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Saturday, June 15, 1940 Page Two THE CHRONICLE WORSHIP IN SPRINGFIELD AT THESE FRIENDLY CHURCHES CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD of the United Pentecostal Council, Inc. Corner of Oak and Tyler Streets Rev. F. A. Brown, Pattor Services, Wednesday, 8:00 P. M. Friday, 8:00 P. M. Sunday Services Moraine Service 11:00 A. M Sunday School 12:30 A. M, Evening Service 8:00 P. M. SHILO SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH THIRD BAPTIST CHURCH 650 Union Street Elder A. W. Clark, Pastor Saturday, Sabbath Sabbath School 9:30 A. M. Missionary Service 10:30 A M Preaching 11:00 A. M. Y. P M. V. 3:00 P. M. Wednesday Prayer Meeting 8:00 P. M. CHURCH OF GOD AND SAINTS 82 Essex Street Order of Services Sun, Eve. 7:30 P. M. Wednesday Women's Auxiliary 7:30 P M. Friday God's Sabbath 6:00 P. M. Saturday Sabbath 9 :00 A. M. Sunday School 3:30 P. M. MT. CALVARY BAPT. CHURCH M. North End S. L. Dupree, Pastor Thursday Jr. Choir rehearsal 7:00 P Prayer meeting 8:00 P. M. Friday Senior Choir iehearsal....8 P. M. Ladies' Activity Club 8 P. M. Sunday Sunrise meeting 6:00 A. M. Sunday School 9:45 A. M. Morning Worship 11:00 A. M. Young People's meeting 6:15. Night Service: 7:30 P. M. Monday Home Mission 7:00 P. M. Tuesday Deaconess Aid Society 8 P. M. Wednesday Church Aid 8:00 P. M. 84 Williams Street Rev. E. D. Caffee, Minister Sunday Morning Service 10:30 A. M. Sunday School 12:30 A. M. B. Y. P. U. 6:30 P. M. Evening Service 7:30. Thursday Prayer Service 8:00 P. M. ST. JOHN'S CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH GOING TO CHURCH IN BOSTON oo Corner Hancock and Union Sts. Rev. William DeBerry, D. D., Pastor Emeritus Rev. Roland T. Heacock, Pastor Sunday Divine Worship 10:45 A. M. Sunday School 12:30 A. M. Young People's Forum 6 P. M. THE HOUSE OF GOD Which is the Church of the Living God, Pillar and Ground of The Truth 47 Oak Street Rev. W. Thomas, Pastor Sunday Services Sunday School 10:0 A. M. Morning Service 11:30 A. M. H. Y. P. B. C. 6:00 P. M. Evening Service 8:00 P. M Wednesday Prayer 8:00 P. M. Friday Preaching 8:00 P. M. HOLY TEMPLE CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST 108 Ferry Street Elder I. L. Jefferson, Pastor Sunday Services Sunday School 10:30 A. M. Morning Service 12:30 P. M. Y. P. W. W. 3:30 P. M. Evening Service 8:00 P. M. Monday Sewing Circle Tuesday Regular Service Wednesday Prayer and Bible Band Thursday Missionary imeeting Friday Regular Service ST. LUKE'S C. M. E. CHURCH 31 School Street, Palmer, Mass. Rev. W. S. Ferguson, Minister Sunday Services Sunday School 9:30 A. M. Preaching 11:00 A. M. Special Services 3:00 P. M. Epworth League 6:30 P. M. Preaching 8:00. P. M. Monday Board Meetiag 7:30 P. M. Wednesday Class Meeting. Friday Prayer Meeting 7:30 P. M, GRANT (Bethel) AME CHURCH The pastor, Rev. S. P. Perry, de livered the Children's Day Mes sage last Sunday morning and the junior choir sang. Miss Gladys Holmes, director of- religious ed ucation of the New England A.M. E. Church, made her annual visit and delivered an inspiring mes sage. Samuel Perry, asst. supt. of fc. b. was in charge. The France Missionary Society had charge of the program in the afternoon. The evening service was in charge of Mrs. L. White, Evan gelist and Mrs. H. Franklin. Sunday, June 16 at 11 a.m. "The Methodist Pastor's Farewell Sermon." Conference claims day. 3:30 p. m., pew rally by Church Aux. 7:30 Father's Day pro gram by the Palmetto Club. All persons from South Carolina invited.- Tues., June 18, at 7:30 p. m. PEOPLES AME ZION CHURCH 30 Vine Street Rev. C. B. Corum, Pastor Sunday School 10 a.m. Morning sermon 11 a.m. Communion First Sundays. . BETHEL A. M. E. 27 Pendleton Ave. Eustace L. Blake, Minister Sunday Morning Worship 10:30 A. M. Beginners and Kindergarten Class 10:30 A. M. Church School 12:15 P. M. A. C. E .League 6:30 P. M. Evening Worship 7:30 P. M. Tuesday Class Meeting 8:00 P. M. Thursday Prayer Band 8:00 P. M. Negro Is No More Batista To Run Religious Than Any Other Group In the June number of "The Catholic World," Rev. Fr. John T. Gillard, S.S.J., Ph.D., has an ar ticle entitled "The Negro's God." The priest declares: "So often repeated that in some quarters it is accepted as axio matic is the assertion that the Ne gro is 'naturally religious.' . . . If statistics can be taken as a criterion, the Negro is no more religious than the rest of the United States. The last Federal census of religious bodies showed that only a little over 42 per cent of the Negro population claimed any church membership, whereas more than 44.5 per cent of the rest of the population were church members. Negroes constituted 9.5 per cent of the nation's church goers, which is about the propor tion of Negroes in the total popu lation of the country. . . . "It must be borne in mind that the Negro church is peculiarly a Negro institution; it is the only thing which the Negro may really call his own it developed accord ing to his own standards and more than anything else repre sents the real life of the race." For Presidency Havana, Cuba Candidate for President of Cuba in the elections scheduled for July 14 is Colonel Fulgencio Batista, former army chief, who is of Negro ancestry. He is supported by the Socialist Democratic Coalition, which is a union of various 'parties. His op ponent is Dr. Ramon Grau y San Martin. been prepared and the public is invited. Bl LL I CAN'T WORK - IT'S MY NERVES AGAIN Yr WHY NOT TRY EFFERVESCENT 5-2 ru. NERVINE y 4gyj TABLETS jTyou ever had V Women Give Scholarships The Women's Progressive Club of Everett will award two schol arships at the annual exercises to be held at Zion Baptist Church on Sunday, June 16. An interesting program has J. WORRICK MOVING AND TRUCKING OF KVKIIV DESCH1PTION CHEAPEST RATES IN BOSTON NEW AND USED STOVBJS nought and Sold BOSTON HIG. 9515 1029 TREMONT ST. SECOND HAND FURNITURE Coplete TLtoe Of a rAV when vou felt tense, jumpy, irritable? A NIGHT when you were wakeful and restless? Over-taxed nerves are likely to cause loss of friends, loss of sleep, loss of pleasure, time missed from work, family quarrels, physical and mental suffering. The next time you feel nervous, try the soothing effect of one or two Dr. Miles Effervescent Ner vine Tablets. Try Dr. Miles Effervescent Ner vine Tablets for Sleeplessness due to Nervousness, Nervous Irrita bility, Nervous Headache, Excit ability and Restlessness. Your money back if you are not en tirely satisfied. At your Druff Store Small Package 35 Large Package 75 Remember to ask for DR. MILES flvtcrt NERVINETABLETS Boston Woman Leads Fight For Hospital Bill Washington Largely through the efforts of Mrs. Thomasina Walker Johnson, legislative re presentative of the National Non Partisan Council on Public Affairs of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Soror lty, Senator Warren Barbour of New Jersey was persuaded to in troduce proposals amending the .National Hospital Construction Act, to provide that hospital fa cilities under tha new law be made available to all persons residing in the territorial area of the hos pital without regard to the finan cial ability of the person to pay. without discrimination on account of sex, race, creed or color. A further provision was that wherever segregation in health facilities is sanctioned by law, as in the South, equitable provisions upon the basis of need shall be made for facilities and services of like quality for each such group. Mrs. Johnson, who is the wife of Boston's well known musical director, T. Henry Johnson, has issued an urgent call for organiza tions and individuals to wire re presentatives to vote for the Bar bour amendment. Health moving pictures entitled "What One Man Did," by the Living Health League. This pic tture has been shown in many leading cities and at Tremont Tem'ple. A souvenir win be given to the first one hundred persons present. No admission will be charged. At 8:30 p. m. the baby con test reports will be in and the prizes awarded. Wed., June 19 at 8 P. M. Re cital and Reunion with a recep tion to Pastor, members and friends. The Attucks Chorus will sing assisted sy other musical groups and distinguished speakers. COL. AVE. AME ZION CHURCH Rev. William D. Battle, Pastor Father's Day! ! 6 A. M. Sunrise prayer and praise service. 10:30 A. M. Father's Day ser mon by the pastor. 12:30 P. M. Church School and Bible classes 3 P. M. Sermon by Rev. R. B. Hurt, of Worcester, Mass., spon sored by the Veen's Club. 4 P. M. Junior Christian En deavor society. G:15 P. M. Young people's so ciety of Varick Christian Endea vor. 7:30 P.M. Evening worship and Message by the pastor. Monday evening the last Mem ber's Meeting for this conference year. ihe auxiliaries are re quested to make their reports for the year, and make a contribu tion on the General Claims. The following Wednesday morning the pastor and his wife together with the delegate, Mrs. Ada Rice will leave for New Hav en, Conn, to attend the 96th ses sion of the New England Annual Conference. Marriage Saul Rains and Lorraine Car- rigan. Graduated With High Honors In Accounting Among the high ranking stu dents in the graduating class of Bentley's School of Accounting and Finance last Wednesday eve ning was Lionel O. Lindsay of 121 Harrishof street, Roxbury. Mr. Lindsay, one of three Negro stu dents finishing the school at this time, had an "A minus" average for the three years he has at tended, having completed a four year course in three years. FOURTH METHODIST CHURCH Rev. S. M. Riley, Pastor 10:30....Morning worship. 12:30 Sunday school. 6:00 Epworth League. 7:30 Evening worship. Sunday is Brotherhood day at fourth Methodist Church. Arthur Harris is chairnr -t-pf the proirram for both mornii!3T,and evening. NOTHING HAPPENS BUT TUB UNEXPECTED GET THAT INSURANCE POLICY TODAY "FIRE INSURANCE ACCIDENT AND HEALTH INSURANCE LIFE INSURANCE Maurice L. Smith Real Estate Insurance BOSTON CHRONICLE BLDG, 794 TREMONT ST. BOSTON, MASS. KENmore 4764 LIONEL O. LINDSAY Mr. Lindsay, formerly of Kings ton, Jamaica ( B.W.I. ), graduated from Kingston Technical and Com mercial School and was represen tative from Kingston at the First International Boy Scout Jamboree held in London, England, in 1920. He is also a graduate of Went worth Institute (Boston) in Ap plied Electi-idity and Electrical Machinery. This new graduate of Bentley's is auditor for St. Mark Church, president for a second term (by reelection) of the Fathers' Club of the Shaw House, and tourna ment manager for the Roxbury Tennis Club. He was one of the recent winners in a national con test sponsored by Regal Shoe Company for its employes for suggestions on "How to Increase Sales and Decrease Operating Ex penses and now has plans for becoming a certified public ac countant. (CAME RIDGE RUSH A. M. E. Z. CHURCH Rer. Charles H. Fogrgie, Pastor "The Common Things of Every day" was the subject of the ser mon Rev. Foggie delivered on last Sunday morning. Little Au drey Jean Pierce received bap tism administered by Rev. Foggie. The missionary society conducted the evening service, along with a pew rally. The talent appearing was: Mrs. Fash, missionary ad dress; Miss Gladys Berryman, vocal solo; Mrs. Catherine Man ning, reading; Mrs. Bessie Pear son, solo; Benjamin Alexander, tenor; Cloverdale quartet. Next Sunday Rev. Foggie will preach his closing sermon. He leaves for New Haven, Conn, on June 18-to attend the annual con ference. In the morning he will speak on, "At the Crossroads,' and in the evening on, "Keflec tions." At 3:30 p. m. Sunday Af ternoon, the Rush junior choir will present a musical tea. The Varick Christian Endeavor will come to a close on next Sun day, June 16 at 6-30 p. m. It is planning to make this last pro gram a surprise and also make it the best program of the year. It will open in September. HERE AND THERE The Caterina Jarboro Club is of fering to the citizens of Cambridge a "Night in Spain," to be held at the North Cambridge Community HERE HE IS! Harvard Discusses "Native Son" Richard Wright'- 'much - dis cussed, sensational novel, which may be purchased through the Chronicle's book department, was the subject treated by Luther Conant, president of the Boston Newspaper Guild, at the meeting of the Progressive Book Discus sion Group, Wednesday evening, at Phillips Brooks House, Harvard University. Help build colored, enterprise by patronizing them. Club June 12. There will be tasty Spanish dishes on sale, served by beautiful senoritas, Spanish music and modernized versions of Span ish music, senoritas at the wish ing well, post office (the type used at Spanish bazaars), grab bags. fortune telling, prize waltzing, and many other attractions. Paul McCree, son of Mrs. Hazel McCree, who will graduate from the Ellis Grammar School on Fri day, will speak on the significance of the flag at the graduation ex ercises. Miss Elaine Alexander will graduate from the Ellis Grammar School this Friday. D orothy Wood-Gather wright presents her pupils in recital, as sisted by Eleanor Trent Wallace, reader, on Sunday, June 16, at 3:30 p.m. from the Massachusetts Avenue Baptist Church, Rev. George Williams, pastor. PEOPLE'S FORUM TO DISCUSS GRADS PROBLEMS "Now that I have graduated, where do I go from here ?" This is the question many 1940 graduates are asking themselves and this question will be the topic of the People's Forum, Sunday, June 16 at 3:30 p. m., 171 Walden street, North Cambridge. All high school and grammar school graduates are invited to attend this frank discussion of problems that will face them in the near future. ST. PAUL A. M. E. CHURCH Rev. H. L. Moore, Pastor . Above is picture of HERBERT RUSSELL FRISBY, 1940 gradu ate of the Atlanta University School of Social Work, recently appointed Probation . Officer in the Probation Department of the Supreme bench of Baltimore, Md. The picture which erroneously ap peared above Mr. Frisby's name in our last issue was that of Ben ny Carter, the noted orchestra leader. Monday evening, June It all departments of the church are re quested to make- annual reports of total amounts received, total expenditure and balance in the treasury. Also report will be made of all who have paid dollar money and conference claims. ' Sunday, June 23, a "Blue Way" bus will be at the door of St. Paul and leave at 8:30 a. m. for Prov idence, R. I. Many who cannot stay through the entire conference may attend morning worship and later hear appointments read. Tuesday evening, June 18, a fashion show will be held. Wil liam R. Paris announces a show ing of all summer styles for all ages. Street, sports and drps clothes will be feature. Sunday morning and evenincr worship at the usual hour. As this will be the last service - of the conference year, the officers anti cipate a large attendance. As the vote was unanimous for the return of the presidine elder and pastor, the officers desire their reports to be excellent enoueh to have their demands honored by the Disnop. A musical tea will be held at the home of Mrs. Lovette Wright, 106 Armory street, Cambridge, June 16 at 3:30 p. m. This is a missionary effort. DARK HUMOR Telephone Saugus 0604 Time Payments CARPENTERS ROOFERS MASONS ARCHIBALD N LICENSED and BONDED ARCHITECTS BUILDERS AND GENERAL CONTRACTORS OSPREY ROAD SAUGUS 0604 59 WILLIAMS ST. ROXBURY BETTER THAN EVER! MADAM iWAJohnson's FAMOUS HIGH-GRADB leair &i Seal Freparaf ion I are now obtainable tat her New York addressf Write JMme. W. A. JOHNSON' Mme. W. A. Johnson 5 214 Weit 128th Street (Formerly of Boston, Hut.) t New York City, N. Y. Now ot Tork aty BvRav j Brothah Knight, Mistah Peaboy an' a bird onto it an' wore it to begs t'report he ain wearing his fez account his wife put a flower h er bridge dub.