Newspaper Page Text
"I 1 1 1 ! Pf 1 .4 i f X fc t fir D 4 f he Prospector. 5EOEMBEK.1 iug RAILROAD TIME TABLES ARIZONA & SOUTH EASTERN R. R. 7 a,m 7,1 1 8.20 8.iS opo 9,1 f e. IOjOS o. Bistis A ...nonLuta IeWrd (. ..Water Tank '1 .. .Charleiton lw ...r irbsak ... .LtiJ0 r,i h. k.lao 3.10 isa l.0 1SS3 i.e IJ1.1,.. Isjlexr ..Jf, ,f lUSVIh ...Ar 10 SI. A A. Ctofciag... 1T.7 15.7 ,...Laid ...... . outentioa ....... ...Ccj30fl.......L .5 0 1S.10. M.S 1I.S9 dSe time. flig Utic. Stop on s cntli. DlX Wiujlvs, Superintendent. I I II I Mil II - L '" ' " SOUTHERN PACIFIC R R East STATIONS. Weil 4.4Sam.L ....Beasn Arit35pm ,3oam ....Tucroa 1.50am 11.30pm; ....Maricopa ! 430am 5.50pm ..... Yuma 10 20 a m Ijoam' ....Los Aneles ... 700pm Sua Set, UmW, eart kound, Mon4js;nd hrdT 8.19, Bexuon sua Set, Ijtmt west 03am, TTednMaajri as a'urjiTi, 4.06 Benson I Kkctschsitt. G M E Randolph. D S NEW MEXICO & ARIZONA R R West STATIONS' East? i 5.03am Lv Bensun Ar t.ttspm to 20pm 050pm 8.33 pm 7.40 pm 7-SPm C50m 633am 7.4530 .33 am 9.0? am Fairbank ..... .-... Hoachcca..... .... Crittenden .... .... Ca1abaa .... NocaVi DaHjr , Patifie time. I. J. Fret General Mam gov A. Navole. B. 3. Gibson. Anlstr General Manager. Traia Master MARICOPA & PHOENIX R R. JNerta South iMpnl Lt Phoalr Ar 8 Oca m 7 35 a m 7 ooam 6 35a m 6.15 a m S.35pni o.c )pn 9.35 pm a.45pmi Tempe ...Kyrene. ...., ...Sacaton...... .....Marie ipa E. S SKr. Gen. Supt LOCAL NOTES. fciWer is quoted at Co People by hundreds attended the dedication of the Mormon temple at llaia yesterday, 'ihe building was not larje aneugh for the crowd. Tempo News. 1 200 Boy's Knee pants. Cast only. at Bakkow's. The Southern Pacific Railroad com pany last woelc filed a patent in the lark's office or Siskiyou county, Cal., t 190,772 33 acres of land, some of which lici in that county and some in Jackson county, Oregon. Ktw line of clocks at Wolcott Several people have cons to St David with the intention of taking up land oti the oil halt. Should the dicov eery prore a profitable one the benefits the coumty wi!l derive will be incalcu lable. Tall oaly. and wiater overcoats. Cost at Babcott'c. . The newspapers published in the mining section throughout the terri tory are doing good work for the de Tolopment of thIr respective locali ties, whick should be recogniied and encouraged by their constituents. i Pisture Frame and lots of ether good things suitibl fcr Christmas vressats and all at bedrock prices at F. X. WOLCOTT'3. During the sstiji of the board of apertisors nit of the back warrants and the quarter' bills bare ben al owed and ilgcetl and will create quite a bole in the county exchequer. Yes terday over ?10,000 wa paid out and the drain for the nest few daya will early clean onl the surplus. AwasJea Highest Kanr-rsWorld's Fair, POKDfR M.rth If If! " a D Km?- "V " J Glut " J DjST ju Cicept . x Snndsv a. 0. CEEAM MOST PERFECT MADS Apsre Crape Creim of Tartar Powder. Fre ss AansMiiua. Antn er any ether adulterant "a. TfiAKS THE STANOAU SfffilrS 4 9fe EDUCATIONAL MATTERS. Standing of the Various In stitutions in the Territory The educational institutions of our territory are in a flourishing condi tion, according 'to the governor's re port. There are it operation 107 school districts, with an enrollment or 12.SS3 and an average daily a fud aacaot 7.CG0 children; 321 teathere wero employed, do whom the aggrt jats of salaries paid was 1149.001, and the tntil valuation of iclio-1 property ie 5428,915 49. Th-re ar live publio buildings in the tarriiory, for the repair and maintenance of which the legislature males appropri ations, uamel.) : The University at Tuceou, dermal College at Temp, Insane Asylum at Phoenix, Reform School and Penitentiary, With the exception of the Reform School the buildings are completed and being used for the purposa for which erected. The territory is, however, withoat a capital building and the governor recommends that concrete appropri ate $25,000 towards the construction thrrsef. inasmuch as expenditures of liko character have been authorized for other territories. Tlie Xifccurorj-S4aroatiln I.IIe. Mr. G. Caillouette, Druggist, Beaver eville, 111., says : "To Dr. King's New Discover; I owe my life, Was taken nith La Grippe and trieu all the phy sicians, but of no avail and was civet: up and told I could not live. Having Dr. King's New Discovery in my store I sent for a bottle and began its use and from the first dosa bejran to get bet ter, ami after using three bottle was up and about again. It is worth its weight in gold. Wo won't keep store or houe vithaut it." Gt a freo t lali tho Tombitone Drue Store. POISON DUMB AXOIALS. Strikinsr Arizona Freighters Resort to Poor Methods. The war between freiahters hauling between Holbrook and Fort Apache has been brewing for tome tima. A union wav formed, comfo'ed of all those liAuling over this route, and a strike ordered cinft the contractor', who immediately skirmUIicd around for tlirai and mn to replace the strikers. The Republican says a lurgtj number re secured at Phoe nix and ehlpped en Sunday. Mon day a number of the horses were found to be suffering intense pain and by 4 o'clock eight of them had suc cumbed nnd several more were in a dying condition. It is supposed that the striking teamsters aiministcte'd a dose of poison to the animals. Mean time the strike is in fores ns strong as ever and trouble i.s feared. Cranberries, eaitern apples and Buckwheat fiour at Wolcott's. Ht-avy shipments of oranges to the United States are going forward from the vicinity of Guaymus, Most of them aro loidd at iiatamol, a station eight miles out on the Sonora railway. All of the shipments pi9 through No gales over the X, M. fc A.,enroute eit. e 1 The cheapest and simplest cymru sium in the world one that will ex ercise every hoae and muscle ia the body i a flat piece of steel nitcbrd on one side, fitted tightly in a wooden fracm. and aftr being greased on both sides with a bacon rind, rubbsd into a stick ef wood laid lenglhwiie on" a sawbuck. Williams Newc. Ex-Qaeeu LilioukalanI paned threugli Tucson Ttcrday morning en her way to Boiton. Shs is travel ing in the most l-ixurious manner and in more state thn has evsr tufurc been sten 0:1 a r.iilroa 1 train patting throu:b Tucfoa. Star. The attention of tun ma -y eastern capitalists is bsin;; called to the pssi bilitiri of irrigtion in this territory. Practicability of storage reservoirs 1 being carefully looked into and it is mora than probable that irrigation schemes willbriog as much capital into the territory in the next few years es can be had (.r th; dcvolopmcnt and working of the ruibOi here. A Cbica-o gentleman who is interested in mines in this rounty, and frho re turned home last week, is quite favor ably impressed with tVe ilea of build ing storage resertoirs in this section and capitsl may be coming this way for this purposein iho near future. Holland-Herring, LimbfrgcrjChceesf, and Sauer Kraut, at Horu:x'i. AS INGERSOLL SERMON. Tho Uome the Place to Judge a Man's Nature Col. Robert G. Ingersoll is a greet lover of happy homes. Ue gets off the following: ' lht place to taketh? true measure o! a man i not in the market place or forum or the UVld, but at his own fire si Iv. l'hre h lys aside his mask and you m-ty larn whether he is imp oraiijjel, liiug or cur, herj or humbug. 1 care not wht the world says of him wnetlier lt cruwus him with glory or pells him with bad eggs. I care not a copper what bis reputation or religion may be. If his babies dread his com iug heme ami his better half swallow heart every time she has to ask him for a five dollar bill, he's a fraud of the first water, even though he pray night and morn till he is black in the face and skouts hallelujah till heshakes the eternal hills. But if his chil dren rush to the front to greet him and love's own sunshine illuminates the face of his wife when she hears his foot fall, you can take for granted, he's true gold his home's heaven, aad the liuu.b'ig never gets that near the great white throuo of God. He may be a rank atheist and a red flag anarchist and a Mormon and mugwump; be may buy vo-e3in blocks of five and bet 011 the tlection; lit may deal 'em from thehu'tim and drink Leer until he can't tell a silver dollar from a circular saw, and still be an infinitely better man than the cowardly humbug who's all suavity, but makes his home a hell iho vent ou the helpless heads of of wif and children, the ill uaturo ho would like to intlict on his fellow men but dares not. INDIANS FOR CUBA. Arizona Indians Want to g.i to War. The Miner:l Wealth says: "The In dians have caught the breath of free dom forCuba. Wallapii Charleywa in our cflicQloday and tatcd th-it he had sixty tf hfs tribe drilling for the Cuban war. The Wallapii nro expert nn chette tbroffersnud Irailers. Ajack idbbit and a little parched corn is all they need in a cimp.iigu and ns for clothes a fiddle string wouli last them to the end of the war. They wilt po to the coast en their broncUos. The squaws are already beginning to la ment the departuro of their buck." Free Pills. Send your address to H. E. Buc'ulcn & Co , Chicagn, and get a Tree sample box of Dr. Kind's New Life PilU. A tna will cenvince yoa.of their merits. These pills are easy in action and are partic ularly effectite in the cure of constipit on and sick Iietdache. For materia and liver troubles, they have been proted in-v-jl'iiblc They are guaranteed to be perictlv fre; from ever deletcriO-is sub stance and to be partly vegetable They do not weaken by their action, but by giving ton-; to the stomach and b lwels Srcatly invigorate the system Regular size 2;c per box. Sold by Tombstone and I3tbec druggists. The Anaeunda company will make a better showing than over in its his tory this yeir, say the Scientitis Prcj;. Its output of copper has been materially increased since Augn-t nd for the first ten months of tit's jcat tho proJuetisn of copper 'scesds thil of tha wholi of 1S93 by 4,090,003 pounds. Tho out it for tho year will approximate 130.0:0,000 pounds. . Th census of 1890 showed tha pop ulation of the United States to be G2.S3d,9G9. On Augut 1, 1893, it was e-lmated at 70,000,000, Oa August 1. ISiCthe same official estimated it at 71,513,000. This is an increae of 1,516,000 io one y-nr, pr 8,679,041 in six years. It is an average increase of 1,530,000 n r,mt numtierp, p?r yar. anil "Vlll mak. the sotal popula ti'ii ..f fm Unit'd States 77.OJ0.O0O h 11 the census of 199r) i taken. The government lias sn ex traordinarily cenioi!9 spirit in ap propriating 52,000 to buy provisions I for tha Yuma Indians this winter, Th Mesa Free Prrs say the magus- ninii'y of this act will be apparent when it U remembered that there are three thousand Indians or more on the Ynroa reservation. The economy of the Indian in the matter of food is proverbial and therefore it is quite likely that S,000 of theirs can feast comfortably on $2,003 worth of pro visions until next crop time. Cverr lrcm" w Dr. Xili' Pain POla? SKURAIXilA cnrevl br Dr. Mlv ?Art faua. "Osacant adoao." AtaUorMSlatr qgteej NEARLY A UNIT. Opinions of aH Governors on the Cuban Question. The San Francisco Exasninor of December 18 contains tha opinions of the governors of 22 state and terri tories on the position the Unite' States sjould occupy in regard to Cuba. Among th-ni is an opinion uf Governor FranLIin of Arizona, who is quoted as sayiug: "I favor independence for Cub', but I do not favor interference by the United States government I do not bi lisvo Arizona would turnieh a volun teer in cae of a war with Spain." Arizona, in case cf war with Spain, would not furnish much of a volun teer army, but certainly would fur nish as many volunteer as any other portion of the country in pr paition to population. Neatly all the gover nors favored recognizing tho belliger ent rights of Cuba. .Tltioe-louK Ifekull. From a letter written by Kev. J. Gundcrman, of Dimondnle, Mich., we are permitted to make this extract: 'I havo no hesitation in recommend ing Dr. King's New Discovery, as the results were almost marvelous in the case of my tife. While I was pastor of tho Baptist Church at Rivera Junc tion she was brought down with Pneumonia succeeding La Grippe. Terrible paroxyemsof coughing would last hours v.ith little interruption and it seemed as if she could net survive them. A friend recommcided "Dr. KinR'sXtw Discovery; it was quick in its work and highly eatisfacsory in re sults." Trial bottles free at Tombstone and any Drug JStore. Regular eize 60c. SLO0 No.SSiovcs,$15at Bakeow's. MILKING BY MACHINERY An Ingenou? Method of Milk ing Cow. Dr.CUrke Gapen, who read & paper before the irrigation congress is tup erintendaot of the insane asyitim at Kankakee 111. The institution i ths argatt of its kind in the United States there bsint; at present 2,000 inmates. Tho asylum is bcilt eu the callage plan and their aro eighty buildings with from thirty to 150 patient in each buii'iog. The Republican in giving an account of his pvpsr trad stys tha water sup ply for the institution is pumped from the rivsr, and the expense is only 53 per 1,000,000 gallons. By the pump ystcml70 ncres of Uwn and 150 acres ef garden are irrigated and the gar Jons havo furnished all the vege tables for the asylum sines irrigation was intra lucd. An important and interesting f quip raentof the place is one of the Thistle milking machines which arc manufac tured in Scollssd. This is the first one to be Introduced. It ra Iks 200 cows at the asylum. It is operated by a fivc-horje. power engine and a pump t'nbings that run from the plant are fitted upon the teU of the cows and they are milked dry by machinery. By this machine to men can milk i'O cowa au hoar. ArtvcrtUcil Letters. The following is a list of letters re maining in the general delivery at the Tombstone poitoffice for the week ending Dcember 12, 1896: James Brewster, M. L. Lewis, Miss Anna Bush.' When calling for above Icttere, say lvartiseJ, giving dilaof alvjrliae. ment. Eihl Svdow.P. M. "We had an epidemic of djuen'try m this vicinitv lt sum-ner," -.ys Si noel S. Poll ci. of Bricel tn I, C il. I xras taken ith it :lsiuTi.-rd ssereV nail some one c tiled my attend.) 1 to Cnam bcrlain's Colic, ChjTeri and D nrrb ea Remedv. I procured a 'utile anl felt better after the fir.t do.e. Ujfirs half of the bittle hid been us -J I was well. I recommcidtd tt to mv fritnd and their experie-we wis the sme. Wc all units in siying it is the bisu for sale by Druggists Rogers' Tabl Ware, Cbilds Silver.Se'e, Napkin Rings, Silver Mugs, And Mirrors at f. n. woLcorr's. "WANTED. Agexts Bigmonsy, article to sell to ever' ranch-.r. J Addrrss Mulen Sc Co. 1i Angeles, Cal it! fielna ofdj KGTICE, Nober 35. 1B96. OSice of the Board of Supervisors of CocU e County, Knlire Uhr-rbt tnvfn that llic Doatd of Su pervuors ilsell at private sale the followirj desciib'd real caute. situate ia i4 county, the same hatmg been duly iom and by tx Cera eone) ed to the Territory of Arizona by the Tax Pifl,nr of &a:ri cuniv to recover the urn.iid tax and charcs against each tract or paicel of land, as the same appears of record in the nrTur of the Tax Collector and Recorder of tarue, t- wit: Mts I A A'lcock, Tombstone It 1, IJ'od. 45. S 49" G.benaro Arava.Eikbee; adebehc-ue. 6 ii Joe El non. Torabstanr, Lotn, 3nd 3,Plock6a 15 Manuel Billdoza. Eislee I frame bouse 4 ol 1 A Ilojer, lo Cabeis Bbcksmitli shopand mb!t 17 ;6 A Binsham, SL Daid Iniprote- ments oc ranch 83 J F Branom Improvem-nuon ranch 3081 Malcomb Improtements on ranch 833 Juan Barillo, Willixx Lot 17, Block o 11 03 CS Clark, Tombstone-Lot 14. Block 33 JO 53 Wm Cavanauch, Tombstone; Lots 5 and 6, Block 3) 6 (a I N Chmtiansen, St. David Ira provemenu on ranch 14 J3 W R Duncan. West Huacbueas Im- provements en ranch 1906 James Doyle, Benson Lot iS, Block 19 S is Alien R EnelUh. Tombstone Little Pedro mine. No. 96; B: Pcilro mice. No. 94; Lou 14, 15, 16 and 17, Block 44 9 S9 AEscalante, Bibee 1 frame house.. 593 C E Frederick. Tombstone W H of lot 6. block 5 39 IS Sam Fnedman. Benson Lots 37 and 3S,blocki8 63 51 W C Gieenvtood. Benson E H of S W U and W H of S E U. Sec 38 Tpso.Rso 3197 Concepcion Gonzales, Benson Lots 1 and 3. SE Jf of N E K ec 19. Tpso, 7. 19 3604 Ignacio GDI, Lower San Pedio Im- provjments 8 4S Jesus Goniales, Lover San Pedro N K of N E U of N W K, ec 19, Tp 13. Ri3 18 73 ChiisGraucr. Chiricahua mountains S E 11 Sec 3. Tp 17. R 39. . . . 4 3' W A Gray, St. David Improvements it 84 T T Hunter Wfllcox Sec 19. Tp 13, K s$; Sec t6 y 13. R 35. .. 40 88 Hall, Aston andGray Del Val grant 153 36 G Lontrjnn, Benson Lot 18, b!oc;( 3 i I C Loss. W of N W K and W of S W H Sec 33, Tp 15. K 34 . . Mead and ClarL, Tombstones Lot 7 bock 19 3037 Nicholas Mferj, Lower Sin Pedro Improvements en ranch 1943 E Morales. Willcox Lot lE, nlocksS 36 57 Juai Morales, Willcox Lt 17, block 6 4 91 Jacob Marii:cx, Willccx Lot 1 block 7 97 R McCormick, Tombstone Lots 1 and 7. block 11 5 76 Mrs. OH McNei'. Tcmbtoue San Djja mineNo. 100 8 33 EG Norton. Usbee Improvements Main sirens 37 93 T O'Brien, Sulphur Sprin vnl'cy Improvem nts on rsnch 41 93 Mrs. C W Putb, Willcox-Lot 16, block 35 10 ca J R Parish S E X Sec 14. Tp 17. R 30 15 15 R Rundle. Bisbee Krame house n 37 Andres Rebiel. Sn Pedro Improve msnts on ranch.. . 113 93 O. M, Recial, Sin Smon valley Improvements on ranch 2430 ED Rob-Jts. San Pedro Improve ments on ranch 663 Ouone S:ng, Tombstone Iot 16, blk. 16 '5 IS W F Stover, Bisbe e Adobe I.ouse. . 18 10 Noah Seeton S E U Sec 29. Tp 16 K 29 15 15 R D Swerton N E Sec 3, Tp 1 6. R9 J5 5 E Saenz ) of Sec 4. Tp 13, R 19.. 7 61 TuCy. Dolores and Ochoa ofSW X and E Jf of Sec 30, Tp so, K f -,SE!( and W X of .V E J,'. . Sk 34, Tp 16. R 20: N of N E !f andW JjofNWj n rec 91 Sec 3t, Tp 17, R ao Unknojrn, Richmond mice Mo, 99, Tombs tone district Unknown, M;Lel!and mine No. 100 Tomb;:oae cJrtnct Unknown. May mine No 151, Tomb stane district Unknown Ophirmine, No. 5j Win chester d.stact 5 08 3? 9' 5 08 Uuki.i. Cj?prKinj mine No. 38 i?airc qisici 5 oS G S White. Wi lcx Lot 1 1 b'ocfc 22 3 2I J. S. JWlLLIAMS. Churman, A. .Vektwokth. Oerk. By W. A. IUiwood. Deputy. i I ) I ) J y . hicf a rin-r-i of Pride of Japan Tea half what you use of ) ordinary kinds mak-eq n ' delicious, fragrant cupful, j First pickings finest young j tea leaves properly fired and 1 packed on our own orereisrs . in Japan. Best tea in pack ages imported. j t. J. BRANDENSTEI.' & CO. 1 1 5Lu IVxivlsu-ft snl Vn?-vfivf ? j IrMKtightytsaiJi-n. j, J -e e sj ie m i i ema ji ssf JOSEPH CORNER FIFTH AND m s ifs &i it w n DEALER IN neral Merchandise. Cape Cod Cranberries Seedless Raisins London Layers, Fresh Currents Siscilian Citron. i ANGELICA, SHERRY, PORT, ZINFENDKL, JOHANNESBURG, WHITE Sauer Kraut, Limberger Cheese, Holland Herring, STAPLE Mi FJICY BROGERIES. .J CHOICE- BRANDS OF GINS, BRANDIES BOTTLED BEi FOR IfllLT TRADE- .. 3" Everything Tn Our Line is First Class Gootl Soldjat I'riccs I hat I'efy Coiniefilion". - JOS. JPiOIVJElLK. STORE HOEF FK E.MONT STREETS E3 and WHISKIES - U.U9 d 1 SJiICi HOEFLES. ' s -f n v1 t i 1 r i it i