OCR Interpretation

The home journal. (Winchester, Tenn.) 1858-188?, March 03, 1859, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Tennessee

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-' -. ' . H ...l -
'' . v ,jv ' . '
: " ..
; : A poem from ono of our con
: "tributors, S. S. T., will appear
1 7j? next wcck.
An origi n al tale by " Unknown' '
shall appear before a great while.
Two poems decimal because
f the authors failed to send their
i A communication from "Ilu-
tlibrau" is respectfully refused.
If anybody wants seeds of any
description call on G. A. Shook.
JMost of our space inside this
week is consumed by tho Premi
um Essay on agriculture, by Win.
L. Seargcant, Esq., of this county.
Whilo wo have been compelled
to defer several articles which we
would have been glad to publish,
vet in their stead wo think this
essay will be moro gladly hailed
Head it, fur it is by an experi
enced farmer.
Tun Weather. Uoautiful but
J strange weather this for March.
I Tuesday, the 1st, came in with a
i dear sky, balmy, spring atmos
; pherc, and a genial, happy sun.
Surely, winter is not over! and we
tremble for the sako of the fruit,
for we do love it dearly. Many
poaches and other trees are in
full bloom. Still, wc have beard
it said that "fruit is never killed
in March." That the saying may
prove true this season is our ear
nest wish. Even to see large,
plump peaches in Summer time is
j enough to make ono feel happy,
: especially, an admirer of "the
S liP.-illtit'tll " 'I'linti r.ritiiuiiii ul.-iii
Ij -so delicately cov ered with softest
lown, reminds us ever of fair
maiden s cheeks at t lie age of
"sweet sixteen," before the frosts
of time have blighted and with
ered their sweetness and beauty
into bitterness and wrinkles.
Oh! the fruit! we do hope it may
fail us not.
Notice. Tn answer to an ad
vertisement, in this paper, propo
sing to sell a newspaper and Job
office, we have receiv ed some ten
or twelve applications, but most
of them desire only a portion.
Xowt wc will not sell any unless
wc can sell all. And our only
object in disposing of ono of our
presses is to get ns a I'mggle's
Card Tress. The amount we
propose, in the advertisement, to
-sell, can be had for 8(500, and out of
it can be fitted up a splendid job
office. A better bargai n can not be
had in Tennessee, or anywhere
else, for the same amount would
cost 1000 new, but being unused,
only to a slight extent by us, we
propose to sen n low. un us,
jit present, it is (lead capifrt.
It is with feelings of the deep
est gratification and anxiety that
we see efforts being made by his
many friends to secure a substan
tial and fitting monument to be
placed over the remains of ev.
John (r. liiddle, which lie now at
. their last resting place in our cem
etery. It is a praise-worthy object
to thus grace and designate the
place where lies the dust of one
who stood so high, and who done
0 much good while living, and
whose loss would have been felt
Jn thebest community in the wide,
vide world. Place a monument
to his memory, and do so forth
with. J5ut wo understand that as yet
littlo lias been done. It is the
object of the young ladies of the
Winchester .Female Seminary to
do this laudiblo tributo to one
who founded, wo believ at least,
who had for a long time charge
of tho school they attend. They
expect to raise some three or four
hundred dollars, and then pro-
euro a Jionumcnt. jJut, as vet
they havo only raised somo $30
or $40. Isitpossiblo that they
shall fail! Xo! Xo! Where aro the
old scholars of Mr. Biddlo's
where his quondom patrons?
Where his many personal friends?
Where the Church of which lie was
a noblo rcpresontativo and for
which ho dono so much good?
And last, but not least, where the
citizens of our town, among whom
ho spent tho bloom of his man
hood? A call,n earnest, worthy
call, is mado upon them all, and
will any fail? Surely not surely
not! IFhy, $1500 was raised in
Murfrecsboro in ono day, wo un
derstand, in order to purchase a
monument for Frof. Eaton Can
wo not raise $-100 for Mr. Eiddlo's.
J e wish tho young ladies, who
havo this matter in charge, the
speediest success, and the result
will resound in praiso to them for
their noblo efforts. Any one
wishing to contribute can address
"Miss Matt Frizzell," the treas
urer, at this place.
Runaways seem to be on the
increase in our town. Last Sat
urday two horses run away with
a wagon, and but for the sturdy
insistence of a post against which
the wagon caught, might havo
resulted seriously. On Monday
two horses run away with another
wagon and traveled up and down
..1 . 1... . 1 . 1. . l! I
several streets at a nerco rate,
while crowds gathered at almost
every spot, and inmates of houses
rushed to the doors and windows
to see what tho excitement was.
Finally another sturdy post bid
them defiance, and said. "Thus
far shak thou go and no farther."
The affrighted steeds survived the
shock, with the infliction only of
a few scars, &c.
Jn both of these instances
thoughtlessness, (perhaps care
lessness) was the cause, and
hould teach all persons to never
leave their teams unattended, es
pecially on any of our streets.
Such lucky escapes as those may
not a a in occur.
On the loth of February, ly
.M. it. :dann, J. 1, .Mr. J'. 1).
Icynolds and !Miss .Mahala
(ieore, "-rand daughter of 15en-
jainin Fannin, all of this enmity.
On Thursday, I'-lth ultimo, liy
Win. livrom, Fsi., Mi-. S. 0.
Danks and .Miss Elizabeth Phil
lips, all of this county.
Oeneriil Ajnni tor the sulu and purehnsli ol
Ileal llstatc, Xciri'ocs, &.,
CtV" I will p:iy the uiiuiiet price for .Ne
groes liroiiirht Io my olliee.
.'m cs -outanlly on Ii:iul.
Olliee, bio. H, Ceilur Slroet, (formerly oe
cupieil bv Tl ns. (i. J.niies,)
Nashville, tkn.nessi-j:.
Feb3 if
I wish to sell my tract of land, on which
1 nni now living, containing about one
hundred mid ninly six acres, lyini; about
four miles nnith of inchester, '1'erin. on
I'll k River, and about four miles from tho
Nashvillti and Chnttnnooga Kail Komi,
and bounded by the Inuds of W. 11. 1'hil
ips and li. Crisman. Said laud is very
rich and attractive. About oiyhty acres
aro in a high state ofcultivation with good
fences, n good Dwelling house stables,
out houses, &c. Also three excellent
springs nro on the place within a short
distance of the hou.se. There is on the
place a most excellent orchard of fine
fruit, and a still -house and still close bv,
which can be bought. This is a de.-irable
tract ofland ninl affords an excellent op
portunity for any one to ;;rt a bargain.
1 can be seen almost any timo ut homo.
Winchester, Tenn. Feb. 10, J!I. tf
To (he Jf nn hers of t ft a Aijriad
turul Koricty.
The next regular meeting of tho Soci
ety will be on the 1st .Monday nf April
next, when the election of ollicers will
take place, and other important buiiucss
will bo transacted. It is eariuslhj hoped
that trc.ry member will attend.
ABK FUUZELL, .Secretary.
Foby. 22lld 1850. td
tilJU. M' th. l'llbli.lllillg House,
Kiisliviilc, Ten ii.
Blank books of superior quality manufac
tured for banks tnd the counting room, and
books rebound for the library or parlor. Call
and see specimens. Feb:) 1 y
l'uid for Xeijroca.
I will civo in cash moro than any man for
you:i;; likely nejrrocs. Try mo ami cotisly
yourself of the Lirt.
FcblO ilui Nashville, Tens.
j. c. a u.iiTi: u.
Hai opened a shop on Jefferson street, .1
doors from Martin's corner, where be would
Lo pleased to have all rail who waul clothing
of any description made. Cutting and lie
pairing done on reasonable terms.
Feb:) lsly
r.sTiLL Si -ai:m:k,
Winchester, Tenn.
Wheat Wnnttjcl.
1 W'H g lbs high tut eth price lor pood
.?? d,,''fl i -r iLlis, 3 Ki.cs Norih
or Winchester, Tenn.
ttli lJtf II. 0. IIIXTON.
'or UonsrvHH.
We aro aulliomud to uniiiinco GEO, V,
JONES a candidato fur reuluclion to Congress
from this dint net.
I'OI' St'HHlC.
EuiTOIl iloMB Juujinal :
It having Leon understood fur somo timo
pant that 1 would be a candidate to represent
the countioi of Lincoln and Franklin in tho
Senatorial branch of our next General As
sembly, in order that thin fact may bs moro
fully known, you will plc-uso announce my
nnmo an a candidate.
1 will tuko this occasion to stato that liav
ing to work, it will bo impossible for mo to
commence a canvas until Spring, but at the
usual tijir will moot tin) peoplo of each
county at I ho various places of voting and
present tothem my views on the questions of
Fedorul and Stale policy in which they ore
Your most ob'l serv't, &c,,
T,u. W. Newman.
Sept- no. to
Fhankmn Countv, Tknn.
Editor IIomr Jouknal: I'lcaso announce
to tho people of Franklin and Lincoln coun
ties that i am a rauili.latn to represent llieui
in tho Siuiatorinl brunch of tho next Legisla
ture, and oblige
Your, truly,
Sept. 8, ISM. to.
Wo aro authorized to announce Jamks 1!.
CiiiucoAT, of Lincoln, aciinilidulo for Senator
to rrpri'sent tho counties of Lincoln and
Franlilinnl Ihn next Auiiuttelection.
for iAfiixInturv.
Wo nro authorized to Uiinoiinco John '.
Weddingioii n cniulid-iio to repie-ient Frank
lin ('o. in tliu lower hninih of the next lien
oral Assembly for the Stair ol'T( nne?oe,
Vo aro aulliorizoil in aimouiico Col. Win.
A. Parks a caiidid.no to represent Franklin
County in tho lower branch oi'tho next Gene
ral Assembly fur Tennessee.
Wo uro authorized to niinminee .V.uusox
Wim.ia.ii9 Es.n candidntu, for reelecliou to
tho Legislature from the county of Franklin.
Sin Jamsk Clark's I' km ale 1'im.s
This well-known mediciiiu is no iniposi
tion, but a suro and snfu remedy fur Fe
innlo dillicuhies, uiul olisiructions from
uny cause wliutuvei; nnd nhhpudi a pow
elful ri'iucdy, they etintuiii notiiin: hurt
ful to the i-cnisti i iilion.
For full inrlit'i,liirs, olitnin, free, of the
n.:eiil It jiii in jilt lul , or refer to n.lveni.-u-iiiuii
X U. $1 nihl (i posture stninps en
i lo. e I to miy uutliorize.l n;i:iii, will in
sure a bottle continuing over 60 pills by
rut 11 in mail.
Tji' ,111011 ti'T nlili line V. I' !.n VI- t(i pin iMiH In y
ci.iuiii y I 'wii.Miiui liou. l-'i tut. miiiiiriv-iiii h.iir inllH-
101 III UT ,1 . IlIJL r.lllil, II JMl IIS Stl I'll III) Wlhll1 Its vii I mi is
UI1M1- J'ii ioio, ol il ii;:,i , ,i.il MlONi'l or Inli-i , in t.ilii' I iisrH
out of ton, I -ri i ,i 1 1. i - :;ii.ill,'. Anion': the voioun irin
ili-'M !,rlou; I In- nil, lie lor Kit, linn i,r t.-l I i!,li lin.-ri s,-,
IIOIIC ill Oijll.tl lo lloi.KI. AMI'S II.M. AMI,' ( "li 1. 1 I., )
lliis ni.iy in ,1 run- yon; I, ill , il Hid iIim-isim-' i,I loo
.i-I0lv;ilii:nl, yon II, iy I'ttiilHlL-nl ly lr!y iimli it, 'I I y'lt.
l'i,'nnl only l,y Iir, ('. M, Jin , No, l;s.ni
SI I ("i t. Mul lo, s.i It' liytlriiv;i;i .Is ., ml ?;tjri.,t I'jicrs lliio.i -li
onl Hi? t'liitrtl Slates ;iiiil Cilin.l.i. I'litc 7.ir,i-nts x
liavr a mir tliiit wtnoi u Miliscn!'i'i -I" o 9 p.v ,;
for his paprr lor twrlvtt inonllis, t win i tiar-o-1 inl
tie to-iloll.o. s, yiM nj.'uiy t-ilo- tin' p.ip'-r .ilruoL thin lun,
thi'ii cvi'iTl tun iloll.iis ttismi'ly ii, N iv om l.-ar
liito.ils, )ou utilil not lo Liiiuiv I1.111I ol us 'lioulil v ills
frill tii 111. .sin li .1 a nil sc. o. proi I'.lmr. ImI i Uip i.-.c ol
lis li;i ill ", :i I nli'.if wi' ilo not comply Willi i: . Wp mi 1
stiili'l piillilully liy Hie nili- we li.'i i! lolopl'Ml il we Wol'M
ilojosiiiu tu all (Ull- Ml!,riilit'iH. If is l.oii-i'ii liciil ;i,.!
wi'mr for us lo pul'tisii 1I1.-11 . w iit i ii.n i ii iii til cit.i
S'.VjH nt lilt' f'lul ot SI.V woplll uiul .1 ,0 II," uiul ol i;'
inoiillis, uiul llit'ii iul.itt: lliis iiilti. 'J'iit'irioii; pleas,, i,..
iiiriiiU'r that two ilollnrs is the lulv.iuii' pi ii r, jL'.oo 11
pay nii'iit im in.uic iii fi inoniiis nint i:i,iiont tin: ami ot 1 ers may continue with us, as it is our in
thc yrtn, ami iv wiu. mix iol.iii' tins uiio .. ,001c (t'iiti(iii to keep constantly 011 hand a nio.-l
tmu iiiik;.'i' i:.Li?ci fu:..ii:iv l'xc!;'"t'l,t M"ck "'isioiieut ofgoods
.sir!jA.Ml-;si i,AKKi'.-s llosiiitthu wants of the people uf this
Celebrated F em a 1 o Pill s.
l.n,,.,r..,l rii ,i l,..v,-.ili SO, III., 1... M II Pi..
ftirifill l-AlTUill'lilMty to tilt1 (.iill't lt.
rpins in v i.r.m,K n:im i.K is lnfau.ing in
-. Mi"-.- ..iM....nv:i'.i .--Wll.l ( ,.
U In Ii I he ffhiiili' sjii"til nt nni IH sit1tjii. l iii'iilci .lii'lUI i
f AtoA.iml u'nioves all olistiutiiuiis, uiih u ti'i:n) qurc
in.iy lie ii' he I uii.
It hppniliiiriy suilnl. Ii will, in ;i sh.ii t limp, Inlirp
Hit' r 1 1 ii i J ll y I'CMi.il willi if iil.uily.
KiCll (nil III (.1 Iff ( Jii" IliiIlil !n.;ilK till' f itlVLTIIIIiIlt
Millllll UI ttlf ll IilK-illI, 10 ,iH'mt luUIJlfllt u.
L-lltlt. I
lll'l S lllilill" SJ.
('Al l ION.
Tlir-r Pills us hi virt'ii 'i hy feiii.
r IK.' II lib lk MtiN'l MS i'K:;i.,A.( , iin-y n- kt
tn li'lti;;Mii mi; CAiii.i:K, Uit ul any oIIh i thui- iilk.v ,vL
It ll i--i' iifi'-vnii a nil Sphiiil Afrf'tini.l'.iiii in '
Hjk'Ii aii'l l,i nilii, 1' i on iivM e.ii ion, I'.im ti.,ii,,t
tlu H.v.t, lly-t-iii iitiil l.ilrf, lln-M- Pi'.!? will -ll.- i
ctiie uIkii ,i uili.-t iiic:H,f I,., u! . i led ; a ml iililioiii'li
p',i ti Ml i i'iiH-ily, ilo im! nni' nit iron, r.ilouu-i, .iittii.n'iij
or iiny tiling Inn 1 1..1 to t lie t'oiitlilntniii.
l ull tint' lin.;iif!oini.iiiiy r.o Ii i.u k-tc.
.Sltr A;'.riit I'or tlie ( intr.l SialrM .in, I t'liniilfi,
J(l. .H):iKS
(Ulc I.C- I ..u.l n in . i n,)
' :M lll''ll'l", . V
N. H. ?! finnuil po-tnpn lnip!i rmloTii lo iuijr
MiiilinMxril A-iit, vs ill insure a buttle uttlio Pills by r
turn niiiil
Hnrxalfi by Smith W. Housbton, Ajrut nt Wim lio tt-r,
ami by IWry A ltpirnnill, Nnahvillr, wlnicsule A;;pnfi
fur IVhkmujh. "Hrt: ty T-?
Oysters at 05 tents per can.
Mackerel .1 for ii'i ceiiLi.
Clioeo 1J centH.
Star Candli-H cents, tnllnw l.'i.
Lxtrn brown Suifar at l!l cents per lb.
Second ipmlily at -i lbs tn thedollaj.
In short, wo will sell all kinds of (irocerics
just as cheap as the cheapest in market.
Oranges and C'oconnuts on hand and all
sorts of Fancy Candies, and also Sky Hock
els nnd Fire Cracker.
ii. V. (iorham t'o.'.
Dec. 10, . .
H. I.. TCKNKV. r. C.liAK.NKi:.
Drs. 'Iui-iicv it CJavnt r
WINCH i:.sf Kit, TH.X
Havo associated themselves together in tho
praclico of Medicine, and when not pro
fcsniouully absent, can be found al
lliciroliicc, Ji.-lfi-rson atrcet, two
door above Murtiu's corner.
Nov! if
Pens for s ots.,
Equal to Gold Tens.
' No. I, Lady's Ten,
" 3, Commercial or business Ten,
3 School Ten.
These Pens aro warranted to not corrode
in any ink. For sale bv
Feb23 3in V.M. STEWART.
a fresh lot of Oysters fresh from Balti
more. FcKi GOEIMM k CO.
jf-pim 1" II" lint Hrinvn Suijir Ibr
VCZ I'JIli Kei:ilil riimlily fir
" at 11,1 bum hid Cuiii-f f"r
S 1 on
I eu
fihfr DOLLAR
"jj" 4 7 tin uimrllM powiloma Kuiiui ur 1
" 1 Ilia rrllni-cl cmhi'ii ilu
1 u
Hol Uin-Hi!. Ivl i lu lr III,
Mar l aliillra HT lb, cimiU,
-JT Tulluw ilii Ju tini'iiln.
;J-ift7) liot gumunteril Oynk-iK, j or can, lb,'
Mxlyflvc ''iil.
AH articles the grocery lino
Chonp lov Cnsli !
at tho old OHtnlilisliod stuinl of
SMaltH cfi3 Carr.
IX'cenihcr HI, ,
What a superior Mock of (foods
(i. A. Shook his just rerdrcd!
Staple Ootids,
( 'usaiiiii'n'P,
lied Ulunlu'tK,
Heiiily-iiiiule Clothing,
i, nines' ili:nvl.,
Ladies' Olojtks,
FinoSilk Chenelle Seiirl's,
Ladies' mid Oeuls' Lamb's Wool and Merino
I nilcit-liirts,
Mats, bouts uiul stfoes;
Fuiu all wool d'l.iiini s;
Fancy Silks.
Silk Arabian Fancies, (Leniitiful)
lloop Skirts,
French Cliihtz I'nbes,
i'illmorals, &e.
Scliiniland -Miscellaneous 5uoks,
Stationery. tS:c.,
cVil1., etc.
i-. ... .1 wt.fc -.V- r
W ;' :
(live me a cull before von purehase, anil
leo if yon cauiiot po suited.
i o. a. shook.
U()()T8 & tiHOifr
J. P. CO.,
s ,v ff, llnvo lilled up a
' S'A "X"!1"1" r""1," "". '
vjuo S,,nil.(.lst ,,!( L,
PFjXWiC 'Siiunre, iii Wu,,!,,.,
SV feT'V ir I iU in
fnsinesM lulclv eoit.
dueled l.y .1.' IU.il,'
leeenseil. '
liev li el lliein-i'lves ulilo ,, ,1,, j
us ron.l t-orl( us can be dona A'V U'll Kl! I,
uiul lire ileleriiiiue.l that no exertions s I141 il bt
WfinlitiiT on llieir -:iri, lo oive sslislaelioii iji '
all win, 111:1 v favor iheoi u-1 h pal i'niri"e.
i!tiiiei!u to i.epp consiiiiiliy on Inn, I ,
Large 11 ml St tret Assart mini vf
Patent frrru-'t !.fn;S nurri-
;ti , ;:t?i5'f.
Ab", Lastii;!s in suit iho wanH ol' J,a,!i,.
KKI'.UUIN'i; promplly iitlcnded to, ninl a'l
work VAI!!!.'I Kll.
TI-M31S VXKll.
Fi.1,10 Hsu' J. I'. NKWKb.t CO.
. ( .ItAMll.V. , II. S. MeNimr.HiiN. S.A. IIa
js v!)j.v , iji:.b:j:sa a .
(s'ni 1. ".ii s-to Il.iiijli'y Mi ii,l.-i,.u.)
. ('. Hnndley, having bei-omo nso
eialed with us in ibe Dry d'oods business
tin- linn will hereafter be styled as above
ninl we trust our old friends and custom
comity. IIa.vui.v iV. Hi:mii:iisom
i iose iiiiienieii to tne linn ol llnmlly
iiud Henderson are respectfullv rciiiiesie.i
come ininietliatelv forward and settle.
II. Ov II.
Splendid Ton ii Lois
-Xcu'ly mi Ilu' I'uhlii- ,Siuaiv,
Ileiiij niixiiiiiH lo renene to nn.ill.er nor-
liini ol'llie t-iiuntry I orooo.-n to m-II ll.e Imvn
il on ubieii I am lion- living, and on ulneh
!n re inn new, iiul nml i-iiuvi-nicnt two .-1 -V
iKvellin, -J'.l x l!i with a leu fnot p:i-sio'e
i llieuiidille. Al-oone brickj .-i',-.'ll. IU,
Hill two jri md room.-. AIo a Inr'.'ii I,.!i hen,
sioke houi', out houses, ,V e. Tins lot ( -
tins on .- and tl'ieo ipi.irlrrs of an acre, of as
rill srmtiiiil as iliero ih in l-'r.nikliii in!v.
III! fronts aboill. 'i"t for!; nil tin) street rilii-
ntr from lie- sinutre In ll,e .Metlmdisl eureh.
atl frontinjr on liio wiiolo ufiho street rnn-
ii::; from ihn ehureli at rijrlit ain.'le South,
III, -''ill fe, ton Ilu- s reel riinnin,' fV-.ni llienec
lri;,'lit aiiiruj west, allorilin' auiple room lo
n ke TIIMI.K beautiful t,,wu lots wilj trood
i''il Kardeiisiiiiaeli((l. In ih'.- ccnlro nflliis
l it of ground is one of the best wei's of wu
'i to bo found any where, and it m;vi;u fails.
In; whole n.' this plat ih level and rich and is
lecly llio most desirable properly for sale
Winchester. On the lot is a hlaek.-iiith-
iiop. woodshop and stublr. 1 w iM sell the
lio-clieaplor caili and re.-peetlully ask auy-
ie asirous ot a Boml bnrrni to con e ami
(latino the premises. Should any nni; wish
erct a busincss house, no better place
uli bo found, as part of it I'esbuta few
stansfroiii the sipiaro, while the other part
afforc a beautiful placo for private resiib n
cei. Hero is a elianco for soino one, ivho
will ibe! Apply to
f". H' Winclie.sU.-r, Tenn.
F. II tJA,
tMurkit mid ( Union Sired, Nash
I ..... '.
I mir i I IIIIC'SCC.
- f'.nntrir Mrrl,ai,t lluuli SrUtn an.l n-.or.
I n liy to rr.inmi l,l ilmkiiiil porn,. Iii44.
miiiiiiriii iiiniiiv!i, a ri.ll iilurk ul
School Hooks, Illmdi Hooks,
mom lid mil mid Pnm Hook',
(olil MH1 lt-- I'l-lls,
Writing I'micr,
Printers, Slutimieri,
t. ;. ... ii' . it.
ijm.roijii, , 1 1 mug inns,
and I'cucils Boimi-i Hoard h, "
Packet and Family Bibles,
ical, Mt ilienl, I hcolugical, Agri
cultural, and
New Books, Newsiuiitrs Maic-
incs, etc., etc.. at low prices.
I'. Hngnn.
Nashville Market.
l'loinllio Nuehvlllo Iklly Keivs.
Woilimlity, Jlnr. 2, 1S59,
Cotton. The innrkct yesionlny show
ed more actively tlnu litis prtvuilcd for
somo ilnys. with a slight iinprovomont in
pricos. Soles 102 bales, 3d nt 10 AO, .'15
nt 10 40, 0 nt 10 :l 1.2, io tu 10 05. -17
nt 10 25, 11 ut 0; 83 tit 8j,
HAf-off. Hoi? round I) corns; Slmul.
dor.- 7fa "j ci-nls; JIains 0 l-'JfatiJ; Clonr
iinics iwa i'i .
Laud.--There linsbonn n oliflil decline
in Inr.l. 10 l-'JlOil nre tho ruling rate.
Fi.otn. Demand brisk, F.Mrn 7,00
per oarrd; Siipoifme, f5 f)0fo,0 dollnrs,
Jixtra Family Flour in Linus, wholesale
jot 123; retuil i'A 50 IpM iouuils.
CoiiN. -Faster, mill buyers only pny
o') cents anil furnish sacks.
Corn Meal T Ti c .
Dmni) Knur. Apples ?1 8flo2 0 n ;
Penleil l'naehes, 1 7jao 00; Uniealcd2
75n.l 00.
Seedt Clover 7 23 per bushel, by
lliu bnri'fll, lilim (irass, si.'ipped, 1 2o;
I - I . I - . I I t J . J" .
i-n-'in, ?i i.i per liiisliei 01 'ouiieen
pouiid.-j 'I'iinoihv, 2 lrnt per bn.iheli
ller.l s Inass, $1 45al ,n); Un-lniM
1 50; lluni;ariiin (Irass .Seed If2 f0;
Cnnnry .Seed l.t; Milk-l 1 20a 1 2.i ,
Flax Seed 1 20.
H'uisky. U'e ij nolo 2HfS2." for Kec
lifiuil. Country brands 4iifu.iii)c.
I'Vai iifus nta woith 41-12 els.
Suit Course suck is worth $1 ail; fine
1 oil; bbl. ailc, per pushcl.
reathers, lrie,l Fruit, (.iinsen
liceswnx in ileiiianil.
fMi.L-iir In bills. "AfcrO; !i
I cent les.-
Criislii'.l mid 1'owdered 12aU!e; Loaf 1
al 2J cents.
Co lice Kio 12lnl2-c. and dull, La
guyr.i 1 I; Java 20r.
Heel' 1 Julie uruss
Chee.-e-llii -llsh Dairy 12 1 -2;.Mi- ;
western Keservo lile.
Hides an. I Leather ti'iron hides .lets,
dry 8 a 10 Com try. Southern en I .Me
icini is; O ii U Sole Leather :ln els per lb
for bust clUiilily; Harness -J7e.
Oils. Li n see I, !i.rn; Lard 1 00; Tan
ners 7oG) 1 oo.
Sholled Oats. 7QQ7."c, from wagons;
from Store 85.
Atlanta Qa.l Market.
Atlanta (i v., Fi:u, 2c th.
L'iiitoii Homi: Join.VAL ;
liaeou has been dull Mtieo om List re
I port. We noticed Mile ol one or two ear
I loads, this moiiiiiig, from F,t.-1 Teiinessee,
J to sunn; nf our dealers at 10 cenrs, ho;.'
ru ii ii, I , delivi'iel.
No tbiiiign in other arlicles.
SKAdO iV AllilOTT,
(iroeers mi l L'omuiisiini .MerehaiiN-.
Naslivillo BanlclJoteaud HxciiamroList.
II' Ilk of TriO!."k
!,y I'.'lo.s J,
01 i:.'i
I'l.iitli I,., nil
.M-n li.ii.t- I..1I.I,
il & 3 ABB.
WliuU-Mtr; Jul Ili'tail
HI !
u.i VI v' . .:, 'Wi.
Aliil.il'-ali-uln !(
a!l (iiu!s or oiiulry l'i,!i: ('.
I'KI'.l'r'iiiMtiiiliy on lnn,l lartTi- a-i-nitiiii'iit ul Iiuli,
IV Naih.lWlii-snii.l l-'Ali.MI.V. nil'I.KMK:, Is,
A complete line of Carpi-tilers' Tools,
Hardware, ("iillery and Chains,
Hats, limits nml SlioiH,
A v.irielv of Hi'Usekei-pinii riiinils,
Tubs, lii.ekots, Ili'nonis A Some Ware,
W llli , I, II M'H li ut lliu i.i'i t
Choice Groccricfi,
fur fciui!) "iifi'lii!-, mii I, ri.
Frown, Crushed and Loal'Suiiars,
I iolileu Syrup -. Suirar llou.-e .Molasses,
I. in, l.iivn;. i n, ami Java ollee,
Star,. ''perm, and Tallow Candles,
I'M! I!S,
risii, i.i; it.
s i ' l ' i : , I rrsi;,
filNd'lilt, H IIITL LLAD,
II f wliti h in ntTffM, sn will 1 oll at tint
ViiK:liflfrr,Nnv.VI, l'Vi7, tf
hoi m: imivumi,
v a i' t: it i a a y u a f.w.i m:.
M ilK-lK'StlT, 'l IIIH,l-4'.
R. S. HILL respeetlolly li-nilers his servi- j
' l Mil-
i-es in ibe eiti.ensni i irlirsler uiul v
lv. and reiue-tsanberal siiare of i.alroi,a;-e. V
"0 ;-r K.mi
11 l.'MIl- I II!.. " u
p'l j S,.itlh.'U. ILitJi , .t
1 I V.irii.,' UuW lin,- ,1ih
il.'ilik ill l'niiiJi;'i('i' I 1 1" l',V'liiilii:i! In-.k i,
li I ni'oi f t r r.iiiii-iv I'.i-k pn J,
" f'li.-l.i i-.T limkoj Mi.l.li,. i', ,(. A,,
M-n, i,. i.'r , " f.iiis im
' " Ann'iif.i I'lriln! " Ixn.iwil!.' ii.it 1
"ivr lUik pf.' " .Ni-l.MiU, ,.,!, !
NnrH.-lU l.'.U'lt i llrni'H :.,J, ,,. , !
IL'hl, Ki( iMi.'InMi" j'-n- ' i-'b-wi!!.- l',;u .,r
" I I.i i ! mi I if l"r i:ist ; i. IU i,ul o;. (ii
' 'I'-ii-wi-!! Mb din ::i--.nn j; ., 'iy
" 'I ii i:iui I rti ..ih;u,:n ( ,-i ci-t Mn.
11 Jrlli-IMMI jn: tin l.jiiO I,-
p. ri'i.iiin.i .ui'i P-ihKMr Mobile ,,..,r
(" "i . n. o'l'H 11 i' li-'iiK of ,'-t. Timiii. .,,r
I 1 m yi rrj
1 I
fl'fl' TTjy tV T "si
avP a r3. ki
w ' iau u-S : p. SliU .liaH' n, J'-'
I Ti.anll'nl lor favor i-xd tnl-d to him in the I
' i i..- , .1,;..,. .n i ... ..., . ii ,. I
, p-i.,hepie.!.n-.,h.u.sell t...fe every clb.rlto
ive salislaetioiiui the lutiire. I
Dealer in Foreij'ii and llonie:,tie
Kcsdy-Madc Clothing, Kvits, shoes, hats, va
rieties, procerics, hardware, ipireiur
ware, ic., has just received I. is
and uniting an he does all the above bram-hes
aim uniiing a ne noe.i all the above branehrs
of busiiicM in one, he thinks he will he ab
' " "oiiks no win be at.,e ,
TV(l ' Z ZZ Z ".Z I
n,l o,,,,,!.!..!-..!!.. .i- . . i
and would re.ctlully solicit an exisiii.naiicsa
,ut;ir uiiurtrri io irano wiin nun. '
ol bis stock before purrliaBiu; elsewhere.
lJeeswas,aiiiiien(f. Feathers, brown Jean,
ann uriea rroit taken in exchange for gn.nl.
kimi iiminui firico paiu cept
Bt,A?m ftftrtrr Sscil, hiIIt rrialtS,rr
ial lull 0k.
canlOrize,o,ooo !
An the incinhtMN ofuiir flriu Imvo, hy way ofpurchmie.
Iini'onieltit) uviit oltlif tiiiiiticJirtiLuifU by Ihn st-itew ut
Ui'Uw.tte, Kiui ti Uy, .MibHiiuri, ul -itrt of tliosn iudn.
uhtli't flm iii.ita.(i"iiirnt ol .MuiiHiH. (iiciny (V .Jknry, of
lliiih.iitCMi J'i'luvviiin. wo hiivr? (l(tniii Ll flVitciluMti ut
clunw tliu nuiiifl iiruiii' In in, mi m.t cltfi .Liiiu'iiy
It' i!', lu Ili'il l V'CHlt t-.UOV .V ( O , ulio will iicarii
ltnv! tlu1 iiMiia'mi'iit oHiiP.N'iNuld AiuUci.iy htttri , uml
the MlliiM't.n itlHivr iiiMiir't,
In ull i.uiiim liuiii i li.ivf riitl'iviircd Innomliifl nf
luivitirxa wiMi liiir'iiiy aihI MMiiiitiii!Nii, nint run 'ih
Hue llio iii!i(. ih-il flirt i.itniliUKt: tirilifii( lit-slu vvrtl on
IIS 1H Wl'll Jt'rtfl tl('i tl'iinifiM If'il tl UUI MHCt'UIt
Wrv ii'iii'tlfiilly,
Au',tiM.i, ltflc,l,,im, H. HWAN A CO.
HOOD, l.!)lV A ro., iTIA.Vifii:itS,
hiin'Osoi'M (o Swan A' t o,
Tli folio win u'Si lirnic will It duiwu liy onn, Knnvitr
rt., .MiimuciP tit th Ni'utlu .imluiy Luitn y, in ii.h Ii ul
ihfir iimlp Niinih.T UUiiiiN lor .vimi.ii, ivy. t ah.
(il'S'l'A, (.iMiim.i, in 'ul)U-, muter tbe MiiiilnWiiHU-iiteot
it ASH 10,
Druus. Mitiiitlny, lllarrli i, 1M51.
Draw S;it:inla), iriaccli 12, In.VJ.
t)iau Satiii tl.i), .IJiiicIi 1), Im
LAX 111,
Draws saniiil.i), !Uar!i tiC, IS,).
OV TIIK I'l.A.V OP ISIXI.'I.K ni Minats.
Five 1 housaiid Four Hundi'J'l mid Lighly'
live Frizes.
NUOIl.V (INK I'ltlZK '10 lSVKHV MMt TR'i'.'KTS.
I'.'ici Safiirdi iii. March.
f .'l.'l 10 '
1H l'iir ol
I, .11
1 " " l.'l'l I .'II l'llM-Uf
I n ;i,'ioii j , a t. .,
Approxiiniiltoii Tribes.
4 ,'rics I, I sliil' l.pt.llilllli,';lo (;7ll,lHII'l Iti'liri' I. Bod
I ,i, ;,on " " :iii,n.iii i.w-oij
4 tin V i'I " " liillnil " piiili
4 ilu y;.l 11 ,,o,ni pi ir to'i' ii,m
1 ito 'J'ii 11 l.ooo " - bun
i tto i .a :i,'mhi iii.n
I tl i em " i,.,im " .ion
'i.Onil ilo wl aro to,'i(i.t,i.
l-i pi i.tcs jinii'iiiitiii : In J"'."i,e"o
H'h.ile tickets if 10; I a I fs $.j; Qu'i's 2.1.
If-.y l-iii iil.ir sliownii; tile plan ol
ihn l.i'Ucrie.s vil be sent to any one dc
siloiisol itieivni'' it.
i'i;inii'ir'iKs oi- iMfivAtii':.- win i 8..i.i .ntbe
billow mi' rilf, w bnti p I in M-.L:
lilllit.at' w. P.n k..('rs o in UIioIk Tlckciv (s(i
" " In ll.ilt - r
" " 1 ' liU MllT " '11
" " (-M'.iiiH. to
iih'Io; i' Hit' li!"U'y lo mil' tel. hi" fi.l t:i' l it l.i'l - Hitler
i'iI, mi in t l I ol mt Ii lln-y hi !n Im w.filcl by hi f
111,111, ('ul. i.i-('l- l . li b.'iVi! IltliClS 1-n'liliK III liy liUli'
tli.-y Iii.n li" i
Ilu' I i'I oi I n. i 'vii .Nuni'ifi' ii'iU'ii;'tH v, HI - snt lo
111 I I Ihl l' I S, I III M M'iII k 1 1' I ,l'.- t.f if I W lie.',,
I- ' 1'iOt li-i'i -s mil !( i- w tit.- I,, n i'.ii..i:ya p iin,
ilifl ;ti' tln'l' l'o'-t i 'Ilu r. i O'li. I v .nni M'in
i- l'-t it!"'! t h it I'M' l y i'i u.e u il rau u anil pvnlilr
1:11, U il'iliti lion.
U f' All it I7,i of I ,i 'o , ml Mi,-l.-r j i,l noiiP.M, ff'y if'cr
Ilii"liii'.niv;-oU.i'i pi i.'.rs -it II mi, it limo ot ;il.i)K.
XofSVP (( 4r' 4'--i:Mrs434'lHs.
'llnic wh'i pii'!.-r not M iJ'liii'.' ii.i'ii''v l v linn!, i 'in ur
'ihi A(l;i9Cis a:jrrt's ih;kiii,
wb'-u'Ly iiioi'cv lot I.ftj, hi Miiu-i' oflVii liolim.', jii.il
tlji' .'i'I dill It .' lis
U otiii- l'iEv "&BiiI rj' nso(
riolii ;itn t Py oi t.iu -i v-li.'ic IL.'V (.. vi' li ilv, 'rfi
'Hi "i' I' IK'.' I il I III iO I'll III ;i "Mii(lttf i
P.;."! t"!V ' '-nni ,',1 .'Mt'l.'l o) Hit' I .p;i I ii!,;j ,i.y j
i ii. Iti rvMi
Wi'iil), Kli!' , en., AimiMii.Oeoria.
or, Wl 'till, l;lllV .V. I'll., Al',;,.!.:i, iM'er'-!.!.
..r, Wt'-UI', !-1 1 ' V ru., Wiliiii,'' ! it, ivl.
o! tne 1 1 1 I : :
V.OI'-'I, Wil
"is that nr.
the ii 1 1 1 1 a i; 1 1 1
,.r ,i , ..I, ;
j ii 1 , ' ' " "U ''
Will lie published tiller every li ;iu in- III !
in 1,'ll'iwiii:: pn ners: Xiir Orhiins I), 1.
tu, Mlil- i;, :;i.it,r, (:htirl,.ston A7.v-
ilurj, A'i,sfirilU lit; Atlanta Intilli- j
.iic-i-. A, , I . , . ! H....I.
' ' ' " ' V '"'If
SuraiiiitiU Mmiinir A'i irs, Uit limiintl-
JJisitiii nni! Aim tiii; Dhpiiliii.
jnne-Jtl )y
M:i:f. A vo.
1 i' y .-.
mi. Ill, i i;hm: stkkt,
n as tm u.k. ti:a.
I1'''-1 Ml!.'
llllV ,'tl I 1 fl ,.'l,l, j.VM,,,' ,,1 ip
I Itlllli-liiltl' I'ihiiIi. Oi.li'iv Ii.ii.i ii .lis
I 'I'"'' ll''l.'!'"! I.i ai., I lli-'l III sn - itl-l.
l"ii iii iji.. ilii j ul :n.i'ls i'i,,l III. luii l.'.il
EN;ii:'rt:Air ii i .
I ' I'l-rin.iiii-iitlv Inr iti-.l in NA'IIIVll.l.l'., nt uinul.rv In,
1 I'liiin-li MM-i'l, mi'i- l i.i in mi.' l-'ni iiiluni st.tir. I. ml i:.
I'li'j'.oi'il tu ..'int r.irtliuls.o.'l -Iiuliiaii'lii.- I,iK.'mi'..-s,
(roui ill in in i it i to l.ilr siv,
,11 sl.urt 111,1 ii f. in,il ,'iiliir villi. Is, li, , ..iv, I1.., .,
j '' 'll-'l ' 'HI --''Ul 1 1. ''ii I, I i, ul,n ii will ,ii,mi,t ull
i"ll I . I Al-liVHI.', I'lili., Ill l ;u
S'hnsiir EUtuluicud 3-'arior:j.
Nfi-'.i-n i:i.. i:vi-:i:v ii;-. i.-ii'imo.v oi.-
loi-m;i:s, ckiiiii.s,
" "'! I! I f .1. , ruriielit.i
li.-U'.il I IMI til I'llM I s.
I n- il," in i ii,. , mini .,,i li,iii-i.k.',.;,,'iH wuiiM ,1,1 iviM
III II .Ulll",3
v. it. noiiNEi.irs,
''1-1 II I inn. n -lri-.-l , N..,(i ill.-, 'In.
a. ck.wi:,
JV-r.!ft M.iitni'a..tuivr,
"3 VtiOiV Tul.iireo . Suuf,
V's- in.N'CH LSTLl!.
.as!iii!C( ;,i2rUr,
t'efilisinl dail'i, li i-im.i nnd wri Uif.
JO. It. lli;:0..'l,!r.,r..M T. Ill.l.l.,i,l,irnl lilllur.
j- T.jn:i.i.,'i io :i'ii'ii'i:iKVuit.-i.
Tkhjis JJaily 5 ot); Tri-U'eckly OO,
and weekly '-' 00 per aniiuin.
The citizens of l-'rauk'in and the adjoin
ins counties, who d-sirn to take a Nashville
paier, U-.-n which they may constantly rely
as a correct channel of foreign and tlorir;s!ic
io-Ms,eoiiiinerpiul, relijriou.i nod poeti.-nl in-
teHijrenee, and a plensiiiit companion for the
hniiej cireb-, are resi.i etlully referred to the J
Na.-iiv iletla.elte. Tbe liiii-.etle is thooblest '
p"p"r. but one, in the Slate, and the lir-tdm- i
i,. , .,! :,... mm ; ,. ... .....
' . . " " -c ; '
.1..; i.. : : . . . I
l l-... "
i" Nashville coiiibined. No bet-ei adverlis- i
;, .1t111., ,, ,-, i , i
" ,,'..,. '
Oi t.'Ist,(iu.
So l!u t'uMio.
The iini!er.ii;;ned bein well known as a
writer, would ol'.'er his aervircalu ail require
itiK Literary aid. I3e will fiirni-li Addrtes,
dratiuus, Eways, 1'resi'iilatii.ii pee(llrs and
replies, Line fir Albums, Acrostics pre
pare matter for tho l'rcstf Obituaries, and
writo I'oetry upon auy subject. Address
(postpaid) FLNLEV JOHNSON,
Hallitnore, ?ild.
ol O'P.
Tll(. 1lwivcn or ,ie ea,e of Willi D.
'-ingbeen sCgea,ed as
rruuireu iit law; nonce is uerroT pivcn lOtlio
,rjlti - .mui t.,nt ih.'rti.;m. .iih
i i .. , : , , . - ...
(be Clerk of the County Court of Franklin
County, Tennessee, duly authenticated on or
before the Khli day of March l"ii'J, or tliey
will be debarred.
Vtt. ?ib, Isif.
Valuable Town Lots end deslrobla
Family Resiliences near tlio public srjuare
for salo orexcliango- for younff Negroes,
or in part for good Mules, Milcli Cows,
Sheep nnd Hogn. Kour lots with inr,
nrovumenls, all in ono block, surrounded
by streets running in every ilirettinn.
Fil'ty acros of Land on Littlo Hurricane
Creek, with water-power where there was
formerly a cotton factory in operation
also, Uno and Two-borso Threshers nnd
Separators, mndo by G, Veiinghousu A:
yo, ol Schenectady, N. 1 ., whidh they
insure. Cull and heo one opcrata in
llirevhiiur, any kind of groin, nnd see tlicli
bills, eurtificatus, &c, &c. JPfaf A gOO.l
bargain may be liarl hy calling soon on
ihn undersigned, who is authorized to sell.
nly2- 1J. CUHLE.
li ill i ti in f ia lor m A oticoT"
All persons Imviiij.' cIuiioh Djjtiinsnhncgiaia
of IL F. lloberlsoi', due, will plense preseni
iiicni to ino itiiiirrsiijiiMO inuy authenticated.
And all persons indebted to ssid estate aro re
quired fo eomo Ibrwiird ami inuke payment,
ur the mm a will bo placed in the hu'nds of
proper vrsons lor eolleetinn.
II. II. fcUJITII, Adin'r,
March 11,1-5-?. tf
Latest 'lr rival
The iniilerHiiruod ore now receiving their
stocli ol' Kill I and Winter Gondii.
Silks, Siitinctli", CiUitnert'f, Merinos, Ji'.
I.innen, liinjjhiiliia, Dloibs, Je,niH, Tu-eeds,
Sliuwls, Mice!iii;,'s, Sliirtiiijrs, blankels, FUn
nels, lloop Skirls, Woollen n ml Merino Pn
dervvejr lor ;iit!eincii mid ludieis, Kesdr
iiiudo L'loihiiii;, ilu:
HsixtCEtt Stsrles,
I'npK, boots, Shoos, hardware, Cutlery, Uliisn
Wiire, t.iiceiisuiii-o, hiuI h iiuieiy ot' srliclen
loo tedious lo niinif, nil of ulucii ore oU'ored
lor Miio at
J!(-isiiii,-iIi1o priivs for dish.
All persons in e inv iled lo cull nnd cxiiiiii'ia
Ur tlll.-lllriulvCH.
All kinds of f;ood luirter taken in cxehiinf;
lor gouus tit Mteli prii-os us we enn Hell at a-
M. & S.
il.'iiiics CiUiipbi'll,
in nc ii I- st 1-: it , t i: x m:ssf.f..
1 have now in store a Itm'er nssiiitinent
Iban nt- uii I ol hiiuily (iroeern'K, eniiHislinij
I inly of .siiifiir, eoll'ei', iiinliisHeH; white.
I brown, lieil'rinil erulit il nijriir; line ti'.ul com
j loon eanitirH; u fine (,f 'ii-us; nluioiul", ye.
. enn.-, iintnieus, elove, npiee, pe per, (linger,
I iinue, enn uinoii, smln, powder tind chot, in-
diyound intnliler, Milln lte, Hureh; rrtiekt-rs
I of nil kind, enke.--, eve. Al-o, n euud lo". or
: ci jrii r.i ninl toli'ieeo; t,-ir nnd lallovv entulles,
h.v-Ii liotirils, b'oouiH, wttler buckets, in, rip;
il lot of nkoe.-f nnd IhioIf, ii nil a jjootl lot i,f
.'iielory thtciid. (I'ipeV). Alto, a lurjje lot ol
i;!.isn liinilileis. w bite lend, SALT, vinegar,
nnd hi I'orlh, nnd eu forlli. 1 w ill keep coo
"tnn'.ly on hand
iliiili rwurtUs hvmid af Flour.
ii 1 1 'Mil tune to nine ami to mv tioek aev-
oi-i'H me neeessiues oi ine nenoii; innv re-
M.t.s ami would H.lieit a call fiotn thein be-
,gro iev i'ii;eb:o.c elsel,ere.
' I i r rnini't l r
Sept 'M. if
.- -
j im. ii.
"'"' "euoil.
! i ( reason ur nou.
m ' . .
I I I'KDAll srill-l T,
Aosir tr, Ti
1 1 a if ..'i i .
Xl'illjrive their atlention lo the eolli-etien of
elainis thruiiohoiit. the Stale of Tenncfice.
f '. iUjV ti ii o e i: as i .
t. W. GORIIA3r,
.All kinds of Country j'roilmv,
J)ry l-'niits, Hides, &c.
Kri-i'M r,iii-lni,'lv 1,11 liln-1
riimr ami Mm!, I Miit'uhr,
ImrJ, tlullir, i Suit in .S'7..t,
Clin sr, I i;mh,
Oisli rs, Hnm n Suzar.
Sn rl i lien.
( '( , ( -.,
( 'rusiril ilo,
I'ue do,
l.Ullf (III,
(lolili u Sijrvix,
Slur ViiiiiUi s.
Tallow cumIrs,
I'irt Is, I'ipjirr,
iincr, l Inns,
Miistntil, dinner
Mm i; rri,in ns
Alum, Sntlu,
Siihiliur, Si m n.
Assorlitl Ctimly,
Smoking 'i'ohateo, Aliiioiuh, 1'ieiins,
( 'wiring Tvbitrro,' Jinisins and I'ii,
('ignis. Snuff, also:
'.i,'( r nml Siot, liiiiton, Brnn.lv t,
t.er,l. Whiskies, din,
I 'i mission Ctrjw,' Vidt r an, Alt, for
Indigo, j mr.dieinul jiiirjwsis.
All cf the above articles will be told lo'.r
for cash. Cull and see for younclves,
Winchester, T'cc. i Utf
The subEcriber would rc.:cclfullr inform
tho citizens pf Winchester and ricinity that
he has I'iano Fortoa of every description for
sale, such as the II, lj, tW, (ij snd 7 w-iaven
of cverj stylo cf lini.b, "ironi tbe perfecllt
plain lo the i
!, . .
inott claoorolelT carvpcl cn?s.
rice, rami
ramruiL' from fc'JnO to Ctl.t HO,
. , , , , , . , .. .
? -- - "
wind niHtriiiiiciiH. euch as the Harp, mini,
,;,,,. ,., fi,. , j b ....,1
Ul I'liis--. 1 11.-1 uiiiriiia.
Also Music Hooks and Shee' n ui,-. A lib
eral discount made to dealer sud te at k
Will ic!l si Ilodton and Nsw York price,
nrirely adding t-xpenFe of frt-iehl.
ii'w. r. ih wrrr.
Winchester, Pec. 9. ','jtf
$150 HUUAim
Bauaway from the subscriber, lisinf nesr .
the Tunnel. Franklin county. Tens., en lb
1st djy of .May, i, a egro boy ksaisd
JLM, about -U years old. dark copper color,
large s-se, about fit e feet ten inchse h-$b.
broad face, w ide month, and laqre Ms. ui
ery while before; big rouiisl shoulders, large
arms and no visible scars on nn
left. He i a large and sioul wf ''f
wsv. 1 iU gie l's fof kiss if
of ihe Slate. andfHW if Uk.e i lM Nat.
I cs e gee kirn. J. C WO TUO Ul .

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