lptters, say IrertiieJ, ui:i; di'o of atverlise ment. Emjl Syuon .P. M. State op Ohio, Citv o Toledo, 1 Lccas Couxtv. ) Frnnlc J. Cheyney makeb oath that lie is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheyney i Co., doing business in t!.c city of Toledo, county snd state uforeeaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL LARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hnll'd Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHEYNEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in mv presence, Ibis Ctti day ol Decem ber, 16B6. seju.1 A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally and acts directly 011 the blool und mucus surfaces of tho system. Send for trstiruor.iuls free. I. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O 'J IV . 2 sal ISSS Highest of all in Leaveiiry '-'owtr. IXSfcl B ABSOLUTELY PURE LATEST NEWS Hermann the Great Magic ian Dead. WORDEN - WILL NOT HANG The Injunction in the Great Pugilist Contest is Dissolved. LAW AND PRIZE FIGHTS Ban- Frascisco, Judge Sanderson yesterday dissolved trie iiijuuct o. tying up the check in tho Sharkey Fitzsimmons case on the ground that the law could not recognize prize fights. Sackamkntc The execution of Sal ter D. Worden will not take place to 11101 row. Wordfn was sentenced to be handed for complication in the wreck ins of a Southern Pacific train carry ing ftdfrxl troops near 8cramnto duiing tho grrnt reilrrsd strike of IbV-J. Prcidrnt Clereland recently iiitt-ifrrid in his Leimlf through Sen ator White, of Culiforni.1, and Goernor Budd at the president's request grant ed a reprievo till June 4th, JS97. Kcciiestlp. Htrmann, the raagi ciau, died today of heart disease, in a private car at Great Valley, near Sal ainancs, on his way to Bradford. BUCKLIN'S ARNICA SALVE . The best salve in the world for cuts buises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, feier seres, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains corns, and all skin eruption and posi tively cures Piles, or no payment reqeir ed it is guaianteed to give peefect stis a factiin or money refunded. Prices 50 cents per box. For. sale at Tomhione Drujj Store Gladness Comes With a better understanding- of the transient nature of the many phys ical Uls, which vanish before proper ef forts jrentle efforts pleasanteuorts rightly directed. Thre is comfort in the knowledge, that so many forms of aickness are not due to any actual dis ease, but simply to a conttipated condi tion of the system, which the pleasant family laxative, Sympof Figs, prompt ly.reraoTeft. That is whr it js the only remedy with mill ions of families, andfs everywhere esteemed so highly by all who value good health. Its benefit ial effects are due to the fact, that itis the one remedy v.hich promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating the organs on which it acts. It is therefore all important, in order to pa' its bene ficial effects, to note when you par chase, that yon have the genuine arti cle, which is manufactured by the Cali fornia Fhr Syrup Co. only nd sold by all reputable druggists. If in tho enjovment of good health, and the sysUm "is regular, laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. If afflicted with any actual Jisease, one may be commended to the most akillf ui physicians, but if in need -f a laxative, one should have tbe best, and with the well-informed everywhere, Syrup of Figs utends highest and is most lacfrety asm gives most general s.,tih an mi, Latest U.S. Gov't Report kincr bwder JIOJLI. AUK11AIJI cOCIIIbK O. F. As'ibi:n. Benson. PALACE. M. 51. Jones, Tucson. 8AM JOBS. G. M. Porter, Bisbee, M. Gorman, " FAIRBANK DEPARTMENT GEO.G. McGEE, frop. Fail-bank, : Arizona, Headquarters for vUitorr 'rem Tomb stone and surrounding country. Best of winea liquors and cigars alwayiion hand. PAY THE EXCHANGE A VISIT P. A. DEMARTiNI, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. A full line of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, CIGARS AND TOBACro. FAIKnANIl. ARIZONA. Faikbana, A. T. K. HARRINGTON, MRS. Prop. Chagres Reasonable. Parties going from Tombstone to Bisbee will tl he ample time for dinner before tbe train arrives. Table Supplied With the Best. GIVE IT A TRIAL. GUI 1AXEY, Allen St near 3d, (Old.Cuiiom Hons.; VEGETABLES. FRUITS, 1 OTATOES,2 ONIONS,! ETO Frth California fruil reeeivedevenj day ty express. Everything told at lowest rales. Goods delivered I irer to all tarts ot city. Fish Reeeiied Every Thursday. W. 0. ABBOTT i. ASSAYING !! IN ALL ITS BRANCHES ; Tombston e,.ri zona. Samples by mail 01 express will receive prompt attention. 00fc anif Eesiotnce Orerfoct House. TIiI I Yor.r 0.. r!nttj. On receipt cf tci cc ', J t 4I1 or stomp, ' a generona tiir.i;.V v ; tr mnilfdof tlij most poj nlar Cs.ii r,:( 2. liny l'ver Com (Ely's Cream lliij. . ivf'cirit to demon strate tlrs grct v " . cf U.fc remedy. ELY jr.r.'I-.'3; t. . -p-i t.. J'cn- lork City. . Ber.JobnLV5 . . r- Ta1a,3font., recotnmendeii w. - . 3-a.ia to ine. 1 j can emphasize L r I. !! M a pod- I tive cure for cU. r' ,j JTic rrected," Iter. Franc! W. i ii. I'jJior CuitnJPrea, j Church, Utlcsa, i.uL.1 i Ely's Cream VfCrn V U10 c-ico-wledged cm for cata-rh r- c airu 1.0 mercury I nor an injurious dn.g liioa. 50 cents, y 8 FnlBffiEICHANuE I r.frfce-a Crexia baKts. Pvwm i f 3 n m . . 1- 'ZZSSfrcU.