OCR Interpretation

Graham guardian. [volume] (Safford, Ariz.) 1895-1923, March 03, 1922, Image 3

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn95060914/1922-03-03/ed-1/seq-3/

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Thumbnail for Page Three

ft 1
iayS t
ftmmmmmm I n i ii iji i n i
CHAPTER XIV Durln th dy an
1M tb Jwo suectssruur rsna ut
hfthouM aiInit attacks Includlnf ao
attempt U drown thsm out
CHAPTETt XV Almost ready to live
up Broucbton I hearUnad by Hiram
assertion that the sounds of tho flrlni
mutt have reached AtropU and an
tliatlnir farty will toon appear
CHAPTKH XVI The elexe continues
Bullerton vainly ehdeavorlnf to Induce
Hiram to abandon Broughton He zi
ly announcea hU purpose to destroy the
shafthouse with Ita defender They de-
fy him
CHAPTER XVII Uslnr dynaialte the
beileaera have Twtjmblyand Broughtpn
at their last gasp when the rescuing par
ty from Atropla arrives- headed by
Uroua htona acquaintance Beaaley who
Is Uaddy Jtlrama nephew With the
party Is Jeanle As an explanation of her
disappearance she hands Stanford vhls
J deed to the Old Cinnabar which alio had
P taken to have recorded a precaution he
had neglected Beasley arrests Broughton
Vfor the theft and destruction of the ron
struetlon car
r CltAPTBIl XVtlt A charge bf dyna
-mite aimed by Bullerton at the shaft-
house exploded In the mine and the mys
ietv Pt the flood Is revealed The Water
hi iUn deliberately Introduced Into the
t1 shaft and arrangements made to keep It
tW there with the object of discouraging
Vind uliunaieiy uremia u
tour graodfalher Stanford and Hiram
discover the method and destroy It
BrouRhton announces his Intention ot
working me m ne with Daddy Hlrarr
1 as hi partner ind Beasley aa tils foro
rman the -matter of tho construction car
being forgotten To his Intense dlsguBt
Jeanlo induces Broughton to promise not
lb proxocute Bullerton the only possible
being that she loves the fellow
CHAPTEn XIX TVIth the aid of
Beasley Broughton Interests capital In
the mine and tho future of the Old Cin
nabar seems assured
CHArTEn XX neaIUlrrg his debt to
Hlram apd to Jeanle for thetecover of
hla property Broughton asiurs the plri
tThey appeal to our Sympathies
v Thoblllous and dyspeptic aro con
stant suftororsand appeal to our sym
pathles Many such however have
been completely reslorod to health
- by the uso of Chamborlalns Tablots
j Shese joblea strensthen theatomach
invlgorato the liver and improve tho
digestion They also causo a gentle
niovomont of the bowels Tien you
ftavo auy troilblo with your stomach
jRlyo them a trlaL adV
In order to pfjdolnp gomethlrjo
during thcie lull - times we vIll
make you a 14x20oVar5o6 portrait
FREEftWewantyotlto8hoW It to
your friends and advertise our work
A we ask of you send us 95c to
pay for postage and boxing and we
wljl send the portrait prepaid free
Mall your photos with 95c Give us
a trial No frame catch buy your
frame where you please We copy
anything and everything Mpney
backlf not pfeaseel
Hastings Nebr
Welker Bros Transfer
Householed Goods Moved to
Any Part of Towii
New and Second Hand
Perfection Oil Heaters
Cook Stoves and Ranges
In fact anything lntha lUuxJiold lint
All kinds of furniture
r i
V - - - - - - - -
jfit J i i I - I l y i
r J -
jbt l r w Tami m mi uw ih jv w a bji l m i m hh taataaaa
iI fc gaJ rFsvr BUUazT a vgaTiit
L SSPySTqht Bre
hXrlesscribners sons
ha will not prosecute wuiierton but she
do not appear particularly grateful
Finally the true altuatton apparent to
any one lees deeply In love and possibly
that he has found the Oirlthe
orse and the Dor and particularly TUB
was run awny with the lind to be 1
reckon Jtist ijot to sHt our teeth
son and tough If out the bent we can
During this waiting Interval which
seemed like hours and was probably
only a few minutes we were niomen
tnrlly expecting another crash It did
not come but In due course of time
wc heard a stir outside and then
voices and prle of Jhe voices which
was nor Uullertons said v - Ill bet
that catrldge smoked em out cood an
plenty cnjCn Cjlmuie th nx Tom till
we Mist open the door on have a
squint at em -
Just nt that moment a submerging
wave of depression surged over me
and 8hovedi merdown so deep that I
think possibly If Ilullerton had culled
out and demanded our surrender 1
should hnve been tempted to tell him
that I was not so much of n hog as
not to know when I had enough But
the bid nin u iHjiipczcd In beside lneun
dor the nrehed boiler pinto was rnade
of better fljier he was game to the
last hair in his beard With a wild
lndlmi yelV he hunched his Winchester
Into position and fired onoe twice
thrice nt the door its rapidly as he
could jiump the Reloading lever
A spattering fusillade was the reply
to this but tli5 1dm was bad and the
only result wlis to set the air of our
prison fortress to buzzing as if a
Kwnrm nt nntri lions linit linnn furnnil t
loose on us After this the raiders
withdrew so we Judged nt all evtvits
the silence of the dnrk hour befciro
daybreak shut down upon us ngnln
and once more we had space in which
to gather our minds ns Daddy put
It may be a dastardly confession of
wenkncj8 to admit It but I am free to
fay ttiqt thc prologged Strtiggle wns
gnidually undermining my nerve If
BulIcrtoiWmd made up his mind to
write off rhejlos3 of the mine buildings
and machinery it was a baitfe lost for
us It could be only n questlqn of a
little time and enough daylight to
until we should be burled in the wreck
of the shafthouse nnd hoist and with
out the privilege of dying in a good
old fnshlnnedstnmliin flcrif to
All of this I hastily pointed out to
DaddyHirainiBddlnB that forcnnloa
sake If for no better reason he ought
to take bis chance of staying upon
arth Ah long ns I live I shall
H nys have a high respect fpr the
wrath of o mlld innnneied man The
old prospector was fairly Uerserk
mad fonmlng nt the mouth nnd short
of dragging him out by main strength
there wns no way of iifatciftg lihnutt
Ku -
No sir I done promised vour
granpaw at Id stand by for him nnd
he paid me money fqr doln It When
them hellions get this hero mine
theyre golntodlg a hole somowheres
nnd bury ino afterward was nil J
could got out of him
Wo were not given very much more
time for discussion or for anything
lfc TJie first fnint graying dawn was
coming and with the partial lighten
ing of the Inner gloom we crnnedour
necks like a double headed turtle
peering put of Its shell and got a
glimpse of the damage tlone byOic In
itial thunderbolt We saw It without
nny tronblc a great hole torn In tho
sh0tlron roof dlrecNj over the holst
nnd shaft mouth Knowing the use
mid effect of explosives pretty well
Daddy said that the bomb had gone off
riNlnnturely bad exploded before It
had fairly lighted upon the roof
If ft hadnt If lthvadbeeirlayln
on me root wnen it went off wo
wouldujlt bn Hookln VP11 that hole f
rlehfrow Srhnhlo niv soli WVdliel i
- t i TO ituu iiiuiiiu his old hide i
moggln up the golden Mnlr and Hwpn i TlW0 aint nnry inither
dernhnwmuch fnrtherlt wnstotheUi1I1I1n
mls nt can quss
c u iuMtieiu null wiiui Kinu 0
harps theywas goln ogjve ujwlren
e got tfiefe Vc sure would
We didnt keep our heads out very
Mong While we were staring up nt
the hole anda the patch of sky be
pnd it aisihftll dark object with n
sinoktjhlife couiets tall - trailing be
hind It crossed our line of sight and
tve ducked nnd held our breath or at
least I held mine TJie crash came
almost Inrmedlntely and it wns fol
lowed In rfwlft succession by a second
V I ----- -
nnd third fucklly nnno of th Pncc nt t5 TwombljV breakfast ta
three hit tho shaft house nor Indeed e- tlIs bcwhlskered giant with n
fell ery rrpar to It nnd this goodlsh bunch of followers hnrd
tnlnly gf aim told us whore tho attack boiled to n mnn they looked to bo
was cothhlg froinv The bomb throw- hnd gurroundetj nfrilr lmlf of Iho
fity were nedisomewhero opVjl VuiildbeJnlnlis and werelod
steep slbpe pfthfinbuntaln abovd us culling them with n celerity thut was
the slope which I hnve described as trujjirable And Bensley him-running-
up from the brink of thoy5efrMVqirnre Jnwed niid peremptory
theydo 1 rockon lfll bq gobd by fnlf
worldj for1 n cptipje of us nlitf oiW
mighty good dog Im BV
Stahijle Soii die shot that comei
down through that hole- flses us a
plenty Hufferln Mcthusaleh f whnt
The Crash Came Almost Immediately
all is the folks doyn yonder at
pla n dreamln about to let nil this
bangln nnd whangln go on up here
without comln up to find out whats
tnnkln it
The Atropln thnt I remembered was
soiienrly lnorlbund thnt I tlldnT xvon
der It wasnt making nnystlr IntouH
behalf so when a few pattering- rille
shots which seemed to originate on
tho great bench below begun to sift
In amoftg the bomb echoes I topk It
that Ilullerton had divided his force
and was trying to rattle us two ways i
at once As for that however the
bigger bombardment kept us frtmi
speculating very curiously upon any
thing else Two more of the gjnnt
crackers had fallen to the right of us
one of them Into the wreck of the
blacksmith shop to send up it spout
ing volcnno of scrnp which fell a sec
ond or so later In n thunderous rain
and then
Fqr a Hitting Instant It seemed ns If
It must drop squarely In front of the
iron shield under which we were
jammedtin which case even the un
dertaker wouldnt have been needed
not nny whatsover as Daddy Jirnm
would have said Ilut at the critical
point In Its flight the hurtling fliliiff
ticked the top of the hoist frame
and its downward course was deflcct
ed the needed hnlrs brendth causing
It to come down beyond
ery and Hot -on oursldc of things
cytjthejewewere cohering In an
ticipation of a blast which would most
likely hcavq the entire machinery ag
gregation oyer bodily upon us when
the explosion cam
Wc saw tho belching column of
llnuie and gas going skyward- beyond
tlulmucliineryilarrerfltaklng a full
half of the roof with it ns If the blast
had come from the -mouth of a gigan
tic cannon We were dazed nnd ileitf
encij by the shock nnd half choked
by the Junius but neither of us wns
j so fur -gone ns not to hear distinctly a
prolonged unii nunming crash like the
thumU ijtpt ii small Niagara coming
lafter tW smash
The shaft 1 shrilled Dnddy Hjrnin
in jt thin choked voice It tfent off
4HMmi In the shaft And snyl
what alls that were n libteiiln to
now I
- -If there hndjbcen a dozen of the
bombs raining down I dont believe
the threat of them would have kept
us froin bursting out of our dodge hole
to go niid sec what had happened lit
tho mine shaft But before we could
determine nuythlng more than tlmt
the mouth of the shaft was complete
ly Hidden finder n iniiss of wreckage
and that the mysterious Nlagnra roar
dwindled somewhat but yet hqllowly
audible was still going on under the
concealing mass of ibroken tiinbera
nnd sheet Iron there was a masterful
Interruption Shots yells shoutings
aliij hot cursetold us that a ilerco
battle of some kind was staging itself
Just outside of our wrecked fortress
whereupon Dnddy Hiram hegan paw
ing his way to the door yelling like a
suddenly gone dotty
That theres old Ike Beasley
ho chlttercd
man in tho
like flint
sled to save up JUt troubles and tell
them to the Judge
ftSweeilierged from our wrecked
fortress othur members of tlrep6sse
were scattering to roUnd HB tho out-
lying bomb throwers who had nppar
taken to the tnll tiinbef in a
pitnlc strlcken effort to escape Down
on Jhobeiich below there were horses
hurse holders nnd among ho
horse tine whose boyish looking rider
wns Just slipping from tho saddle
While I wns wondering vaguely why
the Angels tojvn nnrshal had let a
mere boy come along on such a battlo
errttrid the Wylsli figure fan up the
road and darted In -among us to fling
Itself Jnto Djuhly lllrams arms gur
gtlng niid half crying and begging to
be told if he vtis hurt
I didnt know nt the time how much
r how llttlp tbo bg marshal knew of
the various and muddled Involvements
which vero cilhuixlng right there in
mortUngsunshlno on the old
Cinnabar dump head but I do know
that he qurkly turned his captures
over to some 6f Ills deputies and had
them promptly hustled down stage
and oft seen While this wns going
on I was merely waiting for my cue
and I got It or thought I got It when
the hoy who wnsnt a boy slipped
frojn Daddys tnns and faced me
Im not liurt either I ventured
to say hoping thnt the brain storm
hud subsided sufficiently- to make mo
visible Velcoiue home Miss Twom
bly or should 1 say Mrs Ilullertoii
The look she gave ine Vias Just plain
deadly you wouldnt think thnt
pyescould do It but they cnn
Then she drew a folded paper from
somewhere Inside of her clothes and
held It out to me
There is the deed to your miiro
Mr Broughton she said nlpphjgly
nhrt vitli Vfiilrljr tragical emphasis on
tills courtesy fltle JTou wouldnt
take theti oubIc too tq Copah nnd
aetl recorded so I thought Id better
do It fhope youll pardon me for be
ing so forwnrd and nieddTesome
It was of the en
tire Arabian Nights business nnd be
cause my feelings would no longer be
denied their rightful fling I sat down
on the shaft house doorstep nnd
fchoutfd and laughed like a fool But
after all It was Mr Isaac Bwiil
deputy sheriff and marshal of A
who put the weather-
upon the fantuAtli ntwi t
I been lookln round i u
right smiut while he told me gi
When you get plum over your lutt
nnd feel that youre nefdln n Uttle
sashay over the hills fr exercWe you
can come along wlth me ifnd
fr stcnlln thnt railroad
abrupt tdlfr overlobklng the mlno was shoving Bullerton up against the exploded In the shaft had wrought n
Pn I side of the shaft bouse snapping tho eomplele transformation The stand
Thcy 11 get thq r jnge n Irons upon his wrists nnd counseling log flood which rill of our pumping
xjuwiy erunieu Ann wnrn uiin with choice epithets Intcnnln
WworVnmc Mr0
Traynors Furniture
Store -v
LK Jli jni KRi
Hes Come with n posse and theyre
laylii out Chnrley Bullertons crowd I
There wns a fine little tnhjeau
spreading Itself out for us wheif wo
shad jlnnibered over the wreckagennd
ibnd ivlthdrnwn the wooden bnr and
ming rtlie door wide Dnddy Illrnin
had called the turn nnd nitmed the
tramp The Inrge
Ing man who hud once Interviewed mo
nt Angels nnd n little Inter fhad
paused In his combing of the moun
tains In search of me to usurp my
r - ihu
The Hold Up
Beasley left me sitting on tho door-
step Ive n notion lie had run out of
handcuffs else be might hnye cjapped
a pair of them oh me
ed his posse lown to Atropla v3ihtbeJ
captured Id era and tliblr -leader
When lie pninclmpk we tnola j time
Dnddy nnd I nnd the big umrsjial to
slzo up the damage thnt lutitvbuen
wrought nnd beyond thnt to dfglnto
A m M
fSSm M
Hoorayi He Yellea Charley Bull
ertons DreenedYour Mine for Yel
the mystery of the continuous grum
bling xoar which was still ascending
out of the wreclj covered mine shaft
Beasley stayed with us waiting ns
1 took It to get his breakfast before
Jh r e off to Jail and the three of
us fell to work clearing away tho
fallen timbers nnd rooflog Iron Dad-
tit- Tllrnm Ipnrllnp tint nttnrlr nrwl lio
Ing the first to stick his hend through
It oer theU
Iloornyl he yelled
done eggs zatly what lie said he could
do dreened your initio forye Cllmh
In hero and lake i Ion nt lur Shes
empty empty ns Ti jmt at
that fihe aint goln lo be very Ion-
A few more minutes of the stivnu
ous toll cleared the- pit mouth so that
we could nil soe The bnuili jlilch hnd
atnclrs had failed to lower by go
PiUch as a fraction of an Inch was
one and with it- had vanished the
two btg centrlfugnls the i platform
tifioii which they had toodvand their
pipe connections tiflne ikeVlse wnl
the greater part of the henry wooden
shaft lining A little offhTiTrcinnlned
in the upper part of the shaft but
from n pojnt possibly twenty flvei feet
Tlown there was nothing but the bara
rock sides of the squnre pit swept by
the receding flood
As for the hollow roaring noise
which bad followed the crash of the
explosion and which still continued
there was n good and sufficient reason
plainly visible from thcpltd mouth
Some twjenty feet down and on the
eastern side of tho shaft n strenm of
wafer big enough to run n good sized
hydro electric plant wns pouring Into
the perpendicular cavern nnd It was
Its plunging descent Into tho bowels
of the earth which wns making the1
mimic thunder
Bensley was the first to find speech
Where the blazes Is nil that water
comln from he exploded
Thats Just what were going to
find out I I barked Cnn you and
Dnddy handle my weight In a ropo
TJiey bollL protested thnt they could
handle two of me If necessary and a
sling was quickly rigged and I was
lowered Into the pit At the nearer
Iew thus obtained some pf the mys
teries were Instantly mnde clear The
reason -why the wooden boxing dlsnp
licnred below n certain point in tho
shaft was thnt It had never extended
niy farther down It had been mere
l nbox with a bottom I and all those
pipe dream Impressions which had
tiled to register themselves on the
day when I hud my struggle with the
suction pipe octopus werT instantly
translated Into facts I could hnva
sworn then thnt there was a bottom
In the box nnd there was a bottom
And that other Impression that I hui
encountered an lnrushlng stream of
Ice cold water In the chilling depths
here was the stream a foot thick
neer fnlllng cataract flouring In
through a perfectly good and substan
tial conduit of twelve Inch iron pipe I
In a flash the whole erlmttmlMnys
tery involving tbd ostensibly Hooded
mine was illuminated for me Haul
away I I culled to the two above
and when they hnd drawn me up to
the plti mouth and I could get upon
my feet I ylpped nt Dnddy and the
nmrshnl to come on nnd led them In
an out door race nlong the mine ledge
to tho Xatward a hundred yards
dash which brought us to the banks
bf the swift llttlemmintuln torrent In
the right hand gulch
A brief search revealed preclsiOy
wimt I was expecting to Hnd what
anyone In possession of the facts pre
cedcht would- hnve expected to find
In the middle of nlsihnlf po6I slightly
upstream fjrom the path level a pock
eted bft of water neittly screened nnd
half hidden by a growth of low
branching spruces we saw- a cone
shuped whirlpool swirl Into which a
Solid third of the stream flow was
vanishing Below this pool an appar
ently accidental heaping of rocks
formed a small dam which kept the
little rcservolf full
Vlthout a word Daddy II Irani and
the Angelic lnnishal plunged reckless
ly into the strenm nnd with their bare
hands tore nwny the loose rock dnm
VItii the removal of the slight barrier
iiiidthe consequent cleniing of the
cYftirse of the stream thp pocket
Jt Immediately the inlet
tf llrg cnturapUng pipe was exposed
una me secret ot me uooueu iiunnnar
was n secret no longer
The scheme which had been elnb
urateO and set In motion to soak
Grandfather Jnsper wns a premedi
tated holdup The Cinnubar in op
eration and producing to Its capacity
ias worth so Beasley asserted nil
that my grandfather had paid for It
firid more But with the branch rail
road built to Its very door its value
would be doubled Two alternatives
had thus1 presented themselves to the
owners -who were Cripple Creek
mining speculators who had bought In
thestock ntnlow figure while the
inhlh vein was us yet unexploltod thpy
could go on- mining the ore and stor
Ing It against the time when the mJN
road vwlth Its cost reducing advan
tages should come nlong or they
could suspend operations for the sumo
length of time setting the looses cf a
shut down over against the Increased
profits when they should stnrt up
With our discoveries of the morning
rtho plan of the robbery became per
fectly plain Some ghint of finance
nmniig the speculators had evolved n
scheine by which the mine not only
might be shut down during the Inter
val of waiting for the railroad to build
over the bench but nt the snme tliie
be mnde to yield a bumper crop of
Taking Its vurlpus steps In their or-
ixmalned ofctheMunglejuid finng der the first move In tho game was to
oLtlicfihiiftain6utlL sell the mine to Grandfather Jasper
his volcn while II was Still n going proposition
Sounding ns If it came from the inside and this wns done But one of the
of n barrel niid then again Itnnniy conditions of the fnle Beusley told us
Stannic son Why the ghoitB of old
Shadrach Xfeslutch and
Chnrley Bullertons done gone nnd
this was thut the selling corporation
should continue to operate the mine
not ns a lessee but under a contract
by which the operating coinpnny
should receive n certain percentage of
tho output mi arrangement which
gave the holdup artists ample oppor
tunity lo prepnre for Ihe coup tie main
How thee preparations were mnde
and tho secrcbofjthem kept from leak
ing out still remained one of the un
solved mysteries though Beasley sug
gested thul piobnbly imported work
men wero eipployed nnd that the work
gfci VMS
- -1 Iff
Might Dont Make
rr ifRighF 1
But right when applied to electrical equip-
- ment or wiring makes it possible
- ue when it comes to power light aiidheatHnd
then you have might
The more intricate the -job of electrical work
you have the more pleasure wb get out of doing
the work and when we hear of a proposecUjol
that some one speaks of as impossible we Jike
to get in and prove to the world that we are
really and truly electricians who know their
get fruits and vegetables from ujs they arc sound
through and through
Begin now to buy yourfruits and vegetables from
u You will like them so well that we will sell you
everythhyjyou buy to put on your table
hoes Just in
Something New
Come in and get your Shoes while
we have a Good Assortment of
Ladies Low Cuts in all colors and
for all your family We also have
a new line of Dry Goods and
V i
wn mjp
Sty HUtivxt Mmr I
We will not let any f raits or vegetables which are
not right come into our store wc will not let poor
stuff go out of our store into your home When you
MB MSMWatya aa jSiaaW jaa j a a - m f3rTSHBWWV9GVHCQNItitEl T a

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