r 1 J
npjxirtnJ, Ix'lifiviii;.,' I J j n 1 1 - to ho sound
Tid fnnsrrvttlvv, rind a.s cxjiciicnod
. .. jnwn. (lif Itcnf (;u -irnnly of piod
;vcrimiciif. mid n iro)rrini-i and
i: o n c 1. 1; K ( o i. .
j "or fi'iir of IiHikc (ircMunn to you, .
1 .)V declined Illillilllltf I" iin.V "Ui-
, r of Stfife policy tlian tlint nf
Currency, l!ioj)revniinj question,
uv.'cn liowffvrr, tlcit there arc others
t.o:h of n local and genr-rnl nature,
tint will drtmnnd thf. s.iriojs nttcn-
oi vonr IjC-imhtitc
i'nu will please, Oentlerar'n, consult
r,ur mil pood The Public Intern,
l'i sidrctintj an nyont to Ic'iilafe
loryoujnnd tdintild J bit your choice,
t'le'besl pledge I fan oiler for the
1 lithfid discharge of tiio duties that
in ay devolve on i:m, ara sameness of
interest, my lrihits of life and p.-ist
eomlu'jf lor wunj years iunmr you.
- it !t s .'iifiineiils ol high esleein 1;
, , ,. ...I , ........in !
have, tin- honor o remain.
Vosir ol;e Jim! x.-rv.'itit,
HZ,' ' ,,v .
tf.lt? 9l.IQ.UC $0U'IUU
' ......
1 5 Y-.w s,"vl 1 l;u- .
"PicJiti-d In mi I'ai'ij'H urlilirii.j Mtii),
Hi- f.ithitf I'i'.llll Mill IT'trti'H- Ii mli llu- u;i),'
LfJ(J. L.
Oar town has been crowded this
week with visitors some in attend
Mice upon the exnriiii.-aliolis, and some
came to bear the t-n".iking bi-lvveen
the Candidal, y for (lovrmor. We
had looked forv.npl with miieh anxie
ty to hear this speaking, lull v. hen the
opportunity came we wen- too unwell
to attend. We (niilci.stimd that it
pas-e(! oli'ijuile hai inoniou:-ly. and I he
l'rieud.s of eacli candidate were fully
sa!islii-d and alike t-angiiinc of the
election of their favorite. On the oc
casion r ferred to, the candidates wi r:;
h'ationed in liie beautiful prove be
longing to . I no, Y. Skitter, v. here cal.
ami a good i lainl had prev ioily been
Jil'ovi'led. We don't believe iinotlier
place (mii be I'olli.d in 'J'ennef - re as
t uitablo and in every way as eon.
loil.iidc for such t ! e m i ' i i :: 1 1 u t i o 1 1 s as
tliis ;-.i.vt'. li. K'i'liis to ha ve been
ir 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r out door
'l 11;. di r. triii 1 i.'n !.t. th fail- sex were
present, tun! lln-y too had their prefer
ences hi tweciij'he (li.-tiiiM,llislii d oppo
nents lor th" I iovei noisiiip of onr
iitate. Several l.o'pn-fs were jiresent
ed lo (iov. II, mis by the ladies, nnd
to olfsct this the lady li iends of f'ol.
AelJierlaiiil picM-iilcil a beniitifnl
oiejuet, liii.ii prcsciilalioii was I"1'- :
mll!l". I , MV. 1.1 Hill II, a toll'ie III. Ill
of our town, and pupil of Carrie!.
Academy. JN.lh pn seiilulioiis were
reMionded li
in nice and nppi opi late j
c iiv ine reel 1, ems ol tin se toKem;
re. 'it rd.
As to the e.Widi'lnli'H I heliificl veS,
J.elievu they ret nloii;; moi'e ami
tin .11 any tun canilul.iles v e
have li.iil lor a miu
I ime. Tin V seem :
J ,
t-i lie j.oia I 1 1 -lends
ami exliilill, tin li-
teeMr'l V. iierev cr lliey l'n. I Ins is
i iiinnu it fnuf, and ouht lo eharacli r-
ii' candid. t'et more than is tjcueraily
. l-e 1 l: C.
111'' '
'I:.:. Lr.l.vi; ( i.muia 1 in'..---Wn
::j villi a bltleboy ,-everal days since
i.i I he t Welt li year of his aue, w ho had
under bis anus 11 bundle of jn-iiodi--!.'-.
Ii-' .-ik'-l lis to purchase a pa;
per, a, lining over a number of the
1 1 ' 1 -1 r-:i t ! woihs p:i!ili--!iei in the
01il1. The fxtri-lne luoile-.lv d- llie
youth, and bis polite bearin:; created
in us :hi interest in his bch iif. His
mum- we learned to be Isaac, undue
I'urtlier lenriie d taat his eariiins tliat
day amoiitileil lo I , Jt).
lie w'as only allowed ,T e. nts profit
mi 1. -teli paper, tli'is reipiirin '.he sale
H miners to make lor himself thai
.'tiiioiiut. 1'pon furtiier impiiry we j
learned that liy this inc. ins lie suppor-
s. reels tiom noiiiii.. V.eni-ver sec 1
. 1 boy working at :ny labor, but that ;
we fed like . ncoiira-in him. Let
linn pick up clitps, clean oil Hie streets
pull weeds out of the yards, peddle '
...ni.r, .,,,,1 ,.l...,i,....J .i
it-- )
ol v.'iiru latin r llian iiothiii','.
I'ut some mothers are ton jmniJ lo!
v ial ihc ir little boys around (own lo
pull lip weeds, iiek lip ehijis, shell
coin, ite. llovv ioulish I Is not 11
umie dm ; iii ide wertli as much asnne j
1.1 nie i'i f.ny nilir-r manner f And by
eaeoutain"; otir chihl to looii w ith I
UfK'.iHt nn bucli I;il;or, you to murh lo ! rv
ii. . !
","r '"'n. wl,r.n Town, a vain, sell-1
....'.,. .1 r .. .
"""i'i, no count, man. ;
l.el your liny wrU!
inl whin him ; II.
if yon M'i! be has
fort 11 ant. ly inher- od
il. it ,.r ,.!.-1... I . I
'"" u tt "'MlHt for I .I,f li! o 1 ..III
for labor like 1 .
lt.r.1 l.-.v- . . .
neniiUl.j I,,,,, ,1 .
low I.i-:, to lonn-re ..bout
wnyol inI'..tiious peopU, umU lu
laziness .shell become a n cmul nnturo
... .11 11
liemrn.ber that iienrlj, il nut nu ,
init distinguished iih 11 and niillion.
of our Ian I, arc thone who purre
.I not honest labor w hen young und
w l.o possessed nothing to htart upon
y.ve "Low l.irtli and iron fortune.
c .'.Ifen J.-tl ihe clomg exert iw
f Viiifl.-MT IVmale .Seriiirniry lust
vr tin?. Mid rniy w rite j .nn 'hin?
.1. ui j. in our uixt.
I .1 licit li-l- lillil -ii'iili- Ill-it lillle " " .... 1 . 11 I I'inceu nil- nil -.iii.i n lillll! uui 1 linn iiji :Kli( lilitl, I llllllll nllll illlll I 'i- i" 1 "in 1 11 iu 111111 iijj inns, u - .0
I', v s , ho'ii.r to 'in' v -on nn. 1, v ' rail load iu nice ears iu.lead of J I ' ''-) I''u-eral learns .hat the nr; , . . Winches'er e.ii.al to en- 1 W XIUL "'! !''- MsiS to U.e eMatc of o.I.er articles too tedious to niention. all
l o 11.1.11,0.10. loa .y . oui.iiu ulv, w.nn lV(, ,,.. .,.,,.,,,.. "J". "I " 4 1 ! Bote power . co,.!, he inuch iimuoved.-, W, IJrii.eiMn. .lece.i,..,!. , of winch wo bought to sell agon., and
.,m. i Mimii ..ay ..l.n...- n.s 1.1 .in.- 1 you ... ,o, .,... n j .,,,,-- in (,real. squads on sonic of the iJ".V lit lo tie lotiiul any u Hero 'Ise, I iituniin,, f,,r a Ssf oral I KK.MS OF S. LL. ; we solicit the ira.ie in general to give us
A.isiillkl.iizitr. jsl.i-eeoael.es. be tho-a- eo,ic!,t-s ever ..l.,,,.;!! ions on Nola Chlickcy river iu J nml il. is all our own fault if we do ! j.li''V, lb" place can't he' heal si.id Lund w.ll be sold .111 11 credit of one n call, as wo ore confident it will bo to
We have in the Koo,l town of Win- ',.. Uesides. Ih.l. IV.ee will also ' C.rrv 'oui.ly. Oie family wee .,, avail ourselves of those means. ! in point of t'ouvenienco. It abounds in j '""''""V. except .he u.nount ..I two per ihcr inlerest to give us n (rial before buy
duKler.nriMvlinb, Lev, ul !.l ,: .',:.... ,'. I il.iv.. t. ...' ll:,-',,- housi- bv- I bcni. I . . . ' B....I.P.. cent 1111 the vho!e el tlm piircliu.-c, lo lie paid ,ng elsewhere.
-' -" 1 1 miu 11 11..1...: uuunoi -' j , ,nil UsI HOW we near Ili.'iliV per- ;73II!t9H! on uiy 01 saie. 1 no i.iiiniii mr nun 1:11111 u riii.MJAtiJ -iACJTT
be 1 0111" s.lliiet bill'' III i be urul 0 i I,, 'l'i -,ev ( 'It c ...,le I i', IV.it 11 I', -i-r. : 1 "e House was sin 1 oiiiiiicii u a c,u- .,.-- . it-- I . .. I- . ei iience al A II, V acre. I..1111I ami ifoni ' J'.lU'in VyiVHiA.
, . 0 , , ! . ,' .'.'Vver held and tliev beeanie so nil ''s ""'" : " on t Winchester be of various kid: red. "re; and vnrirpn- secin.y w,l! ho r.uire.l of fo purchter. A II good barter taken in exchango fni
oil., iiibte.'t.I ol running louinl lue k .,.,. -IMI 1 w-r.. vv: II mcil to- hmssch. . . . ; ,. , ., . ...1. .1 . . ... 1 i.;,.i, ..1..11 1 ' 1 : 1 . 1.....1..1 1 1 .1 1- l.. 11 ...:
Mr. WulIfit'B J), WalKcr, a citizen
of our town, nnd well known to most
ol tho projiln in tlm county, commit
(ril Kuicidc last Monday by shooting
liiinsi'lf with ft jiistol. Tim hall cm.
ti'i-oil his li'injilu and passed through
the head into u rail close by.
Mr. Walker bad not been in his
right mind for nour two years, but no
one apprehended that he thought of
desfrov inn his lil'i
On the morning
referred to, ho was met by several la
' dies, to whom hit very politely spoke,
at the saaiH liirn.' carrying the pistol
in one of his hands with the, muzzle
down, as if to guard against its g' ing
olTto the injury ol any one who might
ha around. Iln proceeded to u '-rove
0 ,,, y,.HUi,t. of town, and there
. , .. . , , ,
put an end to hu exi-vtence. Id the
grove, we are informed, he had fro-
queiitly repaired in e tmpany
with e.
young man who worked iii tiie same
!!! will, him, uad they would th.n-
. j)ni,;ti(.(. with the pistol. A morning
or two previous lie b..i rowed t i.:
; weapon iroin lis hi. iiI, I.ih exlnltileil
i no sign that could have been taken as
; indicative of his intention,
i lie was n eh-vt-r, honorable, jniluj
j Irioiis, sober and moi.-il man, nnd had
ever iictcii in our community s;.
as to i
via the esteem of eveiy one. m, fur as
we know. He was
harness maker, we b
r and
but we remi-uibei- of
I he cabin -I bu: i ue-s
bis woikiug
and at paint in;.',
Jloi.blless he followed each of these
ealiin::s, in order to d,-,cr, hia mind ' hie a;;e of 1 la years. .'..;. J'nji'.r.
from the buideii that seemed In op-! This is I he lir.sl one liiinilred-year-jn-c.-.-i
it. What that, burden was-, we ; old nero who iias died witliiu the
surmise that no one is aware. We j fist twenty years that wasn't the
have In ijneiiliy been in eoiiversat'oti . nurse of tiiionoii Wsiiin;ton. About
Willi linn and In ard linn talk alioul. a
I siliued
; tin ant
hem;; happy "it be
n;;.i insl. nature."
II. IU ill l
What he
svu eou'd
Iy tins (
a'c; sinli,
lie e I le.llll. lie Jl'tpiCliliy SpilUcill
this strain, and seemed ever to be re
liu llda I ilie- v i E 1 1 r-;,ret. hornet liiii' ol
w hieh In- alone 011 earl !i was eoni-
1,1 , 1
ant. la eo.iversatiiei he was ijnitc
inn re ,ii i,)'S, ami we Irive o.tcn ln-eii
;;!ad lo have a chat, with him, an I we
in-v. r knew liim to ii.'l. r a .seiilimenl
which, jf he. deal Wot. Id not. i,;a!.e one
better, if nut h 1 1'lier. I h. was
ways bund at ehnreli and at. prayer
i nieelines. and .'a-eioed to delight in
doin;,' oad so f.ir as he was capable,
l!nl he is Lone, and perhaps is l.el-
,.r - (,.
.as shown by
111! ill' I. I
i.'it he would rather 1 1 usl to
, ,
ie (tarti
j unci rlaiiily of ! alli':i estate, than
I live a lite of iihbaliiiuesi. Sliaiujc,
with all the means whi h (h.d
has plan d vvilhin our reach for beiui;
hapiy, lliel'e are some unable lo
make those 1111 mis nusvt rr ilu ir pur-
.Ii 11 lii.'iy call hiui insane, lint
10 w do liiey miow : 1 m ri ie,- is room
,. , , 1 ,
lor ilinii.'bt.
iM r.
lil.cr Ira v". :t liiollicr ami
a wife in our midst.
. ... .r ,
1 Tim l'n in to I5i.i:u-ai!'.n v. The rum
I lo II". r.-.heba i now in bitter eoiuli'j
Ition llianit. has been f-r vouiel i,e. j
1 ' ' ;,,!', , l 1 I ... I if I.1 in l'n,. .u.n i
t till. Illl' llll'llll'bl I I I 1 I I I I I HM-
dilion. (Nil. J'rii-c intends puttiir,' on:
the roiile fioin hole to !ei r In hii, an
excellent, line of four Ic;- e coaches-,
j inamu'cil by xpi-i ieiic l and ei'relul i
'diivers. Alter the lil'leciilh of this
moiilii, two trains will in- 11111 on the
.Mi-Miunvilh! and .Mamlicster 1 ad,';
thus avoii'iin 1I1 I is eiilu-r at ''n.i.
linilia or this pl.iee.-.I' M111111 ile Din.
liit still your loud is mil cipia! to
the roiiln .'-iewanee, a nd we sur
mise that any money expended in thi
improvement of your road is so mm I.
Wil.sieo, .-ll l. ll its it i n :ciei hi
1 i
cure Li er.sh. ha I ravel. livciybndy
. ...i r ..... .. ; . i ... i i
(.n u-r llie N-vvaiiec rntlrou.l. -ol.
p. jM-i: i v-Iy arraneil In do ibis, j
;, .- nsMire all t ra veb-i s I hat, (in 1
(,(. ;l,.i:i(. ()' b,- ,cv J'.ra several
,, !, sine, ) -1,0 pains have 1,,-en .
1. 1 .1 ... .- I
smircii in ii-iiiii-r nn- leiin- ii"i" i-1,
,.y ,j)v 1(J liccr.-ibeiia, nttraelive.
ml we sav lo all. if oii would save
tune, Kive xpense, save irniioi.', nnu 1
I . . .i ... i:.-.. ,,
11 1 T
snve I.i linirs 01 irnri; iiuu 11 jii-.i
would avoid ft ilaii'Troiis 11101111 itiu j
aseent. nml if you would see the site
(,f ibe great University ol llie South, j
nnd nee lovely scenery yn by the 1 ra j
-. ... 1
citv route!
j iistisoi ii.u .mti i.vi.s. imv
I lisTivm 11:11 .i-i-Ti.il.s. r.. l.oV.
S. I'ooif, was ihn other b..v inarri-.
to Mrs. K.veiir.i. I). Saiii.kv. ol .V.ish-1
III.. T Tlm Ii-.miiv inir left .111 1
. -I- 'I'I. I ....
llilu, 1.. it r
. f , , ... I
the rvrmng Irani lor i.-l.sinirjr,
' ' ' m"S "'"" -n,,,
An unfoltimate liusl.and of our ne:
quitintniice, having l.ecn deprived of
his charming w ife, who had left for
Parts unknown, thus gives vent to his
'lings through tho medium of a
public advertisement:
"My hM loft her bs.l sn.l board,
roi ' Uw d,yfew dy;
NVh.l.l,., (lombome.
I warn th 1 world Ut no ,moun
ow dyi, no d,y,.
Will I psyon ili ja'i iMOn,
For horns she'll ott tois,,' '
i ll n ii, .i.i-ii... -,.". li. ... ,i.ii...i..ui ihi. i i iiiiiiui. I I'll il l il I i.i i I . . . : . a ' ...... .... '.i.ii i..... .'i....i . . !. . I. -. .1 viin.-.a,iiiiii.iit,t:ii?.HiiiiT. iiiiii 11 niiz-i u
The Dallas (Texas) Herald of the
ist of Juno says: "Wo lieur on all
si les the most cheering nccounls of
the crops; it is thought the wheat was
never better than at present. The
quality will make up the deficiency in
quantity, although the crop is an av
erage one.
We have seen recently some of the
finest fields of oats that we have ever
! known in any country, perfectly free
from rust and the numerous ills that
beset the crop last year.
Corn has seldom looked finer at this
season of the year; nnd much larger
crops haves been planted than were
ever done in this county.
The farmers, many of them, have
on hum! a surplus of lust year's wheat;
and thei" is no way of getting it
oil' by 0 () team navigation, to
points at which flour is scarce, mid
i when: it. will hear a g'i'.d price. We
I make a pmloiig-d siali for the Kail-
! and '
while we are on this fu'Ji-ct,
vv ih it were here."
Mmiiiv an J'lm-roii. What do our
readi-is think of I he ediior v ho eonl l
give (bis nusvver to it corre.-qiondriil!
'Jennie Ministers are not more ml
dieted to dissipation than the men of
other professions. A lew of the-Knl-
L.f.li ttilw. irin lintilies: Hint I illl'l'l
!,,;,,, c. ;i,,s. I,.,, ,. r;,iorilV
ol tliein are us poad as l.tvvyeiii and
! doeloo: If vo.i want, a true Chris-
j, j I tian, marry an editor.
j , Williams, an Alriea:i, died
i in Aii"iista r'-cciitlv at the reiiiaikit-
, a liiouainl ot Ins nurses have (lied
;,. 1 ....:( 1
' V 1 llllll'. i 1 1 1 1 1 I I i f ll 1 IT
I .
lit" ! lill living,
Tut. I In. mo At '-Hit v. Il'-I real in"
I already into Lombaiily, the Austrian
army is likely to have a warm reecp
; 1 ion I here, tlaiilnildi, wit li a chosen
cups of bis I'alian voluiitcei s, has
1 p!un;-ed into the heart, of the Austrian
i ifeiiiiiionsj of Italy, lo rni.-e L'tiin'iaidy
I in insurrceliori. lie was approaoliiu
.Milan; and iMilan is about, as well-af-j
I'eeled l.n Austria as Limerick is- to
I L'n;;l.iiid. The ;;ianl si ru:.'le now be-
1 "jus in earnest: nnd 111 addition
' , . . . 1 . .. 1 - . . . 1
! I. Atisiria aiei D'triiiniii, a oinut
power now nppear.s in tin; field glo
rious Italy! All the liotl.belii;e-aut.
iiowers are looking on now with
1 ' . .
I . i:nri'-llsi III SCC. Ill)
i wliellier I lance or ;Vilsiri;t is to lire -
1 .( .- i .i
nil. win llicr a rcMirreclioii ol tin -
at 1011 is to ila wn over mat reu liciii:
1.1... I. ... .. ...I .,1 , 1 1 ., ..I I I.. 1 1
,. ,, ' ,.
ol -.nl.'IKI is now .Misirinn 10 nie 111-
1111H soul; ami il she docs not el open-
Iv tain- 1. art in Hie Irav, it. is soel
.' i.i , 1 , '
liceaiise : lie 1I.11 cs not. 1 1 i 1 1 y a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -
jrarv are stirrer) Wn nn. incut, wiili all
ilii.i.i.s-ion i.I'M'l. The I'm. e. like it
t;,iod cliiislian prelate, i.s prciarin to j
.pill. Koa,(! and li.itl a (piieter home ,
for 11 time. I.urojie ;ives hersell a
, , 1 1 1 ,1 . !
shake in her chains, and Hie leeon-,
strtietioii ol the map ol that I ontiln-nt. ;
coiniuciiecs. Austria is dooineil In
disappear. Sunt lie 1 n Cilizni, H'(.v-j
i,,,.,,,,,. j
.. 1
""-""', ;
' " '" V--Ki.Kroiin. W e num. uuee
l!ir II'IUIU iA I '('llf ll'Mlil 11. fit (I.I K'
ns a candidate for Attorney (leiiera
and Keporler, lo supply t!ie jilaee
made vtic.-liil by llie resignation nl
Joiiii L. T. Snccd. I-1. lection to come
nil' on the l.'!;h of August m-xt.
The Lebanon Herald says: ".Mr.
Shackl -fnrd is now, nml hits been for
the last. It. ye.-us, the law' partner of J
Mai. C. A. lb 111 v- lie is a penile- I
man of unblemished m.,ral dm racier, !
.mil is eminciitlv oiialilicd in ev.-rv !
);.(i(.ulill. ,;,r , responsible positmn j
, . , ,
low ineli lie aspires
,,1,,, t, los,. was k infesteil
a;. o i-ei-,dt-r eiidiiranee impossible.
, ,:,"" V 1 .1
Ii in:.- Tivi'v nv Si.vvir.v. In the
... , ... I
V'M' V V !. ' . 1
uav.s siin-c, v.iu-i junice i.iury 11,1.1 :
., . .,, . 1 ... 1 !
he asserts the lolit.win- oeat .-al
I .......1.1. 11 liiliit 1 inf I I t I 1 1 l' t 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 '
. (-,,....
sbtverv m tbe Lniteil Mates ;
1)1 I IU 1 1 l 1 I "i- t i 1111 iiiniiiuiivJii vi -
1. That slaves are reeoLM.ize.l bv ihe
' ( .iiiki iliu it 111 .if tlit- I iiifeil Ni.-il.'S
n . 1
,(, (:,.irt,.r (pf pcisnns.
-J. That slaves are represented in
t ontfress as persons.
.'I. 'I !nt as ner-iiiiis'. thev nre. in man V
1 . .... ,
I instances, at least, subjeet to ceitain
I i- .1 1 : ...' ...:.l. ,1 :..!...
III II lies, nun in veil 111 11 11 1 in; 1 ij,iin
eoiresiiiiiiiiinir in 1110.se ii.ioiiuie.i, m
. t- . . .1 .... 1:. I.:i:.: ... :..
,r same way that other persons are.
-I. That amoiiK thrsti liabilities arc
those which render ll.em nilienaDIo to
trial and punishment lor crimes nnu
,nisdc.,,eaorSat.d among these riuhls
istlierightofleg.il protection against
personal injury.
5. That the Constitution of the L'ni
ted States also recognized slavery ns
0. "As property, the right of owners
are entitled to tho protection of the
Inw," i. c. tho laws of tho United
States, enacted by Congress.
Election Tickets. -Wc notion thnt
in some places the friends of Candi
dates (or oilier, settle the cost of tho
liekets. Guess wo know a few can
didates who wouldn't object to see
his practice iuaujuratcd hero.
- - " .mi. t 1 :i t t In lii-i 1 1 11 ii- ti nil t vi-rvi 11 1 11 r (ill I ill ttit. .11 . 1 iig iiii.iii ii. .11111 i iu 1 11 1- 11 1. in .-1-1 1 .--hi. 1 1; .1.1 1 11 1 1 1 11 01 lieu. : III 0 il leill ri'iiiiin-ii on Liiu 1 11 on until miu ii no iu ti'Liua t. l in irt-s 11 u L n e can SCI I Dl It li 0 1 11.
Written fur Ilia Wliic'lu-blnr Moon Journal,
Bring lowers, swoel lownrs,
To I o y on iu:r brcaf-t,
For the soul of our loved ouo
lias go no to its rot.
Bring Unworn, hrinj! flovveri,
To drew o'er ber bier;
But let us first hollow
Kticli bud wiili a tear.
Lot us deck tier pale brow
With roncsi' sweet bloom,
Kru the loveJ is cnrrie l
Awny to the tomb.
Let us kiss her fair clieitlc,
Ami ilioi-a oyc.i of blue,
Wlmro her love once jjiorklcJ
So brilliantly tbruuh.
No morn will her lnuliler,
So mellow ml cleor,
Conm lilte sweetest inuic
To glaiblen my ear
No more the dour ringel
Lovu-tliitics will bin";
N"r ronrn o'er the iiibuiIo'.tj
Sweet flowers lo briny.
Tiie.n fold bcr limels over
lief iiiiiocenl biftiin,
Ami folernnly benr Imr
A wjy to her icit.
Bi.-nr her down to the ilull,
And bury lii.-r then-,
'liere tlm sweet binties sing
In the perfuineil uir;
And where the 'nil willow,
lis Inuni.hes bliiill Inve,
In tlm iniirniuriiig brook
Tlint sins by her rnve.
Nasiivim.k, Tknn., -Miiy LS.jO.
JiLACKIiEliUlbS, &x.
We have taken pains lo notice, du
ring several little dips in the country,
and were surprised to see the great
rjtl.uit.il y, many ol wi.udi are fi'l I in;;
lipi'. A'ever before in our life !iav
we set;ii ho eriod a promise of a lar'
yield. OW, the b
iciJiei ry tarts, pies,
; ,.f,i-,1l:il. A-i- . m !, i,., v. Ill I.,. I . il.is
: , . , , .11114 v 1 n 1 in . 1 1 i. 1 1 iv 1 . 1 '1 1 1. 1. 'i 1
And who don't like blachber
1 it .s ! And us we shall ;. to house
keeiiiii'' in a few (lavs, v on't we have
lots ol 'em made up into pics and sirh'
... . .....
We intend lo have l..aekl.erry pn. 11
u-c don'l have liliv lliillL' else. We
alwavs VM-n
fund of this delicious
oa-nleiit. Am
l.laelil.errv tain is
miehiy 'inod, loo. In fact, blackberries 1
lixed up in any way are piod.
And it is nice to hunt blackberries,
, . I 1 I
Just, Let Hi) it crowd o! "irN,
HUM Jw tiiii lit mil i ii. i -1 1 , i "
Were yon ever in such :t scrape! Its
J 1
it"lieap nicer" 'alt pie nies. The girls
romp about under the briars and over
i em, sometimes ''"'"K "" 1
j em, soiiictinies eiiiu one nun
! their dresses, and forthwith vour
; . . , . .. ,, ., . ,1
: ill" ii ureases, iiuu loiiuiiii inn i;-ii-
, :
; ' 1
1 ,1,, (li, ,11. tcl,;li ii.o ilu mim.ililv
. .' . ', .
. w ,lle Vour heart almost lie its llsell
1 j
rates of
dl) as V011 ho!
: 111
line III Vein- liatel
1 . .
i detaclun- Hie briar, ami il perchance
' the fair one's ban I is nunel ured bv the
iiuiuly I born, and a little drop of her
,.,.;, MV(,,( M,,,,!, , ;(, wine, eomcs !
1 . .
oiimr through lue pores ol Hie snow- 1
' ,. ,'
lev lo soothe.
you syuip.mi.ze am. .
.-ii, ,i
mi bind 11, a moment 1
with your handkerchief slop the
Mood-she thanks vol., and on you K
' .
.alier more iiiaeKiierries. t;a : now
Ami u hv don't the njirls and
I : boys in Winchester give more atten
tion to this subject. As the season i.s
( lose at hand for such parlies as these
. we trust many will be formed, nnd if
I we have any .spare lime from the nu
' mcroiis duties of our olltee, we intend
' to hunt oi'v of blackberries. We will
that!' Talk about rumy; Xorth to
Canada, to Saratoga, Newport, or lo
that, loveliest of all wateriii"; jdaees
Ih-ersheba in our own Sllate one
'''.. May ri-ht here in Winch, st, r ami
be as happy and see as much pleas
lire as be ought to see. Nature has I
nliuost every one responds "yes," just
because the school ".iris are f;oiiiK
awny. Now that's all fulr, esjie-
eiallv in the ,W and ieoirr.v. Vou '
know Vou eouhin't ttowiil, the sehool i
. . '
oris w title lliev were nei e, ami vou
""'' l"ve lost the pleasure it alio.-Is
T ' .-! - v wi.
and public patlici iocs, nnd of some
"mv w,;,n8 ll"'nl 11 '"? ',; ''
.- . . 1 ... . ... 1 .1
iiicnuur own nouie oris are goon
'im. t t 1
enough, anj pretty 1 -iioiiph just as
pood and pretty as .any ol "em; and its
no use, but mean, to be finzing and
hunting after llowcrs that grow in
other climes, when just as sweet bloom
in our native dell.
TIip penson continues delightfully
refreshing nnd animating lo the hopes
of the farmer. Crops generally arc
line, thus far. Tint wheat panic has
entirely exhausted itself, nnd pond
crops are an acknowledged fact. We
learn that fiome of our larmcrs have
already cut their Wheat and pro
nounce it well filled and heavy era in,
the rust having only slightly touched
the blade. Sparta Times.
S. M. l'llTINr.ILL ii CO Neur York.
JOHN P. IIEKNER Winchester.
T J. CU.MMINGS rullahoimv
JOHN B. RHODES Slielbytnlle.
C. A. HUNT Salem.
!.. 1. GILDEUSLKEVE Fyettcille.
A. M. TENlsov N'Miivillo.
G. W. N. BTOYXLLf.i. .QimusIiwo, Alt. !
J. 'it. SI utter will niret nnd address
Ids fellow-citizens at tho following
times find places, ant! will bo pleased
to meet with the candidates and peo
ple generally, lie will also attend
tlm appointments of the Tax Collector
Owl Hollow,
Sinking Cove,
Nashville Market,
Prom the Nanhvillo Daily .Now l.
TitunsDAV, June 10, 1809.
Bacox. Hog Hound ill 8J cent?. In
mixed lots, Sboublers ure worth 7; Jlams
0; Clear .Sides 'Jij from wagons. From
sloie, packed J cent more.
Laud. Good Lnrd.in suitable, packa
ges, readily conimands 1U.J,
Wiika r. 1'iiiiie Red $1; White, $1
fl 10.
Kt.oLR. Ibiiiiiind brisk. F.xtra $R,00
per uiint-l; .Siie;ifiiiii, 0 .r;0(a,7 iloll.irs.
i;.virn Fiiiiiily flour in lircs, wholesale
75; retail ii US ioninls.
Cohm. Miirkut bun;, ili.'iiinnil increns
in. Biiynrs are giving 70 cents, nnd fur
nishing sacks.
Com Meal 8 jfotluc.
11'iiisKV. H'e qiiotu S3ftt!!)0 for Rcc
tifieil. Country brn nils uWa, 75c.
Ditiiai l-'ucrr. bitile iloitu. Annies
1 ..o. reale-l reiiclics, 3 S0a4,
j.euleil '1 .riU.
1'ini't:. (j'rnss 12JhMc Jute 121 Cot-
ton 'I'll r it. I . 2 "I
uniriiin Grass Seed St;;.,.' ,-. ( .....!.. .... .... !
.u!in;i (...) uijj.i uij: i-.-.-eii 91.
Mil v'. n r. i.i i .
Snll. Fine sm k i.s worih 1 50; Coarse
i 1 ,t,t H.-im.-t :t5i-. per Imsliel.
' (iiiimiii;
! Fenllier
0 On oii cents.
In moderate demand at 35 n
lings.-. For Coilnn Rul'i. in goo.l order,
' .') rents is rea.lilv nni.l.
, t.a,'9-i-.k-l'
Muni Hi ail,
''' lh- .
"u inoiiiin it i-iini liniinnt, and it nppnnr
: hv, , , K, , ir-fnt-t ..m c.ltlie clerk and .Mas.
! Ii-r tlnil tin.' ili-feiiiliuils, Thus. I'.ccil, Juuies
i rK'l"""" """
nail Kliziil.oili
1; Slntc nf Teiilie-
! J.11111 III-. Iltill I i-.-lili.-lli.l III
any proce.-s 111 law caniini uu
.! ... . 1...
ho r viol u;ion iIk-iii
It is iliereliire nrilcreil thai publication lie
uncle fur In r hiici-cssivo wi-ckh in die t own
of Wmclie-ter, 'l'cniie-ei-, renin riter said
I ii'iili '.-.ii'iiiin in it i ii-iii hi;ii:iii nil nr Ul-.iliv; ,
i 4. ., ,, t- '.,,.,.,
( '."iM.-inii hii, ; iiiiiu emuuiiv ill iir
i ..... .1 I . I I ' . ' I
7, " "" I"""' 1 ' ,"r ' !
1 01 . 1 r I hi- siiiiic ' li. In ;iMi Hi- i-nti iiii'i '
j nnd set fur hearue.' exp-irie as n. them,
j -'"tied. It. KS'lTbL, C. &. M
1 1 wi'p
u vn.) j .
c- t i n t .
I hoiiietvlieru lietween Ilrai-llon s cor
ner, nil 1 mi m nan. ana uie rail roml lirnluc,
n St III liill on I tin Ion!.- nf 'l'..,,.,,.L...n
hank of Tennessee.
: -l'i... C, 1... ....11 1 .i 1 1
""' -
rownr led and receive
1 in I I I. u nl II I ' VI I 111.17
int.- iiiuin.! ui ,'. 11. 1 j j-.n
ouriial Ullice,
. m. an. fr a IT"
t, M Alfc.
I 1 0llm,lmi
, . . .. . . . .
() HAD!
c oll.-r for rule our furm and
prv,.m(.l)t!1, v;w; ; ,lc ,iislri(;l o(
- 1 ,. ' r- 1 1 , ,
1 r.-uiitlui Linniiv, on Nicholson's creek,
0II(! ""' ""rtli of Mann's 1'onl, ciidu
ff0'." i1'!'1'."- '';;"' f'
nnd coniauiuiL' ilU acres, aboul 55 1.1
ciiltivalion, the hnbincn tiiiilicosl. In
' respect to fertility of so
ami healthful-
ness u locality, n view will convince
any onu in Inilh respet'is.
As a 8toeSi Farm
it is 11 1) n 11 1' 10 s.sim I , boiii1,' nhiimhmily wn-
I lered 011 every pint hy liunieroiis free
.tone spriiiL'M, ami convenient lo one nf
1 ihe bel catl!e ranges in lliecouiiiy, hav
ing access la tho llarreus river hills and
1 bottoms. There is nlso an excellent
I Vt'tiitc n3i!i isi- ftju iii".,
j 011 llie place. Also, 'J'U'U perniaoeiil
ales' rowers,
one Oper.itiui; and Cuiton Spiimir.g Es-
liililisliin;; nnd lixlures, a set of
Wool ':t r!x,'i'(r:iiii;v IiU(hr4,
. , .r
. oilier il lives n
We have excellent spi-ciniuus of
found on tho place which promise! on
nluiii.bint supply
iVelccI ilisposeil to f
liiidii! the payiiients
e led
" ll'1""'.
eosv. vv c will se
Ml one hii l or llie .
m i 1 u I n , with or without the nincliniery. ;
.Apply to the siihscribers on the place.
Iy nutliorlly of tho county court of
Fr.niLtin rniniti- Tmin nni't, la V. n r. !
by civen of iho'i'nsolvancy of the estate
of Robert Oldham, dee., nml nil ncrsoni '
i..t.in,i. :.,..,;.. .n;.i ...... ... ..n..;. !
ed lo file the soma with tho clerk of said
. . . . i- . -i . i ,i
court lor pro rato tbs ri hulion, by llie i
... , ,' , ,. , , r ' :
loth of October, 1859, rise be forever
barred. V. - SHARP,
June lCth Admr.
,s r. i tmuvjh" non yiii.
Have fitted up their shop in the wes
tern portion of Winchester near the Car
rick 'Academy, would state to all uho
wont work in their line, that they can
furnish s wagon in a week's notice, sr.d
in as good style ns any one. All woik
warranted. Give us a trial. Close to
our wootl shop is a blacksmith shop.
Repairing done on liberal terms.
June 10 STAT EM fit DO NUM.
& 12 i?er year 2
u i .i i nw
mnmnui warehouse,
No. 69 Market St., Nashville.
rE are now receiving our stock of Threshers, out Rcapinir and Mowing Machines, nnd
Inivo ft greater variety than any house in the Smith, anil tiirmers vuuld tlo well to i'ivs
iih a cull, and ejnartiiie our nHnortmen'l and prices be ore multliig their pun-hasps, rnd we Hunk
we cm Batiiify thorn thin is tho market to buy at. lielaw will he toutid a list of the niachinej
we soil.
Reapers and Mowers.
Rugj'nContre Draft Reaper end Mower
l . ji.ancy " "
' " " self-rukor
Now York Reaper
ritl Onnl fl horse Threshers & Cleaners.
Mi'fiiittW&O ' ;lo do
do. " " do without cleuners.
Munn's 4 do do do
Revolving! liny Rakes; Cuhivaiors; Harrows; Sugar Mills; Field Rollers; Fan
Mills; Circular Saw Mills; I'ortnLle Sienin Engines; Straw Ct'lters; Grist Mills,
i.Vc, &.C.,
Cement and Plaster.
Wo keep large stocks of Hydraulic Cement, Plaster Paris and Lnn.l Plrtster
May 20 2m. A S7!S i'lSOA A, l.'O., Kashville, Tenn.
Mliitte ol' 'I'en.iesee, ri-iiiikliii 'o.
Ji:srii;r. or Tin; 1'kacf. CoUitr,
William IJiiclmnun, pliiiutill', "j
vs. Deht &c.
I William Ji.kiwon, defcndi.nt.J
In this cause suit imving u.-en romnienceo
Morn the iiailers'srnnd, a Justice of the IV re
in iiml !nr Hie LiHiniy unn CMine uinrcsuKi, ny
.1.,. ..i .4i' i, .. i.... i ihi .,.;,!;...(
I u I Ulllirilllll'lll lu'l'i'ic'i I'll u unit: i i. li i', m.t-
r.ii.li.nl I.-. I tin iitui nt ilf t'nr tlm !t nl n ml ii.-it
,,i ...,.i r.,r n irm-t m' Imi-I of lii'11; m-ms. Iv-
i im'r unit lieni" in sunt county ami Mute itlore-
said, nul wna Ievieil Ky Win. l-urris, tonlii- 1
blc, on snid irart ot' J t ml 11111I returned by
linn beloru 1 lie iiinlcrsiirnnil, tustii-H ol the
I'eacc, no the lSlh eliy ot'Alav (inst:inl)l'J.r)!l,
rt li(!ii iiii)ii, it is considered toy me, and snor-:
ilcred that all further iirnreedin;M 111 ibis :
case Ijesiayeil until the Hib day nf Nmein
ber next, l-ra!l. And it i further ordered
lh.it imb'ieiilinn he innde fnrfniir cnnecittive
week.-, in tin; Home Journal, a newspaper pub-
1 nsiieu 111 iiie mw n 01 w inciiesie,-, reijiiirin
! the said ileli.-iidiiui lo lie and aiinear hefnre ,
! Thomas Finch, j. I'., I lie iindersigno.1, at his
i nllici' ill tin; lnwn nf Winehesii-r, nil sniil
I'Jili day nl iNovomhur 111 xt, Hat), Ihen and,
there In deli-nil sniil s-nit, or jlidi'inent finiil '
i 1... . 1. .1'.... 1. ...in 1 1 1 1. :
nv 11:1.111 1 1; n-n- uu.n i(-ii 1 11-1 nun
' 'Ml.... .1... ll.l. .1 C Al.... 1J-.il
! parte. 'J'his the lth day of i I y H.'i'J.
TiiiK FINCH, Si:.i.l
Justice of the Peace for Franklin t'o.
.All Iho-e hide! tod the e.-tule of John
I it'll
h-i'i'iiscd, are hcretiv noli'ied to iiiatic
piivmeie, and tlmse Imving cluiiim ni' in-t
said cfliite will present lliein as prescribed by
law. J. ,M. Kt;.SSKV, Adm'r,
.Vnv 1!), '.")! John Null, dee'.l.
i. v.u roi: sa tA'.
In i iirsiiani e ol u decree of the Circuit
Court nf Franklin oiinly, pronoiinced in the
! t:""S1' ,!l.n'1:1.1.1 penil.li!,' ol l.owis &. l,oslicU,et
i a' vs. II. w . l.nru a lid w He, el nls, 1 wi
1 itt.r r,.r sl.. n.il.e loi-l.nst hiil,l,-r. hefore ihn
Court IIhiim' ilimr in Winchester,
mi Mimilui. Jul 11 Uli, IS',!), !
., ..,-,.,!,! ,,,., '.., 1:1. Iw.-.O ,l fl..t,. I
j Imr -Iih MM! 111 eipeil i-siuiiaies: One tract!
j of hind in mikI cniin y, in civil Dis. No. !),
j containing, by esiiination, one liiimlreil acres, j
nml bounded 011 the North by the. lands of
! .Mrs. Iiiirram and Jacob Snnders, on Hie Knstl
hv the lands of Joseph Lnllo, on the s-oudi
: '
Iiv the lauds of I le.eliiuli Keeton, and on the
"m ny .,,t- , ,s ,. .,i,,p, ,-.-, ..c.n.
, llie irie t ol I.i lid I.eloiiLiiil! lu llie heirs n
r ,.,.:,., ,,,,,1 s,, , v ,i,. I
s;a,(i ,r,-t 0f land will he told at tho risk of
''0 iWnier purchaser, and
llie buldiii''s, iherefor, will beslnrtednt $t
per acre .Notes with two or more jjnnil 1 ml
Millicicnl fcciiruies w ill ho required of t' e
purclci-er, ami 11 lieu retained nn llie In ml 1111
Id I ie while nf iliu iiui-chiiM' monev is liaid.
O LIS IvS ! I ( ) RS KS !
I leave this d iy or Ohio to purchase a
I uire loi of thai ce'cb.iiicil siocl; hor.-es, die
(iilfnrd and ISIacli ll i'.vk .Mm l'. 'in. If Ihe
lovers of line stock nidi lo ptircha-e hor.-cs
ihi'v enn he supplied hy tho h nf June.
J.iiiy i.ii w . u. i.iooks.
lit) .1(1 i'os ;)J.
Byvirtneof M-recot'lhe. Hy enmt of
i-nuiry. tenn., pronounced at ild
tj.-.ii i ....n ... '
May term, 1H.V.I, I will -n
' I 'Mondai thtUtlt da,, of Jul,! next,'
I ' , . - ..... '
at Ihe court house floor in the town ol w in-
, . ii- ,- i . .i , i .ii,
I-icier, n er or fa c to I ho ntthest h.di t.-r,
ot the niircliasu iiioney is paid,
j may ili, It. I-. Sl.MS, Clcik.
All persons iiulebled to the estate of John
Heatl, dei-cascd, art; heri-hy notified lo come
forward ami make settlement, 't hose hivuij
cluuiis riL'ainst tlie eaniu, wi.l ore.-cnt llicui to
the untlorsisneil.
MUS. .MAUV ItEAU, Admr'it.
March 3. if
In nn rsiia ncc of a deed of trust f.-ierntcd
Iiv 'I'liniiius S. I.i tint il. tot .ttf-rcil in I hit It pit it.
iter's olfice of FranliliTi couniy, in nook X,'
PaS"B " n.n(1 1 " oner lor .ale to tuo
Inghcst l.iilcr,lor cash,
on Mondiiij, Juh, lift, 1850,
ucioro mo v-otirt itoti-u uiiur in 1111
... ,i..r.ti....- - i.. . .
lennesce, the lollovviii slate", vu :
before tho Court lloiio door in Winchester,
"liiirlc.!i negro ninn aced aboiilttS years.
Isilkf, a negro man (nn f xccllont black
smith and Coach-smith) rged atiout 25 yearn,
rtlimy, a negro wuxan aged aboul 29
yenra, and
Itachticl, a negro woman aged about 30
Said ncjrrora will be sold to satisfy th
deb's secure) by said deeds of trust.
June 2 td. ,
would call th llraUoft
Is Iks rUiril' Mnck r
Spring Goods
u I hw ortniiia.
Mirth M
"Y"n ntrrl. T lttm.lf.l bushels
late Red Irish Potatos, for which the
biehe s t market price will be paid by
heniiirKy Harvester, ueaperand Mower
Kirby's " ., ' '
Enstrrly'd Reaper and Moworfff.rakor
Mumi's 3 liorso'J'lireshfM-s without cleaneri.
Pense'ii 2 " R. R. do. and Separators
" 1 " " do. do.
Bell's 1&. 2" " do. ij..
Has just received his stnek of
zmm goods
Staple and Fancy Dry Goods,
Hals, Hoots, and. Shoes,
Fancy Uonnets,
Dress Goocls,-
Ucragos, IVonch Ducals, Tcrcals.
.SSf.HPBJS, Vc, A'v.
865" His lare slock of Honnets, Dress
r .. 1 .i , 1 r . . . i
uunn.i c., nie auieii. lie now nas t
'i . . 1 r o . .1 .
agerstocK 01 nonncts man enn 00 lountl
in the town, and a larger stock ol Drcsi
Goods than he has ever brought lo this
market. A lot of cplendid
.Summer Shawls.
which will lie sold as low ns they ran h
: bouuht in Nashville tit rotail. Also kit
1 usual assortment of
II n.
1 mAifeffi
l)fiiS, ol iff 11, I'niiiti,
ftohool A: liMOOIi.'iuooii
1!oIm, r;ipor., A.O.,
If you desire lo pay cash, you can get
o ri-iiiicinin on iimst articles.
Uo.nei.pun Janes, Linseys, Sock..
n .. x .1 l
Kol,ps. beeiwux, &c, taken in exchatigs
lor uoo.h.
Hoiinct. Vol 50 els. lo 8 1 3.
1 7l 71 Iffl fri'n'rM rm
j for 85f).
We have just received our purchase f
.Spring Goods, consistiiir, in port, of
Jaconcls. Swisses, Harrcil Muslins, Swim
,air Cord, Urillinnts. Double Skirl Mus-
! liu Holies, Organdies, Lawns, Delninn,
j rerraes solid colors, Black Silks,
Print, rtliilifr nml nllifr Tlrt.flc nnml.
. , s - ,, ....
r. i , '
: liloves n L'ood nssorinieut. lionnclf.
, Pnrol,1Cnn..,Sho
..ml Mip pt'oi, Coltoniiiles and Linen tor
, 11 Ir . , r .i ..
mens wear, I iirdivaro and Co eiv,
'' . ,,
I F T" KST"''" w' CABNE
T.VI'JI.J. JL tiKlV.K.
V'in.linatnr Tonn
' ' -"-j- 1
Srpt. 93.
roll SALE.
I wisli lo fell my tract of land, containing
101 ncrcn, lyini 2 1-2 miles from Winchesier,
. .? .. . ..r 1 1 : .ll (In
11(1 null nil 1 0 lllls iu 01 ill niuii a 111111.
the lund is one of the best KprinM in Iran-
kliti cnuntv. And 0110 that never fuilb.
Any one wiliing to purchose must apply 1
meal name, or ai n mcunier,
nucntly in town.
Way t-',
J. W- SHAPtf.
Cop of Cherry and Cedar Stret,
Inlitille, Trim.
On Monday, the. 4th day of July
before the Court House door in Winchester,
1 will ofler for sale lo the highest bidder,
negro girl, named LIZZIE, aln ut eiren Jt
old, belonging o the minor children "f A
II. Johnson, and sold tinder a decrfe of IM
Circuit Court ofFranklin county, Tennes''(
in the cause of A. H. Johnson vs. Tho. .
Julison, ct als.
Sold opon credit of twelve months--"-i-.m
it,. ...m nf fiftv dollars, which mo".
paid down; the biddings lo commence alt BJ
hundred dollsrsjnote with iwogood'",;,
fieia-ii securities, and a lien retained od
I negro until Ihe purchase money is paid.
' Sl.ylO'WIw. N.FBlizZU i