Newspaper Page Text
XK nil ) nVlll' i, I It !V.Vaa) jJyU . ,-... , 4 fUDLlSnEU EVERY THURSDAY EVENING AT .TWO DOLLARS PKK ANNUM. AO ENTH i''0 II TH 13 JOURNAL. K. M. PCTTWGH.L Sl CO Now 1 ork. man n urcum Winehesler T J. COMMINGS... lullnhoma. JOHN B. RHODES, sneiuyiriiie' C. A. HUNT .....Salem. L. I. (ilLDERSLEJJVJE, Fayeticvillo. A. M. TENLSON, Nashville. B4rf- Subscriptions for shorter lime than one year must be paid in advance. gSjjf Hereafter no club subscriptions t loss than the regular price ($'.') will tie received. However, when a club of five subscribers is so lit us. we will nllc an extra copy gratis to the goiter-up of 8F"Single copies sold at 10 cents. BGF When credit for the psper ia (liv en to the cud of the yenr three dollars will be invar tally charged. Clubbing. Wo will supply either Harper's Magazine) or Graham's, or Go Joy's and the Home Journal, one year, for (four dollars. Arthur's Homo Magazine, or Poiersnn's, and the Home Journal, one year, for 3 25. WINCHESTER: 'THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRTJ24. Wo are glad to sco many of our .citizens engaged in setting out trees in their yards and in front of their houses on the streets. They will never regret it. For iio or 50 cents a nice shade tree can bo procured. In fact, we saw a beautiful lot of sugar trees brought in town the other day and wold at 25 cents each. Of course we got some, and were surprised :to find them so cheap. If all our citizens would expend a few dol lars each and use a little exertion .and care in setting out shade trees on and about their premi ses, how much it would add to tho beauty and comfort of our growing town. We love shade trees, and how finely they sett oil' the houses behind them. We never pass a cottage or house of amy sort in sultry summer time, without admiring it, if it has shade trees about, or regretting if it has none. How cooling their shade, how ample, rich, and graceful their foliage! Besides they add ten times their cost to the value of the premises they adorn. How many persons have admired nice trees in a neighbor's yard, and felt willing to give ''almost any reasonable sum" if he only had them in his own, and thereupon resolved when tho planting-time come 2-ound again, to secure somo for himself. And now that time is here and wo advise tho people of Winchester to be sure and set out sBome shade trees. If you do not Jivo to. enjoy their shade your chil dren will. 'the way to have a "poor Pastor-" 1. I3o very careless and irregu lar in attending church. Never go, except when you can manufac ture no excuso to stay at home. 2. When at church, be either asleep or staring about. Do not listen to tho sermon. 3. When you go home, com plain of the sermon as light and A'haffy, or dry and uninteresting. 4. Treat your pastor with a cold and uninviting civility, and then complain of him becauso he does not visit you. 5. Neglect to pray for a bless ing upon him and his labors, and then complain of him becauso tho church does not prosper. 6. 13c always finding fault with your pastor, and yet regret that he is not more popular with the people. 7. Bo very arthurwarm and worldly minded, and yet complain of him for want of zeal. 8. Neglect to provide for his nccccssary wants and then com plain of him because he wants Jia salary, and bo sure to envy him what little ho has. Frcach crs eat food like anybody else and need money. 9. Do all theso things and you will seldom fail to havo a "Poor Pastor." Sometimes subscribers fail to get their papers. If so, they must not bo offended and give us no chance to vindicate oursclf. Just let ua know, and ure'll supply the deficicncyT Sometimes we over look a man in writing off so many. As to Mail failures, we bear many complaints, but have to pass them by, einoo tho evil seems so uni feraai. Be? ides', wc hate to join l;i with most journals against the "Mails." Tho subject seems morbid. Read tho advertisement of Wm. Stewart's in regard to pens. We have tried them and find them excellent. They will not corrode, positively they will not. Every lady ought to get some, every school boy some and every business man somo. Somo woman has presented Covers, of the Gallatin Examin er, with a boquet of flowers the first of tho season. Several bo- quets have been promised us, and if weather liko this wo aro now having, continues long, we guess flowers will bo plentiful. garriitgWo On Tuesday, the 4th January, at the residence of Maj. Young, of Madison County, Texas, by llov. John Ncal, Mr. James Oliver, formerly of this county, now of Leon County, Texas, to Miss So I'HHonia T. Hale, of the former place. On account of it few typographical errors in the following Report hist week, we re-publish it this week, corrected. REPORT. We, n Fiiiitnco Committer', appoint ed by iioa I'd of Mayor mid Aldrrnicn to eXitmiiK the Trcanurer's account, beg leave to irutlu; the following lit-:- pout : Amt. in Tiwisinrr's hnutls Jan. I, 157, lnio.itit ill I', 'I u-'isuier Imiiii Ju. 1, IviT, in I'eli. 1 1, ts,y.l on I'livca, . Art. jtaKl liy A, lJ- Ii.rieit, mi lines, Anil, ptii-1 liy ,1. T. Chi i, Keionlrr, itn l.iieiiHPH Ami. ici-':m:il uf A Ihncork on f II In mciil, 8 - VI7 -$. 13,50 DISBURSEMENTS. Amt.)mUl Jas, II. Kstill on sulisr i I in inn to .1nlc Acailemy witli hili'ri'H, lIO,';f) Amt. C'li'l sundry annuiil.., cuneiil fMlit-liwiHnr Hie mi imiittinn, 'll'J.H Anil. puitl on ulisti'itiou to W. A A. Raillfoail, asl' Aint.oT money on Hanks fuilrJ, "'"", Leaving In thi hands of tlie Treasurer. 4V;i There remuins on the lux books un collected tines uncollected, and mon ies in the lnvnds of the County Court Clerk, about enough to pay the bal ance of the Rail Krmil subscription. All of which is respectfully submit ted. 1I.T. C.nrt. V. A. I Ol.'flll MILLED, It. Marti. Feb. I lth. IS It). NOTICE. Subscribers receiving their papers with a red cross murk on them will understand it to mean that unless they pny up their duns to us their paper will he discontin ued' We havo about To names that will undoubtedly be erased unless this cross mark is heeded- Paper alone costs about $11 per week, cash, nnd wc are unable and unwilling to submit to ihisdrnin up on our pocket unless we aro sure that our su'uinisson be appreciated. Postmasters throughout tho country will d'i us a favor, as well as be doing their duly, to inform us when a subscriber ie fuses his paper, or when the paper lies dead at their office. Nashville Bank Note and Exchange List, Hank of Tennessee par Union Hank jiar Pin tilers' Hank Iar Mr.rtliautV hank iwr ( ity Hank par IrailL-r1 Hank par Hank or Commerce par " tho l:ninn par " Chattanooga par " Memphis par " Ami-rna lOo. ilia Itivnr llank par Norllicrn Hank par Bank or Diniilriilw par Clnilioriia lV ,lin " Tati-wi-ll IOc ilt.v ' Tii-nloii Ha-ilm " JffTiTSon V)c ill? South Carolina aii'l tieoruia lolil liaukf'i )r .lis Kpnliirltv liank-s ic lliH iiuuiiiuna " SiHtllirru Hank I'iIiki-iu' Hank ('minuet, ial Hank Hm-k'4 Hank KvlianiX H-ilik FaMillS' I'.ank par i:ill One ilia par pn no aala par par jiar par par par I" ' ill Hank or Miililli-Tenu. " I'ailt Klinxvillfl " N.ishvilie Ocni'fl Hank Slu-Hiyvill.' Hank Lawrrliri-tiitri; IfanK i Mis-'imri Hank par Ala'iahiai.ekiclit Mo l.i;.-) kilia l!anknr Mo'.ili. par Hani. f WV-'t l'i-nn. par LflscD t:0i SAIL . I wish to sell my tract of bind, on which I am now livintr, contnini'i about one hundrel nnd ninty six acres, lyinu' about four miles noith of U inchester, 'J'onn.oii Klk River, and about four miles from the Nashville and Chattanooga Kail Houd, and bounded by the lands of W. II. Phil ips and B. Crisman. Said land is very rich and attractive. About eighty acres are in a high slate pf cultivation with good fences, a good Dwolling house slnhlrs, out housoa, &c. Also three excellent springs aro on tho place within a short distance of the house. There is on tho place a most excellent orchard of fine fruit, anil a still-house and still close by, which can be bought. This is a dcsiruhlo tract of land and affords an excellent op portunity for any one to gft a bargain. 1 can bs seen almost any time at liotiie. TIPTON GILLKSPIK. Winchester, Tenn. Feb. 10, '50. if NOTICE. By virtue of a decree of the Count) Court of Franklin county, Tennessee, pronounced at its January Term, 1830, in the cast of Margaret Martin end N. H. Martin against Moses V. Marherry and wife ami others, 1 will, on Honda), 7th of March. 19, otTer for sale to the highest bidder, the tract of land which Joseph C. Martin, die I, seized and possessed, lying in civil district No. 8, about five miles north of Winchester, sold subject to the widow's dowtrr. TERMS OF SALE. Said land will be sold on a credit of one, two and three years, except $150, which must be paid down; the biddings for the land to commence at seven dollars par acre; tha purchaser required to give nota with two or more good and sufficient securities, and a lian retained upon tne land until tha whole of tha purchase mo nay it paid. F.F.SIMS. Clerk. tun mmht COSTSi ONLY O 9 5Pr yew I serial Uette. 'or Congress. We nre authorized to annunce UEO. W. JONES acandidstefor reelection to Congress from this district, , I'Vr Senate. Editor Home Jouhnal : It having beon understood for some time past that 1 would be t candidate to rep'escnt the counties of Lincoln and Franklin in the Senatorial branch of our next (ieueral As sembly, in order that thin fact may be more fully known, you will please uuiiounco my name as a candidate, I will luko th i occasion to state that hav ing to work,' it will bo impossible for me to coiuiiionce a canvass until iSprinj;, but at the UiUAL Tuns I will meet tho peoplo of cuch county at the various places of voting and presout to them my riows on the questions of Federal anil Stale policy in which they are interested. Your most ob't scrv't, JLc., Taz. W. Newman. Sepf at). to Fkankun Countv, Tlnn. Eurroit Home Jouhnal: Flemo untinuucc to the people of Franklin nnd Lincoln coun ties that f am a candidate to represent them in the Senatorial branch uTllio next Legisla ture, and oblige Yours, truly, J. J. AnKRNATIIV. Ropt.8, ISM. io. We are authorized to announce Jamks 11. Ciiii.coa i , of Lincoln, u candidate lor St'iiutor to represent tha counties of Lincoln and Frnnklin nt the next Aiiiisteleclioii. Vor tjfgislatttve. We aro authorized to u.inoiwicc John F. Wediliugton a cundidato to represent Frnnk lin Co. in the lower brunch of the next Gen eral Assembly lor tho Stale ol'Ti niiessec. We nro nulhnrizcd to announce Col. Win. A. Parks a candidate to represent Frnnklin I'ovn'.y in the lower brunch of the next (iene rnl Assembly lor Tennessee. We aro authorized to nnnaoiu'o Madison Williams Esy. a caudidntu, for reelection to ihe LrifMiiluro from the coiinly of Frnnklin. Sin Jamsb C i. a nit's Fkmai.b Pills. This well-known medicine is no imposi tion, hut a sure nnd safe remedy for Fe male difficulties, ami oliMiiutions from any cause whulevei; timlnlihiiugh a pow erful remedy, they eoiiiuin nulhiii hurt ful to the constitution. For full pariii-ulars, obtain, free, of the agent a pamphlet, or refer to advertise ment. N. II. $1 and 0 poslago stamps en closed to any iiullioriy.eil ageni, will in suro n bottle containing over CO pills by return mail. Tiir .mustl tr-iTi lilc ' Ina wc havff lo ei o n ii Lis iimntty ii Cuitftuni-lioiu First minlfi-Minn il.t'ir in Hi" Tin in ofa alight cotil, it ainM strr-ntli while ili virt iin ia unsuspicious olil uiyi i , ami Jiiniiii.'r or Inlet, in nine i .ifcs oul of I'-u, tin uiiii.ilis fitally. Auioni; Hip, vim iniix rf-mo dies la-line Hit- puhiic lur llm into of, none la eipial lo IJduki.ami's Hai.amic t'lumui.. Kcn this limy not cure you; hut, il Ihe iltseam' h not loo (ar iiilvauiTd, you ma y-conllilt'iil ly rely upon il. 't ry it. Hreporc-il only liy llr, ('. .M. Jackson, No. lis Arch Sllci't. dt j i.l lor tiah' h iliuui-ts anil totckcr-pcr tiirouli nut tla t'uiteit .Stales and t:anaila. i'lko 1.1 cents per buttle. rcrotioo. W'ti liavn a rule Hi.'t VNttcn a Mihsi nlitM' ttolji pnyitient Tor his in!or for tvvt lvti imuiiIi, p will i Imrtre him tlirt-P iIoII.iih. yet unny talip t In- jiaj-n' nhtmst that Uuva, llien i?.vM'cl two tlutlar ti nli"ly uh. Smv our dear tiifixls, )i)ii imlit not tu lliiiil. htul odiH sliuitM wc tlii Rent litiniK ii'U a cmiisip o. jii in (ihiit. W li-tl is tin: in o( lift liiiin?!ft tnlf if UpI( imt rmiitly Willi it f Mi' MiM staiitt lailhfully by tin rulo wi' have mlnitnl it w wuulil ilo justice to all mi r stil..i:iili.i. H in iMHiciUid ami wnuii! for lis toiullili that will Ii" cli.iif;cil in ml vain d,iV t tlit-Pint of Kix iiiocilis iiinl S-' "I thfM'ial ir U iiiui.Mi, ami tltoM violiitn llih rule Thcicloie )li?nc tc- niemlwr that two dollars in the ndvanro n kp, fc,M if ijiyiMfiit l-e iitailr in Hijt niontli ami $'t, Hit eiil uf the yrar, and we wii.i..ui iotalr this tuli- any hum p. THi:iUi;.tr ilisu ui;.ni;iv .lPt J.Mi;s ( LAItKK'S C e I c b r a I e il F e in n I o Pills. Pipaiel fioni a Tipm rii'iiuit ut Sii J.Chirkp, M. 1). Vif tjii ian 1'aVtiuiH'lin.ii y toluc ((liprii. rrillS INVAMWill.K .MhliU lK IS C.M'AII.INfi IN J. tlM'Ctnc ol nil thnni (Mihful and il-th''iitni diHisiM-1. tn whii h liif fi-n.aip riii"iilntiim in u! jt-ct. It hkhU-i.-iIi-xl II cicpSh iiil tmiiovi-h ull ulfftlructiuim. and a Hj cd) cuie may he iulifil on. TO MAKHIXI) LAHIl i It itppf iiliarly miitcil. Il wilt, In a liirt tinin, hunt; Itir inOiillily 1-pi iod with ri''illnity. lyirh hdtthf uii p l hit llu.l.ii lipais ih (ovrrnmei t Stainp o( (.real Ji Haiti, ti pivvpnl tuuiuei h it. CAM ION. TIip"p Pill shonM Mil i;k r.ibs hy frniaVi dui in1.' Hip ('IK.- I I IlKKKMOM IIS v I'ki.i.XAM v, m iln-j turMirn ti liiiiioii mis(. Aiaii.vt. h. Imt at an) ullii-i thin ihkv k It I1 vr of.frvmii nnd Sinnl MfprtionH.I'.iiii in tlti 1'it h Hid laiuhN, Kaliuup mi li:'.lil rvm t hm, jliomif thf Mp.mi, MystiM ii h, iiinl W hu', little I'iU w iH pit t a tuip tthrii ali itlluM luranf Ii.ivp tailed j mi nil lit rivi a 't.AVfiliil renipil) , do titi i oiit.un inni, tailumcl, iiitiiuuii) in aiivlliint; Inn Hid in itip riiimiitnlioit. Full ilii'Pi linn lirnuip.iiiy f.'K li park.ipP. hole Aycnt For tho I' mint Mates ami I'anad, JOH MliSK, (Ute I.C l:..idvin. (',) Ittirhdlpr, N. Y N. It. ft! fWlaml poit.nB stamts pmlnn-d to mi) uilioiixpa igent, will insure a buttle ofu.o I'll Is by ie turn iiiiiit Forsalff tiy Si iilh W. Hoticlitnn, Aqrtit at inrhlrr, ml by Hrrry A Pemov.lle, Nahilic, wholesale Arnls for Tpiiiippfe. Ited'J iy GROCERIES, CANlflks, AXD liriMmiiH TricliS riiri itll)r. Oysterf ot 05 tenta per cnn. Mnekerol H for 2.1 cenU. Cbec?o LJJ cents. Slur Candies A"i cents, tullow 13. Fxtra brown Soprir nt 10 cents per lb. Second quality at I'-i Win to the dollaJ. In short, we will sell all kind-i of (iroccrios just as cheap as the chenpest in market. Oranges und Co:nnnut8 on hand and all sorts of Fancy Candies, and also Sky Kock eUtand Firo Cracker. COME ONE AND ALL TO a. V. a or ham A' UoSh. ! Pec. 10, . tf . It. L. TCKNKV. I'. C. UAKNER. Drs, Tui'iit'v & CJariior WIXCIIKSTHU. TE..V, Have isitociated thernclve together in tho praclici of Medicine, ind when not pro fessionally ih-enl. cm be found tl tiieirotticc, Jefl'craoii at reel, two door above Mnriin's corner. Not! tf . ' E. S. HAWKINS, General Agent for the tale and purchaao of Ileal Estate. Xejxroes, &c, OT I will pay tbe market price for Ne groes brought to my office. Ncgroe roitauintlr on band. Office, No. IS, Cedar Street, (formerly oc cupied by Thou. O. Junes,) 1 XaSHVJUI, TENiESS5E. Ftb3 tl t 01) 1 00 5jrT OITEl EOLLAB, Ct- 7 b iuimrflne powiloied Suar lur I n1 7 Iha retlu.u cruaneii , no j ji liest t'heea, 15J els per lb. SlarCamllea per lb, 'JA tenia. ' '1'ulloW ill oo lieenla, Hot duartnteeil Oyiieu, pgr can, to' !Nxty-llve tnts. AM articles the grocery lino Chonp for Cnsli'l Call und get your C II It I ST MAS SUPPLIES at the old established stand uf Sixxltla (So Carr. December 10, . ;il)llNl,OCKri:N BOOK lilXDKH, Sun. Mvih. 1'uhlisiiiiz Jluunc, ii sli vill', Tciiti. Illunk books of superior quality innuufiie luri'd for bunks: nd tho eiiiiiiimjr rootn, nnd books rebound for the library or pnrlnr. Call iiinl see specimens. FebU ly Ili'r. Tho insolvency of iho estate of Willie 1', Wnnjnor deeensed linuiiir bi'cn tuiigesieil ns reiiiired bylaw; notice isbori bv;'iieii to the creditors ofsiiid esinle to tile their r limns wiih the Clerk of the County Court of Frnnklin County, Tennessee, duly anilieiiticntctl on or bofnro tho ltllh day of iWureh lv.')0, or they will be debarretl. JOHN FRIZZGLL, Adm'r. Dec. 8th, 1st!'. OLfiZSi'G WIkiI a twjjcrliir atork uf (Itwls (r. A. Shuvk ltx jttxt irvcircil! Sin pie tniods, Cio-siinori's, bed Dluiiki'ls, l'oineslii'S, lli'inly-ioinle Clothing, l.tlnV .Shawls, Lailu's' Clunks, Fine Silk Chenelle Sen rtV, l.iiihes' nnd lieiils' Luiob's Wool anil Merino L'inleihirls, lluls, boots nnd Shoes; Fine all wool d'Laines; Fiiiiey Silks, Silk Aruhimi Fancies, (beautiful) Hoop Skirts French ChihU Holies, Ihiloiornls, & e. School ;iinl Mist't'lkiiiooiis IJooks, iSLitioiiorv, ki-., DRUGS, OILS, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, tci'., AjC. I i' J '' I fflFlA I- .:i' i N (live me a cull hefnre you purchase, nnd see if you ee.niiot pe suited. (i. A. SHOOK. ros: f.ini:s ai .9:yi'm:;ui:.v J.1!.NKWKUiU:o., rm. II.,, l',n,l n , aO, SjStjTA exei'lli'iil room on the ?llwf''!!,,''V!0.',.,;,,': VIIlX 1 '1 1 ' ' on in s- xtM.wtVli!r, nnd will eonl.u- ,v 'J)IK3f-ts'u no the hoot anil shoe TT?H mi"" I-IK'IV eon rf1 dueled hy .l.'llen.l, deeenseil. They feel themselves nhlo to do ns I-nod work us can In) done A N V W 1 1 1'.ll K, nnd nre determined that no exertion shall lie Hiiulin on iheir part, to cite salislaetion to all whoinny favor lliein with p.'itronne. We intern! to keep constanily on hand a l.nrr ami sihcl Assortment of' Vntvnt E'lTiicli :tiiil Aimri can Bicallu'i. Aleo, Lnslin? losuit the wants of Ladies. I!KI'AIKI(r prmnplly attended to, and all work tt'AKKA.YfKI). ti:h.iis cash. r. iiio :(stf j. r. NKWKi, co. W. I'.ll.iMir v. U. S. I1kM)KI;'is. S. A. II win. t. ij amk.v, u i : !:: a to. W CKA1IO.U W. ('. Hundley, haviu:: Imeoine nsso riitli d with us in the Dry Hoods hnsine, tin- linn will hereafter be styled n. above, oinl we ltul our old Iriemls tniil custom - ers may i outinue with us, as it is nnr in- trillion in keep constantly on haul n most ii . . . i . i . - , . . c , excellent sioes. uiiu nssoruiii in i oi jiooo.i to knit tou wjots ui inn ieoiin ui ini.i county. llANin.y iV II i.Mit.liaON. Tliose indehleil to the firm of 1 1 n ml ly ami Iluiidersoii nre respectfully reiiieste.t to come iinme liately lurward and settle. II. iV II. 8tIrndi(l Town Lots FOIt KALH, Xcirlv on tlio I'uLIii: .Siuare, U lNCIILSTLH, TKNN. 1'cin; anxious in remote lo another por tion ofthe rountry I propose to anil tho tow u lot nu whn'li I Bin now living, and on who'll there is new. t,"""' and eoiivenieiit two f tn - ry dwcl imr, x v, wit , a en lo..l passnse luthcni.dJIe. Alsooi,el.ri.;k.liouse,ritl.ylll, Wil l two l'iiou riHiius. nan a iir-'ii k irnen, .it, l,,.,te. outlioiises. &.C. Tl ia lot con. tainsfuie and three quarter, aero, of asj .1 :. : ,.. i.i ...... , C ". " ""l"' .. co"m' and fronts ahout "Jl") fee: on Iho street run nill fnilii the sipmrc to the .Methodist eliri'h, and l'rotiliiii on tliu wholo of tho street run unit from tho ehureli at right aiitile Sniiih, I ....I H'Jl l....l .... ll.n ul h ... .. f IVa... I tin ! i '"-' i': ii" - at ri.'ht aiiL'le west, llur.lin.r amnio room Io inaku Til hi K beautiful town lots v.ith trod - sized "aniens attached. In the centra nft his intlistwttKr'ownKimarlbr , Willi aecoial quality (or " 1 ' n ll.a haat Klo I'ultat lor CO K is, 1- -iifS'u'SV ;!'! it "H k.'. plat of ground is oiii- of the best wcl's of iva- ; ( pr(; j;iei jn ollire, a petit ion hy Frank ler lo be fniiinl anywhere, and it nfvf.u i aii s. (),.j,r, rr pn--c ni i niT that he is a Tree man Tho whole ol this plat is level and rich and ' i 0f eitfJr residing in said County, aged about decidedly Iho most deirab!e property for sale , eveiy mx years, that ho desire to bo per il, U ini-liKolnr. On llm lot i a blacksnilh-1 ,,,,, i ir,i, .verv. and Hint he linn .. chop, wooilshop and lble. I will sell the whole cheap for cash and respectfully k any- UHH uuairirus w, m g - .1 . . . nr . 1. 1 r in 1 n tu 1" " -" " B -- - . . 1. examine the premise. Mioumnyo" -- - L...:.. hmise. eo better place "old bo foond... p.rtof I I e. .at . 1 Tow .terx from the while t ie other part .iTord. beautiful pl.ff te"Ac"' Here 1. a chance for tome one, rho will il bet ApplTW Feb. 19 ORIN HILL. Winchester, Tann. Freeh Oysters Tint rt iava-1 t W r (Cainmcwial Nashville Market, from tlia Nuhvtll Dally New(. Wadtimlay, Fab. 23, 18S9. Cotton. About 119 boles changed hands at tha following figures: 82 ntlO, 8 nt 0, und 79 at vurioua figures, mostly 101. Iheni". Hog round 01 rentu; ShouL flora TJfiJS cents; Hams 0 l-!2fo)10; Clonr Side 10l10 1-ii. Laiid.--There hnsbeen a alittht decline In Inrd. 10 l210j ore the ruling rates, Flouii. Demund brink, tixtra 7,00 per nnrn I; Superfine, j(5 SOfriO dollnrs. Kxlrn Family Flnur in bags, wholesale $3 23; retail 3 50 $-08 pounds. Cuiim. Knster, and buyer only pay 50 cents and furnish sacks. Corn Men! 73c. Dltirn Fltt'lT. Apples M 80n2 00; Penled l'enchcs, 4 70u0 00; Unpe.iled2 7jii3 00. iseedK Clover $7 00 per bushel, by the barrel, lllue Grass, stripped, (il 25; Clean, tl 73 per bushel of fourteen pounds; Timothy, f2 733 per bushel; fiord's (iriiss, $1 45u 1 30; Orchard $1 00; Hungarian Ciruss Seed $2 00; Cnnnry S'ed lji:5j .Millet 1 20al 20, Fln .Seed 1 20. H'hiskv. H'e quotu 2HQ25 for Roc tilieil. Country bruiids -lOfiOOc. Fkatiikiis are worth 41uH2 els. ,Siilt Course sack is. worth $ 30; fiim I 00; hbl. COe, )er pushel. Feathers, Dried Fruit, Ginseng and licoswiu in ileinuiiil. Sus-nr In bbls. 7i0"-"; hall cent less in hh.U- N. V. Coireo .SiiL'iirs 0all:je.; Crushed ami I'owdercd 12a 13c; Loaf 12 ii 12 J rents, L'olfeii Kio 12Jnl23c. nnd dull, La stiyra I I; Jnvn 20c. liiief 1 inoe grons- Cheese- Fn.JIsh Dairy 12 1-2al4c; western Keserve 10e. lliil"S iiinl I.eaihur tueen hides 5 els, dry Ruin ("orniiy. Southern und Mex ii'iin 1H; (Ink Sole Leather MO cl.s pur III for het tu:il:lv; Harness -.c. Oils. Linseed, !"."ic; L'ir.l 1 00; Tan ners 73 1 00. Shelled On is. 7075c, from wagons; fro in Store S3. Atlanta Ga. Markot. Atlanta (Ia., Fi:ii. 1 2 ill. L'niTon IIomi: Jui iiNAi, : Aniifxed we hand you a review of our market. Cm ton was buoyant nt the close of the week, which was tho result ofthe late favorable advices from Europe, although no ndvanco was quoted, the news was more favorable limn was uiiti cipated. Uncoil, dull talo. Consumers refuse to buy nt tho present prices. We ijioie hoj; round 10 a I Ie; Shouhlors 0a !); Sides IUal2r; ILims llalljc; Lard 12jai:te; Coin, from store OSinO; Sack el Wheat from store 1 20al 23e do. Flour 2 ..ria:i 2.1c. 1'onihors. -ISnr.O. (iroi'iries, the stocks ol eolTeo, Mi'iar, inoliis.-es, syrup, cundles, are now much ireer in this inurkel than at any former period. respectfully, .SKAliO oc AI'.MOTT, Crornrs and Commission Merchants'. SMITH St m llX Wholesale; ami Itclnll aniiarali-rain 0 all kind of onnlry I'loiliieo. KKHrconilaiiliv on lioul i '"'ii' asiorln lot Iron, .vails.l iiMii. ;H ,io) I'Alt.MIMi llll'l.l'..lli.VlS, A eoiiiplrte line of Carpenters' Tools, Hardware, Cutlery nnd Chains, Huts, liools and Shoe, A varii'ly of IIoiisekeepiiii fined', Tuba, HiiekoiH, llroonif &Siona Wore, Willi a lull slock or tho most Choice Groceries, fur fimiily aupi'lirs, aurh aa lirnn ii, Crushed ami Loaf Surnrs, (lolili'ii Syrup iV Suar House Alnlasses, i;,o, Lairuyrii, f. tirl Java Coll'ee, iSlar, Sperpi, und Tallow Ciindles, i C .' .S.; Q VS'f 10 1! S ' , i ni v i.-u j n.llil l.M.o, TO HA CCO, CIHAILS, .s.MJFF, FOH'DKR, f; 0 US ISH. LFAD, ricKLF.s, .shot, l'KI'l'KU, CAI'S, .SI'ICE, . Fl'SF, SODA, INDK.O, TKAS. MADDFIl. CLNUKR. HIIITL LEAD, MACK, OILS. CLOVLS. TIM.l'ENTIXE VINKHAIl i SACK (V HAKHKL AI.I'M, . SALT, SULFllb'i!, ' &C,(VC.,iC all of whii ri arr oir. n il, ant will hn aiilil at 11, e LOWKST MAKKKT I'lllfR Fdll CASH, (HI IT.S K(ii;iVAI,KMT. Vinchrtr,Sn. '-'I, l'X tr 1 IIOI'MU 1MIXT1XH, , A , A z , j.. - .!.,.,., TfuiKSM '. n . r , R. S. II ' 'L respect fully enders In -ervi- - esto .he c.i.onso W. nche-ler ;.n. .chh- iu nml rennests n iihcra snare ill paironapp. .v. " -. . ... V. vi,....ln.l to l.un in the past, he iilndires liimsclf tu us every cll'ort to (jive satisfaction in the future. I'ecl'.f J a, ll.. Stnl of I iilir'', w, 1 Circuit Con rt Clerk' Olhee, Jan. 15, li.)J i v.,,;,.- i hcrehv civen, that on this dav j er,eil, Joseph C Dchmig, who ill a citizen of j Mij couV( ti i,0 person to whom he wisbc to be couveyod and whose alavo he desires to bceorre. It i ordered that publication of thia notice be tnado in the "Winchester Home Journal," a newspaper published in Winchester, Ten neasee, for one month. N. FMZZELL, Clerk Cir. Court. Wliont WnntaL 1 will give tho highest rash price lor (rood Wheat delivered el my Mil), 3 mile Nor"1 of Winchester, Tenn. Feb3 U. B. Hi.iW" 0AS1R , WOOD, EDDY, & LOTTERIES 1 CAPITAL PRIZE, 50,000 ! NOTICE TO THE rUBLlC. Aa tli nifmtH'ra or our firm Iibvb, hy way orpurchoto, Iml-uiiii Hie owner oftlio uunlicUurtarvU by itiu st.unau lielawarc, IVt'iilui'ky, Miaauuii, amt iitit of llioao hi (ia. tii.ilorlho niuiii.'iiiriit ir Mi-aara. tfirory.. (Viaitiy,ui llinlniitiiii, lklaio, IK liavt deem. il it rxi'Pitient tu rliaiiKt Ilia naiiir ol our Hun, on ai.d alti-r Junuuiy tl, JS-i'.l, 1 1, ol WOUIl, KUUV IKJ., who wlU heidartiM livi tlio iii.HMVNicntoi ilioStiaila AcaUcui)' Lollor)', ai.ii Itic 01 lira,iia alio vi- iiuiiiihI. In nil tranaiciioi.a liavi anJravorod lo coinluct our hiivuiraa ivlil, hilvui it v uul uroiiil-UieMi, unj wo cm a urn I lie ,uMiL Hi-it ll.i- itiuiwiw lioitilornii- Ualoweil on uaia wi-ll ile rr viiiar ol ivini; tinncriM iittloour Hucoohtoni. rry ti-i'0i:il.ill)', Augiuta, (ia., Ptc. I,i, 1S.8, S. SWAN ACO. wools, i:iitVtVo., iii.iAiicits hHCf'i'SSWI N IO M. SX JIH V Co. Tlir rollowlna St'liRiiin wilt b ilraivn liy x ood, EddvoV Co., .MittiauiM-. ol tliir Siallii Acinli-my Lnlti-iy, luuJCUor tlif-ir Miult? lUlllH.r Lotlt-nca lor .Matcti, ujt All (rs'tw, timitr.u, hi t'uulii;, uuuur tliu auuui iuieutii-uto o( Cuouiiiiisiiuit'is, CLASS 10, lli'uxvs feiitimliiy, iardi 3, 159. CLASS 11, Draw Muuirdiiy, IlBuich 12, 1M.19. I'l.AsiSt Vi, Uruv Siittuilii), Uuich 10, IS i. iss i;t. DrawM i;iini'ilii), .Harih 30, lUiO. ON TUB ll.AN F SINUMI NfMUKRS. Five 1 housaud Four Huiidrod und Eighty live Frizes. NKAHl.Y ONli HI1IZK TO l'.VKUV MNK TICK UTS. MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! TO hi: UllAtVSI Each Saturday in Jfarch. I Prlw ol f.:l,IHil U,INI l'l.ll.l) l,.li'l.l I. Mil.) :i,uin' in t'riio ol " ii " " io .'in I'rl.ea or ."I 61, son ,,iiii l"U rii'H ' lui Approximation Prize. 4 i rii'MiI Jii".iiioiiiuitiio,,li)'."eioii.iArf l.ri'i 4 ,i,J .lull " ' ;iO.III'll I.'.'IH' i ,, v.m " liiimil ' limn 1 il,, v.'i " " ."i.ii 'i'i'ilcsartf tii'H Jj yml " " 4.0011 ' ' MJ t I ,D " " K.inal ' ' Cm) 4 ,i, Inn '. I, ..liil ' ' Jiii.r v,ifi,i ,lo :i ' leii.eiMi & I--,' iiu.raanioiiiilin,' In i'lVl'M H'hule tickets 10; Hah es $-3; (Jn'r.s rrV" A Cireiiliir showing the plan ihe Lmteries will m roiu. ol ri'i'i'ivin ie sunt to any one de it. ri'.UTll'li' I I's rl' 1'li'K M.l'.s Hill it si.M at ilif lot In u i im I il,"1 , vl,ii II is tli-' II-!.: rn',untn ol I'... k ,,ti oi 1 1 it linlo liilvtta, t-!il ' in 11,111 " "IO ' IH'.lii.iit.T " ti'l " " I ' Ki,.l,lli " li' III orilci iiiy T'i liCt' or 4 I'l lllieiHi's, KlliTo"!' It, i' limiirv lo mil iililll'-s Inl tin' lii hrls onlt l- C'l, nil O-i I'U'I nl Wl.H tl ll,r l 111 t'l' lill W.Oili l i'llll ni.iil. l'ot , I:--.-: h t,o, li.iw tiil.rts i-mliii iii any liu,!' lltry in.iv o.-f i..i.i. Iin- I, en ollliawil .ilrl I'rifS w ill l ai-nt to illli h i 1 1 1 1 ii i I ., I ,'l y Ili'l I he ill ,i mi:. il I'll I. ii..''l Wilt Vlil-iMVl III' lliril M".IUlt!iri'N pl'lili, ami "Ivf II I'm '! i 'Htul v wl SI.Ui'. 0 r l.'rinr'iil','! I'.'U '-li'il (ii.i' 1', liiul i-nfiy;, I T- lull. IMllinl't .!.-.!.. IH.!.. a.' Ml jn ii. o! I.i" ii.iii.l nn.l.'r i in.) iiitini'ili li''y !.1er IIH'lll.ll!l..'II.H! ll'...'.ll 1 I.,' Hlll.ll lilllt' III .!"'!. Il. olire on '.iii(l iil. Tltnur- l hi. 'l . i. I not -rii.ln.'.; in.jlji'V l.y iili.ll, 1 101 lin hi' AiIiiius l,ir".s oiiipiui, uh it-l.y im H.i-y Lit 1 1. l.i'l s in miio i ol I iii liollai!', i.p, run t r m'i.i ui i ir i isliinui Apriisi', ft .mi o riv . in nt Inun Win',.' ll.i'V It.iW! .in ntl!.'(. lil..i.i .11,.! Hi .1 l,ll I I! I'UI III .1 "Inili'lllllU'lil ' l',i-i (nii.c st.u,r.i i nv. l.'i i." oi ll.i''trka (oiniai.y Ln limit I '' " IV I ii'1,1. ,tn v Ml 1 1, II V .'..l'.,ll'l,ti.ll. A.l'H e-s ....lei; ti. k.tHi.i i.Mlilif.tli". tn Hill), I'.IHtY & I'll., .n.Mistu, (loorgin. or, WOU I I.HUViV HI., Alliiniti, lieoroia. or, WtUMM'.HnV eVCH., Wilioiiiolon Lei. 1."$' A list of the numbers that nre diiiwii from the wheel, with the amount of the prize tnat eiu h one is inlilli d to, will ho published after every drawing in the followin;! impels: A'i if Orhuns Ihl lu. .lo'.iV IU"istrr, t'hurliston Shin. ttaril, Xashrillt. iluzitlfi, Atlanta Intrtli :iiicr, N ip Yvik Witlilij Day Hunk, Sui'a n null Morning Nuts, liiclnnund iJisputeh anil Ni.W York I )i spa I ell. juno'-'t) ly ill Jj tl (j A III X A iL C It i! no. III. f iwurt kiki:t, NASH VI U.K. TV XX. 07 MKl i-mi'-tiiiDy mi n pmtd iiiir'iniit of the lX l.iii's-t xl ) IfH i.i iiiiiiKlnm: tin hIh, Onlcif Mom a tl, l.un t-nMiu.r!v .it'i inl'-'l ItMitd uiUTiiiitfil In fivr sittiH I.h tlnn in tiiaii y ul fi'KMls ft ml lit. tiHfjt.'fl T roUlltlll' I'AIMI . W. COOl'LTi, IS iiTinai Pinly li.r.-.ii-.l in N A l I V I l.l.i-'.. at inin,!.i r In. ( llllll ltM.n l, l'. r..ll. tlll-i I'.ll lliltlll' 1.I..H'. llt. is I' I .ur,l In I'i.lii! l'niliiillH.oi.l l'iiut..j;i,i'tii. I,it,i'tu'Mpi., Ii'om iMininlm - (o l.itf siv. at ''.oil I'uli' mi1! I'titm1 .ith! .1 tl.-t .itn (' C'lll Si'Hil tltfir I i' hlii' nn i'iki-. N.'h .illi cMoii zi v i i i . IV; (iiii it , wlii Ii mM niit,r ail , I'l un., (u t "I B'haiii.r ISraristratl I'ntlory. jANLi'Ai "i nit i;vKi;v tms 'itirrio.N of COTTAHE IIEDSTEADS, LOCMiES, CKIIHIS, IFASIISTANHS. &C, ln, fvci v ri ljon of V ittrr".!-, ,t il will flirnMi ft nxoM ii IMtiri I ie, 1 In in 1 i.c round) .trial linii' fU-crs umiltf lo well to rnli Adtltrn U'. It. COIlNELirS, Oi lHI tl 4: rinii. li Klri-ft, N.uliiiHf, Trim. Mnimfactuivr, hiirrn A- SniiF. JlW'.:r7M&. '2il ' v4jx0$M- lnxcii ESTER. r. t. i:mii.i.. m. w. ninNin WiiuliL'.stcr, 'J'cnn. N-pt.8.1 f- .Vii.lniM' fiiaizt'lii', l'lihli.ilinl iliiih. tri-vrehlij ami irnhlij. JtH. II. lli:il t.:iilllor Jts. T. IIKLM.liKal I'.dllnr. J.vs. T. HKI.I.Aj:ii. ri'UuTlttl-.TliHS. Tkiims liiiiy 5 00; Tri-H'eckly 4 00, and weekly '1 (ill per annum. The citizens of Frank'm and tho adjoin- iug counties, who desire to taka a Nashville paper, u.n which Hiey may roiistnntly rely ns 11 correct ehannel of torcigu and domestic news, commercial, religious and poetical in telligence, and a pleasant companion for the liomo circle, are respectfully referred to the Nash v lie tin'Ute. The (ia.elte is theoldest naiier, but one, in the Slate, and Hie lirstdsi- ly issued 111 the Siato. 1 ho circulation or lr nailv issue is greater than every other pspr III Nashville combined. No betmi .ilverii inf medium can bo found in .Middle Tsnne. see. Oet.i'l-I.O"'- a iulifir Tk. ...!.. -...J hiiir well non ajar v t 1 j .r.e hit ricc. to all require- ing Me'" r?r"h Addrease. f-i,.i.nn.. Flsiv. I'fesenlatton Speechee end replies. Lin" for Album. Aoro.tic.-prt-oaremsitor for tho Tre Obituane. and L,h J'netrf upon anf .ubject. Add res roosip."') EINLEY JOHNSON. ' Baltimore. Md. KOT1CU. All person indebted to E.till & Turmari for beet, ara reo,uetea to come forward " - - . - Vslunblo Totvn Lois ond desiiill Family Kesidences near the. public squan for sulo oroschange for young Negroes, or in part for good Mules, Milch Cows, Sheep ond Hugs. Four lots with im provements, all in ono block, surrounded hy streets running in evory direction. Fifty acres of Lnml on Little Hurricnna. Creek, with water-power where there wea formerly n cotton dietary in operntion also, One and Two-horse Threshers itnl Separators, made by G. Westinghouse & Co, of Schenectady, 1N V'., whidh they insuro. Cull and see one operate ia threshing ony kind of grain, and see their bills, certificates, dtc, &. ' &if A good bargain may be had by calling soon on the undesigned, who is authorized to sell. auj;82 P. I. CURLE. AdmiiiiNtr.itorsi IVolice. All persons having cluima 0(,'uinsttlieestoto of 11, F. Kohertsor, due, will pleaso preseni them to tho undersigned duly authoiilieated. And all personuiudebted to wid miute tiro re quired to come forward aim make psytmut, or the iinina will ho placed iu the liujie uf proper persout for rolleetinn. H. II. bJUTII, Adm'r. March 11, tf Latest Sir rival OF FALL AND WINTER Tho undersigned am now receiving thair slock of Full and Winter (ioods, CoNsISTI.NO in rAitr op Silks, Satinells, Cus.-.'iiierfH, Jlerinns, D. Liiiiies, (iinohaniB, Clolhs, Jeans, Tiveedp, Sliuwls, Sheo'.inps, Miiriiiifrs, lilanliels, Flan nels, Hoop Skiris, Woollen nnd Merino L'n derwear tor nemleiiieu und Inilits, Heady nmde L'lollmii;, lints Latest Stylcjs, fill's, hoiiis, .Klines, linrilHure, Cutlery, Ulnm W are. ( ueensivnre, it vaneiy ol a rl icloa loo tedious Io inline, ul of Inch are oll'ercd for sale at Kensoiml'k' prices iYr Cahli. All pirM'ii-aiu iiuiud to cull und txuinino for tiieinsehed. MARTIN & SON, All L i lid ) nt (Tciml I lit pi up tu Ltn in nvidin n na . fur iTijiids nt miL'li lriCL8 ua ui inn f.nll at a. gain. M. & S. Gil C&lllES. A LAKGUi STOCK '7.liV USUAL alamos Campbell, IV INCH H S T K H , T E N NESS EE- 1 Inive now in store a larger assortment limn usual of Family liroeivies, consisting mainly of sujrar, entice, molasses; white, brown, loaf and crushed Mijrar; tine aad com Hid 11 canities; a fine let of "1 ens; almonds, pe cans, luitineos, cloves, spice, popper, ginger, nun e, ciuiiiiiuon, s.ulu, powtler und shot, iii digo and 1 1 1 :i 1 1 . 1 0 1-. i-ipciie, stnrchi crackers of nil kind, cakes, e. Ait-o, a good lot ot ci;riiM and tobacco; slur and tallow candlca, waih honrds, blooms, walcr buckets, soap; a lot of shoes and hoots, nnd a peed lot of factory thread, (I'ipcV). Alto, a largo lotol (itieenswiiro, (,-lnss ttimlilers, while lend, HALT, vinegar, mill so forth, nud so forth, 1 will keep cull st.'intly on band lltiflmwrth's brand if Hour. I fhtill from time to time add to ti y stock any thing Hie nccessii irs of iho people may re quire, and would solicit a call Irnn them ho lme they purchase elsewhere. JAMES CAMMLLL. Sept I'.O. tf Jno. (i. Ferijiisoti. John L. Sehon. I'crziisoH &' Sehon, ATTOUN1, YJS AT LAW, 11 I KOAR STltEKT, Kit.ii alii', Ihiiifi&iec. Will give their attention lothe colloetimi of claims throughout tho Stalo of Tennessee. jr. W. CAMPBELL, S tef M? M E LA I N OTY P E 3NT E2-W F.I ll 1 1, V d 11 OCT. R Y. G. V. GOKIIAM, WIIOLKSAI.K AMO RETAIL LEALfR I If All kind? of Country l'roduce, JMy l'mit?, llitle?, &c. Kri-va fonatai.tly on bant I'hmr rinil Midi, I Madder, hard, llutttr, ' Suit in aSrh, Cluesr, I " " Uarrels, ' Oiiler.t, 1 Urowu Sugar. Sardines ' Crushed do, Cnirkers, Vulv do, Miiclicrtl. ' I-'"' do, l'irkels, V( pper, , Molnsscs, Spier, Clnrm, j (lolden Syrups, Mustard, Ginger, Coffee, Mure, copperas, j Star Candles, Alum, Soda, 'fallow candles, Sulphur, Soap, I Assorted Candy, Smoking Tobacco,' Almonds, Pecans, Cfn teing Tolaceoj Raisins ond Fin. Cigars, Snuff, j ai.o: You der and Shot, Liquors, Brandtet, .,., ,. j Whiskies, Gin, I Percussion Caps,' Cider nnd Ale, fur 1 1 ..- 1 . . 1 Jn.i;n I medicinal purposes. p(. ()(, lhpl.e ,r,iriei will be sold low ' , ' u see for vounelvfa. fur cash. J. C. GOKIIAM. Winches" r, Dec. 0, 4stf The mbscriber would rcictfiil!y inform the citizen of Winchester and ticniiy that be bo Fiano Fortea of everv de,cript,"on for sale, such a tbe 0, (4. C). 0 and 7 octave of every style of finish. Irom tbe perfectly plain to the most elabiuotcly rr'd case Price ranging from tVUltogM((). Also Mclodeon ami all kind of string ar.d wind instrumenis, such a the Harp, Violin, aim miliar) the j lute, Uarouet, audtilkmi! of brass instrument. Also Music Book, and Fhret music. X lib eral discount made to dealer md tcbnv- Will oll at Boston and New York pnc merely adding expenw of freight . Hk E. JMtrTT. Wi.dieter, Dee. 9. "rXrimti ar.tirf .t-r" ,',"r'-f , miv a., tmwm