Largest Summer Retort Journal in New England Published Every Thursday Afternoon From June to September and on the Last Thursday in Each Month from October to May CROWLEY LUNT, Editors and Publishers Office, 146 Middle Street. Portland, Maine TERMS One Year, $1.00; Sammer Season, SOc; Single Copy, 5c ADVERTISING RATES |1.00 per inch first week; additional insertions at reduced rates. Reading Notices, , 15 cents per line. A postal brings our advertising man Advertisers desiring changes must send in copy on or before Monday preceding day of publication to insure insertion. Iota—Hotels and Boarding Houses in the Bay contracting for four or more inches If space per issue for displayed advertising, have the privilege of vreekly inscr Jon of guests' names under the classification of Register of Tourists, free of charge. THUR8DAY, AUGUST 8, 1907. MINIATURE ALMANAC Week of August 8 to August 14. Sun Length High Tide Day Rises Sets of Day Morn Eve 8 4.44 7.00 14.14 10.48 10.48 9 4.45 6.59 14.12 11.18 11.23 10 4.47 6.58 14.09 11.48 11.4S 11 4.48 6.56 14.07 12.03 12.33 12 4.49 6.55 14.05 12.4S 1.03 13 4.50 6.54 14.03 1.33 1.48 14 4.51 6.53 14.01 2.03 2.33 SHALL WE WALK THE PLANK? Although this heading savors of piratical lore, the reference is not to Robert Kidd or any of his merry men, but rather to a more practical and everyday matter. Visitors and summer guests at Chebeague (as well as all other sections of this beautiful Bay) may be divided into two classes —first, those who bathe or otherwise disport themselves in the bright waters of the bay, and secondly, those who for various reasons do not care to go into the water, but do love to stroll along the beaches, and breathe the salty air in close proximity to old ocean. It is for these, that is to say all these summer friends, that we ofTer this thought. The beach at Ham ilton's. at the eastern end of Che beague, may fairly be said to be the most popular and, on the whole, the handiest bathing beach on the island —taking into consideration its near ness to the centers of our summer population. A common objection to the more sandy and flat beaches of the South. Shore of New Eng land is the inconvenience one meets in walking, and the uncomfortable sifting of sand into one's shoes— especially the high-heeled, low-cnt style worn by the American yonng woman at the present time. We know of but one remedy for this in convenience—and that is a plank walk, properly constructed. Not only would such a structure, placed at the bathing beach Just referred to, stretch ing say from the new wharf westerly to the other end of the beach proper, be a great relief to the tender feet and feelings of many, but it would also afford to all the opportunity of taking many a "constitutional" along the shore, with comfort and enjoy ment—and moreover would equip us with a neat structure, pleasing to the eye, and, therefore, an added attrac tion to tourists. THE IDEAL "BEE WOMAN." How She Would Manage Her Colo niea of Busy Worker*—Htr Attribute*. "In tbla day, when ao many doors are opening to women, I am surprised that ao few adopt beekeeping a* a means of support," says a woman bee keeper. "A 'bee woman' who would aucceed must have lota of energy and pash, and, above all, must not be eas ily discouraged. She must be willing to work hard, and often early and late during part of the year. Further more, ahe must have come under the fascinating spell which the 'busy bee' aeema to have such power to throw over those who aeek to know her mys teries. "As beekeeper she must have a good degree of health ad vigor, especially # if ahe worka without an aaalatant, be cause there Is of necessity much lift Ing, and often many boura upon the feet. Yet it Is surprising how much hard work one can endure In the open air when one's interest is thoroughly enlisted. There Is probably no more healthful occupation, and for those broken In health from mental over work or close confinement Indoors the buatneaa la Ideal. "It la not neceaeary that a woman abould have no fear of bees on the •tart In order to become a successful apiarist. Such fear, of course, must be overcome rapidly or prove an in convenient obstacle; but experience shows that acquaintance rarely faila to establish relationships of the most pleasant character between the busy little hooey makers and their owner*. To be sure, there are the stings, and , one muat make up her mind to re ceive them occasionally as gracefully aa possible Fortunately the human system soon becomes Immune to the poison, and beyond a momentary on pleasantness the beekeeper takes lit tle notice of the matter. Occasionally a person falls to win Immunity from suffering, and even flnda It dangerous to risk being stung. Such persons should give up all thought of bee keeping. "The ideal bee woman will be will ing to go slowly—very slowly—at first The tendency is to want to rush things and begin with a large number of colo nies when one knows nothing what ever about the business. Two or three colonies are enough at first. If she succeeds with these, she can eas ily increase the number, and if she fails, her loss will be great enough. It is safe advice to urge the beginner to keep out of debt as nearly as possi hle. After the first investment for two or three colonies it is better to make the apiary pay its way as nearly as possible. "From the nature of things—the va riableness of the season, the varied honey flow, etc.—beekeeping always must be an uncertain business, and. therefore, it is not well to depend en tirely upon it for a living. A good way is to combine poultry raising and fruitgrowing with it. Women are adepts in both of these lines, and a few stands of bees will add materially to the income and not demand too large a part of one's time. Then if the season is poor, more attention can bo given to poultry and less to bees, and vice versa. "The profits from beekeeping neces sarily vary largely. Much depends upon the knack of the beekeeper in being able to get her colonies into prime working order just at the light time, and so manage her business as to keep expenses down and to market her honey advantageously. Iu Sal; River, ArLz.. where conditions in many respects are favorable, it is common to hear experienced beekeepers claim an average annual net Income of $3 and even $4 a colony. "1 should urge one contemplating bee-keeping to invest in one or more good textbooks upon the subject and subscribe to at least one reliable bee journal. If this investment is made for six months before the purchase of the first bees and the intervening time is faithfully spent in study, so much the better."* Negroes at Senator Morgan's Funeral. A notable feature of the solemn pot gathering which awaited the com Ing of the funeral train was the presence of a committee of fifty well dressed and intelligent negro men of Selma. The committee was collected and arranged under the direction of Professors Hudson and Clark, well known negro teachers of Selma. In their work they were given the hearty co-operation of the negro i>eo pie of Selma. and they had no diffl culty In securing the attendance of fifty of the leading negroes to pay tribute to Senator Morgan. The thoughtful act was appreciated by the white citizens of Selma. and the committee was given one of the most Important places at the depot and the members of the committee with their negro friends were given an excellent opportunity of gaslng Into the face of the distinguished* dead as the body Isy In state at the church, and they were given a fine position st the cemetery. Acting under the suggestion of Hev. W. H. Mixon, every negro in Selma ceased his work for a few minutes at 112 o'clock In honor of Senator Mor gan. This feature of the day in Sel ma was favorably commented upon as showing the relations between the two races In Selma. perhaps »h«* most typical black belt city of Ala bama.—Montgomery Advertiser. Employe* Would Abolish Tip*. The International Society of Ho tel and Restaurant Employes wants to abolish the waiters' tip. This Is true, because the national convention of that society, now In session at the Terrace Gardens, on Third avenue, la going to knock out the tipping system. If It has to resort to legisla tion and take up all the convention's time In doing It. Oscar Hahn of Oenera, Oermany, baa come all the way here for thla purpose alone. Tips, he says, are the degradation of waiters, snd self-respect drops like a breaking plate of ham when any waiter In America, Europe, or Aus tralia takes a dime, a quarter or more. The Idea of the International society Is to abolish the 10, 25 and 60c. pass-outs all over the country and fore* the hotel keepers and restaurant owners to pay their wait ers a corresponding Increase to wag es.—New York American. .. Jr... "Disappearing .. Monarch • • • • By Thomas Speed Mosby. T Is noticeable that the early western travelers speak of the grizzly as the "white bear." It is so described by Lewis Y jkl and Clark, and James O. Pattie, narrating his father's ex* 1 Dp pedition in 1824, spoke of the great number and unusual I ferocity of these "great white bears." So great were their f numbers in that early day. that In a single day's journey Pattie counted two hundred and twenty of them, eight of which had attacked the party and were killed. This was on September 15, 1824, while the party was passing through the territory now occupied by Cheyenne County, Colorado. A few days later, further south, the grizzlies became so numerous that twenty men were re quired to guard the camp from their onslaughts each night. So much for the * solitary" nature of the grizzly back in "the twenties." Writing of the period of the early "forties," General Freemont, in his memoirs, speaks of having seen great herds of these monsters feeding gregariously under the oaks of San Bernardino, in California. Such testimony tends to show that the great grizzly was not always the lone wanderer that we now know him to be, and tends to show, moreover, that he once liked1 the valleys better than his pres ent dreary and solitary abode. Indeed, the explorers of the West found him qually at home in the parched fastnesses of the Grest Basin, in the fertile valleys or among the ice-bound peaks. Whether feeding upon berries or bison, herbs or human flesh, and everywhere, at all times, "monarch of all he sur veyed." But he is passing. In the places where, seventy-live years ago, two hun dred of his powerful tribe could be counted in a day's Journey, he is now but a tradition and a memory, and he is a lucky sportsman who gets one shot st a grizzly in a lifetime. Driven to the inaccessible retreats of the mountains, he is making his last stand against a race which has already robbed him of those myriad herds of buffalo, antelope, and elk which were once his prey, and from his icy summits where only the American eagle soars, in solitary grandeur he looks down upon a hereditary dominion which is to be his no more forever. We have known him but a hundred years. Was there ever so mighty a monarch with reign so brief? We cannot compute the exact rate at whlcn he is disappearing (it is far easier to get at the mortuary statistics of his en emies), but. as events go. it is likely that there will still be tigers in India and lions in Africa long after the last echo of the grizzly's growl has died among the peaks and precipices of his mountain home. But he will die as he lived—die as becomes an American monarch—"the gamest of the came."— Harper's Weekly. .. The.. Lesson of the Reversal of a Famous Precedent Ey the Editor of "Judge. HAT the Governor of North Carolina said to the Governor W | of South Carolina has become a part of the imperishable hu mor of the South. The singular thing about the renowned laconiclsm is that, while in its origin it expressed the bibu lous proclivities of two persons, it came to be applied even tually to all who attained to executive honors in the Caro linas, and, by implication, to the citizens represented by them. In other words, not one in a million remembers what particular governor of North Carolina said to a particular governor of South Carolina that "it is a long time between drinks;" but the great majority of the American people take it for granted that when a gover nor of North Carolina meets a governor of South Carolina that remark punctu ates and interpellates the conversation. Recently Governor Glenn of North Carolina was Introduced to Governor Heyward of South Carolina by Governor Woodruff of Connecticut, who remarked facetiously, "I expect the usual salu tation." Governor Heyward was visibly embarrassed and responded, "I beg your pardon, gentlemen, but I am a teetotaler." At this Governor Glenn was visibly relieved, and quickly added, "Don't apologize, governor, for in that we are both prohibitionists." Now, here are two governors of the convivial states who expressly revoke the ancient laconiclsm and enact a new formula. But here again is a further singular fact. The new enactment will never oe known, while the ancient reputation will go on. Of course, in simple justice, the cold water pronouncement of the two governors ought to go as far in es tablishing a gubernatorial precedent and a state character as the earlier pro nouncement went in establishing the opposite. But it won't. These two epi sodes furnish an admirable starting point for all sorts of moralizing, both grave and gay. Just now we are thinking how foolish prejudices begin t»wtotor Oar bouaele finely located. The tkwfrom tlM large, broadpiamt ud ohsintma la dali|(htfoL Toiiet rooms on each floor. Pin*, largo dining room aeoommodatin* 100 goaata. The table la supplied with the beat in the market, vegetablea and exeam direct from our own (arm. Tennis court on lawn In front of bouse. Pine hracib for bathing and boating. Two lines of steamers direot from Portland. House only three minutee from Hamilton's Landing. Plenty of amusement, oard pax* tiea and musicals, etc. Book with ua if you want to enjoy your vacation. Ratts •• AfftieallM. Mciiiifatw 10GL Ipo Jom 10 to Odrtir 1. Sema tl 1807, Jut IS'to Sept. 16 somit iouse CHKBBAOUK ISLAND On t be crest of tbe slope, chosen by most of tbe hotels as en ideal location. Overlook ins the ocean and the restfol island scenery of field and wood. No better spot for complete rest and recre ation. Table and service first class. Accommodates, with cot MRS. CLINTON NN. MAWtLTOI', Proprietor tsge, 40 guests. Rates reasonable. Island View Cottage Great Chebeague, Me. L. F. HAMILTON, - Proprietor FINE LOCATION and everything first class. Verandas and large airy rooms. Rites on application. Cottage annex built this season for rooms only. Open June 15 to Sept. 15. - HAMILTON VILLA CHiiS^TO At the popular east end,* adjacent to all hotels and amusements. Fresh farm and ocean products in plenty. Only 3 minutes' walk from two steamboat landings. Fine cool groves and shady walks. Beat of references given. Rates on application. Accommodate* with oottage Ml ALFRED E. HAfllLTON, Proprietor ■ J ■ A V A trip to Portland ia no 'nnifer mcrMry to secure good meats Ifl k Jft I Onr new refrigerator with an ice cafacityof over two tons will Iwfl C mm I enable as to (ornisb you with as food meat ai can be obtained in tbe city. We aball keep coustsntly ou band all kinda of Beef, Lamb, Pork, Ham and Bacon. Any cut of meat on tbe market will be fur ■lahed If ordered one day In advance. ARTHUR H. HAMILTON, The Gash Grocer, Chebeague, It. Women's Hosiery Fancy embroidered black cotton hose. Special 25c Tan cotton hose, in gauze and me dium weights, double sole, high spliced heel. 25c and 50c Extra fine black cotton hose, gauze or medium weight, doub le sole, high spliced heel, black or maco split sole, 25c Tan hosiery in plain 'gauze clocked*, lace and embroidered designs, 50c, 75c and $1.00 Fine black cotton hose in gauze and medium weight, Special 3 Pairs for $1.00 Fancy colored lisle hose in plain gauze and lace including the newest shades of tan, gray, mode, pink, blue, lavender, vio let. navy and Dresden blues, 50c and 75c Silk hose in plain black, gauze and medium weight drop stitch lace and hand embroidered In self and colors, $1.50 to $10.00 Pr. Jewelry Department Hat pin*, plain and fancy, 25c to $3.00 Ribbon pins, gold, silver, black * enamel, 25c to 93.00 Barrettes, plain or jewelled, 28c to $5.00 Buckles, pearl. Jet, silver, 25c to $10.00 Bracelets, 91.00 to $5£0 Veil Pins, 25c to 91.50 Brooches, 25c to $12.00 # Belt Pins. 25c to *150 Sterling 8llver Buffers. 50c to $15C Sterling Silver Hair Brushes, $4.00 Mirrors, $6.00 to $8.00 Sterling Silver Match Safes, $1.00 to $3 0C Cloth Brushes. $2.00 to $4.00 Cold Cream Jars, 25c to $1.00 Military Brushes, $6.00 and $7.00 Parasols Parasols In lln«*n. plain and hand embroidered Silk, tocked and Plain. $1.50 to $15.00 Children's Paranoic, 25c to $2.26 Leather Goods Women's Belts In leather and ■Ilk. 25c to $2.50 mantle belts, $1.00 to $3.50 Jet Belts. $2-50 Linen Belts, embroidered and plain, 25c to $2.50 I^arfce nhnwlng of leather Rood* In hand and wrist baga. pocket book*, purse*, drinking cap*, etc S tationery Stationery by the pound, quire with envelopes to match. A large line of Desk Requisite*, Pencils, Pens, Inks. etc. Playing Card*. Whist Counters. Post Card Albums, Post Cards, I^amson Hand Colored Prints. Eastman Brothers & Bancroft