OCR Interpretation

Tombstone epitaph. (Tombstone, Ariz.) 1887-current, October 09, 1892, Image 8

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn95060905/1892-10-09/ed-1/seq-8/

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- - 8, 1892
Mlsrmal Service.
The following it the range of the
thermometer (or the 24 hcnra ending
S o'clock p. m. October C:
Maximum 83
Minimum ..... CO'
Regular Democratic Nominee for
Ejection November 8. I893
B. S. Coffman is in Tucson.
Recorder Bradley is back trom Tuc
son. George Christ lias returned from
the east and is again at hit post in
W. F. NichoN, cf Willcox, is fore
man of the U.S. grand jury now in
session at Tucson.
Dr. Waterman Itft to-day for Ben
son. He is well pleased with his Dra
goon mining properties.
The Citizen, of Tucson, says: "Geo.
W. Swain, assistant district attorney
of Cochise county" is there.
Mrs. Bolan, who has been a sufferer
at the hospital for some lime, died
yesterday and was buried in the after
noon. The U. S. grand jury convened yes
terday in Tucson and adjourned until
today without transacting any busi
ness. Fresh can oysters received by ex
press twice a week at the Can Can.
The Morgan brand, the best in the
The New York Republicans will
wind up the state campaign in a blaze
of glory. The most prominent men
in the country will take part.
John L. Sullivan denies that he is
responsible for the statement that h"
was drugged on the night of the fight
with Corbett. lie declares he was in
the best condition possible.
The following named gentlemen
co-nprise the Republican central
county committee: A. II. Emanuel,
A. L. Grow, Geo. Myers, V. A. Har
wood aud Major Montinden. A. II.
Emanuel is chairman and Geo. Myers
The Maison Dorc will set before its
patrons to-mbrrow one of the choicest
dinners ever furnished in Tombstone.
It will be a chicken dinner and every
thing else to be had in the market
will be furnished. The dessert will
especially appetizing.
The delegates to both conventions
were more than pleased with their
treatment in Tombstone. Tney were
loudest in their praise of the Can Can
restaurant and its management. A
large number are still in town and
will remain over to partake of a fam
ous Sunday dinner, which will te
served to-morrow. The choicest ot
meats, fowl and entrees will be served,
together with fruits, nuts and choice
pastry for dessert.
Dr. Jones, who has been in charge
of the hospital under Dr.Uaaulton for
several months, has gone- to 'Benson
to locate. He is guaranteed $75 per
month by the railroad boys, and will,
no doubt, pick up a lucrative practice.
He suffers from weak lungs, and hopes
in the lower altitude of Benson to im
prove in health. The Pnoerzcioa can
recommend him as being a competent
physician and surgeon, to which many
of our prominent citizens can testify.
Used in Million of Homes 40 Years the SUndlrf..
Coclii.sc District.
As a producer of fair grade gold, ex
cellent grade copper and thipping
grades of silver and lad ores, this
district is destined to be a surprise to
the most sanguine. The main copper
dioningof the district lies north ol
the lailroal, in the icinity of the Pea
bmly aud San Ar.toniu. The limestone
hills to the east toward Croton spring
abound in indications that should lead
to development. especially in that por
tion adjacent to tho railroad. Just
e.ist o! th- railroad, about a mile and
a half, the Golden Rule. Minneapolis,
St. Paul, Black Thorn, White Thorn,
ReUise and Mountain Key are each
ai d all good healthy proipects, every
o:ie showing pay rock, the Golden
Rule being a fi.lt Hedged mine.
KEI-Alf ..
West shaft now don 33 feet. The
ledge is still narrow, but the ore is ol
fine grade, galena, black metal and
chloride in white quartz matrix.
This property has been purchased
by Mr. Johnson and his associates. As
this claim is an easterly exteusion of
the St. Piuil-Minncapolis ledge, is al
ready developed by two shafts, one to
a depth of a hundred feet, and there
is nearly if not quite another car-Iaad
on the dump ready for shipment, it is
probable that work will not be pushed
on this claim until the combination
ehft on the
mines has reached the 100-foot le.el.
At about CO to 70 feet the shaft will
cut the ledge on its dip to the south,
and the magnificent showing where
work has been done on the outcrop
warrants the belief that when the
ledge is opened up on the 100 another
shipper will be on the borrds.
lilack Tiion.v.
At a depth of 42 feet in the main
slmft th ledge has been stripped to
the southwest for a distance of about
20 feet, showing a (strength of :ully
two feet in width of honey-combed,
rusty quartz, going well in gold.
Whether the closing down of this
nii'ic a few jears ago was brought
about by inefficient mill management
or lor bear speculation deponent sailh
no:, but the Golden Rule ledge is one
of ihe best showing-) for go!d produc
tion to be found. Opened up on the
130 foot level, and estimated by pac
ing, tho ledge shows for COO feet near
ly if not fully two feet in thickness,
and properly handled with concentra
lio 1 plant the eutire ledge would be a
winner, to say nothing oi certain ore
chute that assay in the hundreds.
United States IMstnct Court
The following are the names of the
grand jurors in the United States Dis
trict Court of the first Judicial District
of Arizona, for the September terra,
James Dailing, Cha.Pearton, Oscar
Kebler, J. W. Grant, Wm. George, G.
W. Atkinson, J. P. Hohusen, A. V.
Koyes, C. C. Warner, B. Coffman,
Ge. Farrington, J. Williams, W. B.
Hattich, W. F. Michels, Alex. McKay.
Ch.i. T. Elcheils, Thomas Hughes. II.
Mercer, W. S. NetT, Chas. DeGrolT, A.
Oisen. Citizen.
m .
Serious Accident.
Mrs. J. O. Dunbar and son and Mis.
Si llryantare confined to their bedsat
the San lose House. The former is
suffering from three broken ribs, a
Ladly mangled arm and a bruised
body. Mrs. Bryant is badly cut and
bruised about the head and body, but
no bones are broken. Yesterday
morning they left the Silver Creek
ranch in the Swisshelm mountains to
come to Tombstone, Mrs. Dunbar
was driving. When about six miles
from the ranch the horse became
frightened and ran away. All efforts
to hold him proved (utile. The vehicle
was swung from side to side until It
struck a boulder, when the occupants
were thrown violently to the ground.
Si Bryant was riding some distance
behind on hoiseback and came at once
to the rescue, and placing the injured
in as comfortable position as possible,
he hastened back to the ranch ami
procured a wagon, which he half filled
with hay, and returned to the scene
and brought the sufferers to Tomb
stone, where they arrived at ten o'clock
last night.
Dr. Hamilton was summoned ami
pronouueed three of Mrs, Dunbar's
ribs broken, while Mrs. Br ant suttVrs
the loss of two teeth. Mrs. Dunbar's
son had a very bad looking face, ono
eye, being discolored and swollen.
Everything possible was done for the
sufferers. Mr. Dunbar thought bct
to take his wifo hame, and they left
for 1'henix at noon.
Incidents, Accidents aud Happenings
of a Live Mining Camp,
October 8.
Miss Antra Hill came over yester
day to visit her 9ister, Mrs. Beckwith.
Wm. IJggett returned from the
Huachucas yesterday, looking much
improved in health.
The Democratic delegates came in
to-day, some flushed with victory.
some well, not hilariously jubilating,
to say the least.
The Democracy of Bisbco claim to
feel victory in the air, and certainly
the enthusiastic meeting of last even
ing was a favorable augury.
A merry pirty drove down to the
camp of the Boundary Commission
yesterday afternoon and took supper
as guests of the "boys in blu,"
If you don't want to throw away
your vote this fall, study the new I al
lot law until sure you understand it,
and Don't Foboet to REGISTER!
At the Democratic caucus list night
the following nominations were uiad:
Justices of the Peace J. W. Wright,
S. M. Burr.
Constables A. V. Lswia(Del Lewi)
J. S. Taylor.
The Boundary Commission and es
cort will move on Monday next to the
San Pedro river, a distance of alotil
SO miles. The Mexican Commission
arc about 100 miles in the rear. Their
work, outside of making the tojio-
graphical survey for a distance of -
miles south of the line, is very raucn
lessened by being behind, as the U. S.
officials are doing very accurate work.
hale and EBVttlve.
BsANOitETii's Pills are the safest
and most effective remedy for indiges
tion, irregularity of the bowel', consti
pation, biliousness, headache, dizzi
ness, malaria, or any disease arising
from an impure state of the blood
They have been in use in this country
for over filly years, and the thousands
of unimpeachable testimonials from
those who liavo usd them, and their
constantly increasing sale, 13 incontro
vertible evidence that they perform
all that is claimed for them.
UrtANDRETii's Pills are sold ir. every
drug or medicine store, either plain or
sugar coated. f
Agency of the celebrated Improved
White Sewing Machines on -Installment
plan and for cash, at
J. B. Wahsskios'.
Qo to Miller's Deco Stoke for
Chloride of Lime. Copperas
Platts Chlorides Bromo Chloral 11 m
Carbolated Powder
Crude Carbolic Acid
Do you want to save from 25 to 50
cents on every dollar you spend? Ii
so wrjte for our Mammoth illustrated
catalogue, containing lowest m-tnu
fifturers prices of groceries, dry good
boc.ts.and shoes, clothing, hardware,
sgricultural.implements etc. Mailed
of receipt of 20 cents for postage.
Chicago GESEaaLSurrLYCo,
- 178 W Van Bureii St.
The board of supervisors are strug
gling with the Australian ballot law.
A new sidewalk in front of M. 1.
Sciibner's 5th street property add
much to the comlort of pedestrians
on that aids ol the street.
a 1
3&K&r . . lllBllllllllMIIIIMIiri llllll lllllll J
Republican Rally!
Candidate for Congreu, and
Candidate for Joint Councilman,
And Other Xotrd Speakers.
October 14th, 1892. Every
body Invited.
Tuesday Oct. II.
The Event of the Season.
Female Minstrels.
Mti3t be Seen to be Appreciated.
A Gility of Beautiful Young Ladies.
The G'ea Fre-irh Dancers. The beautiful
Amiro-i inarch c-raposed of 20 young ladies
beiuuiullr couil- eJ at an enormous expense.
A performance vul cannot afford to miss.
Atlnalsfes9 (metaling reserved seats) 91
On Salr at YapU'i.
The Bottom is Out.
116 The Tyler Desk Co., of St.
Louis, have jist issued their mammoth
Desk and Rink Counter catalogue for
1893, showing New Goods, New Styles,
with a cut of marly fifty per cent be
low all former lists. A Standard Oak
Roll-Curtain Desk for JIG, should sat
ify every one that they mean just
what they say. Catalogues free. Post
ajc 12c
Mrs. Henderson, mother of Mrs.
Vic. Wilson, died at her residence on
Allen street this morning at 'J o'clock.
She took cold in Tucson while attend
ing the funeral ot ber son-in-law, who
wis slain by Sonlag and Evans, which
resulted in pneumonia which caused
her death. Her daughter was with
her in her last hours.
The time has not been set for tho
funeral if Mrs. Henderson, and will
not be until word is received from her
sou Charles, who is in Pueblo.
A brother of the late Vic Wilson Is
visiting Tnmttnne, looking after the
affairs of Mrs. Wilson and son.
T1S Dvtnorrsie Candidates will
meet to-rniglit to talk over the situ-atioa.
oi-fi:iai. ri:pori'.
Of the UiardsfHttperrUiira at"
Cochise Co tin tv.
Oct. 7, 1602.
9 o'clock a. m.
Hoard of Supervisors met pursuant
to adjournment.
Present Full Board.
Minutes of previous meeting eie
read and approved.
l!y unanimous vote the board al
lowed the following claims against the
count, and warrants were ordtrtd
drawn on the expeuse fund iu pay
ment of the same:
II L Roby, wild cat scalp $ 1 00
J S Tuvlor, burving indi
gents 1-1 as
Henry Walker, medicine 2 25
N X Miller, drugs to indigent. 18 C5
C BTurbell, burjing " .03 00
A R English, expense district
attorney 17 00
Austin C Wright, medical
services SI 75
Nellie V Walsh, feeding pris
oners 338 03
Southwestern Ice Co.. Ice.... 52 50
A Dunbar, lion scalp 25 00
HJPeto, drugs 2 50
R W Wood, jury ctf 2 00
S H Bryant, bear scalp 10 00
J V VicLers, jury ctf 2 00
James Reilly .Interpreting.... 1G 00
Chas W Pugh, job priuting. . 1C3 35
Frank Broad, constable fees
account I ill 627 35 40
Tho L W Blinn Lumber Co.,
Lumber 3C 03
Wm Ritchie, salary jailor. . . 3GS 00
W R Hunter, lion scalps 50 00
P J Delebante, transporta
tion of indigents 24 00
Harringen i.Co., board of
prisoneis 48 00
Geo Hill et al, balance jury
service 10 SO
C E Alvord.juat fees 93 00
Board took recess to 1 :30 o'clock
p. m.
1 :30 o'clock p. m.
Same members pretent.
By unanimous vote the board al
lowed the following claims against
the county, and ordered warrants
drawn in payment of the same:
II C Purcell. labor on roads. . 21 00
TGriffilh, road work C3 30
SimeGallen " 10 00
EC Clifford " 12 00
Samuel Stanton, road work.. 177 30
J P Johneon " " . . 218 25
The hoard was engaged during the
remainder of the afternoon in making
arrangements for the next general
By unanimous vote Board adjourn
ed to 2 o'clock a. m. October S,
G. W. Betas,
W. D. Moxmoxier,
The sheep that have been ranging
in the Chiricahua mountains are be
ing sheared. The clip will Ix: a large
one and the sheep are rolling in fat.
An effort is being made to bring the
cliy delegates together to-night nt the
city hall to place :i fusiou ticket in the
A gray pony branded J. M. connect
cd, a Mexican brand, and O, all three
brands on left hip. Please return to
this office or leave word where the
animal can be found.
A Cholera Ncare.
. A reported outbreak of cholera at
Hehnetla, N. J., created much excite
ment in that vicinity. Investig ttion
showed that the. disease was not chol
era but a violent dysentery, which is
almost as severe and dangerous as
cholera. Mr. Walter Willard, a prom
inent merchant of Jameaburg. two
miles from Helmetta, as Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy has given great satisfaction
in the most severe cases of dysentery.
It is certainly one of the best things
ever made. For sale by H. J. Peto. t
The Soldijr Holes Cattle Co. will
have their round-up, commencing at
Tedrow's place, Oct. 17. The company
will furnish accomodations for all
cattle men,
(Pacific Time.)
Noktk Bound.
South Bound.
Lv. 9.12 a. m.
" 11.10
" 1.26 ix m.
" 109
.. aS4 ..
" J 00 "
,. Nogales..
..Fair back..
. . . beason .
Ar. 1.07 p. m.
11.10 a. m.
9.10 "
7 55 "
7.41 "
Lv. 6.2u a. m.
Pacific Time. I
WO"-"- Faubank. &Itm
Hisbee. Iiation'p
Datly, exept Sunday.
Ben Wiluams, Supt.
(Pacific Time.l
acsa. m
2 00 a. m.
11 sop. m
; 30 p. m
Tucson.... '
1.50 a. m.
3.40 a. m.
6.35 a. m.
la 20 p. m.
10.00 p ro.
Lit... Los Anceles..Ar.
XIued trains, carrying passengers and
IrtiUht. armr at Benson, east bound, at 2 15
p. m.; uert bound 6.30 a. in.
Pacific lime is one hojr ower than To-ub-stone
Oliui'cb. Notices,
31. K, Church,
Rev. Mitchell will officiate.
Services at 7:30 p. m.
No morning service.
All are invited to attend.
Prcsbytorlau Church.
Rev. C. R. Xugent, pastor.
Sunday school at 9:45 a. m.
Service at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.
Morning Subject: The Noble B.t
reane. In the evening, by direction of the
Presbyterian General Assembly, there
will be held a Columbian service.
The observance ot this day is to be
general all over the country in Pres
byterian churches. The music will be
befitting the occasion.
You are cordially invited to all these
sei vices.
Gottokns In Dos Cabezas. Sunday,
Sept. 25, to the wifo of Charles Gott
gens, a daughter.
Small line of samples from mincfact-
aring corporation offered a live man.
One traveller earned an average of $350
per month for six yers p 1st. P. O. rtox
117 Nr-V-rV.
f Disordered Liver, etc.:
. "r a uc magic on ine vital Orpin,
KegulatME the Secretions, restoring loni
$ oil Ompleiion, bringing- bck the Keen
J Idgs cf Appetite, and arousing with th-
tRMmUDOF HUITH the whole phrcai
V energy ol the human frame. These l-tcu
:-e admmei by thousands, in all class? c
J jCKty. largest Silo in the World. T
i CrriKd vita a Tazttlara & Scluils Ccatlr.
rt ill druggists. Price 23 cents a Box. i
I Vtw V orlc Oepot. r Canl Si. E
-i-saov:oni ! u
It is said to Iks a fa-t that there aro
In Paris ttt-MI ivrli. Irk t TWrvina Ytrft-.
habltnallv obtain fr,- njImSuinn Ir. th-.
Tuc fclioue trcs Ranted along tho
quays, avenues rj-.d boulevards, and la
the squares, parks and gardens of Pari:
number mora than 400,009.
At the bct.r dasi of Parisian cafe,
writinir ru!r?r cnrclnrx- none ti-
ctc, are furnLIitvl to tho pucsts free;
in Hotels ol ilia same city tho guests
have to pay for them.
Orrrv a side isuc exit.
Livs.3 a doer's life puggy. ,
Cheat Scot llolx-rt liruce.
Hold the steaks butchers. i
Grrr an inli-ling quill pens.
CVNNI.vo little things foxes. J
The mfithcr of pearl oyster
Must be tipped tho scc-satv.
Souetiii.vo on foot a tramp.
Gives a royal welcome kings.
Made of all work crary quills.
IIiou liver inhabitants of JIars.
Ax old cabinet maker Gladstone.
A ksioct in London tho baronet.
A feiaow feeling tho phrenologist.
Fast and furiass-Cliaincd bulldogs.
A ORATX attraction lmndsomn tilinfr.
N. Y. Mail and Express.

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