Newspaper Page Text
c-.3 ' r - 'LIBEETY OR' tffcATH.' VMlRlE chY, K.T., JuttE 24', 1858. Leavenworth and Fort Gibson E. . Gen: Lane Acquitted I Wo stop the press to announce thai the examination, of Gen. Lank jfor the alleged murder of Col. Gaius Jenkins was terminated 'on Wednes day, 23d inst., which resulted in the honorable ACQUITTAL "of den. Lane. The' deed was clearly proven to be an act of puro self defense. More next week.' The Fourth. . Though' the good old "Fourth" i's going to Blight the patriotic and liborty-loving people of Prairid City this year, it may not be an unwel come item of news to thcrri td know what immediate towns she is to visit. Lawrence is making, preparations to give a Temperance Celebration. Every person connected with any de scription cf Temperance ordors, and every friend of Temperance, is invi ted to' participate' with them on the occasion. They will undoubtedly liavoa rousing time. We publish the particulars more minutely in an other place. Min'n'eola promises to do big things by way of offering sacrifices in com memoration of the old '76 veterans. We have no " doubt its citizens will do matters up' hugely, arid to help them along we publish their arrange ments in another column. Mr. Palmer, north of Hickory Grove, on the Branson-Lawrence road, gives a picnic. Whether it is pri vate, or gratuitous, we have not learned. Several ladios and gentlemen of Prairie City contemplate taking a iishing excursion te the Osage. In From the Cottonwood. Judge Wi'ixktt and Major Alex ander arrived in town a few days ago, fresh from Cottonwood Falls. They are in good health, and speak most encouragingly of the section of country thoy now hail from: The country is rapidly filling' up with a refinod and industrious class of Hot Jlers, and crops are very promising. Thev report tliat plenty of well wa tered prairio and timber claims aro vet unoccupied in thoso regions, and thoy respectfully extend invitations oil honest:' iridustrious and tempe rate peoplo, particularly mechanics and laboring: nlon, to locate in their new town'. To all such they promiso to offer the most flattering induco Wii.liitt has several ujuvu O . ilands" at work constructing d dam for criht and saw mill purposes, and do to whom he will jrivo good wages. During the approaohiug fall, or early next spring, thev are to have a nowspaper issued iathoirtown. This shows at once the good senso, intelligence and wisdom of its proprietors. Tiio Judge and Major will remain n town a few days longer, to whom Jieople of obtaining inform atiou about Cottonwood Falls and vi cinity, can apply. Kanzas Weather. At timos it is hot as love, dewy as l,iuumi ta&tw as a douirlifice' Domo Vt'h brain's, cloudy as old Buck phid will bo when ho learns thd result of the vote on the English bribe, windy as a Souihorn Secessionist, ninestuous as a Kanzas politics ((invention, dry us a Border Ruffian's stomach and wot as a'slippery dom agoguo. 1 mrTho editor of tho Luoompten Democrai (Denver's Jordan-a-asher,) Uva that " the fool are not all dead All who are ikwaro of, the ex of tho servile dottghfaco lick spiitlo of that sheet, will agree with him. trtrWhvare i)oui?!a-DeuoocratiO blfice'-hbldors like men' crossing sheep thi'v are lie pasture i v" . JuenUy:'Wbyttoldliuckl ' 'Owing to the Mtoim uh tudfty last, the sale of lot. in M"" Directors. JULY 10. Don't forget this pRAiuii City, Kanzas,) June 23, 1858. J Pursuant to adjournment, the$oard of Directors in the Leavenworth and 'Fort Gibson Rail Road Company met at this place. Present , John Chapman, Pres'i, H. J. Camniff, H. GiFFonp, , ., Charles Iipdon, WiluamMcLean, Samuel, f derson, Wir TTn4lDinTi'is. The mirrjfi of the previous meet ing were rcland approved. On motif & a committee of three, consisting wj Dr. H. J. Canniff, Charles Hiopon and II. C. Justice, was appointed to report a suitable point for tha location of the office of the company, ; at the next regular meeting.: A On motion, it was Resolved, That the following grand divisions of the Leavenworth & Fort Gibson Rail Road bo fixed and estab lished ; to wit: Beginning at Leav enworth City from Leavenworth City to Lawrence shall constitute tho first division. From Lawrence to a point on Sec tions 5 and 8, Town 15, in Range 20, two miles nojth of the Third Parallel, shall constitute the second division. From said point to the Fourth Parallel shall constitute the third di vision. From the Fourth Parallel to the south line of Town 27, at Osage City, shall constitute the fourth division. From Osage City south shall con stitute the fifth division. On motion, it was ordered that a commissioner should bo appointed for each division, whoso duty it should be td superintend the prosecution of a line of survey, on the most practica ble route ; to open books and solicit subscriptions of stock, to employ en gineers, and to procure the necessary lands for defraying the expenses of said survey, by subscription of stock, contribution, or otherwise, and to procure relinquishments of the right of way, and to report at the next reg ular ldodoff of the Board, each com missioner to operato in the division ;or which ho is appointed. II. C. Justice was appointed com missioner for tho first division, Dr. J. J. Canniff for the socond divis ion, Wm. Srruaos, Esq., for the third division, and Wm. McLean for the fourth division. dn motion, Dr. Chapman was ap pointod abdmmittee of ono to draft and submit a code of By-Laws for the government and regulation of the di rectors. On motion, it was ordored that the amount of the Treasurer's bond uhould bo fixed at present at ton thousand dollars, at the acceptance of tho boc rotary. Mr. Gifford tondorod his resigna tion as director, which was accepted. On motifi, Dr. Wm. UnAiiAMol PiOlo Citl, was appointed director, in place ot llr. uifford, rosigned. On motion, it was ordored that hereafter, tlie regular meetings of tho directors shall bo on tho third Wed nesday in each oltoinato month, at 2 o'clock, P. M., until otherwise or dared. Dr'. Graham appeared, and was duly sworn into office as director of of tho Loavcnwortn ana r ori uioson Ttnil UnnH Cldmnanv. On motion, it was ordored that tho noxt mooting of tho Ddard of Direct ors shall bo held atGarnot, in Ander son County'. On motion, a committee consisting of Messrs. kSrnioos. WEnsTER and Graham wil appointod, to investigate and ro port Io the noxt meeting, tho . . ...... amount offwiiry to be established for tho difloronl officer of the company. On motion, it was orderod that all tho stock hooks now in tho hands of agonts or stock solicitors, shall bo re turned to the Secretary, who shall make a full report of thS amount of stock subscribed, and the condition of the finances of tho company, to the next regular moutlng. On motion, it was ordered that tho balance of the stock for which Dr, Oh a I'M an was , authorized to , open books, not yet taken,1 shall be equally distributed with the four cotnmUsiou ers. who are hereby authorized , to open books for the subscription of f.lm same. ' (in m'o'tlo'n, the Board adjourrie'd. Attf sl , II. All, Srcrttarf, , Aggravating. The Atchison Freedom's CAam- pion" of June 12th comes to us in quiring, " Why don't yon ex ? We haven't received a copy of your paper for a month." The fault is "not with us, friend Martin. Our little CJiam- pion is mailed to you as regularly as it is printed. We are happy to ac knowledge the weekly receipt of your capital sheet, though it is generally from two to four weeks behind time. . We hear frequent and bitter com plaint from all parts of the Territory in regard to the non-reception of the Champion, and it' surely would be a source of much gratification to us to learn at whose door the fault lies. We superintend the mailing and di recting of the papers ourself in per son, and we aro exceedingly careful to 6ee that every subscriber and ev ery exchange is promptly attended to. It is a cause of serious aggravation to us to learn that our papers so often fail to reach their destination, and we have about come to the conclusion that some of Buchanan's servile tools make way" with thorn. If we are punched up about this matter much longer, we will ferret out tho cause, and if it consists in that which we expect, then look-out for a muss," for we're " spiling" for redress. Stranger Creek. What is the retason this creek, and others on the Lawrence and Leaven worth road, have nev6r been bridged? Cannot permission be obtainod in some manner from the Delaware In dians to do this ? There are some seasons in the year when com muni. cation is completely cut off from Leav. enworth, owing to these creeks, and the annoyance and damage occasioned by it td people having goods conveyed over that road, has already amounted to enough to Jbuild a dozen bridges. Why don't some person Who is di rectly interested in this road, move in tho matter ? Official Aspirants, Take Notice. Down in Wise County your1 de sires can be satisfied. Offices ore as plenty thore as grusshoppers in June, and but few to fill thom. Less than one month ago, our ex-partner, Capt. Willett, vacated his residence in 'rairio City and took up his dbdde in that county, and hardly ero he could reach his destination on his passage through it, the inhabitants saddled him with tho title of Judge Prolate Judge! Major Alexan der has been eloctod County Com missioner, and our ex-devil of tho Champion is in a fair way to be sent to the Legislature. Oh I tho Cot tonwood! The Remains of Ethan Allen likely to do Jbouna. No little excitomont has been oc casioned in Vermont at tho failure to find the remains of Col. Ethan Allen, which were supposed to have been stolon by sofale medical or phrenolog ical vandal. The Legislature of Ver mont wore about td drect a monumort to his memory, but in consequent of that startling development, sus pended the project. A gentleman living in Ohio writes to some persons in Burlington, Vt., that upwards of fifty yoars ago, a daughter of Col. Alien, then rosiding in a convent at Qu ebec, had tho remains of her fath er romovod from its former rosting place to Queboc, arid tho writer gives tile name df a gentleman in Canada who would likoly bo able to furnish information as to his present rosting place. $3T Mr J. M. WALitaN has retired from tho, Quindaro Cldndowan. We retrret this. , Mr. Waldkn is ono of tho ablest and best writers in Kanzas, and undor his management the Chin- dowan has held a prominont and pop' ular position among tho Ivauzas Pross, Mr. Waldbm has our boat wishes for success in whatever buBi- noss he tnuyongage in. UrTho ilditolr of the Lo jompton Democrat says we are an " insane fool." This may bo all l ight enough, but it looks too much like "pot callinff kettle black," andbosidos it is too bad ' Suppose we idiould' call him a National Democrat how would ho like that? . . , , " ' . JNJT Mr., 13. G. , Suorr is comple ting his dwelling house in towft. No one' will grunt at that) Denver and the Lynn Co. Murders. There is published at Lecompton a .paper called tbe Kanzas National Democrat. Its object is to laud King Buck's Kanzas Officials, pull wdol ever the eyes of shaky Free State men, and attempt to organize the Democratic party in Kanzas. The nominal editor of this sheet rejoices in responding to tbe name of S. W, Driggs, a Michigan doughface j as poor, cringing;, servile and despicable a tool as the North ever produced. The paper professes to be Free State, though last fall it supported Ransom and tho entire Bdrder Ruffian ticket. It desires to be considered Free State now becauso policy inclines it that way, but had it existed two years aero, or if the svne element that pre vailed in Kanzas at that time were dominant now, it would beyond all doubt eclipse the cyld savory Squatter Sovereign in its ardent support of the "peculiar institution."' Ever since its establishment it has violently assailed tho character and motives of the Free State party, thereby hoping to distract it for the purpose of extracting therefrom material for a National Democratic pflrty. It now supports tho English bribe, and ad dresses its remarks exclusively to Free State men Wo have been constrained to give this notice of this sheet because it sometimes chances to stray into the hands of Free State readers of the Chami-ion, and, as will be seen by the following, it cannot be otherwise ex pectod than that we desire to let them know what company they are keeping when communing with such pro ductions : "FOOI.S not all dead. font that edits the Daner called tho Freemen's Champion, wauts to know what Uovcrnor uknvkr is uoing wua regard lo the rcquibitious on the Governor of Missouri, for the murderers who fled to Missouri, who shot down the men in Lynn county. He cannot perceive that a single move is being made to havo the murderers uvvontnA "Ho states that the Governor has gone to Leavenworth, and a committee of citizens of Lawrence are waiting to obtain an inter view all this is publuhed under duto of June 10th. "Tho wcok previous to the above dntu,tho Rovcrend Reitf and the venerable Hargrove were at Lecompton, and had an interview with Gov. Denver, and asked if the Gov ernor would give requisitions on the Gov ernor of Missouri, to which ho replied tlmt he would do bo whenever tho proper papers were laid before him, and on the lOih of this nmntVi thn finvovniir. with Dr. Charles Hub- Wriirht. and others, were on their wuy to tho scene of the 'roubles in tho counties 01 Lynn anu uouroon, iur iuu purpose cf ascertaining tho truth in relation ... muttniii it. flint, nnnrtitf. No nlriera have been presented, as yet, to the Governor of county. Nothing has been done in tho premises, thut would enable the Governor to grant a requisition. When our article was pcrinod, thir teen days had elapsed since tk Lynn county murders, and up to that time, so far as wo could loam, tho uov. had not made the effort' to investigate and ferret out tha murderors, though he was aware of the occurrence of the horrible deeds two or threo days after their perpetration. By an oversight our aiticlo failed to appear in tho number for which it was designed (that of June 8), and on tho same day of its appearance, twenty uayn after the murders, Got. Denveu, rip parently fdr the first time, began to stir his boots in tho matter, though at that time wo were not aware that he had oven up to that pbriod attempt ed to do anything in the premises. Before an intorvibw was obtaiiied with the Governor by the wounded victims several visits had made to Locompton for the purposo, but with out avail, ho on oory occasion being absent, and, judging from the man ner and tono usod by his spluttering littlo orgarl-grindor in his e'ffdrta to palliate tho Govornors oourse ono would think designedly so. I not, why don't his fuddle-fussy cuffoe say S, and not iesort to twitting on norsonal facts bv way of a rotor r ' tion ? , i' , Mr Soma of tho friotids of Ml'. "The Beformer." Our eld friend, AcacsTbs Harman, has retired from the Auror'd Beacon, and is about to commence at Aurora, in company with Ellen Bbard, the publication of a monthly journal of reform, the first number to be issued July 1st, to be entitled " Tlie Reform' er" In their prospectus the publish ers say : 4 The Reformer will bo emnhatic- V A ally independent ; will advocate all measures which we believe to be re formatoryMoral, Physical, Politic al or LddcfUibnal. bpuce will also be allotted for Science and General Literature. It is the intention of the publishers to make it a welcome vis itor to the fireside of the' enlightened and progressive. All questions; ot sutUcient impor tance, may be discussed in our col umns. 1 Our Journal will contain sixteen pacres, 7x10 inches, set in fine, clear type, and printed on good paper. If bound, it will maice a nanasomo volume." If this journal does not meet with success, and become popular for a publication of that nature, it will not be owing to laok of editorial talent, and good wishes on our part. Single copies one year (always in advance) . . ... $1 Five copies one year . . 4 Ten " " .. 7 Twenty" " " . . 10 Specimen copies will be sent by mail; on receipt of two postage stamps. Single copies ten cents. Letters on business, or articles for insertion, may be sent to A. Harman fe Cd., Aurora, 111. The Republican Party a ad lecompton. It is not to hi denied that the Re publican party have been, and aro, the muin body of tho opponents of i v A 1 f HI 1 tlie Lecompton irauct. iney nave from the first fought this measure with a boldness and a persistency which deserves the thanki of the Country. They are the only party which takes ground openly against the extension of Slavery into tho free Territory. It is true tnat tney nave permuted Mr. Douzlas and his friends to lead off in opposition to the President's policy, but any one who has watched the courso of events must havo seen that the Republican phulunx wore all tho whilo united to crush tho iniquity. .in r . n! l J; . ii. . wueniur. uiuuings moreu in ma House to reject the Lecompton bill as it camo from the Sonate, every Re publican, and three anti-Lecompton Democrats, votod with him. One thins is certain; ThoRcpub- w a ican party is flirainbtthe cxtchsiou of slavery into Iree lerritory; It occt- tnes the position ot Jellerson 'and tlie men of earlier davs of tho Republic. ( 4, r who aimed to make this land the glo- Ml .1 1 .! Tl ry tt the cartn, uy establishing f ree dom on a basis not to be shaken; It is true their expectations havo not thus lar bcou lullilled. Uorrupt pol iticians have been elevated to posi tions of honor and trust, and thoy havo used tuo power contorrod upon them to extend and nornetuale the curse of bondage ; but the Republican party has no sympathy with ttiom or WllU I U1UV1S UUU KUDtbUlS. JLI1U ilU" publican party will march forward in the path it has choson, and we doubt not success will crowu its efforts to establish freedom and stay the inarch of despotism. Uao otate, Journal. A Tree Press'. English, of Indiana, think that tho threat of tho Indianapolis Journu that ho will be " hoisted into obscu rity," indicates A queer proceeding to obscurd a man. The Journal rosponds: . Did von never hear of a tinner bo .1 no hiL'h that it was out r,f uUyht ? That will bo Mr. Enclish's fate, lie will bo hoisted so high that hs can't 16 told from Taurur. cai, or one oftht dog Star's "pups." , 'Jtsr Tho preliminary examination of Gen. Lanb is'still' in progress in Lawrence. The evidence for the proneaution occupied six dHys, Which terminated on Saturday last. ; ' tT finbsoribe for the Ohaotio. The libortv of the press, that storm v 7 V 1 . ,. . fruarrinteo of modern civilization, has already been, is, and will continuo to bo tho roughest trial ot free govern ments, and consequently of free poo nlo. who aro irreatlv compromised in the strucrtrles ot their rulers : lor in U 19 tho event of a defeat, they have no alternativo .but anarchy or tyranny. J! roe nations ana governments nave but Ono honorablo and offectivo meth od of dealing with the liberty of tho . . . j ... j i ;.l i press to auopt it uuniwy, wiwmui undue complaisance. Let them not mako it a martyr or an idol, but leave it in its proper place, without eleva ting it buvond its natural rank. Tho liberty of the press i neither a pdwer . ,i o. . ... . L i.f: t in tna oiaio. nor win iwuiesuuuuivd ui ntiblio mind, nor the supreme iiuliro of UIH C.vOUIlLivo nuiiiiui nco , iu is Dim ply the right of all citizens to give their opinions upon publioatlairsana flfinduct of Government A pow erful and respectable privilege, but onn natural! v overboarinff. and which, to bo made salntuiy, requires that the constituted auuionuus buvmiu uuvei hiimiHaia themsolvos "before It, and that tlior should imposo on it that serious and constant responsibility which ought to wigh upon all rights, to prevent them from becoming at first seditious, and altorwnrds tyran nicol. M, QuiiOt. " JET Mr. E. P. ILtHRis has a claim for sale, as will be soen by roforiqg to1 oiir1 'advertising Columns, the nil rmitlcu ars of Mich Are there givon Seo what ho has Is siy in the premises. gnr No late ii'ews ffdrn the Sonth. Editorial Brevities. i-THe inability of a wife to make bread has been declared suffi cient ground for divdrctt, by Coun ty Agricultural Society of Iowa. , A most righteous decision.' ' ' - -A book has just been pub-, lished in New Orleans which contains" a list of the names of all the rich marriageable ladies and gentlemen , in Louisiana and the adjoining States with the amount of solid rhino pos sessed by each I A man who sold pop corn,' in the hall of the Chicago Post Office,' not agreeing with Mr. Buchanan on the great Natidtial Democratic ques tions of the day; has received notice to quit. There is a monster grape1 vine at Monteato, California that yielded,' last summer, 700 bushols of grapes,' weighing 18,000 pounds. -Equal purts of pulverlzhtf aam and salt, sprinkled upon meist! cotton dnd placed in the hollow of an aching tooth will stop tho pain at once. The Memphis (Teriti.) Eagle, says if it is a sign of Black Republican ism to support Crittenden's amend ment, there are terl Black Republi cans in that Statu to one Lecompton man. -Mr: English was very indig nant at the report that Mr. Broderick called him a dog. Prentice under stands that the dogs were still more so. A champion of cucumbers has appeared in Life Illustrated, who rays that not only are cucumbors' harmless, but they act beneficially on the system, and especially invigorate the mental faculties and clear the brain. It is said that Queen Victoria' will soon bo a grandmother. She is 89 years old. John Patterson, an Albany journeyman printer, is said to be the best mathematician in the world. In round numbers the amount of copies of speeches distributed by tho Senators of tho Freo btates was 680,000 ; of the Slave States, 130, 000. Divided according to parties,' the Lecompton Senators distributed 310,000, and tho auti Leeomp'ton,' 530,000. Letters received by tho Iowa Senators and Representatives confirm the 6tories of cxtensivo gold discov eries in that State. Thegrapo crop of Indiana, it is said, will bo groatly lessoned this year, in consequence of the ladios having taken most tf the vines for hoops. iThe' gold fever has broken out in Henry, Co.,' Iowa, some hav ing boon found near Mount Ploasant, and also in tho north-westorn corner of tho county, Tho N. II. Lczislature have re- nloctod Hon. John P. Hale.U. S. Seri- ator.givinghim 18-4 votes against 111 for John S; Wolls, and 7 scattering. Itisstatod that Gov. Wise,' of Virginia, is to bo a candidate for Congess in the Accorruo District, at the next eloction. Ho opposed the English Bill as being worso than the naked Lecompton. .: The Mr. Ilayno appointod to fill Senator Evans place from South Carolina, is a brother of Gen. Hayne, famous for his encountor with Mr. Webster on tho nullification question in 1852.' Tho voto on the Leavenworth Constitution, so far as wo have seen i), W,.rn. in 4.058. of whioh 8,808 are for tho Constitution, and .750 against. Tho entiro rote, probably, did not exceed 6,000. J"Th Jefferson City Inquirer, spoakinir of some of the symptoms" of the disoaso in that dity known as' National Domocracy," ssys: .,' Tho unfortiinalo patient us soon as tluv word abolitionist is menuonou in hU hearing, begins td Swear, jump, kick, hop, skip, war,; charge,, tear, cavort, snort, rip, "tumble, snoeae,' cough, spit, whoop, stutter, equca , howl, moan, groan, bellow, bewail, lameul, despond, turn pale, look sav- . age, froth at tho mourn, rou ujo, fctump his feet upon the ground, wheor rOiiitd and round, fall down and get; lip again, And then docs All that over again. 0 horrible II j' jf jrMr, Goudy's stock of goods did not Arrive last week, as was ex- peeled,' owing' ,td the high itate W water in the Stranger and Dragoon creeks, ' which prevented the, teams' from crossing. , This hAS cause much Annoyance td Mr:' Goddy's customers; s V r