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ESTABLISH EI> 1901 PORTLAND, MAINE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1917 | PRICE FIVE CENTS. EARLY FALL SHOWINGS. Each season our displays of Women's Wear be comes more interesting because of the fact that every woman has learned that she can come here first and see and examine fashion's newest fads and fancies as well as the latest modes of the more conservative lines. Among the new Fall merchandise arriving daily are now' being shown Blouses, Corsets, Millinery, Suits, Coats, Dresses, Neckwear, Gloves and dainty Apparel for Little Tots. We cordially invite every woman to examine these new Fall Creations whether they wish to pur chase or not, courteous salespeople will be found waiting to serve you in every department of this store. BRAGDON'S EVER1TE SEE! What a DOLLAR Will this Week—Friday is L/onai \j'dy "Gnrtnis oaigam is all the week, on one con dition—bring this "ad." $1.00 Per Gallon PAINT in 6 shades worth $2.00, this week only, and bring the "ad." M. F. BRAGDON PAINT CO. 47 EXCHANGE STREET On Your Way Up-Town PAINT STORE Furniture We carry the very latest designs and our several departments are better stocked than ever. Come in and look over our Ran ges and Parlor Stoves. We have the best sellers on the market and our prices are always low. When you are in Portland come in and let us show you our many bargains. We are pleased to see you. Prompt delivery of all orders. R. S. DAVIS CO. The Complete Homefurnishers Cor. Exchange and Federal Streets F. E. HASKELL, Treas. DOUBLE ATTRACTION AT KEITH'S. With the close of the stock season at B. F. Keith's last week, after a bril liant season of the highest success, the management enters Upon" the fall and winter season with Increased ef forts to present to ljts patrons a high class standard of vaudeville, and 10 the hill this week may he taken as a standard for what Is to come, Port land Is atfsured of a most delightful season. The hill this week is n double attraction, presenting the much her alded Evelyn Neshit Thaw and hor son, nussell Thnw, in the much talked of photoplay, "Redemption," who has had long and slccessful runs In the leading theatres of the country. In addition to this largo drawing card, the management offers six big head liners In the vaudeville line which are proving more than an evening's enter tainment In themselves, let alone the celebrated photoplay. Tho bill this week Is Indeed an excellent one, and with such a bill there will be without question no vacant seats at the opon Ing of every performance. On account of the length of th« program, the matinee performance will start prompt ly at 2 I'. M. In the afternoon and at 7.30 I'. M. In tho evening The Home of HART SCHAFFNER & MARX CLOTHES Haskell & Jones Company Monument Square, Portland Hill Crest CHEBEAGUE'S LEADING HOTEL STILL OPEN FOR TOURISTS. Uniformed Rank K. of P. Here Mon day for Outing. This popular and ideally situated summer hotel is still open, and many happy tourists are remaining to enjoy the delightful September days, when this charming Island can be seen in all its glory. The season drawing to a close has on the whole been a fairly successful one for this hotel, for it is no exaggeration to say that Hill Crest has had the most guests of any hotel in Casco Bay. Everyone that comes to Hill Crest is made to feel that their every comfort is the one thought of the proprietor, Mr. Charles W. Hamil ton. The Kearney Orchestra has added much to the pleasure of all the guests, and their music furnished on many Chebeague Notes of Interest Concerning the Hap penings on this Delightful Island. >Hss Harriet O. Harris left "Noddle head," the beautiful summer home of the Harris family, on Thursday, Au gust 30th. Miss Harris will go to her residence in Springfield to make her final preparations for entering high school, where she is registered as a member of the Junior class. Mr. Leslie Dodge of Worcester, Mass., spent a few days last week witn Mr: Robert Albion and family at their charming bungalow near Birch Point. Mr. Dodge and Mr. Albion will leave on Saturday by auto for Mr. Dodge's scientifically run farm. Mr. Albion expects to return by way of Boston and Portsmouth stopping for r — COMPANY F. UNIFORM RANK, K. OF I*., AT CHBBEAGUE ISLAND NEI'T. 3. occasions during the season closed left nothing to be desired. These young musicians have made many friends here. Among the recent ar rivals here are Mr. arid Mrs. David Hunter, Margaret Hunter, Arlington, N. J.; Mr. and Mrs. Caro, Chelsea, Mass.; M. J. Riordan, Roslindale, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. M. Lyman, Need ham, Mass.; Wm. G. Tracy, Jamaica. Fiain, Mass;. Mr. Frar.£ \V. G. Chap man, Miss Mary Chapman, Master Frank Chapman, Boston. Monday Portland Company, No. 8, Uniform Rank, K. of P., held their Annual Field Day and Outing at the hotel. The party, including ladies, numbering seventy, left Portland on the 10 A. M. trip on the Inner Bay route. On arriving there, they strolled (Continued on page 4.) Peaks Island House THE FORESTERS OF AMERICA EN JOYED SHORE DINNER HERE LAST FRIDAY. The Hotel Closed Tuesday, after a Successful Season. On Tuesday the Peaks Island House was officially closed, after experienc ing a successful summer's business. It is definitely known that at no spot in the whole Bay Is there such a far-famed hotel, where the con venience and comfort of the guests are so well looked out for, where serv ice is always the motto, where such a bountiful supply of delicious food is to be had, and where a more enjoyable summer can be spent, than at this popular hotel, by far the leading hotel of the Bay. At this house, which is one of the social centers of the island, many entertainments have been given this season by the management for th enjoyment of its guests, which is but one of the many ways which it offers for pleasure to its large clien tele. These programs have been pre sented by talent of exceptional ability, and it has been much appreciated by the guests. The hotel is ideally situ ated in the center of all the activities of the island, and contains an un rivalled view from its large piazza, which its guests delight to sit on. The European plan adopted this sea son has proved itself to be most popu lar and hundreds of transients have been accommodated here this senHon. Last Friday the Supreme Court, Foresters of America, enjoyed a shore dinner here, which for years has been famous for Its excellence. This was in connection with the Foresters' con vention held In Portland last week, (Continued on page 6) =F a siort time in each place. Efr. and Mrs. James F. Albion and Gertrude Albion returned on Rnsign ^Austin MacCor 'Alten Varris. with her y Clarke, and son, Mr. Lester Harris, left on Thurs New York City, where Lieut, s ordered to report by the V^the Engineering Corps, of member. Lieut. Harris which he ^"*^|^-r*nrize given by has won the higlreST^»^^^r+ the United States GoveratPreH^^ror marksmanship. He is also the young est man to receive a 2nd Lieutenant's commission in the United States En gineering Corps. His many friends will learn with regret of his departure, and all wish him the hiehest success Danie day Harris possible. Mr. Samuel Miller Sharkey left on Saturday for his home in Trenton, after visiting his family for a week at their bungalow on the North Read. Miss Marie Louise Robbins left on Sunday for Rochester, N. Y.t where she will teach English and German in the High School at Marion, N. Y. Mrs. Romaine Keyser gave a most delightful affair at "The Barn House" on Wednesday evening, in honor of her daughter, Miss Sarah Clarke. After the twenty-five or thirty guests had assembled, some were assigned the part of "audience," others were chosen for one side to act charades, and still | others made up the opposing team of charade actors. The first side acted the word "masticate" in a way which pleased everyone. Their scenery and costumes were amusing and cleverly ar.anged. The second «ide a^ted the word "aeroplane" in such a funny way that the audience was almost ovei* come with laughter. After the char ades, delicious refreshments were served. Then Mr. Herbert Cortovan, a member of the New York Philhar monic Orchestra, entranced all by his wonderful violin solos. Mr. W. Har rington gave two very amusing recita tions, which proved him an entertain er of no small degree. Many of the guests who have been enjoying the hospitality of "Juniper Lodge" have finished their vacations and returned to their homes. Those wht have gone home are Mr. and Mrs. R. Howard Oooley, Brookline, Mass.; Mr. Theo Stanger, Roslindale, Mass.; Mr. H. D. Folinsbee, Brookline, Mass.; Mrs. Gertrude Mendel, Rox bury, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Loud, Cambridge, Mass. Those fortu nate guests who are going to remain for a while longer on Chebeague to enjoy its beautiful scenery, good bath ing, nice long walks, and cordiality of Mrs. and Miss Hadcock are Mrs. S. M. Dickson, Miss Julia Dixon, Miss (Continued on Page 6.) B. F. KEITH'S [Great Double Bill Theatre Week 8ePt. 3rd. Grand Opening t- oaaon of Fall & Winter 17 Honey Boys PreseX'S nlh'TWcYdtn^ F)^yV ifirtff Melody and Novelty| A Little Bit of Everything Anncr end the King (llrls , '.A Merry Melange of Singing, Talk ' ing nnd Dancing, Tyler & Croellm Comedy, Singing and Talking Duo kltaro Jap* Equilibristic Novelty Belgium Refugees 5 Belgian Girls In a Musical Divertisement Muriel Morgan & Joe Armstrong] In "A Thin Romance" Mearst-Pathe News Pictorial Kvelyn Thaw and Hff Son Rua«ell Thaw, In REIDBlMPTIOISr Practical Gifts For the Soldier. First Aid Kits Writing Cases Comfort Kits Cigarette Cases Comb and Brush Sets Tobacco Pouches Toilet Cases Trench Mirrors As These Articles are Made of Khaki Their Use is Permitted by the Regulations Loring, Short & Harmon Monument Square. Ptaka 3iitxnh Ualplf ?E. Knm*. fKanar^r v ' '•"*UUm» - s S 5 (tern Vaii. fHaitif El ™ V « Strictly European PlatvJ lo Famous for years for its eral management, superb cation and fine shore dinnj Everything modern.J^rS and „ "I' application. ALWAYS BUSY Will Your Luggage Get You Home? Let us show you a splendid line of Hand-Bags—at from $5.00 to $9, and a great big assortment of Suit cases at from $2.25 to $1 5.00. DESMOND-HOWE COMPANY Oppotlte the Preble Mouse - Portland. KODAKS Bring or send iyour Films to I us for Develop ing, Printing, or Enlarging. Mail Orders Given Careful and Prompt Attention The lb. Chocolates and Caramels $1.00 Peppermints of Excellence .50 Pepps Assortis .60 Cream Pepps .25 Chocolate-covered Almonds .50 The lb. Marshmallow Genesee .50 Wrapped Assorted Nougat .60 Assorted Nut Squares .26 Vanilla Marshmallows .25 Peanut Brittle Assorted Hard Candies, in glass 20 and 25 cents. In tins 50 cents. Milk, Eating and Nut Cake Chocolate, 10, 15 and 25 cents. The SIMMONS &. HAMMOND STORE 8. C. DAVIS, Jr., Prop. Presoriptlon Pharmaoy C Pi A UKUuJ 633 CONGRESS st. oUU A City of $)artlttitii, jflaine The Music Commission announces a Series of the l^otzselnnar Memorial (Organ g5>UlUIlUl IlllClZfr (THE BEST ORGAN IN THEWORLD) nt the CITY HALL AUDITORIUM Congress, Myrtle and Chestnut Streets f>nily, except. Saturdays and Sundays, from July 9th to Sept. 7th inclusive from 3 to 4 P. M. by MR. WILLC. MACFARLANE Mvnlolpnl Organist of Portland TICKETS 25 CENTS. NO RESERVED SEATS - STREET