The Weekly Tombstone Epitaph
pu'jislird every Sunday will e,ie all
ine news and v. ill be sent to any ad
dri!S for
loiii IVIonths ibr $X
$3 P2R YEAR,
Is published every Sunday, and con
t mi all ihe news of the week as it ap.
pears in the Daily J'kospsctor.
Five OentH n Copy
No. I41
ma i im nm m.1 iauc "mjti,H' h. immuiiiii m mi i , .
run k, Dec. 27, 1ESP.
Mild, almost warm weather bai su
perceded the wintry visitation ol a few
weeks go. This weather is too fin p.
Tlio funeral of Win. Fiko toot
place today anil was largely attended
by friends aud old timer?.
Ernest Griffith fc wife "Griffith Co."
Edsiiti Larsen, LaSsrile; Chad T Lv
vine, Nebraska; Oldan Starrs, Chica
go; are guests of the Norton House.
Geo C Stayner, X Y; Stein
nian, S F; Geo L Custer. El Paso; L
L Treat, Nogales, are guests ol the
About 40 hobos and Mexican drunks
occupied quarteis on and after Christ
nits in the local basttle,
Miss Louiso Howe, who lias been
ill for eome time with la grippe, if
at present in Rood health again.
Griffith, the hypnotist gave his
wonderful blind-fold drivo through
the strocts this a'tertiocn. IIo was
riiccrssful in finding a knife hidden
htthind the cash register of the Brew
ery saloon.
Prof. Griffith, the famous hypnotist,
drew a fair eizeJ audience to night at
the Opera House. The professor's
work in Hypnotism is marvelous aad
should be interesting to a'.!. He and
his company will bo here until the
Bisbee, Dec 2S, 1S09,
Weather remains peculiarly warm
for this ptrioJ of the jcar, and also
awfully dry.
The Fraternal Brotherhood intend
to give an apron and nrcktio party
on New Year'ti night.
B. A. Packard came in yesterday
from a long drive over the mountains.
Be left for his ranch on this morn
ings train.
At tha Bessemer Judge Teasdale
and family. Fort Worth, Tex; Eugene
Dernier, Nogales; L K Chase, S F;
Geo L Ucnton, Lis Angelc?.
Lieut. Tom Rynniag of the Ramh
Riders is reported s being ill at
At tlio Norton Ohas C Weaver,
Detroit, Mich; G o DiiLcan, L A;
Louis H Friend, Michael McMalior,
San Francisco; and Thoi G. Grant.
A petition asking for the appoint
ment of Hugh Uonlon as eupervisor
to fill the vacancy in the board, is be
ing numerously signed. It looks a if
Bisbeo is entitled to tho position and
Mr Conlon is a popular and rcpressn
tatite citizen who would make an ex-
colbnt Bupervitor. The petition will
bo forwarde I tomorrow ami it is con
fidently believed and hoped the Bisbco
petitioners rcqueet will bo granted.
Bisbbj:, lies. 29. 1899
A alight rain violtel our section to
day. Unfortunately it J visit was of
short duration.
Prof. Griffith the Ilvpnoti.t, owiug
to the small audience last iiight, re
lated to giro n entertainment. The
money wn at the box-office for ths
people who paid for an cntrca. The
Griffith! art genuine bypnotiati and
give" a very interesting exhibition of
the effects of hypnotiem on the ordi
nary mind; and they certainly de
serve a better rscogcition than they
received here.
Evidently the frel'cj of tha
"Jeuaejsa dorse" do not find favor
with our Disuse matrons. It is re
ported that lately two of our most in
teresting young ladies wjro requested
to vacate their lodgings and Beak
other shelter by a Hndlady of puri
tanical ideas, for the simple reason
that tbsy maintained a csrtain
amount f hilarity in their rooms, be
yond the preicribol time of retiring.
Verily, 'tis bard that the bubbling
lsughter of innocent young maidens
should ba checked, e'en tno' the coll
"lit ou." has teen sounded.
Wilev Morgan and a Mexican
Take.l to Yuma.
This morning Sheriff White left tWiIi
two priioners for Yuma who were
sentenced to penal servitude at the
territorial penitentiary at the rccsnt
ees-Ion of court.
Tho prisoners were Wiley Morgan
who was found cullty of the murder of
Johu Duncan at Hookers Hot Springs.
ir,.n ... ..nionn ! tn 90 vpora at
Yuma. The jury returning the ver
dict of guiltr-ia Morgan's caso recom
mended the prisoner to tue ui rry of
the court and a leniency was shown
in tha sentence. An appeal has bee
made to the supremo court lor one'
uial but meanwhile Morgan will be
confine.I in the penitentiary.
The other pri'oner taken was a
ilexican named Helaro Dalgado who
n-ctived a lontenceof three years al
Yuma for tho crime of robbsrr eom-1
mittsd at Bi;be. Morcan appeared
quite higgard and worried but on
leaving he bid his fellow prisoners in
jail and the ceurt houto officials good
ry expressing the hope of a new trial
and ultimate acquittal. rihe piison
crs were eicurely handcuffed and
At tin last annual examination of
Oread Institute, Worcester. Mass., a
school devoted to the promotion oi
euiuntific covkerv and housekeeping
economir.j, Arizona's reprssentativo
in a clagj of several hundred oung
ladies, Miss Mabel Hoover, stood tco
ond. The leader of the class was a
young women from Idaho. Miss
Hoover is a daughter of Mr J II Hoo
ver of this county. She went to Oread
about a j ear ago, having beeD ap
pointed by Governor Murphy under
an arrangement with the manage
ment of the institute admitting fn o
ono young lady from each state aud
territory. Kepublican.
A lovf-luni poM h.iy.e it is hettt-r to
liavi- loveil n !liort girl than nter to
Jiae loved a lull.
Oner in : i;rent while you meet a man
who believes the oilioe eoks the man
and that he i- Hit- man.
Kays a IJcron jrjrl: "It is .in ineon
trovertible r.ettiality that the antiripii
mry avK appropriates the prematurely
active vermicular specimen." She
meant lhat the early bird ratchet 'he
worm. ChicTo Daily News.
The Griffiths, hypnotists, are put
ting up a cleaver shew in the lino of
Things have quite a holiday aptct
about town. .Miners are enjoying a
lay off and taking in the sight?.
Biibee will soon boast ol a new
bank and the first ono within its
limits. Its appslation will be The
Bank of Bisbet. Wm. II. Brophy,
President; Jamos DougU, Secretary;)
M. J. Cunningham, Cashier. The
dircctorf are Ben Williams, Wm. II.
Brophy, James DjUfla?, J. rt.Angius,
M. J. Cunningham. Capital stock
$50,000, with $25,009 subscribed. A
general baukingbusioos will be son
ducted. Thu bank will op-ia between
the 10th and 15th of February and
will occupy temporary quarter in the
Anguis Building, until its permansnt
quarters arc ready in the new hotel
Twenty-five YearsContant Use With ,
out a Failure
Tti finf imliratini? of erouu is hoarse
ness.and in a child subject to that dis-
ease it may be taken as assure sign of
the approach ot an auaow t "'"",?
thii hoarseness is a pecuharrough cough.
If Chamberlain's Cot.i;h Rsmrdy is
given as soon as the ciiita Dccomes
hoarse, or even after the croupy cough
appears, it will prevent the astack. It is
used in many thousands of homrs in
this broad land and never disippoints
the anxious mothers. We have jet to
learn of a single instance in w hi:! it his
not proved effectual. No other prepara
tion cm show such a record twenty-five
..rc' i-nmnf iter uiiliniil i failure. Fnr
sale by the Tombstone Drugstore-
From Friday's issue :
Itoche'tcr Ford, tho wo'l-known
Pima county attorney, is here from
Tucson on professional brines..
A crayon portrait agent is in the
city distributing his wares. Judging
frotnthe number o! frame delivered,
lis did a msiiir.g business here.
Delegate Wilson has been placed on
the committees on coicagr, weights
and measures; mines and mining, and
HI) Underwood ol luoso.i, is in
I Tombslotift. Mr Underwood is hsre
on behalf of the insurance oompany
to make an adjustment of the dam
age by tiro and ernoko to the stcck of
S M Barrow by the recent fire.
A Miican named E'8)i3no was
given the choice of 30 days labor on
the chain gang or one hour to leavo
town this morning in Justice Sohus
ter'a court. The laiteecn of the Mex
ican he was leaving his footprints in
the eantis of the rcsd leading cut of
John J Ingalls, ex-fenator from
Kansas, and cue of the most talented
journalists of the present day, airived
in Tucson last night. Mr Ingalls is
hero for the benefit of his health and
will remain all winter. At present he
is a guest at the home of E J Trippel.
Dr, John Hanlon is a visitor to
Tombstone from Marysvillc, Cal. Dr.
Hanlon wa-. a lormer Tombstone
youth, having rpent bis schoolboy
days here in the early history of the
Tombstone srhcols, at which time tho
wiiter was also a classmate. The doc
tcr"Hias since become a dcsciple of
Esculapius and enjoys a large and
lucrative practice at his homo in
Marytiville. He is ciiroute east and
ceuld not resiet the temptation to
vi.-it his old (tamping grouud and
shake hands witli old friends.
Minutes of the Board of Super
visors Cocliise County
ToinsTOxr.. Dee. 20. Ie90.
Board met presuant to adjourn
ment of metttng Die 19, at 10a.m.
M.mbeis prosert M. C. Denton,
chairman pro tern, and Superrisor
John Montgomery.
Absent, R. W. Barr.
Minutes of meeting Dec, 19, read
i anil approved.
Bill of James Howell for road work
on San Bernardino road for the year
1899, Audited and allowed $93.60.
The bonds of the lolloping named
parsons were approved.
J. E. Curry, Notary Public. Vaco.
W.S.Gray, Butcher bond, Fairbauc.
E. P. A. Iirrisu, Butcher bond,
August Gtijler, Justice of tho Peace
William Murphy, Constable. Nacc.
W.M. Fike, Butcher bond, South c f
Board proceeded wit'j routine work
2 p. m.
Board met presuant to adjourn
ment at 2 P. M.
Samo members present,
The following petition from citizens
of School District No. 11 as to boun
daries received.
To the Honorable Board of Super
visors for Cochise County, Tombstone
. T.
Wp the undersigned citizens and
'. residents of School District No .11 io
j Cochise, Arizona Territory do
respectfully petition and request that
- , ,. , ........
tho boundary lines o! eaid district be
. established as follows:
Commencing at a point southeast
cf Russclvillo known as tho Golden
Rule mine. Thence in a northwest
erly direction at a lino two and one
half milss south of Russclvilie to a
point Known at Sheep Canyon ; thence
! -Qntli from ShrenCanvon to a Tioiat
J j-nwn M the Horse Ranch; tbenoa
from said point back to the point of
starting known as the Golden Rule
mine, imd boundary lines being about
ten miles in each directum.
I), A. Adams.
Aa Walker,
S. M. Shilling.
The board occupied the timo with
routine work to 4 p. which time
it adjourned to Dec mbtr 21th, at 10
a. m.
Frisk Hake, Chairman Pro tern
James D uncus',
Deputy Clerk.
Tombstoke, Dso. 21, 1899.
Board met pursuant to ailjourc
ment of meeting Dec. 20, at 9 a.m.
Minutes of meeting, Dec,0th, read
and approved.
Members present M. C. Benton
chairman, pro Urn; John Montgoin
cry Supervisor.
Absent Supervisor Barr.
Board preceeded to audit and allow
A Carlisle &. Co, book for
recorders office $ 19 35
Geo D Bernard fc Co, boks
ot marriage rcoords for
lVobate office 20 06
R E Jackson, work in record
ers office
Tho Whitakor it Ray Co,
book for tho Probate court
William Lutley, Jurors certifi
cate Porter McDonald, Jurors certi-fieat-
Joseph McFhorson, 14 tons
10 37
10 00
4 CO
47 50
1S2 00
29 50
27 50
Ed Scott, jurors certificate
A Hartman, jurors certificate
GW Thornton, jurors certifi
cate J C Chancellor, jurora certifi
cate 31 50
15 50
Sam Bartium, jurors certifi
cate 29
Hiram W Locke, jurors certifi
D A Maikey, jurors certiticato
A II Bell, jurors certifiaato
Charles Fredericks, jurors cer
tificate W H Keilew, jurors certificate
Geo B McCarty, jurors certifi-
N J Rtelly, juroru certiticato
J II Tibbetts, jurorsccrtificatd
?1 50
31 50
15 50
14 30
23 20
14 30
29 50
21 40
A A Summers, jurors certifi
cate 29 50
D K Wardwcll, jurors certifi
cate 14 30
J F Potter, jurors certificate 15 50
K S Cooper, jurors certificate
Seo McGillavory, jurors certi
ticato C C McNeil, juiors certificate
15 50
29 50
29 50
Kieth Preston, jurors certifi
cate 22 80
5 W FarringtOD, juror certi
ficate S C Wiser, jurors certificate
W II Kan9, jurors certificate
14 30
1C 30
25 20
A B Staniger, jurors certifi
cate 23 20
AT Garrett, jurors certificate 28 00
Frank B Austin, jurors certifi
cate 4C 30
Thomas Tidwcll, ,ttrors certi
ficate Wns. Neely, jurors certidcate
23 20
16 30
11 30
Sam Johns'on, jurors certifi-
At 12 m. board stands al
to 2 p. m.
About 5:30 o'clock this morning an
unknown man was seen prowling
about tho raridence .' Ed Tarbii evi
dently with the intention of committ
ing an incendiary or burglarizing the
premises. Ed had just lalt h jme to
look after the dnparting C o'clock stage
and Mrs Tarhell bjing alone screamed
an alarm. Miss Ethel Robertson re
sides next door with hex sitters, and
at once came to tha rescue Shecarue
with a pistol. The marauder still
remained defiant and in an instant a
shot rang out. Tlio effect was magi
cal the intruder beating such a hasty
retreat that nothing but a streak in
the early dawn was left by tho fleeing
objsct. It was Impessible to identify
tht man bat the plucky action of Mias
Robertson saved the day and sho
distinguished herself at a brave and
courageous heroine.
From Thurtduv'j isyttr:
Mrs John Henr.inger is quits ill at
her home with a high fever.
Chas. Mc Henry, Andrew Garrett
and Jos. McPherson are in the Chir:-.
cahuas on a mine examining trip.
BA Packard, recently poM 1.000
steers at ?15, for yearling-, ?1S for
two-year-olds, and $21 for throes.
Tho whereabouts of J. C. White, a
former resident of C.xli'33 county, is
des 'red by I.. If. Barton, Mi Is build
in i", San Franei-co. An estate aiviits
the miffing man.
O. B. Hardy who went to Safl ir.l
from hore, hai sccur. d an option on
a large c .ppcr mine in Gra'-am Coun
ty and left f jr Chicago to placo same.
Case of Marie Jesus Enscnia va C.
L Cummingp Recovery of sewing
machine, was filed in Justice Shunters
court today. Tho cato lias been sal
for trial Dec JOth. , ,
Ptstp Jensen and 1'cto Johnson hive
contracted with the Union Iron Woiks
of San Francifcn, to put in a cor.ccn
trating plant en tho Ka.I Ruck mine,
bet vecn Ciittenden and Harshaw.
A prisoner was up bif-uo Justice
Shunter this morning and fined J 15
for being drunk and ilisrrdsrly. The
fine waa paid and later tho gentleman
left for new fiuld.
MrAUc B. Wilherforcu and wife
suent Christina at Ft Huachuca, tho
guests of Major Hughes and Dr Dixon
They had an enjoyable time and re
turned Ii?mc ycatrrdav.
WPMiratcnd Eliztboth Bryand
both of Dos Cabi za. were united in
the holy bond of t f matrimony on
the 2Qt'i in-t at Wi'cos. Therttirn
marriage crtil'.cat b ing fi".. d r.-i:li
Probate Ju.l c !?r illev ladar.
Attorn'-y O, W. t'wain is now r.
proud grand pa, having received wen:
today from Lis roi Geo. Suin at Lo
Angc'.es, that dar. fitter criived ut
thoir housfhold an a Christmas greet
ing on the 25;h in-t.
Dapnty Sheriff Sid iMuIIeu came in
last night fiom Ft. Huachuca bring
ing with him a Mexican prisoner
charged with brutally assiu'.titig o
Mexican woman. Ihe examiuutiun
of the prifOiicr is set for Jan. 2nd,
1900, before Justico ShusUr.
Mr. Frank Yaple doiirc.., through
the I'RosrECTO, to extend thanks to
the firemen who rend- red such efficient
and heroic servicss eluring tho recent
fixe, and to tho many willing citizens
who tendered their as'Utariccin tar
ing the greater prt of Lis clock of
goods. To all he feili grateful and
appreciative of services render-d ami
friendly spirit shown.
T. F. O'Brien ard Jjhn Williams
were in today from Barrett. Mr
O'Brien sta c that tho new 30 ton
smelter of the Copper ICicg Co. is now
xpectcd short!), all gra.!ir aud
icccesirv arraniroincnts for its ricep.
tion lutin; lucn niado. Mr Williams
an exptrienred snis'tin una is to
I'ikechirec of the (melting depurt-ms-nt
and it is expected within a tittle
time to havo tilings in smooth run
ning ordir.
The West Baden, lad. Journal is
responsible for the following: Young
men don't swear 1 Thero is no occas
ion for it outside of a printing office,
whnro it is useful if the paper is be
hind timo. It also conies in hnndy in
proof reading and is indi-pcnsiblo
when the ink works baei and the press
begins to buck. It is sometimes
brought m iho when the foreman is I it has bon known to entirely
remove that tired feeling of the editor
when he looks over tho paper after it
is printod. Ou'sido of a printing
office it is a foolish habit.
Ifo-Io-r;ac .or fin ects.
uaracioett tbacioL&ti. cvre. matte wcs..
-ee itrsi t'eo'. ar. "s. si. All drasjiit.
An Air;il for Ccutrifautiru
For ihe Family
The following rnmmunira'ion v:a-reci-ived
at this otfije yoslrdiy :
"Hfadquarttrs Department ol Cali
fornia, "Sin Fruncifco. Dec. 23.
"The adjutant general cf the oiiuy
has appointed me, p.s the reprcenta
tie of tho war department, to receive
contributions from tho people of the
Pacific coast for tho benefit of tho
widow ami children of the late Major
General Henry W. Liwton, killed iti
action hiloro Sin Mateo, Philippine:
L-licds, Dec. 20. IS99, and I respect
fully solicit your a-si.tnnce in making
ths donations from tha coast a gener
ous one.
"The hii-coiy cf General Lawtcn'.-i
splt-nd.d military career is too well
known to nquiro recjuatiag hero
His life has been one of devotion to
ihe military service, and he Ml in
battle while defending hia country's
"His widow and four ehil Iron will
be left in strained circumstance.' tin
lees the mortgage covering hisoraugo
grove at Udland:, California, be liqui
dated. "I am confident that the --Mriotic
and gratcul people of the Pacific c-saft
will respond goaerou-ly to this most
worthy cljct, and that enough
money will be rabsd. not oniy to pay
tho mortgage, but leave a suhitautiil
margin ia addition for t'.ie us.c ol tlii
" should be sent to the
undersigned at army headquarter.'',
San FrnncifW. which will bj acknowl
edged by letter and through tho col
umns of the njwspipers. The Neva
da Bank of San Francisco hat) been
designated as ths depository (or the
'Very respectfully,
"WI 1. SHAfTSIt.
"Maj..r Cor.oral U. S. Volunteer;."
No man is a hero to hisiteiiojrraphfr.
i'nliiie h.'.s two iIr. the outMdt
:u. d i.'ie inside.
A nan 5.ii.:c iibiially c-oiiiiiiands more
respect than !iiage.
A spinster s-ays slie i.s orry that .she
cw r learned to say "No."
Steam may be a good serant. lint it
occasionally blows. up it-, master.
When a man is ilisappoiuUMl in hue
it is usually in his love for money.
A man's juilginint is apt to hecomi
ivarpril if he follows his bent too fre
quently. Don't wait until you execute your lnit
will and testament to contribute to
The honest criticism applied toothers
is spiteful comment when appliid to If.
An Rnglish traveler declares that th.
'east interesting country in the world
to isit is Corea.
No emigrant is permitted to land in
stern Australia who cannot correct
ly write out ifrhcn sentence.
"I lie: people of Brazil have learned to
raphe pll their own beer, anil native
lircwer'cs now supply nearly all the
-Murder i not e'Oi.siiiered a very preat
crime by the I'arsees of Ineiia. Aeconi
infr to their rede. .1 murderer leeched
: 'i stripes en his hare- back, v-lille the
ir.i.n who neglects his .log receives L'lio
There is a movement on foot among
the Parser community in India togite
the members the option of burial in
place of the customary method of r
pesing the dead to become the pre;, of
rrrTrnted a Trazr
Timely information given Mrs George
Long, of New Straitsville, Ohio, preven
ted a dreadful tragedy and saved two
lives. A frightful cough had long kept
her awake every nijht. She hid tried
i many remedies and doctors but steadily
. nrcu" WArc. until imfr t- fry Tr tir..c
Mew Discovery. One bottle: wholly
cured her, and she writes this mirvelous
medicine also cured Mr Long of a severe
attack of Pneumonh. Snch cures are
positive proof of the matchless merit nf
this grand remedy for eurinj all throat,
chest and lung troubles. Only ;oc and
5 1. oo. Every bottle guaranteed. TrUl
hottlcs fres at the Tombstone I'rtij;
ilia e-overniuent finally adopted
Tr.triu It-ro" ai f e ollio i' spelling
f tie of that island, and liero
ft r u.l e lliria' d .cumem. will adhere
to that f in.-!
N w M- xico ik a-;iiatt!ii; t''." qio.
:on of se ntitng a dclegatio ! l U id.itg
'ttlfillrl-J niOH tO Vi'istiinta-.., i. lirlp
ect!ro itii'ehood. Ouri.ter trti'.ory
it follcvhiR Aiiz-jfiitV lead.
An rscl.angj pr-ri:c:ili i. during
thj next c.Mil'iry it :s tno.-e than pro
huble fiat tho ir.ii'.cd Statea v;i'l havo
10 whip E'lrepe.
It is t.i be liipni tiiut a pp. c fie f.v
leprosy ha at lirt bi en Io;: d. Elab
orate ezperimciits are to Ii male un
der Hip direction of tlio United States
marine hospital set vice at Honolulu,
todptermino whether their hopes are
well founled or not.
Some one has i!u. up enjies o
newspapers printed in 1R00 in wl ieU
the discussiiun r.s lo what year in the
nowcjntu'j- b sins in 7. fijreely
waged, nhich eoes tJ show tint we are
not so much wiser thau tho fellows
back in ISOO after all.
The ftuztttutays truly every nuo
of it ititr I ry is r pen to the men of ii dtis
try in Arijj no, but he who expeits to
bosk in the fucsbiuo of idleness and
reap a reward of plenty, had tetter
seek a more tuitable field for opcta
In war and in penco the sick and
mortality reroid ot the Unitjd States
iifivy thov.a little ilifferenci. The
surgeon general e.f th navy reports
that the- rati mf ndmission on tliea'ck
list in 1S98, cniLracin-, the operations
id the war, wr.s'J per thousand as
compared v.ith 83S.53pcr thousand In
1892. when puace prevailed.
A man named Bliukcicn went into
a newspaper office nt Behlur..Neli.,tl.e
other day for th" purpoee of wliippir.f
tho flit t. The hitter is in t'.wlircds
of '.he the.-i!:'. but it is thought ti at ho
will be lu'qtii'.u! on tha ploiof eelN
Oim i'.itil is thn Xtiis j 'c. -. All
t'r.p.i. e:iM the British have been
thinking iio was having harvtsters
and stelii pl'.w.-" fhipped into the
Trans.'.jl. Hi) Whisksrs was filling
his forts ;.t'i improved cannon boxed
and 'igijciilturnl nmshiuery."
A Birahanton, S'. Y. man is re
ported to tmvu killed his wife and
himself in order to seo their picture
in tho pipers, end another citizen of
the Empire State committed euicido a
fcrr days ago to prove whether there
i3 anything in spiiitu.ihsm or not. It
isn't likely that either of them is now
thcrou;hly eatisficd with tlio results,
sIor.T ..f Mai
To be bc.ur.d hand and foot far jerr?
by the chains cf distnse is the worst
form of slavery. George 1), of
Manchester, Mich, tells hovvstich a slave
was made free. He says. "My wife has
been so heipliss fer five )cars that she
could not turn over in btd alone. After
usins;tivo bottles of KIcc'ric Bitter?, she
is wonderfully improved and able to do
herownwoik." I his supreme remedy
far female disease; quickly cures ner
vousness slccplfssncss melancholy,
headache, backache, fainting and dizzy
spells. This mincle walking medicine
is a godsend to weak, sickly, run elown
people. Hverv bottle guaranteed. Onlv
;o cents. Sold by the Tombstone Drus
Tills I Your eij.purlimtty.
On receipt of ten cents, or stamp,
Ik ejearons najde will Ik mailed of tha
iivwt jvopniar Catarrh and Hay Fcvev Cvrn
(Ely rir.i l!alai cufficiont to tleaiOA.
gtrato the gr"t merits of the remedy.
lli r.r.oxnr.i'.s,
C J . irr.-j t't.. New York City.
Rev. John Reil. Jr.. of On M TalKMoiit.,
rejoruracuihd July's ("rt-uu I':ni to rv. I
fan cinpl.n-.ize J.i- i tatnui at, "It isn jki.:
tive ciro for ralarrli i; ued as direct eil."
jtev. Traaeii V.'. Vi oil. Pastor Centrull'ret.
Church. II-!ca.-., i'ion',
riy'i CrcaT- Tt.t'::! i (!: oci:nov.lelgil
"nrj for catarrh s.nii coutni; no mercury
&r asyiu;uiii:." n;e- ".' CC cents.
A Complete lino ot fancy toilet eoaj
at Tombstone Pharmacy. tf,