Newspaper Page Text
SgggsgiggglgajjWajpiiaM. 9 r fe The Prospector. DECEMBER ,... 18.1696 RAILROAD TIME TABLES . IXONA SOUTHEASraHN R. R. II Kartk. TIM TABUS IKo 4. July u lass. B. V. Sth 1 aixsa : too; rin. HI FIrrt QtH SUUom Daily Saaday eaUV xrut tfaaaay . "J . 7.T. ...Bill..... Ss IS l.i5 I.8S 1(J I Water Tank!, ....!s.i . S .It .30 03 ..cnuieiua.., A......F lrbank .. Libi.t ait 11 a U-la 11,M aelac tlma. Fl u-'opo',niJi.T- I M Wuum SapmBt.,.L SOUTHERN PACIFIC R R Sut 4.45 am ',aa am Il.vsm ...Tucson.. .. ...Maricopa ,. S.50 pra! .leamJ aSP" , 1.5s a ra 4.30 a in iioao an I 7.0c p m Jm) ....Los San att,lV h rwU ncelei. jltJ, t' lound, XlonaavaCu) ,. .1, rknaon' .a Set, Lmit west eauna, IVtJ aesdars ttgnfayt, 4.0S Benaona KSUTSCHXITT, G M NEW MEXICO ARIZONA R Vest East 6 oop ID Lt .Benson Ar i.4oam 1. oop ra 12.10 pra 10.30 pm 0.00 a ta 1.301m 8,50 am ..... Fairbank . . Huachuea.. . . . .... Crittenden .... .... Calabasai .... Nogafrt .ooam 1.40 am a. 37 a ml i.i;pm J Pr except Sunday, Paiific time. . J. Fskt General Manager. A Naugle. L, II. Albricht. " Avatc General Manager. Traia Master. 4.1V.. fl.'V . EJ jiyjl vLm! fJS.7 145 B.oa . STATIONS, j West ..... Aifu - MARICOPA & PHOENIX R R. Nsrth stations Sooth 8 Mpm Lv......Phonix Ar t Man 8.35pm Temp 735am 0.00pm Kyrcae 700am .35pm Siciton 6 35a m a-45pni .....Marie pa 015'am K. S. Shamp, Gen. Snpt. LOCAL NOTES- silver it quoted at f5j Wm. King is up from the custom house en a short visit to the county seat. No. S Stoves, $15 at Biskow's. The death of a consumptive from Boston occurred at Yuma last weak. The Sentinel says the Man's last act wa to sing with pathetic feeling, "The Ship That Jf ever Returned." Fall and winter overcoats. Cost only. at Barrow's, W. D. French, who defeated W. B. Fonda for jnttice of the peace at S af ford, failed to file a statement of bis campaign expenses as required by law and so forfeits the office. Mr. Fonda being tun present incumbent, will probably hold over. The Arizona and New Alexico Co.' smelter at Ivaohoeis running at full blast again upon the copper orei of the dlstriet, A large part of the ore re duced comes from leased mines of the Santa Rita company Cranberries, eastern apples and Buckwheat flour at "Wolcott's. If you wan la good No. 6. cook stove everal psna and pots, also a mall nesting stove throws in; all second baod but in good condition, can be had for f 10, cnh ; nlco'a good sewing machine Singer lecond hand bnt in Al working order, for $12, cash. Call at this office for particular, tf The Lost Gulch Mining company started their 10-stamp quartz mil! last Saturday for a trial run. It is one of the most complete mills in Globe district, furnished with the newest and moat approved applianco for sav ing the yellow metal Belt, rt Wit nice rligfcss llonoi? World's Fair, 3?ELr -nr.T 1 UiVij rA 1 J)SJU. EEAM A "ESrTswlVI povvom rctt9 'J BMINO MOST PERFECT MAD-:. , A sure Gape Crea.ii of Tartar Powder. Free M) Ammonia, Ahim or any other adulterant CO. YEA1S THE STAMOAKB SMELTJN6 ORE DIRECT. A New and Important Discov ery in Treating Ores. A short time ago it is said that there was brought to asucoessfulend expeii menu which will entirely revolutionize th smelting of tulpliide ors. Piom iaent mettalurgists hare bean study ing the problem or years and a few month ago they contluded that tbey had mattered it in theory, t leaat.and laid plana to tet their theories by practical demonstrations, and tbv were very much delighted to liud that the new process proved a grand sue cee, much beyond their sanguine hope. Tnoe interested in the problem and who might be said made the discovery are Supt. J. L. Giroux, and -Mitchell, metallurgUt - Uee. Verde Copper P' -4 the United It ii -' ..nipany in Globe. " -.d that latisfaetory result .re attained under the moat trying condition, ol sulphide ore straight rem the mines without rossting and without the use of carbonaceous fuel will prove a great benefit. The Min ing World in commenting on the new method say the new discovery proves that desulphurization can take place in a Mail furnace to a degree previous ly unsuspected. It will also be a great aid in overcoming the very ser ious diminution in the supply of oxi dized ores, and in permitting of the utilization of sulphide of such low grades a to not allow the cost of roasting. Codies of sulphide ores, which have hitherto been considered too poor to be worked, will now prove a bonanza for their owners. Tliie is the first time iu the hiatury of smelting that sulphur in ores ha been utilized for smelting with such suececs without the aid of carbonace ous fuel in any form. 12,889 SCHOOL CHILDREN. The Annual Report will Soon be Given to the Public. Superintendent of Public Instruc tion T. E. Dalton is at work on his report to the governor. II states that the total amount of school expen ses in the territory for the year end ing June 30.1S0G, is about 5210,000; that the valuation of property will be about $500,000; that there are 331 school teachers and that there are 16,936 children of school age iu the territory. The number enrolled in the publio schools in the past year was 12,889. Holland Herring, Limberger Cheese, and Sauer Kraut, at HoFTEU'd. The S. P. west bound passenger was aboat ten hours late. The deten tion, o far as can be learned, was due to . freight wreck at or near Lords burg. A tramp, stealing a ride, is said to have been killed. Further partic ulars could not be learned. In the live stock show in New York a man exhibited a aJLiropehiro sheep oneyearold which weighed 340 pounds and was three feet across the back. This chap is given milk bathr, dried with pontes and laid away for the night in blankets. 200 Boy's Knee pante. Cost only. at Babbow's. The Republican says tbt Dr. H, A. Hughes, superintendent of the insane asylum, has ordered six silver instru ments for the purpose of educating a band a silver cornet band. Ha pro poses that patients shall furnith their own music at the weekly dances that are held in that intitutin. Star mail service has been etl lished from Kiri;Iand to Placenta, in Yavapai county, fifteen milrs and back, three time a week, by tchedule of not to excurd tlireo and onp.tmlf hours running time each way. From January 1, 1897, to Jnns 30, 189S. 1 1 We have seen samples of the sugar produced by tho Eddy factory that aro 996 pure. This will be run through the refinery again and the six one thousandth patt of all impurities taken oat. The sample, as it is. is far better than a great deal of the sugar sent out by the trust factories. Res well Record. Seamstress Sewing Machines, equal to all, inferior to cone. Reduced to 20. AT BaJUtOW'B CIVIL SERVICE. Examining Board Will Meet at Phenix. The United State civil service com mission will hold an examination at Pheuix, commencing at 9 a. to. on January 5, 1897, to fill a vacancy in the position of farmer at tho San Car los Indian agency, Arizona, at a (al ary of C5 per month. No peren will be eligible to the examination who ha ni.t bten actually engaged in farming in t'ae tsrritiry of Arizona during the pa.t two years. The subjects of the examination will be penBmanehi ' orthography, farm economr. w ' accounts, and praoH' eeP!n8 farming. -1 ,"" in BBi- ..sons desiring to be ex- .uued for this position should call en r write to the secretary of the civil service board at the post office at Phenix lor application blanks and pamphlets of instruction to appli cant!. Two Lives Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas of Junction City 111., was told by her doctors she had con sumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery cured her, and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thot. Eggers, 139 Florida St., San Francisco suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching consump tion, tried without result everything else then bought one bottle of Dr. Kind's New Discoverp and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thmkful It is ruch results, of which there are samples that prove the wonderlul efficacy ot the medicine in cough aad colds. Free trial bottles at Tombstone and Bisbee drug stores, Regular size 50c and S1.00 Last August hile working in the har vest field became overheated, was sud denly attacked with cramps and was neatly dead. Mr. Cummincs, the drug gist, gae me a dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which completely relieved me. I now keep a bottle of the remedy handy. A. M. Bunnell, Centcrville, Wash. For Ialeby Drogc'sts, A D0010R FOR PEARCE. W.G.Woodward will Dispense Medicine at the New Caiup Dr. W. G. Woodward arrived in Willcox Friday morning from Phenix and went out to Pea'ce, where he ex pects to locate. Dr, Woodard is pleas ant gentleman and will make friends wherever he goee. He hails from Holden, Mo., and has eettbluhed his family temporarily in Phenix until he can make suitable provuion for them in the rew camp. Willcox New. New line o! clocks at Wolcott's The following officers were elected at the last meeting of the R A. M: Tom Sorin, H. P.; Gus Barrun, K.; Joa. Hofler, S,;A. Wentworth, Sec,; Ben Cook, Treat.; H. McCormiek, C. H.; J. B. Miano, PS.;-Wm.Ktng, R. A. C; J. Palindn, lit V.; A. L. Brooks, 2nd V.; Jos. McPherson, 31 V.; R.E Jackson, S. A clersyman tells an amusing story of a worthy vicar in a rural par sh who had waxed eloquent in the interest of foriegn missions one Sunday, and was surprised on entering the village abop during the week to be greeted with marked coldness by the old dame who kept it. On asking the cause the good woman produced a half crown from a drawer and throwing it dawn before him said: "f marked that coin, and here it is back acain in my shopl I knowed well them heathen never got the money." Free Pills. Send your address to H. E. Bccklen & Co , Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A tria will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action ana are? partic ularly effective in the cure of constipat on and sick het.'ache. For malaria and liver troubles, they have been proved in valuable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleteriois sub stance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to the stomach and bowels Greatly invigorate the system. Regular size 25c. per box. Sold by Tombstone and BUbee druggists. Sredlt-as Raisins, London Layers, Fresh Current, Cape Cod Cranberries, Siciian Citran, at Borux'i, WANTED. A gents Big money, article to sell to every rancher. Address Mu len & Co. Los Angeles, Cal, AN HISTORIC FIN i. Mummies Found in the Cave Dwellers Ruins. Mr. OToole a prospector arrivtd in the city Ht night say the Phenix Herald, Hi th a number of muinuiins and historic relics which he uneartbtd in the qva dwellers ruins on the Verde. Mr. OToote made a complete circut of the Verde river, Iron: Cave Creek around the head of them and spent considerable time iacavstinS I among the ri'.'.na of the cave lw.l' . f1" '"arch wai rewarded by tl fin(1. ing o! a uumber of rouram ei o chilj . ren in a good state preservation, arrow heada, ctt,,, 0f vsrious kinds, needles mde of bone, corn bjth on the cob and loose. This morning M. O'Toole called on Dr, Tuttle who unwrapped tho mum mies and examined them. There is absolutely no question of their genu ineness as the skulls, teeth ami benes are in a good state of preset vation,while one of them has a fair growth of hair on the skull. 'I bo blucoTerj- "toU Itia I. He. Mr. G.Caillouette, Diuggist,Benver svillo, 111., says: "To Dr. King's New Discover I owe my life, Was taken with La Urippo aud tried all the phy sicians, but of no avail and was given up and told I could not live. Having Dr. King' New Discovery in my store I af nt for a bottle ami began its uso and from the first dose began to get bet ter, and after ueing three bottle was up and about again. It is worth Us weight iu gold. We won't keep sto're or house vithaut it." Get a freo tjtall the Tombstone Drug Store. Ed PJiosrtcrott: I beg to advuo that oar wett-bound train now pn.-ses Benton at 11 :35 p in. instead of 12 :15 a. m. The east-bound limited passes Benson Mondays and Thursdays at 8 :21a.m., and the west-bound Wed nesdays aud Suturdaya at -1:05 a. in. A2s EXTENSION. The Bowie Road to be Com pleted to Globe- President Garland, of the G. V. G. it N. Ky., recently informed the editor of tho Bulletin that as toon as the con sent of the Indians can he aecurod the road will be extended to Globe, He also announced tho intention of the company tochmigs ths line in thn vicinity of Solomuiuille and establish a depot in tbs town. The I' rami)-nl til Desk. We will suppose thit vour occupation is sedentary- that your are chained, so to speak to the desk in some counting house or perhaps to the loom in some vast mill where you ate compelled to labor from morning to night. Sunday is your only day of relaxation. You return home every evening wearied menially and bodily. Your health and strength begin to fail. What will most eficctuilly e cuperate your vital energy The weight ol evidence points to no other conclusion than that Hostetter'i Stomach Hitters is your safest, most reliable sheet anchor. Use it persistently, and your system will soon regain its pristine vigor. Every function will receive a healthful impulse. There isno remedy to equal the Bitters for nevousness and want of sleep, dyspepsia, constipation and billiousness. It averts and remedies all forms of mal arial disease, and is a preventive vf heumatism and neuralgia. The Sunset Limited train which pas. ies Benson twice a week going east or west is by far the finest and most mag. nificcnl transcontinental passenger train in exlstance. It is incomparable unexcelled and unequalled. No ex pensfi has been spared to make it per fect iu every respect, and all that human skill or fciince could invent and npply to make it alxoiutely fault lM ha-t brrn npplieil. Luxury and beauty have been combined with strength and aVty, and, meteor like, it pan4 thn continent, annihilating time and sptce in its mirvelmn flurht. All wbo have had the pleasure of a trip on this train unhesitatingly pro nounce 11 tlie very finest in the land. A ticket on this rosts no more than on the regular train. For further particulars and aov in formation, addr8. E. S. WEBSTER, Agent at Bonroa, Or T. M. Goodmae, G P. A. San Francir-co. E. E. BURLINCAME'8 ErttbUt'xa ta Cofer?. IPX tfetnp'r by mart o Ira will rcctlvtt p-oapt A cu-ful sUtasilai. IcW I SilTtr IbIHm &Zfts2il Wita. lR5ftXamaseSt.ksw Cal. TtmssTosc, November 35, 189. Office of the Board of Supervisors "of Cochise County, Notice Is hereby- rlren that the Hoard of Su pervisors wi 1 self tt pnrate sale the follovttrc desenbrd real estate, situate in said county, the same having- tern duly sold and by tax J'Cu : conveyed to the Territory of Arizona by th"7ax Cotlector of saia cotnty to recover ,1, t UDIMi,i lax and charKr .jralnst cati cl or of r0.K- t ir, 'PF1'- ol record ia the oifife f the Tax Celled- aad krcotdet of ,,, , it: Mitl.A Allcock. Tombstone Lot 1. . 45. J 4 9 j.beaaro Acara, Eisbee adobehoute, 6 ii Joe Bi soa. 1 ombsunr, Lots I, a and 3. Block 6j 1540 Manuel BilMou, Bisbee 1 frame house 4 P A Doyer. Dos Cibez s BltcLsmlth shopand ttab'e 17 36 A Bingham, SL Daid Improve ments oc ranch 8 ji I r Branom Irofwoiera-ntsonranch 30 81 Malconb Improvements on ranch 033 Juan Banllo, Willcox Lot 17, Block o. ... ....... 1x03 CS Clark, Tombstone Lot 14. Block 'a............ .... " Jj Wm Cavanaugb, Tombstone Lots 5 and S, Block a) 663 J N Christians:., St. David Ira proTements on ranch 14 13 W K Duncan. West Huachueas Im provements en ranch 1906 James Doyle, Benson Lot 18, Block 19 'SlS Allen R English. Tombstone Little Pedro mine. No. 90; l!i I'edr mine. No. 94: I-ots 14, 15, 16 audi;. Block 44 69 99 A EscaUnte, Bisbee 1 frame house. . 5 92 C E Frederick. Tombstone W a of lot 6. Hock 5 39 lS Sam Friedman, BensonLots 27 and aS. block 1 8 , 6851 W C Gieenwood, Benson E K of S W X aad W Jf of S E J. Sec aS Tp:6. Kso.. 11 97 Conception Gonralts, Beason Lots 1 and a S E X of N E gee 19. Tp 20, r. 19... 26 04 tgnacio Gdl, Lower San Pedro Im provements 8 48 Jesns Gorxales, Lower San Perfro N H 01 is t x ot in w a, sec 19, lpi3. R19 187a Chris Graner. Cbiricahna mountains SK tfSec 3. Tp 17. Raj.. . . 44 3 W A Gray, Su David Improvements 16 84 T T Hunter Willcox Sec 19, Tp 13, K 35; Sec 6 Tp 13. R 35. .. 4" 88 Hall, Aston and Gray Del Val grant 15a. 36 G Lonergan, Benson Lot 18. bloo; 10 3 t J C Lots, WH of N W M and W H cf S W H Sec s3, Tp 15, R 24. . Mead and Clark, Tombstone Lot 7 bock 19 20 37 Nicholas Myers. Lower fcan Pedro Improvements en ranch..., .... 1943 Z. Morales, Willcox Lot il, olocksS 20 57 Jean Morales, WTUcox Lt 17, bloci s6 4 9 Jacob Martirex. Willcox Lot r block 7 97 R McCormiek, Tombstone Iots 1 and a, b'ock 11.... 576 Mrs. D H McN'eal. Tombstone San Dirfcs mine No. 100 8 32 EG Norton, B.sbee Improvements Main stre-ts 2793 T O'Brien, Sulphur Sprine valley Improvem nu n ranch.. 41 93 Mrs. C W 1'cj.h. Wllcox-Lot 1. block 25 10 ca I R Parish S E Jf Sec 14. Tp 17, R S 15 K Kundle, Bisbee 1-rame bouse 11 37 Andres Rebiel. San Pedro Improve ments on ranch .. . 113 93 O. M, Renaud, Sin Simon valley Improvements on ranch 24 20 t. u KODerts. an reare improve ments onraach. 662 Ouong Stag, Tombstone Lot 16, blk. 10 15 15 WF Stoter. Bisbe e Adobe house.. it 10 Noah Seeton S E J.' Sec 29, Tp 16 R 29 IS '5 R D Swmton N' E K Sec 3, Tp it. R29 ljiS E Saenz y. of Sec 4. Tp 13, R 19.. 7 ti Tulty, Doiorrsand Genoa H of SV ,' and E of Sec 30. Tp 20. K . S E Jf and V of N E . &w 3f, Tp :6, R 20: N of N E K and W JfoI.NWj, Sec 31. ipi7. naa 3 SO unxnawn, juenmond mine No, 99, lomnstcnoaisctrlct j eg untnown. McLxmnd mine No, 100 n-A ... :... Aiuuiwuc UI.U1V4. ...... ....... 4 35 Unknown, May mjae No. 154, Tomb stone distnet CJnknon Ophirrnine, Na 37 Win chester district . Uakhowd, Coppr King mine No. 38 4 91 ss Uociiise district 5 ,8 U 5 Wtite, WiGcox Lot 11 b'ock 22 3 3I j.s. Williams, Chairman, Attest A. A'ENTWOXTB, Oerk. By W, A. IIaxwood. Deputy. r Just a pinch of Pride of Japan Tea half what you use of ordinary kinds makes a delicious, fragrant cupful. 1 First pickings finest young tea leaves properly fired and packed on our own premises in Japan. Best tea in pack ages imported. M. J. BRANDENSTEIN & CO. San Francbco an.1 Yokohama Full wjiikh-yit ami i-Os. rO JOSEPH CORNER FIFTH AND PIONEER - DEALER IN General Cape Cod Cranberries Seedless Raisins London Layers, Fresh Currents A NGELIOA , SHE Jill Y, PORT, ZINFENDEL, JOHANNESBURG, WHITE Sauer Kraut, Limberger STAPLE AID FAICT CHOICE GINS, BRANDIES and WHISKIES BOTTLED BEER FOR FAIL! Tip. Everytliing IngOurLinc is First ' CI ass XlootTn at'icf Sold at Prices That Fefy CcmreliiiilnT-'i'. '" C JOS, XaOiSDEEr2.j STORE HOEFLER, FREMONT STREETS.1. Siscilian Citron. Cheese, Holland Herring. BRANDS - OF -- I - -vt STORE. Vsercli idise. GROCERIES VS&&4 MM, r Y ; 1 1 r r 1 1 1 ' f SSi mji -.J r f Jt. m. m yfe rf , .