OCR Interpretation

Graham guardian. [volume] (Safford, Ariz.) 1895-1923, October 18, 1895, Image 1

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn95060914/1895-10-18/ed-1/seq-1/

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Hi" " "- 5??CTES
;ite gftm?dian
Official Directory Graham County
Cooscit Burt Dunlap
LiaisiATORE Geo. Sklnucr, Joseph Fish.
Board or
Hcnry 1IIU, Chalrms ft, Clifton
F. W. Hays, Member, Forttlrant.
A. II. Bennett, Member, Safford.
11. U Smith, Clerk, Soloraonvllla.
BitiRirr Arthur A. Wight, SolomonvVue
RicoRnKR Manuel Lon, SolomonvHlo.
Treasurer FranV Dys&rt, SolOmoYllle.
District B. Adams, SoSomonvlllo
Dist. Atty. Wiley E. Jones, Sole'.nontlllo
fluff, Solotnonvllle.
Surveyor Safeucl Logan, Solewonvllle.
Assessor FeflTO Mlchclenii. Srtomon lllo.
tUetween ltD"WtfE And FOirfTHOMAS.
Taking cflWt Aug. 4th, at!3;00 p. m.
Itto. 1. No. 2.
"9 00 .am Lv ..FortThomai1! ...Ar.8M.pm
'9 31. .am. Lv ..MathcwstUTc t....Lv.7 19. pm
9 47 am.. 'At .Vlma,t
110 IS .a m. LV xt.i ii. pm
10 25 .cm Iv.. ....Central'? Lv.7 01.pm
MOSS.. am Lv.. .Thatcher t ....Lv.G61.pm
10 49 .am. .Ar. f I bafforiP? . I Lv.fi 37.pm
10 59 ,am..L.. ..Ar-0 i7.xiai
111 IS ata 'Ar. ; o,, I ly.S S7.rmi
'11 23 .ii i. j 5 4ipm
11 51 .am Lv.. .Hall N HUnch I ...Lv 5 II ion
12 Co lata .Lv .Big WlnH Mill t ...Lv 5 OLpm
1 12 18. a to Lv. .Balleyf Wells t ...Lv.4 SO jm
1 17 'alta .l. ,U.V.AtN.ys. i..Lv.4Wpm
1 20..aftn..r ,.r ic 2 LY.asojno
Mnunta.nllme i
Trains Nos. 1 and2n n dally excel Sottd&y,!
connecting with ontVrn I'aclflc
for oil points caM awl est, ami with L.ytan""si
btago lino at rort for ban Carlos, GHlhe
City anil Tonto llssla. '
J Stations ha cdc agents. ,
' I Telegraph Station.
Iho Company rcstrves the right to Tatyfeia,
Mhcduleas circomrtauces may require.
WM. OAKLAND. l'mlBent.)
-Arizona tand N. M. Railway,
el , 1 I
P& n Timetable .So '
Oolng ;. 'Going
No. 11 g
North SS ' -South
a s
No2 I Mo.H
12 00 m 1 tk'ls'burgt .loamm
.100pm i20 2 tSummlt f 20 9J20.am
2 00pm mo. 8 ArBuneant 20 -K)am
2 10pm . Lv Duncan! .. 8 lOjira
2 S5 p m 47 4 t Sheld'nf 7 7 45ji m
2 48 p m (A , 5 T Yorls 37 38.a m,
105pm iS 6 tCoronadot 5 7 2o&m
3 25pm ia 7 t Guthrie 4 T7ilftm.
3 65pm Ct 8 "ts Siding & G 4.1am
4 00 pm fii 9 tn Sldlngt 2 Gsaam,
4 30 p m r?l 10 Ar Cllftonf 3 6 il&aan
Trains run except Sunday
Btopn Sleniil t Leao Arritt.
i is prepared tfvxiake good falte plctea from.
5lia00 pp. TeetL posithely extracted lthout(
OrpiCH Hour?-, 9 to 12 a.m. 2 to ix, m.
'I ,
JnatU.f tlie Peace,
.gAFFOlll). - . ABIZONA
Special attention git a to collections
.water ngnta uoiigtu tnu soiu.
'Draws deeds. roiitrAots and all kinds of iMfa
pairs. Titles. exAn.!ued and abstracts
lBames & Martin,
Wiley B. Jones,
(Practices; ih.i.11 Federatatdlsrrltorial Courts
E L B. GMdwlnf
Attorney nt M.
Praetlces In all Federal and Territorial Courts,
i. McCqIIuh,
m AHey nt Law.
rractlow In U. S. anj Territorial Cols.
M. J. Egan,
nt Law.
Office In the Arizona Copper Co's Bulldlut: west
side of the titer.
ax Jw,
Attends the Distitft Court of Graham County
and practices in all the Courts in Artiona.
William Place,
Attorney nt Law,
Notary Public and Conveyancer,
R. S. Patterson,
SAFFORD. . . . ARI70N,
practices In all Courts.
Jos. H. Lines,
Justlee of the reace,
Conveyancing done aud all kinds of legal papers
Dr, I E. Wlgntman,
Physician and Surgeon.
Calls answeMd promptly day atd night,
0eV'Jfl Stmt, J
Itomg of Local Interest Gathered by
Reporters on their Rounds.
Ifreeiy Xlttle Notes or Genernl Interest
l'lckeil up Hero and There
A full lino of Millinery Slock at
& ,T. Hunter s.
Invitations for a grand ball in
tlio Academy to-night, have been
Mr. Herman Hillo, nas accepted
a position in tho S. I, freight ware
house at Willcox.
Messrs. Sheriff Marshal and "W.
T. Webb, of Pima, "wore in tho city
Mrs. Dortha Sollin's 'two 'children
have had a severe attack
of diphtheria, but are now improvJ
ing rapidiy unoar tho'CJiw; oi Vr,
i'aiirts, oilfltfintl bruflnes at tho
Saflbra Drugtoio.
Editor Jdlm J. Birdno, of that!
excellent nnfi 'loviil nournal, the!
Graham GOouritv 6Cardian, xvas
arrvngilafltlihtt8'arrivals in tovftx.
Editor.John J. iBirdno, Of Ulre
lSraham County "Guardian, ire-
tarncd "tome 'tlra 'morning. Mr.
Miruno'is a live .cna 'progressive
citizen; a credit' to tho county of
wliichthxs is a Tesiflcnt.
Bluostone atltivo SaiTord Dxng
'JTrKWO in attendance on tho
(United States Gourt at 'Florence
wcrc'liospitably entertained by tho
peqplo of thatjpJacc.
IFhe 8yoarold child f Mr. and
Jlrs.atempton, oi Uranam, is very
ill with typhoid fovor.
IRrosh. fish .at J. .T O wen'.
I3obatc . Judgo v Cluff 1 issacd a
marriagcliconso to , Jesse Philips
and Dora Williams, of Thatcher,'
yesterday, 'ffiho ceremony will
take placQiatithc residence o tho
bride's parents in Thatcher next
ITho prand jary foundia trae bill
against JohnJIunt ior murder. Ho
was arraigned.and tno trial set lor
tcvday. It is probablo, bowovor,
that it will ipfro postponed until
;Do yourtowsi .painting. 'Eaint
ready for uso at the Saftord Drug
.Dx.xC.sII. Porter has received
the.iippointmcxit of. company
sicianifoi'ttbo G. .V-, G. i. N. Ey.
Ho has . also been appointed sis
emergency surgeon for tho S. ,1.
James E. Lassator, who was ar
rested this week, for sclhnjg tainted
beef, was tried beforo Justiee
4(ig wiuj'jas lancu ,iv appear, uiu,
aso was dismissed.
A finotock of clothing at J. T.
Jas. R. Xassator, wishes to announce
through tho columns of the
Guardian, that hereafter ho will
butcher abojit 3 o'clocjkeach afternoon,
andihe invites ail who are
interested toicomo and,&nspcct hia
slaughter JiQueQ.
Violin and Guitar strings at tho
Saflord J)rug Store.
If ijwu wantoQd reliabio boots
and 'shoes go to.5undel & Fish, at
TJhatoher. They have just received
a mamnxotn stoctc oi the best .qual
ity of boots and shoes, which ,thoy
are soiling at bedtfock prices for
cash. 9-6-if.
at tho
Saflbrd Dxug Store. 10-18 tf.
In a letter to the Guardian lant
week, a resident of Jlonita makea
a kick because thoy hayo no school
there and say ho is compelled to1
movo bis famjjy away, on that ac-'
count. If Boniia has the proper
number of school children thoro is
no reason why ihoy cannot havo a
school tlieio by proceeding in the
proper manner.
Got yonr flour at X T. Otven's
for ?2.50 per hundred pounds,
The advertisement of tho Groes-beck
hotel appears in this issue of
tho Guardian. Mrs. K, A,
proprietresses thoroughly
conversant with every branch in
tho hotol business and is prepared
to accoinmodato her patrons with
all tho conveniences found in a
first-class hotol. Largo airy rooms
and tho best food obtamablo in tho
valley aro tho attractions found at
this prominent house.
In another column will be found
tho advertisement of Bosario
Brcna, wholcsalo and retail merchant
of Tucson. Mr. Brcna carries
a largo stock and docs a heavy
wholesale business throughout tho
Territory. His prices are as
reasonable as can bo found in Tucson,
and he will mako a tour of
Graham county in tho noar future
in tho interest of his house.
Of the Teachers Institute of Graham
County, to bo held. Commencing
Wednesday, Nov. 80th, and
Continuing throe Days
l;30. Opening chorus.
Boll call
Election of secretary.
Beading of minutes 'ff last Institute.
Appointment of committees.
Becess, (during which teachers
will haiil in institute sfeports.
11:00. Address of welcome.
Answer to address of wolcomo,
'1:30. Eccitation.
Tho organization of tho school,
primary and grammar grades, with
model daily pigrammo for each,
Harry Warren. ,
Tho raanaffdment of tho school,1
-both grades, Alico M. Hunter. '
When shall wo proceed to grade
our public schools, Buth Guernsey.
Duty of tho public to tho schoeds
L. V. Rosser.
9:30. Prayer.
Tho teacher's responsibility tin
regards the health and physical
culture of her scholais, Emma
How'io teach reading to beginners,
Thos. E. Williams.
Object teaching in primary grade
LmlalR. Olnoy.
Principal educational reformers
of the 15th and lGth ccnturys, and
what thoy contributed to tho
science and art of teaching, John
1:00. Becitation.
How to teach advanced reading,
(illustrate with class,) Bobort S.
Language lessons introduced,
(illustrato with class,) Josio Oluff.
iHow to conduct an orthography
class1 in a mixed school, with a
view of economizing time, (alius
class,) Harriet Gillispio,
i Introduction of relative pronouns,
(illustrato with clasR,) W.
W. .Wild.
'Lecturo on physiology, Dr. G.'
H. Porter.
FRIDAY, NOV, 22nd.
9:30. Prayer.
CivH government in the public
schools, '.Wiley Is. Jones.
Tho moral faculties and how to
cultivate them,.C. Belle Sellers.
Best method of penmanship, B.
Warren Smith.
How to iteach U. S. history,
LJcnnio Parka.
Methods -of teaching Spanish
(pupils, Edward F. Foster.
1:B0. What do you consider to be
the .requisites of good school
gnounds, J. A. Woods.
H!hotpiescnt American system of
common schools, b award v.
Superintendents report, George
Gonsral discussioa upon school
questions by members of tho institute.
Some changes may "ho made to
this programme aiiu other subjects
At the elosc of each exercise
questions may bo asked .and general
discussion indulged in by tho
George Cluff,
County School Superintendent.
Firo completely destroyed the
saloon, with all its contents, nJ
tie stables and sheds ownod by
Marshal & Foster at Pima last
Thursday night. The firo is sup
posed to bo tho work of a firo bug,
and originated in tho littlo lumber
store room at tho back of tho main
Tli6 loss will reach more than a
thousand dollars, without ono cent
of insurance.
Ofcourso it is not positively
known that an incondiary was the
originator of tho firo, but there
aro strong reasons to beliovo that
it was, and if it can bo traced home
it will undoubtedly become very
costly to tho porpetrators.
A fire bug is a dangerous person
in any place, no matter what
kind of property ho may destroy.
Ho is a fiend in whoso presence no
ono is safe. Ho not only destroys
tho property of his enemy, but endangers
tho livos and property of
the wholo community.
Ono house and lot for sale, on
Main street, Saflbrd. 'Desirable
cation for business, at
this office.
f&tott Holla? of t673 nxEfMan -
A Flattering Shotrtng of the Territory's
Kcctfrtasttcal Side.
Whilo Arizona's ratio of churches
and thereto does not
compare with those of older settled
communities, it must not bo forgotten
that it is but a few years
since this territory was under tho
control of tho Indian, and that a
largo part of tho population has
but recently como and established
homes, and that in a measure this
population is not yet moulded and
fixed to their now conditions. Not
withstanding all this our church
interest aro making oncouraging
progress. Thcro aro moro than
HF church edifices, several denominational,
educational and
other institutions, which evidences
the fact that -our people havo
ferought with 'them from their
bomes tho teaeliings and religious
convictions of 'iheir fathers.
Tho strength of tho various religious
organizations is as follows:
Methodist 'Episcopal Church
Fifteen preachers, 750 members,
1400 Sunday school children, 15
churches, value of churches, 875,-000;
8 parsonages, valued at $16,-100;
school properly, 820,-000;
total Taluo of property, 895,
Episcopal Church Fivo ministers,
879. adherents, 225 communicants,
152 Sunday school children,
G church buildings; valuo of church
Methodist Church, South Seven
ministers, 520 members, 520 Sunday
school children (increase of
12G for tho year), 6 churches: valuo
of church property, 822,510; 5 parsonages
valued 88000; 2 Moxican
missions, members 115; valuo of
chm ch property, 83200,
Presbyterian Church--Ten ministers,
550 communal members (an
inerjaso of 90 for year); valuo of
churclfproperty, including Indian
mission school building, 857,000.
Congregational Church 123
communicants; Sunday schools7'8;
membership, 300; number Y. P. C-E.
"4; membership 90; total valuation
of church property, 815,500;
homo expenditures for1894, 83210.
'Babtist Church Four ministers,
G25 adherents; communal membership,
275; Sunday school children,
26G; 5 churches; valuo of church
property, 827,875.
Christian Church Three ministers;
'1G0 mombors; 2 churches;
valuo of church property, S4,500.
Catholic Church A presiding
bishop, 17 resident priests, 10
cimrches, 1G chapels. Tho members
and tho valuo of its property
is greater than all tho other
churches combined. This includes
4 hospitals, 2 orphanages and other
charitable institutions under con
trol of tho church.
Mormon Church Forty-nine
ministers; momborship 7240; Sunday
school pupils 2,G01; 24 chm ches
value of church property, 836,500.
"filial Ileport of the U. S. Grand Jury.
Gsand Jury Boom, Florence, A.
T. Oct. 8th, 1895.
To tho Hon. Owen T. Bouse,
Sir: We, tho grand jury duly
empaneled and sworn for the adjourned
May term, 1895. to inquire
into offenses committed against tho
laws of tho United States do
roport as follows:
Tor robbing a person entrusted
with the mail of the United States
of such mail, 1.
For perjury. 1.
For adultery, 2.
For selling spirituous liquors to
an Indian, dismissed.
Tho grand jury desire to congratulate
and thank Messrs. Sid
Bartleson, Felix Mayhew, and Wm
Stiles for tho speedy capture of tho
stage robber, Francisco Bcina.
In conclusion we also roturi
thanks to distriot attornoy Ellin
wood for the prompt and efficient
manner in which he performed his
jLiierc uemg no iiiriner Diisiness
before us, w ask to bo discharged.
Bespectfully submitted,
3. G. Keating,
Carpet Bag "Jiu
The carpet rag bee, which was
held at tho residence of Mr. and
Mrs. William Nelson, at Layton,
last Monday ovening was a complete
success. Carpet rags and
sowers were plenty, and about 10:30
when each had sowed tho required
amount, coffee and cake wore
served. Tho remainder of the
evening was spent m vocal and
instrumental music. All who were
present report an enjoyable time,
and pronounco Mrs. Nolson an
accomplished hostesss.
All parties desiring tho servicos
of Dr. M. E. Brenner will please
call at onco as ho is now able to
work, thanks to tho medical skill
of Dr. Porter. Ho will start for
Globe on or about tho 1st of Nov.
to bo absent for some time.
The Mode of Trying Those Kngagedln the
Massacre of Missionaries In China.
When tho court is ready tho accused
man is brought in handcuffed.
Ho it invariably filthy in appearance,
and has tho wild and
ghastly look of a starved man,
which ho really is.
Tho prisoner opens tho proceedings
by swearing ho was nowhore
near tho sceno of the massacre, and
then tho torture begins. Tho man
is first compelled to kneol with bare
knees upon a coil of chain. His
head is dragged back and his pigtail
fastened to a rack high above
his head. Tho polo is thon thrust
across his legs and two soldiers
stand on each end, crushing tho
wretch's knees into the coil of
chain. Tho British Consul could
not stand this method of extracting
testimony, and insisted that it
be stopped. This was dono as far
as proceedings in tho courtroom
were concerned, but for an hour
afterwards tho shrieks of tho tormented
prisoners could bo beard
coining Iron an adjacent room,
where tho torture was continued.
When tho magistrate wanted to
hear the confession of the tortured
man, tho prisoner was brought
back into tho courtroom. If he
held back his confession, a threat
to resume torture was usually sufficient
to causo him to tell all ho
knew. Besides tho torture described,
tho prisionors were beaten
with bamboo sticks until their
yells wore horrible to hear. Ono
prisoner appeared in tho courtroom
unable to kneel because his knees
had been broken by chain links
and his thighs had been lacerated
by strokes of tho bamboo rods.
In the midst of sueh misery,
cakes, fruit, tea and wines were
served and partaken of by tho
native officers, who could not understand
why tho foreigners present
pushed their delicacies aside,
refusing to touch them. Tho correspondent
declares that tho
powers ought to demand -justice
withoal torture, reaching a mandarin
as promptly as a man who
works in a field. Tho wholo busi
ness, ho says, lies at tho door of
corrupt ofiiccrs.
An Art Class.
Among tho enterprises which deserves
special mention is tho Art
class which is being organized by
Mrs. W. D. Frcnch,and all those
who havo tasto or talent for oil
paintings, tapestry and decorative
work should call on her at tho
residence of Mrs. P. Sullivan in
ford. Mrs. French is an artist of
moro than ordinary ability, having
studied undor tho best masters in
Chicago and San Francisco. All
those who desiro to tako instructions
in art aro requested to call
at her residence and as soon as convenient
tho general class will meet.
If a sufficient number of pupils can
bo obtained in Solomonvillo Mrs.
French will mako regular trips to
that place. This is a rare opportunity
for tho people of tho valley,
and as tho price of instructions
will be very reasonable, all who
can possible afford to take advantage
of it should do so and acquire
a knowledge of decorative
paintings, Etc.
Sentenced For Life.
The Mexican who held up tho
Casa Grand and Florenco stage on
tho 3d inst. at Dry Lake about
half way between Florence and
Casa Grande, was captured by U.
S. Deputy Marshal Sid Barleson,
Felix Mayhow and Wm. Stiles,
taken to Florence, indicted by the
grand jury, tried by jury and given
a life sentenco in the short spaco of
eight days. This is tho shortest
work on record in the Territory
and reflects great credit on tho officers
who had tho caso in chargo,
and will no doubt havo a tendency
to deter peoplo who are inclined
to go into the stage robbing business.
O, the licylino is passing fair,
And her charms we must admire;
She can ride all day with tirelos air
Bntnst on an airless tiro.
The clothes would make the man
They actually believed
Tboy tried, and the new woman was
The best that they achieved.
Detroit Tribune.
The trees wilHoso their verduo soon
The breeze will blow a gale;
Our genial friend, the mystic moon,
'Neath clouds of gray must pale.
So, ono by one, our suinmor friends
All changed will meet our view,
And e'en the lotteisthatshe writes,
Scorn sadly different, too.
Washington Store
The United States Land Laws
read that all Land Notices must
be published in tho paper nearest
the land.
Dy the Florence Canal to Fleece
th People of Florence of their Hard
Earned Means.
Tho people of Florenco and the
farmers in this vicinity are in
troublo over tho water for irrigation
purposes. It seems that some
years ago tho Florenco canal com
pany was formed and built what
was known as tho Florenco canal,
but which has since been changed
to tho Casa Grand valley canal, to
which nearly all the smaller canals
surrendered their rights in luo of
which tho canal company agreed
by written contract to furnish
water to tho consumers at a stipulated
price. But recently tho
canal company has become dissatisfied
with their contract, think
ing they can bleed the peoplo for
more money, and proposo to no
longer furnish water undor tho old
agreement, but to formulato a new
contract, tho terms of which will
incrcaso tho revenue of tho company
to double tho amount it has
received in tho past. Tho people,
however, do not proposo to submit,
and therefore on the 6th inst. a
largo numbor of the citizens of tho
city and farmers of tho country
mot in a meeting, called for tho
purpose to adopt some means of
defending their rights. About
8000 water rights wore represented
and attorneys were employed
to fight the case to a finish.
This experience of tho Florence
people should bo a valuable lesson
to tho peoplo of Graham county,
who, at tho present timo own their
own canals do their own work and
aro independent of any corpora
tion or monopoly. Tho peoplo of
Florence will no doubt bo com
polled to pay out thousands of dollars
to defend their rights, and
then, perhaps, loose them in tho
Tho great mistake tho people of
Floronce made was m allowinrr a
corporation to get them into pflwer
in the
people oi riorence win como out
victorious in tho ficht for their
Love Letters.
In a book, dated 1820, thoro is,
says tho People's Companion, tho
following very curious love opistle.
It affords an admirable play upon
"Madame Most worthy of admiration.
After long consideration
and much meditation on tho
great reputation 3'ou possess in tho
nation, I havo a strong inclination
to become your relation. On your
approbation of tho declaration, I
shall mako preparation to remove
my situation to a moro convenient
station, to profess my admiration,
and if such oblation is worthy of
observation and can obtain commiseration
it will bo an
beyond all calculation of tho
joy and exultation of yours.
Sans Dissimulation."
Tho following is tho still moro
curious answer:
"Sir I perused your ovation
with much deliberation at the groat
infatuation of your imagination to
imch veneration on so slight a
foundation. But after examination
and much serious contemplation I
suppose your animation was tho
fruit of recreation or had sprung
from ostentation to dispidy j'our
education by an odd enu neration,
or rather multiplication, of words
of tho same termination, though of
great variation in each respective
signification. Now, without disputation,
your laborious application
in so tedious an occupation
desorves commendation, and thinking
imitation a sufBciont gratifica
tion, I am, without hesitation,
Mary Moderation."
An Explanation.
Editor Guardian: Wo, tho undersigned
board of trustees of
School District,No.l in justice
tico to ourselves, to tho teachers
and to tho patrons of tho school,
will state through tho columns of
your paper, for tho information of
all persons concerned that tho
trustees in employing Judge Mc-Collum
to teach our grammar department
for the term, made a
special contract with Judgo Mc-
Collum to tho effect that ho should
bo allowed tho opportunity of disposing
of his law business pending
in this term of court. No one regrets
tho turn affairs havo taken,
more than tho board of trustees.
Had wo known that court would
havo convoncd so soon wo would
have postponed tho opening of the
school until after court. The fact
of our having secured the services
ofsuchanable teacher as Judge
McCollum justifies tho board in
begging the indulgence of tho patrons
of tho school, and will stato
further that all tho timo lost now
will bo made up at the end of the
James Morris,
T. T. Hunter,
Cris. Madson.
Bead the Guardian.
W tm&& , !...-'' )
sv. . & t . ,
ft" i I steSi MHWi '. V.M1
,f. TJfl.X '&&:
ssw;.m k'flk&Ofc &" Wt, r 14
V. 'W'K''
James Colquhoun returned home
from California last Sunday on a
special train.
Dave Clark was through hero on
a now engine, oi ono that he had
just finished overhauling, He
came out with it to see how she
worked after his hard work, and
she worked liko a dandy.
H. W. Childs is now in California,
having returned from Europe.
We look for him here every day.
Tho oro that is being taken out
of tho McDcrmott mine is gradually
getting better as they go down.
They are working two shafts and
have an immenso lot of oro on the
dump. It is not yet settled what
will bo dono with this ore, but will
bo as soon as Mr. Childs arrives.
Jim Nicks is now bear hunting
on tho west side of the Graham
mountains. Jim is an excellent
shot and expects to do better than
tho average hunter.
The last crop of alfalfa is now
being cut in this end of tho county.
We are glad to say that Lon
Moore is regaining the uso of his
hand that was so badly'hurt m a
corn sheller last spring.
n. C. Day and B. F. Billingsloy
arc attending court at Solomonville
Mr. Holland is running Mr.
store in his absence.
P. Ward went to Fairbank last
week and perhaps by this timo is
on hi3 way to Mexico after railroad
Our school is progressing very
Mrs. W. L. Lauthen presented
her husband with a 10 pound (rirl
last week.
Mrs. J. L. McGrath presented
her husband with a 10 pound girl
last week.
Fannie and Johnny Windham
havo gone to Texas to school.
The Alabama mine in Carlisle ib
looking better than for some time
pair: e
N. S. Finch has bourkt tho Mc
Alistcr place, just below n5in. and
will move to his new purchasoii?
low days.
B. B. Casey, as agent, bought
tho York band of cattlo for 89 per
head, cow ponies and York ranch
thrown in. We understand that
Mr. Casey made the same offer to
tho rail N peoplo, and this deal,
will undoubtedly be mado.
It was rumored on tho streets
this week that Miss Mollio JJJ.
Murphy was married, but this is
not true. She is still waiting on
the table at tho Abraham's hotol at
Jflma HtvppoiiniKe.
H. Weech has received a new
machine for manufacturing pressed
Tho Female Belief Society of
this place has several men at
work on their lot and intend to
erect a largo brick hall soon.
David Weech has purchased a,
portion of tho Enstrom property,
adjoining tho Pima Drug Store,
and will erect a Cdo residence this
Our public schools opened one
week ago last Monday with tho
following enrollment: Grammar
department, J. A. Woods, teacher,
seventy-five. Primary department,
Emma Weech and Warren Smith
teachers, ono hundred and twelve.
Wo regret to learn that our sta
tion agent, Mr. Mason, will leave
us soon. Ho has given good satisfaction
and has a host of friends
who wish him success in his new
office at El Paso. His place is
taken by Mr. Burnett of San Fran
Several cases of diphtheria hava
been reported a few miles below
Pima. Two cases in tho family of
W. A. Cartor aro improving nicelv
under tho care of Dr. Wirrhtman.
Another caso in tho family of A.
Barney is reported, under tho care
oi ur. sorter.
A full lino of Fall and Winter
Millinery goods just received at T.
T. Hunter's.
Georco Harris shot and
oasly wounded Charles Neal, 'at
Globe on the 4th inst.
Tiie Hood that struck Glob
about 10 days ago was higher and
moro disastcrous than any ever
known in that locality.
'One of tho Bothschilds says
that America is tho place to make "
money for tho next fivo years.
This means that tho Bepubljcaa
party is about to return to power."
It is a noted fact that such mom
as Bothschild have always beea
ablo to scopo in millions of dollar
yearly in America during
can administrations, and of conrM
they see no reason why they shouM
not do it scram. r . , fi
' Hi

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