Newspaper Page Text
rUDLISHKU tVBHT TUURSIMT VBNIMO AT TWO POLL AM HI ANNUM. EDITIN07 , A ne wip-per editor, in the tonnage ment of hU journal, remludi us very much of a landlord who ha to pre pare hli table with edible to suit the tastes of a large number of boarders. One boarder likes this sort of a dish, while another, boarder likes that. One boarder wants his food filed up in this style, while his comrade pre fers altogether a different style. So the editor, in catering to suit the intellectual tastes of hundreds and thousands of persons, must cater for opinions as various as the changing colors of the Kaliedoscope. To use the language of a European brother of the quill, the editor, like a generous host, invites the publio to "pitch in," each to the dislt he prefers without prejudice to the liking or antipathies of his neighbors. Here U fare, .solid and substantial, as well as little entrements and "made-dibhes," confection and trifles, all served up with first rate plates. And that our table is not ill provided, we infer from the goodly number of our guests. Besides, our number is increasing every day, and every day we are struggling to fur nish something good and wholesome for their appetites. We have good old farmers, mechanics, doctors, law yers, merchants, loafers, and ladies, all of whom take a seat weekly at the table which we spread for them. And as we stand at the head of the table, and look away down its long dimensions, we can but feel a gush of honest pride. Here sits a good old farmer, away down at Frogtown, or at Hockervitle, or on the river, lie waits until Sunday, when his appetite is good. In the cool shade of bis hap py home, beneath his own roof, with his bright-eyed little boys and girls nestled about him, he opens his week ly budget of news and feeds not only his own mind, but at the same time reads aloud to his children, and thus feeds them also. Having finished one page he reloads his pipe, while his lit ltle girl runs to bring "pa" a coal of fire. This being accomplished, he gives a few puffs in quick succession, and his pipe is "all right." Each page is read in turn, and being satis fied, he hands over the paper to bis good wife, and she, too, makes a hear ty meal, discovering, perhaps, in her perusal, some valuable receipt which she cuts out and preserves for future reference. And the trader, or business man. He glances first at the commercial column, while the politician looks at the telegraph. Each the merchant, mechanic, lawyer, and doctor all have their preference as to food, and we do try to please the in all as well as we can. And yet, sometimes a few of them, forgetting how hard it is to get something good to cut, grumblu. and meditate a chauge. However, our boarders scent to be getting on finely. All seem to be satisfied, and eem to relish what we give them. That they may ever remain so, is our earnest wish. Even the young ladies (bless 'em) seem fond of our table. And sometimes we peep into their sweet faces, and peceive tbem wreathed with smiles of satisfaction, and then how our poor heart goes pit a pat, and sighs that not one of their vast number will consent to pour out the coffee, and help us to fix up the knick-knacks which all expect. How ever, we will continue in our efforts to please them all, feeling sure that we would make a miserable failure were we to try to please any particular class. We shall nlways be impartial and what is set for one shall be given to all, and if sometimes one of our guests should find a dish rather unpal atable, just remember that another of our boarders may be quite fond of it. Remember this, and you will nev er grumble. TWO INSTANCES. The other day a man in Franklin county sold a lot of produce at a price considerably lower than the articles were selling, having risen in value the past month or two. The man did'nt take any paper, consequently did'nt know the fact. He would have saved seventy -five dollars in the trans action had he been a subscriber to the Home Journal. And he is cn'y one of hundreds of such instances. But we will give another, and a little different instance ; A gentlemen, and a clever, hard working, honest man he is, too, who lives about 8 or 9 miles from Win chester, came in the town the other day and asked if the candidates for Governor would speak this summer at Winchester. The gentlemen to whom our friend was talking, inform ed him that the candidates had spo ken already. Our friend then asked tchen the election tamld come off I And our young friend was sincere in his Inquiries, but he did'nt " take the pa pers." We have once solicited brra to subscribe, and we can but believe that hereafter ha will take at least his own county paper, elsa lira al- , at it wan, oat or u. woriav Now Comb. Bring along whatso ever you have to sell or give away. Chickens, eggs, butter, blackberries, apples, beef, corn, mutton anything to eat. We have really commenced housekeeping, and by the time this paper reaches all our subscribers, we shall be fully installed. It Is a new feature in our life, that of sitting at the foot of our own table, and carv ing the turkeys we shall have every day, (provided, you knou-,) and asking this one and that one what he or she will be helped to "what part," they prefer, &o., &o. But we'll try and do the thing handsome, feeling, that if we fail, twill be in a good cause Besides, we might as well commence now, for, as the old saying goes, we "can't learn any younger," and we know not how soon it may devolve upon us as a necessity. But, as we intimated in the outset, we want lots of vegetables and "things" brought to us We commenced too late, and were too busy to make much of a gar den for ourself, consequently must buy. Don't forget the fancy gate. A good fellow fellow lives about there, and would be pleased to see any of his friends "drop in" when they feel disposed to the joing ladies especi ally. TO CORRESPONDENTS. We are often requested by corres pondents to answer them by letter. This we should be veiy happy to do in all cases, if we could find the time, but as we have but very little leisure, we can hardly undertake so onerous a task. "Ella." Your poetry we decline publishing. "Jeems." Your article about fe male education is too long, and is made up of worn-out and dull argu ment. Dull, because the same has been used so often before. "Emma." We will write to you in a few days in regard to your becom ing a regular contributor, and pro curing others for us. However, wo would say now, that we don't want them unless number one. "Jack." Your burlesque declined, and permit us to add that we think "Jack is really a dull boy." "Several Girls." You must be pa tient. In the course of two or three weeks we will give attention to you all. The Weather and Crops. It has been warm, warm, warm, for several days, and we feel it more because at night it is rather cool. But when old Sol gets up in the morning, "its wake snakes" then, and no mistake. Even the leaves on a row of mulberry trees on Main street, have been partially wilted. However, we have experi enced several refreshing shower.", and crops all look finely. Corn is doing very well, and the visitation of anoth er good rain or two will almost set it beyond danger at least, some of it. Upon the whole, the season sofar.hns been very good, and the farmers seem to be in fine spirits. YVIipat, about which so much fear was entertained, has turned out to be an average crop, if not more than an average. Sever al persons have told us that they would make more than they had lor several years. So mote it be. B.shopOtev. This worthy and em inent divine preached in Winchester last Monday night, and administered tho rites of confirmation and ordina tion. Tho Bishop's health is now en tirely restored, we believe, and this fact w ill meet an anxious welcome in the hearts of all who know him. Dr. C. T. Quint ard, pastor of the Episco pal Church at Nashville, was also with us the first part of the week. Ho prenched on Monday, and a splen did sermon it was, if report be true. The Bishop left here for Knoxville, accompanied, we believe, by Dr Quiutard. Caught Up. Having been thrown behind, several weeks since, with our paper, we have been striving since to get out the Home Journal at the usual time. This week we have succeeded, and unless sickness or somo equally poweiful obstacle intervenes we will be in the future, all right. Trust Sale of Negroes. In pursuance of a deed of irutt executed by 1 bonis S. Logan, reentered in Inn Kegi inter' office of Franklin county, in Book X, page 60:1 and 5114, 1 will offer fur le to the highest waiter, Tor caah, on Moadau. Julu Alh. 1850. before I lie Court House door in Winchester, Tennestee, the following (laves, viz : Charlea, a negro man aged about 115 years, Duke, a negro man (id excellent black smith ard Cuacli-sniitli) rged about 25 years Funny, a negro woxan aged about 28 years, and Ilacnael, a negro woman aged about 30 yeara. Said negroes will be sold to aatitfy the deb'a secured by raid dews nr trust. ANDREW ERW1N Trustee June 2 ids. F. A. LODGHMILLER . woold cell Um attaatioa OF EVERY ONE U Um aplaadid atoct sf Spring Goods ksaSMWpataa Mart a? UAjya Mmri eseettttlaa, aaUTrtat,M Attorney General and Reporter. W are eiithoriaed to snnouncs J.O. SIIACKLEFORD, of Clarkiville, as a candidate for Attorney General and Re porter for the Stata. Election lbs 13th of Auguel. UML.-L - JllM UU ffi Tff I. i.l It For Attorney General. Wa are authorised to announce H. H. Smith a candidate for Attorney General from this district. We are authorized to announce R. E. Gillclard, of FeyettevilU, a candidate for Attorney General in this diitrict. Framkiih Co. Tenn April 22. Editor Home Journal : Please announce to the voters of Frank lin county that 1 am a candidate for the office of Register, at the next March election. Ai I ain a cripple4, and una ble to ride but a abort distance hone back, it will bo almost out of my pow er to meet the people at the different pre cincti, but will if 1 can. Youre, truly, MARTIN G. OSBORN. For Congress. We are authorized to announce A. M. Tillman a candidate for Congress in thia District. We are authorised to announce James H. Thomas, a candidate for Congress in this district. We are authorised to announce Wh. H. Polk a candidate for Congrese from this diitrict. For Senate. Editor Homs Journal : It having been understood for some time past that 1 would bo a candidate to rep'esent the counties of Lincoln and Franklin in tho Senatorial branch of our next General As sembly, in order that this fuct may be more fully known, you will please announce my name ax a candidate. I will take thia occasion to atale that hav ing to work, it will be impossible for me to commence a canvass until Spring, but at the usual tine 1 will meet the people ot each county at the various places of voting and present totliem my views on the questions ol Federal and State policy in which thoy aro interested. Your most ob't serv't, Sic, Taz. W. Newman. Sept: 30. to Franklin County1, Tenn. Editor Home Jouiinal: Pleaso announce to the people of Franklin and Lincoln coun ties that I am a candidate to represent tiiem in the senatorial branch ol tho next Legisla ture, and oblige xours, truly, J. J. Adebnatiit. Sept. 8, l?-ri8. ta. We are authorized to announce James R. Chilcoat, of Lincoln, a candidate for Senator to represent the counties of Lincoln and Franklin at the next August election. For Legislature. We are authorized to announce James R. Slattek a candidate for the Lcgisla ture Irom the county ol Franklin. We aro authorized to announce M. R. Mann, Eki-, as a candidate to represent Franklin County in the lower House of the next General Assembly lor the state ot ten lessee. We an authorized to announce John P. Weddington a candidate to represent Frank lin (o. in me lower tinmen oi um next u-eu oral Assembly for the State of T iinctmee. We aro authorized to announce Col. Wm A. Parks a candidate to represent r ranklin C'ornty in the lower branch ot tho next Uene nil Assembly lor lennessce. We aro authorized to announce Madison Williams Eq. a candidate, for reelection to the Legislature from the county ot 'Franklin. MR JA.ttl'-St.LAKKK'S Celebrated F in u I e Pills. Prepared tiom a 1'iescripiionoisir J. t'laikii, M. 1). Pliff aicutl bxttaoiuniary in ine ucrn. rnlllS MKIIICI.nK IS U.NPAH.IXG IX X the cure or all those painful and ilu ngeious riiftratfato which the female constitution is subject. It moderate, II exrese and removes all obstruction!, and a apecdy cure nay be relied on. TO .MAHItlKU LADIES t It la peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. Each bottleprice One Dollar beara the Governmerl Stamp ot Great DilUin, to prevent counterfeit. CAUTION. These Fill, should Noma tahin by females during the FlItSTTIIIltX MONTHS or I'ai.iiNA.-NCY, as (hey are sure to bring on miscaiiuiaui, but at any other time i Hav aui Ir ait cases ofervous and Spinal Affections, Pain inthe IhtcHiiid Limbs. Kstiuuc on xliitht extMtiori, P.lritalioitol the liecrt, Hysterica, and Whites, these Pills will effect a cure when all other means have fulled and although a powerful reniedy, do nut contain iron, calomel, antinion) or anything hui l lul to the const itution. rull ilireclionarcompany each package. Bole Agent For the United States and Canada, JOH MOSES, (Late I. C HaldwiiicV Co,) Horhuater, N. V 5. n. HI OOand 6 postage stamps enclosed to any authorised Agent, w ill insure a bottle of the Pills by re turn mail- For sale bv Smith W. Houihtnn, Agent at Winchester, and by Kerry A lleiuoville, Nashville, wholesale Agents orlennessee. uecrj ly II. TSTASSATJICR, WINCHESTER, TENN., HAS now opened, and for exhibition and sale, at his Store, on the South-west corner of the Square and Main Street, a beautiful stock ol READY-MADE CLOTHING, comprising the latest and best styles of COATS, PANTS AND VFSTS. The Goods he has on hand am well made, anil warranted to stand equal to the beat home-madi Cloih-njr. The ex tra larjrelot ol GENTLEMEN'S FUR NISHING GOODS cannot fail to pleaxe, aa it is superior to anything of the aort ever before brought to this market. In addition to his large stork of Cloth ing, he has a splendid assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS AND HATS. His atock of lioota and baiters are very nice, and have met with universal nraise from all who have seen them. In short, the whole of the outer man can be furnished to a " T," by calling and buy ine from H. NASSAUElt. P. S. A lot of Carpeting on hand, which being aside from his regular line of trade, will be aold very low, for noth ing but low pricea induced him to make the purchaae. 11. N. April 7, 1859. LOST. , , Somewhere between B rax I ton a cor ner, on the square and the railroad bridge, a10 bill, on tho bank of Tennessee. The finder will be rewarded and receive thstbaoksof D. R. SLITTER. Journal Oie. GROCERIES. A LARGER STOCK . 'MAN USUAL James Campbell WINCHESTER, TENNESSEE. I have now in atore a larger assortment than usual of Family Uroce-ies, consisting mainly of auger, coffee, molasses; white, brown, loaf and crushed sugar; fine and com mon candies; a fine lot of leu; almonds, pa eans, nutmegs, doves, apiee, pepper, ginger, mace, cinnamon, aoda, powder and shot, in digo and madder, saltpetre, starch; crackera of all kind, cakea, tie. Also, a good lot ot cigare and tobacco; atar and tallow candlea, wash boards, brooms, water buckets, soap; a lot of ahoae and boota, and a good lot of factory thread, (Pipe's). Also, a large lotot Quocnsware, glass tumblers, while lead, SALT, vinegar, and so forth, and ao forth. I will keep con stantly on hand Ilinton s orand of Flour. I shall from lime to time add to my stock any. thintr the necessities of tho people may re quire, and would aolicit a call from them be- tore they purcuase eisnwnere. Sept 30. If WILLIAB1 STEWART DBALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, it E.ID IDE CLOTHING, Fancy Goods, HATS, BOOTS, and Shoes, GEOCEEIES, Hra."wsi,re, QUEENSWARE, &U., HAS jot received his SPRING STOCK and uniting as he docs all the above branches of business in one, ho thinks ho will be able to oiler such inducements to the public aa to mako it TO THEIR INTEREST to trade with him, and would respectfully so licit an examination of his stock before pur chasms elsewhere. Beeswax, (Jiiisonij, Feathers, brown Jeans Sic, taken ia exchange fur goods ai,d markot price paid. April U Wm. STEWART. FIRST ARRIVAL IP. ,V. EMBREY ia now receiving his Spring puichascs of Dry Goods, which hi; selected in person with great care, and which ho believes will suit the wants of the people ponerally. In Lis stock of Drees Goods will be found Double Skirt MusIip Jlubcs, I'rin'ecl Juconcts, Brilliants, Striped N.iiutionk Muslin, CRAPE IMAGE SHAWLS, (VEIIV BEAUTIFUL,) Hoop Sltirtu tiny amount, Muslin llolic A. Laiz, " Ducnls, Black Luce Points, , BOiMIMETS, FltOM $2 50 TO $15, AND Oil I SO BEAUTIFUL I ALSO Kill Boots and blippors, Funcy Dri'saSiirs, Funcy Bcrngej, Pruned Jai'knnets anil I.nwns, Swiss, iMtill, and Nainsook Muslin', Undersleeves, Chcinizeits, Edgeings Insert inrs, Collnrs, ISoiinet Trimmings, Flowers, &c. BESIDE Fine Cloths, CasRimeres, Vestings, lieady-Mstle Clothing, HATS, B33TS, SHOES, &C, &C. ALSO on hand QuceiiFwarn, Glassware, Glassware and Cm 'cry. marlO W. S. EMBREY CEDAR WSTS, The ondersifned, living in Franklin Co., will supply, at any time, after a few daya ao- tice, allkindaof MCE CEDAB FrW. at rates aa low as aay can be had in Franklin County. ... . , Orders left at the Hon Journal offioe m Winchester, will W P?l AavH ! If ABRAHAM BOWEM. mm rare, lOSOt H i 3 K d S Eft men n Q " r L 09 Td ? P 0 H" tf i H hj S3 S O H F t ! i S ft HI II 81 1 I ? 4 8- a n 5 Q 0 w 0 O f SMITH Q CAI.I1, Whetoeals aad RUU aot.teWrsla of Country all kinds Produce. KEEP cooetaottj on band a tare aetortmant or Iraa, Kaile.CeoUnieaod iMKMlMO mPLUitthn, A complete line of Carpentera Tools, Hardware, Cutlery and Chaina, Hate, Boota and Shoes, A variety of Housekeeping Goods, Tuba, Buckets, Brooms Si Stone Ware, Wltta a Itill stock of ths moat Choice Groceries, for family supplies, auch aa Brown, Cruahod and Loaf Sugars, Golden Syrup &. Sugar House Molasses, Rio, Laguyra, and Java Coffee. Star, Sperm, and Tallow Candles, CHEESE, OYSTERS, SARDINES, TOBACCO, CIGARS, SNUFF, POWDER, LEAD, SHOT, CAPS, FUSE, INDIGO, MADDER. U'HITE LEAD, OILS, TURPENTINE. SACK & BARREL SALT, &C.,&C.,&C. CRACKERS, FISH. PICKLES, PEPPER, SPICE, SODA, TEAS, GINGER, MACE. CLOVES, . VINEGAR ALUM. SULPHUR, alt of which are offered, and will be aold at the LOWEST MARKET PRICE FOR CASH, OR ITS EQUIVALENT. Winchester, Nov. 91,1661. tf 3V GROCERY. G. C. GORIIAM & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN All kinds of Country Produce, Dry Fruits, Hides, &c. Keeps constantly on hand Flour and Meal, Lard, Butter, Cheese, Oysters, Sardines. Crackers, Mackerel, Pickets, Pepper, Spice, Cloves, Madder, Salt in Sacks, " " Barrels, Brown Sugar. Crushed do, Pulo do, Loaf do, Molasses, Golden Syrups, Coffee, Star Candles, Tallow candles. Assorted Candy, Almonds, Pecans, Raisins and Figs, also : Liquors, Brandies, Whiskies, Gin, Ciller and Ale, for medicinal purposes. Mustard, Ginger, Mace, copperas, Alum, Simla, Sulphur, Soap, Smoking loliacco, Chewing Tobacco) Cigars, Snuff, Potcdcr and Shot, he d, Percussion Caps, Indigo, All of tho above articles will be sold low for ca-li. Cull and -e lor yourielvi-H. Winchester, J)ft:. !, . 4stf fffW! L8TJ?U?l1oNTS Tho subscriber would respfctfully infurin ihe ciii.miH ol' Wiiii'heatur anil vicinity thut lie ban 1'iniio Fortes of cvorv tlnscription lor salo, hi cli ok ihe fl, !J, (ij, (j anil 7 octavcB ol every Rtyle ot tinisli, iroin the nerlrctiy pit, in to l lie inoht clulxirotcly enrved case. 1'ncea ranirniL' Irom Slli to si.iuhp Also iMclotleons and all kind of string and wind instruments, such ns the llnrp, Violin, nnd Gnitur; ihu Flute, Cluronci, and all kinds of brass inslruniouts. Al-) Mimic Books and Sheet musio. A lib' eral discount made to dealers unci teachers. Will sell nt Boston nnd New York prices, merely adding expoiivcs of' freight. Wm. E. Be WITT. Winchester, Dec. 0. 2stf JO. Git AY, M. H. UUIHE. Ortiy t Duflie, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, l'riiicuton, D'lllas Co., Ark. June 0 ly SUISL'ENDEI? B RAGES KOtt Brocini; tho Shoulders, straiihteninf tlio boilv, cxpniidini; tho chest, atrcnetlicninu the I.nngH nnd iirevputing ConHitinption, snitalilo for Liulios, Men and Children. Tliry nnn bo contracted or enlnrgod at ploaH' ure. I'ricos from $1 Tit) to .r). Ml ordora promptly attended to, and 15;ticcnfrtU by ma to any portion of country. Address T. J. 4'iiiiiiiiIiikh TiiIIiiIioiiiii, Tonn. STATE OF TENNESSEE.; Mary Read, va Tlios. Read et ats. On molion of complainant, and it appear in! to the sal infliction of the. clerk and Mas. ter that the dcl'endanlK, Thus. Rued, James Chapman and wil'n Jane, and Kliznbcth Bourne, non-rosidents of tlicrtuto of Tenne see, so the ordinary procces of law cannot be served upon tliem. It ia therefore ordered that publication be mndo for foi'r sucresive weeks in lite town of Winchester, Tennessee, requiring said non-rcsiilents In spiicar herein on or before the day of our next Chancery Court, on Wednesday after the third Alonday in Au gust next and plead answer nr demur to said Bill,i r the name will be taken for confessed and set for hcarinir exparie as to llietn. June. 0. 11. it. EM1LL, C. & M. A. DESPORT has opened Gallery in Winchester, over S. W. Houghlon'a drug store, and would be pleased to aee all who wish accurate likenessea of themselves aad at low pricea. Call aoon. June 2, if II IG Ml EST CIS II PRICES raid for Nejroet. I will f if in cash mora than any aiaa for young una. neajroeo. irv me and aatiaiy your Mir or tbo tact. ALEXANDER WILLIAMS. FafclO - to Najsjtiui, Teas-. HflftJEU um , WOOD, EDDY, & CQS , LOTTE n.113 m I CAPITAL , PRIZE, .9 50,000 I TICKETS QWLY j14i ' WOOD, EDDY ak COw4 ITIAJVAGEBS, fcucccaaoia to gj. fcwmi dc Co. The Itotlowlni Schema will be drawn by Wood. BdsvAi Co., Manaaere or the Sparta Academy Latter;, In each of their bWle Number Lotteries toe Mr, ISM. at Air W8TA73eorila, ta public, uadar the aupertnuieiiJor CLASS , Sauarday, Jalf, Drawt , 199. CLAfeS 88. Draw Saturday, Jalf, 9, ita. CLASS 99. Draws Saturday, July, 16, 18S9. CLASS 80, Drawl Saturday, July, 98, 1839. CLASS 81, Drawt Saturduy, July, 80, 1889. ON TUB FLAW Or SINGLE NUMBERS. BO.OOOTloketn! Five Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty, five Prizes. NEARLY ONB PHI2B TO KVERY NINR TIOKBTi. MAGNIFICENT SCHEME I to aa; drawn Each Saturday in July. 1 Prlie of $00,000 10 PrUe ol a l,M0 I " 1(0,000 to ' oOO t " " 10.UOU 10 " 400 t " 6,000 10 ' " JuO I " M 4,0(10 so 1'rtiea of 160 1 " J.0O0 .60 ' 100 Approximation Frizes. 4 prtiea u f lOOijiproximeiluf to 70,000irlu are 1,600 ilo do JOll Soil 80,000 " l.SOO 100O0 1000 6,000 prtaeeare WO 4.000 " 00 a. ooo - " sco 1,600 400 100,000 ta too lo0 100 80 ars 4lO do do do 6,000 6 4& prliaa amounting to ('130,000 Whole tickets $10; Halves (5; Qu'rs $2 J. BSg" Remember that every Pizo in the above Scheme is drawn, and payable in ull without deduction. CKKTIPICATK8 OP HACKAG&j will be aoU at the following ratee, which ie the rlakf Cerlitlcatea el fackana of 10 Whole Ticket,, tRO ' " lOIIiir 40 " - IrtQuirter ' 90 ' " lOKijhlh 10 SrAKTA ACADEMY LOTTEBV, CLASS NO. 405, Draws M'ednuday, July 21th, 1859. ON TUB three mmm viak T5 Nusnbt'i's 14 Ui'iiuu itallots. NKAHLY ONB PHI2B TO EVERY TWO TICKKTS I I Cirand l'rizc of $38,000. 1 Prize of (10,000! 4 Prizes of $0,000! 0 Prizes of 4.000! 0 Prizes of 2,000! 1 Prizes of 10,000! 1 Prizes ol 0,070! &c, iic., ice., &c, 27.8H Prizes Amounting to $513,100 Whole Tickets $10; Halves $5; Quarters $2 50 In ordcriiiff Tickets or Certificates, Hucluse the money to our addresa for the tickets order. fd, on receii't ol wliicb tbey will be forwanled by lirat mail. The Mat of Prawn Number, and Prizes will be sent to purchasers immediately aHer the drawina. u- Iui rhuaei s will please wt ile their sianaturaa plain. ami xivetiieir t'ost oince, i-nunty and state. nr aii jiriiri or l.uuu and under, paid iniineuiareiy arter the drawing oilier pruea at tne usual time ot juuaya. Kotice to H'orrespoiitieiitn. Those whu firlcr mil sending money by mall, can use lliv auiiiiis l.xr-iM 4'iiiany, wlieteby money lui Tickets in sums of Tcu Uotlais, and upwulds, can tie femt us At our riikaiitl rsponso, from any city or luwn wheifi tliey have an cilice. The money and outer must he cuclutjed in a "iMivernmetil 1'ust otlVe fitaiuid cjiveluiie," or the Lxpresa Cuiuvany uiinut receive llit'iu. Ail ctiiiiniiiiiiLUliuiisstriclly conridential. Addri'xs uiilcis fur litkelsoi cerlllicales to Win )1, 1 i V &, t'U., August!!, fienrgm. or, WUOD, EDUYi CO., Atlanta, Georuia. or, WOOD, EDDY &. CO., Wilniuigton Del. hlXTZ ale CO. MERCHANT TAILORS. NO. I'J, CEDAR ST BUT, NASUYILLF, TEJSN. J KKP constantly on howl a (noJ aseor'ineut of the latent Kt)lra tl lui nifluiiR puiKle. Oitteiairom a etis urn e prumptl y uttrmtfil to mul wan.uteil to give satia faction in quality of fiootla anil lit, auW,tr 1'U Kilt All' r A I N Tl i j . W. COOl'EK, IS permanently locate,! in NAs'llVIM.K, at number 49, 1 Ctiuitli atrerl, over I'ornclius' Knrniture atore, iirI lrei.ieil to pain! Portraitaanil l'tiolourajiliic Lltteneaaea, from Miniature to IM'c bi.-, at Miort nutii:e, ami entire satisfaction given, l'ertona at , distance cuu aenil tliei, inctnrrs, wliirh will auawer alt I'ui iwsea. ( N.slivillr, Tenn., Oct 31 State of Tciinmaee, Fnaukllii Co James Sargent, Adair, et ah., vs. Martin Crahtrte, George Crubtrce, Nicholas llaizc and wife Zilla. On motion of complainant, and it appealing to tho satisfaction of the Clerk tl'at tho do. I'e:ilantn, Martin Crnhtree, (icorgo Crah'ror, Nicholas lluio and wife Zillu, aro non-rcsi-dt nla of the Slato of TonueHHee, so that the ordinary pruccbs of law cannot bo served up on thorn. It is therefore ordered that publication be mado for four successive weeks in tho Home Journal, a paper published in tho town ol Viii:licler, Tenn., requiring aid non-rcsiilents to appear herein on or before tho.liM Alonday in July ni'Xt, and plead, answer or demur to t-aid liill, or the same will bo lakuii for confessed ant ct for hearing exparta as tothem. iune'J R. F. t-lJiis, Cl'k. FAI.llINO AMlKIISON, teuaiton, 'leiiB. Aaativille, 'leiiu. i. & v. an:icso, Wboleaale Grocers, HroJuce and CoiumiMHion Nrrchaiils, ARD DEALERS l BRANDIES, WINES, WJIISKEV, &c, ALSO, Dealers in Bacon, Lard and Country Produce, tf every Description, Corner of Colleie and llroad le. NASHVILLE. TE1VNESSEE. WB ,re now In receipt of a tare and welt aaaorted tintk ol (irnceriea, Liquora, die, to wLica we Unfit tne attention of l lie trade. SUGARS. ISO boxes Chewint Tobacco, IfOhMaLoutuana Sugar all erldra. ii (roues v..t orauus. liiOOkeja Mto lead, SI bi'le M V. and Baltimore lu ao nam, all aiica. HO do bar Lead. I'ru.he.l Kuur, J bW, . V. and row dared Kuitar. COFKEE. ia do Maaona Blacklna, o,,,, D.;n nne iii, lino bbta Kanawha Fait, 16 boxea qua it flaake. 100 baa cliotc Ualttmora !12o do putt and t rial eOheaacBOkaRtwOrUaoajlOO kesa Salla. aaaortal al Code. Coffee, ace. MOLASSES. 70 bhia cbotce Heboiled Mo laeee. LIQUORS 40 bbla Sniiik's old Baoerav al whi,kr. .eakbta old nVMikoi Wkla 80 (bbta chotco R boiled! Miuaea, (0 kaa lioklen Srrup. SUNDRIES. ker. AS do oil Rra WMaker. S4 do do Mwalal g-d So Plae'a Maanooa an do pur oUM do It iaH.mM.-t 4 do oW tort Cm o Ig do oidreiteai atala, oa Wlaoa. tribla am til. T doHonaoddo IT dooM COfMO Brtotf, 4J d 4n do J ksakais Cewaaptcoa WIm. tnl) boxes Klar Candle, iou an,w " n do Hat Snar, 100 do Ground Pepoar, M do do ferae. 14 do do Guitar, M do an Carb aoda, t do Initio. aU suo liacaaboraikSnda, t do Madder, nbet farror, l do SPK, nax r."' m kkia i ador Vuaut if dna Broome. tm.oae aaootted Clear. ao tao aaauai Tokacoo, oiMauTbk. TeootiMe Hta muf otkor artklaa aaatj aa an aani P.& C.1NOERSON. jaw, mtr VALUACLE PROPERTY FOR QA T.bTTI. ' ' I offer for tale my Mill and 2C0 A tree " ofland lying three miles North of Win. . cheater, upon il( River. The walei powei it sufficient to run three Grist Milli all tho year,-nd the Saw Mill 8 months In the year. The Griat Willi " are all in good running order. Alio, a. Urge, new, frame . . tl.. DWELLING HOUSE, just completed, with other out boon and one ooia spring oi ireestoot wbim near tot house. Any person warning auch property would do well to come io examine, ai 1 am determined to eell. For further particular! call upon the o dersigned upon the premiaea. Mar tl. H. B. HINTON. LAUD FOn SALE. I wiih to tell my tract of land, oa which I am now living, containing about on hondred and ninty aix acres, lying about four milei north of W Incheater, Tann. o Elk River, and about four miles from tbo Nashville and Chattanooga Rail Road, and bounded by thtlanda of W. H. Phil ips and B. Criimao. Said land it very rich and attractive. About eighty acres are in a high itate ofeultivation with good fencei, a good Dwelling house atablia, out houses, &c. Also three excellent springe are on the place within a abort distance of the house. There ia on tho place a most excellent orchard of fin fruit, and a still houie and atill cloaa by, which can be bought. Thia it a desirable tract ofland and affords an excellent op. portunity for any one to get a bargain. I can be teen almost any time at home. TIPTON GILLESPIE. Winchester, Terin. Feb. 10, '9. if NOTICE. All pertoni indebted to the estate of Joseph Bradford, deceased, art hereby notified to make payment. And those having clalraa against laid estate will present them aa prescribed bylaw. Mar 31 J AS. K. SHOOK, Adm'r, with will annexed of Jos. Bradford, dee'd. Insolvency Notice. I am authorised to announce the insol vency of tho estate of Sophia N, Boaticlc. All persona having claims against aaid estate are hereby notified to file rhem with the clerk of the County Court. Win. cheater, Tenn. Mat21 '59. THOS. H- WOODS, Adnrr. JOHN LOCKEN. BOOK BINDDB Sou. Mcth. Publishing House, Nashville, Tenn. Blank books of superior quality manufae lured for banks and the counting room, and books rebound tor tne library or parlor. Call and ace specimens. Feb3 ly NOTICE. All who know themselves indebted ta the undersigned will please come for ward and pay up their small bills imrne. diately, or not think hard of us, if neces sity compel: us to put their accounts ia the hands of an oilicer. We owe mon ey, ourselves, end have no other meant to look to but what our patrons owe us, and but for necessity, the call would net be mado- April 7th, 1850. CLOPTOX d: MURRELL. VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE, ON REASONABLE TERMS! I will fell mv Hotel and lot, on the Square, iiiclinling'.ilio Siorehonto occupied by U. A. Miook. I lie lot I routs 3U0 leet on Main Blrcct, V.iOon J offer boh, and 2(10 oil Church strci't, nnd cornering on the West corner of the block. 1 am determined to sell this DESIRABLE ntOVEKTY, and perxons wishing to purchase, can exam ine for themselves. TERMS MODERATE. Apply soon, or you will loose a bargain. W. O. BROOKS. 29, lsna. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE! TbaTirs?xlii. Will be given ! I NOW IS THE TIME! Wo propose to sell a house and lot in Cowan, Tenn., bt a remarkably low price' Ai n place of business it is num bet one fronting tho N. & C. Rail Rual, and in o fine section of the coun try, being only four miles from Sewa tue, tho kite of the University of the South, ami right on tho way for travelers, to lterthcba Springs. Betides the aceoe ry is veiy beauiilul in this whole section of the country, aud fine water gurgles up from numbers of springs immediately around. A bargain can he had by tin mediate application to JOHN A. LAW & Co. June2 Cw. P. S. All persona indebted to the above firm aro requested to coma forward and settle by note or cash. ToThriublic. The undersigned being well known aa writer, would otl'ur his cervices to all require intf Literary aid. lie will furnish Addressee, Orations, Eways. Presentation Speeches and replies, Lines for Albums, Acrostics prv para matter for the Press Obituaries, and write Poetry upon any subject. Addroaa (postpaid) FIN LEY JOHNSON, Baltimore, ma. A. 8. Collar. ioka FrlnelU ' A. B. itarka Colyar, Frizzell & Marks, ATTOBNEY3 jtVT IA."W. Wiuc hosier, Teniieoae. Will practice in all tho Courts held for ifaa) Counties of Franklin, Lincoln, Bedford, Cot fee, Grundy, Warren and Marion in Tfonsa see, and Jackson in Alabama, and in the 6a preme Court at Nashville, Tennessee. i CEO. B. JOTT, 3 o (Lata CllfioaAlUotO M has now removed to No. 82 College street, near the Sewa.. nee House, where hehaaopen ed a stoclt of first rats fl 0 X o o PkTEJTiV o o Del ft bich he & the aana aaa) aaaj of all deacripliona, ai it i ' . .l ja) win lower inon Q can b ougat at any other so P a nousa O TV VAaTTVTT.T.PI a -- ok aVftAJdVa. V d aWaWdldl a Wa May.O tf Just Received.- Oil oi.ii n.i ko n .GoWCwtvl Maytl G. C. GOJalUJf CA CLOTHING