Newspaper Page Text
i. , w-sVi'T'.'--'" ,i '.'! " -i i-, -1' ; l ' " if W.-U.J1I'BE" She- lici.lv1 $oimial. i) v y .d :w IjATT t. ij . s.-- "MMiM ii nu I'ltriy'n iirliluniy sway, Ug till) friuli tthiri'rl.f Icnlsttir en).' Tllli DJUilATIC COMPANY. Ao;!oriliii lo their ii(lvcr'irincnt, jtlid not arrive.. Wn burn ihur it lit' tin nAcuuiitry diflLuliy overtou. ih"tn uf Wuiuhcjinr, which uw.-l 'I'" ""in- Ntny mil i!Hlp;it.d all in pirns of 0 mv ,,,, Vl.r.. .,,, ,,, T,.Xns . ,. , ,,, V11, ,,i Im mil fl in y I'i'Ciivi'iril 1 1 tnii the I'lO d; inpoillliliM it ' cXi'i!tef .' Jino v"-i NltoMriti fin fun. As '.' '. 'i"w '"-l n rctiwd, Ii one or two I 'it little) lill I'm' prinTi,', Il.'it i' a ! cio; .iiiul ir In ilu' mm of but yen', iiier ciroumliii , mid mIionI I lb"ir j hil umoc, I think c would li,mm'rt tv.r improvn. doulrh-s,, we b ,r,ti,t Uvin loJiiivt-. 'i hou;.li liiriiiiiK Until Kft if, in wn Im vii ii'Vi r vt lost! . , , , , , , ,,n...hirltf hvovvmeii.-LiWr I " ' l'l"". " " jujj ' ill..' duel oi, r-. riu-ckrninii;; tomes' No, no, frietul Fn ticli, inendieiM of I hid company uio not pi'tformiiiu in Mcllinfti illn, "iinl wn I npt ami i-i ve tliey wbT pii flerve hariiiiniv mild they not. only Tiwil your tovi n. but. come to Wiiichehter HK'mi. Il is ,l jnod eoin- puny, luid would bavn one to I'jiy- etlevilln but Cor the lilllc ibllicnlly to hich you allude. liul, talking nbnllt k!iow roil.paiiies, let us win ii )on in ri yard in K.niiie'.- JuM lllle Clilllibl'U Milihliels. 'J'lii' buyi will do wi ll enough. In f.ut, it would 'pa)' 10 (.'o and see lln ni one I hjht, bul it does l.nt follow (hat 1 hi? manager, Mr. Jviiaiie will "i.a." lh iu clever i iioijlIi iu l,is wav, ho Kiln into no many peeimia'V I run I j If that be liialu the "ehane ipii'e low," noil Ki neially w ii i.t: ' li. j.i int. t to wiiit, t iti (tut I from his bill, a.'i'i It ivlnti t harmed veiy lovi iu coiiv (pjenen of i-xti im ly pert "jewin'' till tho part of ihenyi hl," .M ij. Iim nrll." J)oii'l lei ll,e .Maj. (!(." jou. '1 III! Kiuilie '1'iolij e Mi le birl III, nod luay be ioiiihI you r vny pnlly moii. 'liny eiadi-d the lii.tiiHo here, by ixhibitiuu "fn-e of eh.'irun" nflir t!i fy had olilaiind till tho vi-lloiH, lh it lin y enuld. If it We ili.lii't b'aini' llielu iheie, Ii r icnlly llieir l.i.u-i s ibd no! josli'v ai.y nMii r than a In r i xliiia . in. Ill c lii !f no i.nevil.o n niaa.i d ili.tii, the pi rlbl'iiiaiire, VMUild l,lc bin It the inouey jiai 1 to p, I to, a'lhnii;;li tl.r manual r maih' the nll'i i'. At Mielb;, ville, e null rslaud tie1 iiiniiajrer of the Minnie 'i'iiitin! j iic'iiniai i!y i-mliarrassed, and, tve thinl.'. ho (,li:hl. In eilher yive the "trick" Ui, i ol.taia ui'-nns faun bin 'ii,ttiliv in Olihi, iu on.'er lo pay liiu printers' bills, ll. would'i.t lake much for us to. say llmt I In iieent and mamiecr bolh are ! .rather iloiihi I'ul. j We look ourself down to Xa-hville l;iL'l week i.nd on our way back made : it COllVt llil lit. to i"il l',.yellev,!e j OIIC of III: In. Mis III Middle Tel .'', . . , . , , i i wu bad IK v. r m cli la .i i e. e u.u lint stay loi'i; eliiiU,;!i to ;;et a c.ood look i t the town, mlem'.iuer however to visit n'iii) Mion by menus of the W. t'c A. Kailioa.l which i. now m.i bin;; rapid i.tridcs liu reb r. We nenl i p in ll.c ()b,i i vcr iillii c and had a sonsidi ruble I. ilk wi:h .Mr. Walia e, the pr.. i icU.r. Tim ( )i,M i . r is a very jjno.l paper and is dniti;; very Well. 'J'he Joill'.l il is ;mio: lu.r paj.i r jiublif-I ed there by .Mr. J'reii di, the Fosit .Vaster, lleha li.'ed his pa ur in mi entire new dress and em ployed for it a lot ol oiid coiililibu tors, iiiuoii whom is .Miss .1. ssie I' r ijmn wbo'o iocms leem with melody and sense. Yfc will lake jrre it bv'ieire to copy at varinii-. tames hereafter tint tlloils d ibis literary genius, l. r the perusal ol our j own rcmlci-s. The. Lincoln Journal replies, as fi.l (ow S lo our Sli't'es! loll that the p' li- idc of J.incoli. conipy i-'iic a jubilee mi the cimijiiK-l'lt of Judy, i!.d invite I tin people of l''r,i:i'.liii over. "Certainly friend Iv.-.'i nut, it it tin intention ol the rood eojih- ol I.m cola lo have a fraud Jul. ihe 01. I in !th. as voil sil''u'esl. an I lo iiiiite cv- 1 rvb.iilv. Ibe Press t illir liarl;cul.irlv I -ami we hope to see jou nil here. ; We proimse you a "least ol,.,, : and a How ot soul. e shall haw Kiiod talking, i.'onit fittiuir, mid inure pretty iimlmtelli-. i.t won,. ., i Kivi j I.le, and illicit-si l.. the ... ciisio,,, i ban you ever ixpecicu io .t c ai ot.i! can.- t'nil!f'1 , liitiolis fully. J.'l, I hive become picas ( Wc know ym, can fur,.; .!, the. r at ,.,), , . ,, lolly a!isliV,l. ll.t.u;;!., ! Ing.nn.l.bcstol nil, ll,.' gi.h. We J , ,mv. ,,,. fltrfm,r k.iwwoM' v.ryprcily'.'onri' brief tojourn in otir town the other rO.S'FAUi; LAW. A rtlnternrnt been .'i'infr !' rounds of Ihe papers, to ll.e ilii d thai n law bail passed the last Connies-, irjislng t!,c rates of (instatfe frmii three to livo rents, and we are olien ile.l xvhtn tho new law will ko into t licet. The bill that win Iteliirc Coij;n-M failed to l.eeoinc n law, ami conc tueiilly, no chnmrc Jias or will be inado t.ntil it nl.nU be chanep'tl ly an net of ftomts tuiccr-piliin Congress. Vft make this atiiti-mcni l'.,r the mlor mat ion of such iismny live l,een i.tjs JrJ by the nUtlrnieiil in iUq pi,jM.r;i Liitpoln Journal. Tub FcptT in this section of court Jry lias killed lln' peaches mid iiMirrL. narlv fruit, nnddeMroycd n prcat deull pf Ibo whenf, ind fruin our i xcli in-J ffcs anil other Botirces wc lea-n lliallpt-xt Suu, Convention is lo ns .n.l. l ll.M nil ovi-rlb"- S!tltt. tnch l iim cis all ovrr 'f'ntah liid. erl puinfol nv. We lake tin' ri vi'K f"-xr riiifci t'm Ibllowimr from " prlvdUi Idler to iim. in icIhIuin l Trxurt, written by n vouiik friend livinsr in 1 1 1 si i :p, anil wlm funnel l.v lived in WinclicNti'i. J will itiieresi. ii. I, but most. rnjicc,iiill those VtllO COUleillJlhatc to tin Iiiie Slur ISlnlt ; ll tllll fl l't plitlJP, I will Htllt'' tin' for three join .ri!WoiiH to '.'N ll.t next ii l,i it;'' ciiiii,il Im invested tliCH'in. I' is iiImi. ueneial, I lie vvholi Ilalo hi ia,; well adai'ed to tin bia-i ii-hS. Wi'hti'l'll Tex in howi'ver, is by far i. M iii i u 'Ii as. In Her Inn ihau nnsihiii,' i .-e in pro- : ''"tioii to i.'npiia (.'i llle, 1 1 hi lliis and Sl.ei i are prineiiiallv laised il.oiih a'inn'-l every ollur hind ol -lock is, lo Mime i xl' ld. The bi s! laruiin lands are on the liians and Colorado livers though .s:ilH 'ood l.iml may be found in every Meiioii of I lit S'ale, We have limber sniil eieiil lor UH" liislri),i eoiinly liir nishin a bii'L'i' n.'itio'i of the N e.-l wnh "oi.d d.n mnhcr lor In, . U, , , , e have ul-o, C'i al. several hinds ol I la!;, and ol le r v.n iei ies .suliicient I til' evil y a ti', Iu Mjiue po. I ions ol I l.e S.ale, lh it a M-aii'ily of I an1, er, ,1.1,,,,!, i. i ,ai,,eina!lv ... tl.e slnck- I ai.-lli: 0S: I Hi.-, u lie i e n s i inn so sensibly Ii I'. We i he i 1 1 I in st count. y in ve Milne ol in I he w in Id. i iir lii,iiiiilli."s nr.iii ,es in the Sin ini-r. " R I I bcili;' lovely. loiai'ilie oi. emeied by liili (.'lerli i.'.'.l"S, interspersed wili. ii,il!ins ,,l be,,nlili,l ll.M'.-is ol evety , line, small malls ol' inii'ier relic iu..r ; he m a n a - u c s s of I he ,;''eui the eni Ii V "el.tiv roll, herds of entile. I'l.ISS ia i r (Ve, I'liiiiii; over the ilid a .'cut 'e breeze llllji,. 1 1 II W a V look I ii ll , il i e es an I falls III ihe liehl i f the sun. )b ! il is u ileli-hllul scene en,iii"h lo make nlii 's he, ii I sw ell Willi emotio.l, iNot oirV tins, hut dili'cieiil V ii'W's of almost is 1 1 iti "I. !,ennl. nre cons' a i.l ly bcl'oie ton. la i''i;.r.l lo bn.uucfs, iMer c ha nl I .ait i r-. 1 1. a-1 or-, n,id .Meehaii-c-- i.'iilize eiealer oiil.s than in ihe Stale.-." Am a whole, Texas is tin S.'ale. A spirit of eu'ei priiie j now bein;: ai-niisi d in the people, an t .i-v i ,'iri' lii-L'iiiiiiii.; In si r ihev li;i V(, j been fluid lo their own interests, ill nol, li .vme; ann-ii pmnie enicrpi i.-es hf-l cloture. Kul Ktiili nre IteiltU t hull;; 1.1 of, ami a eo,. deal of work has been done. We have several roads mid. r w ay and in operat i.m, 1 and a e,i. 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 -,- cn.ii'icreii c.iiopa- , mes. Ill a Veal or so, w a will he" 1 n 1 to lliihl; laiiM'hcs in the w ori.l I ll '.'Ii wc ha bcell so bin- DUt 'l i Texas will e are a , il. I Hunk, alier a win!.1, be the Still' of the Sod'll. lb .mi ahead p"(it!e, w hen w e started --will, aspic.- of the M'Ht'tii:? iu ti - alnl if 1 1 1 : 1' etieteies at e diiicliil in llil' p-.ijie- channels, we will soon bave a inns' desirable eoiuitry in c y pai l icu'al'. ( ) ir eliui id! is one ol the inn-l pleas U!. Were it Hot I'm-the lenlhof ll." Wiiiin wc.ilher, it would be 1I1 liiilfnl. 'I he heal is never over oM iinu', bill the Sniil ner '"';'IS ! cail and holds oil I.Ve, ,..ii',i we usually have ple.asau! bree....s to mod j erale il. Tin! Yv'iuler is extraordiua- j '' I';,'-,S:' liiless a stiff Norihei--i I Wliill ynn would IblliU you never saw- I eomiicmi'c .esc,,' .,u,ae "' ' 'I "'1 ' j !i and l.e weatber, nl oilier limes. li.-iii'' veiy nioilerale, 11110:1 the whole,' ( ,,.,..,;,,,.. ; Tlii-i-,, : 100.1. 11 .tbt.e fblii rii I -' -.'.- . - , coul.l write about. Texas, but thev inihl 11 il prove clifyiii. Suliiec il : In say lhat it is a Mate ns,es.imjr m. HIV adv.ilil,i-'es, and line ill which ... i vw-ri lie man can do well. T j " i :(,.;. ,,it. srl. r,ve, of tl im; it .-iu ".7 Dnriiii)," is entirely a . "'-'''!" '' 'd ib'tse who entertain .such a our. il.-erve lo be disaf pom- t. - il. Jt did n il come up to my expec . ... , ., , ,., , ' "Asir. Lauiui:. .Mr. t liiiinlier.t 1 savs the veisos of this soiil', which' '' . . , , ' , . : oieitook him at I'licii, cot possession !....-.. 1 li'"""1 envy.jelousy. &o., "I'd,.. ,..,,,:.., me in 11 slvle wondci fully lemfer and 1 haste fur tin jr ai'c, were w ritte.i by .Mr. lliiii",:is, of Findlart!, upon An llie, til' ihe lourd.iUu'bti -s of Sir Hob t il Iiiir:c, lir.-t H.iriuu t of M .xwcl I011, by his secnml wile, who was a daughter of Minto. As S.r ll.tbcrl wa-t created a lSamiict in (he jenr 17Hj, it is juobiible lhat the Vtrsi s weie composed about the cihI of the J7lli or llm lieejiitiiinit of Ihe IStb era- tury. It is p;iiiiful to record thai, nut willislandiii litis ardent 'ami chival rous iillcotiori (!isiityed by iWr. iKni l.i in hi poem. Im did not obtain ll.e Woine for a wife; slm was man mil to r. Fcrjruo:i of Crnicjcarrccli. Tu SoumtBsi Convextiom. Tim semblo m VwVurg, Mi-s., on Moo O" We are 'li hid t" I"1' Will kins lias Inlirn cIimw l I !' M l ri. ii (All ) Common weal b. Wonio j?lnd, because wl.'ii'Vir he lakes, cl.iirui- nl'ii rmprr. that p-ipiT we Inn!. i'or and nihil Ini' iu preference to iiiltna. A'i. WitiUiis made cool p i- jieiM ol' all ill" journal lie has ever rrianat;!"!, and f nvow that, hoAcver iiiM'i'e.s'lii He ((iininniiweuUli iiihn have heeu hclnre, it w ill lie hellei imw, and la'i'i'all. r.auil will hiolf d for wixiouly by every i X'diene hI in;sl ill Tenne.ssee. WalKiascan heal an) iuiii -.ling hut, weiViThaw. mid can wnla as u I as In- can sc- , I '"e parajiMh, In- hpe.tks very ileN. tne people must dcenle. Ie,n. He known noi hi.. cine hcam ly. j V'mwlyt nnd'her. tjuitf compli C, ni -D.'uioeTalT.StaieVonvrn-il seems to .r, than how to i;. t up a j mentary of our thriving ntid ill IT- fioW , jvnnnylvania. T r-adable As a priutrr, wo will ; '".' low n. s laud. Mielii,,,. N, v llunp put mi m upp.i;iuii to any ever i saw or bean In that him he ba.s '. nlie from Alplilt lo Ibtte't ll ma .sound like lailriy, bill from the biiliiitu of our In ail. ii! (.'ordiallv eiu.'ol se the following from the (.oluai- bia .Minor, uiiiten, we nue-s, on:i ii I'lel! Wall, ins withdrew fi mil the ,shelbyvi!le Kx e.sit or : All. W,'l'Klvs. 'I'lie I ; i s. I number of the Shelby ille 1', i jiiixilur t n i 1 : 1 1 1 1 -" . we are MilTY lo say, the Valrdieloiy ol Ah. Watf.ins, w Im has eililnl lhat ia .i'f during the last leu mnnllis, Willi ;i bril.iau' snei'i'-s w Inch no o' her man iu the Slain could have acliieved on- ! der the cireumst.-tnc'S Actum as ed- II l , I I I MM l." I .11 ''I.' J " ' " . . . ' . , . , . . , i . .,, t . . I l he dill ir.. ol these dilli leiit liranelies1 ! ,,resMiu. upon him m l!i- same lime, i j Ii I he eibl oi ia I and median- j , ,'u i ! leal i.i jiai tmenis Ihioil'li so lialel ! "imd', lie' Vll.M'I'.ptioU list of ll. e viyo .- was ilicreaseil limiliU' , i : , . , . - . , ... I 1 I , I, . . . i . i.ii, i .i'iiii.i.i . . I Ille- md live hundred. Ynii tliaj lv Iiml 'lie in an in I f tt thou---hi u ill do hall'as w ell ; but I In- I am icin. lining nnie iliotisaud nine liuudri d and umi ly-nim' uill fail a Ion- way "holt of it. 'Flu- fact, of the bieiiuess V .it kins can. in any u':veti , n;;i h of lime, w rite mote editorial", sti.'U more I y make up moi'it form . '""''- beallhy licks Willi thi pies-, and lal'. Ii.oie prciiy giiL mlo -p r ins, I ban any ten .lieu coai'-iiied In I w ecu .-diclU ille n'.il the 11 .ek Mooi.lam.s. 'I l.e eih'oi-. of the Mirror have to leetet lhat. Ih. y do not know All. UalMiis peisouall) ; bnl tiny have rend his I. alter alien ivclv for a lull-.' I 1 1 III-, bis liietid' -neak Ins ami I. i 111:4 1 . w ho-e l.-li.-e, ill' V !'- , , vi llll . jl is lo ' lll' I .'.hno-t. its ; n e . . I : :.- .1. .. 1 1 II 1 1 a I II I I 'I ..I'll lion t I j bad iiuii"I him m ini.iney. W Inle lln y ice.i 1. Ins withdrawal from the I:' 1 fimilnr, I hey ru-l the movement is bol the ir sli p to a higher and nmie iiroblabl.! uoMlion, and 1 11.1t. be tn . soon allai'.i Ibal po-ithui, and iou,' if mam an I nnoi' uuu an ornami-ni. 10 ic liatei inly. iy bulh, Ab. I m't fail lo send -one lo clip fiom, and one lo sei e. You 1 1 . 11 1 . T.'-laud. tot b 1 lire- ' tfomuumicatioiio. . ., ' 1 Ma. liu. A le, I cr over the signature of ' I la iisi.pp iiraace ilitl.e lluatsvill-' ),, I, pendent 0! I he 2 ul ili'-b, which I ! ,1,1,,' ,..Se-ves at least a pa-sin;,' no- ' ice. Who this, man "lid" is. we ; IS, HI' iiave no im .-ms, al iircM'ut.ol'ku 1.1 in;, but ll.iuk wc know smm'thin of liu .. 1 .. ..... 1. , ,...,.... mamlcsled Upon a oriier o.v-asiou, If, a certain writer lhouv,l thai same 1 meibiiiu, and Irom a .seeitiin hidden- should bo nolme.l by our Ii lends- le tal allusion to thit same I'm mid able j males cspeein lly nltrib He it lo I In and inuc'.-dreadeil ilisen.s:'. of which.! fuel lhat we have on a hat from (J. and ahoiil w hieli so much has been 1 u j,,,-,.,. ,,.,, ...' ( i 1 to s:iv ami lo do with il. . , , . , vol s ii.iciie the nceple i ()( vVinehestcr, wo think so ereut n j 1 r, , 1 ,,.t f .-r- more ! n,UMy ,.,,,,,,,. ,, irst at . lemptH .0 briiu reproach upon Ihe I , . ..,,, ,,. . ., ,- 1. ,.,,:,.;, ,..i, u .--.-! I , , , .' . ' . : .tioM'li.'lu ii elevel' lillil ntiwl Wol-lllV 1 . .- 1 ,. 1 ,- 1 ; I . ...... I l,..ti.. t. I, I .. I, w on mm I 0 ...... ., ,- 1 ., t ,- 1 ! - - j 1 ,,,,i, 1 I,.. 11. ill Ifttlil ttl li:w oil una onl- lit iiiiiiis.-ineiit, w ho may have made 1 f ,, ,in'JU.i'.'e. Uovvi.ur, audi M,,, ,,,-,,,,1,,, u,l,. i..., 1... u,..s ,... - ' in;;, uud ciilindy eapalile of tisinjr t ; more elc-aul and ehaste ihrasrnlo"y , j "hU"illc llieiin.s to tell lilt! people of Al.i- , i;,t Fr.tuklin countv it inliab- M ,y lt r,,1(.,int ilMl deluded ...... , ie svs .,., ,-,is M1biect ; i . . : , ;..... i,.. ,.s ,. ,, ,.,. .,., wlilt i ....... ... .... .. ..... ... ...i ; -;,m s a,out Winchester: lie says i; j, MM:(I ,,.,., mMt p f small ,.,., ial.-a li pol-a little lirc- ... , K , or nirii tu " ,.ii . ti." 7 .. . lo s.intv 1 leu mo .ire it s:o 111 ieiine to! 11 lly fails lo uivc the lacts as thev ' .. rcillly t'ltisi. .Mitt r nir nut a. .- ... rdlo brill-' ihis in.tllcr lo which he allules before lh- public, but i! I 1 1 simply say Im does not slate facts, as we ll.iuk aii.l believt) ilium to be. The old man died at le says, and Rave has property lo 11 certain individual, i but 110 one ,"as at I'll gljen l' d, hi!" cause he did not nj.tke ihcin a bene liciarj ;bul, because it was well known that the old man had soinn very poor rcl.i; ions, a widowed and 11 maiden sister, who wi-rr) entirely without means. Mill omi l' then) had been maintained utihe public rjpen-.p, ja i another Mate. It whs kUo known by many of lim uld man's inure intimate frii'BiU llmt lie had been m the habit for o number of years past, of tend ing Ihf nl pmaJI nimi of nvniy, wir) for lliesc, iiml other lauJuble rcmonti, the coiriin'inily NVinpit'liizn for ihosn poor helpless lundi'i'd oflh" old irian's, ft'ld it win I, lit. tlmf lh" pen pie should lhin! that undue influence ! had licrn In on, hi to ln'tr upon tin inii'ih iilllieicd u'iI inun to thus cause him In make Mich duposil inn of his property. Wn do not wih to nay ninre ujion I hid Nuljei't, nit we hnvn eveiy leitS' n lo believe tli will ol' the old unioV, K to u:ideiv;ou judicial in- j vi s ia'ion. "ll ii" l hen L'nes on to ronii liinenl our town, iu S.diooN. Oiiirehi'K, & i. , ... , .Now. .fr. "IU!" wn think ;'H '' hiis nlliiyellier uncalled lor, and Mime o! iiur lanmrme is not to !' mi iiiiiim admirnl as thai ol the eeilain cambilali: ou allude lo, and ; " "o were to .'m.ise you. it wolllil la to let VV ine.hesier atid Fi aultlm conn - IV alone We ,o t alom' verv -. loin U Mt ;'' uill without, you or any ..I your en- eomiuuiK. It. appears I'roin your art i- e o that uu. ,.,.,si I IV..M..,,t ,.:.;.! ,. .. . .' W . I ii tor ol V iiiclu'Kler. nt:d li.nv cum ynn , , , , nai'to ,e ..I I ii. . m, ,.,,iill..- ,.l'i,v ' I ' i i : ........ ,.b. ,l ,1 , , i.'. ...I. e '-' ,i,,.t,i,,y.L .t.ii. in- Kraiilude.' I w rile this si. irt article, not w ii h ,t , Ibc mcw ol priiduciii ' a eonlroveisy , ... ;io not minim to buvc. anv, uuu loreed upon us, hich, if any, stl'di a warfare will not. he pleasant lo w ! o live in trin-s houses. IIushv. is it von. Tiiki' ill I ki) idle llih' yon In.',!. An I hand il r ' 1 1 j : i ( im.l roiunl, 'I'll rt-' ma iy a nan ul.'."e thu'My pnr ill .III nli lie. jilri.isaiil soiiml; A ll I U'II It with an ii I. led KU I f.i i-'ii h 'i.e. t iia I .-.: i-i I es him ; Ibu al'ais vmiii an h(ini.'"l st;ui, T ii ;i t provus l.ow iiiiid; ii rivi'ii him. I, aid; tvi s for n 0 ee nn I hnhllv vow You'll rii ( a will. liny Inuel; Peri hi.iici' the r- is soiiii' fair younu' brow Jut wiiiiiii.! 'or yi.ur In. eel Jli.' Ini-I" In I. rni,' iuiii' lonl cainplainl i . ;! ii il s t hie s lev. liners, I'leVI! Ill llll! VV 1 1 1 I . I Villi ill'! II Sililll, J!y tinili n olln r's sinners. (.')!.! sboidi r.-r wiilt liiu listfuiu!' ear .Wl li.'ti'l n-.i.iy iiiiiiiL'.li. , " 1 "' ''I i-v fry tear V on w rm ir on m l c r youiiu'-, 'II O il .l.iri.-tl'l ... II! a io. Mn-'l Mn:r.!.l to iite.lhcl. Tin! briiu. 1.1 ur ierer on tin mud, 'v i.nbl blii.-.h to cull thee briitinT. A ee--;it!iic di-patcll I'rolii l'.look lyii. iN. ., aiiuoimces the sai.'eess o!' Ihe entire ih-iuo. 'ratio lickel. At Chi, .'a in Illinois, l!ic republican ticket has s 1 1 .'-,-1 ileih -. . - - riJ'Alt .ii.eideitt at I lai lu.iliia II, ill hist I'nd.iy niiil. va ry ne.ii ly res. ill. d iti desl ro, i ne the whole building, we 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 s!ii!id. A Mr. liutler had been .t 1 .t.,.., 1 ii-..-, .e... 11 cxiiini! myf :i. i',iiiiii'..,iia 11. ere, ;v a candle was 1 1 1 1, on lln- sl;iee Iieiuml 1 lh e scenery. wbii'li tire. I tie! Iroiir. h lirei! Ihe I-,-,,!,., ; "'' ''''"I' ''',"'' "I,,,"s! rr-.-.-. p- ,(.u .,.,1 1 .1 ' il i lie I anoratn.i. " - j (if (it r I'lictuls living ill , lill--i-eiit to mi hi b'l'eli' to Ml . CinmliCS a M.I O ate-. I t ' ' 1 w .int Job wurii of any (Ic sm i : tti:i . 1 1 lev c.'in send H.eir orders Here, w e ,. ,1, lilt it ,,l .1... I il 1 o . I IU is. i.llllC It.lCK. fX"7"J If ait impiovcu.i'ul iti our looks K- Ihl He's. N tshville, Timn , when all the latest, prettiest and best styles of I.. -lbs caiis, Arc., are kept. .Mr A. Crooker is ihe snlcsma nd is a ('eu llemiuily one Li-boot. Sec the cud in another column. ('..en r.-inr. The Sbilcsville (N. C ) ,,...,,, (,Mll:mls a ,;,.,. n ,., ..., 1, Mru 1 ,v, "idler a close cmirtshio oft wcnfvthree years," ol .Mr. Ib'ul.en 15 irbmir and A iss ,s:iritii 1 bicnpsoli, liotb a'eil . I . . . . - .til .""S (ll ,.,....; ,...,,'.,1 (! , jell uoiisiiid persons, 11 isesiiint " . ,, , , ., , v.., -, ..I SI I .hi. . t. f i'iin im i i:i i-1 n ui. i in i i i lt ,. i,-,t droiis of the shower of gold hunlei s. An elopement looU place a few ! -. I . . . . . til. V V I.. .. " ' ;x,,'-"'3 eoiinle in e cntlplc of chil Ireil aifd rcspeciivcly i lourlcen an I liilecti years. 1 lie younn' liomco prep ireil himself with a pack 01' of arsenic, lo commit suicide iu ease of ii discovery; but forltiiiatcly the I'.iihei- of the youiiu Hciilleinin ... , 11 and c.ive lb.-Iniv a iro ad cow iudiu'. Timk is .Mo.stv. A corrcuponilenl, hiiir..t ,s ll.c tase. .Iisiris 10 Im iiifi'iii.. I bom (. u v u 1 1 Ik-Ill 1 M lXi IIMi'IIIIU.1 liwn lll'IIPT T n.runi lake 10 nay a small hi. I ol a hundred dol lars, .i c (ran k ly acknowledge llnil we cuiinol in Im 11. hint ikditiildy upon thai poiiii; tail wo know l.iitv he wnul.l aa.l die chance ol disdinrpng thai liltla ob ligation, and pallia,' up u gnu. I amount for n rainy day. Thalia hy enclosing I0. j, or Ki Wood, L.l ly iV Co., to their .id iress, iln.l.iloii, llebiware, or Augusm, Georgia, when ho would hav 0 for ilritvvma priiii of $50,000 or its proportion, according l iha .leaoiu i notion ol Ins arthurl. W oo.l, Lddy & Co. ore ihe greol lottery operator! of ihu Uniied Sim. t. Tin loitjri.s ofwh cli they are die managers aro ani ure.l by chit r r fiom the rospeclive Slates in which they are legally eieblibe.l. The namea of Wood, il l ly & Co. are s guaranty thai their business will be honorably con. Hotted. Jv. Ir. Ceurhr. Ukx, (Jl'U-i m Im)h;tbu. Wn find the following dinpiiicli in our Augusta nxnlmriKeo: ' Wahiiinuton, April 2. Tho Grand Jury, to.pny. hr'iuidii in preni'n'innrin iitiHinst ,Ir. Win. Culhini, lot 'nr'( of tin) llniisii ol Ki!pi'i.nniMiivo-; Mr. Sen m nil, lain SupTiiiti'iiileiit uf I'utilic i'riiiiitii'; Hill Mr, Duul, pnpnr cnmrai i dr. ol i'liiUilulphitt itio two forinur lu( in lh iliM-liarng'jf tlinir pub jc duties, and tin lotmr fur piriury --' !" I'nlk annouiiots h; j nnmo for Conress rlim w.w ih.H I ' 'w ''"Vn Tho riaH and Polk two ' demoorain, and heiweeii whom , H,jii(, u(i(, C()lll , i(.1Jt ,,.lV iasM'il res- obi'ions I'.ivoralde to i Cuba. ai":.ltS.tio!l ol j - I A Iwvr of 1'tna; Mumjiiif ii Dumb niHi'iii, , limn iuiii. eo . no. n. is i ,. i ,iii, 1 1 i Was married es'en la v lv I us! ice ir , - , i : ,, . .. . , .- . , . " ju thai inu.e. Some cnr.osi.y was : excited by I he fact of hi mam in-n I woman who could mil spe.ik, an. I a cousiame o mm (lie cause ol ms i .1. : i .. . ...... .... ...... urn iik mi. i. hi mis : ereu nun ne ...iu ! . ,7 , , . ., nad two wives ulrenk, am 1 thev (.'ave . , ... ,. ., ., . i nun no rest ny reason o tiieir lamini: i ' i ...i..!... a , .. . u --i-1, -,-,1 , in.'. t; ;ai n n ii i Mie scolding 1'i'iilti mornuu' till nij;lit. Lolli bail died, ami now. as ue was luin i-.ii .- .mi , .'Lie. (ii'mkms in oa . . . . , ; m;-; a lillle peace lor the remainder n his life, he had d."lenniii"d lo .select a 1 (bun i woimtn for his third connubial i partner. (Juiciiuiai Enquirer i ,,""" , ,. L d John .v-theilaud accepts lu noiniuali ni for C-iovcrnor. by the nppo sii.ion pa.'ty. ''Yours is a very had case," .said the fox to the ovsler. a c;.i.b. R. Sb.tu.-r wi ll J allies pen ;it his ni'iiif to lii! inn as a ciiii.liiliiti! lo fi-pri--j sent tills ritual)- in did lower Ibanrii oi I i Ii c next be :i."latuio, In. i!l rci-uitu llitf J .'iijijiori of iinniy v.ilur" ' Atnl 4, ja.Vt. j ii';iS3v-.a.i O 3Ln O T1 X-3C I IT Gr I II. XAsWAirillf, winc:ie3:er, te:::i., II..S now 0 111 11 !. I , mil for I'thibiliri I ntl-l Ml If, ill Ins. Si. ti-.., 011 the S Mi! h lM-,t I j coriicr of luo ,Sii,'ni! 0 ml M a i n Si r.-el , j fl helllllibll ..l.ll k "I PKADY-MADK I M'f. ) Til l.'l.', i.oiiir.iasiiii: ll...- bilfsl and! I . 1 r i I ll.'h1 si Vies ol I IUAI6, Mim nKU vtais. t T.i n 1 urn a am u.flri. Till! (ii't ls In; has o.-i 1 1 ; 1 1 1 , 1 nre well ! 1 I , , , nui. le, mil w;iir:u!lel to slim I eipial to! tho bi'Sl lioinn- lutein (., loin n .' I'll,, .I Ira 1 11 r j it hit n ,!. I-I .----c mi-ii 1 1 l'..i I Ll.,l r... .S I' L . S til Ml i,S cm, inn ,n to 11 ease. I please, as il i" superior m iniytliui : ol lim sun ever lielnii! b.oll! t I t till" lllillkel. la n.l blion to his bii ,:i! siuek nl Chilli in .', he has 11 splendi I a -t fill ini-ii I n I BOOTS, SII0E3, OAiTER'J AND HATS. ls .si,,, ; ,,: tin .is an ! liiuii-rs are very nice, mil irive m.-l w.ih tun v t-r.-n I pr.Usf lioni all w Im have sne.i ihein. In liul, Hie wliou .. I 11. e oilier mail c-in tie to a T," by 1 ..H i.!.' a. ..I buy in fro;a 1 1 1 U iroal 11. . l") a P. N. A I'H of Carpi-li..,!! no Int. id, wleidi heiiu.' aside In. 111 Ins regular line id trn, e. will le- s'da verv aw, Im- 11 .lie re,' but low prices in Ian-1 hi. 11 10 make the. pur. hase. H- '. .'inr.l 7. IS. "el. SVIcr's Si 8 r:a 1 :!o:i-t'X cS . a SvlV iPiH'V,tUx ia I.timp, 'I'lm public are now fiivore.l with ihe best, sidcsl 101. 1 ecoiii.iiiii ail lidtl e v.; r lira. bleed, Mile'lior to iuiv oile I' n'trlnhle li.d.t ill e: i"l.'.u..'. ll i- adapted lor Ch'ir.hes, Holds, Stn.s, I'rivi. i,: Dwelling, .Steamhonts, Hadroad Cars . t 0 . . , , , , iVf. -V.C ll is easily i.iii.ii,;:.-. , I.e.! Iron. sniokii or sin, dl mi l Ir.'in ml danger ol t-Xplosiiei, lis lio Until is not of mi expln. sive nun. re. Tin s.! Lamps are on i-xlii In! 1011 mid for sale :il the auction rooms M. C. liruru, corner IJ.-.lit r and Cherry Mi'eel, whuru. the l'nhlic lite invited lo cad and examine far lhenievi'. IJA KKl' f vV WINCIIK.STLIt. Mar. UU. (ieni'i'.d Ajjeiils, .NASi'lYILLi;, TL.NN. To t.iii' 173fnllivr- llti A ruli Hi-al .i ;i i'ly. The ii i? t neieliiu of litis .Society, will he held on lite 1st Manbiv ol .May ne.M, mi, I il it. dusiied dial ALL the iiieiubeis shall nil. 'll I. dl; fuizzkll, d. c. Apiil 4. Id All who kilO'.f llte..ielvi- indehtel t'J the Tsiiiiel will nb-iise ioiiik lor- ri u t .,. ,,1. sin-,11 !,.!! bii.iii.. j , jH,.y , ( 1 1. j U ,r. nl us. if nen-s- H.ty coiiijicb u in pal laeir aicoimls in j of this placi- to ii.mkel ninl liealthy lain ll.c hands ef yn olhcir. We owu ninii- I li"'" it is "iirpitsne l by none in ll.e mini ev, oitrelves, mid luivn 110 oilier nienits try. 'I'lieic has been no siekiifss of liny 1. 1 look I i vvluil our p.iirons owe us, and for neci-ssily. die call would not he made' April 7th, l'itb CLUPTON vV .ML'URLLL. TAX COLLECTOR'S NOTICE. Tllri will nlteiid at the followim; limes ami places, lo collect the Slate and Cannty I u.t.' lor the year ISjt', lor ihn L'.-uniy of Franklin. Lvery per sun most 101110 forward nn. I pay their Tiues.or odierwise pay nn-or liu in law: Wiiiflie-ier, Tis'l t. .May J. Owl ll.illnw,!ny, f H. i;.ileii.nn'. l. Wnhie'), 4. lit ruin:, " Ti.ur-ilny, ft. Ari'lcriMina, 11. Fr.ilar, . K(lwr.s, " 7. Siiliir.lay, 7- (io-Kiee, Mi.ii.liy, ' I'. Ilm-lo-milo, H. T.irsdiy, ' 10. Ciiwan. " 1" Weihuw'y, 11. Crow Creek. " l-i.Tli.iritiy, " t. -Sinkiin' Ci.vp. " Ll. f'rni'iy, Ll. Cro '"s'lio I ilnu.e, 1 1. Sc unlay, 4. lira.ltbrJi', Iti. Mumliiy', " HI. ". Tni'.ili'v, " IT. Ssie 111. :KV4, Ve,litl linrl"Hlo. The variout ran-li biiei will aI a I- dress he people at the lime and plares above stated. THUS. J. JACKSON, Tax Collator for Franklin Co. ipril T, 1853. Commercial Nanhvilla Market, Pruintln Nmlivllle lull)' Sw, Tiiuiimjav, April 7, 8)0. Cot i'"n. A fuw bultm uf vi-ry Ko"d qiinbty told yfinier.y hl 1 1 fa 1 1 cfiiix ; Mini NC'VMrnl lot of iilermr hi "a.H. Lakh T hern hatbeen a lihi iJuclinw 0,1 mrJ. 10 1 2(Slw3 sre the ruling rutui., Kt'itK. Dmniind brihk. Kxira $7,00 pur tiarridj Supo'fuio. 5 50.0.0 illbirc Extra Family Flour in ba'n, wliuK-nolii 25;reliUaOO !'3 Cohm liimifr, mil iiuycr only y tt0 cunif ami lurih iirkn Corn Mnl 76c JJhikd Kbuit. A pple t 80n3 00; f'culud I'fBthef, b no 2'jj Uiipii'dcJjJ 75t.a so. .Seuds Clover 40 "S pi'r bushel, by tin: biirnd, Piluu, strijipml, l 10; Cle'.n, i pir Iiii-IihI of I'mini't'i: pauinls; 'I'iiiKJil.y, ') '23 pin' huli(d; Hur l's tiniss, 1 40a 1 iu; Oreliar I 1 5u; lluiitj.irii.n fir..s .Si.'u.l $!l 00; . , l 1 .1 I . . M .11 . , - r. i n uiiiiii'V .Tin 91 o; .uai'i i f i ,,, . . . . ' 1' lax .Veal 1 ... ,. -,n r.. . n..... I wiiiskv. im rpjoii) wijjia mr -.. tlfiu.l. Ununiry lr;.i,,ls 3oru,75c. ( Fkatih'.ih 4 Ka cm. j .s.iitUonr-t.' suck is worth 1 23 Hi I. ;j0t-, pur pushul; linuil 00. l' ' .. ., Jjr.eil riuil, uinseni; urn. i (....u i, hi , ..iiiiiii, uh-swhx in nuiiiiini. i y i.iit -r;'i I -U: !ir I.) libit.. (U,J hull rent b's-i i . ,, . ., .. ,, . .. ,,, ... , in Y. Olh'e; .Sumir.i l'Jal Lie; L'rulii'd ami Powdered l.iliJc; Louf J- a I 'J I cents. ,;,.,.. Riu i o.'.a I J3c. am! dull, Lo- i! u r . 1 14; Jai n 2 0c. lioi.'l 1 .liolC f'.IOsS- Choosr i:ii..llh Dairy 12 l-2al-4c ; ivi.'sicru Ib-survu L'bU'. Hides and bcailiur I'l'icen hide." f i-ls, iiry I le. Ijniioiry. Soudit-m 0 1 . . I Mi-x ! ii ;ni LS; Oak Side bt-iilhcr Hi els per ll) I fur hi'si ipi 1 1 it ; Jbn-iii.'ss ibJ.eiJ. j Oils. Lin-cud, U3c; Lard 1 OOjTun- tiers 7 5 fin 1 on, Shi.lle.l (.)..',.". 70iTi;7je.l from wiinns; from Store H.a. Atlanta U.t.) Market. Ai'i.ania Ci a ., .Mar. 20th. L'ntroii IImmi: J-oiiinai. : Tim imirliui is w'jll supj.liftd wih IJ.i coa.'iiiid wu Iia v noiieijl no iniprovu iin.'i.l 11. the deiiiitn I sun t! 0111' lust. Ilo . round 10c; Snb.-i 1 Ku. 1 1 i ; isl.iiiil-di-rs 8fitSi i limn lo. ; Liu,!, :u barrols, HI.:; in Cms and Jv.'iis, Li a-1 lc ; l-'ealh ui'.-i 4d'u, r'U(.' ; Cain, .Sacltc.i, 75c. M-.Ai.U AUbUTT, (imctrs mill (Jonuiii.."i iii AK-idnint.,', Nach villa Bunk Noto and Exchange List. lUnk I.I I i-luiHt,h,' I' ll ' r!l,l I,) !,,.(. kn l: .111 I ..1 J l..n.i 1. a.., '- 1 .ti m;. ', ,r,t! V.a,,K 1 " 1 "l;' cirl (-"Vtm,..i, '1 '!" ''''" I " Jif.n; Ii, , 1 .11 I s.,i,a..! 11 i'i.iai e tii S..H1....UI en nk 1 .ir 1 1 inen', 1 .11 1. I . 1 1 iiniiiii-!. i a liaiili ..u Cm I,'-' I !, ..n K.. ii.iie.r Cuiik Ci.-t .lis ..l 1 UU H :l I -a r l-'.n me. "' I ur l.i.i.l. ill Mat li.- IV 1111. I" I' .jr ,nr I.iit I ill ..! ..H lllN I'.a ..11 " I, HIS l'l. iIih " Kii'iwil.'a I'. u" ' ' -Vis!i il:o ..t. , On, i-.' I'iinK SI,.-liivilV r.'nili lie .L". , I ...vTi-iiiia.ii. .: 1 .11 nk . ill" -lllss.iull i-...lJ ut Kiwi Uiinli Iik l Nit'l-i'l-- ' I I., !.i, I t,! .. 'r,.i.iu-n iit.,i-rn . :n:li " 'i.ei.l.ill l"-.Iih ; (i-.M fl.l .Mo ..I'.n-is.ll. I'll ill" , I.II.-, c.ll b-Miiitii,iiii,,.iil dm,: i,r M,ii.i! ir ''. -'omi ..:....; n .i.m i u-nii. , . c. oai;m:i:. II. I. I C...M.V, w i.nciii'.m 1;:;. ti-;a... 1 1 ti v nsMifii'.-il 'lai !vis ti.cilii-r la llie I'riicie j 1,; .Ueila-i.a., iiml en uoi . r,i. I...--Il.ll .ilv I'll l-lll. I'll. I t',,( 1,' the:, etiiee, Jelii-rsnn si.ei-1, tn ( nl.. 11a ibirin..'s eena r. or. nier I'. Iiiriii -.'M (,lict. nbovn- join. I .it's cnriier. ,Vvl ss'i-rr. or i'J'wiki-. D.J. Mirtin, .l.'.'i'r tt-., Vi. Til' irs of Wm D. M.-Jmlfr, died O.I 111 1 net nl'e-i tijibiiir...-, iiml n !iiii.inn,' In 1 1 1 f s'.' is iieiimi 11 ilia I l r !: ami Muster .led Warii'T D.asli II i.n l ivil'o A! .ry nin non r.'S'di'iiis 11!' die Sl.-i'e nl Tennessee. siM-hi.t lii onbiniiy prae'ess nl'ln x e . Im M-rveil iiji nil ll.l-in. It 1-. tlteref r" onlcreil tlnit f 1 1 ! ' i . t : -. 1 ) t" tn:i:l" tar lour t-u -sue weeks in l'ie Ibinie , J'"n-n:i '. a prei.-r n',1 slie.l 111 ll,.- imvi, l u ii"-''e-le.. Teiiiii'ssee. riapirm- sni.I 1,.,,,. ""l'lV" s 1', en or hcW,! ,l. Itrsl ilw ot next (,ler eery l o.irt, nn U imIups-. ,(, f( MmMf , Alri-( .lhl ,,!,., ,u,s,-r or ib-iicir to mii.I li. It. r ,,.. i sun , uill lie taken llf.'.-'M'd umi m.i 'ur ' hein -1 1 1 r i xi-ara- as 1,1 lien. I ,Mar;tl .i:l KSTILL, C ft M. valuaiui-: land" KHi NAI.F.. We olf.-r for sale a trail of land Ivinu in I : -i f i i-1 No. 8, ten nrles .N'ordi Vesi id Winchester on Llk Ibver. The inu t contains UOO acres', mot,! or less. About one hundred acres in n liidi slate of cul I i v a t i 1 1 1 . The l.oitniii bm uncleared is hi'iuily liiiihercd with yellow popb.r, white oak Hiid liickorv. The nob. . id i u,;il limhercd will, red and bind; ouk mm . i i . . I ins piiice nas on ii iwo toml Uivellim: lioiises nnd other Iioiisi-.s; iwn nn lmrds of tlioiiai fruit Ireees; n jriml well Mini a nev er fiiilim; spring. A portion (if ihis Iracl lies on, old's crick, and is iloso lo market, heini; riulv three and nne hull miles from INl.M's Sj.rins mi tin., iiisl.- . idle iV ChiitliinooLi. K.ul I! mi, I. I "or i the f.-rnliiy of ill, soil and rniiiiMiieni r . kind suite we have owned it. Any i.i-r son desiring .1 moid hoiiie have now nn o p in r 1 11 n i 1 y of Imviiii: a birnin. JVr Min vvishliii; panic ib.r. or m fee die place 1 an do mi hy lulling no either ol the un lersiu'.ied on ilia preii,ier. April 7 if T. J. liUDDLOE. )S. IL IJKACIN.; J. I!. HF.AtiLN.J vr.tTi: r ti;m;vsi;h Cul cin T. Morris, v .I1117 Minis. On uiciiion ol ceinplainanni, and it up-ni-ariiiK ;o the siitislHi-iinn of ihe Clerk I nil. I Master lhat Mary Morris is a j nun resident of the id a In of Tennessee j i) that did oidu.ary proci-fi of law can 1 riot be served upon Inui. ll is therefore ordered that publication ! he made for four sueicssive weeks in ihe I Hume Journal, a paper published in the town of Winchester Tt-i.neisee, require ' ins said non resident to appear herein on , nrbebire llie first ilay ol next Lbanrety j Court, on We.lneulay alier the ihird , Monday in August next and plead, answer or to said 11.11, or the same wi be taken lor confessed and set for hearing exparte ss tp him. MarlO. JJ. R-iXm.C6iM. CALL SOON! G. A. il linn rc. fiveil his i"ci of $nM GOODS ONHISTINO Of Staple and Fane Dry Goods, Huts, I)'oo(.i, and tiwes, Fancy Bounds, Dross Ooocla 3IUSLIN8, ' Bcrngcs, French Ducals, l'crcnls. PABASOLS, fS His luro Mock of nnnnem, Drt-i, Goads jCc , nr iinte.l. Ho rmw Im, , In irr sleek of li'xiuets ihan can bt fnuml in the town, iir.d u birt-r stark ol (inmls limn liu lins ever brought io thi iiiurkft. A lut ol Lpii-riiiit Suuniiov Shawls, chirk- will he sehl ns low rut they ca b hoiiLdit in .Nimlivillo at retail. Also his U su ii 1 ussnruiirnt of t?-f-. A; ... r- ,iV" J. vV S ' .t"in.7.rVI73Vlad i: .1 C-i.S Vi . "'II 'UU ' Jl'"l - tt-i;.-?-'- y s-" EiriJ T?i'Ir-H, i.iiifti, V'h(iol A: .?3.-c'!l!:tu'n If yeti ik'sio! tn pay oah, you can get a rediirlion nil must lu'ticlc.. lioini'spiiii .huies, Lit. soys, Sorks, Hopes, licviswax, &c, taken in exchange for CiiK'ilv. H'ohsu'Ii iVotsa S9 cU. ! 3, LAST SHALL BE f MM K5 A C'O.MPLKTK ASSORTMENT OP FOREIGN ANO DOMESTIC fl, Fancy Goods, i and SS2es, AT YM. STEWART'S. Mar. 31. 2l I'M.illNrt AM IX'SOJT, l.(;i,iii.iii:, 'I I'l .i. CltUltCIt ANWiltS It, .afrlivillc. 'lc(iit. i1. & r., VVtiu!i!,Hle Crofui", l'roiluei) nml I'tiJiUjis-ioia ,U .-r' Sinci.s, ano i) iy DllANDlI'S, WLNLS, W'HISKEY.&c., ALSO, Dt iih 1:1 in limiiii, Lnrd ami Country. l'i o luce. iiBcrt Descriiliuii, Vol tin- ol Collie liioml lil. arc now in riTi,t of a l.n-j;f "ml wpII .otte si.. i t, ut liu rorii..., I.iiiuiii", iVc , ta wliith we invtl tli utlci.tioii '! M r liuilc. hi:(i.M:s. (i0 lil.dt bii.iMdini Siir al L'tJil'-S, fil li'ilx N V. hikI lialtiiuoi't i'!.i lo Su-r, 3 t.iN N. V. f .ml Tow tin nl Suvnr. CUFFKK. 16) Itup rimwiiigToUcco, nil xrtp V., lim litis, .-,0ii k.'K hllr 1 1) ilo Mini, llnuf?. Vl tin Jim Lfntl, I 'i ilu Al.-is.iim Ulackinp, Vhi Ikus line air, IIRKI I.MS KHiiawhl.lll. 7i MlXt9 IJ'Mlt UilKfct. I.' ilo tut And j pint flicks, "00 brim S'nilfl. tssurted . ipf. LiyiJOKS- r,0 I, I, N Smiiira old Iterv fl tvliisKi.y, I I i.iils ol.l liuurtmn Wliii kf), ft", il.i ol.l lly,. Wslikrjr. tin ilo .M..n..?aliera di. 'i -0 ilo Pikr-s ia i il.i 'Oi... iu. wliite do ilo Neivainii-a do 6'. iln ulil tori .V Corn da 3.i ilii nlii I'urt md Milt pa wiiii-i. 87 liMn ni Ci.', 1 il l Unllnntl .lit IT .lo ol.l Cognac Hr.mly, -l.'l ito .tut ltd liu hakel l'bam;..n Vii.f, l-'O hw ( i liir Vii!(ar, I l'-i ilxx Urn....... Wi.'HiinnlfJ rir, 100 Iwcs iliotir iJiiltiniorc Ci.l.'i-, t.-ill I..-, -jf-1 Imirf Xf w Oilciitii. i..rr-i., MULASSK.S. 70 litilsrlmiie Kt'lmut'il ,!o l.t--l'R, S'l bliiH rlmiro r.oliiikd Oij ki-i:-t i.niiii-ii Sv-ru'i. .NI'MIHIKS. 5 '0 mvA tir r(!, I'tU Tn It iw " IV'i ilo I nr S.fip, J 1 0 ii 1 fai'iiml ivrrffs 1 fi') tl'i (l'i 'iri, '.' ' il tt (iiiii;ir, i (. il.) Flip t'jrli Soil.t, ! 6'i iltt li.0i-ii, alt lUV l'f;ishsf';i:iiSMU , : do Miut.iiT, : "?' !t;tjjs IV i; rrt l'i (In S irr, li I ir. res Ifii i. !fiil. Kniifnl l urkft lit U Mi04lll, t' laixcs .Sniukitigiowcco, OS 'I", i with rnvnr " articlei luch u in uiuitlf kei-l in Ikfi Uiijc.i r line. I'.ii C. ANDEKS0N. Marti, 3 ly ofnctiiii.g New. Just received. ly G. C. Gorham tfc Co., ti IVlvsIi lot of Groucries, ;unt hilt whii'h arc I'rcsh Sinokcil Salimin, ami Hoc llt'rrinj a nitre and rare thing. Also, Xo. 1 .Mackerel, "late arrival"""' f?iTlT.1A1?i iTrVFV lor 1859. We have jus't received our pu'cV9 f Spring tiooil.i, consisting, in part, or jHconetit. Swisses. Barred Mulin,Swi hair Cnrd, Krilliants, DouH) Skirt Mut. lin ltohei, Urfrsn.lie, L8"'. Delaines, llerrages t'did colors, Black Silk'. Prints. Chniu and oiher Drt-si Goods.- Also, Shawls vrtr nice. Hosiery, snJ (Hove s good assortment, Bonneti, lists. L'mbrellas. Parasols, Cnats.Slio" and J"bppf , Coitona.les and Linen for inrn's Wt-sr, Hardware and Cutlet1 Class and Qucciisware, and I host oj other arlirles too tedious tn mention, all of which we bought lo sell srain, ni we solicit the in general lo gir srall,sa we are confident it will be their interest to give us nisi before buj. ing elsewhere. TERMS CASH. All good bsrter taken in exthsng. " goods si piices ihsi we can sell il J-lBt im V .R MARTIN 4 SOU, 1 '.