Newspaper Page Text
BsisWSRH t Ite glome .gfltviuL BY W. J. HI.ATTEB. "ri44 lo forty's arMtrarf saw, W fbilew Traik wtarfirttw leftists Mr.' A WORD TO GENTLEMEN. If men dislike coquetry, why do tby nooartf e It f Why do they of. tan bars) Mnsibla well-informed wo nsD to play "wallflower," while they talk nonsense to some brainless doll, who can only ogle, sigh and aim perf It appears to us tha.t men are to blama for most of the faults of wo roon. We always regret to he?. a man who has matrimonial Views say of a girl, she don't ver; much, but she li amiable, has a pretty face, and after all, ff I mti society, It li ensy enough to tlr.d it anywhere. A man has no right to marry a woman with Intentions so widely diverse from those he professes to entertain, when he vows to be a husband I he is res ponsibly blame-worthy for the conse quences that result from such an act ; brsido, it is a very mistaken notion some men seem to have, that a fool is easily managed s there is no descrip tion of animal so difficult to manage; what they lack in brains they are sure to make up in obstinacy, or u low kind of cunning. Then a pretty fuco cannot last forever, and the old ago of a brainless beauty wo shudder to con template, even at a distance. Wo men aim to bo what men oftcnost like to see them j you may, therefore easily gauge the masculine standard by tho majority of women ono daily meets. Heaven pity tho exceptions I they must find their mates in another world than this. ORIGINALITY. Originality is a very slippery, . in definable sort of quality, supposed to belong to certain thoughts, but when we comu to mini) 20 it, wo unalzye it all away, Solomon, many hundreds of years ago, suid that there was "nothing new under thn sun," and told pretty nearly tho truth. The most "original " poems ane stories urn merely o!.l incidents and charac ters, in new circumstances, told in ne.kv combinaiionsof old words. Wo lutva ul'len wondered whether all the iilens possible for man to conceive, have not been thought of over and over again whether all tin notions of me.n'.-il'.i'c L ive not been dono before, hy viiriouM persons. Thcro are many"! t urious instances of unconscious pla giarism, in literature, which must havo been tho result of s'miinrity of mind, or u similar train of thought, common to two person.", writing at litferent times. There are also nu merous cases where two persons havo conceived the namo idea at almost the sumo ins'nnr, and embodied it in nearly an identical manner. WRONG IMPRESSIONS. Many are the erroneous views for med and low; entertained by one. coun try, relative to another. Perhaps these United States uflord an rxnm j)lu the most portinonl. With few exceptions, we, our institutions in xhort, all that belongs to us have been submitted, not to the fair and just statement of the historian not to the calm reasoning of tho philoso pherbut to 1 ho ex parte report, and shallow and warped judgment of the prejudiced or inculpable writer. It would be a good thing, were every person who takes up a book purpor ting to describe a fori igu land, and its people, to it-member how power ful a sentiment self-love U in nil of us; and bow likely ninety-nino out of every hundred men, assuming the character of the historian, ore not to view mutier.- as they are, but jiiat as their own passious sway them. Petty pique, an accidental affront, a tempo rary inconvenience these, or even one of these, may have diverted the pen from tho record of truth. After all, with rare exceptions, it is not tho man writing of a country, so much as the man writing of himself . Great Natural Phenomenon. The Oswego (N. Y.) Palladium Rives an account of a meteoric muss that fell the other dy upon the farm of Hor ace Surger, causing intense conster nation among the people. It descen ded at an angle of about 30 degrees from the horizon, and tore up the ground terribly where it struck, and crushed the trees around like pipe stems. It is said to cover half nn acre, is very irregular in shape, and rises at some points to 00 and 80 feet Inhiphr, and is believed to be imbed ded in the earth as many feel more. The iuuneiiKR roise and light awoke the people for five miles around. Ths Somnu UmgMirr. The N. Orleans corrttpondent of the Charles ton Courier, says that Bhmop Polk has succeeded in getting ten gentle men of his dioce so of the Episcopal Church, to subscribe 1300,000. towards the establishment of the great South. f f t is f . ' O fiA Aantl.. formal ly V, S. Senator from thU Sutt . .1 .iikflinnnttl HAIfAMAC Vt Tnlltat ona. the Hon. Mr. Johnsonha sab- serifctd 840,000. THE W AH. ,. A real war is waging now in the old world. Austria is suffering, and France winning the laurels and spoils. The Austrian! have evacuated many of their strongholds in their retreats. The battle of Magenta haa served to encourage tha Allies and terrify the Austrian. ' In fact, that is one of tha most terrible conflicts of modern times. A correspondent of the London News, writing un'Ier date of June 7th, gives the following item in relation to bow Cue field appeared aAer the battle. He says s Yestcrdav evening, not without great difficulty I succeeded in getting hero, to Inspect the Meiu 01 me glori ous battle fought on Saturday last. Mv nen is not adequate to describe tho honrt rending scene which sur rounds me. Trees thrown down by the dreadful effect of artillery; heaps of dead bodies, human limbs scatter ed about, carriages broken, farm hou- sea burnt, crops trampled, vineyards devastated, houses plundered such is the deplorable sight which met my ryes since my arrival in this town. Town, however, Magenta is no more, ihe small inn whence I am now writing these linen, bears marks of tho tre mendous struggle, for it was thrice ta ken and retaken during the nction.--Not a peicc of furniture is to be found, not even a chair to sit upon." A RICH LETTER. Tho following epistolary effusion hails from a lady friend in an adjoin ing county, who seems to be sumo what "plceacd" with our humble ef. forts to make the Journal interesting. Sho evidently will not think hard of us fur giving publicity to her letter, especially as she voluntarily grants us the privilege in the mid bene subjoined. We shall certainly send her the Home Journal, and if she should still con tinue, to bo "plccscd" with the "pee ses" therein contained, our wish will be realized. Most assuredly we don't intend to criticise what sho has writ ten not us. And as this is tho first time sho ever "rule to an editor," no doubt she feels anxious to sen how her writing looks in print, and will thank us for gratifying her anxiety in that respect. Here is her letter, all except residence and her name. Juno IMD. Mr. Editor: Esteemed Sir. I havo seen several of your papers and am well pleased with them and I learn that there is several lades that takes tliu home journal I would like to take it my self 1 am well plcescd with some of your peeses in the two or tlire last numbers I would like to know the lady that sent tho boka with the note to you I was a bout sending ono to a young Man but have declind tho idea since I seen that- 1 shnll look for the jurnal next week I hope ther will be nodifliculty in the paper Cummin. n b now I never rote to an editor be for and I doant know but what you will eritisiz on this but 1 doant care if you do jiibt send the Homo jurnel to me. THE SEW.lNEE ROUTE. Tho following brief letter is from one who has tried both of tho routes to Becrshebn, and who is competent to decide on the turrits of each. How ever, we would inform him that there is no danger of anybody going via McMiuuvilli; to Ueersiieba while the Sewanee route is open, for everybody almost known tho superiority, in eve ry respect, of the latter. Our own opinions have been iiven in several numbers of our paper previous to this: Tkacy Citv, June 20th, 60. Dear Sltittcr : 1 have just returned from a trip to (Jeerdicba via McMinn- ville. Being anxious to see the route to lleersheba, so much talked of in the "AIcMiiiiivillo Era," I start.-d from McMinnvillg in a bu'gy, and when we got to tho foot of the Mountain, after patisi.ig over a vrry rough road, we were obliged to get out and walk tho greatest part of the way up, and I am credibly iuf irumd that passen gers by the stage coaches, to Becrshe bn, have to get out and foot it for three miles up the Mountain, and it is as much us four horses can do to pull an empty stage coach up that hill. Passengers are now preferring the Sewauee Koute, and very few, if nny, arc going by way ofMcMinnville More anon. C b. Tub IIerndo Monument. A fine obelisk to Lieut. Herndon, who was lost in the Arctic, which is to be plat ed on tho grounds of the Naval Acad emy nt Annnpolis, is atQuincy, and completed. Tho shaft is 18 feet long, four feet square at the base, tapers to one foot six inches at the top, and wilt rest upon a pedestal four feet high, and six feet square. Upon one side appears, in prominent raised let ters, tho name " Heisuos t" upon the other. "SeDtember 12th, 1857 No descriptive line tells the reader of fif ty or a hanSred years hence who Herndon was, or what he did, and, so far as the obelisk goer, the merits of the true man who save hi life to others are as effectually hidden as tloujW bit name had been written rnll-ftm Pott. SINGULAR OCCUttltENCJG. A Man arretted for a Murder Com milled twenty four yean ago. ' A striking instance, says the Mom. phis Bulletin of the 81sf, of the ctt- tainty of punishment which, sooner or later, never fails to follow upon the commission of murder, came to our knowledge yesterday. It seems that ajittlo over twenty-four years ago, a man named C. B. Ivey, residing in Roans county, East Tennessee, con ceived a dislike to a sister-in-law re tiding in that county, and murdered her in a deliberate and cold-blooded manner. He was arrested for the crime, tried, convicted, but owing to some palliating ciroumstance connec ted with the affair, Instead of being executed was sentenced to the peni tentiary for life. Shortly after his in carceration in Jail, however, he effec ted his escape and made his way to Arkansas, whero he settled on the Ar kansas river, and resided up to within a few weeks past. During his resi dence in Arkansas a period of some twenty-two years he married a high ly respectablo lady of that State, be came the father of a family, the ow ner of a large plantation, and was honored by his fellow citizens with the post of magistrate for a term of some ten years and Ihe duties of which position he discharged with fidelity and to the general acceptation of the citizens. Ho also became connected with, and for years was a leading member of ono of the prominent Christian denominations of the day. Surrounded hy his family, possessed with an abundance of this world's goods, and enjoying the esteem and confidence of his neighbors and a lurgc circle of friends, he lived in fan cied security having long since ceased to fear that the hand of justice would ever trace him to his far removed po sition from the scene of the murder he had committed. But the appearance at his home, about two weeks since, ofnn officer, armed with a requisition from the Governor of tho State whose laws he had outraged, at once and for ever dissipated all his assurances of safety ,and without resistance he yiel ded himself up to the official's custo dy. Ho arrived in this city (Mem phis) last evening, in charge of tho person who traced him out, and will bo conveyed at onco to Roane county, taking to-day's train on tho Memphis und Charleston Railroad. CROP PROSPECTS IN THE WEST. The Cincinnati Commercial of the 25th says : "A hurried trip into Iowa has given us an opportunity of seeing and hear ing considerable of the condition and prospects of tho growing crops thro' out the intervening country and the West generally. Nearly everything (hut can bo desired in reference to the yield of very variety of produce seems to bo promised ; and never before, probably, aid tho farmers of the West give expression to such earnest grati tude as they do now. All farm-work is progressing with a hearty will every available means is made to tell in driving forward the pressing work. The sceno is in great contrast to the display made two) ears since, when harvest labor was ignored and the il lusive charms of speculations in lots and lands were engrossing the atten tion of all classes of men. A spirit of contentment and satisfaction more generally prevails now, having sup planted that of feverish and restless excitement. The grievous burthens of oppressive debt will soon be re moved from tho West ; and when Western farmers nro once relieved of that load, the progress of the entire country in material improvement and development, will be in a ratio never heretofore known. The energies of the population now accumulated in the West, having never till now been so fully applied to expanding original sources of wealth, the results of their labor will soon be a surprise even to themselves." Tho Hunlsville (Ala..) Independent of last month, says that a Mr. Lopine was pnssing through Mr. Thomas S. M'Calley's farm, a mile or two from town, and immediatly on getting over a fence, a large land Moccasin snake, fully five feet nine inches in length prang upon him from the bushes and wrapped itself around one of his legs, attempting at the same time to strike him with its fangs. Mr. L. knocked it off with a bit of wood he had in his hand, and hardly expected another at tack, but the vicious rascal again sprang upon him from a distance of some four feet, and the second time tightly coiled itself around his leg. By great exertion, he at lart tuccee ded in getting his foot on the monster, and at once dispatched him. Dsoibm CouFBiiEo. The College of Chapel Hill, N. C, on Thursday week, conferred the Dr. of Laws on James Buchanan, President of the United States, Hon. Mitchell King, Charleston, South Carolina, and the Rf, Rer. Bishop Otey, of Tennttw... DECEIVED. Sr CLARA. Mm ArUndrtlp buliwntloMh4iM t-Am. Ofttntimss 1 ask my w'eary heart. Can this indent bt true I Are love and friendship but t drain, Transient si early Jew, That In ths Doming tun appeiri Pearls, diamond!, rubies red, Till oloudehiaradieot fece obscura, Then all tbsir beauty's fled I For men will oft, with subtle art, Their truest friends deceive J Win woman's pure ond truiting heart. Only to break and leave: Vowing to love them evermore, Until (hair lives shall clou, Enthrine them in their haail of hearts. Like perfume in the rote I And thua deceived, proud woman's heart Oft breaks without a moan, Like ripple on some mountain lake A moment seen, then gone; Yet aoine will smilingly live on Through long and weary years, And none dream that her sparkling eyei Are bright with unshed tears I And thou, mine own familiar friend I Whom I once deemed ao true, I've found thy friemlahip but a jest, Thy lova like morning dew ; Yet if in after years thy heart Mourn broken faiih tome, One contrite tear upon my urn la all I'll ask of thee. Tho two days battle of Magenta swept from existence, and placed hors du combat, more than twice the stand ing army of the United States. Tho whole regular army of the Union num bered, on tho 1st of Inst January, 12,- 043 men of all ranks, from general officers down to privates. Making every allowance for exaggeration, the losses on both sides must have been between twenty-five and thirty thou- and. An " Anti Cursing Club" has been formed at Grass Valley, Cal., the mem bers of which are fined twenty-five cents for every oath, the money to be appropriated to some worthy purpose from time to time. At the last ac counts the club had cursed enough to buy a pew, and there was a bulaucc on hand. M. Fav, our Minister to Switzer land, will soon be recalled. He has not been within the limits of the Uni ted States for thirty years. JEPTJSITH FURNITURE CAN NOW BE HAD AT VERY LOW PRICES In "Winchester. Or NASHVttU, HAS openod s lot of very niee Furni ture nt J 1 a r 1 1) 0 n i a Hull, and will keep it thure for e few dny.i only, to sell at EXTRAORDINARY LOW PRICES, It is nil his own mnnu loclure, and he warrant? it to bo as good as any 111 a. 1 0 by other manufacturer. All who want niro Furniture should come at onre, ns ho must return to Nosh ville in a fewjluys 865" Bargains given, ant no mistake. Ladios nnd genilomeu are invito I to call oiid examine.- W, FAY. July 30, 1850. EI LIS &, .7100 tti:, AND MACHINE SHOP, DO, 01, tat tOO, SOITII MARKKT St., Nashville, Term., MANUFACTUHERS OF STEAM Engines, Boilem, Mill-Gearing, Horse-Powers, Sash-Weights, Grate- Bars Straw-Cullers, and all castings used in tha construction of Flour Mills, Saw Mills, Furnaces, Tobacco Factories, and Dwellings, ours biing tho OLDEST ESTABLISHMENT OF THE KIND IN THE STATE, AND BUILT THE Fli.'ST EN GINE THAT WAS EV EU BUILT IN TEN N E SS EE , And keepinz ourselves fully posted up as to all the improvements, we offer them with the lulled confidence of their supe rior advantages over all others. We aro agents (or the ST, LOUIS CIRCULAR SAW MILL, an I attached to one nf pur Engine. is capable of cutting from five to tweniy thousand feet of Lumber per day. Gum Belting of all sizes on hand at very low prices. ELLIS it MOORE, Nashville, Tenn. June 23, 1850. STATE OF T..SSE. Minerva . Witt,) William P. Witt. J On motion of complainants, ap pearing to the sitiiliction of the Clerk and Master that the e'efendant, Wm. P. Witt, ia a oon-residenl of the State of Tennessee, ao the ordinary proceia oflaw cannot Da served upon him. It ia therefore ordered that publication be made for four eucceisive weeka ia the Home Journal, a paper published in the town of Wincboater, Tenn., requiring aaid non-resident to appear herein on or befora the first day of next Chanceiy Court, on Wednesday aftor the third Monday ia August next, and plead and answer or demur to aeid Dill, or the aame will be taken for confessed and aat for bearing at parte as to bin. H. R. ESTILL. C. 4 M Jon 10, 1889. (Tommccinl HaihvUU Market, , mm the Buhtuli iMIr !"e. Thursday, June 80, 1850, Baco. Shouldere ara worth 7; Hams 0; Clear Sides 9 from wagons, From atoia, packed i cent more. Lasd. Good Lard, in tuilebla packa ges, readily commends 10J10. Whcat. Prime Red $1; White, $1 GDI 10. Fioua. Demand brisk. Extra $8,00 per carrel; Superfine, 10 60Q1 Hollars. Extra Family Flour in bagi, wholeaalt $8 75; retail 14 e? 08 pounds. Cons. Market bare, demand Increas ing Buyera are giving 85 centa, and fur. Dishing aarka. Corn Meal 111 25e. This range Includes the reteil price. Whisky. We quota 267328 for Rec tified, Country brands 60fo)75o. Dbisd Fkuit. Little doing. Applee 1 50. Pealed Peaches, 3 50a4. Un- pealed 2 50. n r. IAl.11. T .. 1 - ml O.t. nop. urasi ixjeiG ruia wvi ton Thread 22 Ja23. Seeds Hungarian Grasa Seed $4; Millet 3 00a3 50: Flax Seed II. Salt. Fine sack is worth 1 60 1 75; Coeue 1 50, Barrel 40c. per bushel. Land for Sale. TtV virtue ol three orders of sale issued from the Circuit Court, aeainst Jamea R. Fsris, in favor of F. A. Loughmiller, I will, on Monday, the 25tl day of July next, offer for sale, for cat-h, to the high est bidder, a tract of land lying on Rock Hreek. Franklin countv. Tenn . contain ing 210 acres, more or less, and sold to . r 1 1 r -.1 . iulisiy tatu oruers 01 sair. j. w. OL&i&K, on n. June 23, 1859. Land for Sale. BY virtue of two orders of sale issued from the Circuit Court, against Adam Hancock and J. J. iliurston, in favor ol Herman Nussaeur, 1 will, on Monday, the 25th of July nrxt, offer for sale, for cash, to the highest bidder, two lots, or parcels of land, known as lota Isos. 18 and 20, in the plat of the lands of Asa bel Aldrich, dee'd, lying in district No. 1, Franklin county, containing about 21 acres, sued to satifv said orders of sale. J. V. CUSTER, Sh'ff. Land for Sale. BY virtue of a decree of the County Court of Franklin County, Tennessee, pronounced at its Juno Term, 1859, in the cause therein pending, " D. D, Smith Administrator of S. G. Rnadv, tlec'd, pe tition to sell land." I will, on Monday, the first day of August next, at the Court Hou.'edoor in Winchester, offer forsalo, to the highest bidder, the tract of land which said S. G. Ready, died, seized and possessed. Sold subject to the wid ow's dower. TERMS OF SALE. Said land will he sold on a credit of twelve months. Bond and approved se curity will be required, end a lien retained to further securo the payment of the pur chase money. R. F. SIMS, June 15th, 1859. Clerk. BOOT AND SHOE SHOP G. "W. v Stamps HAS opened a Boot end Shoe establish ment on the Street loading from the South corner of the Square, towards the Baptist Church, and is prepared to fur nish, to order, with neatness and dispatch, all sorts of Shoes, Boots, ladies' work, dec, and on REASONABLE TERMS. If you want a nice Boot, to fit in the very best style, coll ai this fliop. Patent, French, American, and all oth er sorts of Leather suitabla in his line, kept on hand, nnd work wairnnted to be as substantial ns any that can bo made elsewhere. BQT TKKMS CASlf.9 juno23-59. G. W. STAMPS. A nero boy niuiied MARION, belonging In the U"rnn estate, and hired to the Wincbesior 6z Alabama ( Railioad Company, ranawoy last month, and has not been hontd from since. Ma rion is very black, raihcr humble in man ners and speech, weighs about 150 or 100 pound, end 1 1 it 1 1 on a black wool hat when ho luit. His lips are considerably curled when he talks, which peculiarly will scarcely fail lo be observed. A lib eral reward will be paid for his delivery to the W. it A. R. R. Co., or his appre hension, so that the Company can get him. june23-tf. FOR SALE! A BAIIOAM TO BE HAD! We offer for sale our farm and im provements, lying in the 2d district of Franklin County, on IMcholsnn s creek, one mile north of Mann's Ford, eight from Winchester and seven from Salem, and containing 219 acres, about 55 in cultivation, the balance timbered. In respect to fertility of soil .and healthful ness of locality, a view will convince any one in both respects. As a Stock Farm it is unsurpassed, being abundantly wa tered on every pait hy numerous fret stone springs, and convenient to one of the best cattle ranges in the county, hav ing access to the Barrens river hills and bottoms. There in also an excellent White Sulphur Spring, on the place. Also, TWO permanent Water Powers, ona Operating a Cotton Spinning s leblishment and fixtures, a set of Wool Card, Turning Lathes, Sci.. 6te. The other drives a lirist IHill. Cotton in and J?lol:ies Mill. Both powers could be much improved. Asa situation for a Saw Mill, or a Distillery, the place can't be beat m point 01 convenience, it aoounus in llfnililA of various kinds: red, gro tnd vsriega- Wo hav sxcllent specimens of Iron Ore" found on tha place which promises an abundant supply- Wa feel disposed to otter a Dargain, and man. tha payments cosy. We will sell ona-half or tha whole, with or without tha machinery. Apply to tha aubscriMra on to. plac ANGELL & TIFT. ARMSTRONG & CO., ACMCtftTtmAt WAIUMQOSe, No. 09 Market St., Nashville. , WE ara now receiving our atock of Threibers, and Rf aping and Mowing Machines, ana have a greater variety than any boupa in tha South, and farmers would do wall to air ue a call, end exar.ine our assortment and prices be oro making their puieaMe,rnd we think wa cm satisfy them thia ia tha market to buy at. Below will be found list of the machine wa sail. Reapers and Mowers. Rugg'a Centra Draft Reaper ana Mower P.Jneoey'e " " eelf-raker New York Reaper Threshing Pitt's Oard 8 horse Threahera St Cleaners. Moffatl'a 4 & 6 " io do do. 11 " do without cleaner. Munn'a 4 do du do Sundries. Revolving HeyRakea; Cultivator ; Harrowe; Sugar Mills s Field Rollera-Fen Mills ; Circular Saw Mills ; Portable Steam Engines ; Straw Cutters ; Grin Mill. iio., 610., . ' Cement and Plaster. We keep Isrge stocks of Hydraulic Cement, Plaster Paris and Land Piaster Msy 26 2m. AllTi IltOXi & CO., Nashville, Tenn.' Stuto ol' TciiiiCMce, I'runkliu Co. Justice or the Peace Coukt. William Buchanan, plaintiff, "1 vs. Debt&t. William Johnson, defendant, In this cause suit having baen commenced before the undersigned, a Justice of the Perce in and lor the County and State aforesaid, by the plaintiff apainwt the defendant hy origin al attachment founded nn a nnte (fiven by de fendant to the plaintiff for tho Urd and last payment tor a tract ot lanJ ot titty acres, ly ing and being in said county and Mate afore said, and was levied By Wm. Farric, Consta ble, on said trnct of land and returned by him before the undersigned, Justice of the Peace, nn tho ISth day of May (instanl)lU5y, whereupon, it is considered by me, and so or dered that all further nrnceedings in this case be stayed until the 18th day of Novem ber next, 1809. And it is further ordered that publication be made for four consecutive weeks in the Home Journal, a newspaper pub lished in tbe town of Winchester, requiring the said defendant to be and appear before Thomas Finch, J. P., the undersigned, at his nflice in the town of Winchester, on Bnid 19th day of November next, le)59, then and there to defend soul suit, or judgment final by default will be rendered against him ex parte. This the 18th dav nf Mry. 1859. THOS. FINCH, Seal Justice of the Peace for Franklin Co. NOTICE. All those indebted to the estate of John Nat, deceased, are hereby notified to make payment, and those having claims agrinn said estate will present thorn as prescribed by law. J. M. RUSSEY, Adm'r, May 19, 'CD John Natt, tlec'd. LAND FOR SALE. In pursuance of a decree of the Circuit Court of Franklin county, pronounced in tho cause therein pendingol Lewis S. sis. vs. B. W. Corn and wife, et nls, I will offer for sale to the highest bidder, before the Court House door in Winchester, on Monday, July 4lh, 1850, on a credit until October 4th 1859, and Octo ber 4lh 18G0 in equal estimates: Ono tract nf Inn'l in said county, in civil Dis. No. 0, cnntaiui ri(r. by estimation, one hundred acre?, and bounded oil the North by tho lands of Mrs. Ingram and Jacob iSnudcrs, on the East hv iliu lands of Joseph l.ililo, on the tiimih by tho lands of Hezekiah Keetnn, and on the Went by the lands of Saul Cnnip, dc, being the tract of land belnniuj; to the heirs of Litlleberry end Sap ia N. Bslick, doc. Suid trni't of hind will be cold at tho risk nf Lewis S. Bostick, the former purchaser, and Ihe biddings, therefor, will bo started at $4 tier acre Notes with two or more pond 1 nil sufficient pecuruios will he required ot ll e purchusor, and s lien rctnincd on the lurid un til the whole of ihe purchnse money is paid. May 19, Ww N. FR'.ZZELI,, Clk. HORSUS! HOUSES' I leave this dny lor Ohio to purchase a lnjro lot of th it co'ebrated stock horas, the (litliird and Black Hawk Morjfin. ff tho lovers of line stuck wii h to purchase horej thev can ho supplied by the tenth of June. May 12 h W.G. Brooks. li-mul for tt.ilc. By virtue ot a decree of Ihe county court of j Frunkhn county, Tenn., prnn 'iinced at its 1 .Mny torm, 1)!J, I will n Monday the 4th day of July next, at ihe court house door in tne town of Win chester, offer for pule to the highest li.diler, (tie no: I irnci 01 ninn roiuninuig ii-J acres, o 1 roods and 2 poles belonging to Hie estate ot Wm Lrazelton, dei-cosed. TERMS OF SALE. Said Lund will be fold on a credit of one and two yea's, except the uiuount of two per cent on the whole of the purchase, to be paid on dny of sale. The bidding for suid land to commence at j10, V aero. Bond and good security will be required of t!'e purchaser, und a Icin retained on the land until the whole ot iho purchase money is' paid. may aO, K. F. SIMS, Clerk. NOTICE. All persons indebted to the estate of John Read, deceased, are hereby notified lo come forward and make settlement. Those having claims against the same, will present them to the undersigned. A. BUTTER WORTH. Adm'r. MRS. MARY READ, Admr'x. March 3. tf "Wanted. Two hundred bushels , late UeJ Irish l'otatos, lor which the highest market price will be paid by May20 G. C. GORHAM 6c CO. PORTRAIT PAINTING. CHARLES (itAITl, PORTRAIT! PAINTER, WINCHESTER, TENN., HAS taken a room on (he South-east side of the Square, up stsirs, and will be pleased to see all who may wih Por traits of ihemiclves, or Historical Painting of any sort. June S4-tf. Land for Sale. BY virtue of an order of aala issned from tha Circuit Court a;ainsl Elisabeth McKenaie, in favor ol E. Z. Salmons. I will, on Monday, tha S61I1 day of July next, offer for sale, for cash, to tha high est bidder, a tract of land lying on Elk River, Franklin county, adjoining tha lends of A Johnston, R. C. Parka, Da vid Hice.snd J. M. Frsndle, aold aa tha property of Elisabeth McKeoiie, to sat isfy aaid order of sale. 1 J, W. CUSTEA June J3-M 00. Sktrif. Iggg Kentucky Harvest.!-. II It E"t;!!1y, RP nd Mow.r-eeir-raker. Machines. Beir 1 at do, a0 CALL SOON ! G. A. SHOOK Has just received his stock of SPRING 6000$ CONSISTING OF Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Hats, Soots, and Shoes, Fancy Bonnets, Dress Goods, MUSLINS, Beragca, French Ducals, Percals. PABA8OL8, SHADES, fc, Jte. t& His large stock of Bonnets, Dress Goods c, are noted. He now haa a lager stock of Bonnets than can be found in the town, and a larger atock of Dress Goods than he has ever brought to thia market. A lot of cplandid Summer Shawls, which will be sold as low as they can be bought in Nashville at retail. Also hia usual assortment of llritgft, IUcdircn Paints, School & Miscellaneous Books, Papers, &c, If yon desire to pay cash, you can get a reduction on most article.'. Homepn Janes, Lirtseys, Socks, Ropes, Beeswax, &c, taken in exchange for Goods. Konncts from ."SO cl. to $12. LATE ARRIVAL 03T for 1859. We have just raceived our purchase of Spring Goods, consisting, in part, of Jaconets, Swisses, Barred Muslins, Swiss heir Cord, Brilliant, Double Skirt Mus lin Robes, Organdies, Lawns, Delaines, Berrages solid colors, Black Silks, Prints, Chintz and other Dregs Goods. Also, Shswls very nice, Hosiery, and 'Gloves a good assortment, Bonnets, flats, Umbrellas, Parasols, Coats, Shoes snd Slippers, Cottonades and Linen for men's wear, Hardware and Cutlery, Glass and Queensware, and a host of other articles too tedious to mention, all of which we bought to sell again, snd we solicit the tra.tein general to give us a call, as we sie confident it will be to their interest to give us a trial before buy ing elsewhere. TERMS CASH. All good barter taken in exchange foi gooJs at piices that we can sell at again. 3m N. R. MARTIN & SON. F. T. ESTII.L. M. W. GAINS' ESTILL & GARNER, ATTORNEYS .A.T IA."W. Winchester. Tenn. Sept. S3. U. L4ND FOR SALE. I wish lo sell my tract of land, containing; 104 acres, lying 2 1-2 miles from Winchester, and holf mile this side ol Hinton'a mill. Oo the land is one of the best springs in Fran klin county, and one that never full. Any one wishing lo purchase must apply to me at home, or at Winchester, aa I am fre quently in lown. May 12. J. W- SHARP. C.K. BARNES, dealer nr GENTLEMEN'S HATS, 0? ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Cor. of Cherry and Cedar IMatjhville, Tenn. NEGRO FOR KALE. On Monday, the 4th day of July next, before the Court House door in Winchester, 1 will oder for ante 10 ihe highest bidder, a negro girl, named LIZZIE, ah utwre. years old, belonging 'o lb. minor children of A II. Johnson, and sold nnder a decree of tha Circuit Court of Franklin county, TenBesj, in the cause of A. U. Johnson va. Tboa. H. Johsoo, et als. . TERMS: Sold opon a credit of twelve caontba eept lbs turn of Sfty dollars, which pud down; the biddirga to comoMae. at hundred dollars; note with tw.jrooda.da ai flcientseeoritiefcewUliearsrtelnad aefr. Botil tha porches, atocwy tap m Slay 19-W4W. Ht.nOZXLU