Newspaper Page Text
"WJU. v womb r"7 tfk hi i I I l '.' ! I TOMBSTONE EPITAPH. rUBUSUED EVERY SUNDAY. TEKUS OF SUBSCRIPTIONS: One rear ?3 00 Sis mouths 100 Oarrtnt war reports indicate that a Lopje is about as dangerous a tbiug to m nkcy witti as a bizz saw. "Ootn Paul" did alt hi praying be fore tbe fighting be&au. TliU plan lias certain obvious advantages which people wbo fly to anua hereafter hould not forget. la exchange says the people are protesting against paying the rail road art average of $35,094 annually for each el the 921 postal cart med, whereas for passeogercara the amount it only $10,523. Tbe difference looks like a achsni j to bleed tbe government. While enumerating many of tbe paying miaea Jf Yavapai county, and peintins out tbe conditions which de monstrated their merit, the Piescott Courier wUoly says: "It you want to mine for profit, firt gt the mino then have tho courage to aiak on it. Don't xpect too much from nature at the grass roots. As far as tbii county is cono;rned, every mine that baa been sunk to the depth of 500 leet is toJay a great bonanza. Tbe same can bt truthfully said of tho mines o! every oauuty in tho Territory and as the Silver lielt remarks we have yet to learn of an instance whero deep min ing has proved a failure in Arizona. Hie G.nette closes a foresfel article is tho fullowiug choice words: Tho people of Arizona are just. They love fair play, and aespise a hypocrite. 'o man is perfect and uone ate regarded as such. Above tho puny light o! malice, far beyond the reach of jjalsus gretd, shines th everlasting sun of truth iu whose beams are portrayed tbe duties of men. The faith that caused Peter to follow hid Matter; the love that the Savior bestowed upoa Mary; the eter that lighted tho pathway of Jesus are all livuiE and glowing today in the lr.d. The tciephoin attachment can be used with ai.j double It u of standard make. .:i:atur plictuirrupbtr-. vv ho t xpi c t tci tid.e snap hus"nt the Paris v.po (iticn in lV'o v ill Lave to j ay for the prit ill tri'. A c-lia; ge of 50 ei i.timet. vv ill lit- mime. J'lasl Iipht por.dtr arc cot particu larly (ianpcroiis. v.hcn!nl with care. Do not place them inilara iniildp I'raTurits. however, or laJ-e any li-Jin with tl.uu whatever. 'J hi- f.-.d cf ;hr 'ay ft cms to be fram ing of oi.iV photograph:, in -peiiaI f.-.-.i.ier of M.-iK oal.. A frame manufac turer tidd rifr la&t wik that his Ius.i ner. v.itli ai.niur photographers had frrov.n to be uorniouc, and that prac tically r.!I of it v.r. on the narrow black iaf. or alotsul frames, that set any l!.ik : nil !::. pru.- off btautifully. Vl.te rr'.iriiCrcf.hiBp. ai..' they make r. r--.i -v: !i rriimiicnt out o'a prim :h-: IikiI. ii:i,;niricant wliensiu.ply mount id on a i.srd. TO MIKE OWNERS B.-ing in communication with a number of eastern investors who do fire to purc-iidfeor bonJ desirable cop per and gold prospects of merit, prca ptctor and mine owners vtill do well i lil their n.ini with m, giving full particulars of location, work done, t. rrasitc. Call at my office or send itttciiptinne. Your property may just :i t, ClIAS. W. ItLACKHUfiX, AileuSt. Let. 4th autl4.V.h Tombftone A, T. II J hierl, Phoenix; G A Fitch off. Dillon, Montana; Geo M Hewitt, Tuc ?ou; Edward Grorcr, SK; are at the Xorton Hjtipe. Miss Maude Wnj!i who bt been spending tho Yule-iiJe with rtlatites nt the ecuuty s?at,cam in on this a'ternooia train. ho brings a tister Mrs M. E. Sl.amp, with her. M A Katchldt S F; It C Morgan, Denver ; Ellis Grant, Phcer.ix; Murray L Ley ton, Xew York; Mrs Uartholo men, child and mid, are gusU of the Bess;mer. A local telephone vy-lem is soon to tieinauguratri! here. The -tockhold-crs i!l t i:iiiuly hone piople. The dance of the Cop? r Qieen bin on last evening witi a groat Buccal'. Much credit is duo the com luiltco for its excellent mxnagonent of affairt. Prof. Griftith, the great hypnotist and his company of four people, will be here on tomorrow evening". They will be at tbe Opera homo for four nights commencing D c. 27. J Bisbee, Dec. 22, 1899 corrtEiNos. Christmas service Dec, 21th, 1899, at Library Hall, 11 a. in. Morning prayer, sornion aud Holy Communion. 7:30 p.m. Evening prayer and ser mon. Serviced couducted by Rov. F. S. Eastman and Rev. A. Elliott. At the meeting of tbe St John's Guild last night, preliminery arrange men's for holding a bazaar lor tbe benefit of the Episcopal church was discussed and will doubtless soon be bad. Charles V. Blackburn and Charlei Maiuur are ovtr from Tombstone. They are hero in the interest of the Copper King Co, and arrange for as sessments on the claims ol that com pany bete. Tim Griffith wont to Tombstone to day, Mr Griffith eipects to leave for an extended visit ea-t neit week. If. GrothatiF, wife and daughter ar rived yesterday from Covijgtoo, Ky,, and understood will remain here for some time. Mr Grothaus and family are related to Mr Geisenhofer. Those who are to take part in tbe cake ?alk on Christmas evening, at the dance for tbe benefit of tbe Copper Queen band, are especially requested to give their names to Jas Nichols. It is understood Ex Delegate Mark Smith on behalf of Dan Burgess will present a claim to the Mexican gnvern mont for injuries sustained by Burgess by Mexican officers during the border trouble at Naco in October last. Tbe Orb wat issued In a tinted dress laet night a shortage of white paper accounted for the change. The presentation of the loving cups 1 for Messrs Ben and Lewis William brought out an immense crowd. Ttie presentation remarks ware made by Mr Stillniau wbn in well chosen words echoed the esteem aud respect in which the honored gentlemen were held in tho community, Both Mr Lewis and Ben Williams refponded brtally aud feelingly with full expres s.ons o! gratitude and appreciation of the kind remembrance of tbe people. There will bs a Xmas tree at the Methuditt church Christmas Eve. It will be free for all parents to put suit able presents for tbe little ones. An impromptu program will be rendered. Sisbsk. Dee. 25. 1S99 COPrERINGg. Christmas was passed in the usnal manner here. Vethr perfect and town quiet and orderly-. A large crowd eaw the Williams family off on their epecial last Friday afternoon. Bisbee withes them God speed, The Methodist Church services on last evening embraced a Cbristaia; tree for tbe little folks. Songs and reeita'ious by the children of tbe ounday School proved very interest ing. M. J. Cunningham, wbo hat been to Uermotillo, Mex en mining busi ness has returned. From all account he has struck a valuable mine, tbe location of which it about 45 mile from tho city of Hertnosillo. Prof. Griffith, the great hypnotist. with a, company ol four people, will be seen at tho Opera House for feur evening, commencing Deo. 27th. At horns cards, after January 10th have been sent to the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Graf, whose mar riage occurred on Thursday, Dec. 14. A dance is being given tonight by the members of tho Queen Band. Much preparation hat been made fcr an enjoyable ttme. Bisbee, Dec 26, 1899, CorPEEINOS Hugh Frater, wbo was run over by a cart on Thanksgiving night, it out on crutches. Mitt Jano McHugh who has been waiting her parents at Tombstone during Christmas, returned todar. The skies were overcast today and a proipect of a welcome rain or snow seems probable. The mines have closed down in cluding tbe smeltere, and with the exception of a comparatively small force of mn who are engaged in cleaning up around the works, tbe miners are taking a lay off. The shut down will probably continue for sev eral weeks. It is reported that G. Vf. Hill, for merly of this place, was killed on Christmas eve in tbe Duquetne mines star Nofslsi, 1 liey"Vr&arL'ike Iron COPPER RIVETED OVERALLS SPRING BOTTOM PANTS LEVI STRAUSS & CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, U. S. A I Every Garm-nt Guaranteed. WaasBSk." ' aeatsMarMtseijBBisBrivteiisM OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS Minutes of the Board of Super visors Cochise County Tombstone, Deo. 19, 1699. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment of meeting Dee. 18, at 9 a.m. Minutes ef meeting, Deo, 18th, read and approved. Members present M. C. Benton chairman, pro tern; John Montgom ery Supervisor. Absent Supervisor Barr. Burt Qrover, Constable of Pearoe appeared before tue board answtr cbtrges made by citizens of the town id Pearce for conduct unbecoming an officer. After due conside-ation of the charges made, the board comes to tho conolunion the law does not empower them to remove Burt U rover from office, as there is no statute giving a board of supervisors the jurisdiction to make such removal on thebwdencr furnished. Clerk instructed to mako tax deed for lots 1C and 17 in block 53, for An drew Garrett Bold for taxes amounting to $3 9u in the city of Tombstone. Clerk instructed to make base for Southwest: of Sec 3G, township 14 S. range 25 E. containing 163 acres to J! Biggs. Clerk instructed to make tax dod for ol lot 11, block 31 in the city of Tombstone to P. B. Warnekros upon payment of delinquent taxes and pet alties now due upon said lot. Application of S. S.CoUmin f .r tax deed 'or J ol See. 28, Township 20, Range 20, containing 1G0 acre, 10 horses 20 head of cattle in ulptinr Spring Valley and deeded to the t r ntory for the delinquent taxes of the year 1897 amounting to $'24,5S. Granted. Clerk instructed to make tax te B. S. Coleman upon the pay ment of said taxes with costs and pen alties now due on the earn?. Clerk instructed to make tax deed for lot 4, block 32, in city ol Tomb stone for Geo Tkiel upon the pay ment of the taxes for the year 189S amounting to 11.47. 12 m Board stands at recess to p. m 2p. m adjourn- Board met persuant to raent. Sarre members present. Affidavit of Amos Marion making statement that be was acsessed in tbe present year for more cattle than be owned was read, Request that the number nf oattle be reduced was de nied. The board having no power lo act as a board ef equalization at tbii time, having completed its labors as a board of equalization in tbe time specified bylaw. It is hereby ordered that tbe treas urer deduct from the assessment of W A Fiege the 100 head cf cattle assessed to him ; said assessment being tnide by mictake, and collect the taxes for the remainder of the assessment on pro perty of W. A. Fiege, Treasurer to mark opposite the uamo of A. Vindola, widow, as she has no property taxable on the assessment roll. Communications from T. 3. Web ster of Benson, bearing dates of Nov. 17, Dee. 4 and Dec. 11 relating to tbo purchase of a town 1st in the town of Benson for the branch jail, were read. Clerk instructed to send a copy of fol lowing latter to F. S. Webster in reply. Tombstone, Dee., 19, '99. F. 8. Webster, Esq. Kepi j tag to your letters Of recent date relative to ttis title to tbe ground upon which the Benton jail was built, tbe board of supervisors has to say that they under stood before the construction ol tbe jail building on that land that tbn lands were eilhersold or given to the county if tbe county would build such branch jail, aod the county complied with such agreement and has ever since (over 12 years now) been in ex clusive possession of the same, claim- i ing to own tbe earns, asserting title thereto and without remonttranoe or objection from anyone Therefore acting for the county alone the board considers it beyond the scopo of its powers or duty at this I alo date to re cognize any rlaim to said property by any corporation or person whomso ever. Communication from J. A. McCor mick in relation to being assessed for property he did not own wae read. Clerk instructed to write J. A. McCor mick for information relative to tbe ownership of said property and who bo sold it to. The assessmsnt to stand until such information is pre sented to tue board. Communication fromC. M, Hooker read relative to assessment. Treas urer inetruoted to strike from the as ssssueut of C. M. Hooker the cattle assessed to C, M. Hooker as said as sessment was made by mistake, and o collect tbe tax on the balanco of as sessed property to C. M. Hooker. At 5 p. m. Board stands us'journ ed to Deo. 20 at 10 a. in. W. C, Beaton FitANK Haks, Chairman Pro tern Clerk. Jamks F. Dujcak, Ddputy Clerk. TALES OF TABBIES. A Macon (Mo.) cat reared six young squirrels A litter of foxes is cared for by a Heading (Pa.) tabby. A cat knoun to be over 2S years old died at Tyro, Kan., theotherday. Thirteen Brooklyn cats quarreled and fought until all but one w ere dead. A Philadelphia man ounh a cat that he claims has killed ",100 mice during its lifetime. In a mine near Butte, Mont., liie hun dreds of cats that hate never teen the light of day. Twenty years ago a cat race was held at Lancaster, Ky., in which there were 305 entries. In Maine last year 6,400 Angora cats were raited. Some of the best of them w ere sold for $50 each. Margaret King, a New York woman, while intoxicated cut a kitten into pieces w ith a pair of shear? . Sebastian, a big black cat owned by a Cumberland (Md.) woman, wears a diamond earring in eicn ear. Three kittens were born high up in the air in an abandoned bird's nest in the crotch of a tree in Flushing, N. Y. Twehe black cats were put in a New York cold storage warehouse. At the end of siv months their hair had turned white. Whenever a black cat passes a Hindoo sentry at Hombay lie gravely taluKi it in military style. This is because of :i superstition which leads him to believe that the cat contains the soul of a Itrit ish oflicer. WEATHER SUPERSTITIONS. A gale moderating at sunset will in crease before midnight, but if it mod erates after midnight the weather will improve. There is an old saying originated, perhaps, for the benefit of school chil dren that there is only one Saturday in the yiar without sun during some portion of the day. Friday 'b weather show r what may be expected on the following Sunday; that is, if it rains on Friday coon, then it will rain on Sunday , but if Friday be clear then Sunday will be fine as well. The 12 days immediately following Christmas denote the weather for the coming 12 months, one dny forn month; the first snowstorm indicates the num ber of snowstorms the winter will bring. For example, if the first snow- torm comes on November 29 look out then for 2'J snowstorms. Thunder on Sunday Is considered by the wise men the sign of the death of a great man; on Monday, the death of a woman; on Tuesday, if in the early summer, it foretells an abundance of grain; on Wednesday, warfare is threat ened; on Thursday, an abundance of sheep and corn the farmer may reckon upon; on Friday, some great man will be murdered; on Saturday, a general pestilence and great mortality. ELECTRIC SPARKS. Experts figure out that a telephone line across the Atlantic, even if it could be built, would not pay unless patrons were charged seven dollars a minute. Germany is being aroused by a furore of railroad building, mostly electricnl. In the month of June 330 railroads were projected. The Germans are ahead of the English in electrical equipping. The farmers and fruit growers of California are already seizing the od tagea electricity affords and are al ready broadening their opportunities in view of the industrial revolution that this agency guarantees. It may be interesting to those fond of figures to state that there were in use on January 1 this year l.lja.iOO miles of telephone rt. and that the entire cost of construction of the Bell telephone system was over $111,000,000. The mine owners of the Pacific coast have awakened to the enormous advan tages of electric power in mining and leaders among them say no one can yet estimate the changes in gold and silver mining that will follow the Introduction of electricity In that Indnttrv. In all of tbe towns of the Philipines Islands which ore under American control any native who tray bo found out of doors after S :30 p, m. without a pen is fined $3. MRS- C. LOUDON, PROP Fremont Street, Between Sixth and Seventh Shady Grounds, Large, Clean and Well Ventilated Rooms. MR. GREENS' STATEMENT History of the Ctibre (J ran tie and Its Phases. Nogalei, Arizona, Deo. IS, 1899. la reference to tbe fight which has been on for some time iu relation to tho Cobra Cruude iu Mexico, a little light upon the trne facts of tha ease may be of interest to your readers. The Cobre Grande Company was or ganized to work the property under a bond held by George Mitchell from W. C.Green, given in Kovernb-r '93, lor tbe sum of two hundred aid fifty thousand dollars. Upon this bond Ave per eeatof tbe imruhase money was paid Mr. Mitchell, u 1 that has beeu tbe only money paid on the bond to this day. The bond contains a clause that in default i t any pay ment mentioned, therein, shou'd work immediate forfeiture of all rights held by Mitchell. Kour payment were passed over before Green do clared tbe bond void u ider the for.'tit clause. The company of Cotslls, gutted the mine of all rich ore po-si-blt, having shipped therefrom buf jra Green retook pos'esiion, over three hundred thousand dollars in copper. Tboy rclusing to mike any account ing or payment for bulli u alupped. At present there are two boards o! directors of the Cobra G.anle Com pany, each olaimia; to bs the only legitimate board. A receiver will bo appointed to wind up the afTur o! the company, the principal asJ9t of which is a claim aainH J. II. Cos telloof abaut Jlll.COJ for stock soli him from the treasury aud for the bul lion shipped under i.ii management. I he active members of tho Coitsllo b ard, J. H. Woods, and A. Melgarrjo, own respectively five shares and fifty hares of stock in the Cobre Grande Company, and of course bava every thing to gain and nothing to loss by i-lungiog the company into litigation. Signed W. C. Gi.EE.s-. We know of a rooster in town that is so tkq ient, to learned, to exquisite and with such a lurdly strut that small children may have, mistaken lim for their lord and master. Such as he are opposed lo seeing their names in print, Wc dou't blame him as nothing oau bs said ol sueh "feller." but will in the end dirty thj cslumns ol any paper When the time eo-nes for the public. goi we will speak oar piece. no it Raffertt In Tombstone, Deo 28, to tbe wife ol tfso RafTerty a son. Keixy In Tomlstooe Dsc. 2K, to the wife of John Kelly a dsuhte.- Statk of Ohio, Cityo Toledo, i Lucas County. J " Frank J. Cheyney makes oath that ne is tbe senior partner of tho firm of F. J. Cheyney it Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, county and state aforesaid, and that said firm wilt pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED COL LARS for each and every case ol Catarrh that cannot bo cured hv th use of Hall's CaUrrh Cure. FRANK J. CHEYNEY. Sworn to before me and subscribe my presence, this 6th day ol Decern er, U88. -' bsut A. W. GLASON. Notsry lulli Hall's Catarrh Cure is takm inter nally anil acts directlv on the hark and mucus surfaces of tha nvitpm osna or testimonial tree. F. J. CHENEY &. CO., Tt-ledo, $100: REWARD Will be paid by me, to any pirson o persons, who will furnish evidence that will lead to the arrest and conviction of any person or persons who entered the Conyr ranch house, about July or August, 1S9S, and stole one new set of harness. And again on about July 10th this year, and stole provisions and bed ding. Ecv.ini p. a. Larrifu. Fairbank, Arts, TOMBSTONE, ARI70NA I'rim Tuesday' Duilv: Don't forg-t the Fireman's ball on Monday, New Years nibt. Chrintmas, the most cherished nf days, was duly celebrated in Tomb stone. 1 m m m Tbi Sunday school children will have their Christmas party tonight a Miniug Ezohange hall. Miss Jane Moilugh who spent Christmas here with her parents re turned to tbe copper camp this morn ing. Miss Maud Walsh and Mrs M E. Suamp spent Christmas with their ister, Mrs A. R. E iglish aud returu ed to Bisbee today. Meltar Osborn and .Samuel Bigler are Tombstone visitors from the vi cinity of Rui'telvill". They are liore to look afur asse-sm-nt work on some mines iu this district. A drunken Mexican who was sus piciously regarded a-t a fire G-ind was takon to the city cooling tanks this morning. Liter he wt givsn one hour to leave town aud he left with alacrity, Thelerp8ichorean Club, Cluiftmaa danca last niht wat well attended and a good time had. Tho club is a prominent factor in the social make up of Tombstone and their dances are always popular events. Our citizens have become aroused and thoroughly indignant at the operations of the firo fi-nd who is ply ing his nefarious work se industriously the past few week. Should this fiend be caught it is safe to say be J would dangle at the end of a piece of hemp in short order. Aeeayiug for gold, silver and copper 25 cts each mineral. Mailing enve lopes free. McRill and Harper, Col orado Sp-inga, Co'o. tf After Scarlet Fever Discharges from the Ears Cured Headaches Ended Strong an-I Healthy Since Taking Hood's. " My wito and daughter have been mD.S benefited by Hood's Sarsaparilla. It haa cured my daughter of discharges from her ears brought on by scarlet fever. My wife has found Hood's Sarsaparilla a great help at the critical period of her life." William Pearson, Louisville, Col. "Last winter and spring I was troubled with headache a boat two days every week and sort" the time I was hardly able to be h CI. I n 1 advised to take Hood's Si'Hi.panti aoc; alter taking three bottles tbe headaenca ceased." JIks. ElULY Bohl, Villa Park, Colorado. " 1 was n dcllc&te health but since tak ing Hocd's Sarsaparilla I am strong and healthy. Hood's Sarsaparilla is tho best medicine for tho blood I ever tried." Miss Geetie Bloom, Russell Gulch, CoL UaasJV Sarsa nOOCl S parilla Is the Best In fact the One True Wood run tier. l-f,,s r:ii eure nausea, Indicesttea. MOOdS PlllS biliousness. J-rtcaasc Caution INotice. I A LL PERSONS are hereby warned against ( XE- t"-yinc leasing, or in aar way sweiinu to I ob;a.n anr rieht. title, icterct or rnntml of any certain mining claims in the Huichuca afountains recently attempted ii be located bf I. II. Tippe.t and R. V. aJunton. Mid at tempted locations are called "Summit" and Monarch.- respectively, and attempts to ap propriate the mmine; ground under the locations long aid well known as the OUTLOOK and OUJUXM. EXTENSION, situated near the summit of the middle peak of the range between the head of Ramsey and Maple Canyons, which claims were not open lor locatian at the date o Said attemnted annronrLatian bv 1L111I I II Tin. rut. J D IT Tl . Furthermore, all woik done on Said ground of the OUTLOOK aad OUTLOOK EXTEN. SION by said parties aforesaia. is heiebr claimed and the same will be for the benefit of said OUTLOOK and OTTLOOK EXTEN SION mining claims, the property of tbe un. derugned, J. W. STUMP CO. The California College of Dental Surgery no ODcn far tti3nfc n,r.e- -,'ci,:.. .. -- v.n, nuutrr U CI) er will apply to S W. Dennis, M.D.. U.D.S , J 1 J. " c ""Ke. vor, i-armn and Ms Al "J""''"-. ?.r A. D. Gleavts. D D. S, Parroit Bailding. ban Francisco. 'life.;, cj -.. aoBounetae&t. ' A. V. NOYES. P O AadrtiS i airbai't Ranji .S FtilQ connected, !fi Ma Alia cattle left aMa horses left tip A. G. CURRY. P. O. Address r'airtatt, Rinee Upper Saa Paaia, Other brands C. b. ROBERTSON r.o AdMM- Pearct. Rangt Dra. goaa Mil TIIOS. HABERSTOCK. V O Tombstoca Horse Lrand l iJ&&Mtf cs sEl Karge Ritab;urr.el , t Horse brand sis eu cut s J. N. ClIKISTI-kNTON. I O St Qatid Range Saa Prdia SCOW & NKW.LL PovtoSice Dot cabci.i Aril kine.t Dos Cabezas MtJ and bubhur bpntf Va'ley W.M CO'VAN P O Tonbstcie Kane. Iiraooa M3 VH HASSEI.GREEN Postorkce Torahs'.os Range bin Pedro SAMUEL STAUNTON P O Addreu, Beciat Range, baa feat BENNETT BROS Pus! cc -o-dress Toaibttn. Range Srk Past. K. F. SCHUSTER P. O. Address Tombatott Raage- ToMbitoaa at Dragoon Uti. GUS bOBF.REY. P. O, Address. Tombstone. Range. ."uTpkar Spnng valley AUo own HT brand. left tide. HENRY PYEATr. P. O. Address Bisbee. Range "-Wcrdl AltoOsa an. Qltftslds Abo Q brand left side. VII IGO 1' O Address Ft If as cnuca. Range West Has aH chaca Horse Brand Stasia et- aHBaavatVall-tessuKf Hfc Bl IIW& X3L .SSL IS mm 4 V r f .1