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She jiiomc gfoiirwal. ' 1Y " wrVl7s.'J"J,KJt. " "iMnlKcd in nu I'urlj'it whlirury ), Ho I'iillu frill h HlirWcrnlir Irurts I hi' mi).1 THE WAH-WIIAT IT COALMEN- : CKD ABOUT. In Inst week's Journal wo made some brief remarks relative to the prospects of war in the old world, and us hostilities huvo now commenced in earnest, and as it is likely to prove a general war, we think our renders will ho pleased to know what it com menceij uuouf, at least those who have hitherto paid no attention to the ipicstions in dispute. A threat against .Sardinia by Aus tria is the ostensible cause. One cor respondent, however, ways that Louis Napoleon decided on Mar will. Aii - s - 1 triii directly after the Crimean war.- Notwithstanding the glory that cons tost gave to llio I'Vericb anus, it. was of no heneit to her in a material point. i'.-;,.,.- Anuii'iii :. il,,. ..1. !.. a s r a was 1 no on v nnwer 1 to derive any real ml vantage .. lI'Olll that contest. Louis .up,eou fuutu liimself with a heavv and long stand in-' ill-lit In Aii-lii.i. u i'li liis iiilii'iiii il ..... hatred of thai J'ovver. w il h . "' '" sciousne.s.s Hint Hlic Ini'l roapeM all t.lio benefits of llie war wit bout. firing cannon, spending a dollar, or lo.sin;. man; and with a rosllc-s army on his ! hands, flushed with vieloiy, and whoso occupation was llie, only salvation of bis throne perhaps of bis head. - III this Mlltatloll. lis Mlbseilllelil ' ... .... :. . 1... 1 ..-.i4.- 1 , ' have, a contest with Auilna, and alien , . the lapse ol stillicient lime for I lioroii-h 1 resiisoilafion mid preparation, al'ler 1 billing the impular apjirchi'iisioii wilh : assurances ol Inspacilm intentions, w find him acceplin;;' In: llali: ill rjii 11011 mi a preicM. 1 ins (j'le.simn was particularly lilted for I. is nurture for many reasons. Sardinia, the I'.iwer llireatened by Auslria, bad l iken a prominent part in ihe Crimean war il)U,y ,..,, ,,. ,,y Kossi; wl,.M Uv and in the I'.il is Coiili'lenci', and it was in ihe l.'niled Stales, in whs the cvidciil. di'lertni nation of Vic- have arrived. Il, can hardly fail lo be tor Kinnnuel, Count. Cavour and the .' embraee.d by some of the bold .la-y-i a, :.. ,1..., ....,:....! i.ilills' 11 'he war lasts any ,ii"l Ii of 1 , i. ,. . . ... ... , n--.- no ronton mil 01 nil limy it possible, , but out of Central Italy at. any rale, lb; had Sliciltliencd bis inllueiice willi Sardinia by, in thi: liist plain: a matrimonial alliance with the House of Savi y one of ihe oli!e-l. and most distinguished families of Muiopc ihe marriage of the I'rinee Xapolcon to J'rincess (dolhilde, which was I'or mi lonr a lime kept .sccn l, an. which was solemnized on ihe .'(l)i h of Janua ry. In the second place he uli red into an alliance with Sadinia, u hereby he agreed lo protect her .iain. t iiny al lack from any source. lmis .aioleon, il, is evident, also! seeks tin; establishment of a Stale in Italy, jipou a republican basis, so far at least as tho eonlrnl of I he chureh is eoiicerned. Auslria undcrlakes, mi the oilier hand, lo marshal the old elements and lo preserve I'm I'ope from boiiij; reduced to ii nii-rely spir itual oflieer. In this conlliet, the French F.mperor is umloiibli-illy ihe reprosi'iitalivi! of'lhc spirit of the a;;c; and whatever may be tin: immeili.iie result, some oml must yrow out of the coal est. now nu: ruisis w.'s v is-i;n. Our last account relaleil simjily to the crisis. '1'he war was only pi-tiding now it has eommetici'd, a ml I his is the manner III Inch llie. last liope ol pence was l.lasteii. A oli-r of .m dmlmn . was made by I'nlai.-I. based up,,,, ! tho acceptance of one rf ihe two lo! lowing conditions: 1st. The immedi ate, absolute and simultaneous di.sar maincnt of Autri.i, I Viiiiee and Sar dinia; or, I'd. Tho consent on the part of all, priulin. the result of ihe mediation, to retain their iirmies in precisely the .same eumlilioii, iiud lo . , . .... . maintain a posii,,,,,, ,1 not of peace, at : all events ol maclio.,. This ,,,'opo- inn. .,1 , 1 1 .luaiini ii-ii ii, j a, is auo Vienna on the .'.'iili ult., but s.i Lite as the ,10th, I'ratiet; Irnd not i;:nificii her acceptance of it, and ii.lviih.slaudiu;; the report of lint accepline,! of n ollbr by Austria, one hundred und twenty thousand of her troops bad crossed the Ticino and i ntered the J'icilmoutoso territory. 'I bis was re garded ollieially in Paris as an overt iH'tol war. Ficnch troops were pour-in-,' into Italy 1',-otii rvn-y uvailiilile pninlj France and li'ussi.i it is naiil have formed an alliance; Kiigbiud was Mn ngtheiiin her sipiadrotis; Surdini.i was aroused to but enthusiasm; all Italy was in u wbito he;tt, Tuseaiiv bad joined with France, and the Urand Duke had lied Ibr safety. TiinCtn mi I'.m-ti. 1 1 .m. Timw iv low. villi . Iim-.-i I ?ilmmf-r. eial.of a We Ji.. ,. , lo deny or au , L.0ci;a aet. This region of C(lunt ry u ,,,.si. title or tho nceeuarin ,VV,rc The mock of food for mini Ulli about exhausted. Theru i, corn enough to Iced those w,u i.' "itimble to buy Hour; but thr-y bnvenot the means to buy corn. It is in ih banda of a few persons, and ibpy will only Kid for cash at a dollar ii bushel Not one third ol (Lose who nerd to !nj co'rr), -Lnvo the IoIlar,."or ny nutans of getting ii; for the money, like (lie corn, Is out of the reach of the destitute. We are no pnnie iiiitkur; but of tin's wo feel certain, and wo sponk advisedly, that in tliirly days from I his limn, unless iIiohu who Imve a (surjiluH agree to part with il, on I i tr if.. ut a fair prieo it will ho distributed and carried away by band-i of drspcraie men to feed their starving families. This sounds terrible; hut it is too near the truth, and men will not suffer tin ir families to starve, when fond - 1 can be procured by going and takin 1 it. Chops. Wo regret to hear that the w In-lit. eion. in iiihiiv nlaees. is affec ted in I he same manner that I he oat crop was last your the ter - "nJst ll,ivil1' '"'"I" I "'''"TT"' 1 ls ,m,'l'',m''1 I I III IVIKlIf VI' if'.'ll C I', ill f,( tl,HJ l(.in..i. j wj, .i,,,,!, j t m:iv,U:1 ,.,";. J ty, Miss, complaints mi this head, seem tn lie increasing. As llie wheal , '''"I1 has become a very important one 1 111 "'is section, wo await lurlher d, i .... , 1 . .1 ,..: 1 ' i" mm- Willi u,;ril III! I I I.-.-.1 iJlllu V,,,' '',, . ' - 1 A Xi.w ami I Vr.i 1 1. .wi;m ion.--We iave 1 1 ; n 1 i-Miiiim-d in us a novel, met 1 wo iielieve a practical impi'iv incut. The iim-nliir. Mi-. William I. j,,!,,,. ' SOMi js ;i in-, iii.iiiiiii, .hi. iiiuiiiiii son, is a Tcimesseaii, livin-' ii I'eylons ie iiiveii- a ; villc, Willininsoii enmity. 'I ... I In, 11 is an improve-'! mode ol eniiSij uci- 1 . . Huston! rooms, s-i as In have the,"1'' ,l v'iin)iia. 1 1117 jui.ineii ui 1. 11 i hi i H-r -iltt'-itsi r, !,!, I '. . I , Vll II" ll.-l I'll as I'll .'.s- S;i!l;i. inoval ui case of lire. Th,.' ,i,,l,.i j shows that the buildin;,' is erecieil ,m ' I limbers like a ear sits 011 a riiiboa l, ! i .. i- . .l Willi a SIIL'lil. (Ii'scrinlm rade. ,, .. 1.1 ... 1. . 1 .ii v e 1 1 ii 1 1 1 11 1 in iiiai.i'.s or eaiciio. iii-i:. iiiii-ii 1 11: in nu : o s 1 ace 1 1 , Pi . mill In- removed, nml 1 he store room wj,, a j,s ,.o;,icnls. pushed out of ihe reach of I ; 1 ti ; r -1-. It, is well wort h an examination. Cli'illnminu A h'. ..... ..... 1 .. 1. ...... ... 1 . . . I Wb ' Austria is eu:;a,ui:d iii a war ranei! and llalv, and nearly Willi , an its resources are e.liau.-led, then if ; would be an easy mailer for the nine millions ol Hungarians lo rise and as- Serl the independence ofllieir r-ouulry. The liiilir 0111I rtu. .iiii-'i'n.i. c-i. -ihv. '" 1. --.I 1 .... 1 I UNI- I ll- Si Mill f II I 1 II will rl-inily be raised in 1 1 iin-'arv.-.Wvi. I 'mini - A111 rii iin. Tews. A I luiislon corn-spun lent ol I Ihe ,cw O.-leuns Delia, under dale of : the rilh inst.., thus alludes to lie: crop I prospei'ls in Texas: The propccl. of our ariciii'l urisl.s have ;:rcaly improved durinif the past week. Wo have been favorc-l with warui vicaliicr au.l abund.iiit rains. 'c;',cl al ion fast recoverim.; from Ihe ell'ccls of the lain fj'osl. I lopi;s arc now rnlertained of a lull average crop of mir slaplc pro lucis. The prospects of I he wheal, crop are iuile Haltering. Within ibis mouth j (lav) we expect llour fresh from ihe vv heal, of this cur's jrniwl h. I The ladies of ,S, (,'. have raised j SHI). ()!)() towards crrci'iin a muiiu uieiit in memory of Juhu '. Caiiiouu. iMi In repaid lo Ihe o calily ol' ihe li;.;ht bet ween I ): hcride and Sloval!, a tmlicc of which was in ihe Journal a few weeks since, we' . . p . . . . ! v ere mi iiiiormci. 11 occunvil about three inies(, in.slead of .Salem, ' and as the nuix.s was eau-ed by whisky, j mir liiends at, tho;,'ood lowu of Saleiu I just ly fell. ;i lil lie I, iih lo allow I he ic i pon 10 i;issasvve nrsi putiti.dic.l it. ( We therefore make this explanation, j Winovv i. it Jn .rr.ii. Their ran ,ltil.ll .lw,.,.n y,m,U ., , .,., .,: ... a .:;'('. n nia 0' 11 i I Spii it of ll.e Times tliii.sliati s by a story of a prctly yoiue,' irl and a su (eplible wi -lower of I'ol'ly-eij.'ht. lo i whom, iifler .a short courtship, she became rn';a'.md. I'revious lo llii imtrriii-e, the fieiillciuaii was com- j pelled to lal.ea journey lo Ihe Atlantic Slates, .'ill, I Ibr leal' of ncchb-nl. srl. - - - ,.,, ,,, , s ,., ,, l)(m iis ,. , )(.o,. ..,..,;. During ' j his iibsi Him, a lender coirespondriice I vv .as Kept up, nu, I his business coin p.'eted he hati iied back with all the speed ol an impatient widower to Iiud, ill. is ! bis tunnel: nicely settled as the wife of bis con. Like a sensible man he tool; il pinch of suulf, kissed the bride and resigned himself to bis late. DKATII OF I)U. SIIKI.HY. Dr. John Shelby, of .Nashville, died at bis residence in that place, rtu last Saturday night. His perriit.s wire ninon the earliest pioneers of ihe country nml settled in what is now called Sunnier county ilccrasul be ins thr first ir'iilr r'til.l bum in liuf coimtii. lie was early exposed and i inuied lo the hardshihs of I'roiitirr life, and participated in many htiiijhs with the s.avni's of tin; lorest. lie served in the i-reid; war mil perhaps other campaigns. lie was Dost-inasler in Nashville durins Tnylor'-s nnd Fillmore's nd- " ' ... . . m in strat on. 1)1 late rars lie ilevo- ted much of his time to stock ruining, (Sec, He was nn influential man, and many mourn his death. Ho wns hurried bv the Masons, to WU otdrr ho belonged. I'U v" rrm lort Kfurry nays li ei'Hk tmia,lts arc returning in droves di-ttUuic. Tub Ticino. As frequent referen ces nre inado in our foreign dispatch es to the "Ticino," und as it is a name vvliinh bid fair to ho oftened useii when speaking 0 tho war just now commencing in tho old world, we would di'sei ihe it. First, hi! sure to 1 pronounce it right. Tho letters of the ' Iialian language do not all have the same sounds which they have in J'lng- j lish. Tho pronunciation of this name J is Tirchr.mia. It is a small river, con necting the Lake of Mnggiore with the Vo, and has its importance from its being 1 lie boundary between Lorn hardy and Sardinia; therefore, the Austrians become invaders the mo- I '"ent they pass to its western bank. I Its whole course is about Via miles, and it is navigable from Lake Mag- Ui". to the l'o, which (lows into the I ' (ililf of Venice. From Telegrnphie ili.-:palches in Nashville papers of to-lay, we con dense the following foreign news; Tho London Times says the inva- ders in Italy have not advanced over ! '.'" imles limn tin.- Ironhcr. It seems - ,, , ,1 . . , ,111 ,1., tliou!i I bat A 1 sir a slal eil lieavilvi - for the opporluuily she won but has - ' tbrowu il away. Ihe .Moniloiir ol tin- tib says ihe A 11 si ria lis who cross- ed I !i(! I o are small in numbers and' 1 1 1 - 1 i-t 1 1 . i ! The Austrian divisions reiiorted 011 the li-lit bank of llie river are still 'hrcaleiiiii',' the passage- of llie l'o at. - e 1 . . . . 1 . . : 1. 1 1 1., mil llie inn is ,....11.... 1 'I'l... I...... 1 1. --iiiii-n iv imun. jim. . i-.iui-i swollen by rains are. covered. I!. iron llnmho'i 1 at l'erliu. ,o bailie y . l.ivKui'ooi., Saturday noon. Cot- Ion ipiiet. mil sieauy. Kicliardsoti, Spenec iV. f'o., ipiote wheal opened i-vciti-il. with a hi i"-e sncciila! i vi! in. ijuiry. Flour dull au.l is offered at (i pence decline. 1 ne vustnaiis were repuiseii in an : allcinpl. to cross l!ic l'o at. Trassin ito. ! II. is rcpiirlcd that .Sardinia has! 1 11,, . , 1 ,,. seii'd all lac Austrian ships at ( union. : I'l'.Hi,-,. will so,, 1, inn (inn ' troops in Piedmont. ,apoleou w ill leave for I In- army about llie l'.'l.h. There are vv hisper.s of martin law 111 I'aris. A Vienna Telegraph annoimces the failure ol an extensive l!,mkilo House. Liabilities two millions pounds. Aisns, Tiivas, A.iy 11. Capl Il.iylei- elilcled llie upper reserve on ; lie.'! I, Willi ."ill men and killed 1.1 In-! diaiis mi l lied, a parly of draoan In-' diuiis pursuing. The Indians in Ihe lower reserve have left their farms for ! dpt. Kos eiicaniimeiit. j I'li'tiotis. In the last Journal we stated that I,. I,. .Matthews had been elected Secretary of the and Alabama II iii Roai Winchester; lie was ! ( lecleda Diiirlnr ami .. ,'. Uriit .Seen tar'. vv, in, 11 r -I iii,- w ,,, ii- .t,, ami- .i-i A iAUi;t)V I'iSCAl' ( ):ie odorous eveailu, in the mouth of .May, IS, our inii'lh-provokin;; ac- ipl.iiulan ie, .1 dm Y, was silling wilh us in I he parlor. In the midst of our it. i tilcrcil, and u ill, ,' :;!a:i':-', I an!; in the fun Jii-l"o Kni::l mic (;ii!ii,'i'h,'usiv oceup.iiils of llie raai.i, cor liil ins were ctr,, I". I, which met reel wilh .1. hcirly r', ;ji.u.s-', but. lo our consloi- lion, vv hen our Irii 11. 1 was presented, it v , I i 1 ri 1 1 :f J.iii'!.- w.isall llie iiulico he d 'iijae-l In bestow on him, in he turned away With a contemptuous ;ur. A 'Texas .Norther" chills not more sitddmily and thoroughly than did litis ilisi'ourlcsy our feeling. Hushed, froen into si l.'ueu we remained. What ran he iiieati.' was our only Ciouhl. Our insulted visitor bade us o,id iiibt, an. I w;is "aim bel'oro wo eonl, 1 utter ;i word of reiiioiislraiice. Sue then marched right up to the J ,,. im, reipiesled t,i know why I... I... I vlu nHVonlpil l-'.-mr. W. III - ll.fc.i c. Wil,lout u VV()1,, ,lt. ,,ul lis h:imi illlo ,',s vest pocket and drrvv out a ucee of paper, nml read aloud a warrant fur the arrest of John W. for robbery ami murder. Julia fainted ; but Su.i sn itched the paper from bis band, stamped it, iiud then tore it to atoms. Just then lire iirms were heard in the direction I'.sip-. V. bad gone. We all ran out lo lis ten. See, we could not, for the hith erto clear shy, was now overcast with Maid; clouds vv Ii i 'li completely obscur ed the li-hl of Iho moon and stars. Come back ladies," called the stern voice of the Jud'e, "it is the Sherill' discb.iriii;; his duty. That uiiniilti- K-itrd vidian, V, will not get nwny V"1 ""' r0"1 Dead or "live, thry will bring him back in a few liiomeiils. Here they come, ladies retire if you choose." .Minnie bad restored Julia to con eioiisness, and now all pale and frigh tened we looked from one lo another without budging a step. In they i.:.. i.- ......i.i.i.... i ,n iv.ui.m.i ra.,.,1.-, near Leavenworth) two of the gang holding our friend by the arms, l'er ilotis indeed was bis situation, wc knew then, that if lie had nut over whelming proof of bis innocence right at bund, that the first trco would bo bis gibbet, for Mob L uv ruled tbo (and. In ejenr tone?, Judge Night imid : John W., you mo charged with the robbery nml murder of Amos Goodlow, by l'eter Simms. Cotno forward l'o. tor and confront tho prisoner. Out strode a dare-devil looking fellow, who swaggered around to the place indi cated. f the glance of a human be ing could have that ell'cct, Peter would have been annihilated by the look the outraged man gave him. "John W" called Sue, "God and your friends know your innocetioj es tablish it to the Mitisfaction of these fiends?" I'ule as death became that noble brow. "Proof!" be cried,"! have, but not here. Judge Kight, if you will post pone the trial until morning Anna Reynolds and Sophia Coodlow will clear me of this foul imputation." "No ! no !" yelled tho mob, "'tis nil a sham ! He will escape. Let the slave owner dje like a dog? Search I him Sheriff." That functionary speedily perform j eil tho process, and revealed to the view of all a silver I'ortmonie, with lh(, .,. o- ,h(, llla1 (.,r.iy,., 0 j(( whu.u fj(.in .,, rollll, , , . , .. , , .. to contain two thousand do lars. ..'IV .. I ' . .1 - II ... It, 1 . ......I j 1 10 i.ue gauows : snoiiieu llie .1 inlge, "Mienll, have you a rojief j "Xi Sir." "(!o then to the well and hrinjr :i piece of the cable. Here, men, .hold Southerner while I handoull J him." 1 Jn vain we implored for rnen-v, the 1 - ,n. . (,.,. ,. ,., ft.,,,,, ., i 1 John's nook, and rushed with him, wo I followed, to the hickory near the Cider . 1'rcss, where We mils loetlier am had often cracked I suti'' our inerrv solids, and there riht over the limb, where hi' once made us a sw iu', they ll,"'w ''"I1" '"'' which they in- tended to hang him. ( )ur ones pierced j M. heavens as Ihey adiist(;d it around ,,is ,,,.,. A wa(J (,)M,'usi()l) solm, 0, , , ,. , , ,.. ,. he ladies bad .'1 Is. hue o cred to t lie w-ilh him, they tossed her rudely to j one side, ! "Hoist and screamed : him, boys." "Slop ! in the name of heaven and earlb, I command you lo stop," thun dered the voice of a tall noble looking man as he pressed his punling horse I lirouli the furious crowd to the side of their victim. "Amos (luodlow is not. dead; there boys, caleh Pete Sitntns, don't-you sec he i.- SlIlllllC'. I . . 1 ll was he that robbed and Iriei '"I murder Hood low, and as Msip'. W. 1 was vvalkiti'' wilh Ann Reynolds and 1 Sophia Hoadlow, he saw him running ' I'..,..,. 1 1. ,dc ul he fallen man, and " " -.1 tried to capture him. lie prcssr d 1 y,,. so cs,.y Hint he dropped his ; in',., Ji;,d (.'ouillow's money in il, und tfof away. Then tiikinj,r tid Viiut.',;.re of llicse troubled limes, he imposed on you all, so far as to malm you almost hiiti my friend to make own misdeeds." Such a shout anise then, as was never braid before under that old 1.:.. 1 1. 1 ... 1 .1 ... 1 ,ui nwi v ui-,-. it as nil 1 oil1 1 lual 1 awoke nml found it nil a dream, .May I lib, 1S.V.I. I!vi:-i .ami no I'lvi-s. There urn ma ny children, and many grown up per sons too, who appear to be passing their time in the world wilh their in tellects half-asleep; they have not been wakened properly. Instance after instance continually occurred in a late journey, In make iinptiries of persons who ought to be able promptly to answer them, but who knew nothing of facts existing daily in their very sight; that is. if their mental eyes were open. The other day we asked ii resident, on the banks of a river, what inline the river was, he lived on, but the only information wo could ob tain, was, that il was called the river. We asked a laborer, living close to the brink, which way the river ran. At the moment no stream was visi ble, though it generally Hows with sulllciriit rapidity to indicate its course. Hut the good body had never noticed which way it ran! Thousands of both old and young are in this con dition, with the precious mind asleep. This ought not to be, It is as easy to excite the intellectual faculties, as tho limbs, useful, wholesome, impro ving action; ami we know that "the used key is always bright." Several editorials are unavoidably crowded out this week. Are jtihi -iiirciin Iruiii seven, cnlii! I ,iur ri:t ili-aiiilx-il l,y mi iiKvsunl rHigl,l ll.ive )ou a ititTkultyol,iii-', atriii!,auit-il by pjini. In ttierhe-t, ami, cs. liri Nlly iimmiK evening, a ft!i-;,,i lever wild ,;i,,iutii,ii i,r llie lieail, ili-oi,,err,l or ,l,e ili;:etive aysteiu, and to. l-iniia i-x,-itiiratiunl Irynu liave any iirtliene symptoms, u-e On. IIinim.anu' IUi.hamic CiilililAL, ill cunjiiiirlioii Willi Hi, Ciit4A-aji:init.-.3 i.rUiea,iiiie eminent plitnicidii. and yi,ii ill a-.sui,-,,iy ftn.1 rrii--r. UyiHi ue-le, I tl,e iiieani i,r ruie p.iiute,l out, you may a-eelitj SimI your, aeirona sirk lieil.aiul beyont nieil it .ll ai-l. The-ie fnv;ilii4lile ami norltl-rennn-iieil remnlie-i are, rfrr.l oiiljr b) llr.C. M. Jar k ion, ItS.lrrli Slrral, lliil- ailrli'lili, ami tur wit l,jf itn,;;i.ti awl iturcki-rpers In rvrrr lowii ami tillar in Ihr l uilrj Slalci ai.J I'anajaa IVicc 7 crlila tr boltlf. Sir Jttnict liirk'M I'fiualc 1'liia writ known rnlicin i no Imposition. Iiut a sure ami ul. ii-mclr for l-Vnal. niirVutlw-i, ami obKlrucliona r,o,n anr caim nlial.vrr, awl alihnui a powerlul rem, ttiijr ronialn uoUiing liuitlul lo 11m conttitulioR. To inarrlM Ijiliri il n rvculiarlr wllnl. It Hill, In a liott lin,, biinontb. nionlblj paiiod nilli rriitarilr For lull partinrlara, E'l pa'npt'''1. n. of IW awnt. 5. II. SI ami 6 ptwl-ig lamp enrloaftl lo any author, itnl a jrnl, at ill inrura biKlle ronlatnllic oro0 illa by return mail. Pre aalvaitmimul. It.iugrr'H .olicc. Tnken up by V. I.. Roberts, reeMing in District So. S, one Hay Filler, has no white about her, no brand", bare fiioted, supposed l,i be three years old, about 14 hands 3 inches bi,'h. appraised, on llie 10th dav of April, ISoit. JOHN T. SLATTflll, R-, F. Co. May, 19 3sr, Mule of Tciine'', Franklin Co, JUHTICK ur 1 1 1 u I r.rtwn. buun William liimlianan, iluiii'iir,l Vlli i Uubt itc. Williiuii Jolinsnn, dcfnuiliintj In ill ih caiiKii wiit Inivnitf bmni cnmiuenccd bofors llni uii(lr'iinil, n. Juwiico oI'iIip I j' ' in and 'or llni Cminly ami Suilo nforocBMl, by tho ilttiiilill'ii(ja'uiHi llni dol'iMiilniit ny origin al ottm-liniPiit loiindeii 011 a nolo (f ivoh by 'h li'iidnnl to Ibu iiliiiiiiill'l'iir llio ilrd nml lu"t payment fur a trnetnf lait'J of lit" y ucru-, ly iny anil boing hi fuiil i-nuiity u ml Mato utTe nuTc, mid was luviod Hy Win. Karris, Counta ble, on xuid imct 01' bind ami ruturiiud by bim bclbro I ho ondi-rsi(rnoil, JiikIii-o of Hie I'oiieo, on tbo 1 Si li ibiy of .May (i nsto itt) 1S.11J, wbori.-npoii, it is eoiiHiilereil by 1110, and iioor dcriid Unit all furtber iiroi't'iidin in ibiB ciiko bostiiycil until 1 he IS1I1 day uf Nnvmii bor next, llM). And il further ordered that imblinition bo mmln for four cnn-M-ctitive wocl(a in Ilia Homo Journal, 0 iicwi-pn per pub lished in 1 hn town of Wan: he tor, roipurjna tho mid iluliindiiiit to bo and appear before 'J'lioiiniii l-'im.-b, J. J'., Ili ini-lerMgiiei', at his oltieti in lb'.' town of Winchester, 011 bfiiil lillhdiiy of Noveiiihc-r next, H.VJ, Mien and there to dcfcnil sanl nut, or j influent final hyilefunlr will bo rendered ugmwl him ex imrto. This the Milidav of Airy. Hoil. ThUS. i-'I.NCII,Si:Ai.J Jiistii-o of the I'oiieo for l'riiiiklin Co. NOTICES. All llioi-u imlel-teil to Iho etllto of John Null, ilm-i.-used, nro lioreby nolilied I11 imilie imvineiil, iiimI tlioso iiavuig i-iaiins bsmii-i I e,t;ile will prcHdit them as prescribed by I law. J.Al. Itb'SSliV, Adm'r, j .May 10, ':'.) John Nalt, dee'd. m;;ico rote ham:. On MumI ui, I In-. lh thnj uf Jul; 11r.1t, before llio t'oiirl. duiir ill Winelii-sler, I will oiler I'or Halo Ui Ihe hihcft lnihler,a m'trro irl, naiiicd I.IZ.IK, alu ut m.'vcii years old, heloniii 0) .ho minor chililrcn of A. II. Johnson, and mid under a ilecrri; of the Circuit 1 "011 rt ol 'Franklin county, Tcnnciif 'C in the i'iiiih; of A. 11. Johnson n. Thus. 11. Juhsoiii et al.s. Thdl.US: Sold 11 j tii a I'l-c-lit of twelve months ox ei')l ihe 11111 ol lifly dolhir.-', which must he piud down; lie biililiejrs to inneiico at live hundred dollars ; no'o Willi twog land mil'. lieioM . siM'iiril ins, and alien relaincd 011 the lii"'ro 1111I1I the i,iri'lni.-e moiU'V in paid. May 1U ")! Iw. N. l'lil.ZKbb, Clk. l, vM) I'OK III pursuance of a ilcerci! of llio (.'iri'iiil (.'ourt of Kniiildin c unity, pronoiiiiced in the ciiiisi- then-ill pcniliniil I.ewisS. Hoitiek, et nls vs. U. W. (.'orn and wife, ol ills, I will tiller for side lo Iho highest bidder, before tho Court lb ui-"' door in W inelicslei', 01 Mtimhni. Jiihl Mil. l .r. on a credit niild Oololier lib l"a!), mid Oi-ln-ln-r lib I 't it J 111 c,ii:d e.siinmles: One tract of liind in mihI eoiui y, in civil Ois. No. 0, I'tniiiiiiiiiu.'. by i.'siiiiiiiIioii, one liunilred neres, nml hound, -il 011 tin.1 JVorih hy the hinds of Airs. Iiijiiwii ami Jiieoh Sunders, ml Ihe IOnst hv the lands of Joseph biillc, on the sjiuih In- the hinds of Ilezekiali Keelou, and on tho West hv the In mis of tsuii! Cunip, dec, beina the 1 met of land belonjiiu'' lo Ihe heirs, ul'l Jaltleberry and Sop mi N. Unstick, dee. Nuiil trai't ol land will he told ill the risk ol 1 bewis S. b'oslii-k, tho foroua' purchiisi-r, and I the biddings, lliorcliii', w ill be started at SI per acre. iolcs with two or more joiod Mid I sullieicnl scciiniios will be reipured uf ll c puri'li.'isfr, ami 11 lien retaineil on Ihe liind tin- til llll! whole of llio on ri'liiisn nioni-v is tmid .Mav 10, 'all l.v N. Fi'.IZZKbb, (Jlk. BS.IIll rFOKO, ( O.Y.V. S. L. L00.MI.S, l,,l,.-,it, II. KCLI.Od'C, Secretary. Weslei'ii bJiittsrli oaiicc, ( i:i'hjii:ii, M. UAUILI.. Unit A zaii. n. M.vmi.l., II. M .MAIill.l., Sl ill i.ll AC'llt.S .- .V,t;,iSl,-S. vy i is .is. I'.v:in,iiil ni;,l miir-,v,-'l I'V ll,-1 lii'lilin.', ul' Wi-rim-iii, Olin,, hiilon-i. Iilinoi'., T-'iiiit'.-siM-, i(.,in i',iiiij.ii.i , Hill, tl, ,. ,l Unni! st-ti M. V.XSii Siil'A, $ii,o.i. StatcilKMlt of A.SSt't;-, oil Sill J.'lll- ti.ti-y, 1S.")). e.t-ii on liiin-t -n't 'ii Omi!.. Si't.l' lu.-h in Ii ul, -iii-I -Hi" Ihmii A Willi I -, I ;il $n,iVJ-,.'(i Hi-ill l--l;it,' ow t l,y the l'oi,,ji;uiy iiiii-iu tin, l-i i-it, , ' 1, C,ll'li.7l Am,,, ml Uuii'il. "ii .ViiMlwiina ' lio.t I 1-slnl,-, rvf.l.'.-O.Kil i. " on l'l,"t;' uf lliinl. Slinks 11,1'. ,11.(10 Ilillsi t-Cvdlilf In, 1,i,i lint in j'lj'si'i'iiu-it i;:,--iiii.,rti i'-;,;io.i,ii I S7 slmri's N.'iv Vol k l.'.iul. Slm li, 1 1 I.e.: (.'!.. .0 ,li " " lll.iHi.lHI ,i-, " oii-i rs,-w i-'.ir-i.,i,ii emu Win k, s. ,'., ,1-1 yo i; I. ul Ni-w I'liciin. C-inii., ii,.-,i,.iiii lm:. e. v 1. 1.'. If. II Is, ;;,,,,, ni, -,! -i,.",,!!,.,!.! .Vu'iiiiitiliiti-il Inipii'-l mi liivi'sti,i,-i,is ;t,:i.M.,s Total Assets, ;s U !), 1. (iii Tlic li.'iLililics of tin1 ('otiipaiiy ft tv ;w follows : 'I'll,' iiiii'iiinf uf 1 .1;. I 1 1 1 1 ii--li.,- or .Kit itur l-i llaul.ii :i,,il tilii ei i ii-ililiiiH, iiiiii,-. I,nNrn a,!iiivlit l,'. ii'ii.i. " n mil ,,,-, J.I ,','n 00 " iiiia,liuHli-il, l.ii;i,.(NI hi Mn-.-,-iis.-. ain, iv:iiliii-fnitlu-r pro Is, I-y'II", ,NI All tliLl i i.111111 .iiini-t the liiiiil.,iii,t-.llliid. ti-il al 1, INIll.llO l Tutu! '.i-it.iiiiiftt f.i.:ii;;.oo ) The fnrpo i ii t (ii.ttciiin t, ti t hut w U the ft iei.ils I'ilt HHJt l.f tllf I'lldMX "t iiANf K rUMI'A.W. KHillitn tec ol ifs siiiiinl tcliatil. iiitinii nut mil pasTd hy , 1 my ntltt't I'oiiip.itiii'f, wtnl't iu Il.iltilttii'u ntf imicli tesn , 1 t l,:i ii Itt l,:.vt I i I'VittTtHil Iniiii list i vtrmtiHl .i. , ' tlOMH. ll yon want Iiinir.Tnrc lint ymi ran rely upon, p.r.iv r.ill oti tlif Av'iMitn. himI hhR fr a 1'idiry in the t'na.u l.t'ltA. K t I'MH.VNVtl II ti tfiinl, L'oitit, F.A. LOVllll.Ull.LF.n Agent. WIXC'IIKSTKU: niwui.i'i'iox. The partnnrsliip licrutcfore existing lip tvrecn Drs. Tnrney nml tlarney, is tins dny dissolved tiy iniitinil consent. It. h. Tl'RXF.Y, Wayl'-', C. C. UAOKR, Jr. LUI) rou kam:. I wish to sell my tract of Inn, I, containing 101 seres, lying 2 l-'i miles from Winchester, and half nulo this ido of Uiutoii'ii mill. Uu tllO llllld is 0116 oftllO bejl springs in Frail- klin county, and olio mat never inns. Any one wishing lo purchase must apply to meat home, or al Winchester, as I am Ire lucntly in town. May IV!, J. W-SHARP. HOUSES! II01lES! I leave this day for Ohio to purchase a large lot of that celebrated slock horses, tho (iillord and lilack Hawk Morgan. It' the lovers of fine stock with to purchase hones they can bo supplied by the tenth of June. May l'-'ih W. O. Crooks. I a:rv or thi: PHtENlX il M O.K. 13 A 11 N E S , UKAI.KIl IX GENTLEMEN'S HATS. OF ALL LESCRIPTIOjrS. Cor. of Chort-r nnl Cettnr Strocta, JVishvillc, Tphh, (EotmucnaL Nashville Market, From tlx Nwhvlll l)lly New, Thobsoav, Moy, 19, 1859. Cotton. During the past1 week, there have been no trmniuciions in cotton worth Mentioning. JJest quality oll'ere-l ul present in this ninrki-t, may be quoted 9J 10 cL-ntK. ToiiBAcco. The wnr news from Eu rope has hail a depressing efTect on the innrket, oml our quotations show a tie -tiinu on all prudes. Dacon. The demand is brisk, and increasing; anil Hog Hound is firm at Oc. In mixed lots, Shoulders are worili 7J; llanis 8J; Clear Sides lO;i Troiii wagons. From store, packed J cent more. Laud. Cood Lnril, in suituhlo pack ages, readily commands lOj1 Wheat. Prime Red 10, and White $1 lOfoJtl 20. Floub. Demand brisk. Extra ifiS.OO pur Darrel; Supetfino, $0 50faJ7 ilollurs. Kxtru Family Flour in ho.u's, wholesale $3 75; retail 1 1 f" D8 pounds. Jlolh our tity mills have suspended operations for want of whoat. It is supposed the entire stock on the market, including all qual ities, does not exceed 2.000 barrols. ConN. Buyers oro 7l'Q7flc. and fur- ' sacks. We lietir.l yesterday of 2,500 liushols sold from store at 85 cents, Com Meal 85u9Ue. Dhiko Fnurr. Apples $1 75; Pealed reaches, GUffi-t 75; Copealed 2 75. .Seeds Clover 0 50 per hti.sliel, by e burrol, Blue Crass, stripped, il 40; Clean, $2 per hiislic of I'ourieun pounds; timoihy, ji.'Ka,a 2j per iiiisiici; Herd's Crass, fel 45ul 50; Orcluird $1 50; lliiogiiriiin Crnss Seed D dO; Cnuary Seed VA Millet 2 25uJ 50, Flux Seed 1 20. U'iiisky. Wo i uolu 2SfajH0 for Rec tified. Country brands SUfoJioc. Featiiiuis me worth 4lwx'42 cts. Salt Coarso suck is worth fcl 50 hhl. aoo, per pushel; fino 41 75. Sugar In bills. 7fojS.',; boll cent loss in Idols. N. Y. CofTee Augurs IO11 1 l-lc; Crusheil nod l'owdorcd 1 2a 13c; Louf 12 0 12-i rents. . Coll'ee Rio 12al2:e. am! dull, La guyra 14; Java lH?aW0c. Cheese Engl l.-h JJuiry 12 l-2al4c ; western Reservo lair. JJides and Loalhor t'Jjeon hides 5 rts, dry 14c. Couuiry. Southern BiidMex icau J8; Oak Solo Leather !i2 its per lb for best quality; Harness iiOaliJ. Oils. Linseod, "Joe; Lyrd 1 00; Tan ners 75 1 00. Skulled Outs. 70Q75c, from wagons; from Store 85. Who Sells (Jook Stoves, Cook Stoves, in Winchester, in Winchester, as Cheap, as Cheap, j as can be bought, I -Mil be hiill'rht. in Xashville, in Xashville j. v. vAuaux, .. F. 'AI 'G1L. AikI who lias the I'ifl'St lot,'iiest lot, i of Cooking nnd Heal iny: Stoves, of Cooking and Hviating Slaves, that was ever broityht. that wiis ever broujzbl i to Winchester, to Winchester? j. ;. YAvaiiN, j. f. v a runs. lot of Castings, Who has it Large Large lot of (Wines. St'l'll AS Ovens and Lids, Uvens and Lids, t'l-M . It- ... ,KUieis (i nd iemes, i Skillets and Kettles, from 1 to .'ID gallons, from 1 to .'ID gallons, j Hog Irons, JJog Irons, Hand Irons, I Land Irons, Pumps and l'ump Tubing ? Pumps and Pump Tubing I J. F. VAUGHN, J. F. YAFUUX. A large lot of Tin Ware, A large lot of Tin Ware, Japansed Ware, Japansed Ware, and Rross Kettles, and Drass Kettles, always on liand, always on band? . F. VAUGHN, J. F. VAUGHN. M ho does Cuttering and Roofing, Guttering and Roofing, and Job work, and Job work, of every description, of every description, in the Tinning line, in the Tinning line, cheap, cheap? . F. VAUGHN, J. F. VAUGHN. J, F. Vaughn CALL SOON! G. A. SHOOK Han just recoived his stock of SPRING GOODS CSNHISTINtt OF Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Jfals, liootx, and Shoes, Fancy Bonnets, . Dross Ooocls MUSLINS, ' llerages, I'Vench Ducals, Tcrcals. sn.ii)i:s, A'c.a'c. Ilin largo stock of Bonnets, Dress Goods i'c, ero noted. ju now' iSS . lager stock of Bonnets ihaii can be found in tho town, and n larger stock ol Dress Goods than ho has ever broujjhl lo ting market. A lot 'of cplemlij Summer Shawl which will bo snhl as low os they Cou he bought in Nashville al retail. Also 1;- usuul assortment of ML if: IVVS'A'-flnnsWr-vr, (M'hool .TBiwcolIaiicoiiH - If you desire to pay cash, you can get a reduction on most articles. Homespun Janes, Liusrys, Socks, R", beeswax, &c., taken in cxcliangu for Goods. ItoiiiM'N IVom ,li vi. to $13. LATE AIUUYAlT of r for 1850. Wo have just received our purchose of Spring Goods, consisting, in port, of Jaconets. Swisses, Carrnd M uslins, Swiss hair Cord, Brilliants, Doublo Skirt Mus lin Hobos, OriromJies, Xnvvns, Delaines, Barrages -solid colors, Black Silks, I'rinls, Chintz and other Dress Goods. Also, Shawls very nice, Hosiery, and Gloves a good assortment, Bonnets, Huts, I'inhrellas, Parasols, Coats, Shoes ami Mijipers, Cotionades and Linen for men's wear, Hardware and Cutleiy, Class and Queonsware, and a host of other articles loo tedious to mention, all of which wo bought to sell again, and we solicit the tra.lo in general to give us a call, as we arc confident it will be to their interest to give us a trial before buy ing elsewhere. T.I5HMS O A SIT. AW good barter taken in exchango fil goods at piices ihal we con sell at again, 'tm N. K. .MARTIN &. SON. TAX COLLECTOR'S NOTICE. Tllr! umh-rsincil will attend nt the fol lo wi ntr times mid places, to collect the Suite add County 'fuses I'or llio year 1859, for tlui I'ciiniy of l-'ranklin. Kvcty per son must come forward nnd pay thcii Times, or otherwise pay according to law: Winchester, I ia't 1, .Mumliiy, ilny 8. Owl Hollow, " !, Tuesilny, " !). I'lilcican'.-i, " (i, Wrilno'y, " 4. livroinn, ' 15, Tlmrsilny, " 6. Aiide rsmis, " 11, -"nilav," " (i. bdwiirils " 7, S.'iinri'lay, " 7. lio-siiyc.", " rt, .Munihv, t). Hiii'kcrvillu, " !), Tiicsilii'y, 10. ('ott'iiii, " 10 WimIiics'v, " 11. Crow Creel;, " I'.'.TIiiir.-ilny, (( l'i. I Niiikinir f'ovf, " lit, I'vidiiv, " I'l. (iro-s'Sclm House, ll.S-'.iiniilay, " l-l- i Kr.ulliiril.-', " Hi, Monilny, " 1". I fond, ; .1. 'I'ncsd.'i'y, " 17. j Snlfiiii, 3& 1, YVeil&Thur H&l'J. I . various raiididiiicj. will also al '"" rr'l"KUl l""u l"ul" I ,i irit-., , n , ... I TIIOS. J. JACKSON, Tax Collector I'or Franklin Co. .April 7, 1 S.V.I. 185!). 1880. DHV GOODS. HAiTDLY, iIEHDSR3ONi:C0., iii:)i.i:i(s in FOREIGN AND AMERICAN DEY GOODS, Mliady-madc Clothing, I'uot.s. Shoes, Hats, ami Dorinets, C AEPETING Trunks, Cutlery, itc., &c., &c. Wo are now receiving and opening out Spring and Summer Stock of Cioods, which will include a larger and fuller aortiiif nt than we havo ever before oflered to out customers, and lo which wo invite tin particular nttcntion of KVKKV 0.K throughout the country. We are confi dent we can olfer iiiducemcnis equal to any house in the Stato, and by strict at tention lo business and studying the in terest of those who deal wilh us, to mer it a liberal share of patronage. 3T Give us a call. ILlLtcCO. F. A. L0UGHM1LLER would call (lis attentiok OF EVERY ONE to lh iplcnlid (lock of Spring Goods be Is sow opsnlsf. Marc 51. "Wnnttid. . 1 will give the highest rth pric 'o'l'? Whcst delivered at my Mills, 3 mi'.c Jf of Winchester, Teno. Feb3 H. B. HIM0S.