OCR Interpretation

Graham guardian. [volume] (Safford, Ariz.) 1895-1923, October 25, 1918, Image 2

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn95060914/1918-10-25/ed-1/seq-2/

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J raamBnartitatt
Entered In the Poitofflce Safford Arltona aa
Second Clan Mall Matter
Addresa all communications to
OCTOBER 25 1918
Carl Hayden Rep in Congress
Albert C Baker Supreme Court
Pred T Colter Governor
Mit Simms Secretary of State
Jesse L Boyce State Auditor
Harry S Ross State Treasurer
Wiley E Jones Attorney General
C 0 CascSupt Public Instruction
David F Johnson
Corporation Commissioner
G H Bolin State Mine Inspector
J J Kerby State Tax Commissioner
A 0 McAlister Superior Judge
David H Claridge State Senator
A C Peterson State Representative
J H Lines State Representative
J D Skaggs Sheriff
J T Owens Supervisor Dist Hi 1
H J Dovdle Supervisor Dist No 3
Beni Blake Clerk of Superior Court
J A Woods County Treasurer
C 0 Larson County Recorder
Chas A Matthews County Assessor
R V Smith County Attorney
Martin Mortensen Jr
School Superintendent
The Committee on Public
Lands of the Senate has unani
mously reported in favor of a bill
appropriating a million dollars to
make surveys of farms for re
turning soldiers In its report
the committee says the proposed
legislation is for the purpose of
providing an opportunity to pro
cure homes for those of our re
turning sailors and soldiers who
may wish them upon their re
turn from the war as well as
giving a like opportunity to thou
sands of workers in munition
factories and other war indus
tries who at the conclusion of
the war will be out of employ
ment It is intended to promote
as nqthing else ever has The
Back to the Landspirit
It is recognized that one of
the great evils of the times in
our country is the overcrowding
and congestion of people in the
cities many of whom are utterly
unfitted for city life and not
adapted to the vocations thereof
After the war this undesirable
condition will be greatly inten
sified Further there will be
hundreds of thousands of young
men who will have returned from
service in our army and navy
who will be out of employment
and for whom their will be no
jobs or positions In addition
there will be thousands and thou
sands of men and women now
employed in munition factories
and other war industries which
will have to close at the end of
the war who will be out of em
ployment Many of them will
have some means which they
will have saved at their employ
ment and with which they cojild
locate upon and improve land
and engage in agriculture horti
culture or live stock raising
All of the above described
classes of people will be needed
on the land The land will need
them and they will need the
land It should be the object of
the government and it is the ob
ject of this proposed legislation
to provide them with the oppor
tunity of getting on the land
Furthermore the undertaking
which this proposed legislation
contemplates if embarked upon
by the government would af
ford employment to thousands of
men who will be out of employ
ment at the termination of the
war when they will be clamor
ing for employment
This bill is in line with pro
posed legislation suggested by
the Secretary of the Interior
and the committee believes it of
great importance The commit
tee further believes that it
should be attended to in ample
time and that no time should be
lost in doing so The war may
end in another year and if this
scheme is to be embarked upon
at all no time should be lost in
doing so The committee be-
lieves the proposed legislation
and the undertakipg contem
plated thereby to be of great
and vital importance to the coun
try and a great and valuable
economic program
If Roosevelt were president
now what would he say of the
duty of Americans in this falls
We cannot imitate the colonels
rhetoric but we imagine his line
of argument
This is no time for divided
allegiance for partisanship but
for all Americanism We should
engage in no battles save with
the enemies of our country
Wars are not won by debates in
congress but by military achieve
ments The Germans are the
bitterest haters and critics of my
administration shall they be re
inforced by furnishinp them
abettors in congress
Shall we weaken our govern
ment and in foreign eyes the
present administration is the
present United States Govern
ment by presenting in congress
Indisputable evidence of division
of opinion in this country Shall
we present to the world the Bpec
acle of a president with one hand
fighting the Germans and with
the other warding off attacks
from American congressmen
Shall we in the midst of the bat
tle give the enemy reason to
think that our commander-in-
chief has lost the support of the
The people of the United
States have made me their chief
executive for four years In the
middle of my administration
should they surround me with
political enemies to harrass me
in the rear while I face the en
emies of my country I am in no
way impugning the patriotism of
men of the opposing party nor
their usefulness but when their
election to congress will be taken
as a repudiation of the stand this
government has taken in this
war their election weakens rath
er than strengthens the nation
Colonel Roosevelts arguments
would be sound The present
administration is the govern
ment of the United States An
opposition congress elected this
fall would mean a repudiation
partial at least of the policy the
nation nus announced una is pur
The prairie dogs in Graham
county have caused thousands of
dollars of damage to the cattle
men by eating the grass that
otherwise vould have gone to
the supporting of cattle Over
in the Bonita Lompoc district
there are between two and three
hundred square miles of range
land that is almost valueless be
cause of their depredations To
encourage the extermination of
these pests the following reso
lution was passed by the State
Couicil of Defense
Resolved that the committee
of the State Council of Defense
in cooperation with the U S
Biological Survey approves the
recommendation of the Director
of the National Biological Survev
that counties in Arizona now
paying bounties on predatory an
imals or rodent pests join in the
State wide campaign between
the Biological Survey and this
committee of the State Council
of -Defense by devoting the
amount of money paid in boun
ties to the payment of the sal
aries of the hunters such hunt
ers to do their work in the coun
ties paying their salaries and
the skins of the animals obtained
by them to become the property
of the county to be sold to the
account of the predatory animal
work and we urge all counties
whether paying bounties or not
to make an appropriation toward
the campaign to rid the State
of predatory animals and rodent
When parents or others send
children to the postoffice to get
their mail they should give the
boy or girl a note to the post
master asking for their mail as
under the rules and regulations
of the Post Office Department
children cannot be given mail
without such signed order
The winning of the war may
swing on your War Savings
pledge Make good that pledge
Bronchial Trouble
Mrs A E Sidenborder Rockfleld
Ind states For an attack of bron
chial trouble which usually assails me
in the spring I And Chamberlains
Cough Remedy the only thing that gives
me relief After using it a few days
all signs of bronchial trouble
Office of the
Hoard of Supervisors
County of Graham
State of Arizona
The reports
Safford Arizona
October 7 1918
The Board of Supervisors met
in regular session at 900 oclock
a m with the following mem
bers present Frank A Web
ster Chairman James Quinn
Member J R Welker Member
Martin Lay ton Clerk W R
Chambers County Attorney
Minutes of the regular meet
ings September 3 and 16 1918
were read and approved by a
unanimous vote of the board
Andrew Kimball having filed
his resignation as State Fair
Commissioner for Graham coun
ty the board after fully consid
ering me same aeennea to ac
cept the said resignation and by
a unanimous vote retained the
said Andrew Kimball as State
Fair Commissioner for Graham
monthly indigent allowance of
Meguil Gonzales from 1000 to
1500 per month
The board by motion duly put
and carried increased the month
ly indigent allowance of Mrs M
J Slaughter from 1500 to
2500 per month
The board by motion duly Dut
and carried granted Mrs Chas
R Brewer an indigent allowance
of 2500
F E Welsh having filed his
resignation as Justice of the
Peace of Bonita Justice Precinct
No 8 the board after fully con
sidering the same by motion
duly put and carried accepted
the same as requested
John McMurren having filed
his resignation as Constable of
Thomas Justice Precinct No 7
to be effective the 15th day of
September 1918 the board by
motion duly put and carried ac
cepted the same as requested
The official bond for justice of
the peace of Alex Watjer in the
penal sum of 100000 was ap
proved by the chairman of the
State road claims No 2109
for the sum of 25776 and No
3134 for the sum of 123253
were approved by the chairman
of the board
The board in connection with
the county attorney examined
the accounts of the county treas
urer and tax collector aud veri
fied the same also the books
etc of said treasurer and tax
collector also counted the cash
on hand and in the banks and
found the kind and amount of
money therein as follows
Dpposits in the Bank of Saf
ford 2175224
Deposits in the Gila Valley
Bank and Trust Co 904124
Deposits in the Citizens Bank 1211259
Deposits in the Bank of Pima 208448
Silver 08
Items as cush 202331
fiBK8Ml m mSr5rfl5 1 rflwWlffilKBIIBi
of the various
county and precinct officers for
the month of September 1918
were reported checked by the
clerk and were approved by the
The board ordered the county
treasurer to set aside from the
expense fund the sum of 40000
the estimated expense of the
sheriff for the month of October
Continued Next Week
H -
As a measure of economy post
masters and po3t office employees
are directed to encourage the pub
lic to use stamps of the highest de
nomination suited to the amount
of postage required on all mail
For example a 3 cent stamp in
stead of three 1 cent stamps
should be affixed to letters need
ing three cents postage and a
10 cent stamp instead of five
2 cent stamps should be attached
to parcels requiring ten cents
postage Cooperation between
post office employees and the
public in the sale and use of
stamps of the higher denomina
tions will effect a large saving to
the government in the cost of
producing transporting and can
celing them and will benefit the
public in minimizing the number
of stamps handled and affixed to
San Francisco Cal
October 14 1918
Harry R Trittle
State Director for Arizona
Phoenix Arizona
Secretary McAdoo is extreme
ly anxious to have War Savings
Pledges collected Please use
your very best endeavors to urge
the people to keep their pledges
in full An active campaign
should begin immediately follow
ing the Liberty Loan Campaign
Lynch Governor
You promised the Secretary of
the Treasury he could depend on
you for a certain loan to the gov
ernment each month Keep your
promise without fail
U S Public Health Service Issues
Official Health Bulletin
on Influenza
county and appointed H Kim f enxa
ball Maxham as deputy
The board by motion duly
put and carried increased the
Probably Not Spanish In
Qerm Still Unknown
ple Should Guard Agalnat Droplet
Infection Surgeon General Blu
MakM Authoritative Statement
Washington D 0 Special Al
though Kins Alfonao of Spain was
one of the victims of the Infiuenzn epi
demic In 1893 and again this summer
Spanish authorities repudiate any
claim to Influenza as a Spanish dls
eM If the people of this country do
not take care the epidemic will be
come so widespread throughout the
United Slates that soon we shall hear
the disease called American Influ
In resKus to a request for definite
Information concerning Spanish Influ
enza Surgeon General Rupert Blue of
the U S Public Health Service ho
authorized the following official Inter
What Is Spanish Influenza U It
something new Does It come from
The disease now occurring In this
country und called Spanish Influen
za resembles a very contagious kind
of cold accompanied by fever pains
Coughs and Sneezes
Spread Diseases
I Art 2fificat
Aa Dangerous aa Maori Cm Shefla
In the head eyes ears back or other
pnrtK of the body and a feeling of se
vere sickness In most of the cases the
symptoms dlsnppear after three or four
day the patient ttlen rapidly recover
ing Some of the patients however
develop pneumonia or Inflammation
of the eitr or meningitis -und many of
these complicated cases die Whether
thin ao ciillod Spanish Influenza Is
Identical with the epidemics of Influea
zu of earlier years Is not yet known
Epidemics of Influenza have visited
this counYry since It Is Interest
ing to know that this first epidemic
was brought here from Valencia
Spain Since that time there have
been numerous epidemics of the dlr
ease tn 1881 and 1800 nn epidemic
of Influenza starting somewhere In the
Orient spread first to Russia and
thence over practically the entire civ
ilized world Three years later there
was another flare up of the disease
Both times the epidemic spread wide
ly over the United States
Although the present epidemic Is
railed Spanish Influenza there Is no
reason to believe thnt It originated la
Spnln Some writers who have studied
the question believe that the epidemic
came from the Orient and they call at
tention to the fact tlnit the Germans
mention the disease as occurring along
the enstern front In the summer and
fall of 1117
How can Spanish Influenza be rec
There Is na yet no certain way In
which a single case of Spanish Influ
enza enn be recognized On the oth
er hand recognition Is easy whero
there Is a group of cases In contrast
to the outbreaks of ordinary cougha
and colds which usually occur In the
cold months epidemics of Influenza
may occur at any season of the year
Thus the present epidemic raged most
Intensely In Kuropo In May June and
July Moreover In the case of ordi
nary colds the general symptoms
fever pain depression are by no
means as severe or as sudden tn their
onset as they are In Influenza Final
ly ordinary colds do not spread
through the community so rapidly or
so extensively as does Influenza
In mom cases a person taken sick
with Influenza feels sick rather sud
denly He feels weak has pains In the
eyes ears head or back and may be
sore all over Many patients feel
dizzy some vomit Most of the pa
tients complalh of feeling chilly and
with this comes a fever In which the
temperature rises to 100 to 104 la
most cases the pulse remains relative
ly slow
In appearance one Is struck by the
fact that the patient looks sick Hli
eyes nnd the Inner side of his eyelids
tuny be slightly bloodshot or con
gested as the doctors say There
nmy be running from the nose or
there nmy he some cough These signs
of ii cold mny not be marked never
theless the patient looks and feels very
In addition to the appearance anl
the symptoms as already describe
examination of the patients blood may
nlil the physician In recognizing Span
Mi liillut uza for It has been Aeoad
The following story comes
from the Sunny South and ap
peared in a recent issue of the
New York Times One dusky
citizen was in uniform The
other clung to his civilian gar
ments and railed against the
draft I aint a goin he
said and no one is goin to
make me Nigguh replied
the other earnestly If Mr
Woodrow Wilson wants- you you
go That man just took an hour
thnt In ti ii ii i the number of
white rnrpiHili5 nw little or no In
crease nbme ilie n miiI It Is possi
ble that the litlinruinry Investigations
now being iniule thiniitli the National
Research Council nnd the United
8tates Hygienic Laboratory will fur
lsh a more certain way In which Indi
vidual casea of this disease can be
What Is the course of the dleeaee
Do people die of It
Ordinarily tho fever lasts from
three to four days and the patient re
covers But white the proportion of
deaths in the present epidemic has
generally been low In some places the
outbreak has been severe and deaths
have been numerous When death oc
curs It Is usually the result of a com
What causes the disease and how Is
M spread
Bacteriologists who have studied In
fluenza epidemics In the past have
found tn many of the cases a very
Small rod shaped germ called after Its
discoverer Pfelffers bnclllus In other
cases of apparently the same kind of
dlsense there were found pneumocoeel
the germs of lobar pneumonia Still
others have been cnuaed by strepto
cocci and by others germs with long
No matter what particular kind of
germ causes the epidemic It Is now
believed that Influenza Is always
spread from fceraon to person the
germs being carried with the air along
with the very small droplets of mucus
expelled by coughing or sneezing
forceful talking and the like by one
who already has the germs of the dis
ease They may also be carried about
In the air In the form of dust coming
from dried mucus from coughing attd
sneezing or from careless people who
spit on the floor and on the sidewalk
As In most other catching diseases a
person who has only a mild attack of
the disease himself may give a very
severe nttack to others
What should be done by those who
catch the disease
It Is ery Important thnt every peri
son who becomes sick with Influenza
should go home at once and go to bed
This will help keep away dangerous
complications and will at the samo
time keep the patient from scattering
the disease far and wide It Is highly
desirable thnt no on be allowed to
sleep In the same room with the pa
tient In fact no one but the nurse
should be allowed In the room
If there Is cough nnd sputum or
running of the eyes and nose care
should be taken that nil such dis
charges are collected on bits of gnuze
or rag or paper napkins nnd burned
If the patient complains of fever nnd
headnche he should be given water to
drink n cold compress to the forehead
and n light sponge Only such medi
cine should he given as Is prescribed
by the doctor It Is foolish to nsk the
druggist to prescribe nnd muy be dan
gerous to tnke the so railed safe aura
and harmless remedies advertised by
patent medicine manufacturers
If the patient is so situated that ha
can be nttended only by some one who
must nlso look nfter others In the fam
ily It Is ndvlsnble that such attendant
wear a wrapper apron or gown otr
the ordinary h5nse clothes while in the
tck room nnd slip this off when leav
ing to look after the others
Nurses and attendants will do well
to gunrd against breathing In danger
ous dlseuse germs by wearing a simple
fold of gnuze or mnsk while near the
Will a person who has had Influenza
before catch the disease again
It Is well known that an attack of
measles or scnrlet fever or smallpox
usually protects a person against nn
nthir nttnek of the same disease This
appears not to be true of Spanish In
i fluenzn According to newspaper re
i ports the King of Spain suffered an
attack of Influenza during the epi
demic thirty years ngo and was again
stricken during the recent outbreak In
How can one guard against Influ
In gunrdlng against disease of all
kinds It Is Important that the body be
i Kepi strong ami nine id iikiii uu hid-
ease germs This can be done hy hav
ing a proper proportion of work play
and rest by keeping the body well
clothed and by entlng sufficient whole
some nnd properly selected food In
connection with diet It Is well to re
member thnt milk Is one of the best
all uround foods obtainable for adults
as well as children So far ns a dls
ense like Influenza Is concerned health
authorities everywhere recognize the
very close relation between Its spread
and overcrowded homes While It la
not alwnys possible especially In
times like the present to avoid such
overcrowding people should consider
the health danger and make every
effort to reduce the home overcrowd
ing to a minimum The value of fresh
air through open windows canfiot be
over emphasized
When crowding Is unavoidable as
la street cars care should be taken to
keep the fare so turned as hot to In-
halo directly the air breathed out by
another person
It Is especially Important to be
ware of the person who coughs or
sneezes without covering his mouth
and nose It nlso follows that one
should keep out of crowds and stuffy
places ns much as possible keep
homes offices and workshops well
aired spend some time out of doors
each day walk to work If at all prac
ticable In short make every possible
effort to brcnthe as much pure air aa
In all health mntters follow the ad
vice of your doctor and obey the regu
lations of your local and state health
Cover up each cough and sneeze
If you dont youll spread dleeaee
of daylight away from God Al
mighty Then he took all the
railroads away from white folks
and give urn to his son-in-law
What chance has you got
Buy War Saving Stamps
Sincere Gratitude
Mrs William Bell Logansport lnd
writes I deem It my duty to express
my grntitudo for the good Chamber
lains Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy did
mo when I had a severe attack of
diarrhoea thrre years ago It was the
only medicine that relieved me 3Ht
J AjBMKBiMM5SwBWBi aJ mtlmJmSs jf
Well AU G Broke U We Have To But Theres No One Basted Yet
When 1 hear some folks complainln
13oul the burden they must bear
Just to keep our soldiers flghtln
In Hie trenches over there
Then 1 vant to show a picture
One 1 saw th other day
Of a Utile Heiglan younun
An her granny old an gray
In each face was tears and terror
Born ot Teuton greed and lust
An I pledgee my all to Freedom
irto give ai all I must
Then anew ong woke within me
A refrain I cant forgot
Ttill all bo broke If wc haf t
But theres no one busted yet
None -of us is facln hunger
None need fear to seek his bed
lejt a demon in a Gotha
Hurt a bomb from overhead
Here we go along a slngtn
Ou now and then we sigh
An we never see a soldier
Cept cur own a marchin by
folks wed ouiht to be so grateful
To each hgntlu Vankee boy
That th acritlce ot givn
Should be measured aa a joy
So lets do our part full hearted
Smile and say without regret
Well all go broke If we haf f
But Uieres no one busted yet
imiimiiimiimii iiiPiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiim
The Bank of Safford i
Make This Your t 1
I Vs Banking Home
Personal Service to Every Customer
Member Federal
Reserve Bank
For Sale
Good Team of Horses
P 0 BOX 1041
Safford Arizona
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