Newspaper Page Text
Jt .1 ! '" r FT 1 H R N AT, 1 J Volume III. he wuc IfouvuaL " it y w. .j. n iVattk n. "FleHui-a lo no I'urlj'd nrlillrury tntuy, Wc fullow Truth hen'r r nlm IrinN Hit! way.' AO .'.NTH l-ORTHK JOUltNAU S M. PKITINUILL & C'U Mow York. JOHN P. HKKNEtt Winclicstor. . T J. CUMMINGS liillulioitiu. JOHN B. K MODES,....' fSliolliyvillo- C. A. HUNT Salom. Ij, I. GfbDEUSLF.EVE Foyollovillo. A. M. TENISON Ntwiivillo. . W. N. STOVALL Urconsbnro, Aln. 'J'iir First ok tub Season. A friend places us under obligations for ti lot of fino Strawberries the largest that wo have sort) grown in this coun try IaIkiiioh Ihralil, Jitli inst. Not quite "the first of the season." Several persons about Winchester gathered ripe strawberries in Apiil. Jr. Clojiton found ripe ones nearly a month ago. TRlCKSJprHADK. Success in a business enterprise is much more dependent on integrity and truthfulness than is generally suppos ed. True, the policy of honesty has long been acknowledged in axiom, Mil we have til ways been taught that "the way of Ihe transgressor is hard;" , i lL . ... i but there is a prevatling notion among certain classes of speculators that such a policy is not this most prolita- bit.. "Honesty is the best poliev,"say i lhev."bnt it dues nut nav." Men who have been educated in strict integri ty who in their hearts abhor its op posite in any form, are sometimes de ceived by the. specious appearance of; those whom it would be degrading to , imitate. A merchant employs a 1 Haiesiiuiii uiiu mum mm 1 l" 1 n... I ... .. 1. ,it-lw,. in disposing of his goods at fair pri-1 -.'17 ho went Mast, and appeared on ces; but though he discovers that much ' the stage in em; or Uo pieces written of his success is achieved by false-' tiu-eiitl ly for him. lie returned to , , . , , , , , louisville, and a lew years later hood and dece.t-that be deludes t !;,. jn,alll . ciw,.luuU which he customers, deceives and cheats them; wus l;,.,.,ing at the tiin.' of bis death, and, though he knows this is no more He is described as remarkably honestthaii outright stealing, yet for i pure-hearted and inoffensive. The .1 i el , i,,.i..' . , I. ' "Ilia proerired lor the body was over llm wnkn i,l Hip ) ' i he 1 I k .s W 1 .. J his own conscientiousness and retains j his services. Instances of this kindj arc indeed so frequent, that it has be- j cme an axiom of trade that custom- crs must be deceived and humbugged, . or they will not buy; and it is oven contended that no man can be a good salesman unless an expert liar. Put, after all, we consider it a mat ter of serious doubt whether any bouse conducted on this principle was ever permanently meet s!'ul. We do not believe that such an instance' can be lound in the annals id trade. It e now had six, with a fair uosiect. may do for a while ; that is, it may worked where he found mi oppor appcar to do. Put, as "one swallow , t unity, for hay, corn ami oais, andpas dacs not make a summer," so one ; (tiring for his sheep, he took the such salt1, nor a dozen of them, does j ci(,ic(.s( (;aie of them, and soon had u not make a fortune. The trickster , ,,ek. Their wool enabled him to buy may flourish for a lime', be may pass j ;t pasture for them, and by ihe time for a clever business man, but he will j . Wns twenty-one, he had a fair fail and be a bankrupt, while those of Sa,.t i,, ,c, and all from that, quarter less talent and more integrity w ill 1 ,,ai ,,. U1 ,, day. thrive. These remarks may appear! This shows what industry and eco- strange to some, but. a lit lb; consider- ation will show that they are reasona- ble. If it be true that ihe customers must be deceived before he will buy, it is also true that "a burnt child dreads the lire :" and fhough at ibe time be maybe charmed or mesmerized by the fascinations of the salesman, yet, upon "sober second thought," be will discover his loss, and feel where he has been bitten. It is not hard to con ceive how such ;i in ia will avojtl this place, when again he wants to buy; or if he forgets his w rong, or has not yet discovered it, bow that lie will IUU9 i;il.lliuivn Y Ml- nil vi ll "ii, mi'i i' is easy to be supposed that others will ! ,... tloviiinh the h...!l,ur nrttib.,. I ...,., i. ... ll,. I,,. a..i, li ii,i ii ,U fnU..!.,,...! n.l .milt. It. is seldom of falsehood ami guilt. It is seldom indeed, however, that any house lirst becomes bankrupt from outside press ure. In almost every instance it ari ses primarily, from internal derange ment more than from tho want of cus tomers. And what art; we to expect from the internal arrangement of a concern conducted on principles of which we have been speaking! If you teach or allow your clerks or salesman to be deceitful for you, will jthcy not bo so (or thcmselvt s.' Jfyou ieacli them to be dishonest, is it not a lesson for themselves which tiny will act upon whenever opportunity serves? Do not hug the delusion that .because you are the employer there fore they will not wrong you. Why! you have taught them that a disregard for integrity will make them smart business men, and you have made it a part ol their trade to lie and steal. However tncy may respect you, their own interests are dearer to them than yours; and if they will cheat for you, thev will cheat for themselves, espe cially when in taking for you they act under your instructions. From the moment you permit a dis honest actio'i in your store you are not safe; and wc submit it to the ex perience of every businessman that such is always in the end robbed by bis employees of more than he steals from his customers, through trickery. Ho will fail, lluin sooner or later overtakes him, mid when it does it, is of such a nature as to precludo all hopo of recovery. Property, charac ter, caste, all are gone, and his pros tration is utter. Upon the consideration of the wholo matter, therefore, we conclude that there is no investment that will pay better, more surely, or more honorably in any business transaction than truth. - - Tun Kestuckv Gust. We gave a brief notice, in tho lust Home Journal of tho death uf the Kentucky Giant Porter. lie was 50 years old, 7 feet nine inches hi bight, anil was we be lieve, the tallest man in tho world. Wo saw him in '53 during a trip to Louisville, lie was then keeping a little saloon at Portland, lie died of diseuse of the l'tiit. The Louisville ! Democrat snys bf him: "It is remarkable that, for the first i fourteen years of his life he wassmall lor his age; sn much so that, bit was often engaged to ride races on the old track where the Elm-tree Garden now is- At seventeen he was upprcni iced at f-'"MK. urn hi rcintir ka hie growth commenced, It is stated that, )((! ,)(; owf . ()m, W.,. u lls ,, j,,,.),, Jr. was his habit, while growing, to measure every Saturday night, and his own testimony, and that "''llis huuily and friends, is evidence ol this remarkable tact. Mr. Porter i.oun got. so tall that it was impossible to cooper barrels, an he was cumioved on hog'-heads. Thi however, became equally impossible, owing io ins remaikanie in:; i, ami mess, lb.! then engaged in Keeping . I anil tll'IVIli" liaeUs, In the years 1 S; j( lime leet lon A Quick (iu.M.ri.u. A boy worhed bard ail day for a quaiter, be fought apples and took them to town, and M)u ,".,,, (,n the street for a dollar Willi the dollar he bought him a sheep. The sheep brought a lamb and the lleece brought him another dollar. He bought another sheep. The next spring he had two sheep, two lambs and a yearling sheep. The three lleeces he sold for three dollars, and boil"ht three more sheep. I uomy can and docs accomplish when; j properly employed. How many boys hollow this youth's I'xaniph .' There are many hos in Winchester and Franklin county that arc idling away their lime, year all or your, that, by adopting this boy's policy ('would be come useful and valuable citizens and have a ct nqii lency for life. Pays, read and ivllcct upon this short story , and let it be the father to your future conduct, uciiieinher to " Act well your part there all the honor lies." Hymn's epitaph upon his favorite ! ,i,n' r:n.-es iiiiiioi ian. rciieci ions uiiit :i i-S " those who have minds to reflect, Manv nosscsssouls iniiius mind, in that c:a:e, lower than Pyron's dog: "Ni r Mil ntt Aif ilti(i'-iinl Hit: irwi.iitjs ur Hif V. v !",;'"'v M'li-ii v.iti!y .VuriUll U it t t Ml ulfli I t.tna.r utlli-' tt . ttn i r . An-' i'll tin viili!i" til mini, will t l.i" viie Tills j '!'', Until) ) llllMI'.Hllll ll.tiiciy ll III-! Illf I tll lllll. II II -lll'"l, i tint a iit 1 1 ilmlf In llu- tiit'iinif )' f i,) A IN, il.rr. V ! V. Ii1ii Nt:Vli'!iii'll-iii'l, .Mav, ')'t Ami ili.'il at .Ni:U"le;it .Miln-y, W'Um tMiiic i.itiJ "in ir man rrtm 111 to cui tli, t'l.klMlKii In Jty t 'll u,:) flil liy 1,1 1 1 h, 'Die wii!j'titrt il rMinnls tl.e ioh! tit iv, Awi jMihhhI 111111 if -nil u!i iritt Iwluw lien Mil i ! im. iii"ii lb.; lumli ii vrii, .ii wlisf nr v. j,lNif wint lii MMiiii'l luve Ijcpiij I' it lli r ili ',, i.i lib- tlif fr int" t (rifiiil, l';ie tiit t' Wt iiiti!, finrLn'W tit ilt lfiiil, liov Imh.--t li4rt ii - 111 1 mi ni.t'-ffrj own. Wh't lalnil i. fi?litf llVft, hi r Urn !f lilnl rtlmi, 1 IllfHHilM I-!, t, turn III' ft till till Wot Mi, l'"ii:,it in tiC3Vin tliiiiil he iii til mi railii, V htie nun, vim iiinri 1 1 liujwt ti Ih h i ki vu, Aii-I cUnti biiDNrll wle r luniv1 livni, IMi, nun! tlm ( Itk ten" nt if n hnr, ftAfl'l hy ll itlf ry ur r.iirrti t by pu Acr, till klt'HVS tllll! well niul quit litvv wit'i tli'glHt t-jr4lnl mnnt immtr.l .iit ( 'I I if lo ii It i" lt thy liiriil-liii all n rlieit, Tity unties Iivhm ii,ibr wunli tlecrit t f ii it,nr -ia, enmildnl Iml ly ijrnii, V- ll kiMllM t'ft.ti li.lxM hitl llief Wi.xlifnr fthanir, Vu ! w'mi ("Tf ii4iitf! Iw.miIiI iit nini'li urn, im it 'itiiMi imne yiMi wish tu ih'mhii ; 'In hw k a iii-'i'i ieiiMini tlii-e !'.ii'i jsiim-j I nri r I. . iit uiw, tint here Ut licI" Nr v-ii.i .'r.-.v. A vast majority of the human race spend all their time nnd employ their whole mind in gi tting enough to cat. How is it Uo to the ant. the bee, and the beaver, thou sluggard f Learn a lesson from them of working to one common purpose of one for all, and all for each" of nssisling instead of pulling against each other. Strange that man, who hath a soul, should learn an important lesson from so small an insect as an ant, which we in our ignorance (perhaps arro gance) deny tho possession of a soul! Science may yet throw liht upon the question. Wiltun lor tlio WlncliMlfflr Home Juuimil, BURY ME WHERE I WAS HORN. BV COL. 0. LEANUKU EIIKIU1ART Ot bury me, 01 bury ino, In the Vitlo v lie rn I wan burnt Where tlm buliMhig brooks tKIc softly tlno'j Our flcMv ol ijuKlt'ii com i A iitl oylftiitlnci, ami vaw swept, On tlirir ImiiIvH jjivoii bow or weavf, Ami gay huU hm Hum runy itioru, ''J ill the dewy hours of eve. 1 1. TtiTi Uiinolfd flfil yimtli'N gnMiMiilfly On IWlit and airy viug, An rloml ni:n)n u Pinnnii tKy, Or llowciHor p.nly Spilng. IIiii y me, oli ! bury mi- tln'ic, In tluit ilriir obi vale ami blpt Uy tlm deiireM licit of tinman luv Tli at can Hi. ill tlir human breast. I I I. 'Two tliTo my calhinl motlior illi'd, Kit? uiyhiMtt knew uirlilot rue, Or (ml It'll 1 1 1 1 pain a ml mid lu'-lert Thill Hk1 in i han Ihmi t nuisl r. Tin'' ' "lii ii i!itii wuli licil my (hiMih "nirts N'iHi a bi'iiiiiln eye ot joy Ami tin! ti'.'UH rollcil ibiwnliis funoupil clu't'ka As licculli'il iiK'hh "oiiliiui boy," 1 V. Then bury nit1, obi Un y uu, III lli.'l h.illnunl yule .nut M.t, Wlicrn all the lovi'-l of i liildiioott's vimis low In t iM'ir tlr.imlrvs rest. Iliiry in' by tho d ar tuifS sidf, And Ifi l he rtc bwwi pi'ilunm Li'dcu Uli' Lire' 1 1 al s(i;ill u.ivr Tiic kitcii n' w over my lotiili, NaRIIVH.I.K, Th.W., 1 N.V.I, iw nr.m a I 8 8 !' I B I 9. vl fi i Ml lH'T .NOT LOST. 11 V.'l f'Hinl Mio "niii'lUii? Mill f, ir wl.i, ii In livn lliMHM iIi-mM.., uliri,. ,, ,. In,,- m. i i Ali.l 'lllll.- I'll'".,' I.i M I'tiln l.i'i ii.i , ,1 , iii.i.t ;;t. . ru;. ul'i' lii !i i r ii:..' u-i 1,,'i.n.. 'On just such a night ns this," said (Iraee 'a!e, rising and walking to the window, 'I was wrecked;' then turning her face to l , 1 1 , with her peculiar smile .'he added, " but not drowned. The morn was silvering the house, lops just as it does' now; the trees were radiant with light, not a sound lo break I he deep stillness." ''Where were you wrecked, ( Iraeef" She relumed in seat. "Not amidst the raging sea, but on the qui,", land; when all was peace, and the heavens poured down a Hood of morning-light. Then i; was that I wreck ed nltcily then it war, that 1 1 1 V nli'eetious lay stranded on the tdiore of life." She covered her face with her hands and remained silent, a moment: thru looking up, she said suddenly, listen t me whilst 1 rend you a page in my hie s bistoiy. I .hew my eliair close ; lo Oraee ale, thoughtlul brow mils of I he past. " If was on ji this," she saul, ' while wilh il1. 1 she scanned tin; an- ( t '.i eh n night as 1 -t the tip- : liiat amid pluuso o urge company, I sang my favorite :oi;g." nil-, i.ovr, or Tinr.'i i'.i.n Tin i lccii lung yen rs ul' it", ni'il '.vui' I've sren tins iiis::nni -!! iiml llnw; Thirteen long yi'tirs weary Inuc; I've iiu :iy i.iy yuiulilnl ,rioo'; ThaMTii Inn:.' yens ui' s:'il regrel, i' li t r L: u 1 1 lung ir;i I :- since iio-t t i; in..:. (1 liiiic gone liy, vi;s ymnig, Tlujsc lire l! u iinii's I sliuniil liav,' sung, l'iil now, w lieu h"ie is h nig il, a I, Jicsiitiir Iimh cut bin's silver Ihrrinl; jNul th'W, iv i 1 1 1 1 sorrow selis n hing Tint eor rtdorsi nl' uoiilive sung. Xv', 1 't in'.' sing 'lis lull n ihrgi; I'm- inijii'M ingnHeil in urnnv'n surge; 'Tin but "lie null; mi" I In; pus; , Then ilritw tin; cnruiins cIumi iiiuI hisl; but Iliii'U i'ii yciirs t'urguMi.'ii li P Iiu; ii i in ictc.-h oi'iaeiiiiuy. Tliirtocn long vears In slill luve nn, To 1'ive when every li"iK' is gnuc; Tllineen ln.ig y.uirs H Intler i-i; Vnu'v" liuilit i:;i! llos lovo lieist ln.-'t. Awuy,, ye burning t", 'J'liul tvci.'i Iliu Ini'i; iit'lliirteen year " I sang wilh feeling, lor I l'"a!ly ct I..!. i :.. 1 1, .,.',. i.. i i t ,i leu, my noil- nuiii , ,e, in m.' "' words; alas! 1 temg prophetically, 1 ; iv:u ni cut. mv n'.v l tea s r et e in J I j I aro -e from the piano; a burst of up - nlausi! surrounded me. hut sadly I turned awny, filing already ihe tttrucil awny, Icelin already nut heavy )!oiim of fhe fast coining shad- ,.vt' Sun t 1,1'u.r wiiii'r mii'i'i-i'iti'i! " " " """n ' irom otiicrsoi lae company, iicnteii s . ... i t . i ofiiu'loily were poured out. glorious barmooii'S fillet! th,: air. At length t!,t. music ceased, and ihe ursls dis- it? ;I0Vin ' rani.ily o!f into the vast persetl, two only remaining 1 h, an! ' lr(!llslliT.l,(,u::!! ,'' the past, to be laid ,,i-i.ii . 1 , ,. theelockk!riketvvt.lve;howstiauM!iti.ulK)lltluK;arniig1,p,.sand.oysof I seems, that often cur wihlest j woe we lit.'tc; and remember the mat j vo;t.,. sjou iiil-(l eon:-traint d and cold, trilling eireuuii-.tauce. I sat 0.1 thci.ijt j;j b-n.-p that our en;jaetucnt I Hofa; one of my companions tool; his ! seat beside me, the other, opposite. I sec him now, billing ri'itl and stern, in the tall crimson velvet chair, his gray hair pushed far back from his forelieud. his liiin lips compressed, and 1 bis blue eye fixed calmly upon me. And I, there I sat dressed in s.itiu and gums, the t,'ay dress of the evening, will, a heart throbbing fearfully, and a 1 1 ...t:.... ...: I r... ..c- ueau ouiiiii nun !.., .in. 1...,..-. No poor criminal ever awaited wilh more anxiety his judges senhtnee, than I sat to lis:- n lo my doom from the lips of those two men. Tor some moments in silence, deep mix ious silence; then the elder of the geii- tlemen spoke: " Miss Vale," he said, "I am sorry to detain vou. but 1 must say for my son what he has not tho courage to say for himself." I turned and looked upon the gentle- wiisrci-rissTisu, tkstn-., may 12, iboo. man by my suits 1 wh sitting mo tionless. I gave him ono long eager gaze of curiosity, but just us well might I havo looked upon some col J statue, anil expected a returning an swer from its blinded eyes. " Miss Vale," again spako tho elder gentleman, "I repent that I would say for my son what ho has not the courage to say for himsell." "Speak on sir," I answered tjuietly, " I tun listening." "1 am snny to tell you, Miss Vale, had sat in soino gorgeous festal hall; 1 Not when you kiss a spunky gal. for 1 assure you I regard your talents j and seen the llashing ofjeweled dress-1 We've often received a blow" lor a and amiability highly, but 1 must beg 1 es, nud drank in the tones of charm- j kiss, even when we kissed in the pur you to consider the engagement of ed melodies, and suddenly tho lights 11111 I1CSI'' Ml,' full Wlttl V'nMIWf1 If :t ;ni nil ' ! ivi'iii . nut. tin? iiiiuie eoiLseJ. the com- An anonymous letter is a mode of 'iNi !-' 1 exclaimed. I " Allow me to remark, Miss Yale, i that this engagement, never met with my entire .sunclian." 1 was about to speak; he waved me into silence with a gesture of his IkuhI. " llarlv eii'TiLM'ments I never an- r 1 t proved of; they are these evils; first they"- proi luetiw) of ' "() spare me now, sir, a tirade on j early engagements," 1 interrupted him vehemently. I low could 1 with every plilne wildly throbbing, wilhthe knile ipiivering m my bleeding heart, I with my deepest feelings thus cruelly : outraged, how could 1 sit calmly and hear l.ini d:v uliug oil' 1 li.-eoiirse into lirsily, secondly, and lastly. " Pray let me observe,'' he couliu ili il haiejhtily, "lliat 1 never coiiii U r- ; cd this match equal." j "Wherein consisted the , inequality ; j may 1 enquire, sir! ! " In vour utter want ul a inarria portion. " When our 1 1 : ngemeut first, look place, ., . sir, w e were eioiais III lliill, re- speet; leecnt eireilmstances have hi slowed upon your son, perhaps, what J I stdl b e!,; hut. let. Hie tell J oil, that ' ill the eyes of (bid, and yes, in t he j eyes of men, 1 am inliuilely his slljie- rior, thoii:.'h 'gold does gihl I he strait ened forehead of the fool;'' and wilh , this bitter speech, 1 arose mid walked , to the window. O bow calmly the ; inooulight. : 1 i t. w ithout, how still, how holy the hush. I pressed my hot , brow to the window pane to still iis aching. I moaned like a poor, sick child, and prayed silently for help. The affection of vcalM was about to , . !,.( fragments. I had climbed felt lie ,!.,. easant heights o ove cuo j,,.,...,, (,r lt( en my cheek ! 1 1 . i ... i .... : ..' tin set n all the glowing garniture ol Skies; the ill henv; and now 1 must descend into 1 k vale, w here ihe shadows fell ,-, and thioiigh whose elooin I j carry a heart sick, crushed, for- saheti t ), u hat, a ini.sera le wree k .d' I hopes and loelings. I 1 walked In my scat, and said calm- Iv, " Mr. 1-oiiox, 1 am ready, sir, lo se ver this engagement, but. not at your command. I must, bear from your si, u those words which you say he haa not. Ihe courage, to say for himsci!;" inn! I I m in d to the i'eutlemau bv my side. "I await your wn.ds." 1 sai.l , i , , I , qmelly. lie attempted to ipeak, but his voice tiled in silence; he grasped the lassel of the pearl cold I wore around my waist as if lo slill hold me his, but not a word escaped him. I satin breathless silence. () why did , , i, i ' , he not spea,,: how cowardly Ins qu,el; I could stand it no longer, and I 'X- clanneil, "Henry lamox, yon m afraid to :-peak; u by do you not. say, , i.ii'ace 1 resign y oil, 1 101 .s.iui. y wu, ni. i (hat I do not love you, not, save your ,i,.,.i,i.t e ui vim ore nnwori iv oi v ,"'',i'v', j . 1 joVc, but 1 ve grown ton rich to marry ' oun 1 must let . et mv hold of love to r.t monev. I Ie I, enun to Kpcau; tl. eld (.ye of bis lather was lixcd . 1.1... monev." 1 le becan l. uneak; . l.illlilU lllii'll I. nil. . . ,1 (Jraci', ' J l:-tcneil eaucriy; moiii i 1 cou,i ilinnV . , 1 1" in this way ! T. il)vn ol'thirlefi. years, wh.'.'e was ! tj,;,, ,s i,.lt V,,.,T C " I. , t.mjj t i 1 i rijht; it i. my father's wish j and mine." " Then" I answered, "be it also . "My son will ever hold you in high 3 ,,. , .... , esteem, .diss a!e. said Mr. Lenox, " Thank you, sir," I answered, as a hitler contempt lilled my heart, and ir;ive expression to my words; " in n IO mv VOi us; Ji. "V , ,U case, I prefer being forgotten al - . .1 1 .. ,. ... 10 .ii;er. 1 arose 110111 1.1 m-.n. 1 "ij,.n;emen," I sai.l calmly, "our con- ',.,.,.lice js at ;iti cnJ. I could not, ; trusl niyuell to say more, as quietly ' stood and dismissed my companions. They arose; "good evening Miss Vale," said the elder gentleman I answered, - uoan eve,,. . g, ... . lliu b Him;(j tiu)e h rjsthTly. "Henry Lenox, without a ord , r.liiicJ q & . w,ipaU rabru,tly shook my hand and departe,I..Tlll. w,u(.ut U(u L(;cu a witUill 1 nevi r saiv him again,' added Grace x. ... .ll... I. 'a ,n 1 ...r:i I .li. ..III. StlUIV, IM" UICII, UIIU wva cast Money that money for which he resigned tho lovo of his boyhood proved tho ready instrument of his de struction. Ho lived a life of vice; guilty and degraded ho died. For weeks, yes months, I rebelled against my destiny; restless and despairing, I murmured in secret. I dreamed of happiness, I awoke to misery. I could not, with tho deep lovo of my heart vearning for utterance, sit with clo- sed lips besido a solitary hearth. It was as if amiil a thousand lights, I puny departed, and silence and gloom hung darkly around. How Staggered , j beneath my burden of a voiceless love j and prayed that it might be removed. ,' The passionate heart of womanhood' j beat, alas! only rebellioiisly. And, ! even whilst the vaes dashed around me; I vowed to lift my bead above them. I heard the soft music of my life that was to be, n sclf-forgot- ling, made holy by deeds ol lovo am mercy. 1 woulil "rise In wouinii'n higlii'Ht ii It it ti il i- 1 lllll (it lllllllg I'OIJil." , , i . , ! ! And now as 1 sit beside my solitary ; hearlh, and the pist. seems to standi , . .. ' , , I out hcl.ue me bke a "handwriting on j the wall," 1 bless heaven that with 1111- j pulse quiekeued for good. I nue above ' the ruin ol'mv earthly all'ectioas, and I hough wrr eueil, am not iliowne. sKN.siiibi-: hi:.m.i;k.s. 1'he l'lditor ol the Savanah li ptih- Ii,;iu in noticing the recciiit. of the ; .Medical ami lateral",' Weekly wlileli , lias ju.t made its. appearance in Al - ;. n!a, taki s occasion lo append the ... . ... , to owm--sensible remarlis: , While we wish our medical friends every success, ami nave no personal dge of. or allusion to, thein- selvi s, we eaaiiol resist liie eou ielion j that physicians would do better to' slick lo their physio and let newspa- pers and new meilieal colleges alone, j The wholi' thing, however, Works in . a circle: the large number of meilieal eoli; gi s augments the number of1 ilocioi's beyond (he wauls of Ihe fiu 1 1! i y , and ihe lal.ler. being com pelled to live in some way, for lack of , patients get up more new colleges for ' Ihe purpose of making themselves t lecturers or go into the newspaper or periodical business all tending to iiiale more tlocior wlio are destined l to lake the same direct ion for a living. "We think the experience of nearly every community will sustain these reiuaiks. This itching of young men for the learned professions is a great evil in th" land, and should be discour aged by all who have an inl'iicnee lo lie lell in the creation ol public opin ion and directions of ihe economical sv-teins ol socio! v. Let parents of their sous. lllllv ami , closer lo the W'cllaie instead of qualifying ihciu for profess joiial loafers nud drones in the indus trial hive, Place . ... Ihciu in some one ol I , , - , . I . . , . i he thousand aetlc elllp oVIIleli S ha '". . ' , , ; w proMi pi ooiii i i e ' . , useltil lnfh ir counliy. I lie day an naspi.sM', wmeniiie l'"';" j i i .i . loos.iei i u ii";ii ii , " ' , mini's p i: itioii in society now depends : ratli.-r his moral worm ami in- ' Iclligenee. aiidtiic degree ol excel- : (;(s ijs j1.ul lllmM 11;l1M, which tiic littler j may happen lo bear." j , If is very indelicate to allude lo ranneiUs worn by ladies, but (here is so much sai l in lie-papers ami ( !i h(i .. j,., (. W(, jL m. ,u,y , ,,.',.n( ; io in. e are sorry I nai some men j have so little la.sle and ar so old ll "vtsh as not to ailmire erinolinc. We W it- : ' ''..', . u,,.,,,'! , . i . , i i ,i .. i.. i ;,i tlOI'S IIOL IOOI, lai 111' I OilUIV lie.lli: win. whose dress is expanded in beautiful eonlom' by tjiat " iusfiliitiou!" What ;':' Hiey see fo ndniiro in a lays tlress dangling and llirlmg about tier feet! We have no earthly us! for a Ill.'lll who siwers itt hoops. We al- . ... i i . w:ivs t!tiiil it them cool, eoinioriaiiu- and comely, ami trust the ladies may '. wearUt.'ia to th n.l of lime, . Cspil,. ' J y wL aliord'.iVniueh siii. il iii ,ii ,.j p(.ilHUI.(. t je the enlire side- walk I,. ,11 ..mii 1 n wit lllll SWIIIL'- I in" her "oods lirst lo one snle it ml iZlll'li(i'hr.-!nw'lmllllmlr, i!li. 1 A beautiful L'irl beautiful in youth , .( H..,, and purily who wakes : 101n j,,vp at Inueli of uiuruiiiK li-'ht, . . .1 . ,1... .1.. ..-ni. .1 ..iti.j.i'i'nl liii'ii -is me in". i- "',"" v. hose lu imvn, iik cos. ... .. . birds, arc ihe musical ol the dtj; j ,.roi (..h(;s(. ,,roW rv,.ry ,race of yes- U;.d,,v's wear and last night's care is .. . . 11 .1 r .t... sWcpt away, even as the ftce ol na- liiii; .i -i. r .' - - - , , , ; 1 ! is w ir, a. iri."iiii'iiei. iv .in 1 1 .... .1. ; r nc w-s-at, , " ' ' : ""o- 'i'lin L'skof Ihuns. 1). V. Warner, ol'Sharon Spring, N. Y., says: My father repeatedly attempted wheat-growing, but as often failed. tho weevil taking tho whole crop, un til a large colony ol martins estab ; lishetl themselves under tho eaves of grow 1U0 rods of the barn. Oucrv had iho martins any to do in preventing the appearance uf the weevil.' , (Ouv (Chip gasftrt. OI'HN TO CONTRIlieTORS. Aunt JJelsy has said many good things, among the rest, that a news paper is like a wife, because every man should havo one of his own. Wo hope that every borrower of the Homo Journal in Franklin county will re member this, Kindness kindles tho lire of friend j,'',.,.;,,,r ship. A kiss nvoils more than a blow. moral murder, which, using only an ! ll rut n n,l l'.il ll Iwturl n,l ,. null r.,i. I)()iri.,i.l- unisons confidence and slnbs characters, without, fear of detection, Over 1,000 people disembarked from ! Leaven worth, Kansas, Fri lay week, I lor the Kansas gold mines. ; A fellow in Winchester remarked the oilier day in our hearimr, that if!''"1 i i,-i i,ii i , ... i lias in was Pike, he'd be darned if he wouldn't stop these fellers from coiniii' I there to dig gold out of his peak." I The emancipation of serfs in l!us- sin is attended by much trouble. The nobililv uliii'in tli.'il it. is -1 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 tlicin. . . . . .. I I . and obieel to tlie cession ot land to h(, ,)(.:is;mtrVi ... , '. . , , Singular how pious new clothes 1:,u. yMlll , ,,nvll( .'r ;t who'lc mouth alter they get new bonnets or nmiil illas, they may be seen at church I hree I imes a day. Why are the vouiig ladies of Paris ' print, les. d .slijif Kai- lliey are In- ! It was a maxim 01 i.elierai ,l;li',e! 1 I T 1 sou's: "Take lime lo deliberate: ml w lieu I lie nour ol nciiou arrives, siop hmkmg and go in." Make no mischief by meddling with ' ' oi iter ioi :s lmsincss. ,,ii i,,! i i,,,.,,,.,.. i "- ..i,-,.,... It is alwavsto be understood that, a lady lakes a'll you detract iVom the ; rest" of lie s. x.'to be a gift lo iter. J j I i The deepest ivligious feeling makes the least noise, but, its principle and : i action are intense and steadfast. j j ' irt ues. like some Ihnvcrs, blossom i . . fairest in the shade. : A student of medicine in an eas tern city, having courted a girl for a year, he received a high compliment from her in the .shape a ui'tteu. 1'p iii ibis he in return sued her father fir "the visits" he paid her ! lie got the costs to pay. Wonder if many more such modest, customers down Kast t A four hundred dollar cradle is on ex m i a i ion in one oi me I'.iriutui'c si ores m Philadelphia. It. is made of papier muchc, inlaid with pearl, and got up wilh a degree of splendor exceeding anything of the kind (hut has yel been presented lo the extravagant public. Wonder if a baby, rocked in such a cradle as that, will grow to be any greater or belter than one rocked in the little plain cradles we use about , , i hi. in -i ii . 1 1 y -i ii,--1 1 i, ,b i:ie.u. J , , , , . .... i .... ii.. 1 1 .... i i it Mini jiii.iiiu, , miliar ii.iiiiiiiuini M . . will be spent in unconscious innocence in that 100 cradl '. An I perhaps a ,.;,, ,,,,,, , : ,' though I hi! baby may lay on pearl, he will lir sent, in alit-r years lo iiu- prtii- iciitinry for lliicviti'. tiinilitl'M I il 1 1 IntJi lit li' I ti-it'HU'i.1. alpol. nt reasons whV a "nan should imvcr many for money; hut an old epirammalisl. ar'tn-s the case very pleasMiil Iv on (be oilier snlc : W liiani'iir viin wintry, Cnrsiis .sniil. 'fnki' inn: tii'li vviilnw or rich niaiil ; I'm' any wil'u may Iiirn mil ill, liul, j:iiil ! tliu 111 1 ) 11 t:y iievur will." Somebody udverlises for agents to sell a work entitled " In st rucliir." The best bynienial in slruelor we know of is a oiuig wid ow. What she don't know there is no 1 use in learning. To resort lo inloicutioii for tin , i i ie reason we never irot tlrtiul; wneu i mir na'. tfthcart "kicked us," once Upon : iv lni, i j T) is ;l IM,allii' t!,on -ht where , ; jn (iijM js ;it. lirst like a spiders webb; il nealee- ', t(l1 , il ,M'7"M"' " ,,hr,",'' "T' next a eord or rope, linallv a eaule ! h w, cu break it? ' I e nave oecti i.nmni y ute lair sex wilh several beautiful boipicls, I ilil.t ni iinuii, uiiu iiiiii'iiL itn;ni was uiht from a i;al in town, and with the bo tpiet was the following note : )t er li I send yu hi the barror a bokay of flours. Thev is lik mi luv for you. The tiite shaid nicnes kepe dark. Tin! dog fenil menus I am m e slave. "llosin toil find lioiksii pil, Mi luv fur u I111I never la tic." gentleman, who died recently. , - , , , . , . , , , I . 1 1 .... t 1 .ll til I. It IV-lt.. 1. I. III. O IIU, I I ,uy , i,,,,,;, in cas, 1 , ., ... l. 1 1 sue aaia inarricii. 1110 sunt w;w "v she Hiram married, the sum wo doubled. L'r. Well, it won't be, hard for her o get u. husbnud, nor will it ho long. The same Indies who ould faint to s-c a mans shirt on a clothes-line, will, in a waltz, lovingly repose their i....i- n flm bosom ol the same car- mrnt when ihe "nn is in it. el. u-lio doiil'is it' circumstances alter cuaes rery nintcriauy ai limes, He who knows tho world will not he too bashful, nnd Lo who knows himself will never be imprudent. ease ol Olie s llilllil, IS 10 cure niciail- lio n, ami u.iu i in;i. 1111115. .uc; cholv bv madness. Is it not moral su- I sit at the window, and can't help spy it.j,,;?l j int:. They screw np their corsets, Thai's just what ur thought, and is I brinK cm consumption, and can't help Number 18. Hiwrucr Paid to Money. In an ar ticlo in alato number of tho Christian Examiner, we find tho following par agraph: "No race in this country will be despised which makes money. If wo had in lioston or New York ten ourang outangs with a million of dollars each, they would visit in the best so ciety; wo should leavo our cards at their doors.and give them snug little dinner parties." Dkownhd. The Shelbyville True Union of the Hid inst., says: "On Sunday last four persons, Virginia Newsom, Elizabeth Wanton, Tnrlton Newsoui and a small negro girl wcro drowned in attempting to cross the liarrcn Fork of Duck Uivcr, in llicj neighborhood of Normandv. in this county. Three of tho bodies havo been recovered. 'We did not learn (R. particulars of the accident, Doubt nud distraction belong to a rth the brightness of truth is a passport to heaven. The best love powder vc know is found in California. The more yon gel of it. the harder the females will love, The Californiuns take it in iiiiirli. (ive a man brains and riches, ho is a king; give him brains without riches and he is a idavc, give him riches without, brains and he is afoot. P I ; 1 1 1 1 ,S 0 K T K A L-1 1 1 N I i t; ll A MM a R . 1 have been sendin' my darter Nan cy to school tea schoolmaster in this neighborhood. Last Friday 1 went ... ,i, i.. v ..1U ,ri,,; i.i,,,,,, I I ..., . i ,ijli,1,( iji... i... .... ...,.. 'ei... Illllli , nil. -l llllll llll'l,, ll.lll A ll I. schoolmaster was learning her things enlircly out of the line ufedieation, i ; ,,,i.. K.,,i ,. i,a l"T" "' ."""" ;.. ii,.. ...i i i i i I .... " """' " """ '',asf sa' llla1' I"'""'- '-'7 ,11 ""-1".v s,7' i WilS Mn,)t " tci'inincil ibal iNancy snotild leave tho i ,.,v . , ,..,,. ,ilt grammar was an oiicommon line study, but ! doanl want any more grainmcr about l:1.V house. The lesson what Nancy sani was not in u Dill the looliMiest kind uv talk, Ihe most ndicnlus luv talk you ever sect). She got up and (he fust word she said was "I love !" I looked right hard at her fordoing so improper a thing, but she went right on and said : Thou Invest, he loves," and I recoil you never beerd such a riggermarole in your life love, love, love, iiml nolhin' but. love. She said one lime, "I did love." I looked rite strafe at her, sez I, "Who did you loe, Nancy?" Then the scullers all laughed, but. I wasn't to be put. oil', and I sed, "Who did voll love, Nancy! 1 want to know who did you love!" The scooluiaster, Mr, McQuilistcr, put in and said he would explain when Nancy fmis .ed the les son. Tins sorter paeylied tne, and Nancy went on with her awful love talk. It. got wus and wus every word. She sed "1 might, could or would love." I stopt again, anil sed I reckond I AVoitldsee about that, anil fold her to walk out of the house. The school master tried lo interfere, but I wotihlnt letfhiui say a word, lit! said 1 wus a fool, and 1 knocked him down and made lam holler in short, order. I lauki Ihe st rate thing to him. I told ,!i'a ,M sl,ow l,i,u lloW hcM ,ara darter irraincr. 1 not the nahors together, and we M ill Mr. Melfillister oil' in a hurry, . ami I reckin I liar 1 be no more gramer I leachin' in these parts soon. It you ' know any rather oldish man in your ' refill that doaut teech grammer, we wood be fjlatl it you wood send him i up. lint in the footuro we will bo ; kecrful how we employ men. Yonn i skoohnastt.'i'S wont do, especially if 1 1 hey leeches gramer. it is a bad tluiiij (or morils. .Sam Mcghiss. - - - Tlie trirls somehoily says, think oflly- i ' 1...I.. 'I'l.a.. dying but that's slander, partly. Man was born for society not soli tude. Solitude is artificial, and is of monkish origin, with comparatively few exceptions, unci mostly adventi tious. Ian cannot, properly speak ing, become a recluse. Nature is the only universal lan guage can speak without a tongue paint without a pencil or brush. The frostbites without teeth. The wind cuts without a tool, and whistle with out a muth. When a man lias no design but to speak plain truth, ho may say a great deal in a very narrow compass. Spurgcon the great Haptist preach er will probably reach New York city about tlm last of Miy. l is said live cents .will bo the admis- " , " to hear him preach. .'overly of mind U the greatest of all poverty and the most to be do- -.1 n'l : , .... .1 - piorcit. 1 no miser 110,1 l IIUOK so. "If this slighted heart must ses Ur faithful puU decsy. Let it die reuieinberins; llise, And lika tho burnt aroms b , Consumed in swceU away. Th deepest ice that ever lro Can only o'el the aurfaca c'0' . Tho living stream lies flu And flow and eaunol ca : il 1. ? 1 1 I' ill 1 i 1' m w I i t !; ill' b:: 1 ,1 ; r 1