Newspaper Page Text
U, IC fOUUllU oll ilie approach i tli l"'. '""1 "ul.-gly (or himself mid fi t ; r,-. - ii-cting to further lorlun s lint maimed in this oily uud (lid A tho wreck, cimint$Ciit. Wni. (J. Wilson, who, fortunaNs-gjliis inability doubtless fostered tho uriily, ws (iciaiiK'dijdcspotKiiMicy wineii watt urawini; nun UY..V. J. SJ.AT'IKU. "PlcdiiU 1ft mi Kirlr'i. urlillnirj hi), tin fullim- Trurlj lirrt-Vrltt- Itntlxtln- mi).' ii..tinir in 1111 hut limine u it iiiiumen .'i n i s civ unu um n" s" -e d- ""U , .. hh,.-, . , ' i .. ' c.l ..... ,i. ri i.s: in wilier wiim n livi -Xl I h.. 'iimcss was un'iii'u ni muni to Uclttll. JIi; tiU(.'llt!y B)OKH 01 linvin' no faiili iii lint future, and of willi tho wounded and tin; unl.tirt.jiie h.-ilf by J;titiiiti L. Wilson. thn-o-Jfilentli ns u ilchdnibln Ilnn. it'ift rlin'iii" toi-ihU by Unpt. J ruinnii , Uoliii'.'s.Ja ( )n v ednesdny In went .to inn com- Imlits of colion iind nilii'M llniiiiiiL' nli-Kiiiid the reiiMiinri'' rij?lilli hy .liirnesetory Willi two ehruhs which lie Iind ji-clMiiid nil i'clcii'inils('liiiii(:fs. to.'od, tin- first clerk. Durini? the mstffiiiirchiisc(l. ninl planted t ln-m in front the more niei-eilcits t'ui-v of tint iiiherlf-tiiiiiniir no" Imd turn repnircil at nnl. the toinh, On I liur-wiy, svtien he ' J - - ATI . BUI. , J? inniniir be hud been repaired at ntd'. tin tomb. On Tliurdiiy, when he RiMiht ol' &:it),tlW, and (ivcr S'MU wcrc&lefi home In; told hi wil'tlmt if he i 5-jit in repairing boilers, hm! no butter Inch in liiiding work she I (tome Kwimiiiin', others elin'inu; toHeiyhls by c - ;;;- . " ,, I bales of collon itnd oilier lloiitiiiL' ob-gfniid tlm nimiiniri vrt are under oiJiijjinons to ouroni Incnd, ana Icllow-litliorcr in learning h, tliu"art I'lCHervnuve, rsiimuei koiiii-: ejeiiiciii, ...... l1..!! ....',.... I ......... ,.l' ,1.1 f lii'iwt i St...... I IiimjI nn l.o.ll-. lint IliMI, IV, o.;uii iiiu ii ui inn .- ..i... .. -. ., , . -.. - , . ' II I HtmUJlothnUoldMineH-lhroUKhlt,);"!"!'' Mmo the Knie Dale In.dJ Anio.w il.e Mtved were both p.lots.voiil,! never see ntni. lie itlso .. , . ,, , 1 1 ' reached the seene. n ml oh! what miorio ol .vlioin was reported as ln-i; andKiinl wiiiiethiiiL' about I. nviny fi jdacn ci-y of fc-t Joseph, Mo. Jl wHl'""l'l ,)lolir wstlj,a, Vhenir was (ille.$e ,.i.,ee,, y hope that many i.ior. xU,:h to rest, ta'.-o ft notiwi to vihiI the (,'old iniiii-H, wij, pj(.0 ,.,.j,.s rcnis trieJ"uiay et be loiind iininjiired. jj 'I'hM eviTiiiv, or ti nt i:i!it for no tlinno UiapM would lm of considerable ' f,,r :n an I Mircniin of aony; tin''- 'J'he whole number lost ami kiilednone mv him in bis (ilooiuy proceed- iii.l. ltot Sam. we don't i vm.i i ' shrill lunen of woliien l;iinulin withiimay hiilrly be M t ho. use voices ol nun. irump'AH'v : I POSITIVELY FOR 01 DAY Suavurv in Kansas A bill abol ishing and prohibiting slavery in Kan sas has been passed by the Legislature of that Territory. It is supposed, how ever, that Gov. Medary will veto it. h'erk a fortune by yoin to gold mines. I l" ho.n se voices o H ill V live or down as wailing incs--iii! visited the cemetery, ia;un i hiindn il, nt ll.e out i;hnili Liin his nciew- iiiver, an iron- While the money loving world is ex ciUid ubout-'-lMke's l'eak," mul whilo hOoi'f.s nrc (locking thither in .seaich of the dust, we'll stay in good old Win chester, and print our newspa; er, and although wo may never make ufm tune, wo mri'j make, by hard woik, euoijgh, before the jirime ofiirnihood i gone, to enable us to go to Kansas. where you nave dim-u lor so loiig, mi'i niea--'i:fs were I ikeii hy nil on iioaru w-Kie, lino we have lensia r hope a n jirniiK Jiandle, a h inill rod ol iron, n I iirshi-lievi i i ll; ,.i IVI U Lf l?Lf V I H X'leiieve i r i ; 1 1. inn nuiuoer onijf if- n .-l-.ji'ie. i; ui wire, siiuie new i'ti:i, hhu A84fliAaUA 4i V- 'T . l ..... . V ',... ,.1,1- I ...r f 1 ... " ' Ueji- iiim i i ii iii'i eiiin.i'i ii,ii-i i siuwwvmmKjujnuiaAmviflnwuMa n.scue llue in I he riyer. ortiinalihj iifiN'. A AIM )S V. IIUOW.N UllMX. the Kate U ile, lo allo;il i cry aid ir.i.i von oi Ui.oard of flic tomb, lie threw away the fi -i . i i. . :.. .1... n; 'IVIitu'raiibid dcspalhcs puh-Jjr'"'"" " tl'escivwnon.n.1. i.e: I.. invimrei n,Hll'"ll'l Willi C .IV. then se- l 11,11'. lll'-MU Wl ....... ...j. . , ,i .FTenrei I ... I , ...,, .. fi. I i N I lie die.l nt bis residence"1' 'he boar 'J'his work, ol course from tin 7i'..-:;..s.i,.. (:,,-. .i I, nil' t iiiniW'ail to hi , i- ' . - to the wouudetl Sc'.enty or i i l'i iliee-M v e: c I ntV IHTMIII-f .ell in. Hi:, id ol I In Kate 1 1 tie. 'I'be "'.VS ol ihe'-t.ei:'i. lv, lle're wi re I ,Vo phviciaus on lioardfd .T i- . i . i . n... M iv. . w:ue, iieir names im- i lihlll., y,.h,.,;iV and Ii alien, whose services weicw,. most kitnilv and elli'.-icnily rendi .-redij diiin inched L'l iitlcuian, atti('ljr,'(' 'he trunk handle to the inside done outside of the tomb. mprove your st sht. eio .hi. "it ,,, ' ,. ' having reached li.ilou lionjrn, p!'N-i-r?, ,j. tiiero well iniy us a i u l'i'.jv , o i . , , , , , .'"li.i J ' 1 i.i'.mu i. I li . 1 1 u- .ii .-il-r.' . iliV:n ,..l,,,, f : i : v . at hull' on fI l.ilii-"11 .!. I'. ,M., on i he 7l h insl., id"J'y- v' usinn- ins child s collin aside, in-got-; I I'i.eiimoii a. bavin;: heen us sine, laning wnu mot - eians uiji'e 1 . t; j . j 1 1 ! . : d, who nriy.ed in'j t.'iIii.u ini.iiilt I ..I... lliil (........ fsiw..u, i u lime tiM-i ndrr Hjiolou which to erect a lill.ln col Ingi , ' ,M ..!;iin und ll.e IVn with all the necessary fixtures fur comfort, nti'l there, "far oll'and aluiie," We'll be as happy as home, vvilii hapjiy hearts therein, can make us ami "Pike's Peak" a ml tin; gold regions of nil tin! West, will oII't no ai Irii'iiiiiiis HUVe as subjects In be real ill the blessed newspapers which we especi to be initiled weekly to thai, lillle cul tngu home. lint we da tliaiik you fir the maps. We'll have one, at least, set in a frame, and huilg it on the lillle co'l i','e wall. il.nll olh &-oii and other arliclcs with which he e.-.VN was born in llrens- hand provided bunsell. His liaf. he aid. ti.i .l ,.;i, .,,,,,.,. --, . ,1-,, il(, t fit , ilnv (il.l'laced upon the colfin; his coat Which ,s .-n-rived p-wJ:'. ,.ul UIK ,.,,, i,,,,,,:,,! u fjhe had tnken oil', lie wrapped around a united with lb" Kate Dab-m n i;cuin(j(..')' ; (; j.i, yen,- .since August briek for a pillow. lie. shut himself the passengers of the I, aclt,.f! 1 1(. u,r,,Ua!.rd i.l I !,e t.'.i. If receiving a i.iiiii'ht nl liiein, w!io,R .-.( ,.. .... v1,..i:.(:!.,-!ina.;n II Wll'l landle I the board, bv means ol the e had Kerr wed to it, the hoard were carried In i, iloa a wl.ile I be ,'.il. ! . and a number of I '.e i lak.-n by her, .mii-ci,; wleiiu y le r, i !;, .l ames I .ml, u h'i wn ;ll.t le'. cmWA to'l't-ime; """ " .", is l.ither !:;u i --Si ngttrs wer was ti the wine wooden frame. i was ol I ho in opcr (' e lelii. 'lb. I 'n- p: wher, 't':!.' ring oolsid. ivi-ei. .. .. i i-eninvei wni: nc niM ' '"-' !,c s'liilicd law ill tlicolllC(UJ,''li-'lh, he placed ucross uie enme l iiinblc, in ;hi. city, iiii'tre,:!!-:idc, M:!l.., in Pulaski, in llie r-J 'I'he I !iicl-;ne.-s of the frame would x &, """' jf !...,.,;,.,. i ro!'e.-.-ioii. I !c mic ;Jno! allow tin: bar to pass In rough eleiii, alMi ha.ny -caelcil. t-; ...t :,. . t....:.., I-, .nnei iee he trim ; hand e on the inside ot tit : !- oi;'i ,, - 1. 1 1 , i 1 1 1 .lilt ..lieeesslnl in Li.- , i he boar-!; so he secured the ban- crew, who ."''''f-J!,,. i-.j.;', .. was Stale N-iia-or olllt! and the bar by means of his iiuiiijiiri (I, pu! on the "h iiiiici- i:-;i o',;i, .. .,,) j,juron 1(,i JS; to Jtci7.Mwire, eoiliiieii ihroijgli one and and alier dune all tnal was i ! ; ' ( enr IMJ.'i - when in-ffla mund I he (;t lier. I in dn not succeed La- Iho fell. I ol the llllll',ll",,;,;i!l-, ',l(,t ;i. eaJelidale. In I'-.'ll-'J lie?illi litlinu the board i-ipiandy U)ou tin I : o iioais nrneeeiiri.i . SUMMONS & CO.'S HKAZIUAX PKBBLE i A X T O S C O 1' J il. and Air. .1 al-n badly - Kate Dale I i si'ie ers an hi t. led. hUlll'! V.; lie..' .. i badl-.?V" "' .y-non -Colli '1 ,- .....I ,. ;, .... e . ...i . ' I.'.-eiire.-elileil t.iie- conn .ue, ii.-i ....-. ii, -.ui. in,, ,vi,n , I,, l ,,. ,. ie. in,, :,iin-e, . ' Kent It to US. Wo also feel grateful ! ,ere almiM n'elnel to you for the many former axpr.-s- , noon. We wcr nidus of IVieiiilshi), in the way of in- .board of ihe I), . . .: .... i 'I'he .scene pre irresim in. in-i .t. I, , . , i ! b it. .sleann And w hen are you coining Imck, , . i .. eily, mi e-ierd'iv alter li'r.l. (ii lii.oilg ha tin iliilvia the lloiisi f iiV.-inie. One corner of it caught upon c was elected I F,5' ' ' brickwork outside trie fr .i,a. dativi N. lie was elected Inline oriCKWoriv nuihioe tin' iniue-, nun S."o.,-'rc-i irotu the- tides disti id , inslw did lint discover, probably owing to 3 ' . It. , . , ... i -. . . .... i . . . ,'ls'i'l -.nil Mile, I h lee I e I'll i-4 inff! ie t nr Kness O I i.e. IIIUIII, Olid mil . M ,t! Hon-..! of Kcprc.-ciitalivcs, lili:'or this little circumstance cabin ol;-;,,-,-. .t ,,. ,.,,,,,,,,1 i,.,,, c.nir,, rX.voiild nrobablv have ncyca r b, all tle.efipln,u.M ,,, ,t .. i,,,,,.;,,.,, ,,, - l.ia vMcov crcd, or not at h as! lor many years SPECTACLES! Sctmnrl Warren VII. ?f. Mttthcw. S. S. Mathrws, Fhjnt Muthncs and IV. IV. Grail y. Oh motion of complainant, and it op pearing to iho nlisfiiclion of tho Clerk Mid Master that Flynt Mnthow end W. A V. Grady iiro imn residents oi tno omte j of Tennes-co ko tlmt the ordinury pro cess of law ennuot he served upon ilicm. It I.h ilinrfiforo ordcr.tcl tlml puhlicmion he made for four succef five week in the Home Joiirncl, a paper published in iho town of Winchester Tennessee, rctpnre inlaid non residents to nppanr herein on (ir'hefor.) the ilrst day of next Chancery Court, on Wednesday lter the- third Monday in August "erl oud plead answer or demur to sui, I Bill, or tho huuio will be taken for ennfeod and set forbearing exparie as to them. MarlO ta. H. K. ESTIbL. C &M. llinnhnw and Ureal v. Tim luirsof C. Ark(Uc,(Uc. On motion ol complainants, and it ap pearing ;o tho satisfaction of tho Clerk and Master thnt Coleman Arledge is a non resident of iho Statu of Tennessee it., llm nnlinni-l nrnr'llNt flf 1 It W Call f t . rxi "" " I v , rt'.-.! be served unou him. his therefore ordered thai publication jgrtlfa fates. SALE of VALUABLE NEGROlS 13y virtue of a decree of the County Court of Franklin County, Tennessee, pronounced in the couse thorein pendini ofBeiijamii) Higgiiiboiham, el n In, againn Jacob Uraelton, et nls, I will olfer for sale to tho highest bidder before the Couri llnnaailnni In W in r lilt ftler on Momhg, March 20th, 18m, John, h nejt'ro boy about 0 years old, and James, a negro boy abont 4 years old,' belonging to the ornate of Daniol Braz! elion,Sr., deft TERMS. A credit until Fehruaiy 10, 1800, ex cept fifteen dollars in rash on each negro, bond and approved security required of the purchasers and a lien retained on said; negroes until the whole of the purchast money is paid. HBNJ. JIIGGINBOTIIAN, MarlO, 1800, Ids Comr. vs. Tlir heirs of Jnmrs fauns. J3v virtue of a de'erea of ids Clianrery.' Court at Winchester, T ennessce, proi, 1 will on Mon clay ilie fourth day of April next, before the Court House door in Winchester Tcnn .offer for solo to the highest bidder npon twelve months credit, Iho negro woman Marian, the biddings therefor tnj hestHrieil at i!f)0 dollars. Noiq witlli goud seturiiy reipiircd of the purchaser, and a lien retained until the purcliane monev is paid. Mara-id H. K. ESTILL, C. d: M. i nli his fate ! eeu'dis- ; a V b.tlllf It has heen a long lime since h.ully wounded; hve ol liiein I: we nw one nuol .her. .N'ilie ears agn bo arl h id ali .v.i ly tuilii l I . . i i . . . . ' i licarlv we were apm-cuticc buys, and . "ealn. .-some olllie woman ii i i, , . I in ai'oiiy, iiiterii,,; the mo.. I i tan .in ii.i i iv. iini. we w.-ii: inn i aware thru of the worth and ex'enl ol liflet II pei.M,li:-'.j ;en no, ; viae I. el in i a caialidale I, r ( invei iior, in which W as (.'Jin-ed hy one ol In'! Ill') . , t, Ji hi ; I ate ha llo.. I MCiciiliij.' r jj ... , 1 . , V ! i H'I, he was ll ll.lllc.s-, he i. Lj , i . ' ij.i'.'il'il in a c:i pnj.iiiar, t'i i . .. .i .... i.:. i i. IC ... :ianir iini inn iiim-s. n ih.u.,h-i m mortal discovery, drained oil' the contents of his bot- i!ie hapjiiness we enjoyed. Ii. it onl;, when coming years tiring idnow that the past is fully ajipeeiale.l. Sincerely do we hope that no shades have it i -s ed '""' pathway. II it il so, no if u d 'loans, nt tiers lay In less, and nniia rent I y paru ' -til prcserded that blaci, ne and i ilde us pi i I til llic .scalded, the IliO'd I nllllie: u ha Ii I In liiiinan I'm iii i nn ted. Iv. cl y relief w l.leh tl i.'j. rL.ineieil, beond tliali . I , .....i.i.i I . I ... ... If nil I.IM hill f rilOK. SMMMOXtS, tho well known Optician mid Maiiufael ti ivr of tlic'tliovo (it'lcliratotl Spec tacles, will visit Winchester on lie -J' n-, e-LVlar aim 3 eil Ihe biitdi and coat beneath his . . i ... .ii. ... i lern . urn went, ii slcc ). ano on i..tu i bepicv,, ic run. in- p . We unu! 1 like to .see you, .Sim; would lihe lo bear oii tell of nor jiast life, of Kansas, e. Our favnr lor distant places is fixed on Kansas and if we mul be made leave Win ch est Iiave line our ccntuatcd at Icasl, we ought. Sue-ce:-:s to vuu, S im. oinieiil an I ehlc men . . i. I ever produced, mid in- siiceeilnl. 1 1c was (Ii l' i.n iii a caiiv.'ni.s nr I'c-c cc urn mi7 l'i-,,.,, llinl I, me. I'iii-wli-iI. hei.-'llie lll.liliowil lc''inll ol'.suicidc '''""jilevu!,.,! hia.-ell lull,,, mana-emeidol As be hd not relun. home on ,,,r"1 '"I'liis pii.ale fnrlmies, only pa, linpa W I'b'irada.y i.iul.l. his wife leared the l''''1 1':Ji In .a.hlii: i.llnl , ., as , icu.-ioi, seem-Hworst, remembering Well the lelldc.iey is i . . rw . . i i.... i ... t...... I in lain In call fnr bis liclion. HeJV'l HIS l.u e cmnaiei. lb- democratic caiididalc lorelee-fc a" I'1"'""-' w,"'"s- u" l' nili, l")1". il ly n ml went out to the I all around, and tud. She went tomb, and was ir happened to ... . . . ..... i : . iai the iioani (iiu ii'ii in. snug- usual. Looking I'm- mud in the . . i . . . - . - i . .. . leu-Lmles ami pulling ner uaini on t-'il,i. !.,. n-il I'.eiiid il win vl a lid in 'r In use. r.:.1 ,,v " 'My"'1 ,ma,led was (Mcdcl mihe ,, f. r l'', ;,.';, N; ;i , , , IN,5.lll)(i,gs er..M- early and t you lnllnwn. the ways ol the world i, ., .s. s,,,,,,. uce h,(cn '" . ,' '" lt,as unif.irmly bnrac a cniipi. ions partljci nndery. She loohed in wearing a maih ol .sunshine. 'Tis ; hospitals, fibers lo their ovtu n siden f( diviis-ions of Teiincs Kjfailetl to liinl her liusba Ihtis that m iny eoiiiiterleit ,,r, r.iiber, 1 l ,'N 'h" hnl. Is L'J.,-,.. i.iiiil be was calb-il lo the ptisiii.iili'iil loohed at thyir I conceal ll.e hearl sorro.r. , 'h"-" " ''''"l ''V H' ,f 1'n d. Master ( leiieral. i the Cabisabn.. to leave when s lie ceacliedrl ... f.i -t I. of President ISueliaiian e:e 1 1 1 .-1 1 1 s and I ilmi inii- I l let lollo will'' died helm ' the cil w IMwaid 2uiu'y. o in r . i . . i i ......... I ".""AM'i 'd toocciiny till bis ;llrown as.laiil; In- ., ''n,;. , , ,J , r , , , ; !ls narrate, man.) . illiam kmMoii, a mc. I. .'l , .......,..,.. a. ().-,i:s ;,,1;(.r. ..I .i . . i... ... .. .... .. . j . in iiii.ii. : in iii;; lite ii.mii, ' . 1 1. 11.111 WIIIC. mi'i" ' ' positimi be conr1ly nil" the frii'iie as s labi.r.Miiid Ui-f' closer, l,e diMioverct i i .-'1-. ''4 Mr. (h.ekliiiru, a we H A il nil V. Ill nw ll w as Ho ori!iiiarnii.V- 'slu' mlleil it out a liltli i . ,- "'.:.. . l : I... , ..... i i . , .i , , . i i ,- ; . I e v-.'a s (i a s n I . o ilea i a me ; - a Al . n in . ie ...- i u-. .t. .... ...... .r,we,go,bere. ,, bee we , .-ebiuit of ibw ei.y, b.rmerly of I ' ; 1 J ! Vi , ' . , , i,,,,! bad mental , -"..- U h-r I.,,., She la ,1 ay. good water, beallblul breezes. , I,,-,,, ,, ( )akey, Uaw bins V. ( o , now ol ; ;;(..1,,,.U1,.,. with his pbysiea iM onl laid in the i;ras.s .she could not tel. Biieiety, mul good lo the linn of VV. S. Mcllmi .1.1 A- Co k,.Vl.llJ.1(.u,i. was ardi'iii, en iili'jw long. Mhe recovered irt. last, got paper. Willi this iv it must . 1 1" is in a yeiy bad st iniiel. ,u-.iis i... and imlirii,;; in llic pnraiiiWup : went and informed the sexton, n.imv m-ii.,,-., ., ... . , , . .. 3 ,, -.. v , j,.,., p(; w 1, i di he bad fixJi '"'- .M"rnn, ol ner uiscovrry. j ne t In be n ,nmi.-;tb!e l.y bis 11111M. 111 (J ) (s u'jji ..AVvAr- Ace? CJall'T wi nt and loohed at things, and ,n!" l,""'k(.:;1' 1 ,U;r)H The I'uiou end American says f-'" '"1''1 ' n'-r,m .he in ml: ..amis ( inliiis. a liremau. auda .r -S was held, as we bavo htatcj, on TFIMtll'M- niSlSTIT Til TUP "!''"' V.e cnual ,, J m- i.e. V ., ' ,' .M iilllftbiy. TEl.lUbl.l. D MSN.b It) IIII. t.,,!,,. ;,;, sr,! .,rs w miialcl U I cniie.sce m April, anda weeks vr:n 1 1l' . ( If the en ,v injured. I Tnic-hl by ll.en'jalnolig Ins old Irieiid-, hc.c, with 111 J-j The first great calamity ol liin sea-j j,.,, , i,..r: ('.,,--.J?ien-e pb-a.aire. Put l'i;,l was not t,.:-1 An eaHcrn piper says it COIl, Which, up lo this event, h id In 1 11 for our coiniiiiinily uiiusually Ire.- limn iilllictiiig occtii rciices, w as niiinuuiceil yi stciday In our papulation and pro dliccd a Ihrill id' Irnnr ninl grief. It w as the explosion ol one m I lie bailers of the splendid and favoi ile ,li'nissippi steam packet Piinci , usually considt red one of the cafe..! 1 mid l-csl coiidiict.-d of our steamboat ... i As the news M-ut by telcgr.-tpU spreii.l . Ihldllh lint city, the streets Idled with anxious import-rs and when our i-tm j ing edition, giving Ihe lirsi. i. tit In n'ic iiilcllienee of the ealiiuiil v. was I lied, the demand for it was so s. lid.. I: Win. ('ainiibi I', III. si slew-- 1 1 Itn. seennd slew.. I' Is, eolort Williali.K, ci. hired, cal.i.'i .Murray, and l'eler Light, j ale j "I'd; I Win. j .li.l.n 1 liainls j V.v.v.-liters .S'i1'. , I 'iiinjitri il. -- ; I!. .1. Ibitler, ii ksbiii;'; Air. and , Joel llicin::-, an I J-iel lle.'-.-iu -.. l.- xiiiloii, Kv ,lr. mid Alis. i i . .1 1 i... 1 1 1 1111 nil, .ill. .1 i 1 I . ' I r. nn 1111 11..11 - mi 15. 11..1:... ti,... 1. o- r.. I. . ... .1 01 , " ii.i. , 1 1 ... 11 I.. 1 inn, 1. ti... 1 .. j ..t .a , .... i-.l... , 1 1.,.. .......... 1 Jl I 1 ' .1 . .... I ' hii ii ve nee. ma - 1 nui 1 c 11 i-sm-i c.i , . eii- .. 1 ,. o. :. 1, .... '"Vii 1 ,- ,i.. 1; ;i W e;iveo!,.'gy, Spmologv , ,., ;i. .... . ... IH propo- e.'-tahli.ih an institution lor the inn of young ladies, in which 3"i-r.a. its nl UK! Midll illlii I lei-til K.vl.iel. :,red (iov. lirown to bisR'inl Cookology, wi.ll lorm it part. r. fiiicnds ami le.fl him hardly an em iny . A ll i-r obtaining tbenu',ii-; if,-'" ' "' I'1'1"'''')' liberality liinljmeiil, they may receive a regular tli- d'04,",'i"i'll''-V W,J.",V',I,I,,"I' 'vjplotim, with the hniiorcd degree of tlnil il was wi' b f.mld ,-urplv il. ililli. : ;real we . 1 1 -1 v uu. 1 ie':e 1 1". 1 , -.1 ere a na r .' "j.! ,1'bi.; daily life, and will be lirsi re jfi '"''? I , A he Mil ..huLeewlile, T'H se-v.-iii:;ti'.'- " .,, -' , . , ' ., ., , u . 1 ia .- will mourn ins oeainas n,e i i-sf,i ,- . 1 ... 1 1 1 A. Ilnskmsliiand to-H: -Mis- Wa:r-i.-i" ' '."";;: ' I y.j"V1' i.nein ti 1 :,, 'r ri' i- ii 11 111 .in, ti i.iiii iiniii.. Min. lih (Isne. SI'-' . . I ' J'OiSITlVMLY FOR ONE DAY ONLY I ami may he consulted at It is an estahlished met, that the superiority of these Spectacles over all others is fully corrohora ted by the larg;e number of testi monials from anion,"; t lie mostre- spee,-i(,iie anil inKdligent persons fl'i Tennessee. In the preservation of Vision, it is incumbent upon tho wearer of Spectacled to .strengthen (he orr;an of sight ami protect the re tina of the eye, from i.nfiamation and dilation, and to be to the eye as it was when in youth, which can only be attained, and which finalities tire combined in the 15m zilian Pebble. be hiiiiIb for four succcfsivu weeks in the Home Joiimnl, n paper published in J.:'.' " j(vI I'OH S.ILI town of Winchester Tennessee, rnpiire- j . , inn siiid non resident in nppcor herein on Ml1"1' or btloru thu first ihiy of next Uliaiic-ry Court, on Wednes.luy nfter the ihird Monday in August next ninl plead nnsw.-r or de.inir to fcoid Jiill, or the foinu will he taken for confesi-eil nn.lf-et for hearing cxprirtc lis to hi in. M.irlO. a II. It. KST1LL, C & .M. 77e heirs if A. llulchcll, tlcc'il. ly virtuuof a decree ol the Chancery Court, pronounced at tho February Teim S5l),'in the nbova cause, I xill on Mmi. lay the 4th day of April, 1S50, ba fore ilie Court House door in Winched lor, offer for sale to to the highest bidder, upon a credit of one and two years, the following trncts of land of which Arch- nr.! Ibitciictt died, and possessed, stati: 4)1 Jrsw S. Counts vs. Ncvils TiMiiisun and u ifc awl S.infnril j to-wit ; r nsl on. On motion of complainant, and it up iearlni; to tin: satisfaction uf ilie Clerk and Master that NeyiU Thoi(ipoii and wif.i ami Sanl'ord IMton are (ion re.-i-dcnls of the .State of Tonncsseo so llial the or.linaiy p(o;aa of law cannot be 'started nt tlio prices aforosaid. Ha'.tt served upon them. Jt is therefore ordered that publication bo inndo for four successive weeks in the If oiiio Journal, a paper publislied in the town of Winchester, Tennessee, icipiire ini,' said non lesiderns to appear herein on or before the lir.-t day of next Chan cery Court, on Wednesday after iho third Mun.hiy inAnjrnsi next and plead nnswm or demur to said Hill, or the same will be taken for conf.'ssnd and net lot hearing exparie as to them. iIiu(l. U H. U. KSTII.L, C 0 M. I-'. .'. W'.-F.t fnr Wives. tat: or ti:.m:si:i:. D. C. Williams VM. f.o. '. Awlcr.wn. John F. Anderson, Wm. Anilrrsnii anil 1'leasant Coals. (In motion ol'('iiii.litiiiaiil, ami it u..i'.'irin to ll.e Hiilisliieliiiii of the (Jlcrlc mul Alusler that (Jeo. P. A iitl.'isi.ii in a mm resilient of the Kjato ii.f 'I'eo iu-.-.sfj h.i ih.-it Hie ur tl i mi ry ii-uci;sn (,:.(' law cnniii.t he served upon him. ll is ordered that piililicalion bo trmilo for f.nir successive weeks: in Ihn Home Journal, n pajicr published in Iho Imvii of Wiuebculor, 'Jciiiiusect, ri:ip.i-in said mm rt-fith'iit to iiipe:ir fyercin on or before the tirsl d-y of in xl (Jliaiicery.t.'ourt, on Winlni;. day nl'iiirthe de.'tliiril .Moiiilny in August next a ml plea. I answer nr demur to sai.l Kill, o; dm riiiiin- will bo tnhoii for cmiibssetl and sel for benriiiL' expart nt lo Ini.i. Alar 10 a II. I!. KMIUL C & M. The Ilnine tract at $10 jut acre, .Mountain (IJrown) tract $1 " Jlatehett cabin tract at 4 " A full description and number of acres, iv en on ilay ol sale. J no land to be with cno.l fecurity required of tho pur chasers, and a lien retained until the whole of the purchase money is paid. March 3 11. R. ESTILL, C. & M. SALE OF J y virtue of a decree of the County Court nf Franklin County, pronounced at itn Febru ary Term, A. D., Hot), in the caimo of W. W., A tl id r, el a's; v.-t II. C. Cowsn, et alsl will untlic-lth Monilayol March next, before the ('nurtlioiiHc door in Winchester, sell on a credit of 11 inonllis, except iho unu of one Inmilreil ami lillv ilollnra to be paid in IiiiimI, en iluy of sale, the following negroes, to H it Joe, Iho bi.Miiigt to commence st $1300 All Man, n leic. Vtek ."' iii'.eiisc w.-.s jil dil'r.l by ihe extent of the enl.iiiiily, the Inn:,' Ji.-t (d' the vieliiiiH nn. I ihe bi';h pmi t ion urn 1 the l.u'e circles of friends of mi tunny of Ih.-m. .Ainont,' tin in nevcr.'i. iiieiiibi-rs of mir l.e;,ri -.l.itine, itiid some of our mosl prniiiineiil iner-i-htinlN and pbiiiteix. Jt WHS hot linlll )cslenl.iv lifler 1)0011, '.vjjen the Knte ).ic renelicd our w hlirf, thnt we could lenru .'tl! the facts of the disiister. ' 'J'he I'riiice.--s w.-isnn In r way d.nvn the river l'i oi ii Vich.sbui-j;, bnviii"; nn boaid from one hundred ninl filly In livo hundred p.-ix'-enerr, n crew of at least one btilidreil, , eighteen liiin .licd hales of entlcn. She bail totieb- (I id Ihitnli llolie, where hint tnnk on bourd bevi-ral prut li'iti'-n of tbi-. citv, iiieludiuil the inernbeM of tin ier; .Mrs. rorl. r and W .,.,', ;,. . .-,.,. .-. fjilMer hi i eiib-y. .eli;;er.S ill.o I m-mk-mmbmimbi I met ('anil i' i-'.iiiil ol lln' lias eiill.'liel aled lie.- ii'e lliel.l inll 1 r.-tni'li nl their lli.inl.-. in in j hell, the lir.-t :-levv,-ii nl the I'lliicess ' for the in hi K-i'ilii llinl ciiUM'.',! ! with v. hieh be ncted in rcM-iiiin; per 1 -i ii. ninl ihe until i v-iiion.-, i.i .ii - ili-sle.l hr aril the siill'i rel i L'eiii l. iiiaii. Air. 1 (iiri'.iiis, in ii.'ii-lieiibir -:aat.-tiBgdoaw-cJ.iMiwiiiiii ' i twuMnw l-'n .it en ,t--. nil.- nn t it--. i i-iil J.. mi. . '.'llli ARRIVAL U'1 IIKMAIIKAIII.i: MJICIDK. Vt I' r.upei I, II i curs of r,li:,Ii!il.iaii ly hillh, uud hy trinb:; . ' ' . .. e .. ....... 1 : . .. -1' ' - ... e. . -i ll-li 1 1-1 -. I 1859! si'A'j'i: r TKxixsKii J. G. MrCitlrheon, Aihn'r j-c , The heirs nf Wm. Drear, deceased, On motion iifcomplninont, anil it appearing to Iho entis'aciiuii nl ilia l.'lcrk ami iMuster that Nancv Orcar, Win. Diirli tui, Jpkku Co- T13 Bftl I fie7P:fll I v,'-v Ul"'. tt ll'u nr """ roHiilelita ol'lliil Slim: hi 9 SU rUSo&iU XH mS. Tcnn. sseo e Ibi.l Ihe oi Jnia. y process ofluu- c.nim.t ho ."cried upon tliem. A he, A inly, " Itilriiey, " Atlillini"' l.tlilil, " Jenny, " Joliu. ", ' Itliirllm." V!01 lArilt 1100 1)00 1(1011, 100 700 OIK) GO The purchaser to cive bond anil security for die payment of the purchase monny and a lien returned until purchase money is paid. W. W.KRAZELTON, Feb. a: lSo!. Commiseioner. livi d u ilh bis wif. ti. .V. ... i I ll.l ;,. .. Iwi. " reeeivin;; nit .-yriier piui-iia-.-it m (),,IJ . . . .... ,. ...i I il'ry (ii-oils, w J 1 1 . -1 1 lie .i-ii'i'ted in person Willi r.i in m 1 1 . . .......... . ..-I, .... , ....... ".,,,..,, ,.r , ..... , in mul ever, then prevailili;.', cnlllllt (I :i I IK Ml . 5- ..ts . . ,. ,,,.m.ri,llv. t elnid ol tlli'VU , , 1 . t.4 IVN III... l.nnne .:-.. . .-.Mi.... ....... r;.,s vjl.,,,lS i. Vtlt!n-et fluid (ll tllfij b.rim; spiiit and .'renter ci.nluis V'K f: i n lt il : 1.. i rl it 1 1.- it I, nboiiix' himrer, milled will, iili.i.lii vt ,,,.-an .i-,,,,,. X(.;iM!(, mid l!,e pin lieiilar pelf; M if the father. This was a blow fiou.; s '''rjwbich tin- her never recovered. Ii I'R.N'iit aide lo hoy Ii loudi be had lb(f.l '"''i-l.ibihl I. mii'd in lhi! einand in Cn in ir' LrciMlnlure, In se names went given by us lust evening, mul may be loiind I up r elin'iiiif lo hales of cot dm on r.nolhi r pnirt! of our paper. i,n, t : t. U -1 1 In ihe i.)itisitr shore, bop. The Kate li.'ni i.issetl, nnd . wns i-Xirfsseil lhat aiiinti' ihein wen was proceeding down lln river nt i,c acting captain. Win. ... .I iclt-on Homo distnnce, but in siuht of ibe j an.l Air. .h im CI uh. ussiMaut eleih. says that no one ever i-Miinileii 11 innr. j .1 '..: :. I ., .....1,...- in 1. .1 tenderness. I Ie. th-M-i ves and is ten TJ , 1 .1 . 1 1 . 1 . 1. . . 1' (. r tl lac lliosi nc 11 lieu iii iniins in the rescued. I lie sdeniiicr 1x1 11 al.'o iron :i i . 1 1 5,.;, ; down lie: I., .lowing pa.scii;ers, vvinijA,, ...1 c. 1 i-. 1... i.-.... M 111! 11 ( 1 1 . I 11 II'II I I . ' . . I'll. 1 11' I .. 1 1 I '.H. nr, in I...W I , 11 I 11 II ' . . II. ne: .Mr. li'irie; i.i.-i s in; 1 n . .1 . 1 i ,,. llmbe.Tciii.; A. I. Ilare;.l. W. HI . n . !..-.M, , ;. t, , ,Mes-.ri. Njtr.-ij.'iie anil .leveiivni, ar.ilIS ., ji' Ivteiity-live ol the ere w, nil ol t I. ninl J Hi- boiiubt n burial b.t nn. are ii!iiej:iretl. I:bi ieks 101 1 nibci- material, nn As a iiiiiiifer of persons werf pichfilM lis o-.mi bands, urn. all nbian in thtfl e-im lerv, Luilt Imn .'i Inick loii.t.. lU fi -t . ..I 11,1 lln. ...,-m.s Ii. ll.l! tdll'I.H WI) Oil ! ( 'eiiif li l V. l l.e erii'f preyed! 1 - . 1. 1 : 1.. .1 "a... SB lillll. .1 iv i,i 1..1 niii 1 111111-111 ;w ill;.' I'll!, of his -eeul,i- employ-It he foltnil l-lliployilielit ill Ili-Jjij n Ins Hindi of Pie.-!- Ciutils will be fimml I'.iiilil.' Skill ..I n-l ui Piobea, Priiii.-il J.ii'om-is, lirdlianlH, Striped iNaiio-onli .Miislin, ci:ai'K jjki:a(jk shawls, (VKIIV IIKlCTini.,) Iliiop Skirts any amount, .Muslin Polie A., " Flicids. I. hi. -It l.ace P.nnls, :!-;fBO I'CO.M TS, lj i .sfyl:li out ; stt in its inniilh or enflAI.SD I i-.iin-e be lilted a frame, lo ubi.-h heM K; dEmJ o0 TO $1,-1, SO r.nAlTHTL ! I'rincess, when sin. ilenly 11 hun! reiorl as ol the disebare 01 a whole l,al tcry ol heavy ailillery, was bennl, producing 11' .eri't-pt ible slu-ck, and tilling il-air wild fiiiiol.e nml I'ra' inniiia. All ribbed on ili-cl;, am. h'okii.i- townr.1 the IVinl ess, miw that mic w;.h (li.. viot iiu uf Ibis lerKilie i plosion. A tW-U M.mke. tmlv l, .ml Ihe arrival o' lbe Mm press Cajil I .el if. ill tit, 1'.t .V i.l'.. ..'.iniiti il Inn ei-rtaui lb it ibey Were niiniii;:l' the losl. The I Impress hioiiejit dnvtiiL soiiie t m nly pt-rxins, iiinon whoin were six or t ibl ivotimleil llreiiien, all cult. red but one. A while nriti, whose name we 1 mild not iiM-rrliiin, died on t'le p;isn'e. i lie Aatelic. took itU 1 , , tire, eompli-iely en ; farire iiuml t r of persons l.rck loihtM " ' ' , "T M'amer, whieb a ' poinH from which they lia lem'.a.kud.l! lew m-coimIk J-,,r,. 1mi, tX(..( ( () , (N) nlll.r V W..II...I.-.I wt-nf . OCIII.'.iIh l' .... ,, ' I' nrmdniKnl' Iw.rrnr ,.,,.1 ,1, lA The I ril.C '-'--S WHS otie ol irom Ihe beboblerii of ll.i! (..., t....i vi;ii. ..r iK.. h 1. 1 : IIj,l. 'lliiili, ti.i- jmiii J.Pa 1 Pun's ami Sliopers, I'u n-y press Si itrn. Fancy l!ernir., I'm. icil Jn. ki. lie's anil Lawna, !w is, .dull, n ml Naiiisiitik Muslim, ,'itteil a board ninl secured it will -crews in its four corners. On ibis maid with be enclosed tin . nil nor lit mus of bis child. The tomb lini-died. it- disinterred ll.e child's body, am .'I'" i" I If l-istf lied the ''tiardfJU I TO DftnTO CUfJCP &f. g,fi v-ill, v,-r..i.s .11 older 111! Ill 1 111" -tl 1 ' 'I : 11 Nash villi-:, Fol. 11, 19. Messrs. tSoinmons & (.'o. : (IrnflrMni: Tlic 8)OPtaclos 1 ptirelKisctl of you about four years since, I have useil (luring that time without intermission, and it ffives tne pleasure to say that ei ther hy day orniht, they relieve the eve I tetter than any I have ev er tried, and thev areas coud now 'tis thev were the day J jot them. I most heartily eoninietid the I5razi!ian .Pebbles to all persons with defective sight. Very truly yours, (ioiKiu:v M. Togo. EJoiim- ami &is for Male. In pursuance pf a decree of the Chancery Court at Winchester Taiinessec, pronounced at iho February loriu loH, in the caiife, li.hvin Alarlin veys Curry Mctirew et ale. I will nn Saturday the l h day of March next, before tho Courthouse door in Winchea tcr Tennessee, offer for sale to Ihe highest bidder, for ca,sli, the bouse and lot on the pub lie sipiiire in, Winchester, now occupied by M. Cutler et a tavern stum!, and the utablii b.t kelui.iug ihea-lo. A full description will be given un dny of sale. JI. II. ESTILL, C i. M. I'eb. WO. 4 It is th.-ref iri! tiitlcrcd that nublieatinn ba nmdo for four Biircossivo weeks in tho H.unn Joiirua1, a piper iiblishcd in tho town of Wim-hei.ttir, Tciiiicnsci', retjniro'iiir said non. rcsidi-iil to appear heroin on or before the first day ol'neM Ch.vcery Court, on Wednes day after tin: third .Monday in Au.nist next and plead answer or demur tn sni.l fi . 1 1 , or the samowill bo taken I'wr confessed and set for bearintf exparie as to him. j!iin) :i ll.l!. KSTILL, M. mtiti: r Josiah Mason, VJ Jie;ib Nucklcs. In thm rise it bninjf made lo appear to the iiiidnrsiirncd Clerk ofll.e Circuil Court that the defendant, Joseph Nui-kles, hod roinovnd himself from the tato of Tennextec, and tvnts attachment bcirijr deiiian.U-d by the plaintiff, were wsned tUml Feb. Hot), and re turned by Hhcntr Arlclje, c.ioculcd by nl tacliinjr in III.) bands of Nuekles sn iiumired nml twenty live tlol nrf, a so a nt-irro : (',. r i- . . boynbout II years obi, and one bay horse. J'0'"' of mkUn county, lennesse.. SSnid attachment wa wrve.l out ul the in- l"0"01"11 'J January Term, 1850, I.ntid for Sale. Ry virtue of a decree of the Chancery Court at Winchester, in the caao of H. 11. Yvrnor, Adm'r., fyc, vs. Henry Yitrneis hr.irs. I will on tho first Monday of April, 185! hofnro the Conn House door in Win chester, sell on a credit of one and iwo years, iwo tracts of laud on Cumberland .Mountain, ono containing six hundred an. I t lie other two hundred acre?, fifiy dollars to he paid in hand and purchaner required to give bond and security, and a lion retained until purchase money in paid. U.K. ESTILL, C.tSc RI. Feb IS. 3 30 NOTICE. Ry virtue ol a decree of iho Cour.ty (' . i- IV 11- ' , . , iii .1 l i. M ri, i. in ll, nn.. .iiiiiiMiek .in .mil mi l with ulii. li be e , closed tli.-SJ , 1),,,.r,,r,v,!4, (-, ll7,.lhl. .nil. (i.l ll.-ll ol Ihe (IMinl Illicit lilidy IMeeinirs linerline", Collara. oi or marble f-l ib, be bad crveiijj !.uuet J'rimuiiin;, lloucm, i?. ci Iv ii ifb hi- knife llif bniial in.-cri.L'iiESIHi;s Kii.ij Cloll.t, Cnssimrres, Vcslinffit, licndy-Mitilt!, tfit-i war.U brive no I rouble in rcino'.dl it it. when be I'. lt like p.izinir upon. the d.-e.k) i njr remuill ol bis child .... . ....... , 1 lilt emitloi incut Inii.slicil, it vv.-iNrj it... nVl, l...i.:, ... ..: :. .1 I...M i ... in,..-1 -iii.-, I,.,,, i, i , . ii ,'.-: rn'i , . i. ,ru . .., t ! .d,-i.i!:.l lio.its oil lint river, h t iauKiomlt anil h.i.U nt ll.e eoi-iisii of hi u- i: : ... . . . .. . ''-..-. I ... l' , nn, .,1. in ISii i..iiii.i. AI.SU en hand IJ.iri.i.FWarf. r,asrp, l.inssuare tn.d Cutlery, mirlt) W. S. EMBHKV. XaMlle, FA 12, 18S9. I heartily concur in tho opin ion nf Mr.'Fosrr, of tho value of tho '.Brazilian Pebble' Spectacles, after a longer experience than he has had. " Jamks Conn v. atance of tho plniutiff, on account t.f injuries (lone to the prrtton of ll.n plnmtill by the de fendant lor whi.-li the idaiutilf bad coiuincn- ceil his action of trespass:. I be delriidnnl. Joseph buckles, lit hereby notified to appear at the next Circuit Court tit be hidden fur the county of Franklin, at the Courthouse iu Winchentcr.tin the lib .Monday in .March W'J, the defendant Xucklcn to ap pear oiiThursdej of the V!ud week ot'saidterm and defend the action (hun commenced, other wise the cause will be preceded with e.xpnrtr.'. !l. lSnU. . FKIZZKLL, Cl.K. lis'? lln nhvnyt carried u screw I. I . ..... .- . .Jl . - ; I . . . ... -.. . .... i ....i ...I .. ............. . &i..r..,i, li. . ,-....1. ir , in i.u .... .....i. . . mediately ordered l.m hoot t- round I" J "".'" I""""-' " "v ' .' ' , ' " " V . tSicf sell to the l.iahe.l bidder, on 8 credit ici ir.iii.f.n i,v .-i.ii mr-.-iij.i . -.1 . niii. ni ,-,.,u, v i..., i,-.,..ii:a iue ii.i:..-.i. nnnra . . , -l . . ....... j .-..j -; . . . m , . wr n.nnl ia. tna Home til 1 1 IOI II which to, find die er ton nrd.s tbit IViiicts-.. ' AiHtoii hh hbe nrared the . scene, ll.p honors of llic disaster cinio in' full view. IjwKUHfif'lt utterly itintleqii. ile lo depict Ibe hearl-rer.din;? feuture of (he dismtl Irapitly. 1 he lorce ol Hie explosion bod thrown the botv of the 1'nncfss on the bnnk, the flimeii wi re I i I !d;;c arid Lot for Sale. I will on the 4ih .Monday in March, befurBtha Courl House door, in Vincli;a- .i.... . . .' . . . , . vi i . . . ... v -cv-hu-l,reii.Ier.Jllie.siio.::ipeHi aiiiM-i u remove n,, r.'i.uc the lid ..I j s -,, now .-,,. 0Iia mile V'"T ""'"" ' h!iV' ln)-.hee..Kil.ecotl.ri. Aether t , baW,rd n Rl ., nf u illc,cf ,or. on Wacnen creek. .iwii n B.nnn.rit... ,.,.wt -,ri..i lapi.Viieet ul I III Hnrillhlllif little r.irn.a . .l. ro nice rooms m tno neu.-t.-, ibllng 1 19 acrei of land i with pood erurujr re retained until ih? pur-iid. o Iicr that he e oulJ not pet work an-drl GEO. W. 5IIAHP. on the. iVfr f ,', Cactlhiiiktbe foul odor of its drciiy.cuM rV,,r;! ' only one Wit....... . . -i t .'i. :.. i.:- .....ri.;.l ,rri..i in. -t S00'1 0,11 vu thnt there m, Jl1 ,MS i T- n" 5,n ihe 'o1- -01"' 2 Z! Jl. t Ve U"u n lltw ""-a rn' l",,l,r!,r' "!-"" I"; wi-.-11life,i. and . lien I u-,r.i,.r .ur n o mo.tx,ct: . . rv(.HWpnt with bini. Ilcolieii complained'JcLsi io ueicci. .navrii . . r a ""iiiiiniKUU i. jt Wn alatx concur in the opinion expressed by Mr. Foyg. JESSE THOMAS. JOSEPH VAl'LX, . M. G. L. CLAIBORNE. k: P. SMITH. II- A. KAWOKTH. Consulting Room at Mrs. Sims' Hotel, and will remain for 0'E DAY ONLY, Saturday, Harth 1 3f A., and pssitirrby tenjer. yoncF! FIFTY" DOLLARS REWARD. A man by tho name of Thomas M vern, hired my hone or. Tuosday 22d of Feb- r.i.trt.. fnr ihr nnrnntn bn an!.!' t( nnini. . y v, V. fourinilca above Dechcrd, Fianklin Co., Teuiifssee, an.l was to reium the follow big Friday. Asyel bo ban not returned, and t am informed by persons residing at the place where said Myers went, and lo which place I followed in pursuit, that lie left there for Indiana. However, it is doubtful to what place he will makeneit .It is not quite 0 feet high, I guess, he is rather heavily uilt, had lichl-colorcl whiskers on his chin when ha left. His hair is sandy colored, but he may possibly shavo and try lo alter his appearance. 1 he horso is a dark bay, mil ba i years old this sniing, looks fins, and is well grown lo nis age, and had on a Texan Saddle with mud fenders otrer (he stirrups' From all I can learn, Myers has no trade bui plays cards. I will give fifiy dol lars reward for tho apprehension of the man and horse. Address to at KinJer hook, Lincoln Co., Tenn. March S 2m WILLIS WHITE. in the ca.o cf Margaret Martin on.. N. R. Martin aimiiisi Moses P. Marberrr and wife and others, I will, on Monday, 7th of March. IS.19, offer lor rale lo tho. highest bidder, ihs tract of bind which, losepli C. Martin, died, seized and possessed, lying io, civil . district Ho. 8, about live liilts. north of Winchester, sold subject to'ljje' widow, dower. J , TERMS OF SALE. Said land will be sold on a credit of one, two ami Ihree years, except $150,.' which must bo paid down; iho biddings for the land to commence at seven dollars per acre; the purchaser roquiied to givt note with two or more good and auflicient securities, an.l a lien retained upon tn land until the whole of the purchase money is paid. P. F. SIMS, Clerk. VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE. P virtue of a decree of the County Court of Frsnklin County Tennessee, pronounced al its February Term A. D. 13oU, in the c W. W. Ilrazcllon Admr, et ale, v, Bwa ? Cowan, et all", I will on the 4th Monday in ilarch next offer for aale before thaouft bouse d.r in the town of Winchester, the f llowinif Iraeta of land, of which Willi"" Brajeltun died seized and possessed, M "' lows . The Dell Tract uJ Gillespie Tract AN " acres w ill t made known on day of wile.) The biddings to commemce at f 16 Pr acre, upon a credit of one two spd threa except $0U, which must be paid down. The purchaser icquired to giva bond with two or mora good securities, and a lien retained wn til the whole of tba purehssa money ie paid. F23 JI.F.S1M8, JCIcrk- . I K r. i mm