,1,. wit u. .'.il-NMUuuWMWf ' ik7wn
0iuc gonrniriL
We are glad to sen those sugar trees
beinir set out in our Court house yard.
Thev will soon grow up and ornament
. . i, ,11,,l, innnyiM
the place much better than tie locusts
that now stand there. But whilo trees
.... ...til. I ir 1...
,t advantaee to fix ui) the Court
o .
House. Puint the shutters, and where
they are diimagetl, repair them, mid
pencil the house. 0!i! fix t up. It will
not cost much, and will add so to the
ppearance of our town, It is a
good building and ought to be kept
"From an advertisement in another
column it will be seen that lVof. Sem
imons, manufacturer of the great Jlra
ziliuM Pebble Spectacle, will visit
Winchester on Saturday and offer our
(eitisens an opportunity for procuring
a spectacle that is reccommended, the
world over, as superior to all others.
In Nashville the people are all pleased
with these spectacles, mid testimoni
als from the best citizens there attest
the fact. The Union and American
TIimo Siiectticlclmvo been thoroughly ,
l - i t. .. L i . . r I I
tested uy iiuiitiruns oi oui citizens, mi
o universally approved ol by tho.-ie who
tested them, that any elaboration of ours
would be superfluous. It is enough to
ay that their excellence have been at
tested by Iho most respectable citizens of
.Nashville men who would not put their
names to a certificate without being li on -fitly
and thoroughly suii.sficd, as to the
merits of what they certify to.
Next to tha excellence of the plnssos,
the experience end judgment of .Messrs.
Scmmons & Co., in selecting glasses of
ike right kind is to be commended.
There is a great deal in suiting glasses to
the different grades of optical weakness.
Those gentlemen being thorough opti
cians, always give entire satisfaction in
this dclicato and difficult part of their
business. Sir David Drowsier says, "Per
jons cannot bo too cautious of whom thy
(purchase spectacles, as thoy are to be
jbought wholesale, at about one shilling
iper dozen, and tlio use of such inferior
articles cannot be too much reprobate, 1,
and the selection of glasses is of inueii
sleeper importance than is generally bo
lieved the bad selection of glasses has,
t my knowledge, caused tolerable blind
ness. I would, therefore, recommend all
persons using glasses, to apply to an
optician who i enabled to give such ,
gUsses as their case may rc.j uirc.
The other ptipers in Nashville also;
give unbounded praise to these spec-1
tacles, and sonic of the editors individ-.
ual ccrtilicates.
I'rof. Semmons will only stay one
day Saturday wi h us, and can be I
seen at Mrs. Sims' Hotel. Let ail!
persons m the county come in and ;
avail themselves of this chance.
Another candidate'is in the field for j
Legislature. We, allude to .Vpure I
Mnnn, who has consented to, run, and;
' I
Upon whom a call was made ill the '
Journal a few weeks since., IHs delay, ;
lie has asked us to state, was not
through any indijferencc to that kind !
solicitation, but lor reasons unneecs- j
sary to mention. i
,-. P . . .;..','' o r, i
Our frond; Wiley h, E.nbry is re- (
ceiving bis stock of Spring Goods, j
nnd judging from the crowds which
aflnnb tn liia vt rt tin mmf linvii itimmo :
. W V. .. U ..... .J.W.,..W ...' ..., i
a tasty selection.. Yesterday we. j
found the fair sex nt his counter nnd j
the counter literally piled up with all
sorts of pretty styles, and he informs
U8 that lie has 'more a coining." Go
and cce him.
- ;
A lieV ffliuioUS sect litis Snrun"' tin 1
. , , ,, .... ,? 1
tn the vicinity ofAoiv Dcdtor.1, Mass. j
Among their iPCIllluritliS IS Hint Mie
' . , . . i . . .., i ;
minister sitlutes t in sis crs wit i a kiss.
A writer says ho recently saw a j
hrntlie.r kissiny tli nislri-s ivith nn i
r , hall brother to I.mcet. Ilrril lioni', 1 Iniiiilir-
unction, and warning llii'ir husbands ui,. Lady l.iiehuYlil. lidl Sar.itot, and Kio
to flee from the wrath to come. We ra 'iV-mji'lc nil first class troiters; and 1
, ,. ... i .,. ,,, . snv, tthen youiiL' lllnek Hawk is trained, Iin
should think this course would bring j cin v,R,v,ti, n10 be,t ofthe,,.. Umoamlnce
wrath less distant than the future ' bim bo hhows for hiuiself.
l VI 1U.
The father ot Mr. U. E. Sickles has
p(Terel Mr. li-tgiola nny house of his
the latter mny select, in order that
Mrs. Sickles may have n home.
Mr. Key's corpse was carried from
Washington, to Baltimore and buried
jn the Presbyterian Cemetery on Green
street, in the same grave with his wile.
Tho funeral was attended by his
friends from Washington and iiulti
more. Mr. Duttcrworth's staUmcnt goes to
ihdV that Sickles' attack on lvey was !
thu outbreak of a frenzied passion, in
stead of the deliberate and premedi
tated act which it has been represen
ted to be.
From Paraguay we have intelli
gence that the U. S. Commissioner!
and Commodore Sliubrick had gone
Up the river, to hold an interview with
Lopez, on the first; that Lopez has
100,000 men under arms that his
preperations for defence are formida
Lle , and that it was thought by impar
tial and well informed persons that,
our fleet is inadequate, and our force
will be beaten if an engagement takes
Queen Victoria will ba forty years
d next My.
In this place. Inst Friday niv lit liy
Uev. Jniiics Cmnpbcll, Mr. I'kteh Hah
den and Miss Sarah 0. Hefner, ullof
tnis p'nen.
Povkhtv am) Eintr.s, It its truly uniil
thai no in fin enn tell whether In) is rich
or poor hy tumin); to his ledger. It in
tin) linn a ilmt imiki'H n mini rich. He in
: rich or poor, oocordiiiij lo whut ho i, not
fecorij wia( W(JslllSi A ,mi l0.
,ny, ror ialnnce, mny havo but ten, livo,
' , ...t.i La-.ll ,1 nil nre In fila nnrbnl
; hut tomorrow ho may hsve fifty tl.rm.suml
i i u ar. or its hail or niinr cr. now is
this grunt ilniuge to he wrought? the
reader mny usk. Under orli rinry circum
stances, wo would miswer hy ileiniiii.ling
with tlio question a fee; hut we will an
swer it without price on this Decision.
Send ten, five, or two mid u hull' dollars
lo Wood, Konv & Co., Wilmington,
Disluwnrn, or Augusta, (in., uml you in
sure your chances of drawing the grout
prize, or its proportion. You cannot,
indeed, to day tell whether you ore rich
or poor, by turning to your leilircr, but
hy a fortunate turn in the wheel of fortune,
under the management of Wood, Eddy
& Co., you may turn up to-morrow a lil'ty
thousand dollar prize. 115.
It is becoming the custom, in some
portions of the country, for newly
married people to send to Editors of
newspapers, with their marriage
notice, n 83 gold piece. It is certainly
a very sensible cuslom, and oin; n-e
hope to see practiced generally es-
pecially in this feel ion
A beautiful brunette said her brown
complexion was owing to her being
so often toasted.
Woman's constant torment -dut.
Man's greatest plague a woman
continually brushing the same.
The editor of the London Tiiriis re
ceives the sanio salary as the l'resi
dent of the United States.
(jencnil AsjenMiir the sale and purchase of
Itoal i'.stul'-, .Winn's, ic,
(U"r I will pny the market pr.ee for -Ne-groeM
hroiijiht lo my ollicc.
e;ii 's 'iiM:iti1ly en 1:;iiiJ.
Ollice, Mo. H, I'cM'tr Street, (furnierly m:
ciipieil tiv 'I'l os. (i. ,l;noi's,)
N a S 1 1 V 1 L L K , 'I'M N . K h' SKI).
Feba tr
To. iho Memhcr of t'rr . lijnat!-
fin'ifl rxinrr.
The next rof-'ulnr uioetiug of the Sod- ;
ety will bo oi( the 1st Alouday of April !
next, whim the election of eilieers will I
inke. nle.ce. mi l other loiDOrlnnt iiisinessi
wjj i,0 tmuoacteil. It is au msllu booed
tiul evcry member will intend. j
AliK l-'HIZKLL, Secretary.
rely. '--iM i i
rruK- 1 1 i v n I-' I ?
u. Mrth. Publishing llousv,
IVisIiville, Trim,
lilnnk ho ,ks ol' superior nmilny nmiuiac-
lured I'or hunks 'ino tint roiiutmg room, ninl
i,0(,iH rei,ul i;,r tlu idiraryor parlor. Cull
and sec specimens. 1 l-eUl ly
C 1 1 F Ii" I
'J.-. , , jA , ,, , ,
lias opened it shop on Jelleison street, .!
,lr.s (rtim Martin's corner, where lie would
be plcaseil lo liavc all cull who win ! clot Inn;;
of any description made. Culling und 1
pairing dotic on reasonuble teini.-'.
F..b:J Hy
"WJictit AViiniiid.
I will t;ive Iho hiL'hesI cn,sh price lor good
Whent ilolivered at my Mills, It tunes North
or Wicl,esier, Tet.n
Fob?. Is if LL R. IIINTON.
"Hh .'I I M.I i.l .N .' I
...... ... '..,.ii
U ill stitnil the emiiiiij se;i-ou ut Ihn stalile I
n f r ---,
of .Air. J. I.. Uiilier, neur Sitleiu. Tuesilny nml i
Wcilnosilnry uf O.ieli wouli. Tlio liuliinei! of.
the time nt Winclie-ler, til the sfil.'e ol horse j
KiH, rr rl.ott.,u.d by Mr. I k. Vomur
I'lnck l!ak is sin years olit Hurt sirni!i 1,11,1
imsscsscs as iiiucli b iito tun nuisele ns iniv
' . . ,, ,t .
unit s horse; is its pure .Morjruu lilooil ns tiny
Sallimi inilm L'nmii. i biirbrotlierio Kihun
Alkn, Iho faster! slullieii in ll.e ,.rlil nl:.o j
UK. U. A. (i.VUK.
Tin-' I'r. holds himself ill readiness lo treat
nny disraso tho horso is Imir In. Spavin
Sdeiits, Fistula, I'oll Evil, treated succesful.
ly. .'o euro, no nay.
Dr. .. A. fiACE.
JIarcli !1. 1 in. Veterinary Surgeon.
All persons indebted to the esialn of John ;
Read, ilecea-ei!, arc hereby notified to come j
forward and iiiuko settlement. Thuso hnvinrj I
claims against Ihe same, will present Ibem lo i
the undersigned. j
Al KS. .MARY READ, Adnirx. j
March 'A. tf
. i
iti;i( c ai:i.
Ollice on Main Street. i
U'IMellCSTr'll n.r.,.rror-
v. a ..i i i c:i n r,TOLr..
Pons for 3 cts.,
J(jl'AL TO (.lOLI) 1'kxs.
No. I. Lilly's Ten,
" 'J, (.'oininercia' or business Ten,
II School Ten.
These Pens are warranted to not corrode.
in anv ink. For sale bv
FeiivM I!m W.M. STEWART.
(Jr I hive the right for Franklin, Lincoln,
and .Marion counties. W. h-.
U'liirlientcr, Tcnncsice.
R. S. HILL respectfully tenders his servi-
eesto the citizen' or Winchester ami Vicmi
ttr. and reqoeats a liberal share of patronage.
Thankful for farors extended to him in the
past, he pledges himself to use every ailbrt to
give satisfaction in tha future.
PeH j
H S til ii H ! U ki
1 1 r n i y fi
Special Doticcs.
i'or I'ougrt'HH.
We nro niitlmniteil to nimiinro Ul-W. W
JONKS aeanilidiito I'or ruolectiun to CuiijrreHa
from iIiim dixtriut,
KlllTOII IlllMK Jill'HNAL !
Jt linking been iiiiilemtiwil for Hdiue time
past thut 1 won lit bo a cuiiiliilnii' to rfji-osont
the coiiniioH of Lincoln oii'l Fiunlilni in die
Seniiloriiil lirmich of our next Central Ag.
senilily, in order thut thin fuel mny lie more
fully known, you sill pb-u.-v uiinoiincu my
iiunio us a cuiidiiliiti',
I will tiiku tins ncrniion to la!e that liav
in;' In work, it will ho inifinssihlo for me to
eoiniiienee n cuuvnss until Sprini;, but lit the
ukl'al time I will meet the people of ouch
county al the viinoiia places uf voting und
present to lliein my views mi the micxlion of
Federal uml Statu policy in which they nre J
",lerUd"!i . . I
Tax. r. NiiwsuN.
.Sept- tin.
Enrroit IlnMi: Juuiinal: Plrmn aniinuneo
to the poojilo of rriiii'ilin uml Lincoln coun
ties that I inn ii cumli. Into lo represent lliem
m the Senatorial branch of tlio neM Legisla
ture, anil oblige
Yours, truly,
J. J. Alir.llNATIIY.
Sopt.fl, P.V), ,e,
We are uutliorizeil to uiiiioinico Jamks 11.
Ciiil.roAT, of biiiooln. ii cuuil.iliile for Si-nntor
to represeiiL the counties ol' Lincoln noil
Franklin at Ihe next Aurinic'ci'tioii.
Wo uru authorized to aiiuoimeu .. Ji.
Manx, Ksq,, as it cunibilato to represent
Frniiklia County in tlio lower House of the
next General Ayotn'dy I'or the S ato ot'Ten
ncssee. We are uiilliori.ed to unnoinice John P.
Wedding'oii ii ciniibilale to represent Frank
lin Co. in tlio lower hranrli ol'llie next Hen
erul Assjtnhly for the Slate ol'Tt imessen.
We aro authorized to uiihoiiiioo ('id. Win.
A. Parks a candidate, to represent Franklin
Co"n!y in tlio lower liriine!i oi'lhe next (ieiie
ral Asxemhly lur Tciine.-sec.
We lire nulhorized lo iiiiii.oinee Mai isox
Wll.l.l.VMS I's'i-u euiidiilale, for reeleetion to
I he I.ei.-lalore from tin' eonnlv of I'ranl.lio. I
Sin Jamsk L'i. auk's Ki:.iiai.k I'ii.i.s.
This well known medicine is no impusi
lion, but n mre end s;ife remedy I'm -Y.
liiiilo Millies, mi I ohsl mi tious liom
any cause w halevci ; uml idliicmeJi n pow
crlul remedy, they eont.in nutliiu;: Inirl
fill to the eonsliliition.
For full particulars, obtain, free, of the
iiL'Ciit il lianil' I el. or re er lu a; Veiti
N. 15
it and (! potime stumps en- ,
cIomiiI lo niiy nulhoried u;;ent, will in-
sure a bottle cuniiiiiiini; over 50 pills by
retiirii Dint I . ,
Tl;i- llliiHI t''i l i l-lr a.r wi' l.avf to i-n i.e! li-r in this '
i i'iiiitrv if, ( iiieiiiiii linn. I i, si in oii'i'Min itscll in Hit- '
l.i i in ni'i illicit i 'il t, it :iiius :ili u lnlr i i.i ii luu ii .
llliMi-,iii inns Hi 'I on'.rl', ai.il Mmnn in lali-l , ill l.lni' I ,is,s 1
dill (If Ii-ll, li-l'liiilMtt'S III illy .lliliin; tin' vi I ii ins irliif j
ilii'S lii'lilli' lie- (illlilic lur lln' riill' ill If 1 1 liilr Jill
lump is imiihI t" lliinsi.AMi's l'iAMie i'iihi.i.u.. liven
tiiis may mil cuic join lint, ii iijc iiiiii-.i.si; in uui too j
fj rail v.i imil, you in.iy con r, -l-1 it 1- n-l upm il. Ti y it, I
F-..,-.), only l.y Or. C. M. JikI-miii, Ne. IIS .lir, j
Slii'ct. ninl fur s ill- l,y iliilni-l'i u-l slnn-ki'i'ii-i s tlin,i,:- I
ul U. l-,lill SlU"ad la,...U I, nV, . ,H K,
-pOJ-jrJ-g.-j I
AVti Ii tvr a i ti'u Ui.it u Itcti it mMi: i itt-ci iU'i-i j s Mi nu i,t
i fur hi1 I'i'l''.' I'm' Uvt Ut! iinti.tlit, up ui'l iliim; liutt
' ihipi.-ilollitin. rel uniiy t iKr llif )ii-rr nliii'jt IJi-a luit,
j tUrij i-Ypfct tun il.ill.tiH lit v.tijMy ift. .Now mil iWai
Itinitls, you t'UL;lit lint I'l tUW U-u m( t,v hlUI Hi' dis
, scut fj onis'it l a ruu; jji u, i iirclutf, i -1 lie uf nl
1 lH la'itlil I'lllc i W til) liol I'lllnl I) Willi ilf Wtl Stl M
ttnuil lailliftilly hy tlui rult; we li'iw iilo,i'il w would
1 do justice i t all tiiii' ftuhsniboiH. It in nuut' ii"ii nml
wrinislor us tniiii.liHi Hint ni inMii.irsv.1 iiiiiii,iin e
i'-'.'io m iIilm' rsu ni"i.tiiii,i s:i in u.,' el u
tiionilis, nun thi'ii vnn.ii? t ti 14 ini.. Hide ion j tr-t'c re
mnulier tli.it iwu ilolhus in tliu inlv.ie 'i n -'.Vt t
p.iyiiit'tit tv iimdi' in sh nionll.s iihd t,,"''."t Hie n.il uf
llir year, and we w n.c. .mm inlalv tlii-t niif any inoif.
'i'as; -ua:A c.,u;a ua;.Tti;av
iiit j .mi-:s i i..vi;ii;s
C c t e b r a l o il F c in ;i 1 u 1 i I I .
j I'lejiaicd lioiu I'h'sli ij'tiini ol Mi J. t In Ur, , . I). I'Jijt
sii i.iii J-;li.iiioliii.o y ti l. ii lii.i'i-ii.
wliirh llir li'in.ilMiiiiMiliili.iii i Mil'jcil. II iiiilii.ili"ii II i
eviesM ni-'l n-iii'iM.'!, all ulisllULUiHis. unit a Mteilv i Ul r 1
.,,, . K.,i.,i 0,.
T(i M UMtiKii i.mhks : j
i isionillariy suiovl. It wiil.le nMinUiui', line; im !
111.1 i....iiti.l); rcn-J ;iii;'wi y. j
r'' ' !
e.iflio.N. i
Tlir-p I'ilH .IiiiiiIiI ,, i nn Ti, s.x liv Trin Ori itin ii;'.' Hi'-
I'lKst i iii: .ho.yi n.-, m ,wi , .m , .,! ,
to til mi; Uli MIM AuiitAi;!'., Iiut at an) iiOu-i llii.c I lll'A i. a i
Ii alt fi'.ra iir.N'rrviniN anil Sfiiial .1 rfrrtioo.l'.-jn in llir j
l:ri. ami l.iitil,,, I-" . I i -.-u . it, xlilil ii',liin. I'.iliii.ilii,iii I 1
the ll.-i'l, lljali'ii,-", ami VVIuli-y, irv I'tlia will rITrct a i
cure wlifn all ntlmr mudim Itavc r.iil.il t nml alll.nii'jli a I
pi-wci Ini ir-iiimlt, il" mil uiiiMin nun, calomel, aiiliiiioii)
Ul unyiiiinmiii, i mi iiiiiii- I null lllilioil,
full ilirrrliiliirroni),.,ity I'lirli i.ul.ii..
Sole Ayelit l-'ur tho ruit.i.1 .statra ami t'nnnl.i,
(i,itt i.r- ii.,i,iiu,v in,)
l':irlii'trr, 1
5. 11.-5,1 miniiit ri pota':e -fanilia nulnvnl to an)
aiituiii;.i. li;eiit, ivill iiinuio a iMillle ofllie I'llla liy if '
turn mail- '
Fur sale liy Hnilth W. lliiiirlitun, Acri.t at iiirhrntrr,
and lijr lrry k ls-iiiiivll, N'u.lot'lr, ivhuli'Sale Aseuta
lor Trimeiir. JTIIwrJ ly
Oysters al (." tents per can.
Mackerel :t for J.1 cents.
t'lten'o l'JJ cen:.
Star Candies .'" cents, t.tllo'.v l").
Extra brim-n Stiyar at III cents per lb.
b'ccoinl . 1 1 1 .. I , t v nl His to the dolhu.
iii ni'ir.. iii i kiwi oi unn.-i.-in.-s
T.. - II ..ll ...I 1.:. .1. t .
jtist as cheap as Urn che.tncft lit market. I
OraitL'es and Ctieonu'iirt on hand ard all
eorlii ol haiiey linidies, and also Sky Ruck- i
. J. I
etsnnd Fire Crackers.
( U , 1 V ( V I.' A V H ATT.
va..aa Jinn la i..
ii. C. florhum A' Co.'h
Dec. HI, . if
It. L. Tl'RNEV. 0. C.r.ARNHR.
J")rs. 'Purncv t CJiirucr
Have associa'.ed ihrmsclves lojetlter in the
practic-3 of .Medicine, and wi.en not pro
fessioiK.lly all enl. can be found al
their ollice. Jelferson street, two ;
door above .M ir tin's corner.
alrtfl JUt jCg'0('X. j
I will pive in cash more than any man for ;
yoonj; likely nejrrocs. Try me and satisfy
youraelf of tho fact.
i.r-T is-nrr. wilmav.".
Ft-slO 8,ti Kisevir.li, Tejii. j
i a
)D tin beat llimvn Supur for
81 id
1 01)
J Hi neroiui qtiHiit v ror
1 I hi l.oKt lili, I'mtee lur
--ua" '"' 7 hi Miiwrflnr vmlrrnl Suwir lur I "
."fsa"" 7 retliiM rinlif.l ill, oj
IaV-rtij 1 "' ''" I'"' "'
T Sim l ll Ich .ri Ui, W tenia,
rtf- 'Fallow il'i iln liei'iiia,
UyttT,, iii't uiiiini 0)Hfi-n, can, tot
Sll)-Iive 4 ( Ills.
All arlicleii iho uroenry linn
Clit'np 1v ( ash !
lit lb old oMulilislicil Hiaml of
Siialtlx cfc Carr.
Dceeinber lib
What U Slipri'ioi' flucfc of fionih
G- A 'S'',' J"' rm irnl!
SI a pic floods,
Ucd blankets,
Keiiily-uaiilii (.'lothitig,
Liidies' Shawls,
Ladies' Cloaks,
Finn Silk t'heiiolle Scarfs,
Ladies' and (ients' Lamb's Wool and Merino
Ibils, boots and Shoes;
Fine all wool d'Luinis
Fancy Silks,
Silk A Tallinn Faneies, (Leaittiful)
Hoop Skirls
French I'hiMz Holies,
lialoionils, & e.
S-lionl and Misccllaiiciuis linuks.
Slaliinicry, S:c
ttv.. Sic
"'f, r ;y a. r a,.j
Yu. ;::--ji;ihr
(iivo me a cull before you purclmse, and
see if yon cunnot pe suited.
(i. A. f-OOK.
ho'ot's" &l " hnoks
i ok i.tniri as) ji:.ti.i:.ui:..
J. r. mmi & co.,
I la vo titled up an
excellent room on Ihe
y-S .Soiilh-i u.-l sii.'eol'lhe
jMpiiiie, in niclies-
..'vi lor, ii ml wet e. mine
.lV iMfiness lati-lv con-
' .i i... i ' i , . ... i
V lon-leil bv .1. 1!,,.
deceased. They feci tiieinchi nlile t.i ilo
us rood curl; us c in lie doiio AN VW 1 1 Kll K, I
unit nr e.e':ei uiiiied tout mi i'ertioii sluvlllie
wnirlniH on-1 lie, r purl, to eive sutisl-ietinu to
all uliiimuy I'nor llfiii with put romipe.
Wo inlend to keep eon-tunlly on liiind n
fiiirzi' "'"I sth cl Assmliirut (if
S'nSciiJ K'ft'ticli .'iibcI Aiiicri
c.iij E.r.'iliH r.
j Abo. Lns!in:.'s to. -nil the Mums of Ladies.
I'1'-1 .-Ml. I. Mi p roiupt I y ul te uileu to, n ml a 11
work v A K It A N I A).
p,.,0 J,,,- j . KKWLI, &. CO.
V. AM v. l. S. IIkmif,!-,,-. S.A. IUn ,.,-.
iSurn-sMilstii llaiiiliryA I limli-i -nn,. ,
W. C. Handle)', bavins bccotoe nsso
ciati.il with us in the Dry (juo.ls business,
tiie linn will hcrcullcr bu styled as nbove,
ami we trust our old friends ami custom
ers may continue with us as it is our in
tention to keep const mil I v on baud a most
excellent stock uml nssorlinenl ol oiuls
0 MM ,, vvaiMS f ,1,,, p,,,,.,!,. 0f ,,js
county. Ha.mhi.y iV I1k.nukii.son.
T'ioso in leliteil to tin: firm ol Ilamlly
nnd lleiiderson nro ri.'sicclfolly r?f)iiestc l
to conn! inime liniely lurrt ur I nml settle.
11. A: II.
Uoohm ami vr..rioM:itv
r. J!A.A.
'I'.) Miirkrt ami (', I'iiiim Strrct, A'.vi
rillr Ti inn tff.
Itivllf t ininlry .Men li:ir.M l.'iinl, s-llr ant I i'.,,th rn
iM..tly In t-vonoi Lis -I'M K I H1,,'.. J 1 1 h
Miitnirnt coniMivfH a lull Mm U nl
Sclimil I'uiilis, I'.hiuli ,',,. v.
.ttui::i ud Kin iiinl I'-m liuoUs,
isol ami sicrt J'cit.s,
It riling I'u in r,
I 'i inti rs, Sfufiimeri,
Ijiirrlnix. Writing Inks,
M:it'S Still I'l'IICllS U.IIUK'l ISdliriN.
I'orlitl ninl li mil 1 liilih x,
Historical, Mi tlirnl, Tin tilnririil, A 'ri
cultural, nml
Papular Ann Dt ukx, ,i u sinijin s Mag
ir.iiH.i, i lc, i tc. at law prici x.
r. iriixun.
, . , . , i .... r , , i . ,
I wiMi to sen my iraci m liin i. on wnicii
I Bin now living, luntoiuio' iiliiint one
liundre.il nn I nioly six (teres, lyioi; ahoul j
four miles iioitli of ioclicster, Tciiii.on I
Elk Hiver, nud n laii.it four miles from tin;
X.isliviilo nn I Chuttonooga R.iil Korsd,
and botifi.leil by the lands of W. J. Pliil-
ia ami R. I'risiii.in. .Said .m, very
' '
glily acres
Willi 2o.l
I ... .1
ricn nn. I iiiirui'itvc. AD'Hil ei
rL. : .. ,;.,l, ..rriiltlv.-nln,,
r,.. t l),..,.'f., i... ...Tt .
. , , . , , 3 , ' 'I
n It hllllsi'V. IVC. ln limn Avn Mnl
spring nr ; on tlio placo within a short
ilislanoo of tl.c liooso. Thero is on the
place a most excellent oichar.l of fine
,;. .... I .,;!l.l...... .i ..:ii i..... !,..
...i:.'. i. . i i..' ti , '. i'l
nim.ll tjll liU'Ull', IIHS IS il IH'MIUUIM
tract orlan.l nml 'fair.-rds an ,-ccli. lit op-
portun.iy formy ono to t.;t a h.irp:ai.i. i
1 can lis scon nlmost anv Mine at home. ,
(......... I
111 lll.i UIL.I.r..M ir..
';n,..o.i..r !'... n l'.l. in T.'i. if
,w - '' ' .
Kill HA I.C
I WIS I 1. 1. sell lllH B U" i nii.i-i. " f
r . . ... i
,' . Pn'n,nini!. ,itlv acres of first rae !
- . I. .a.., ir,... w inrnen-
I land. On the place is Sn srd Grist mill. I
and Ctlo.i Ciin. all in good r'jninn'f or.ler.
one of the pnliet and lieaithirst places in
Ihe county. I have urea on mor me years,
and have had bol one seellcf fever, ,d that
' '',0 VXM ri'Vr Fut ler,n' C1" on the
Mard.3 0 r.
f rinkhn Co., Tene.
til ' Hi 1 .'"!(' 3
1 1 1 1 1 iff
Nashvillo Market,
From tin Nlivlll Dully Newt.
Wodnsdny, Mar. 12, 1850.
Cotton Wo beard yesterday of
transactions to the amount of 152 bnles,
which changed hands in the following
(inures: 17 bales nl 81; 8 nil); :) nt 10;
' 1 tit 8J; fir, nt 10J; 2i)at 10 (l.r; 21 at 10
! 70; 1 ut 10 00; 14 ut 10; 1 nt 0; :1 nt 8.
IIacoh. IIor round Deems; .Shoal
dor 7(a',7!l cents; Hams 0 -2Q tij; Clour
Sides lOft 10.
Laiid. TliMrn Imsbeen n sliuht decline
in lard. 10 l 'JttlOJ are iho'ruling rates.
Ftouii. Deiniind brisk. ICxtrn iB7,00
per DBriel; .Siipor(ine, ;.') S0ru;( dollnrn,
kxtru Family Flour in bags, wholesale
13 21,; retail ;t 50 -D8 pounds,
Coiin. Knsier, and bnyurs only pay
55 cents nud liirnish sucks,
Corn Meal Tic.
, I) turn Fkuit.-Apples $1 Sua2 00;
Pen led l'cni lies, t 75n5 00; l.'iipciled 2
70a3 1)0,
Seeds -Glover $7 25 per bushel, by
the barrel, llluu (irass, htrippod, $1 25;
Clean, ff 75 per bushel of fourteen
pounds; Timothy, 2 73u.1 per bushel;
Herd's Grass, 'j 45a 1 50; Orchard
1 50; Hungarian (irass Send (i2 50;
Camiry Seed l;l; Millet 1 20ul 23,
Flax Seed 1 20.
H'iiiskv. H'e iuoto 2:tfjii23 for Hoc
tilled. C'ounlry brands 4(Ku UOc.
KcA'rniais are worth 4KiT42 els.
Salt Course suck is worth $1 :I0; fine
i 1 50; bid. ;i()e, er )ushcl,
Kvntbers, llried 1'iuii, (iinseng and
lieeswax in demauil.
j S,i.:ar In' bbls. 1!tiH; bull cent less
in lihds- N. V. Coffee S il stars l'lal 1 je.;
('rushed and Powdered 12uli!c; Loaf 12 ,
; al2j cents.'
Coffee Rio 12iul2.?e. and dull, La-
guyra I t; Javii 20e.
Reef 1 An:lc gross
Cheese-Kngllsh Dairy 12 1-2al lc;
western Reserve Hie. I
Hides and Leather lliecn hides ids,
dry He 10 Cot.'iitiy. .Souihera end .Mex
iciin IS; (Ink Sole Leiilher '10 els per It)
for beat ijUidityj llurness 'J"c.
Oils. Linseed, tlocj Lnr.l 1 00; Tan
ners 'oCJi 1 00.
Shelled Oats, 7o(j.75c, from w ngons;
from Store Ho.
Atlanta da. Market.
Atlanta ti v., Fi n. 2ct'i.
Korr on Ho. mi: Joi iin ii. : ,
Annexed nre the prices current r.t lie
close of the past week. Pit con, hoe
round, from store, 1 U.j a 111' ; Shoulders
!'nt'ii C'l'iiir Sides f.'c; Hams 1 lnlJ;
Lard in barrels UJnl.'l, kegs and cans
Ct; Wheal at t 10a I. 2:; Corn 75:';
(hns 00; L'ye ",:i; Fen l tiers -Me dull.
(irocejy malket well supplied. liaeon
lo dull.
i roeers nod Commission Merchants.
Nashville Bank Note and Exchange List.
If) Ilk ol Trni)l't'0 ' Kritlm Ky It.titUs i Ms
l'uion I'a nk Loui-si uia "
rhittfi"' H-artk J'iii j s-uulifi n Jliir.k r .in
.Mfr h.t nis' ii'iiiK jai t t M i tf us' I Li ii U (l"t: .(it
ftlv ltiK if I 'oiiiiuf 1 1 i 1 1 lid tilt jmi
l'li-driH' llttnK mi liLi i:,u,l,
li.inUo! t'niiiii'Prfft I'.'U lV li.niif li.nili wo i.tJr
tin t ni"ii jt.tr I'.tt nit'iv li.ink n
Ch illiiiiout y r li.niJv ui M-J'llf TtHMi. i.n
' .M-im; his mi " I'M ti i;m
" nit i ( fie lii ! " hduvviltf ji.ir
lti'ir Kiiil. jiu ' " N.isl.viilr ji
Norll'iMii t:.'H:lt '.H i Orurr li.ink
Uuh o Ibiltihid; ,ii Slirlbyvilli' It.irik j,,t
( l.ltl tlll l"l' ill . l.-tWtfllt Cl.lll 'J iLllllt' ' 4
" 'Vicwrll l"i tin MlMHiri ll.inU mi
" Tiflltoii Irt, ! im .Miil.ii ma i i't (j t .Mo.
" .l.-llrisoti '.. ill" I'lK'l It -111
So- Mi t'.iroiin.iiiii.l ll-Mik-of Mo'.iif p i r
Ooi mil i oiil ii.ink i c dis lUuk ui vt I 'ini, inn
M 1
C iJ WliolMMlrlaiiil llclail
aml.dratriain 4
all U in ils of oimtiy I'i'ikIiii-i
KKI'I'mietiiili, nn li onl a tari assort mrnt of troi
Naill.l a.ii;ian,l IvUI.MI.Mi IJil'I.K.MKN'lS,
A eoniilete lino of Ctirieiilers' Tools,
Hardware, L'oilery it ml l.'hains,
1 lats, limits nnd Slim,
A v.iri.ilvof Hoiisoliuniiir.'X (ioods,
'1'iiln, lliii'U.ils, lirooiiis& Sioni; Ware,
Willi n dill 1tnr.ii ul tlie lii'ftt
Choice Groceries, !
lur family auj'i'lle-. iuth aa
Rrmvn, ('roslied and I.oaf Suj.irs,
liolilen Syriti vt Soiar House .Molas.-cSi
Kin, l.aifiiyr.'i, ami JnVI ( ollee,
Star,Sjrio, and Tullmv I'niidies,
.'. -V-
' , "' . ' . .'.
. . i -, , -1,
IMLS1'1' ,'KAn'!
'i-t 'D ii i.- vri V I.' '
I llll 1... I l.l.,
V 1.1 1. 1 I.l I .
iVC , iv U., IV .
! ,ii ,,r turti are onrrr.l,il will iiwi l l'i'
, joWEST MARKET I'll l I'(l! CASH.
ITS i;iH.:IV'ALE.N'T. j
tviwlietr,Siir.'.'l, lcar. " ,
. - .... . .... u-l-l VV t l'l
i WIU.IA.U Ml'..iui.
Iiea'.er in I'ureitu anil Pimiestic '
I I) V t 1 tf I I Q i
II Ji 1 S J r 19 n
.r..l..!l,.il.;n-. bmls. shoes, hats, v a-
' - . ,
fwc' hardware. queens
, . r r c 'vrn i-
J'iVlala OlVyJ, i
. il .II.1--I . , 1
ami uniiini; ' "'' im auovn uram lies
of liiniiiess m oin-, he ihinks ho will be able
.,....;. i.. ..... . .,. . .
to ni.-er sueii iiiiiiieiMiienis lo mo public as li)
jtnikeil lotlair interest to trado Willi him,
i and would rc-peetfiilly snlictl an examination
, .- ' . . .
.... . . . v . , ,
nl his al.ii-ll iH.ft.rn hnrrl,.,inM nLa,,- ....
- - - ..' v. i,,.-,.-.
Rceswax.iiiseiio:. Feathers, brown Jean.
l'r";J 'niit taken in cxcbanijo for (f.Hl.
rei l-r.re pa.u t.p, -.-.i
t. T. FST.ll. n"',T.-aFi'rf,'",re''bJ ,!"'"1T 7 'i"11 ,B,-b? i
r-Vrif 1 A- 'tieV- ered,.nr.f.s.dest-iet..nlethe.rclam,.w,,h
l.M llala A, (sllOl.i:, i,he Clerk of the l.o.iniy Court of Franklin
ATTOB1TEYO AT LAW. County, fi'miessee. duty ti.hent,eatcd on or 1
H llKllC-tcr, J Villi.
m .
- i
WlaA'll)'irsrrri ririlMi, as'iir r - ;
tt'i it tin nfiti.
CAPITAL riilK, .9 50,000 !
NOTICE fiT'l'lIFl'UbLTu.
An tin' msnilii-m nfmir (km lnvi.. i,v w.v r,,,vi,...
brruiiii! Ilia i,wmr ulllir uuni'liiilnf,l i,y iIB staiva ul
lBIwun-, i,-iM n, , .iii-(iin i, iiiii (lull ) uiurs tn (ia,
Ullilsr III lll.llll.l!i'lliriil 01 Alr-hHIM IfiimiMv,. MuiliV.,,1
rhnii" Out immo nl imr'nrdi, oi il ihi.t .1 u,u, "int. I
S.Mi,liillil"l Wimn, l.imVM O, ulnmln lir.-ti,r I
Mvr llii-liniusnnnil ill ll,nSiIHAi.li)lil) lU-', ami
till olhi-is.iia ,ilmi' iiaiurit.
In all iui,'..irtiiina we liavn siHli-avniM tn conilui t our
lilimiiris lll llllrijill)' ami ituill'llli'kl'l a I ill wn iau
auii Iho iulilii lli'it Hi patluuu,, liriaielnia bt-aiimailuu
uaia wiill Uuu'i Wiiuf iit-ti'tf tianl' iriltuuur aunei-auia.
Vtry icnslf,iUy,
AUfiiila, Cit., IVc. lo, IS. tt. R. SWAN 4 CO,
vooj. r,inv a t o., ,iia h;i:ks,
.i'CC'Oi'I to ,. HtVIIII A ( o,
Tlif rnllovvliiB S.-lir-n a- will lii-'linwn hy Womi, KmivA
I'll., .MllllH'il'IH III till" Si fllU Al'll'l'!!!) Llllll'iy, IIIIMltl'll
tlifir siiiuln Nuiiilk'i' Lulii-iii'S lor .iiauli, lM,At,t'
,I S'1 .1, ih-iiiu, in I'uiilu, iitslri Ilia Hui'i'iliiluiiili-iii-iiiir
Vl.XSH 10,
I)l:ivi Siitiinliiv, Dliircli ,t, 1 .,).;
t l.t'N II,
Iiil Suttiiday, .11 tu eli ft. I.i.
Draw. Sat in day, Uai-ch 10, IH
I. AS 13.
l)iiivs SiitiiKliiy. .llai'vh 'JO. ino.
on tiik I'I.an or si.vci.i: Nl .MISI'.IIS.
Five ihotiniuid Four Hundred nud L'ittliiy-
live Prizes.
to in: i'li.uw
Each Sfthtfdity in Jlairh.
I I'll.- of -,ii,rM ; m I1,
I .'11,11'KI I
j .. .. j.i.i, ,,i I 1 1
I i ii (,,ii'i'i in "
I ii " 1,'ki.i I nil I iirs i,
I " " " I . ' " "
Annvrtvlmiltflll Tl-i-yrQ.
4 ,.riW,f.. l.w.l.r..s...lloW..)Ur.rt l.ui)
4 ,i .i,m - ,;ii.in i.-jiaj
4 '- '' '
t v-M ' " ,i,iiiiui'vrc mo
i ,i n,i i.ih.ii sen
4 'I" i" " " '"' "
,,( I' ii l
;'i) a i'O
I,,ii " ' len
?T" . , , r;"'.7
U'h.de tickets 10; JLiU s j;:.; Qii'is J2J. j
K'2" A (.'ireiilnr showing the plan
ihn Lotteries will be scut to any cno de
sirous of receiving it.
rKHVIKlt'A'IFs i'l1' t'i'i;.)iKS mil U fold at tlm
rollowH'.; I'tti", wtiit Ii i thr u-.li:
CeiuliiiUf! ut I'.it K ii-, ul It" holt 'iiilu'tn, gsO
t" ll.-M " !( .
" M rML.utr v"
" " l'M'.iU.Ui it)
III ordci inu I irkri'i or i ri iidt iitvs,
Cilirltr'i' I lie linnii'j to out li 1 1 tl ri" i ful ll.r tl ki'ts oiil-'l -t'd,
no HTftpt ol ulnth tin y will l.r loi u.i'-lt'.t ly Inst
iii.nl. I'un h.r-i'i s i ,:ii ,;ivti liLlti'tn Piiduij; in aiiiy l'lj;m
llli'V Hi drf(;iLitf,
lln- I im tiilihiun Niiiitlifivftii'l I'licH will be Hfiit to
nit i Ih'i'ims iiiiititili.iic! .iih'i ti c Im wim:.
IL ' l'im lysi
ainl ILrii I
u a' l.'i'iiM' iili
s mil i "it .- w nit iiirn '.it nntiitrs 1 tin,
i i.iiht i ntii.u ..i.d M .ir.
tliii fciy iJiut- is duuii mid inyalilp
lull, w M In ml l.'Jiirt ion,
ti A II pi ic" ol I ,(M" i .ii d tiiiil.-r. ( ;ijil inni'pi!
Ihrdiawii.:; otln'i j i j - t Ui'-iiimI lintcol
t..' anur
Gorier lo roMTsiEotiitriit
riio--i w do I'lt'ii'i' i nl i ci.du.f; iii'ijif)' ly iii.nl, t ;tu ur
'I'lir A-tl;(i!is 4'4ua:iii),
ulcn'l.y lnui' v Mi I trl.rlt in bi.iiis ut Jt'H I'ull.it;, ai,d
iii uauLs t .tit t.i1 M-nl tin
Al on i' i ili and I Apciisr,
limn nuj in-, "i II wiicir tin-- innrunoinir. i in'
ttioi,' .Hid nidrr im.-t he loed In n 'n criiriu-i.t
I'uMlMlii i- vtanifi'd ciivi lo, p," ui Hit' l.jin'jni t uin any
i ,'iiniol in cm- llii'in.
Alt riMiiiiiui.il .iliiui" t- My rntilidpntinl.
Addl l'-" llnlt'l t tOI t li i.fts 111 I CI tl til t'
t M il), ) AtitiMi, ' i cor; i n, 1
nr, Wl Hip, i;)HV ,V t';0., Al!iiiit;i, tin.r-ria. i
ur, WOt PW l.I'L'V & CO., iliuin;ilnu 1 U 1 . 1
fu)" A li'1 tl1,, niiiiiU'i lliiit nn
liriiwii from iin; wLti'l, witii the mmnitit
nl tlx) Prit' tout carli ntn Is I'lilillcd t.
will hi' niiMislird it lie i
iy or.iwuii; m 1
the foMo win if iuiihtn; St ir Oi h aits l)i I
to, Moiih iiiiiisftr, Ciarh ntuit St mi
thinf, Sttslirillt tuJztttr, Atianta Inti'lli-
. i ii- i . , ii i
.S.;eni Morning A'lis, LicliiimnJ
nhpnlrli and ,w Vmk Dhiuihh.
jniie -0
A .
-1 iY ' r
Nl). l!l, I l:ll.lll N'I'KK'II,
SASllYll.r.K TES.
T V.VV rot.rit.ilitly on lifllul ft. ntnl ,'iMnr' llirut of tlif j
i.ir"t M Itn I Im litklnii L'tiodii. (,'ideiv Itoni a di
(.u t I'loinjilty iitlfiided to in. d 1 1 1 a ntnl tu r f .it K- i
.t l tl'UI llHJItJillt) nl j,uuds ilt.ll lit, .it;; I
I'oicTKti i- rtivnv .
w. cdoi'i:!;,
IS I rnnaiientty liuati'it in SAH V I l.l.l-:. at ln:nilii. I'l, 1
I t liuirll shi't, innr I i.i ii.-loi-.' I'm iiiiiii e Mm ,. ai , n
i 'reiaie,t tu I'lioil t,,i li ., it s au.l l'hiitnia.ii l.il.,-i.rsf.i-i,
I i ll ill .It i ilia I li n lo I. il'c siv.
. at -linit iintice, aii'l fiitiii' ili'-r.ii timi ui "ii. r't-mi.
.1 ill"! on e t.lll Mli'l tln'll J Iron,', u lie II Will ni,MV
inn i,im's. ViMiviiic. i '.'im., tii t :u
M'hHiti.r li(t(lslcinl Virr.
ASt.T.u n ui.s i;vi:i;v nK.si mrnoN tit'
lou-m;i:s, crirrs,
,M, tvrrv d.'' i ii tjon nf l .tr.".en. -tittl will ruriii'ti (o '
Ihf tt-.tlrnl 4 A l I'l 11(14 1 .
Ilr.ili'i in the loiuill) ainl lioii'it'l.rrj'ei H Would Jo Wt-ll
to nolf r. AtldliMi
W. R. CO R.N El, ICS,
O. lll It I'l t luu. litr'rt, . Nashville, T'lill.
. ... X. t'HAX K,
gSf"y??f4? CJIC3 7VIi ,
i mrrh I.nmt.i.ttnvr.
i I, :tr ' .-ii'S
tl " ' !
JlT 'J'..;. I. V. ...I- 1
. . . ' '
y l iiilir Mu.ne,
inNCHKsTknJJS-' j. -j-
Aaxhviltc C.'.i.t'Ki, I
Puldishfd diiili, Iri-unhhj and unldij.
JtS. R. lll:tlK.;lillliir..-JlS. T. IIKLl. Lural liilllnr.
jis T Hilt A r :i'i(oi'iiii:To;i-i
T, us Dai v 5 im: 1 ri-U cek'v I 'I".
Wt-ek,l2?l!.r!r. !""""!.. I
T he eilueiis el r raiiK ill nml t ie nilioio-'
-" .. a
t counties, u ho desire to take a Nashville
niniT. lilHill hu ll thev innv i-oll-itnlitlv relv .
1 .... M...r....( .'tin.,,,,. I ('...I.'. I .1... I
, H i-iiinim.'rciul. religions uml noetienl in. i
ti llieiice, and a plensant coinpamun lor tlio
I,,,,,,,, ,-ircle. are respectfully referred to llic
Nashv llelln.etle. TheCn.ette is the oldest
P'-ijier, nut one. in lite Mate, ami tlio tirstitm-
... i ...'..- .,. ... . ...
iveraiuiiiiiii'.-.aic. i tie ri rcuiuiiiiti ol It.c
dnilv issnn is r-reaier Ihnn everv other mner
in N'aahvillc combined. No bcVoi ndvenis-
""S meduim can be found in Middle Tenuc-
" " " ... ...
IU lilt I'illlllC.
i The unilrrsi,'ii,'i belli,, ucll J,non a
' w filer, ai-nn 1,1 i.lTt.e U ..niA all ravonre-
.. ......
! mil Literary aid. He will furnish Adlreses.
i ' Orations, Essays, I'ri-senniieii.V"'"' ':kI
....t; i: im l..r.i.atie ore-
mil Literary a nl. lie til Itirmaii .aiurw:
1 1... . ,, ..'.. C-...lia.ul
'ruuuiis, r.srays, i r,-a em iiivu ,-(..--
replios,. Lines for A!bmi.s. Acnne re-
. .l i, .. i ihi Inane, soul ..
pare manor i.ir inn i n- .
' wrilo I'm-lry opoii nny v.Zrv
(l'O-l aid) ' u ,. , , '
i ' Hi!iuiiore. Mil.
- . ,
Olirr. j
Tt, martrrcnev ul ihe estate or Willie R.
Vs-..er.i ceased havm; been siiPrcsted aa :
be?r 1 "t '""l aal 01 wrcI or they .
Mill bo UfhntrrA
Pce.Clh. Istf
vk ""
ao Bin:.
Valuubla Town Lota and deslrnbla
Family Resiliences nonr the public square
for anb) or exchange for younp Nogroes,
or in part for good Mules, Milch Cows,
Sheep and lings, Four lois with iin
nrovcnicnts, all in one block, surrounded
by streets runnir.g in every direction.
Fifty acres of Land on Littlo Hnrricnna
Creek, with wutcr-power where there whi
formerly n cottnn litctory in operation
also, One and Two-horse Threshers end
Septtrillnrs, llllldo bv (i. WestinitllOUSO &
p0 i,f Sebeni-eliidv N V wlddh ibev
" ' 01 ' ' '." .. 1 '"" ' ' W"",n "'V.1
insure. Cull and see on a operate In
ihrehinc any kind of grain, and ee tliei r
bills, reriiticnies, ic, tic. Kjr A good
bargain may be bad by calling soon mi
tbu undersiniiJ.viljo isnuthoriacd lor-cllt
.U.i!"... . P' CURI1
A (I nt i :i it ra t urm .VoSlT-r.
All persons hnvitij,' claims ukuiiwi the oktolo
of IL F. Itubertsor, ilue, will plern-a pteseru
ihem to Iho linilersiKnoil duly Bitthaiittcati'd.
A ml all crsuns inilrliii il to t-siil i a: ale sre ru
quired to conic forward ami make pnnnt.
or I lie snniu will be placed in the hunin of
projier persons ler eoiieclion,
II. Jl. S.MITII. Adin'r,
Jlurch 11. 1559. if
Latest rival
! The itndersi(neil tiro now rcceivinjt llieir
itocl; of full and Winter (!oo:!s,
i.ov.-i.-tin'u t r a ut or
1 Si il.y, Sntiueltp, C;isiiiirrct, .llirinna,
.iiino", (iiiifjbnni.s, Cloll.s, ,.V,ibs. Tweeds,
Slouvls, Miee'niL's, Miirtini.'s, hlankels. l'lnn-
''',r!e!' lb"p MiirtK. Wnellen uml Alerino Un-
leu ill rwe.tr lor nectleinen unit Itidit ii, Hemly
". iiiiule Clollnii', Huts
"", XjfvtcEJt Styles,
ty'' n' lr.lware, Cutlery, f.il.iss
uie, (., ueeiisw.-iie, uml n vnrieiy ol articles
loo ledioiH to inline, all of winch ore olVerceV
.. i ,
lor sale at
Hr:isiiii:ili1i nrii os fm Cnsli.
All pi rsons are united lo cull and examine
for thcinsehes.
All kinds of wood bnrier tul:en in i xchnnje
fr (.'""d nt such prices t,s He csn sell nt a-
(!'iiu. iM. iV .
Jjunos Ciiinpboll,
U'INCIIHS T i-; K , 'J : N . K.SS k i: .
I tuivp titiw in hlom a Inrjrcr ftSMnlrm'tit
tlinn usuul rminly lirncurirH, coiitniiiff
intii iily nt Mi.nir, i"o!lt o, im:l:iHHri-; hitr,
Iniiwii, lout' nnd rnisli'd m ltu; tine n:id com-
, , r 1 . .
nion rtiiuiK's; n nnr nu tti u'ii-j; uiiiioiui!.. re-
. ciiiis, iiiitint'frs KiH'i, prpMT, (jiiipcr,.
1 ' I ..l.a ..
I M.rirt'i riiinniin'ii, h'niii, Mwi.yr in it m.ui, ii-
iIil'o mitl iiuhMit, juliju'iiif,, ilarrli; rrarUii
nt' till Und, caki"-, tS, k. p'ud lol nt
t'ipirH itinl tiditp'rc; star tmd tnllov oniidlrs,
WHfli lumi'd.-:, h'Oiitup, water I ufb't, not j ; .
n lot of hlui nml )nolFt nnd n rood ai uf
. . f .
Ir W-trvi.fl, ( I ipv n)
nn liimMrr.'! wliito lind, SALTi vinegar,
mnl m lurtlu mid to tortJi. 1 w ill kerp con
Mnnllv on tuind
, ..,,,,.,. .,,,,' V1litr.
I i-lift!! from t i in o lolinif mid to my Htnck any
tliinu; tin.' I't'i'i'iitM's t f the prppU mny r
liiiirc, nnd would M'lu'it u cull frciii llutn bc-
(irr xt(.y m.tIc cl.-rv. I. ere.
t .. . .
Jno. ti. I -Tiriison. John 1. Sdion..
, v .. .. ., . ,
. 1 1 ) U A . A 1 1. A W ,
II ckpar sritr.KT,
Will jfivt; their nllenlion lo tlie co' lection of
claims tlirotir;li(it tlio Stale of TciiiieHoe.
(J. W. OOUTIA3r,
All kiiiiiM uf Ci'iinti'V I'rodiKO,
im'v i' runs, i lines, eve.
I.'ri, .llli-l.liitlT f ;.-1
rimir nml Mi al,
Liinl. Hiiitn;
( 'In i , ir,
Cruckt rx.
Mucin n I.
Suit iii (iScl.x,
" Ham Is,
Hrvirii Sugar.
Crushed dot,
PuU, do,.
Loaf do,.
I'iclnlx, Priihrr, Molus.tex.
Shier. ('Ions. Gulden Suriint.
Mustard, Gingtr', Cif,c.
.uuee, rni-jirrus, war i uiiuii x,
:!''"!' 'sv"'" V'"",r ci'"J'"r';
Sulphur. Simp, , Atsurlrd t undtf.
V T.J..,.::. il. . I.-
"'""" '".'S " -" ".a.........
( lu
'lin ing Tobacco, Huisins and Fig,
!: d, IhsIm), Gin,
Pmrussinu Caps, Cider ami Ale, fur
liiuigo. iiuuiciiuil purposes.
All ef tlie nl.ovo ar.icleg i!) l,c sold low
I r,.r .-..I. r-n ....i i'... ...i....
i , ,,,,.,
WioctuMer. Hec. 0. ' '. Vtf'
rs. r?
I 1 V I l 1 AMllL JIJ'.A I-'
'Cl. ...!...:' If .A,r..lltf ,'n:.n ,
t'n, eititam ..f M-'m.-l ler and ficiollV that
i In- bus 1'iuini Furies of everv dfcri'lien for
s;t!c, M clt os Ihe II, Cj-t'. f!, and 7 oe:av,-
' f every s!vle ef fni-li. ln.ni ihe perficl'y
I i lnm tolli most nnoron-i rjum cac.
!. c-'::ii i til rrn
I rices rancina; " - o----
i Also Alcloihons and a. I kind ol trtrine at.d
wind insirtiineni'. nich &s tlie Harp, ,' tel. n,.
: and Cmlar; (he Flute, Claronel, and aV i'ri a.
of Mis instruments.
Ao .Music Looks ami M.ee' n.us-... Al!-
...al discount mndn tu dealers nnd li selw.ra
Will sell nl Roston and New York pr.ff,
.l.t;.. ...... ...... ... r.. .
iui1. ouwtiij, i in. ii.,, iii iriioi.
' IVI. I'. lhWi
Wiuchc-ler. Dee 0 "
... - airraid.
V iiiclic.-ler, Dee. D. Vtf
Tfl f Tfi BflttVl A
sl5sP li Jl'i V A 1 J I
"t'Maaa.r.,!.. t it
uinauav Irom tl e sitter. Ler. nin r,
il, t'.. t I.-...M- .,
. --....n.,.. i.iumj, ivau., tin it j
lt day of .May, I SI1, a t egro key n.mci
JIM. nl,.,,,! 1l
hrCe s ze. al-. ut five f. et ten inchts b rl..
br",! "- large leelli. s..d
amis and no vi.,b: scars on bun
loft. Hisl..v sod sMtt rtro '
war. will give $150 fur fci- it uj
. ........ tim $m
of Ihe State, and llM if laaea
n ir f Ate, and ft i if fa Is a im -
c. itot'i: n i .
i.l, .1
I t J
r ;
it ('
I. K.'l
i -i
" til
i hi
Si ft '