Newspaper Page Text
B n i rillS - lSPJT-AJPI-l TilS "A'l.UCLl ToMlteTONE liPITAl'II I'uoii-licJ ivery undy will gie all mi' ntus an'l will Ik sent to any ad dr. s ,3Z 'XTIIS - EXXrXVJLll f 1'EK WAH. iroifeltiw STJ3VIA.Y EDITION Is published rvrry hunday, and ccn taui all th neusuf the it ap wars in the Dulv Hrosi'Tor. XTive Ooiitfs 11 Copy Ti txjVoiir XotitliH lor sl Cm TOMBSTONE COCHISE COUNTY ARIZONA SUNDAY. DECEMBER 24. 1S99 VOL. XVI No, J -n iinph HISIiEE J0TT1N Bimieb, Dec. 13, 1S3D. roiTEniscs. Tho temrorat'iro at pre3ent hovers around tho freezing point. B. A Packard was la town yesterday from hie ranch. Kllis T Davis, Montreal; C HenvJ, X. Y; James Holbroak, Tucson ; and Thos I Fumerby, Dealing; are at the Xorton. Chester Dunne, Denver: Harry Flint, S F; Oscar Danton, Cleveland; are guests of the Bessomer. B F Graham Jk Co. have purchased "tho Palaca Stibles from Tim Griffith and will consolidate the two barns. Gorton's Famous Min'trel put up a great show at the Opera House last night. The bouse was well rilled and everyone was delighted. On Friday night the 22 1, Barney Ferguson, the inimitable Iriih com edian, with'astlrct cornrany of vaude illn btar.a, iifn ami women, will preent "McCarthy's Mishaps." Tim is wie of tho most laughable skits on tho road and a good hou--e should grnst tho company. On tomorrow night a formal exhibi tion of the designs of the memora' cups pre-ented ty Hi-bet' citizens to the Williams Bro.. will be m ado at the Opera House, Oniric to the early dipartureof the nbovo nimert gen tlemen the C"ip.- cannot be made anl sent here in time; hence the substi tute of tile deHjins. Bk-iiee, Dec 21, 1SS0. narpEKlXGS Walt, r Stuebingcr advancu for Griffith Co. Mesmerists, is at tbo Bes tempr. Tl'.o Williims family leave Bubee tomorrow afternoon by special train Holiday trade is pool. The mer chants are well iatiified. Barney Forguson in "McOarthy'e Miships" will be nt tho Opera House tomorrow night. Mr JohnS Slaughter, Sn Bernar dino Ranch, oce ipil a suit of room.) at tho Bf:63rrcr on lat etoning. List night was the coldest go far. Water rios wero frozen and an Inch tt' iea formed on etanding water. X A Matt'ck, Chisago; J L Smith, IVirce, A T; E F Williams San Pedro; John C Graham, Denver; are nt the Xorton IIouje. The mfsnnd child of Mr. Ferguson, Yroprietor of the fli-bec ilni; stors arrived on yesterday. The family will remain here for some time. Mrs S J S!:k was an incoming pasjpngcr today. ""Frank J.hnsin, lite cow-boy who took an acivc ptrt in tho late Xaco!, has gin? back to lit 4 old homo it Texas Tte town lias ben very quiet and peacib'o for fomc time Drunks and hobos 8-c becoming source. At W Abel!. Mesa; '"WS-uclinger, Griffith Co. Dr. Wat kins & wi'e, Bpiioii; X J Cook, Cbi ' ctgo;R B Chi-diolm, M E Conboy. "LAjJUev F S Kistman, Xogales; ' -Rv A Elliott, Montreal, Canada. ' Tff-rt ght the formal prcfent.ition of the loving cup to the Mcsers Bsn and I.wis Williami wil. bo made by the proxy of th drawings of the cup. This cannot be avoided na tho cups x aont reach here in time. A gineril -..irfi out it cxpeced and the Queen Baud will bo in 4 . An -alarm of firo jc-terday brought tho populace to tho rear of ,r.e Gird Block where an abintlined stable had caught fire but was extinguished Leforo -n-ny damajro was dona. It h thought t lie fire was started by mine children With malche". Several boys weresoen in the neighborhood a few hours be fore. fTVXICER In I'carcc, Do3. 13, to tbew.fe of Al Staniger daughter. THE PAGE lit 1. Testimony of the Witnesses so Far Sworn The jury in the Sidney Pago ca was secured late yesUrday afternoon and the hearing of testimony begun at 7 :30 j,m . Tbe prisons show no cigns of nervousness and take" a keen interest in tin testimony; discuss ing tbe various part with his fathsr and attorneys who are close beside him. The jury who will et in judg ment compose the folio iug: tt K Pockctt W W Sampjon GT Miller A Irian Merrill J Uabb F M Ruff Grant Lswis J C White Dan Burgee Ojo S:orms G S Crockett Frank Meyer District Attorney Land and M. A. Smith appear for the prosecution, wileA.R. Englih and Chas. Bow man are acting for the defense, With eminent counsel on either side the legal points aad rules of law are stub bornly guarded and contested and the tost applied to every question, either tn tli3 direct or cross examination, wliieh savors of any departure from the t-tticl adherance or conformity to the legcl procetdiire. Tho testimony of the witnesses for the prosecution is very damaging. Of tho several eye witnesses standing from '.io to ."0 feet awiy, all agree that Kobertjou had both hands up or in view while falling from the bench duitog the deadly fire from Page's pistol, Neither did any of the wit nesses who went to the body cf da f cd notice any other pistol than that of Page's. John Smith, first witness for the prosecution; was about 35 feet away and saw Page fire all five shots at deceased ; did not eee any pistol in Robertson's bands; explained posi tion; Robertson tried to olutch at post with right hand while falling: Page fired last shot while Robertson was on ground. Cross examination Saw Coreal and unknown on benoh with Robertson at time of ehooting, later tbe two walked off together with Pae. Harvey Chtford siw lut three shots; Page stepped forward at last shot and firei at Robirton; after last shot Page examined his own pis tol and walked off with Coreal aud Burt, Burts having one gun in hand; did not see any pntol with Kobertfoo. Cross examination 3aw Burts and Coreal on bench; Robertson was stauding on porch before falling over. Chas Kridor, was In RaUaurant, hsard loud talking and came to door. Heard Robrtsou say to Page "I don't give a d a about the bill, but the bsrrowed money." Saw Paga with pistol and fire two sluts, whereupon witness returne I insiJe rostaurant. At first shots RoberUon motionsd left hand as it to ward off something; did not see Robertson have any pistol. Cress examination Robertson talked angryhke in saying above remark; Robertson Ptanding on porch Page fitting on bench, Robertson stepped forward to sit on bench when Page got up and began shooting. So oie clee was on tbe bench. The following other witnesses were examined for the prosecution: A. Gitar.1, John Pidwell, W. H. Lintz Geo McCarty, Geo Vandsrman.Chae Wild and Al Staniger, several of whom were eyewitnesses to some of tho shooting, and all testifying they noticed no gun about Rabertaon either during shootinc or after. About 3 o'clock tho prosecution rested their case. The first witnes for the dsfense was the prisoner himself. In eflsst staled Mr Buster had on two occas ions warned Page that Robertson "uad it in for him" and would kill him, (Page) at first opportunity At imnie diato time of shooting Page was itting on bench in front of Ribert con's business place, Robertson walked n front and begat abue at eause of a debt Le (Cage) owed him, also spoke ol borrowed money; Robtitson mad and called Pai;o ; Pag answered saving don't call me that; whereupon Kobertson said 'I mean it and dire you to take it up;" with which Robertson nulled Lis pistol and tired first shot; I shot abont tama time; I shot 4 shots; whan Robertson fell over I reached far bis pistol on ground and put it on bench ; Burls came upaud took piatol; I also handed ray pistol to Burts and later Hurts handed both pistols to Con stable Grover. Witness is still an stand as i go to press. . night session will be held. THE PAGE TRIAL The Witnesses for the Defecse on the btand. The examination of witnesses for the defense in the Page ease continued from yesterday afternoon during tbe night session until 3 p. in, today. After the declaration and state ment of the prisoner who wag on the stand and whose testimony in effect was published yesterday. Geo. Cireyall and M. M, Burts tis tified practically to same evidence; both tostified Robertson used aagry language to Page just prior to shoot ing; saw Robertson pull gun aud lire; iaw Paue after shooting pick up Rob ertson's gun from porch and lay it on bench; later Hurts picked same up, alo taking Page' gun and walked to street, giving both guns to Constable Graver. Cros examination showed both Coreyall and Burts were gam blers, having owned Interest in gam bling tables. Burts was in Del Rio, Texas and offered his fare by defendant to come here and testify; did not accept ; acknolwedged bis ar rest on charge of cattle stealing ami recommended dUmis'ed if he wuuld leave country; came back lo teBtify after being assurvd by the witnesses agaicet him that bo would not be molested. Chas Bcdamer Was in restaurant; came to door; saw Page have gun and saw another gun on porch; Burls and Coreyall near; taw Burls returning from etreet to body after shooting. Crass examintion Did not see anyone lay pistol on porch ; am in gambling buninee; running crap game Pearce. Burt Grovor, constable Pearce IYA not see ehnoting; saw Burt', Page aud Coreyall; Burts handed two pistols to me; Page said : I shot Rob ertson but had to do it, there's my gun, keep it lamo as it is; barrels ol both guns were warm as if rccoutly fired; one pistol had four shots fired other one; identified pistols; put Page it jail, later hid him out; Page was deputy constable. Leonard Page, brother of tbe pris oner, testified his brother told him of Buster's story regarding threats made by Robertson. Cross .minalion, did not think inuc'u o! -ater'a story; thought Robertson asd brother were friends R. E. Brown and John Kelso testis fied to fact of Robertson leaving a pls tol with them tr.o weeks before shoot ing. W. D. Monmonier as coroner iden. titled pistols offered in evidence at coroners inquest; one represented to be Robertson's, other Page'd. J.C. Buster TestiSed to threats Robertson made to biin against Page on several occasions ; warned Page si he could avoid trouble; mentioned I instances when Robertson passed un complimentary remarks regarding Page, Cross examination Was in Los Angeles, prisoner paid fare here so witness would ba on hand to testify; expect return passage; gamble; inter, csted in games at Pearce. Here defense rested their case. Prosecution called Al Staniger, evi donee in rebuttal. Staniger testified knew Robertson's ; tbe gun in evidence was not Robertson's gun. Expected argument will begin late tbis afternoon and finish tonight at tbe night session Call and ie Yaple'i holiday sto- COULD NOT AGREE The Jury in the Page Case Return No Verdict The argument in the case against Sid Page was concluded last night and subniitttd to tbe jury about 9 p. m. The attorneys on either side pressnt ed their arguments with earnestness. District Attorney Land opened for the prosecution and, as in tbecasd against Wiley Morgan, acquitted himself with credit, bringing out with clearness the damaging testimony and preponder ance of evidence lo support his argu ment, Chas Bowman followed in a rtrong defensb lor the prisoner, Mr, Bowman is an attorney of leng ex perience and ho argued bis paints be fore the jury with deliberation and eareful consideration. Allen R Eng lish followed and held the fixed atten tion of tbe jury in an able argument for his client. While many may not agree with bis version, he maintained his argument with natural ability. Marcus A Smith closed the case for the prosecution in a telling and con vincing argument. Possessed of a vigorous mind and an ease of demea nor and effective delivery his remarks carried weight and attention. After the instructions of tbe court the caee was submitted to the jury about !) p. m. last night. T-jJay at I p. m. the jury informed the court that no er diet could be agreed upon. Thereup on the court discharged the jury and held tho prisoner over without bail to the next term of court when a new trill will be bad. It is understood the jury et)od six for conviction and eix for acquittal. Considerable dissatisfaction is ex pressed upou the fact of a hung jury, and the general feeling freely expres sed was not favorable to th prisoner or some of the jury. ARIZONA BILLS Delegate Wilson Introduces Important Measures Dtlegate Wilson has already intro duced bills in congress for statehood and opening of the San Carlos reser vation to mining work. A recent dis patch says he has also introduced the following: For the relief of the occupants of Flagstaff. Arizona. For relief of stockmen and wool growers in the northern counties of Arizona. Tho bill provides that hereaft-r persons engaged in slock raising shall not bs prohibited from grazing stock in the forest reserves, Arizona, but shall have equal privileges ftr the right of grsz ing, provided that they shall not be perrcitted to allow their herds to be grazad within a rloser distance than two miles to the topmost walls of tbe Grand Canyon ol the Colorado, and that limber shall not be cut or dec troyed thereby. Also to provide for an additional Associato Justice of the supreme court of Arizona. Also to grant right of way over gov ernment lands for a pipe line for tbe conveyance of water to Flagstaff, Ariz. Aho to subject the Atlantic and Pacific railrosd, now the Santa Fe railroad, passing through Arizona, to nation. The bill provides that tne road, including all the superstructure, station buildings, worksnops, switches, track-, etc., within Arizona, shall here after be subject to taxation under the revenue laws of the territory, provided that the rate of taxation shall not ex ceed $G,000 per mil. i i A petition Bkiug tor the appoint ment of Wm. Riggs as supervisor is numerously signtd by Wilcox resi dents and cattlemen in the neighbor hood of the applicant's home. The board of supervisors have not yet de clared a vacancy; the full expiration of the time limit of absence from ter ritory allowed Mr. Barr by tbe stat utes, coi jet being readied. From Thursday's imur: Mike Delaney, a former Tomb etoner, was over from fiisbeo yester day. Miss Annie Kane, the unfortunate girl whocommlttbd suicide, was buried today. m M. E. Convoy, r 'presenting F. W. Braun i. Co., whnlerale druggietn of Los Angeles, was a Tombstone visitor today. The Tombstone Terpsichoreac Club will give a dance on Christmas night (Monday) instead of Satuiday as otherwis- usually had. Parlies having warrants against the county can now receive their money upon presentation of same to the treasurer. Upon the finishing of the Page case, this session of ejurt will have been closed and adjournment bad to the next regular term in July. M ) Scribner returuod last night from a Hying; trip lo Now Orleau-. He reports tho south prosperousgrow ers receiving geod prices for cotton and everything active m a commercial sense. A system regulator is a medicine that strengthens anil stimulates the liver, kidneys, stomach and bowels Pricelev Arh Burets is i Hunerior eystem regulator. I', drives out all unheauny conditions, promotes ac tivity of body and brain, restores got (I appetite, sound sleep and cheerful spirits. Sold by Tombstone l)ru,j Store. A strong effort is being mado by public spirited citizens of Graham county to have the waters of the San Simon confined :o one channel on their way to the Gila. As at present the flood waters ol tl o San Simon spread out over the vail y iind do great damage to lands in th I ot'om as well as rendering roads impas nb. MINING SALK A Cochise Mine Sold to East ern Capital, The El Paso Xews publishes tho7o! lowing regarding a Ccchise County j mining property: "J. W. Payne, one of the most prom inent mining men in arizona aad for a number of years general manager of tbe Grand Reef mine in Arivapia dis trict in Arizona, pass eri through this city. "Mr, Payne closed a dial in Xew York, where he has been for the past month and where he sold two of the sine claims of the Grand Reef prop erly for fiOO.000 lo eastern capital ists The Grand Reet is tho property of John W. Mackey. A great deal of development work has bnen dona on the property, which is gold, silver and copper, and altbaugh it is only a low grade proposition thero are immense bojies of ore in sight. The property is about 60 m le. ' om Wilcox." From Friday's issvc: Public '(ho 1 clo e today for a two weeks vacxtion dur n the l.o'idays. Bert Aivord has resigned as deputy sheriff at Wilcor and reeignation ac cepted by Shoriff Whi'o. Don't forget tue Fireman' Xew Years ball. Excellent rryisio is en gaged and a good time in store. Fred Bennftt the popular cattle man left yesterday for Banquete, Texas to spend the holiJe-ys with rela tives and fri-nds For a useful Christmas present and one that wilt be appreciated, see the holiday etock at Barrows and mate a selection. CM Tint n, representing the Smith Primer Typewriter, was in Tombstone today and plaoed teyeral orders for machines here. ARIZONA WAR CLAIM The Territory Will Have to Advance the Expense Advicca ncro received at iho Roycr noi's fficf jeslerday tha. tho claims of the'erritory on account o.' the re cruiting for the war with Spain will shortly be paid, i hesfl claims amount to a little mro than $3,000 and grew out of tho oxpeine of the Rough Rid ers aud Cil. McCords reziment to gether. They have beon bunging fire for moro than a year. A couplo of months ago it was decided that the territory would have to pay the clai mants and ba subsequently reimburs ed by tho general government. Tho territory had no fund out of which payment could be made but it was suggosted thatadubt might be created which would bs coyered by an appro priation by the next legislature. Her ald. Tho now worltl-farued laxative rem edy, Sprup of Figs is tho proluct of Califorui i Fig Syrup Cumpanv. The merits of this well-kn&wa excellent laxative were first mado known to the world through the mdical journals and newspapers of tho United Slates; anJ is one of tho distinct achieve ments of tha press. It ia now well known that Syrup of Figs is an eth ical proprietory remedy, approad by the most eminent physicians every-w'-.cre, because it ia simple and ellV.c tive, yet pleasant to tho tasto and acceptable to tho system. The Azurito mine has thus far ship ped upwards of $00,000 worth of cop per bullion and the ground has scarce ly ytt ben scratched. This mine will some day become one of Ari zona's great bulliou producers. Ari zona Gazitte. OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS Minutes of the Hoard of Super' visors Cochise County Tomh.stjke, DiC 18, ISD'.I. Beard met purruant to ai'jourr mentof meeting Oct. 17, at '. n. in. Minutes of meeting, Oct, 17th, read and approved. Members present M. C. Benton chairman, pro tem;John Montgom ery Super ior. Absent Suparvior Barr. Allen R. English appeared before the board in the matter of tho charge proferrcd by citizens of the town of Pearce ajainst Burt Grovor Constable, for conduct unbecoming a peace offi cer. Samuel Stanton roaj overseer, Ben son road distric', aprcared before the board in response to notica. The ac count of roed nork and receipts issu ed checked up, bill found correct fur 1S91. Bill presented .'or $27.1, aud al lowtd, warrant orJero.l drawn for amount. 12 m. Board stands at rrcees to p. m 2 i. in Hoard met prrsuant to adjourn ment. Saire members present. W. A. Gray road overecer, St David road district, appeared before the board in response to notice. The account of road work and receipts issued, checked up and found to be correct for lb9'J. Bill presented for 4 CO and allowed. Warrant ordered drawn for tho amount. Clerk ordered to have deeds of de linquent properties deeded to tho ter titory for tho year 1S07 snd advertised as belonging to the following named persons who havo pcid said delin quent taxes and ponnltiss canceled, C. W. Hailmaster $ S.83. Juan Apodaca 13.4C. C. A. Newman 17,80. C. W.Pugb 15.50. Henry Kabrs 8.86. Schmidt t McGraw 60.40. Frank Garlaod J ,-10, C hat MoXully 22.SO. Mia citttciuan nf Ski '.horn AUni tro orgiuuiii;; t l;e?p tho northern cheep out of thtir ternto.y. Thia light wil' corns to a roal Ujiie of thee fun) i)-is iii.d the fur will fly with a vetijjfauco. lvigl uid vi'.W at one i send fifty thou'u.'it! more soldiers to Smtli A' rica, and at Iho en 1 of eix weeks John Bull will liavi an army of t-vo hun dred thott-iii.l trmps on tho tiring lino in O Jin Paul's country. Look's us if they need then:. Another brave man has fillcn asac-rili-e nn iho altar ol hN country. The country mourns the death of a bravr and noblu hero in Iho person of Gen eral lvAAli.n. Arizona keenly feels the loss. He was a benefactor in rid ding this section of oi.e of the most bloodthirsty Indian fiends ever on the w.trpath. Belotod by nil, Gen Law tun's death is a eource of bitter regret and jiro found enrrow. Arizona cont'd show no batter trib ute ol gratitude o the dead hro, Gen Law to u, than tho erection of u monument to his memory. The ball has been startod rolling by J. V. Victors the well knnnu C icbiso Couuty cntilmin who offors a liberal contribution. The matter rhould bj taken up and tlig plan carried into offect. Arizona cili.ens are apprecia tive of the grand services renderc 1 by tbis officer a-id a r aJy re?po.ise should be forthcoming. Carefully comj tied ctatistics of tho casualties of tiio British armies in South Africa for tbofirst two mouths of the war, beginning October 15 aud ending December LI, phestho killed at 772, wounded 2,S-iO ai.d missing and prison rs Jl,li., a total of 0,777. It is fair, probably, to assume that the Bo;r losses to have becu at least ns great, en tho cost this fir has b'Pii from Is"0J to lfi.030 killed, wounJo I, nussitig or captured. The Agricultural Evpo-imon'.al S.a tiou 'it Tit -on hasUsued a bulletin on the teitof various varieties of peaches An extrictof t!io b.'.U.tin so it to ttio Pkospectjr states that '-All of tho desirable varidtiiss liayo grown vigor-ou-ly an I flood tho heat of summer well, so lie uth r virieties nut adapted to tho roij.1, b'lt popular elsaivh ere, suc'uniKng to t!u influences of our climatic cjndt'i n. In tjoneral, va rieties original! g i-i such peach ttit8 as G?orgi t and California succeed bettor hers than many hotter known varieties that Originated in the north ern elates" - -- About two months ago Martin Co tello in ido npp'.icition for patent on the Triangle, Iron Prince and Stand ard Quartz mines at the local land office. Today Francis A. Ovens and L. C. Shattuck started contest pro ceedings at tho local land oflico against the application for n patent on the Triangle mine. W. II Brophy. Adam Evans and L. C. Shattuck started contest proceedings against the npilication for a patent on the Iron Prince miur, and Emil Matks H,R. Hannigcr and L. O. Shattuck tiled contest procccitiogs against ap plication for a patent on the Standard Quartz mine. Barnes and Martin are attorneys for all of the contest ants, Tucson Citizen. Something for tho Xew Year Tlicuorld-rcnouncd success of Ho letter's Stomach Hitters, and their con tinued popularity for ne-.r half a cchtury as a stomachic, is scarcely more wonder ful than th: welcine tint greets Hostel ler's Almanac, This medical treatise i published by the Hosteller Company, Pittsburgh, Pa. under their on immedi ate supervisor., cmpIoing six.y hands in that department- The issue of same lor 1900 will be over eleven million, printed in nine languages. Refer to a copy of it for valuable and interesting reading concirning health, and numerous testimonials as to the efficacy of Hostct tcrs Stomach Bitters. The Almanac far 1900 can be obtained, free ol cost, from druggists and general coantry dialers ia all parts of the country. IJo-To-sac vor itty Cents. Gstnii.-.ccJ tobacco hWt core, mike vcsJt cctL.lrsEf t'co.1 uur. Kfc.Sl. AUdlUfiUM. iS.i v.