Newspaper Page Text
-Cft- &immmm m EV liN. I i; i 14 t tf I i Hi s V I For a fine elegant fitting suit WARBURTCOSr. 1 "v. flSSTJust received a larpje stock of Domestic and Foreign Wollens for-the Winter trade. - C. Brandes, Manager. A. TXMVIL, I& ri .A OVERLOOK. UNION MARKET AND BAKW B renet y A venue, Zisbee ft n zona. Fresh, Beef and Mutton, Pork1, etc. also bait Pork, and Corned Beef. All kinds of Sausxge alwws on FRESH BREAD PIES AND CAKES EVERY DAY. PALAOE nil 8-1 Livery and Feed Stables, BEST TURNOUTS IX THE CITY. At reasablc rates, and on short notion. Ths patronage of the public is respect fully solicited and satisfaction guaranteed GRIFFITH & AD All, Proprietor. Bisbee, Arizona. STLOHISBEERHALL BISBEE, ARIZ SlIATTUCK & KEATING. Propriitors. Agentt for Anheuer-Bu$ch Brewing Association. MTiolesaU and'. Retail. ICE COLD BEERS DRAUGHT THEO. F. METZ, Soda water, Sarsapanlla,Sarsaparilla and Iron, Gsnger Ale, Champaign Cider, Syrups, table waters, etc. Jjtt improved machinery, and none but the very bett of matereals ever used. RWbep. - l. - Arizona. FOR5ALE. A group of Copper Clainij part'ydeveloped. Ore black and oxide from the grass roots; ore found in all working's; plenty in sight and just the proposition for a company. Good roads, wood, water and timber plentiful, claims eight miles from railroad. Address Prospector, office, Tomb stone NOTICE ro ALUvnoM ir may concern. Notice is hereby given, that certun mininj claims ca fed the Tain Ken, M;Ginty and Par aoo. litaated in the Warren mininj district. and about oce-nalf mile north-easte It frwa tbr Ho"roo' haiitie; worV?. and aboct the same distance fro n the town of Bisbee, A. T. iCl A tbeabore nvnet claim ere not located in son'ormitr itb the U. S. rominj lv, therc-,1 smc, a xcuuu iui, at a fc ir. icmjlicm .he same in full conformity with the Above named laws, acd is fully determined to protect ni rights. Therefore. 11 peoni are cau tioned sot to bargain for. buy orleue the a'wor name! claim-. X S. MANSCK. 15-tm 3Ubee, A. T. A. J. XV. QUE?"? I-OOGE 'No.1 fIX MEETS every tturday evening Visiting brotb ?ttejvliillv invited. "" J. M. RAU.IXCEK.M. W. jDrTAKO BARKES Recorder. H. C r'lUsER. JJnander. II, SCH3IIEDIN, ' JEWELER AND DENTIST. ALLKIMDS of dental d jewelry -work is all branches performed with neatnelas zad aispatah. DSces. Bisbee ard Tcmbstcne. D R J W. FARRIN TON. DENTIST. AM work in the line of Dentistry doae in a efedioul mtans aad satUCiti'm guaranteed. rfes at "verrreasoaabl& OSUj at Sbeare BISBESE IDEIRTB of clothes call on THE LONDON TAILOR Main Street, liisbee. REASONABLE PRICES ALI "wje vwrc. hand,, Visit Mailcey's Studio or up to date, h.'jh class photography. CRAYONS,- INK, PASVELS and WATERLOO LORS To "meet "outsidecotnpetition;i will mike you a high class life size Crayon for Sj.oo. A good enlargement can be made from card, cabinet or tin type UrTEKjJ.lAi.'Otreet, Bisbee, Ariions. F. M. McKAY Keeps a well selected stock of SCOTCH, IRISH AND BOURBON WHISKIES, Aad the best brands of Cigars. lee Cold lleer on Draught. OIiUB ROOMS ATTACHED. 5 ot a pleasant, social time, aad courteous trcrt raent, call on McKay, Bisbee, Arizona. CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES Fresh fruits of all kinds re ceived da ih. WINES, LIQUORS,' CIGARS, AND TOBACCO. Goods delivered to all paau of tows, io per cent oft for cash. .Tl. m-:iIUVICII. I'ropr. V. G. MEDIGOVICH, Wholsale and Retail Dcalu in Groceries, Poultry, Game-received once alvjeek. LIQUORS, WINES, CIGARS AND TOBACCO, DUBAC1IER k M01IEIM, Brewery Gulch, Uisboc, Ariz. Pabst Milwaukee Beer On Draught, Constantlif on Hand. Our Bar is Sap plied with the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars Yoar patronage respectfully so'icited. BAPTISTA CAEETTO DEALER IN DRY GOODS, GREEN" AND DRIED FRUITS, WINES, IMPORTED LIQUORS AND CIGARS, EGGS, BUTTER AND PROVISIONS; MPORTED CHEESE fc SAUSAGES Also Dea'crin Wo.d. mm BISBEE KITS. Daily Happenings at the Great Copper Camp. Budget or Interesting .Items from our Regular Cor respondent. Bif.BEE, Dtc. 22, 1S9G. cormr.i.VGS. Owen Smith went out on the train this morning, bound boaienrard to spend the holidays. Mrn. II. E. Stillman, who has been vnilhig in Tombstpnft for about two wee!; pKl, returned tht crening iiftet haijg jpent a tnoet enjoyable tin.e. Sh9 declarer that there is no place lite Tombstone for a good time, but we notice bhe got buck Jo Bisbee for tho holiday all lieht. They must Iiavob little fun here tomelimes, and then that Rebeckah entertainment is is coming off, toi. ilay be that had (omethincto do with it. Fraoc:i Nelson, well known ss Bi boe's list number, camo in on the train this eveutng far n ehort visit. Sineo ho left here foveral months patt he has been engaged in putting in an electric light plant at Globe. Joe Scott accompanied him as ansietantia this wotk and he reports Joseph n in mot flourishing condition dead gone on a gMs widow. Wo alnnyg thought Joo wouU make a break gome day. We noticed, to our sorrow, in last Saturday' Orb that a utw society had (en slatted in Uwn, calted the P. li.'t. We wish in future that when the Orb management wiih to tell any thing thai they would tell it, and not 1'ad innocent parties into danger. When we saw the said article we im mediately set to tbinting aa to what those letters could possibly stand for, a'id. attr Imlf an hour's useless toil, we Ciiblly came to the conclutiontbat it mtiet mean Pud ling Heads. In answer to a number of inquiries we gave this out as the probable meaning nd we met with co opposition until we met our village tooth carpenter, Dr. Farrington. We had entirely overlooked tho lact that he had b;rn mentionrdas the chief of the P. H.', and of course he objected tnoet etreiru ouly to our interpretation "Chief of the Bisbee Pudding Heads." Hi little objection coat us no end cf difii culty, atwe not ocly were, under the necessity of making a suitable apology but wo a1o wero obliged to labor for about three hours to flop the harm we had done. Even then it waa no ie, for somo people seemed to like the name Bnd thought it ought to be kept going. We ask the Orb as a last resort to publish the full name, to as toed us right, and at the samo time to aliy tie doctors wrath. If we have to guess it a stcond time we might make a worse break, and run thechance or total annihilation at the hand ol the irrepressible P. H.'. Iti making yonr esleclion orCbrist nms and holiday presents there is nothing mere appropriate than a well lected idem of jewelry. Our local ))wele:,"lr.Hchmieding,haa lately laid in q'liie an ato-tment of artcica in thi line, all of the latest and raoat ap proved patterns. His stock ot gold quariz jewelry is especially attractive, and a rail en him may save you much trouble and care in your Cntistmas elections. His present assortment of wa'ches and diamonds can't be beat. for csvi:i: hptv iRAttw. An old, well-tried remedy. Jlr Winslow'i) Soothing Syrup hn tn usmt (or over fiftr years by millions of mother.-i lor their children while teeth irig. w'th perfect tucsen. It ooths the child, eoltens tho gum', allays all pain. curM wind colic, and is tha lest remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggHt in every part of the world. Twenty-five, cents a bottles Itn vlue is Incalcu lable. Be xuro and uk for Mn. Win sloxr's STothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Cr. Price's Creaa Baklas VowOci V1f Pair Wfbit Xcdal aad I WJI3N IN BJ3BEK 0 TO I. WALDORF The Oldest and Best Known Restaurant in Southwestern Arizona. Good Meals at all hours. FRESH OYSTERS 'AND GAME IN SEASON The Best tho Market Affords Always Served to our Patrons. OTTO G1ESENII0PER, Prop. EWETT & R0CA8TLE BISBEE ARIZONA. For Anything In the lino of BOOTS AND SHOES or GENERAL MERCHANDISE BLEWETT & BISBEE CHRISTMAS FOR A nice .Christmas present3 something that will please and delight callj on SCHMIEDINGThe Jeweler A largo and fancy assortment of jewelry of all kinds. Call and examine his stock. FOR CHRISTMAS C. W. BLftCSBUBH. The ewlciiroredJ,Wtite twuj UachlEils Kfazof AH. oldon ib InBttlhnect plan on caT tenn byCW, BLACKBl'RX.O K btrect. All laczoae tisoincsoiauaiaas v Xolary Piillio end Conveyancer. -FOR SALE. Ranch and improvements. house,-4jarn and well; 8 acre3 nnder cultivation; about 75 orchard trees in bearing; water right under St. David t i v ii it ? it. dutiut. iveryiiiiiig compicui and ean be had lilieap for cash. Good reasons for sell ing. Apply oraddress ownr on premises. v Mrs.Hanvau Neilsox, St. David, t-l- y -f T- - TJA f-Arirs. HrJW is. tXJUl StAAriTt-.. r "ionz. - --.- I A' S . ' "TBI r ir-..H t r , T 9 frl!g mti Sh'&Uii niiii irst; rit;;!ei h miAWV immnitisiJ GEBcral acd Kcrvoss Dciiiity. Weakness o' Unir and Hit.1, LOecls -I Krrora c Kxcc In Old or Yonne. I'."'t. S-bl9 ALi-.iuol I a,.r Iicetore '. I.otr to Kn'arpa aad htrecsthea VTiX. Vu- levewpca ioriuns 01 .4. .VW'ICJ l-U UnsITcnr iTrcaiasnt. Mfit-. tn ft dflV- fen -jntltf ion1! u.:u rd ForeiKO r5eC bj&gW&r ' I bv - -" M. TL XJtA. ZZjt o Wk ! ERIEWED!G,iLQ.,Buffali.H.Y. FOR YOUR MEALS RUCASTLE ARIZONA. I Totrttone Adrtrtisementt Continued.' O.K.Livery Stable Full Line of Livery TIvANUIENT AND BOARDING STOCK CAREFULLY ATTENDED Prosvectinti Picnic and Ex cursion varties outfitted on short notice.. Or ders b'i mail or tcl ?raph receives vromot atten tion: TERM SUI.P.EASOiBLY LOW, .xonN aij'To3rnRY, iroi. J V. VIGKER3 FreoisntStreet. zoniostn , VTi"m. Real Esta te. .Mines Moneu, Cattle and In surun ce. -s KEVLE?rTE ajibt. sold rented MINES -3t;ht sold manaced. MONEY L.raos neotiatrd aad ia- vesiraentj toade. CVTrLE-t;ro-er. dealer m"rt lNSURANCE-Firc. Accitlext, Tjfe. . Prompt Attention, Given Collection. PIONEER BA 3DtD Ol JOSEPn LIPPEItT. Prop. Everything Seat, Clean and in lirst Ciat Order. Shaving. Shampooing and Haircutting dnne in an Artistic Manner. Tht CUlctt and Most Favorably JTnotvn Barber on the Coatt, Pay Him ei Call. AilrTx. tens. 4itow,i,"rr:tsss ! CITY BARBER SHOP AXD Bair. Rooms, J. B. 3HAN0, tPmu.vtur, Hair Cutting, Shavinc and Shampooing Lart;', Co-nient and Commodious B Oh Rooms attached. Hot and Cold Shtnver Baths. Every thing first-class Year of Practical Experience make this Sharing Parlor a moit Popular Be ort. Allrn, nrnr'Cnr Sth.TonlMfoae, CATARRH ba LOCAL DISEASE and it the rt?n of eoidt and twiitn climatic changes. Tt can be enred by a 1 leaeant reraedj- -rhh Isapptd di recSy into the town j. B nalc&ty atworUd.t jive reeiatence, Ely's Grsain Balm tt aclayrvfodgtd to t the cott thorontrh cure for TtatalCaurrh, ColJ in Head and liar lever of all rraeiLea. Itopensendcleaiueitlieiunlparu-ea, CJ.y BIt(rri!EI M Warren Sueet, IJevr Tot' The U. S. Gov't Reports sJwrs Rsl Ezklr.3 Poxria srrla7 "II nfAfrr. FTTSFlIFci c a WiiH&lFF'YtfF As a compliment to our many patrons and the public generally, for a short time we are going to give to every purchaser of Ten Dollars' worth of goods a fine : : : : : f Life-Size Ciayon -Portrait:-. There is not a family but possesses some picture ot Father, Mother. Brother or Sister, whidh they would like to have reproduced in a life like and durable manner. What moro suitable for a present Call at once and see specimen. 'XTIE FJR,A.!VaE. The portrait Company uas made it conditiona. upon us that witu each portrait we sell a frame. The price is $4.oo to $ Call and select your ownstylc. OtTK. IPLIV Is to issue tickets on your first purchase of five :ents or over, and every additional purchase, large or small, is added thereto, and when the amount reaches $10 we deliver, free of cost, a Life-Size portrait. Call andget a ticket. . N. WOLCOIT, Dealer in Choice Family Groceries A WELL SELECTED STUCK OF IH.I.nw"ARF. A?0 TINWARE, AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Goods Delivered free ARIZONA MAIL & STAGE CO Office Opposite Drug Store, 5th. St, Carries U. S. Mail and W. R ft Co's. Exp, FARfclO OB FROM FAIRBANK.... ..". 1.50 Leaves Tombstone at 7.15 a. m. to connect with Trains for Bisbee; and points south. Leaves Tombstone at 5:15 r, m. lor Fairbank to connect with Benson and all pointseast west Arrives 9:00 p. m, with Nogales mail and passengers. Arrives at 1 2:45 p. m. with eastern and western mail and passengers. 3AG0A G of Patxengem delivered to OJJice in the tityfree of Charge TENTH STREET DAIRY. JOHN H ANLEYi PROPRIETOR Pure tresh Unadulterated Milk, delivered dail" tool varts of the citi. j. iu 'w Milk Wagon in town SlilV T y t7.c quart, lOcts, Reduction is made for larger quantities M Oflice is on tho wagon. Yonr patronage solicited. JohnWeiland' ! Aniieuser- Lemps. GJTL yiTU h IBADKb VFPLIEV Bottled WeilandlBeer furnished to families in lunibstoi " by JOS. HOEFLER Adminisiratofs Sale A Good Ranch and Improve- c ments Offered for Sale, -VTOTICE. IS' IIEREBY.'GIVEN THAT 13( bids will be received by the undersigned administrator of the estate of Emile Lenormand deceised up to and lncladng JiTorembeT 14th i&)&at Mi store in Tombstone Arizona for the ranch of 160 acres, heretofore oned aid occu pied by said deceased, situated on the San Pedra nrer in said county; just above the Grand Central Mill, and about two miles below the town of Fairbank and also for all the personal property and utensils belonging to iud situated upon said ranch which personal property is de scribed in the inrcntory and apprbement in this estate, on file whh the Probate udge of said connty. Pfivssion can be given December 1st, 1S9& rerms of sale, cash. Theriebt reject anv and all bid-dU trr Teserred. rtr . u ciptc f . r . . . AdnUstrato. , ated September af iffi'X to all parts of tho City. 1 QtRI ST. L0l!!S WHOLFSALE ril BEER HAIL 'it-CW?, r-s - MARTIN COSTELLO At!xn. -for Anheu er Busch Beer .