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.?- . , Ll. , , .-. -.,- i V a' K - - ' i - tt'rwD!nsaieBsoec ""' n-lf a-aw--gaL-JJJJI IM1TT fe A'- PROSPECTOR THE wunnH2MMvnnBHBMHfMMBkMCBMMOIVtfnVM)iMylV1CrWMVVV9 nm iJlxJiugJU' Ifc-'-JL ff i OUR VOL. X- DAILY PROSPECTOR. City aud County Oilicial Paper PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING (ExcErr Sunday) BY Wm. Hattich Editor aal Proprietor. Fremont St. Opposite City Hull The Pospecto will not hold itself respon sible for any of the articles or sentiments ea pressed by any of it correspondent!. Entered in the Tombstone Postoffi as Second diss matter. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JAMES RE1LLY. ATTORNEY AND Counselor at Law. Land and Mining cases a specialty. Tombstone, Arliona. WM.CSTAKHLE. ATTORNEY AT Law and Notary Public. Tombstone Aiixcna. . G EO. Y. SWAIN, ATTONEY AT Law. Will practice in all courts of the Territory. Tombstone Arizona. OS. uLARK. AITONLY AND Coun selor atLaw. Offi on Fourth Strt. between Allen and Toughnut, Tnrol Wai practice in a'J lie courts of the m. iiibi tc RRAKVILLEIOHNVrON. U Attorney and Counsellor at Law and Vr.t-.rv Puhlic. .7 Frrroont street beU th and sth streets, A member oCthe Bar of the Supreme Court ol the I erruoty. ana ui practice tn any oi inc courcs urciciu. A WENTHWORTH COUNTY RE corder and Abstract Office. Abstracts of t'tle to real estate and mines furn sheil promptly and acurately. Complete wan scripts. OCce in Court House. Tombstone. o E. ALVORU. 1USTICE OF THE Peace. OSceon Allen si: Dei. 31 a. ath Tombstone. A L. KOSXA, UST1CE OFTHF i'EALfc Office on 4tn St. ues. rtiicn uu Tougbnut. Tombstone. WS. GORDON. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND Snrrcon: OfSce adioioine his residence " 00 4th street. Call attended st aU hours day and rugnt. "i CEAKIE, ASSVYER AND MEFA- hluzical laboratory. Cff.ce No 319. ' Fremont St. opposite City HalL THE ORDERS. F &. A M. KINO SOLOMON LODGr- NO. 5 Mee ts third Saturday in each month. Veiling brothers cordially invited to at- end. 1 h Mcpherson, w. m.. A L GROW Secretary. R. A M. OOCHISE CHAPTER HQ. 4 MEETS third Wednesday in each month. Ms itirsr Companions cordially invited to at tend. TOM LOWRY. H. P. A. VTEKTWORTH Secreury. r- -. c -mt A WASHINGTON CAMP NO t MEETS ist Friday even'ne in each month. Vis-1 w " itintr Comrafles cnraiauy invro-o. . W. CLARK. President. A. L. GROW. Secretary. A. O. U. W- -T-OMBSIONE LODGE NO 3. A. O U. I W. meet ist and 3rd Thursday in each month. Visiung brothers cordially in- tited.- ROBT. BESrM.W. MOSMONIER Recorder. W.D. " K. OF P- m. uirn'A LODGE KNIGHTS OF APvthias No 4. meets every ist and 3rd . .' ... , ' ..I. VTcitiner Monday s in ci ujuulu. . -b rothers ccrcJaUy invited. A. H. EMANUEL, C. C. WJ.TJMONMpNIER.K. ofS.- PROTECTION HOSE COMPANY NO J, meets First Snnday in each month at their hose house en the corner ol Seventh and Fremont streets, opposite the school house. WM. GARRETT, Foreman, TOM M1TH Secretary. R E Rescue hce company meets First Sunday in each montn at iny nail FrnrriKtlrrl. I. V VIOKEkS. INTWORTH.Srcty President J, N. McDONOUGH. Forcrnaa. WGtNE COMPANY NO 1. MEETS latt ISaaday in ea b mon-.n at nose ootse on t!, e-irneri.fTotishnat and sth street. JOSEPH LIPPEKT Foreman 1IENRV DUSKKK, secretaiy. X anid An ?gent in evoy settle Uca iAal to can- W ii i 10 c a Ut msde: sdiA at sicht alcna man tn 111 staolc coo! to dealCTS best fide. line, S7S a ircth. SiUry or Urye jommUsion mace; eircrience unnecessary , For sealed patticulus lend sump. Clilten Soap it Muno'acturing Company, Cincinnati, urao. WATER WORKS. F. CALVES, Prop. rompt Service. Water per barrel, 2501$. Per bucket, 5 els. "Soecial Rates to" Families Leave orders with wagon. ntaMznwm .-'' - i-,'2:. '-f..' . UNION WATCHWORD 80. 1896. I61I1 Annual Ball, Rescue Hose Co 1Io2 AT MINING EXCHANGE, HALL, o.x New Years Eve Dec. 31. 1890. AH members are requested to appear in full uniform. TICKElo $1 Music by the Mexican Band. Summons. In ibe District Court first judicial district of lii Territory of Aiizoni in and for the couo ofCoise. MARION FITZGERALD. Plamtia vs. WILLIAM G. FITZGERALD, Defendant. Action brought in the .District' Court of the First judical District of the Territory 01 Ari xooa in and for the county of Cochise, and the comprint ciea in tne saia county oi t.ocaise in tee ot ice oi tne ciera 01 saia uistnct court. The Territory of Arizona sends greefng to wuuamo. ritrgeraia, aetenaanu You are hereby required to appear in an acti-sn brougit itgainst you ojr tne aoove namea Dlaint ff in the District Court of the First Juili dal District of the Territory oi Arizona, in an'j forth" County 01 cocnise, ana to answer tn: comDlaint hied therein, vilhin ten dats (evctu jivcot the day of servict J after the service en you cf this summons ,11 servea witnin t, count, or if served out of this county, but ir this district within twenty diys; otherwise (run- in thnly days); or judgment by aelauit win te taken against yon according to ue prayer o. said complaint. ' The said action is brcuzht to dis'i-Ive the bonds of matrimony existim; between the plain tiffs nd the defendant and that the custody of the minor child be awarded tc the plaintiff and for such other, and further relief a the law gives. Given under my hand and, the real ef the Court of the First 'judicial D strict of the Territc T of Arizona, In and (seal) fortheCountr of Cochise; this 21st day of December in the year cf our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nicety six. SCOTT WHITE Clerk By A, II, Emanuel. Deputy Cok. ' d2l-tf Si Mi B " ,-r t-.-r. .1 V?' .1 -r s 30 NEXT CALX S. M. - - - ''OOCHiSE TOMBSTONE. ARIZONA WEDNESDAY REOPENED. An Ancient Producer Again to be Worked, XE R GItASS VALLEV. 3Iackay and Flood Will Oper ate a Mine on a large Scale. WORK FOR THE MINERS Sax Fkascisco The Allison Ranch mine, which a quarter of a century ngo was ono ot the best producing mines in the vicinity oi Grass Vulley, ie to bo reopened aud worked to it) fuUntit ca pacity. The mine is now owned by John W. Mackay end James I. Flood. Seamstress Sewing Machines, rqual to all, inferior to none. Keduced to $20. AT BaKROW'S If your tea is good, it is cheap; if it is not good, it is dear, no matter what you pay for it you "had better drink water. But good tea is better than water sometimes, be cause it tastes good, and whatever tastes good makes the stomach work right. So good tea Schilling's Best is cheap. A ScMHinc & Company san rr&ncisco VA ''X A Vs . jhxAl. DAYS ::r". :. c-Vt - -v. BROWs BARROW. COUNTY FIRST, THE WORLD MORE FAILURES. Suspension oi Chicago Bus', incss Houses DUE TO BANK FAILURE. A Crash in Financial Circles. Heavv Withdrawals from Other Banks. STATE OF INSECURITY. Chicago The failure of Angus t Gildele, contractors; The American Brewing, Malting fc Elevator Oo.;Oco. A. Ves Mailing & Elevator O., and Geo. A, Wei.i individually, all of these beins due lu liie colla.peof tli" Nat ional Bank of Illinois?, wero the echoes today of the bank failure yes terday. Ktins were made on the Garden City Banking and Tsuit corapiny, tho Hi bernian Saving ban!: and tho Illinois Trust and Savings b.nfc, but noao of the runs were of much importance. No atateraeat was filtd as to ajiola ami liabilities of the two incorporation. 'liriitintt EIvc. The public are respectfully invited tobrinpany and ull pru-ents for t'pi children and hate them placfUon tins Xmas tree at Mining Excbango Hall. There will bo no programme t!ii yenr but arraiigemrnl liave been undo eo that the chlllreii tuav enjoy thon.- selves with games, o!c, rnuivoil frr.t Siinfl niiillJ. At he will be present in all his traditional glory. Children look out for the good old mtn. 1v t .Lives Saved. Mrs. Phoete Thomas of Junction City III., was told hy her doctors she had con sumption and that there was na hope for her, bat tvo bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery cured her, and she sys it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Esrgers, 139 Florida St., San Francisco, suffered from a drsadfu! cold, approaching consump tion, tried without result everything else then bought one bottle of Dr. King's New Discoverp and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thankful- It is ruch results, of which there are samples that prove the wonderlul efficacy ot the medicine m cougns aaa corns, rrce trial bottles at Tombstone and Bisbee drugstores, Regular size 502 and Si. 00 ... TEA.MS WANTED. TnVinul coke and coooer bul lion between theterminus of A tne V3tni s- -rtt.. f CAin-y , fAllU Northern railway and thetown of Globe Arizona. For part iculars address V. W. Ed wards, at Geronimo, Ariz na. tf i gssja Theliigliest tobaccos good S3 Every knows there is none jast as t;cod ss BUL! Yea will find rap. each twoouncelxg.and two cou pons insMlc bsgot lilackwcus Durham. Bay n has; of this cele brated lobr.cocnd read the &l I coupon wbicit ctves slkt . of valnatle to ret EVENING. DECEMBER 23 MARK'S INFLUENCE Two Senators Call on Mr Hanna Sit, VERIrE FOR GAUiNET A Long Conference With the Great Chairman Which Looks Significant- THURSTON AND SHOUP. Clevelasi), Ohio Senators Thurs ton cf Nebraska and Shotip of Idaho arrived in tUe city this and werr driven iminedfut'Iy'io tlio olHee of M. A. llannc, sihere a loai confer ence was held. While it wis elated that tin? visit was of a social nature, it was known thai the primo object of the conference was to discus cabinet mature, and, as a gentlemnti cloje t'j Mr. Hanna stated, tliero ivm little doubt tliat Mestn. Thurston ad Shoup desired to sreuro Mr. Harmu'd inlluence towards tho tehction of forne man for the silver district wiiich they represent a n niember of the cabinet. nUCKLI.VS AilN'IO.V S.VUVE. I'tebesr salvo in toe world, for cuts baisesj sorc, utccri, "-alt rheum, fever sores, tcttr. . harped hands, chilblains corns, and n'l skn t:iup;mis arid jiosi tivdv iuici l', vi n. paymrni r-quir ed in zvmn ei u piv t-fefrt btis a i facti -n cr tnu-iev rc-irul'd. I'rccs 50 Word hajcern inrb-s. F-r s;.i,j ' 'orrhioi.e I T1 SredletVKairiu.', I.ntidou Layer, Presh Ciirrj-ntu,' Cape Cod Cratbtrricp, Siciian Citron, at IIofler'.. I'llo--: ilp-! Itcliinsr,' X'ile SYMPTOMS Moisture; intense itching and stinging; at night, worse by scratching. I' a'loTd o 'ontinu- tum ors form, which often bleed and ulceratet becoming very sire. Swayne's Ointmen stopitheitchingand blredisg, heals utce atton. and in most cases removes the rumors. t At druggists, or by mail, fot Jo cents. Dr.;Swayxc srsd Son, Phila delD' 7. If you want a good Sik 6. cookstove ecverHt pan and potn. alro a email heating stove thronrn in; all Ftccnd hand but in good condition, cart be had for ?10, cash; alo a good ewing maclitnf- Singer -crmj hand but in Al working order, for $12, cash. Call at thisolfica for particti'ar-, tf The VOiiH J?si .'Si.-' r,v jyrro '- cj :-t . :v eturi'scirrrs Hit: Roy-' ', lira for other r is "Jnst cs t ' ckV IJtirhara." j old smoker V. ?j& S1 one coupon inside each tour ounce presents and how ' uictn. t AFTERWARD. 1Sq6. Highest cf all in Leaveain?- wowtr.- IJW I i3il H mvW S SLJm sTEfc iBGS.l'EO' 3P5JKE LATEST NEWS borty People Precipitated into a River A BRIDGE GIVES WAY The Two Jaw Pugilists Will 31eet in New ork to Sign Articles. LYNCHING IN TENNESSEE Whecusg. W. Va. At Littleton, a Mispentljn bridge over the crek broke down nrhtltf cratvded with people re turning from a church entertainment. Thirty or forty people were precipita ted into tbn slrkam. One was killed and two probably fatally injured. Sax FitAKCJjCo Bub Fitziiaiu'ous tartfd for New York tonight, where lie will tign articles of agreement for a light with Corbttt. Nasiinilik, A. Birmingham, Ala , sped! 'o 1U0 liannt-r cays J:b Jamcx ( co' ore ) nnf Lynched at Woodstock !rtr.ig!i!. He Hltempted to assault Fannie Smith, aged 17 year, while t be was on her way to schcol. Last August while working in the har vet fie,ld became overheated, was sud denly attacked with cramps and was r.eaily dead. Mr. Cumminjs, the drug gist, gave me a dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which completely relieved me. I now keep a bottle of the remedy handy. A. M. BUNNELL, Centerville, Wash. For Ialeby Drugeists. LOOK HEREI Do you want some fine lay ing hens of blooded stock cheap? -;oo hens and 12 roosters of white and Brown leghorn an ' Black Spanish varieties. Good layers, will be sold at $12 per dozen. Call dtiu acc tni.111 aim uuy x uirctt for home use. A. D Walsh, Can Can Restaurant. mm mm Tbe Suatet Limited train which pas es 13enon twice a we?fc going eator we't is by far lliefineitaud mohtrnag nifictnl traticonlitientiI pareenger trnio in (sistance. It is incomparable unexcelled and unequnllrd. No ex pense hat been spared to make it per feet in every respect, and all that human skill or rclence could invent and apply to make it absolutely fault less has been applied. Luxury and beauty hnve been combined with sirength and cafety, and, meteor like, it spans tbn continent annihilating time and space in i's marvelous flight. All who have had tho pWnnre nf a trip od tliis trainunheei'atingly pro nounce It the very finest in the land. A ticket on this rosts no more than on the regular train. For further particulars and any in formation, adores. ;E. S.WEBSTER, Agent at Beaton, Or T. H. Goodmae 0, P. A. San Francisco. No 65 Latest U.S. Gov't Report aer XiOTKJL. AISU1VAJL.M COCHISE J. V. Vaughn, Biabee. J.S. Willians, " PALACE. M Sam 1 eon, Los Angeles. FAS JOSE. . S T Mosier, Pearco FAIRBANK DEPARTMENT GEO G. McGEE, Prop. Fairbank, : An. ana, Hesdquartere for visitors from Iomb- otone and surrounding country. Best of wines liquors and cigars always on band. PAY THE EXCHANGE A VISIT A. DEMABTiNI, GENERAL MERCHANDISE A. full line of GI100ERIER, PROVISIONS, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. rAIKRANIi..lARIZONA. Fairliat Restaurant Fairbank, A. T. K. HARRINGTON, MRS. Prop. Chagres Reasonable. Parties going from Tombstone to Bisbee will have ample time for dinner before the train arrives. Tabic Supplied With the Best. GIVE IT A TRIAL. GUI iAXEY, Allen St near 3d, (OId;CustonHoue. VEGETABLES. FliDITS, 1 OTATOES ONIONS,', ETC Freih California fruit receivedevery day by ezprcts. Everything told at lotcett rates. Goods delivered Iree to all darts 0 city. Fish "Received, Every Thursdays W. 0. ABBOTT ASSAYING INSALL ITS BRANCHES ToxnbKtone,.A.ri2:cma. Samples by mail or express will receirt prompt attention. Offictand Jletidence Overloch Houie. ThU In Yoar Op;"lmslty. On receipt cf ten t eit -.. or tsnip, a gencrouj scaipla vii i mailed of th most jopular CitarrU tr..l Hay Ftver Cnr (Ely's Cream Mm" srjitcUnt to dmou atrata the great l.ieri'.; cf Lii Xtta.t2j. EliYBlIOTETTS, EC Warr- S t, ?r Tctfc City.. IteT.JoiinReid,J.-, r raMoct., recommended HyVt fi r7..T:i Wise. I can empbaiiiza hi r . . "It inn posi tire"cureforcatarrl. -T c'-irectit" Rev. FrancijW.TVv.V i'rtor CeatiaU'rcx Church, Helena, Ely's Cream Talrn W !h? ccthoTrlwfgrf cure for catarrh nr.1 rni'air.sls mercury nor any injurious drug1 Pries. SO cents. FlIBfflEXCHM !? Ctmus tUMci,. PrrwK , 1 m-mx sj-.i- e-l fc.f--vr. ;J" Lf "i s