y jgJyvlfTdff I I illMl ii - - - TnMTWI WIPIIII 1BIWMIWBM1 TT TIT ll rii Ml lfMffTTaffnWWITF 1 W1MWTW I 1ST VJflBlUi mlh i B it KB L TO77rwciil BELLE FLOUR Isa Home Product Is made with Home Labor Is made of Home Wheat Is Pure and Clean LOCAL NEWS Will Shanley of Globe is in Saf ford this week on business G VV Healy of Ft Thomas was fn Safford on business this week A baby girl was born to Mr and Mrs Henry Clifford last Monday Household furniture for sale Call on Mrs Ellen Cheney Thatcher 20 4 Wm Eilsworth and fatnily went to Camp Inception Monday evening A fine baby boy arrived at the home of Mr and Mrs Jake Zundell Friday Mrs Max Krueger is eeriously ill with typhoid -fever at her homo in Lay ton Burial caskets carried in stock by The Gila Valley Furniture and Hard ware Store tt Mrs Rice mother of Mrs Harley Martin left Friday for her home in Nelson Neb I fef G L Freestone of Los Angelqs iriAmniniirl lit ha lnnorhtr Mies Delia are here on business Miss Minnie Davis who has been visiting relatives in Globe for some time returned home Monday Mrs Isabel Mauguia Miss Diaz of Solomonville end Miss Salcido of Clifton were shopping in Safford Tuesday s For soreness of the muscles whether induced by vioIentexercise or injury there is nothingbetter than Chamberlains Liniment This lini ment also relieves rheumatic pains For sale by Safford Drug Co 20 4t Jim Parks of Duncan and Knight Smith Palmer of Solomonville each havepurcha8ed a Ford automobile of the Solomon Commercial Co Mrs George A Foote and Mrs Joseph Greenhalgh left Wednesday morning for an extendpd visit with relatives and friendain Duncan Mrs A V Jones proprietress of the Jones Hotel is having erected it iuur iuuiii vuuvreiu uuut iui use ana convenience oi ner guesw Buy it now Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is almost certain to be needed before tne summer is over liuy it now and be prepared for such an emer gency For sale by Safford Drug Co 20 4t Kcmmmmmmmmmmmmtfwammmmmsma PlllliIIIIIIHIHmHIHHIimilllOIIIBlHHIimI8EBliDIll I The Money I I on Deposit I MM I at This Bank I 1 m is loaned to thepeopie of this vicinity the people who wish to improve their homes or increase their financial interests For this reason every depositor of this Bank no matter how small his balance helps in the work of building the enterprises of this community helps to increase property values helps to make this a better commercial center a better market rl THE GILA VALLEY 1 j BANK TRUST CO I SAFFORD ARIZONA I rniillHIIIIBIIIIIlllllllllll0allllllll8ailllllllgBIIIIH I Mrs J S Abbott retuned home from Globe Monday Mr Abbott who has been quite sick in Globe for the past few weeks is improving rapidly Ashley Boyd and Mrs Mary Courtney were quietly married last Friday morning at the court house in Solomonville They will make their home in Layton Arthur Welker came down from Miami Sunday returning Mondav He was accompanied by his wife and children who had been visiting relatives here since Ihe Fourth Dr M E Brenner and family eft this week on a camping trip in the Mogollon Forest They do not expect to return until October 1st when Dr Brenner will take up his practice again During the summer months moth ers of young children should watch for any unnatural looseness of the bowels When given prompt at tention at this time serious trouble may be avoided Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy can always be depended upon For sale by Safford Drug Co 20 4t Max Bauersfeld and bride on their return home from Cloudcrof t N M where they have been for the past week were visitors in town the fore part of this week Mr Bauersfeld salesman for Armour Co and Miss Maud Rose a very popular young lady of Globe were married last Wednesday morning at five oclock at the home of the brides parents in Globe They will j make their home in Globe Mr and Mrs A R Goldman who have been residents of Safford for the past four years left here Saturday for San Bernardino Calif where they expect to make their future home Mrs Goldman has been a teacher in the Safford Public Schools for the past three years Mr Goldman has been an employee in the famous btore for some time and their many friends are very sorry to have them leave Insect Bite Costs Leg A Boston man lost his leg from the bites of an insect two years be fore To avert such calamities from stings and bites of insects use Buck lens Arnica Salve promptly to kill poison and prevent inflammation swelling and pain Heals burns boils ulcers piles eczemu cuts bruises Only 25 cents at Safford Drug Co Safford Ariz 2 4t 4th IN ARAVAIPA The People of Western ham Celebrated in Good Style Special Correspondence to Guardian We had such an enjoyable and lovely 4th on this side of Graham county in Aravaipa Canyon that I thought you wouid like to hear of it We citizens of Aravaipa Canyon and Klondyke joined together to celebrate our National Day of Lib erty the 4th of July We had a barbecue in the canyon near the Dunlap ranch The barbecue was supplied by Messrs Wiley M Mor gan and Chas E Chambers and the ladies of Aravaipa The enjoyable feast was followed by a burro rop ing contest and races financed and managed by the gentlemen of Klon dyke and jAiavaipa Everyone ex pressed themselves as enjoying the day without a hitch After7 the barbecue all adjourned to Wm Wootan Jrs correls for the roping contest T K Wootan time 45 seconds Wm Albritton 40 sec onds J R Rep 55 seconds Mr Rep deserves praise for his quick tieing as there was a mistake in his starting and he threw his burro three times Bro S B Yeuney ex perienced great joy over Wm Al btittons victory He is a goafonan and called on the crowd to hurrah for the goatman and then left for his camp not being able to stay for the races to our regret The races were run in the flat in front of J D Wilson and Walter McClintocks ranches as follows Deen Wilson sweepstake Dan Roten sweepstake Wm Wootan Jr free for all J Frank Wootan the matched race MasterBus Mor gan won the burro race against Merrill Haby Robert Wootan beat Romeo Haby in two foot races 75 yards and300 yards Mrs William Wootan Jr beat Mrs J F Green wood in the ladies 50 yard race The finish was mixed races for young India and children All agreed they enjoyed the day The young folks finished with a dance in the evening atthelower school house and had an enjoyable time to the end The only saloon in Graham Co situated at Klondyke was closed during the day and we had no liq uor or drunkards on the groundsiind everything went smoothly A C A A Life Time Chance I am selling out my entire stock of Dry Goods Chothing shoes etc This is a chance to buy at Merchants cost Morris Simon 21 2t Safford Subscribe for The Guardian twymtsam wtfeiwj XacaZaZSS3ESZZ3tMZ3 V A STATE SONG First to be Written Since Our Admission to Statehood The first musical composition on the State of Arizona since admission has just been pulished and wascom posed by Mrs Emma Freeman Todd of Safford The words are as fol lows Arizona The Valentine State The echoing hills of Indian yells Beckning shadows of days gone by Bracing land of copper huer It seems to clasp the turquoise blue Within its bounds the Grand Canyon Declares the handiwork of God And loher forest petrified Arizona beautiful larid Chorus Arizona beautiful Arizona Land where the sun shines long Land where the miners throng Land where the birds give song Arizona wonderful Arizona Land where the moonlight glows Land of copper wealth untold Ariozna Beautiful Valentine As time standing there and taking notfe Sees her growing from days remote Early Jesuit passing through Bohold San Xavier Tucson s view From earth warjn crust her Yuma lose With Phoenix mid orange groves Her star now shines with unity Arizona native land The Choice of a Husband is too important a matter for a wo man to be handicapped by weakness bad blood or foul breath Avoid these kill hopes by takingJDr Kings Life Pills New strength fine com plexion pure breath cheerful spirits things that win men follow their use Easy safe sure 25c 20 4 First publication July 19 5 summons In the Superior Court of Graham County Ari zona R O Elwood plaintiff - vs J C Greenwood administrator of the estate of C R Tucker deceased and the unknown heirs of said estate defendants Action brought in the Superior Court of the County of Graham State of Arizona The State of Arizona sends greeting to J F Greenwood administrator of the estate of C R Tuckci deceased and the unknown heirs of said estate You are hereby summoned and required to appear in an action brought against you by the ttbovc named plaintiff and answer the complaint filed with the Clei k of the above entitled Court ut Solomonville in the County of Graham State of Arizona within twenty 120 days exclunheof the day of service afier the service upon jou of this summons if served in this County in nil other cases within thirty days You nre hereby notified that if you full to npponr and answer Ihe complaint as requited by law judgment by default will be taken rgtinct sou Given under my hand and the seal of SEAL1 the Supciior Court affixed hereto nt Solomonville this llthdayof July 1312 R W Smith Clerk U ffl lYnMWHl I left me with a frightful cough and very weaic l had spells when I could hardly breathe or speak for 10 to 20 minutes My doctor could not help mo but I was completely cured by DR KINGS Nw Discovery Mr3JECoxJoHetIll SOc AND 100 AT ALL DRUGGISTS ASaf e Place to Trade OUR MOTTO The Best Is None Too Good for Our Customers Prompt and Courteous Service Quick Free Delivery Phone Orders a Specialty j r Safford Grocery Co c JOHN BROWN Mar First publication June 21 5t NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior Serial No 0195 U S Land Olllce at Phoenix Arizona June II 1012 Notice is heieby given that Charles D Haynic of Pima Arizona who on August 3 1908 made desert land entry No 0395 for lot 2 SE K NW K Section IM Township LS Range 25 K G S R Meridian has filed notice of intention to mako final proof to establish claim to the land above described before R W Smith Clrk of Superior Court at Solomonville Arizona on the 22d day of July 1912 Cliimant nnmc3 ns witresscs William Mallon George Wilson Reo J Larson George Rogers all of Pima Arizona Frank H Pahkfk Register First publication June 21 5t NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior Serial No 014780 U S Land Office at Phoenix Ariz June 14 1912 Notice is hereby given that Nathan O Tcnncy of Bonita Arizona who on JUne 26 1911 made Homestead entry No 014780 SE H NE H NE K SE U Section 3 Township 8 S Range 21 E G S R Meridian has filed notice of intention to make final commutation proof to establish claim to the land above described before R V Smith Clerk of tho Superior Court at Solo monville Ariz on the 23d day of July 1912 Claimant names as witnesses Samuel V Pollock Otsen P Skousen Laura T Skousen all of Thatcher Arizona Horace Gardner of SalTord Arizona Frank H Parkir Register First publication July 53 Notice of Sheriffs Sale on Fore closure of Trust Deed Title Guaranty and Trust Company a corpora tion Trustee of tho Fidelity Savings and Loan Association a corporation plaintiff vs James A Woods arid Lovina BnmhalljWjods defendants Under and by virtue of an order of sale and de cree of foreclosure issued out of the Superior Court of the County of Graham State of Arizona on the 22dday of April ASD 1912 in the above entitled action wherein the Title Guaranty and Trust Company as plaintilf obtained a judgment against the defendants James A Woods and Lovina Brimhull Woods defendants for tho sura of 110070 and 860 as costs nndn decree of fore closure on thepiopurty hereinafter described on tho 22dday of April 1912 which said judgment and decree was on the 28th day of Mny 1912 n corded inBook C of said Court I nm commanded to sell All thnt certain lot peco or parcel of land situ ate in tho town of Thatcher Graham county State of Arizona and bounded and described as follows to wit A portion of Lot No One 1 in Block twenty six Ud Townsito of Thatcher County of Giaham State of Arizona commencing nt the Southeast corner of Lot One Block 25 thence running West 27 feet thence North CO feet thenco East 27 feet thence South 50 feet to the place of beginning tcgethei with the tenements hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging Notice is hereby given that on Monday the 29th day of Julyy 1912 at 1000 oclock a m of said day at the court house door in tho town of Solomonville in Graham County Arizona I will in obedience to said order of sale and decree of foreclosure sell the above described property or so much thereof n3 may bo necessary to satisfy plaintitfs judg ncnt with interc3C thereon and coils to tho highest and best bidder for cash in lawful money of the United State3 T G ALGER SherlfT By W A BENNETT Deputy Advertise in The Guardian Partridge Bros Props Monuments Headstones Markers We are marble cutters and use Bbwie marble We guarantee material and workmanship to Be of the best and prices the lowest Let us give you estimates We are here to stay LET MORRIS REPAIR YOUR WATCH wjii wm ii i nun mmm Academy Thatcher Citf TRANSFE Joseph Bingham 6k Son PROPRIETORS Prompt attention given to orders to and from depot Household jiods moved to any patt of town Prices reasonable IUW ELLE FLOUR CTHTU TU11 im 1 1 II m MVmHH II II WHOM Gila Valley Milling Company Pay Cash for Wheat and Barley i in ulnar inni m mni nWiHiiilmi r wp njm innmBminfa mm nii fii iiiiiiiii im 1 1 mwiMMm jmi txMBmiinaerxiamm u 11 ihbmi if BELLE FLOUR Is not bleached with chemicals Is never touched with the hands Is kept in clean warehouse Is worth trying youll like it THE ARIZONA REALTY GO HAS THE FOLLOWING Excellent Bargains in Real Estate TO OFFER TIE PUBLIO THIS WEEK One forty acre tract all in grain and alfalfa four shares of Union Canal stock one frame duelling new and the whole under a good fence and within one haf mile of a railroad shipping point Easy terms J This is one of the best forties in the Gila Valley and will be sold at 16500 per acre One eighty acre tract near Thatcher in afalfa and grain sufficient water right and under good fence We offer this 80 at 9000 per acre on easy terms One thirty-three-acre farm with good water right within the city limits of Thatcher with a good Tour room brick residence good well and pump outbuildings etc We are offering this homestead at 700000 small p3r ments down and balance on long time at an easy rateS We have also two good homes in the town of That cher both on the main streets of the town within two blocks of the business cerfter One of these places is lo cated on Main street and includes besides residence cellar buggy shed orchard etc a good brick busipess building This place can be bought for two thirds of its value We have other propositions in any town or farming district in the Valley If you are looking for anything in the real estate line give us a call or write and we will come to you If you have anything to sell or exchange you will do well to refer it to us We mean busintss and you will find us very much alive and courteous in the treat ment of our pairons AR APPLY TO IZONA REALTY CO R W SMITH Manager HARRY F SOLOMON Agent Solomonville Arizona JONES HOTEL imiwi i iimmmmantmmmmmmmmmnmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmwtmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmKitmmmmm M - - One Block North of Depot Fme large well ventilated rooms Everything first class Special accommodations for transients Large display sample rooms Hot and Cold Baths at all Hours StRS A V JONES Proprietress Safford Arizona - SAFFORD ICE AND CREAMERY CO Safford Arizona fc Crystal Ice Butter Butter Milk and Creamery Sup plies always on hand ats prices that defie competition Agents for De Laval Cream Separators Highest qash Price Paid For BUTTER FAT niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiiigiEOMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiEBiiii iiiuiiiiiiiiiniiiiiEiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii v s Do You Want a Home or Farm I I iamous Bici Ranch for Sale i After months orwork the owners of he Big Ranch have been induced to cut the property into small tracts so that dozens of families will have happy homes You can buy a farm and at the same time have a home on s - tne uccan toucean nignway anq De mqepenaent trom now on U you invest in this land while the hgure is low 1 he Big ranch has been subdivided so you can get the number ot acres that suits you best s 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a x 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 mum PMYMENTS BBBItlBIIIBIIIIIIBIIIIBIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII a The payments will astonish you Its almost like finding a home already made Dont cost anything to investigate If you dont want a liome dont come but if you do come at once as the entire ranch will be sold 5 a inside of 60 days x 5 t f Young Realty Cpmpany Safford Arizona iimmHHEMMmnHnn5Wmn s JvJttiV faga jiS to 4 m f lQKSI m lt 4 m n m KJ3Xt 4kt