Newspaper Page Text
fr. x'nii: 12LXr.T.AJLl.l outhstottc VEEkLV Tommtoxi Eriraru X every Sundl) ll. pie aU i aad ill be ent to n ail lor IA.H11' ontliH lor tfl KXJIVDVY E13ITXOIV $j p-R rcA. I pji'ished eiery Sunday, aid con tain all ike net- of tv.e eeicai it ap. peaii in the Duly esxpS'.Toz. -Five CentH n Cojy -'-iii, rs-- TOMBSTONE COCHISE COUNTY ARIZONA SUNDAY. JANUARY VOL. XVI tsco. No l4i .,. nj5g ! fpttrtpl). P.ISI'.EE JOTTl . ' Bl-iita, Jan. :, 1!W0, COITFLINCJ - are on Hit verge e( m'ji f Ta repairs on the Copper Qaeen sme'.!,i ii rapidly progresticg. Miss Ntllie Hughes it visiting hei eiur Mr. Joseph McPherton. in Tombstone. Eihe Turkgy Track company expect " to nttkc a shipment of cattle from , Naco timirrow. t Jame Fai,an was arrealeJ here I yesterday afurnoon on receipt ! a telegram from tbe thar-l of Pirn inty He is wsntsJ on a cbargt of tr lelanr. t A telegram from Ball'. Montana, announces tbe tad newt of tbe death of EI. Parrowal that place. He wii employed in one of the mines there , anJ was caught in a cave.bsdlv erusb- lnghltn.frotn the eStct ol wbieb btt !ied I'arrow left llnbee about aiz months ag. Iff leavei a young widow in llutte and a father aad brother hero. Taul !! 11, editor "ad proprietor of t'.e (iraph.e, pullsliad at Pbo.'aix, is I . i B b-s in the iotri of bii ei c ! eut j i-nil. The Graphic H Gil mi: !- felt waat in Arizjas. Ihe n Ivastage and r:toices of the dif ferent cujn.ies a- advertiseJ rnj liiutrateJ by excellent liew-. Tbe Q.apluc and its prccrietor bare our mil ej 'or s.i:c:ji. Euhie, Jan. a, 1900." COIMKIXCI. !! 1" Graham wsat ta tha county i today on a flung buuncs trip. Paul Hull of ihe Arizona Graphic ww an outgoing psenger far Tomb stone today. A W Hoie o! tbo Urb, left this morning tor To-u'istoae. It i: thought tbftt the smelter will be started i-p ah.ut February firet. Hank ruriell I: bting urgtd ai a canililtts (or road ove.-::r of tbit district. Quitea numbtrofdruiumtri arrived on tbe train today. Tbe Vniibla of the grip Mod Bistee a dam-able Ttiit in; placa. TIi-'" ii considerable rinin activi ty la '. s n'ountaim surrounding Bia b'o en ;.ropertiei ownad by niinari r.nd protpretors and tb dsTalopnieEt U ahening up tome jxcellent eopptr lepo'it'. Somn of taejt minti may open up into bonanza aid there are in any favorable indi-aticna pcinticg to that end. H T. Hende'.on, a wpil known projpector. brought intsome fin ing tp'.oimena of ore tprn a dia oma tine look- ncsTery rtr.ntly made in Soijr. Tbe or shows plent of free laid and the ihr lucky owner i gettingUady tc make' tome ebipmentr. A large Bull enake wai aten on Main alreet today and promptly dij patched. Real enakea are eeirce Is Bubev, but the irlificit. or tmaginnry kind can be manufactirel in abxn dance if you fellow the old rule. Several eocial bopa (re planned far an early date by tbe aiiurement lv iog you n jr. peosle. Biabco ii Terr ?aLijiug tbeae daya. At a ceaseqm r thgre ia not much ccurtneai, LM Blake, a pro ant citizen of tvPbpo, it a Bub-e i.itor. Us ia ftiiistca in aoms -e. eitate here and is oa a tDur of lr. actlen. Geo. etrurr.m, a i rcbetman, wae killed this evening at iba Holbrook between the JW acl iOO levela. It eeomi that be was e aed la placing timbers in a drift w ,:a by eome an fortunate mi'chic'a heaTy piece of timber accsmpacie. It a ajuantily of dirt and rock, fell i t him. Hie in juries produced im t death, a clean cut on the left tern - teeming to bj tbe fatal burt. OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS Minutes f tke Bard of Super Yiiora Csckike Countr TMbtBt, Dac. 27,1S Beaia aaat unuamt toadjlura- mantaf mlitDM.S;,ll a. Uerabera pra nl M 0. chairaaau, pra-tem; Joko Jlontfeoa rr 'Supervisor. A Want tinawnJaOT Barr. Mi'uuUa cLmMtiQX, Ut,21i4, ra4 and aaprord. BoarJ doairprtd tHe 4hmt with row tine work t zaesimtng Villf au at 12 ra. atandi at rmti U t f. m. At 2 p. in, Board met airinaat t adjournraeat for rroeai, laas roem bara preaant. Board oraupiaJ lb tiro a with rou tine work eiaminiaf Willa aa at :1S p, m. Board atasda adjsurnad W Dec SStb 18y ala. m. V. 0. BiiTor, I'nu Uibi, Chairman. raU. Clark, Jams ', l)B5Ci, pty Clark. ToMBtTODK, Dee. it, 1(9. Board ja-t puriuaut to adjournment ol meetinK U'. 37, 1890 at 10 a. m. Membera preaenl M. C. Banian, chairman prottm, Superviaora John Montgomery Minutaa of ratatiag Do, 7, read and approved Board oecuaiai tb( time with rou tine work eaaaainiaj eoaaly oScin raaorti. At 12 m. board itaaali at reeeia t 3 p.i. At 2 p. ro. board astt periuaat to adjournment far rwtaai. Same mam bara praitat. Board aooupiad tbe time with rou tine work eiamiolcf and checking cp liaeaie report of the Mhanff. At p. m. board atandi aJjouraad to Dec, 29 1SS3 at 19 a. in. U. 0. Bsxtux, l fiivi UattE, Chairman pro tern. Clerk, JlUKS F. I)SCi!f, Diputy Clark. TcMBrrcic Dee. 29. Beard met pariuaal to ajjiuru mant of Meeting Dee, Itlh at 19 a. m Meaabera preieat II. C. BanUn. chairman pro tern; 8apviori, John Montgomery, Minulaa of Meetiif I'm. ?S read and approved. Beard oceupied the time with ru tiae werk eiaanlniag ceuaty effioeri reporta. At IS at. board iUdii at reeen to i p. m. At 2 p. ra. board aaat perauant to adjournment Jor reeaia. Same mem ber! preient. Bjard occupied the time with ru t:ne work examining county ecara "l"" """" ai -a p. oi. vuini abaaca aajeuxaeu to 1 a. in. December 20th ll. U. 0. Bbjtos. FiaNcHaxa. Chairaaaa. pro Urn. Clerk. JaafXI T. tCICa, Deputy Clark. Tokhtom, m. St. lt. Board met pretuaat to aeljaara meat oi metting Dee 10 a. at. Members ravsat My. O. Beatea ebairatan pra teor anel Bapsrviaor John MoQlgoniery, Minutes of meeting S;e, 22, read and approved. The Board c! Supervisors and the Dittriat Attorney elalj rxsminsd tbe account at County Treasurer and Tax collector and eouatid tbs zaonsy oa band, They also sxamine I all ac counts books and tiper of otasr eouuly oBaeers. Tbs Board auaiUd and allowei tbs following kills: X Y Jfoyes rsperl xaasiosd of r jad work and ton ad correct, bill a' loweel :..... ..f H 75 i John Montgomery, aslary flap- errlier, apa.avsi by Pro- bate judge....- -.. . H C Beaten, salary Supervis ors, apprsved by Ptota'.s JUugS. f.,.. Jebn Gahl, Janitor sourl house 4th .uarterlll9.. ' . 'A H Xmanusl, salary Clerk But'seuVl, ath usr' 1199 Jaaaes F Baccaa, salary. Clerk Beard ol Suparvsri. th SO V0 ISO vt sa n auarurllir I..;....:..'. IM 0 Fraak BUrt, atbtry S.srder tbasuaax-Ut ". 3T X Wealwcrlb, aalary Treas- , ursxaib-taamxJa....-4 WFJstadlejr, -salary Pxohaia jt4slsAth.4iiattoxl.. i2WfJ'i pVwgraae bofora 4 iifiUtf Km BUabis, aaiary .Jailar Atb quarter lt9 Cm Bravia.-ealery Jail Unarat stb ejusrler 1IW 22 t Sid Mullen, salary Jail Uusrd th a,nartsr 189 Hi ) At 13 at. beard sisal's adjourned to 2 a. at. Board met preeueci te adjsato Btut at 2 r. M. ante naenibsrs prsesat, This being tha day and ths)hauTJM jMriatsd Wt the Board af BapervUors at a ataetinf held by the baard n Dee Mr !! la SU' vaaaaey ia'UtaJ sard by tbe abaeaea lit I Barr. Tbe members constituting the ap pointing board consisting of Supervia ers John Montgomery and M C Ben ton, chairman pro tern and W F Brad ley, Probate judge of Cochite county all being preient. The fuI!oing petitions were presented and read with the names oa each petition. Tboaaaa Allair 35aignars. Hugh E Conlon, 22 signers. William Biggs 21signere W C Land 53 aigoora. Tbe aaijtion af William Biggs sot having the reqaired oaaaber of s:gna tureo M called for by law was not con alderad. On notion of W F Bradley. Probate judge sosoadod by Saaotviaax Jeha Montgomery that the appointing of a Supervisor be postponsd to January 2nd I960. Yoting aye, Y F Bradley Proba'.c judge. Yoting no, Supervitars John Mont gomery and if. C. Benton tbe ruction was lost. Xeminalion being in ordar the le' lowing Darned parsons were nominat ed. Thoaias Allaire was alaced ia nam iastion by VT F Bradley, eooeodod by John Manlgsmery. Hugh T. Caalon was plaaed la noal. loatioa by M 0 Beatoa sececdad by Joba MeatgomorTt Tbo vote hoiog oast viva veieo resulted as follsav These voting for Thome Allaire W T Bradlsy and Jobn Mantgwmsry. Thte veling far Hugh Oou'.sn M. 0 Benton. Tboaiaa Allaire having received tbe majority of otoe oast be was duly de clared elected to mi tbo vacancy ei Isliag in tbo Board ol Supervisors, Clerk was intimated to notify Thomas Allaire of his appeiatmeat and to file the required bo-d within the time allowed by lbs statute. Beporl of John S Morrill Bead overseer, Marcus Head Distriet ex. aaaiaod aad checked up and feuaa la bo oorrnot. Bill for oorvUsf perform ed, allowed 7.. M. C, BeaUa riiSK Hasi, ChalrsetVFro Uat Clark. Jimbs T, Dcnciv, u Dsputy Clsrk. - ' fke tateat X Bay laveattaf .. Is the En'doscODC which ia far the nur- poe of exaTninfnjr; the interior of stom ach, i t is claimed, that with this instru ment, tbe treatment of stomach troubles will be revolutionized, as it locates tbe t caute of disease. With due. respect to science, however, would istate that the causes cf stomach troubles have beenH known for the past fifty years, and .like wise their cure, which isHasteltor's Stomach Bitters, a medicine that has inir.y imitators, but no equals. It cores ds'pepsia. indijestion.YiJoasoesi, insom nia. It also .prevents malaria; fever and ague; and keeps the bowels regalor. When not feeling right take a dose. It is the standard medicine of the Ameri can people. Look for Private Revenue Stamp orer neck of bottle. - H 6 Ward of the Word Hardware ) CoLos Angela, is a Bitbe. visitor. ANOTUfcR INCENDIARY Ttiabstoue Visited bv Another Blaze Last Night. Yst ws bars had anetbsr Are. Lai algbt about 1 a. m. that dreaded sound, tbo Ireltcll, olaageo0 f6rth 'its foareotao oeiso Jlaar ' 'llj WaJm- biHsMuge ; ir itWnons eraor of Allen and Stb trcraf7er naerly ooempiod by Tna" AtobieoVs tin Shop, -was ia Baanet. Tbo lr wao naada. Tbo nigKI ao ejulet, so tllll, hot breal'ji of air araviag. Trod Cutevato witb aistol shots aroutod oar sle'eying pecyle ia less tisna than ens so aid. ooant twenty. Tbo tlaoglyg of' beils aad gun abate, tbe wbir of hbMoarts, made kuewn that our fire brigado was at its work. The ire was oat at by magic, but sot hsfore Ihe building had, bean oontnnied. This corner has btoa unoccupied lor acre thai a year aad itemed to offer iadaeaec-aU to Ihe Head beset an dea trey ing oar property and probably they have an object plunder. Shall we submit KSorts haro ben mad. to .'orret out the rascals who to o'ten started diet ia tbo vacant builJii.cs of our city We say to the people of the oity every mothsra sou rcuat be on the alert. Our county precinct ofh oera must b on thtir gusrd, or Tic mutt supioaly (tare es the firoy deviH ply their belltih oalllag. Let's all make an crforl. Tbe rire scorched th saloon build ing known as tbe Wine Huuir, owoed by Cbas. Labrotis, acd dam aged tha furniture badly. Tbo est of the properly originally was ia the thousands. Tbe heevisr lots falls ao Jobn Ely who owned tbe eoraer prop erly destroyed bf tbo & COUNTY CONTRACTS The Award to Successful Bidders. lbs Beard ol Supsrvitors this after noon awarded bids for county supplies for the ensuing seal year. Contract for aire of hospital pa tioats was awarded to Br Waller at rate of f 1.10 per day per patint. Feeding priaonsrc to John Hennln- ger, ToaahatoaeSOceata per meal. Feeding pritonara Bitbee lo O W Oeieenbofor 23 centa per meal. Burying indigent dead, Tombitono to Sam Watt, f 23 per burial, B urying indigent Bilbao to B F Graham, f 17.M. Couaty advertising was awarded lbs PioaricroB and job work divided between tbo PioarccTOS and llange New. THE TROUBLE NOW Many Things Stored Away io the New laoYatino ' Aa oxebaage haa Ihcfellowlng In regard ta tha bustle coming back into stylo; "When the daily .toll tie over, aad Iho sun is going down, you ars ready than to read tho,ncwa that's go ing on in town. Ii j pu miia Iba daily paper, bera'a a" hint, 'twill make jou. smile; perhaps, yoq'il find ito'n your daughter, for tbe bustle's back inatvle. When you vrasb your face in soipaud sud you're looking' for a towel, Jthila tho soap ia getting ia your eyes, you start to swear acd hnwl; wipe your faoo upon your sleeve and remember all tbo while that lb towl is bard to locale slnee tbo bustle's book in atyle. Kow, there's no use getting angry ana it does uo god to swear. If your Sunday shirt is ruisting and you'vs nothing clean to wear, try your hard est to look pleasant, do your boat to swear a smile, and remember wbsa you naisa tbiags, that Iba buitle'e bask In style," - oi Thursday's i'jju. Min Nellie Hughea it the g"'' of her sister. Mrs. Josspu McPberton. J L Hunter wae killed in a KJgalts gambling home by Constable Young Saturday night. According to 'he Mar th firtt pub lioscbooT ia'Arizsaa waa eatablithed atTuraoa in U7. Paul Hull that aaalable affable knigh; of tbe ajuill representing that bright, literery gem, tbo Arizona Graphic, nsado us a pleasant call. Paul long may you wave. Hon. tteo. H. Maxwell, tbo great irrigation lawyer of California, was in Phoenix last week and ad I retted tbo people of tho Halt lliver valley upon the question of National Irrigation. Mr. Maxwell is thoroughly convereant with his subject. Hia remarks were published in the -:ette and a peru sal shows ho made a strong and tell ing argument against the ceding af arid lands and presenting a plan far the government storage of the d ud waters of the Territory. Ir.-igttion I is a matter of vital i-nportansa to Vrizon and t'le tiai-'y remarks of the eminent geatleai-n cannot but be of sunt bc-nefW in th adrabc.n of'd eauji. Lut evcninij a quiet wedding took plc t the M-lhodjt church uarioa ac.p, Kev. J. II. Henry othtiitin; Tbe contracting partien were Jtr. C. L. Cummingt ar.d Mit Ida PaJiieM of Tonili(one. Mr. Cummicgs it a well I n i) r n stockman of Cochiae county auJ a large owner of Tomb stone teal estate. Tho bride who for merly reiiJeJ in Los Angelee and ba teco one of the principal teachers in the Tombilone publ.c school, is a eliarmiog and aecompliihel lady. After tbo ceremony an elegant ban quet was served to the bridal party at tUe Buff.t. Those preient betides th; orida and groom were Mr. and Mrt. II I). Underwood. Kirt Har Mr. and rs. A W. Smith. Mitt Ilestie Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Nat Hawke. The lajt six named are former Tombstone people. Mr. aud Mrs C aaimingt will remain here several days. Tuctoc Star. Tbe principals in tha above mar riage are well known Tombatoae mi-1 dents. Tbo groom Is well and favor- I ably known, seiag an exemplary and successful business man hsre, having represented Cochite County iu Ihe Iegiilature and is at pressnt a member af tbs city council. The bride it our efficient public school teacher and one of the highly eslecmid and respected young ladies of our city. 1 he eeuple have a heit of fritads in Tombstone and the heartiest congratulations and best wishes of all for continued happi ness and prosperity it theirs. May never a ripple mar their happiness and the richest bleeiings ever crowa the union. Tbe couplo will mac rooibttoue tbsir home and expected thay will returJ here Saturday. Phoerjix'e rialittie atage marager iaciJent grows worse the further it travels. The Auitia Statesmen says; Thecalx, Ariz, baa rome lo tha front with an aetire ongjgement of the Three Musketeer," t'omi of tbe audience notoxactly liking the action of tbo villain preeeeded ta open Cre en him with ball cartriJgos. entailing a ttampede not only amort; the audi enco but oa tbo stage an well." The audieuce did no shooting; but thi realittie itaje manager loaded the actors' pistols with genuine bullete. The Ijoi Angelee Times has a scheme for settling the dijcussion as to America's national tl mcr. It says: "It would seem to be in order for tha United States to transplant tbe troo wbish grows on the Istbmas of Te huantapec, and adapt its flawer aa the national floral emblem of tbe United b'tates. This remarkable tree it said to boar bloeeems which ars red in the morning, white at noon and blue at night, aad if tho troo is a reality, and not a myth, it is tho very 'hiag ws have bitn looking for." FIR.i FlENDb AUKUAU ucson Also Has a Firebug Vigilance Committee Tucioo. like pestered with firabugt and the citizens of the old pueblo are aroaied. A vigilance comniittea hat beoa organizod there and it nclghl be well f-r Tombitono to do likewise, although our people aro of oao unit as to ths punishment that wouM be-maUd otis ia tha tira hersrlf eetigrit. Tho Star says thai there have been vigilance commitio-i rgauija.1 in Tucson in past to mate punishment to irresponsible parties. They have accomplished much good. There appoare to be another lika or gaeixation which same into existence. It means boiiaen and wne betide the violators of the law who coma within its power. There will be summary punishment. Tha individual who will fire one toaii andangera tha whole sit. The viilation of one law from a spirit of rtvsnga, plundtr or malice, is a ianaae to every wonitu, child and eitizen of the city. Such individuals are as diUgarous as iiinl mcu. They are a much to ba feared ai the lunatic who hrandithes t'i brand of destruction. They ar iarnpj that viil incs is a-vsko ar.d that (unibmeiit will bs without cere mony nlieu guilt it fastened without doubt. Ia next week's Yidette will appear an aTliele si(jned by tho fecrelary of tbe treasury department, atating that H. Ik. Chenoweth had hefn acquittel oa every charge pref-irrel aginst him by his enemies in Arizona. This w,ll bo interesting reading for the persons who have belitveil the many state ments mvlebr Mr. Chenoweth's ene mies to toe contrary. Videlte. FOR ARIZONIANS I'easion?, Patents and INi.-t-ast-rs. A Washington dispatch says pen sions have been grantei as tollows: Arizona Original Andrew M. Heath, Columbia, jS; Lapslsy H. Witter, Coraville, $12; David J Dues, Congrtar, G. Increase Gsorge IJwiu, WiUinmr, 3 to S!0; R.bert P. .MaAulitTe, Phoenix, ?7 lo 3. Polenta have been granted as fol lows : Martin H. Jones of Kogaler, holder for tickets. Crittenden J. Beauvais of Phoenix, violin kty. Charles M. Hustad of Prsscott, dis pensing can for liquids. Tke poitorfice at Meta will become an International money order oSice on Januarys, and on the same dato tbe pjttofite at Cline and Stanton will become domas'ic rajajy ordjr offices- Iiicbard S. Housjof Oklahomi his been appointed a blacksmith at ths Phoenix Indian School. Miss Jcuiee A. Hunt of Pasadena, Cat., has been appointed asloyd teach er at the Phoenix Iodian school. A SURE CURE FOR CROUP Twenty-five. Years' Cor.tant Use With ojt a Failure The firsMndiratiort of croup is hoarse ness.and in a child subject to that dis ease rt may Me taken as a sure sign of the approach of an attack. Following this hoarseness is a pecuharrout;h cough. , If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is i givea'as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after tbe croupy cough appears, it will prevent the astack. Itjis used in many thousands "cf homes in this broad land and 'never idisippoints the anxicus mothers. We liaie et to learn of a single instance in which it his not proied effectual. No other prepara tion can show such a record twenty-five years' contant sie without a failure. For sal; by tbe Tombstone Drug S:orc- Tbo local ordar of Odd Fellows will hare a "Smoker" tonight at their hall Too total oiip-e f the sun in 1900 comes twnitt tcfore Memorial Uv, No A'otider pter is c-irc. and ia creeaing in pneo. The bi Kew Year pajiers uee.l up t.oojtp'itcf ecte'at paj-cr tnilN T r Yuma Sontecu iua dtliiria himself as follows: " Tills is irideid a land where gray inter hai fair sum mer wed and milling ej ring is the child of the ncion." Judje I!ir.TM of Ti3on !t is re ported, has- eleanod np somethiair like oao hunJroJ thousald dollars d irii; the pat yar frj u the sala of minei in naich tu na intvretcd. We mautiji thii with nj iutjatioi of discouraging olhjr aviriati for a enatorship fr m Ariziai Ijlletin. Tha Star aplv remarks- The 3Te? Year was utiertil in uudvr rauened promise for Arizjna's csntiiued pros perity. This prosperity will te en haooed or retarded in a greater or less degree in the ratio if the people ej opsraU for or against the interest of tlie general welrare. It v.ould ba will if all wo 'Id forget thtir own porional mtret orcasi-inHlIy, c'ur' i; tho year, an 1 c jnsi lr the Keneril sopii. w3Uld Lo tu jre event) bilanced resj! s. The fi,llj vi.i from the Preecott Courier en tho t'itct of mines hits the ntil si'jirj oi h al and is -.orthy of attention In tniniuj; ounirics north nf n, tua-el sit"i ere luCJ'.rd find tiicniU ru i costing h in dreds of thousmds oi dollars, wi h a view of stn.i.i ledge. In Arizona, preciou3 metal boaring ledges are not blind, crop out so plentifully all over the mineral sec t oos that iioono ever dreams of hunt ing for a blind leJg?. There is far more chines of a maa getting rich in Arizona by going right down and far ther djnu on una of our surface l-des than there is iu tunneling for passible blind ledges in any couatry. Frum Fridi3 :ssw Tha first carload of cantaloupe shipped from P.ioenn last summer sold for f 1100. The report of Governor Murphy it is announced, will bs ready for distri bution fOi.n a'ter Jan. I. The J mmal-Miuer reports the ale of the 3 m-dancs m'uo te J, H Wiltersoa of Caicago for $30,000. J'lJje J. U. Early and wife bavs returns I to Phoenix from Manila where the Judge has been for a year It is stated tho Coppr tjii-ec com pany at has receivei plans for a 130,000 hotl that ivi 1 be con-etrue-J at Hitter. It is announced that tha South: Pacific Cj. intends to erect creiott works at Dsming fa: pickling bri. timber'. - - Sydoic is in from Middleman a visit of about a week. WAHarwood is reported quite i at his homo suffering from an atts of pneumonia. EJi'.or Paul Hu'l of the Arizona Graphic left this morning His ja . pressions of Tombstone will appear in an early issue of tbe Graphic The introduction of itcam tracli.n engines at the Grand ftsef mines of J W Mackay in Arizona, is said to have roduesd tbe cost of transportation be tween the mines and the railroad from $3 to $3 per ton. Range News. AH Appears now the new railroad (ram Naco to the mines of the Caa anea Consolidated Co. in Mexico, lo bo built. Ths company adver for 200 laborers to work on tbe i read grade. Tho amount paii stated at ?2.2i Mexican money day, ! 1. tl