OCR Interpretation

Tombstone epitaph. (Tombstone, Ariz.) 1887-current, December 27, 1891, Image 8

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn95060905/1891-12-27/ed-1/seq-8/

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City and County Official Paper
(ExoePt Sunday)
S. C. BAGG, Editor and Proprietor.
One Year - - $10 oo
Bix Months - - - - 6 oo
One Month (Delivered by Carrier) - -'too
One Square, one insertion - - - $a oo
Bub. subsequent insertion, per square - x oo
rremont St., Opposite City Bill.
Katerea tn the Tombstone Fostefflos u seoond
class matter.
O. H. KELLOGG, No. 310 Pine street,
Room 57 and 58, San Francisco.
E. C DAKE, room 65, Merchant Exchange,
San Francisco.
GEO. P. ROWELL, 10 Spruce it. New
N. W. AVER & SON, Philadelphia,
AU transactions made by the above named
mrsons will be compiled wltn at toe rK.ua-
PECTOR office.
KIM MtQMN L00OE NO. 6. F. & A. M.
idayineach'month'at Masonic HalL
All Visiting Brothers in good standing
are invited to attend. Special meet
ngs when the flag is hoisted on the Hall.
Gustave Fisher,, W. M,
Kirt Hast Sec.
ejr third Wednesday of each month in Ma
S sonic Hall. Noticejof jpeclal meetings
by hoi'ting special 'flag, , Sojourning Com
panion Mrdlally invited.
F. L. Moose, Secretaiy.
I- 0. 01 F
Tuesday of each week. All visiting
members in gooo standing invitcu
to attend, T. F. Melody, N. G.
Wit D. Monmonier, Sec.
opposite tjuy.riaii, lomutone.
3d and 4th. Below the Court House.
ffiob Allen street betweon Fourth
and Fifth, Tombstone Arizona.
Tombstone, Arizona.
cor. Fremont and Third.
Tombstone, Arizona.
Office and residence Mining Ex
change building. Opp. City Hall.
Office Hours 10 a. m. to 11 a. m.
8:30 to 4 p. in. :: 7:30 to 8:30 p. m
Charles Granville Johnston,
Will practice in all the Courts of the
First Ward - Fred Fuss
Second Ward - - Frank Hare
Third Ward - - A.W.Smith
Fourth Ward - - John Prindervllle
ccuktv officers:
Sheriff - C. B. Kelton
treasurer - - - J. V. McAllister
Recorder - - - - W. F. Bradley
District Attorney .- - A, R. English
Probate Judge - - F. N. Woleott
Clerk District Court - A.H.Emanuel
Surveyor - - - C, L. Beckwith.
Assessor - - - N. A. Gilman
Court Commissioner - - - G. W. Swain
V If troublpdwlth Cnimrri,.
or anr uunntural disMin n . .1
lpur druggist for a Lot He of
IpK Q. It cures in a few days
I without tho nld or
doctor. Non-poisonous and
1 guaranteed not to stricture.
IIM Vnlvertat -American Cure.
Manufactured by
. Ths Evms Clemical Co.
U.e. .
Notice of Sale.
Whereas, Harry E. Lea, oi the town oi
Fairbank, County of Cochise, Territory of Ari
zona, on the and day of February, A. D. 1891,
made and executed a certain Deed of Trust to
Lewis Williams of Bisbee, said County, Trustee
for the purpose of securing payment of a certain
promissory note dated Feb. 2d, A. D. 189I for
Two thousand dollars with interest thereon at
the rate of ten per cent perannum, which interest
by the terms of said note was payable quarterly,
And Whereas. In consideration of said in
debtedness aud for the purpose of securing pay
ment of said promissory note and of any sum or
sums of money with Interest thereon that may
be paid or advanced by, or may otherwise be
due to the party of the second or third part,
under the provisions of said trust deed, the said
Harry E. Lea, granted, bargained, sold, con
veyed and confirmed unto the said Lewis Wil
liams, trustee, the premises and property here
inafter described,
And Whereas. During the continuance of
the trusts created by said Deed of Trust, the
party of the second part and the party of the
third part therein named were authorised to pay
all leins which might thereafter be lawfully
imposed upon said premises and it was provided
that the trusts created by said Deed of Trust
should continue as security for the payment of
the money borrowed by the said Harry E. Lea,
on said promissory nete and the interest which
shall accrue thereon, and of all amounts paid
out for liens as aforesaid, and the costs and ex
penses in relation thereto with interest on such
payments at the rate of ten per cent per annum
until final repayment.
And whereas. It was further p'rovided, by
said Deed of Trust that if default should be
made in the payment of any of said sums, of
prinoipal or Interest when due in the manner
stipulated in said promissory note, then the
said Lewis Williams, Trustee, on application ot
Ben Williams, the party of the third part in the
Deed of Trust, should sell the premises herein
after described or such part thereof as in his dis
cretion he shall find it necessary to sell In order
to accomplish the objects of the trusts created by
said Deed of Trust.
And Whereas, The said Harry E. Lee has
made default in the payment of the interest
due upon the principal sum named in said prom
issory note, and the whole sum with interest
thereon has become due amounting to Two
tLousand one hundred and seventy eight dellars
and rightty seven cents; and there is also due
tor the payment of liens lawfully imposed on
said property and the charges thereon with the
interest thereon the sum of Seven Hundred and
Fifty-eight dollars and thirteen cents, making
together the sum of! wo Thousand Nine Hun
dred and Seventeen dollars and Five cents, after
deducting all credits;
And Whereas, application has been made by
Ben Williams to the said Trustee to Sell said
premises and property.
Now Therefore, In accordance with the
provisions of said Deed of Trust and by virtue
of the power therein granted, the undersigned
will sell at public auction, to the highest aud
best bidder for cash, the property hereinafter
described, or so much thereof as may be neces
sary to satisfy and pay the amount due from the
said Harry E. Lea, upon his said default to Ben
Williams, the beneficiary in said Deed of Trust
which sum amounts to two thousand nine hun
dred and seventeen dollars and five cents, an
Saturday the 23d day of January A. D. 1892,
at teu o'clock of the forenoon of said day, at the
front door of the District Court House at the
City of Tombstone, said county. The pur
chaser will be required to pay the aforesaid
amount in lawful money of the United States,
together with interest on the principal sum from
December 24th 1891 at the rate of ten per cent
per annum and the sum of one hundred dollars
foi attorney's fees, together with the costs and
expenses of publication and sale.
The said premises and property herein referred
to and which are required to be sold as aforesaid
are described as follows;
Those certain pieces or parcels of land situate
in the Town of Fairbank, County of Cochise,
Territory of Arizona known and designated as
Lots number fourteen (I4) number sixteen (16)
and number eighteen (18) and number twenty
(20) in block number one (1) thirty feet each
by one nunarea ana twenty ieei aecp in
Allen's Addition to the town of Fairbanks,
County of Cochise and Territory of Arizona,
Together with the tenements, hereditaments
and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in
any wise appertaining and particularly one large
frame building, and one ten horse power engine
and one twenty horse power boiler, and all the
ice machinery used in the manufacture of ice and
the tools and impliments used in connection there
with, situate in said building and on.sald prem
ises. A map of said Allen's addition to the town o
Fairbanks herein referred to, is of record in the
Book ol Land Claims, in the office of the County
Recorder of the said .County ol Cochise,
Dated Tombstone, A. T. December 24, A. D.
1 891.
1 rustee.
William Herring, Attorney. d-xw
We Freteb Yea
Practise, la
tb.r word.,w.
will teach you
FSKI, end urt
yon la builn.l,
tbe dellera. W.
cia and will, If
you pleaae.teach
70a quickly how
toSlO a day
at Ih .tart, and
nor. .. you fo
on. Both tx.
all arts. In any
part of America,
you .an com
m.nc. at horn..
Siring all your
lime, or apare
moment. Only,
to th. work.
What we offer i.
now and it he.
boon proved
over and over
again, that treat
pay la eur. for
eyery worker.
eaay to item.
No eneclal .bill.
ty required.
Reeeonebio In
dustry only nee
.eery for sure,
large eueceea.
We atari you,
furnialiliir ev
erything Thle la
one of the great
otridee forward
in ule fill, Inventive progreei, that enriches ail workers. It la
probably th. createat opportunity laboring poop!, have v.l
known. Nowl. the time, liel.y mesne loae. Full particular.
tree?, Ilctter write nt uiivv. Artdreee, OBaJBGJS
TINaO.1-.fc Coliast , Pur t Unci, Main.
Mining Application No 558
U. S. Land Office Tucson Arizona,
Oct. 20, 1891.
Notice is hereby given that William E. Dodge
and D. Willis James whose post office address
is New York City state of New York by Ben
Williams, attorney in fact. P. O. Address, Bis
bee Arizona have this day filed their application
for a patent for eighty two (82) linear ,feet ol the
Space Mine or vein bearing gold, silver, copper,
and other minerals with surface ground four
Hundred and sevt nty nine (479) teet in widin
situated In the Warren Mining district County
of Cochise, and Teiritory 01 Arizona and. des
ignated by the field notes and official plat on
file in this office as lot number 74 in Township
; Range ; of Meridian ; Said
lot No. 74 ceing described a? follows to-wit:
Beginning at the Initial monument situated
at the westerly center end of claim at uost marked
upon east face I M Spac M M C No 1, from
which the U. S. Muirral Monument No 4 bean.
N. 50 28' E 868.48 feet thence Nortli 48' 37'
East so 4 feet to post marked upon east face
S M M C No a and upon West face N M M C
No 6; thence boutfi 39 15' East 81.45 feet to
post marked on West face S M M C No 3;
thence South 48 3 We.t 296 8 feet to post
marked on West face S M MO No 4; thence
South 48' 27 W 182.3 feet to Post marked upon
West face S M M C No 5; thence North 33" 30'
West 82.21 feet to post mark:d on I'ast lace S
M M C No 6; thence North 48" 27' Eist 176.4
feet to post No 1 and i-lace of beginning. Var
iation 11 40' East and containing 0.S9 acres.
The location of this mine is recorded in the
Recorder's office of Cochise county Arizona i
the book ol The adjoining claimants are
on the S. E. the Gardener M C, lot No 72 and
on the NW.by the Neptune M C.
Any una all persons claiming adversely any
portion of said Space mine or surface ground
are required to fi'e their adveise claims with the
Register of the United States land office at Tuc
son Arizona in the County of Pima. Teiritory of
Arizona during the sixty days' period of publi
cation hereof, or they will be barred by the
virtue of the provisions of ihestatute,
' .Register.
Ben Williams Attorney in facL
It is hereby ordered that the foreoine Notice
of Application for patent be published for the
period of sivty days, (10 consecutive weeks) in
the Prospkctor a Daily newspaper published
ai 1 omDsione Arizona, -
Nov-3. 6cd
Mining. Application No 550
U, S, Land Office, Tucson 'Arizona, I
Oct. 20, 1891 f
Notice is hereby given that D, Willis James
and William E. Dodge whose post office address
is New York City state of New York by Ben
Williams attorney In fact, P, 0. address, Bisbee
Ariz, have this day filed their application for a
patent tor ten hundred and sixty four (1064)
linear feet of the Uncle Sam Mine or vein, bear
inggold, silver, copper.and other minerals with
surface ground four hundred and seventy nine
(479) feet in width, situated in the Warren Min
ing district County of Cochise and Territory cf
Arizona and designated by the field notes and
official plat on file in this office as lot Number
seventy six (76) in Township ; range of
Meridian said lot No 76 being described
as follows to-wit:
Beginning at the initial monument of claim at
a post marked I. M Uncle Sam M M C No 1
from which US M M No 4 bears N 84 104034.8
feet; thence S 5 io" W 259 feet to a monu
ment of 1 tones and post marked U S M MC
No 3; thence N 89 30' W 1065.46 feet to mon
ument otstones and post marked U S M M C
No 9; thence N ? 10' E 208 5 feet to monument
of stones and post marked U S M M C No 4;
tnence N 5- 10' is ibo fret to a monument of
stones and post marked US M M C No 5;
thence S 85 o6v E 1062 leet to a monument of
stones and post marked USM M C N06;
thence S 5 10' W. 137.6 feet to post No 1 and
place of beginning. Magnetic variation 11 40'
E containing-10. 53 acres.
The location of this mine is recorded in the
Recorders office of Cochise county Arizona in
'the book of . The adjoining claimants
on the north are Cuprite M C and the Sun Rise
M Co with which it cdnflicts and on the east by
the brother-Johnathan M C
Any and all persons claiming adversely any
portion of1 said lUncle S.im mine or surface
ground, are required to file their adverse claims
witn thei Kegltter of the United States land
office nt Tucson Arizona; in the county of Pima,
Arizona during the sixty days period' of publi
cation hereof,' or they will bo barred by virtue of
tne provisions 01 tne statute.
Ben Williams Attorney in facL
It is hereby ordered that the forceoinir notice
of application for patent be published for the
period ot sixty (00 days in tne 1'itosPECTOR a
uaily newspaper published at Tombstone Ari
N-3 Register.
ailNINtt Al'PIalUATlOX
Xo. 500.
U, S Land Office Tucson, Turson Aiiz,
Oct. 201891.
Notice is hereby given that D. Willis James
and William K Dodge whose post office address
is New York City slate of New York by Ben
Williams attorney in fact, P O address Bisbee
Arizona have this day filed their application for
a patent for fourteen hundred and sixty four
(1464) linear feet of the Brother Jonathan mine
or vein bearing gold, silver copper and other
minerals with surface Around four hundred and
eight (408) leet in width, situated in tne Warren
Mining district county of Cochise and Teiritory
of Arizona and designated by the field notes and
officialplat on file in this office as lot Number
Seventy-five in Township range of
Meridian ; said lot No 75 being described as
follows to-wit:
BeL'innine at the initial monument of claim at
a post marked I M Brother Jonathan M C No
1 from which U S M M No 4 bears N 84' 10' E
4034 8 feet; thence N 5 10' E 137 6 feet to a
monument of stones and post marked B J M C
No s; thence N 67 18' E 1463 9 feet 'o n monu.
ment of stones and post marked II J M C No 3;
thence S 50 io W 140.55 feet to a monument of
stones and post marked B'J M G No 4; thence
S 5 10 V 267.4 feet tc a monument of stones
and post m rked B J M C No 5; thence S 67
42' w 1458.58 feet to a monument of stones and
post marked B I M C No 6; thence N 5 io' E
259 feet to pjst No 1 and pUce of beginning.
Magnetic Variation no1 Econtining iincrs
The location of this mine is recorded in tne
Recorder's office o' Cochise county Arizona in
the book of . The adjoining claimants
are on the North the Cuprite .1 t- on the west
by the Uiulo Sam M (. ; A on t! e east by the
Surpriie M C.
Anv and.nl persons c'aimine adversely any portion
of said Brother 1 onalhan Mine or surface ground
are rtcmired to hie their adverse claims with the
reuls'er of the United States Land office at
Tucson Arizona in the county of I'inia Tcr. Ariz
during the sixty dys period of publication here
of, or they will be b irred by virtue of the pro
visions of the statute.
Br.N Williams, Attorney in fact. '
It is hereby ordered thtt the foregoing Notice
of Ap'illcatici. for Patent be published for the
period of sixty dayi in the Prospector a daily
newspaper published at Tombstone' Ariz.
N3 Register.
Territorial Property Sales,
The Board of Supervisors will offer for sale at
their office in the court house tn the City of
Tombstone, commencing on Monday the 4th
day of January at 10 o'clock a. m. 1892, the
following described property; said propsrty
having been olrWp the Territory for unpaid
taxes of ,he yWr 1889. Sales will continue
from timatcV time ns'puichasera therefor may
present ihemSves.
By orderoTthe board.
Total Taxes.
Aubertine, 'John Tombstone Dist
lot3 block T $7 ,8
Ajax Mine, Tombstcne dist, Ajax mine
No in so acres 11 71
Arrael Dolores, Bcnson, ranch and imp
3 horses 12 cows 14 '7
Branson, C F, Lower San Pedro River
ranch and imps, 175 cattle, 1 wagon
and harness 93 34
Cain, Mrs M T, Tombstone, lot 7
block 25 11 71
Critchley, Jos Tombstone lot 1 block 49 ic 54
Corley, , imps on 1-2 lots 18 and 19,
Mock 37 it 71
Christianson, J H M David, house and
lot, 3 horses 3 cows 32 68
Ah Sing, Tombstone, Sur. Add, lot 7
block 7 10 54
Delaney, Con Tombstone, lot 20 block
Dean Richmond mine. Tombstone Dist
Dean Richmond mine, 20 acres. .
Donna Anna Mine, Cochise Dist,
Donna Anna Mine No 40 20.66
acres ,
Endrado K, Tombstone, lot 15 block B
Evans Wm, Tombstone, lot 15 block 24
10 54
35 3
11 49
9 35
11 71
Eulah Mine, Tombstone, dist, Eulah
mine. No 76 15. 18 acres 10 54
Emersley J D. Dos Cabezas, lot 18 blk
34 9 '4
Fort Wayne Mg Co, Tombstone disL
' Buena Vista-mine, No 98, 2a 52
acres;Richmond mine No 99 20.66
acres; McClelland mine No 100,
16.53 acres so 80
Friedman, Sam, Contention, adobe
house, 12 oxen 3 wagons. . . , 33 66
Girland, Frank, Tombstone, imp's on
lotiblk sX 8 18
Grogan, Peter, Tombstone, lot 17 blk
59 9 35
Hale Win, Tombstone, lots 9 and 10
bikss , 12 89
Holland, B J, Tombstone, lots 11 and
12 blk 37 ;... 10 54
Hede, Gus Tombstone imps on rear of
lot 22, blk 20 11 71
Highland Mary mine, Cochise Dist.
Highland Mary min) No 37 20.21
I. X. L. mine, Hartfnid dist, Huachu
ca mts, 1X1, mine No 39 20.66
acres ,
11 49
11 28
Johnson, G C N, Tombstone lot 9 or
20 blk 46 11 7?
Kirk J, Tombstone lot 2 blk sii 8 18
Kirk, J SanPedio river, ranch and im
provements 15 57
Locker J W, Tombstone, lot 7 blk 35
lot 11 blk 7; lot 9 blk ' 33; part of
14 15 and 16, blk 33 21 4I
Lombardi, Lingo, Tombstone, lot 7 and
8, blk 12 14 07
Laherty E, Tombstone lot 13 blk 36. . . 9 35
Lalla Rook mine, Tombstone, Lalla
Rook mine, No 137, 15.8 acres. . .
Lang, J6s, S E K N E Sec. 10 T 17
R27 E 80 acres; N W 1.4 of N W
1-4 See so T 17 R 27 E 80 acres. . .
Morrille, Tombstone lot 11 blk 23...
10 77
IS 57
9 35
Madrid Simon, Ban Pedro, ranch and
imps, 5 horses, 60 cattle, 1 wagon.
3hogs 45 55
McQuard H, Tombstone lot 18 or 10
block 47 12 89
Nolan Martin, Tombstone lot 9 blk 9. 10 54
New Year Gift mine, Tombstone Dis.
New Year Gift mine, No 93, 16
acres . 10 77
Nash Henry T, lot 1 Sec 18 T 17 R 28
E 75 acres 15 03
Ophirmine, Winchester dist, Ophir
mine, No 37 20.58 acres. II 50
O'Brien T, Sulpher Spring valley 7
miles S E of Wilcox, ranch and
imps, 5 horses 275 cittle 1 mule 3
wagons 113 49
Petit Thos.. Tombstone, lot 24 block
11 8 18
Reese, fc. M, Tombstone lots 2 and 3
blk 44 9 35
Roth John, Tombstone, lot 7 blk 26. . . 9 35
Rosatti B, Tombstone lot 23 blk 50. . . 10 54
Rankin John P, Tombstone Sur. Add
lot3b'k 5 10 54
Rittler mine. Tombstone dist, tRattler
mine No 151, 18 06 acres 11 24
Richardson Balaam.S H ofNE 1-4 Sec
13 T 18S Range 28 E 80 acres... 1557
Stump, Mrs M. E. L, Tombstone lots
13 and 14, block 77 23 51
Smith O C, Tombstone lot 22 blk s6. . 10 54
Sutherland R. West Huachuca, ranch
and imps, 3 horses, 64 cattle 38 58
Smith, Albert S, S W 1-4 of N E 1-4
and lots 1 and 2, S E 1.4 of N W
1-4 Sec 18 T 23 R 27 E i6oacrrs. . 24 15
Tyler P, East of Tombstone lots I7and
i8blk77 1878
Tribolet Godfry, Tombstone lots 18, 19
20 21, and 22 blk N, furniture. ... 16 36
Thope J J, S W 1-4 of S E 1-4 Sec 21,
T I9 Range 23, 40 acres 11 28
Undine mfnc, Hartford dist. Huachuca
mts, Undine mine, No 38, 16,95
acres 10 64
Waters Mrs C C, Tombstone lots 9 and
10 block la , 11 71
Wisconsin mine, Hartford dist, Wis
consin mine, No 37, 16 53 acres.. 10 64
Walker Asa, Russelville, ranch and
imps 30 horses 60 cattle, 2 wagons,
2 harness 53 83
Williams, Whelm H, N i-s and S E
1-4 of N W 1.4 and N E 1.4 "of S"
W 1-4 Sec. 6 T 16, R 20 E 160
IN the district court, first judicial district of
the territory of Arizona, in and fur .lie county
of Cochise.
Plaintiff. '
H. Chandler, T. C. Fisher and Angela Dias
De Daly.
Action brought in the district court of the first
judicial district of the territory of Arizona in and
for thti County of Cachise, and the complaint
filed in the said county of Cochise, in the office
of the clerk of said district court.
The Territory of Arizona sends greeting to
A. J. Mehan, Dewitt C. Turner, Bell H. Chand
ler and F. C. Fischer, defendant,
You are hereby required to appear in an ac
tion brought against you by the above named
plaintiff, in the district court of the first judicial
strict of the territory of Arizona, in and for the
of Cochise, and to answer the complaint
rein, within ten days (exclusive of the
iervice), after the service on you of this
is (if served within this county; or if
out of this county, but in this district,
twenty days;otherw!se within thirty days)
or ji
Igment by default will be taken against
you according to the prayer of said complaint,
The said action is brought to quiet title to the
following mining claims in Warren Mining dis
trict Cochise county Teiritory of Arizona, viz:
"Giorge Washington" M. C "Old Republican"
M. C. "Copper Frying Pan" M. C. "Angel"
M. C, "Irish Magg" M. C. "Copper Monhach"
M. C. "Intervenor" M. C. "Old Canr;en" M.
C. and "Diadem" M. C.
Given under my hand and the seal of the.dis
trict court of the first judicial district of the Ter
ritory of Arizona, in and for the county of Co
chise, this 18th day of December, in the year of
our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nine
(Seal) A. H. Emanuel,
(A true copy. C. B. Kelton, sheriff.
By W. K. Meade, Deputy Sheriff.
Under and by virtue of a decree of forclosure
and order of sale issued out of the district court
of the County of Cochise on the 27th day of
November 1891 in the above entitled cause
wherein the plaintiff, Martin Costello obtained
a judgment and decree against B. J. McGrew
and Annie W. McGrew Defendants for the
sum of fourtaen hundred and twenty-seven
dollars damages and costs taxed at one hundred
and thirty-three 95-100 dollars, and for a for
closure of lien against all the defendants on the
i6lh day ef November 1891 and whereby I am
commanded to sell two hundred and forty (240)
head of stock cattle branded thus: Y common
'y called the tow lock brand; also sixty -five
(65) head of stock cattle. branded with reversed
D thus: a together with all the calves, brand
ed and unbranded of both said brands and the
increase of all said stock of both said brands
since September 20 th 1889, all running on the
range in and about the Whetstone mountains
in the County of Cochise Territory of Arizona.
Also all the stock ranches, wells, springs and
watering places belonging to the said B. J. and
Annie W. McGrew, situate on the eastern slope
of said Whetstone mountains about ten miles
south from the town ot Benion an 1 about twelve
miles west from the town of Contention in the
the county aforesaid and consisting of three (3)
seperate springs or watering placed one cow
manly known as the Depew Ranch and one
about one and a half miles southu est there
from and known as the Rock House Spring or
the Wise spring; and the third being a small
spring about midway between the said Depew
ranch and Wise spring, with all the house,
corrals, watering troughs, water pipes and tanks
thereunto appertaining.
Public notice is hereby given tha ton the 26th
day of December 1891 at the court house door
of said county of Cochise in Tombstone at one
(t) o'olock p. m. of that diy I will sell the above
described property, or as much thereof as may
be necessary to satisfy said judgment with in
terest thereon trom November 16th 1891, at two
(2) per cent per month and all costs.
Dated this 3d day of December 1891;
By W. K. Meade, Sheriff
Under Sheriff. d-
Conditions Of the human form successful! treated
to develop, strengthen, enlarge all weak, stunted,
undeveloped, feeble organs and parts of the body
which have loBt or never attained a proper and
natural size, due to 111 health, abuse, excesses, or
uu known causes. There Is one method nd
only one by which this may be accomplished.
Increased flow of blood to any part, produced by
slm pie apparatus acting automatically, creates new
tfMue, tone and vigor by the same natural laws as
tho Increase- of size and strength of muscle. Don't
be prejudiced because little quacks propone by jMlly
means to do the. same. JNTESTIGATK
There's no trno back of our oOers,
will com ft whn tho nublla knows clearly
from fraud. Write us for Instructions, full descrlp
tlon, proofs, references, etc All sent you in plain.
hours Goaorrh and
icnlue..raj irm till), Tlllill
Mnjnr.ini'n rtet.l lil-lrtt tl.lld
" t HIJKHrl'IWi.UOIlW";'. 'inuiiminv
,llfrG3l. OfAMjeUltTlUUISlS
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8500 R F.AVAR I),
I ill pay the above reward to any person o
persons who will frive the information which
v. ill lead to the arrest and convictiwi of any per
son or persons unlawlully handling any of my
CATTLKr-Branded H(J on left hip; ear
mark, right ear crop and split
- HORSES Branded HO on left snouider.
8273m San Pedro river.
tT5eV e7" T J W g MB tj eSL3r-KJK t
V "& il k T f Li
In the District Court of the First Judi
cial District of the Territory of Ariz
ona, iu and for the County of Co
chise, Action brought in the District Court
of the first judicial district of the Ter
ritory of Arizona, County of O'toliise,
and the complaint filed 111 Haiti County
of Cochins in the office of the clerk of
said distriot court.
vs Plaintiff,
The Territory of Arizona Bends greet
ing to Frank E, Blacklidge, Defendant.
You are hereby required to appear
in an action brought against you by
by the above named plaintiff, in the
said District Court tf the First Judicial
District of the Teiritory of Arizona,
in and for the county of Cochise,
and to answer the said com
plaint filed therein, within ten
days (exclusive of the day of service)
after the service on you of this sum
mons, (if served within this county; or
if served Out of this county but in this
district, within twenty days; otherwise
within thirty days); or judgment by de
fault will be taken against you accord
ing to the prayer of said complaint.
The said action is brought to obtain a
decree of divorce and dissolution of
the bonds of matrimony, the sole cus
tody of three children, issue of said mar
riage, counsel fees, alimony and costs of
Given 'dor my hand and the seal
of the Distriot Court of the first judicial
district of the Territory in and for the
County of Cochise this 19th day of
October, in the year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and ninety
(seal) A. H. Emanuel,
W. H. Stilwell, plaintiff's atty. dec-1
Notice to Creditors.
In the Probate Court of the County
of Coohise, Territory of Arizona.
Estate of James Price, de
ceased. Nottce is hereby given by the un
dersigned administrator of the estate
of James Price, deceased to the
ereditors of and all persons having
claims against the said deceased, to
exhibit the same with the necessar)
vouohers within four months after
the Grit publication of this notice
to the said administrator at the office
of J J Paiton, in the city of Tombstone
county of Coohise, territory 'of Ari
zona, the same being the place for
the transaction of the business of the
said estate.
Administrator of the estate of James
Price, deceased.
Tombstone, Dec. 1, 1891. dl
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