Newspaper Page Text
, i i i I I c ' " " ' " " ' '" " fcim m mi I.. iin ' " " ' ' ' "':?rj-V--"TiIi ' ii - -- -.-.. ---. : 1 it 1t- TOMBSTONE PROSPECTOR PUBLISHED EVEBY EVENING (BOXDAT EXCSFTXD) HT Wm. Baiticb, Editor and Proprietor. UFJTICIL DIRECTORY. Myor - r.ja VTarcekros Chief of Folice. . . i. Doyle CouncUmea : flrit "Ward - Second Ward - U. Jacob Miller -rhWWard - F. W. Dmiu F&trth Wart - - - D. K. Waidwel XVftr crriCEBs: SherfS C. S. Fly Treasurer - Recorder - District Attotne Prorate Judge Oerk District Court Bonreyor - Assessor Cnn 'VmmUsioner - K V. Vickers A. Wentworih - G. V. Swain W. F. Bradley - Scott White II. G. Hove '.A Bright f- J. F. Duncan AUTKOIZIZED AGENTS. L. P.'FISHER. at Merchants' Exchange San Francisco. a H. KELLOGG. No. 310 Pi street. Boom 57 and 58, San Francisco. E. C DAKE. room 65. Merchant Exchange, an Frandsco. GEO. P. ROWELL. to Spruce St. New orlc N. W. AYER ft SON. Philadelphia. AS transactions made by the above named persons mill be complied with at the PROS PECTOR office. SubitcripUoH Rates. One Year 10 00 Six Months 6 00 Throe Months 3 00 OneMonth. 100 Delivered by Carrier for 25 cents per week. CITY MI) WITCH OFFICIAL PAPER Mints and mining in Cochin county are receiving a good deal of attention from outside investor. Tkey could hardly turn their eye toward a more promising field. Editor Lewis L. O'JCane announces in the Fair Play, Mo., Advocate that 'running a paper for glory has lost iti charms. We will run a newspaper for a living or jump the job." Tlio Arizona Fopuliat proposes to restore, prosperity by hanging 99 per cent of the Judges and 100 per cent of the lawyer. But the Albuquerque Democrat thinks that might revive the "cordage trust." 1 The preseure of atmoiphere on a man's body is nearly fourteen and one half tons, says an exchange. Fstiaxr, that's featherweight compared to the pressure some of the "life long Iltpublicans" of Arizona are bringing to bear for federal officers. Citizen. A fact never to he forgotten is that the Cubans are Americans, ef the American hemisphere, who are being shot down fcr asking exactly what Mexicans, Venezuelans, Argentines, Chileans, Peruvians and the North Atiier'esns demanded, viz., indepen dence of European control. Mexican Herald; Piles! iiies! Itching Piles Symptoms Moisture; intense itching and-stinging; most at night, worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tum ors form, which often bleed and ulceratet becoming very sare. Swayne's Ointmen stops the itching and bleeding, heals ulce ation, and in most cases removes the rumors. At druggists, or by mail, fct So cents. Dr. Swayre and Son, Phils, deinp 1. 4KJ lVS'S OS JO SJtl'J OS (fytor .iii?? s pjJOA silt I ,m Two Cups One in I llw) Choice, tender, young tea leaves, the first pick ings of the crop prop erly cured and packed as soon as picked never touched again until open ed by the consumer. Re- suit, the fragrance and strength of two cups of ordinary tea in one cup of Pride of Japan. Ask your grocer for it M- J. BRANDENSTEIN & CO. m Saa Francisco at Tokobaitx 4 What Are We Here For? - THE FUN OR THE M0N? From tie expression upon ourjfrienda face heis evidently here for neither but as2for us WE AHE HERE FOE BOTH. We are handling FJXAXJS&trTA.TJL.S SOAP Which for easy and perfect washing cant' be beat. Cottolene - Cottolene - Cottolene. That perfection for, shortening 'purposes is giving general satisfaction We have it in 3, 5, and 1 0 Pound Pails lAjC are well supplied with prepared' goods'iof all kind f "- for use during this hot weather consisting of Boned Turkey, Boned Chicken, Roast Turkey, Roast Chicken, Sardines of all kinds, .Canned Soups ing variety, French, English andiAmerican Mackeral in cans, Brook Troutfinleither Tomato or Mustard sauces, J Deviled Turkey, Chicken, TongueSand Ham, Ham burger Eels in Jelly, Boston Baked Beans plain or vr i;Tomato Sauce, An? many other Goods too numerous to mention. Also it regular receipt or Holland, LimDurger and American Cheese Jon't Forge: that vc are sols gents'or Tombstone and 'fftt, for tae k Saioriiu 6E0RGE THE DORNm Ol! S1X1H rar "f". T y Tr; ' ;"" V -. k ' t piw,ww""IH Seal Brand Coiee. . Fins Grocer, AN ALLEN S1REEE8 THE WILLOWS, CHAS.BULOTTl, I'ropr Choicest lins 01 Wines and Liquors. Imported and Domestic Cigart, Courteous Attention to Patron. Allen, bet. 4th&Xtli, Tombstone COMET SALOON. GARLEYAT0 4PALA,rroprt, WINES,LIQUORS& CIGARS. Dealer in UotirJf Irish and Scotch Whisly, and Other Well Known Brandt. A Specialty made of best Clarets and Wines. Billiard Farlcr in Connnection and the Crr'es Place in Town. Allen, bet. Gtli & 7ib, Tombstone PONY SALOON, J . A. KOSKA Proprietor. Finest Stock oj Wines, Liquors and Cigars in the Territory. PRIVATE CLUB ROOMS ATTACHED. Best and Purest Brands of Whiskies Brandies and Wines kept Con stantly on Hand. You wil find "Al" at home, on Alter St. bet. 4th and 6th. Biiliard Parlors, j. x. Mcdonough, Prop. Ihe Finest and Best Htted Billiard Parlors in the City. Importer of the Best Wines, Liquors , and Cigars. Billiard and Pool Tables in Conjunc tion, ilixed Brinks a Spreialty. Private Club Booms. Allen, bet. 4th .V.tli,Toinlston FOB Fine Stationery Of Any Btscription, Call on WM. D. MONMONIEE, Opposite Mason Borte. Carries a full line of Station cry, Books, Inks, Pens, Mu cilage, Toys, Window glass, Fancy Toiiet Articles, etc. Price the Lowest Allen St. Bet Fourth- Fifth PROBATE NOTICE. Iu the Probate Court of tie County cf Co chise. Territory of Arizona. Inthe mater ol the estate of Eroma Holcomle, deceased: Pursuant to an order of said court, made on the 17th day of Septerobe r. A, 1). 1896. notice is given that F'idaj, the gthdajr of October, A D. 1S96, at s o'clock p. m. ot said day, at the court rocm of said court, at the court house in the city of Tombstone, arid county of Cochi'c, hns been appointed as th; time and p'ace for prov ing the mil of s.iid Ernma Holcombr. deceased, and for heanng the application ol W. F. Nich oU fcr the issuance to him of letters tesuinentary ben and where any person interested may ap pear and contest the same V. F. BRADLEY, S-18-tf Fjtcfficie Oerlc VA 4TED SOLICITORS FOR CAM-t-AlUN Boot "Bryan Sewall and Free Silvej'z authoriied by Brjran ntten by R. 1- Metcalf editor Omaha World Herald appointed author by Er)an. contains fpecches and platform. A bonanra for agents; alree silver mine frr work, en; only? 1 50; the only authorized book 50 per cent; credit '"": freight paid; outfitfrte, Bej'a now with choice of territory; rermanent, profi table ork for '96. Address The National Co.k Concern Star builiin? Chicaro. ar MILL FOR SALE. A ten-stamp mill cvirtXTZ, 6 pant, 3 set tlers, an agitatcr, to i8-foot reolim!; caccen tratcrs. 16136 CojIu enginr, two toilets, all in good workine trder. licilcin? rear'y nrw Can be moved as it close to railroad Must de sold, and can be bought for"$3,ooo cash Address, XOSFECIOK -lce. Tomttcw Ari Tax Collectof s Hofiee Notice is hereby piren that the duplicate asscssrrent roll ot the County of Cochise isnow in my possession for the coRecuou ol taxes ler ied for the year 136 in said ccumy Taxes sill brcome delinquent en the 3d "Monday in DesemVr 1896. and unless paid before that dte a penalty of fire per cent wi be added thereto, . Payment may be made at try offie in th county court house at Tombstone, during cfFvC hours 9 a m to 13 m and 1 to 5 p m, J WICKERS. Treasurer and Ex-Officfc Tax Collector Cocbsse county Tombstone, October aC,lt)& 01 I NICirvNOBILE. Dealer in EruitSjNuiSsCandies, rjih Fruit? 11 jceivdJ I) illy from California. Carries the Best Lino of CIGARS AXD TOBACCO Ever Brought to Tombstone Poultry, JEggs, Potatoes Onions, etc., always on Hand. Fifth St. next to Postoffc-c Consolidated National Dank OfTiiCkun, Arlzomi. Canital Stock - - $50,000. OFFICERS. it. P. FREEMAN. President. V. C DAVIS. Vice-President. H. B. TENNEY.'Cashlri Issues drafts arailable at anr point in the United States. Dines bills 01 exchange oa a European cities, and males a specialty of out-ol town accounts with invdiidiiils, firms and cor Aritioas. m.25-t FLY'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Frcmo t street, opposi e Prospector. FAMILY PHOTOGRAHS CUR SPECIALTY Careful attention given to turning o t the Finest views and pictures of all sizes in a most artistic manner, superior finish and'Jone. IHJsLCJCM? CTJEjCISEP Taken on short notice. Groups a s a alty Chbinst, jmil nlsti-ili Undertaking PAitLosa of C. B. Tarbell Coffins. Caskets. Robes. Etc. From the Plainest to the Finest Made, The Columbia Iron Caskets kept Con stantly in Etock. Bodies Temporarily or Permanently Embalmed by the Latest Protess. ToiMone & Fearce MAIL AND STAGE LINE. FRANK BLATZ, - Prop. Makes semi weekly trips to and from Pearce every Wednesday and Sun day of each ueek, making the round trip in one day, carrying U. S. ma. end passengers. FARH, round trip" " - - S4 PROBATE NOITCE. In the Probate Court, County of Cochise Ter ntorr of Arixoca, in THE MATTKR OF THE ESTATE OF Emilc Lenorroand deceased; Notice of Application for order or sale. Notice is hereby triten that Geo U. FittJ Administrator, has 51ed nith the Cleric of this Court a peution praying for an order of sale of all real and personal property of r'eceafed and that the ;!h djy of. October. !Sc6. at 2 o'clock p. m . of said day bcint: a day of a regula r term cf this corn iO uit of the October term. IS96 af the Cochin county court bouse, in Tomb stone county aforesaid, has been set for hearing said petition, when and where any person inter ested may appear and show ciuse why the sail said petition should not lie granted. V. F. BRADLEY. Ei -officio Clerk. Dated Sept.. 5th 1806. Notice to Creditors. In the Probate Court of thclCbuuty of Cochise, Territory of Arizona. ESTATE OF JANE L. BERRY, ieceased. Noticc is hereby given by the undersiged ad ministrator of the ettate ot Jane L. Berry, de ceased, to the creditors of and all persons lav ing claimj against the said deceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary voucher, within ten months alter the first publication of this nutiov -i the administrator, at WiUcox, !a the countrof Cochise. WILLIAM M. R1C.GS, Administrator of the estate cf Jane I Eerry, deceased. DiteJ Dj;:n')ir 11 1. 1J3S. Da-tf Notice to Creditors. Estate'of?Emma Holccmte-rdeceased. PL'BLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the undersigned adnvnistrator of the stair cf tnrr.a Hokxmbe deceased totheered trrsrland allpcns tavirg'lalmsapainst the said dccra'ed, to exhitit them wi h th- nec essary vouchers, within onrm r.ths after the first publication o' thisnotice, to the sa.d ad ministiaior, at his office In the tewn ct Will cox, in the said county of Cochise. W F. NICHOtS, Admimistra'or, with the will annexed, of the estate ot Emma Holcomb. deceased, Datedjat W'lllcor.ttbis taih dav ef October.16 O.i at ALL PERSONS ARE CAUTIONED against purchasing or negotiating a paper pur porting to call for one hundred dollars, favor ol John Gates and endorsed by rr.e as same his bees paid, as I hold Mr. Gales receipt h'ai paper has been lost. T, D. CH VTTMAN Pearco, Aug. 17 &6. zg?MgM&3mM2M&W&Z K'i PIONEER m I Carnage I ileoksmith SHOP. j. H. JZJSLjS -NX) 13 r Xrp. -orner Third an.i Allen. a B & b: a ri?i . The largest "and Ilesl Equipred EstaHIshment of it Kind in the Territory. 32 m 32 Ail Easids of Hugav. Wagon and gi Woccl-work i3"eatly and 24 Prcrn.'DlIv Dosig. i BIMSMITHING tv' a AND HORSESHOEING. fi Best Facilities for Doing All Kinds of ga Repairing in Wood and Iran. None rsj out First-class Workmen jJ CDM I ICsrMVJ ! 1UIN UUMitrtiN I E.E.U. fti tJrFall as jortmeat of hardwood and Iron lor sale. mxwmwwfm3m:wmm O. L OUMMING8. Wholesale and Retail Butcher, COK. STH AND FItEMONT S7KKETS. Beef. Pork, Mutton, Veal, Sausage, Bologna Pickled Trip Choice Steaks, Roasts, etc. Experienced Cutters. Free Deliver)' to all parts of the City. Your p ltronage solicited.. OYSTER PARLOR. &JLSLJYXT St. 13E'X'"VWr133SiS" Ltli VIN nth First-Class reals Best'of Attention; tvcijlhing in Seasou BOARD PER WEEK $7X0 THREE MEALS 1.00 SINGLE MEALS 50 Dinners tor Scecta Occasions a Specialty Try a Vtal at this Pc cnlar Resor First-Olass Cooks only Emplced. Accommodations for Families J ;-tS-::ATI. Isvprletor. TOMBSTONE GAS OO. A. ASHMAN Lessee. WELSBACH INCANDESCENT 3AS JLIGH1 In General Use throughout the United States and Europe, -d successfully comr ing with Electricity, both in llnlliancy and Cost of Light. Uses Three Cob -Feet of Gas per Hour, and yields a Light of Sixty-Candle Power, - "' Equal t o four ordinary burners with double that amount of gas. - i cost of Xj-evrvrE' js.'T'g Placed in Position Without Extra Charge. 02TK-R JA IJArWC i:ni!.II'U. T03iniT(.lB, ARIZOS I. - 41COHISE HOUSE. HRS- iiraMr J Corner Fourth and Toughnut Streets. gSSf Visitors to thia city will find tho CocnieE a a;i"riitr I'-i. tnl 01 ofTerinp csccllent nccomoiftttonp. . A LARGE AND COMMODIOUS SAMPLE ROOM Mi 1 1 MSEBCIAL ME. All Modem Conveniences. Rates Modcta'c. SAN JOSE HOUSE. .- AIR3. F. J. BEAN, Prop. ' f Centrally Located, Iarg3, Clean, am '"':. Well VintilatiRoorns, - V, This Favorite Headquarters for Ccmmr;ial Ji.irfyl sict lcn nrvls, It: renovated and neatly furnished tl rct'ghoct iih spcc.-d iilmi'tln tic tiae , - -X public. Rooms mcite and single. Prices Modtiair. - Even'thing fiirsl-class S-amrle i rrs U r ( n n-$ sjf3& ga p a g Mrs. S. GALLEN, PlO, -V UQIOIP YPI Firil:vct.All.n,i1otig.r.t: I UltlllD i!UIHy!w,r Anzflt, FIRST CSASS IN EVERY RESPECT. UHM IO UE Everything Made Convenient lor Guests Special Ksiuii' i .t.i. 0v tt.e .,;,, or Month. Renovated Thiongl.out. SAMPLE ZOOM FOR BBUMMEBS. RATE.'! REASCSAB1 & f i i r V . L ,1 U i' 1 TOMBSTONE, ARIZONA Q M VicrasBrorjiuriaiinUEF; I pssssBmcer as, jrvaw pw- "! - j ' "U i. & M 5! " . ssssssssl & y.,! .