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vol 3, so. 8. asA^s,R.^Su?sasari'ar PORTLAND, maixe, July so, aoo3. price five cents OCEAN VIEW HOTEL SOUTH HARPSWELL, ME. GEO. W. CAMPBELL, Jr.. Prop. Situated at the highest point In South Harpswell. There la a freshness in the air and a diversity- of scenery not found at less* er elevations. Facilities for games such as tennis and golf are handy. Electric bell service, bath and sanitary drainage. Large Dining hall and dance floor. Music Toom, etc. Boating, Bathing and Fishing Privileges. Bath House for Guests. OPEN JUNE 25. Conveyance to the House Free to Guests. In conjunction with Merriconeag House. Rates on application. Correct Clothing For Summer is now ready. Store this fact in your mind for future use. Particular ly stylish suits from Sft.OO to S2.VOO that can't be duplicated for the money. IRA F. CLARK & CO., One Price, Spot Casb, Clothiers, Hatters aod Furnishers, 26 and 28 Monoment Sq, Portland, He. Our Scenic Photographs represent the highest attainments in Photography Be sure to see our display before you leave for Home. ^ We are Souvenir Headqu irters V WILLIAM W. ROBERTS CO. STATIONERS, CA%°Rft»Po.»A2.CK. Arthur Palmer West Harpswell, Me. Groceries, Proiistoffs, Meals, Floor Grain, Etc. Onr Mfit I t« ueln'K' of an «p*rlfn( H inrat (ntltr. Fnlu —— ~rvoo'iter* u<! v*<-hli rnp|>ll«d »l «k«>rt mt >• 0'ir tram* rnter all |*ria of the point. and *« deliver three time* dally at ivm»h Tolman, Bradford Furniture Co. I 7 and 17 I -2 Preble St. . . . Dealers in . . . New and Second Hand Furniture, Antique (roods of all kind* txhight and sold also Auctioneers and Appraisers. White Canvas Oxfords For Men and Women. Barefoot Sandals For Misses and Children. Complrt« Mnf of th* Above Footwear Now Ready. . , . See Window Display. . . . center & Mcdowell, GRAND BALL. MOST SUCCESSFUL DANCE GIVEN AT THE MERRICONEAG HOUSE. SO. HARPS WELL. FRIDAY. Miss Helene Spalding and Miss Mar garet Leal, assisted by Other Well Known Ladies and Gentlemen Conduct the Affair. There l>ave been, during the past decade, many and varied ins parties given in and about beauti 7 Casco Bay. but certainly nothing moit 'horoughly enjoyed or dist n guished x>int of style and eclat has been witn.^^^e than the ball which graced the parU>ie^nd ha 8 " k \e Merriconeag at South *n Friday evening. ^ > V It was given by Miss Helene Spaid inV, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Spalding of Winchester, Mass.. and MLws Margaret Leal of Plain Held. N. J., tfnd the elegance and enjoyment which characterized the whole affair was 4 fitting tribute to the efficiency of the management. The pretty parlors and targe dining room where the danc ing to»k place, fairly sparkled with the reflections of the flitting panorama of youtt) and motion. Everything was life and attion. Within, the sweet strains o* tie two-step and waltz, dis coursed *y Chandler's 1st Regt. or chestra. uid«r the leadership of Mr. Brooks. ixavM an inevitable attrac tion to all -.o\Vs of Terpsichore. Even the allurem -nt\ of the hotel piazza on this Yenlng failed to hold the guests fr >mVjje greater attraction of the dance roo\ The interior <V>rations are well worthy of not. re .yd added much to the success and \auty of the oc casion. Over the w*0w easing and on the walls, flags, yj oougjiS 0f delicate green were and. inter- . spersed through it a, was tj,e soft I gleam of Japanese \orns tastily arranged. In the an ».room fruit punch and lemona'le served at a booth throughout the *V,InK prom 8 to 8.30 the orchestra i\.ered sev. eral pleasing selections.^ giim]]. | taneously with this, the :'Vons re ceived. l>elpg statlon<J_n^^0 mafr wi imv iiuu. i urac iauics wriu i Mrs. C. M. Schott of New York, at tired in green silk, black applique and diamonds: Mrs. John I^ealof Plainfield. N. J.. gr»*en silk: Mrs. A. H. Dickey, Kansas City, champagne crepe ventre: Mrs. L. H. Spalding. Winchester. Mass.. champagne nun's veiling, white lace with pearls: Mrs. Capen. D«*dham. Mass.. pongee silk with diamonds and coral: Mrs. T. B. Woolsey. New York City gray nun's veiling with pearls ' ami Mrs. E. EMI red of New York City who wore white lace with diamonds. Guests were ushered at the reception by Messrs. Matthieu Jack Baker of Portland. John S. Crowley of Beverly. Mass. and Alfred Eastman L.unt of Beverly. Mass. The evening was most beautiful. 1 Every little while, dancers, drawn by \ the pounding of the surf on the rocks below, and by the clear radiance of the scene without, stole out and prom enaded the piazzas. With these, the cadence of the music merged into the beating of the waves, or the faraway vision <»f some dark island until every- : thing seemed that harmony which can j only be found at such a place near the breath of old ocean. It was after midnight when the party broke up, each with genuine regret j and the feeling of having spent unique evening. Much credit should be accorded to the Misses Spalding and I>»al for 1 their energy and taste, and In the general encomium the indispensable i aid of Mr. A. H. Dickey and Mr. 1*. H. I Striding, together with the hearty co operation of all the guests, should not be passed over. Carefulness of preoaration. beauty of decoration and brilliancy of execution all combined to make the affair one not surpassed in the memory of the oldest Inhabi 1 tant. The following in a partial list of those preaent and the contained: Mrs. I*. H. Spalding. Winchester. Mass.. nun's veiling. white lace, pearls. Mr*. Schott. Npw York, green silk, black appliqae. dlimonds. Mrs. John Leal, Plalnfleld. N. J„ green silk. Mm. R. H. Dlckev. Kansas City. Mo., champagne cre*H» ve-lce. Mrs. Capen. Dedham. Mass.. pongee silk, corals. Mrs. T. R. WotHaev. New York, grav nun's veiling. pearls. Mrs. K KWred, New York. white la ee, diamonds. Miss Boildlng. Winchester. Mass.. whlt« silk, en train**, V bodice, dia monds. Mrs. Shearer. Montreal, white mus lin. with real lace. Miss Blearor Woolsey. New York, white muslin, pearls. Miss Ma* Blrtred. New York, pink silk with white lace. Miss Dorothy Rrown. Winchester, Mass.. white muslin. Rlrti, Providence. R. f.. whit* muslin. Mrs. Rich. Providence. R. !.. gray silk with lace. Miss Wells. Montreal. Dresden silk. Miss T/eal. Plslufleld N. J., white silk mulle with white lace. Miss Dom. Philadelphia. Pa., white mn«lln. Mis* Virgin Is Ktnler. Philadelphia, whit#, muslin, diamond*. Miss l»n Patterson Tennessee, dim ity. with blue silk sash. ' BREEZY BRIEFLETS. At tt-e Ocean View Hotel, South Harpawell. Friday last Mr. acd Mrs. R. A. Buck et. ol Montreal, arrived here for their annual summer outing aa has been their ,'ustom for the paat twenty-three years. Monday their son. Frank W. M. Beckft. of East Orange. N. J., Joined his pat -ots and will remain until Aug. 10. Sevi • al impromptu musical bits have f>een rendered during the even ings «>f the past week by the male quar n composed of Mr. John Crow ley. :ir. Harry C. Lunt, Mr. Alfred E. Lunt ;,nd Mr. Clarence H. Lunt all of I Bever Mass. Mr. Charles Shaw has -i -o appeared several times in some T th glee songs. A n enjoyable drive to High Hea« vas taken by a dozen of the gues't on Tuesday afternoon. The ^-jrtWwent in the barg<?. The following ^^W'ncluded: Mr. anil Mrs. Chas. L. *"e«^^Xewark. N. J.; Mr. and Mrs. Mooi|. Newark. N. J.. Mr. Fre.i»rirk^fck rarey. Waltham.Mass.; and Urs. Lewistown. Pa.; Miss {tilth DeckJ^l^^gers. Miss Char Mr « Mrs. \V ER^^Mass.; Mr> jotte- K mors. Wakeflel^^tass.: Mrs. H. H Howe. Waltham. K Anderson. IfeadfleM. mH^^v r H ■ C. Elliott of the Orand TruS^^ k. lontreal. Can., and wife MiS Por l\n ,,ott'°f>r«e p West and wif? P?r 'an, « J*nnle Men-is of n. 'V ■ ere ,he B"ests of Col _>l>el|. Saturday evening. mJ,.F \SfHeK« a ha,rri8ler of Walt ham. ti" - , . h,s w ife- ar<k here for a ™.*.Hda* °Utln*' hav,D« "rived Pa" ;fllVr T*',ker of ^wistown. her 2 «„h? .Wlff an(l ',a"Khter. are ner " ,r an extended visit. M, f I,, !1 «A- ^endrick of Brunswick »■» Alice E. Taylor valf wr' VJ .among the arri lf'1 nere Thursday last and will re un,» early in September Eastman Lunt. Beverlv MK. Harvard 2 Law. arrival hero B'i' e for The* ~ *>[n the staff of the r r Mr i ,mt 7ma,n,ler the sum »"« e work Lv« Ve7 promin<*nt In l ♦ ^ f°r the Past tWO . n President of the Harvard j ga. l/ation of sixteen hundred students and also general manager for the past three years of the Harvard Illustrated Ma<az;ne. one of the leading monthly publications issued at the university. He was also very prominent in debat ing. having been elected first president of Ms elass debating club. Miss Hobart, white muslin, with lac,.. Mrs.Clarence H. Lunt. Beverly .Mass. blue silk with trimmings of lace flow?rs, white. Mtss Newell. figured muslin. M.s. F. O. Watson, Lewlston, gray nun s veiling. .M ss Helen Mott, Philadelphia.while mustn. M;ss Kingsley. Somerville. Mas>.. white muslin, with green silk sash. M ss A. M. Holmes, Maiden, laven der rosebud dimity, with white lace trimmings. Mrs. Sherman, white muslin. Mis. Ashcroft. Montreal, voile over black silk. Mis. Pitceathly. Belleville. Ont., pongee silk, with veneer lace. Mrs. Martha E. Margraf. New York, navy blue satin brocade of flowers, pan velvet and lace trimmings. Miss Grace t'pham. green silk and nun'-> veiling. Miss Burr. Lexington. Mass., linen colored muslin. OTW p'nk Among the gentleman present were aotkttd Mr. L H. Spalding. Mr. K. Eldrd. M* John Leal. Mr. Rico. Brookline. Mr. Cooper. Philadelphia. Mr. R. A. Shinkwin. New York. Mr. Edwarrl K. Rode. New York. Mr. John Store. Maiden. Mass.. Mr. Fierce. B wtun Mr. H. S. Iplough. Montreal. Mr. M. Jack Maker, Port land. Dr. Austin. Boston. Mr. Hector Holmes. Maiden. Mass.. Mr. Ernest Amw Milton. Dr. Schle*e1. New York Cltr: C. H. Lunt. J. 9. Crowley. Bever ly. Mass. Euchre Party. The parlor* of the Merrlconeag were the arene Saturday evening of one of the p'ea*ant card partita no famou* to thh hou*e. Euchre wa* the game -nd the playera made up *1* table.?, the following partIrlpatIng: FXvird F. R«rtp. New York Cltv; Mr*. C. M Schott. New York City: Mr. and Mr*. B. BMrH, New York City: Mr. Charlea O. Hhaw. Mr*. If. E Aah rmft. Montreal: Ml** Wllla. Montreal; Ml** Mar Elrlred. Dr. Schickel. New York City: Mrs. T. B. Wool *er and Mra. Eleanor Wool *er. New York: Mia* Margaret Leal of Plain field. N. J.; Mr*. O. H. Abbott and Mr. Robert Abbott. Wo burn: Mr. A. Hurt. New York; J. M. Murdork. Wohurn: H. 8. I ,am plough. Mont ml; Ml** Pltcathly. Montreal: A. E. I,imt, C. H I*unt and J. fl. Crow ley of Beverly. Ma**., and Mr. Dea noye. New York. Mr. Edwarrl F. Rode wa* the apon*or for the erenlng. Plarln* orrupled the hour* between * and in and after much good-humored competition, and the u*nal effort* to ou»t the lucky one* occupying the head table, time wa* declared up and a co*»nt of the acore card* *howed the following fortunate one*: Ml** Wllla, 40 point*, who necnred flrnt ladle*' r»rl*e. a «m|d picture frame. Eleanor Wopi%ty 30 point*, second r * j Merriconeag House South Harpswell, Me. GEO. W. CAMPBELL, Jr., Prop. modern and the popular house of the Bay. Every room Thoiro^^^r of the ocean. Furnishings and service strictly first class, has a clear viel^^^r for the accomodation of the guests of tb* house. Private boat landS|^^^ne facilities, and dressing rooms at the foot of Fine tennis court. of the piazzas. Dining room seats wo a sloping lawn within 100 I TO OCT 1. OPEN FROM jMk ' ^Hotel 1-2 Mile Distant. In Conjunction With t,cea" Information, ^or Plans and rates on aPP!i^ ^ R. S. DAVIS CO., Agents for celebrated Comfort Swing Chairs. For Prudent ... Buyers. We bid for your business only on the merit of our goods. If we can't give you your money's worth, we won't sell the goods. Therefore whatever you buy here is right, both in quality and price. COR.EXCHANGE " " ~ and FEDERAL STS. F. E. HASKELL, Treas. I prize, souvenir spoon. Miss Eldred, 29 points, third ladies' prize, box flne stationery. Mr. Dessoye, first gentle man's prize, .'56 points, sterling silver bag-tag Mr. Hurt, second gentleman's I prize. :t3 points, a book. Mr. (*. H. Ab »H>tt. 32 points, third gentlemen's prize. souvenir pack cards. LadlMT consolation prize. Miss Margaret Leal. ; 17 points, a little drum. Oentlemon's ' consolation. Mr. J. 8. Crowley, a bot* | tie of catsup. Merriconeag Notes. T,ewis Mann Silver and II. A. Silver of New York city arrived here Pridav last for their annual outing at this place. Edward Rode and wife of New York city are expected here Sunday evening to Join their son Edward F. Rode, who In here for the entire sum* | mer. | Miss Helen** Spalding attended the I military darxe at l.tttl#* Diamond Isl and Thursday evening last, wearing I whit** silk. Miss Spalding wm the guest of Captain and Mrs. Yates, who 1 are stationed at Fort McKlnley. POST OFFICE ROBBED. South Harptwell Poatoffce Relieved of Sum of $350 in Stamp* and Cash Monday Night. Thl*»rea »*nt*»red th*» atore f«»nnprljr of J. H. I>*vl*. now Arthur I'alm^r Monday nlaht ard tarried off booty amounting to $10'. In caah and about $22" In Rtampa of varloua de nominate inn. alao $."» In change was takon from tho ra*h r«»Kl"tPr. Thr | break wan mad" ;hrounh a window on the iword floor r«ir bnt no clew j Kfm* to hare been found np to date j to the criminal*. Birthday Party. A pleaaant party at the Rtront Houae took place la*t evening on the orc^alon of the birthday P*rty of MIm BHle fltrout. Procrowdre whlat waa en»oy#»d *nd a collation of ice cr^m with a fine birthday cake waa aerr wl. Mlaa Stront, who la onlto pnpn lar here, wa* remmhorH b» many friends with a number of dainty preaent*. BASEBALL FANS COMPETE. Colony Team Defeats Combination from Two Harptwell Hotels. The first ball game of the season came off as scheduled Monday after noon on the grounds of the Colony^ when the Colony team crossed bats with a picked team from the Ocean View and the Merrlconeag. The game was replete with exciting and amus ing episode*, among them being the ' leapfrog work at 1st t>ase, and the amazing accuracy of the hotel"~tcem out fielders. The game was charac terized by the steady al-round work of the Colony team, whose careful practice of the previous week showed definite results. The battery work on both t»-ams was v*«ry satisfar tory. but ih»- i»attin« w is rather in favor of th.* Colony men. Although the noore show* a wide divergence, the came was by no means a sinecure. and af forded much Interest. The piazza* of th«* Colony cotta*#* were crowded with spectators and the high wind did not prevent the oc-aslonal hearty applause from reaching the ears of the ears of the contesting teams. The hotel team are eager for another game and It Is rumored are preparing to do a little practicing on their own account. The batting order follows: Colony team—P. Dana. 1st b.; L. Dana, c.; H. Lord, p.; Brown. If.; Ridgway. as.; L. f»rd, 3d b.: Baxter. 2d b.; Tausste. m.: Moffatt, rf. Ocean View and Merrlconeaa— Cobb, p.; Bonaliue. c.; A Ltint. 1st b.; fl. Abbott. If.: H. I^iint. 3d b.. p.; Bnrt. sa.; McKeon. If., m.; Strout, rf.; Abbott. 2d b.: Schle*el, 3d b. Score—Colony. 23; Hotels. 4. Umpire. R. Page; aeorer, Shaw. Crow ley. COLONY HOP. ✓ Usual Weekly Hop of South Harpt well Clite Cottagers well attended. The Saturday evening dance at ♦* "t colony last week was an ua* r st»ccessful affair and most th:>r y enjoved bv all the young aet. Serial music was furnished.