Newspaper Page Text
' V ;j -m Hiotire to American credit, and it fact which doct great honor to Amer loan merchants dealing la" Europe, la mentiotxid in a London letter to tho AW York Expresi. ' I( i In effect tbat not t piece of American mercan- tile paper, Jttid over at the Hank of Englnnd, dtirlng tho late panic, now rtjmaln,arpnpajd... . . . . . , HerHnry Wood, now' in China, wrjtei to Ihe N, H. Patriot that a la orln; rnfla J? th" Interior of China can live iwnifortttbiy on food . oosting one cant per day., When you hear an editor say 'what is vonr hurry? keep your seat,' ho means clear out as soon its possible. An " Attaciimbnt."" Madnm, has your piano an Jolian attachinnnt V nuked Sam the other night, of the wife vf a man who appeared to Jive fully up to, If not beyond his means. " lush 1" whispered Soth in his car, It has a sheriff's attachment." Sum dropped the subject. JVotipe. We don't dun the subscri bers of the Journal through its col umns. It's a practice wc don't likn tliat ol'boiiti(?a good subscriber with matter which is intended especially for those who are unlike him in giving us our dues. Iiut as nti explanation, we would stuto that if some of our Hubscribcr.t, and some in Winchester. nhould fail to receive their papers, just consider that their nnincs have been taken off our list. Our paper costs us too much, and our expenses are too high for us to pay cash oursclf and credit them. And, ten ta ono, if we were ever to be so unfortunate as to In-come penniless, the very ones who refuse to pay us, would be the first to villify us. UN.SOLVICNCY NOTICE. By authority of tint county court of Frnnklin county, Tfiin., notice in hero by given of tli o insolvency of the ustutu of Kobcrt Olilluun, clue. nml nil persons having rUiiitsagajnstsiiid esmie are recjuir cil to file the snmo with the clork of said court for pro rata distribution, ly thu 15th of October. 1851), cku bo foiovur barred. W. VV- SJIAUl', Juno 1 Gih Admr. WAGON MAKING, sTJiTUJiiA no ir.vrvTf. Hnvo fitted u their shop in the wes tern portion of Winchester near the Cnr rick Academy, would slute to nil who went work in their line, that they enn lurnisli n wagon in n week's notice, und in as good atylo ns tiny ono. All work wiirrunted. (iive us a trinl. Close to our wood shop is n IrliidiMiiitli alio!. Jirpairing doio on lihcrril terms. iunclO STATKM & DO vVJS'UM. Dealer in all hi nth of Family Groceries, line -l,iiwrs. $c., nj title Square, Winchester, 1 enn. Jiavo on hand n Inrpe lot of good tl Aitvlv ISr.iiMly, Old Vviu h " ItlaclilM'iry " ptaxphcrry " Cherry " am; cmi:ie, llotirbon, (Jld Lincoln, Jkobcrtson Co., liyo, CoKiiiuc I'ramly, i'itic French tin. nod Fine Wines, in bottles end rusks, and the following nlsn : .Sugar, CofTuo, Mnlnnc.i, Salt, I'cppcr, Spice, (linger, Pepper Snure, l'ickles, Llieuso unit Linckera, Herrings Oysters, iN'uts of every kind, Matches, Tick lei. Surdiiicc, Jtuckets, Snuff, Soup, Donlinls, Whiskey, Almonds, Ac. All of which will be sold very low for Canh. Having fiileil up a good fount, ol? who want eooii A lo can cnnio iilon.'. Don't fiirgisi that I have a lot of good fdd A) pile and Pouch ltrnndy. A. J. T. Kiilc of !Nf((rori At. ly consent of parties, I will on the lib day r July next, at tht Court Hjuo door, in the townuf Wiiiclinater, sell lor cash thu lnllow inH negroes: Klin, about liliecu years old; Foil, about years eld; l!in:ipnrti', about 1:1; Jtichnrcl, about II; Jean, a girl, abort H; I in. viri, about (l; Ken, about l; Charier), about 'J; Kdi, about III), and Iter infant child; ludii, nbout also, one top buggy; one bay mure; and James A. England's interest in jots No. Ull, III). 33 and 37 at Cowan, which interest will bo explained on ilny of tale; alno tho lav en University House and fixtures at Cowan. It being property conveyed to me by deed of trust from J. A. England about the lt March 1WD. JuueO J. U. HAWKINS. A Farm for Sale of 185 Aoros. On the 1st Monday of July neil, I fill tall my tract of land on which 1 now live, three miles South Kastof Win chester, oq one, two and threo years, cred it Worn, the 23th day of March, 1859, the furehawf giving approved security. About so act. of the abova land Is VM TV,ml liivtion; also, a K hLu. 7 U in cultivation, of being gr.t Th, lr, two fin, sprmj. upon U ieh f . ' 0 0 f which form lklt ,tJ the tract, making it cont-,wl fo luring, litre no nn mo- otBf . of S.ipls Uses ol full (iit. vsrisJ" ,M,",f fin ,ttUl oil and bora great variety ;uns v ids, W.L. HA.NSAH.- . Wheat Wanted, - 1 will t the hiahel cuh pries lor food A'heat delivered at my Mills, i Noris pf Winchtatar, Tnn. f.M A 'JstT . -H. B. niNTON.. ITIT77 mm & VALUAliLK hANP FOR BALIS. f Wi offsr for sal tract of land Mng In District JN4. f, "!'." Wf"t V of WinchesMon Elk Biver. t Tht trsct onni.iro 260 seres, mora or less. About one hundred seres In o high state of col li vation. inSDOiiuiu I'll" uuvivnrcii i beaviy -tlnibersd with yellow poplar, white oak and hickory. Tho upland is wall timbered with red and black oak- This place bat on it two g0d dwelling houses and other houses; two orchards of choice fruit treees; s good well and a nev er failing spring. A portion or this trsct tin nn Rowland's creek, and is close to market, being only three and ono half milosfrom fcstill'i springs on mo nasn ville & Chattanooga Rail Road. For the fertility of tho soil and conveniences of this ploco tomnrkotand heslthy loca tion it in surnasnod by none In tho coun try. .There has been no sicknoss of any kind since we hove owned It. Any per son desiring a good homo have now an opportunity of buying a bargain, Per sons wishingpnrticulnrs, of to sou the place can do so by culling on cither ol tho undersigned on tho premises. April 7 tf T. J, (iOODLOE. S.R. HHACilX J. . HE AG IN- MEW mWOTBE Wifi. HENSHAW & TAMBLE, Wholesale find 3 Hi tud Dealers Ul and Maiiuiw- vjjglurers of all l.inds Furmlurv No. !IS .Market Street, N'lmhvillo, Teniiet-scn, Would respectfully rail attention to thoir larco and gelccl stock of FfJ It NITU 11 1J, and in tilling so tliey feel cnnliileiit lliut thuy are prepared o exhibit by fer lltfi Lai'ticst mid bed block. Of all descriptions of rurniiuru ever oH'ered in tins city, i liey are i.llerinjr, their Htock to iIihko whu tuny diisirii to purchase at whole sale ut very rodiiccil Tor ('iis)i. Muttriis-cs nf nil kimls ct.nslntilly kept on hand for mle ut the lowest uinrkut prices, mnyi ly. UkXSHAW &. TAMl'LE. DOCTOIi B A A K. E B llll.AIH AM. lilM.,l.i,M DR. I1AKKIC will alio jjivo special mgit nttnntion to the fid'owing esses: (jtit;i;ns, coi.iis, :o,si;.ir. 'I'ion, t;i:oi;i', infi.i:kna,, liliONCIMTIS, nml nl! iliHeiHOH of tlin Nose, iVIontli. 'J liront. and l,uii"H. Aliention tn thu Ireatoient nf all Skin dmii.-ii I.iimlingo. I.iiin bnr AbscuKHes, Scrol'iiln. HhiuiuisliHiii, Non rnlL'iiii I'nrulyniH, Kpilepsy, DyHiiensin, I'iIch, anil all (liMeu-cH of thu Sumificli, I. hit und liuu uIh; iiIhii all chronic diseaex pcrtuiniii to Women and Children l'r llankeo can pro. ilnce one IhoiiHiLiid ccrlifirutcK of bin perfect success in curing Cancurs, Old Sores or Ul cers, 1'iHtiila, Scalilhunus, Woiix, SwcllingH and Tiiinnrsol' every description ami without llio n;: ol tint liuifn. TliChij last niiined iIih oiihcs cnniiot bulreatcil by cnrrcxijoinlcnco, tlierel'iuu the iiitientH iiiiihI plin'o tlieinsch'eH under tint Doi lnr's perHonul siiii'rvisinn. Dr. liaakeo lias inadu n mnv diHcovery of u Fluid that will produce perfect absorption ol' the Cut ii met nml ristorit perfect vision to I lie Kye williullt tlin lisu of tin.' li li i I'e or neeeille, and lie cures all diseases of ihe Kv mid Kar williont the use nf tho Knife or Needle, and he has constantly on baud tin excellent as sortment ol bcatitilul Artiliaal I'.yes, nml 'ryiiipaninns, or l.'ar Drums, Hiiitnblo for oi Idor sex and all ajjes innertcd in live inin n les. J)r. litiakeo is nun of tl o most celebrated and skillful l'hysiciiins and Suriiuons now living. His I'liuie is known personally in nearly every principal city In the world. All lot'er-i directed to Dr. liiialice, (enclosing ten rents.) asking nny question pnrtninini; to any discuhu, shall be unswercd. and nil Chronic diseases can be trnntcd byccirrespoii deiicit, except those mentioned, that will re quire Ins personal supervision. Ollice hours from !) A. Al In I I'. M. DOCTOi: IIA.'MCKK. No, 71;to.n si ki;i:t, between Charles and Liberty. April lluUiiniire, Aid. soni:n9i(s i v ! : A (iifl Kiitcrprise cninliicleil upon n liherul nii'l impartial plan III! I jidorsed by tho entire I'rcsH of the City of liiillnnoro ! II. IC. HOYT & , i;i;,i r koim iiciin co.'a e. Xo. II, Itiilliinorc Slreel, ItAII I UOItl', .11 1. Headquarters for fSoiilhern and Wesli in Older..'. W'riti' lor a ('italoo'uo of l.S"i!, IT I'ONI AINH nn: LaiKe I tht of Useful, Oiiimni nlul and Vulnulile. (lifts cerr I'uhlisied ! (iri-ater inilueeiiienis to Agents than ever before oll'ercd by any other estiihlishuicnt in tin, I'mlcd Sl.ites. A (lift leoitli from t'J'hj Cents to OW. Ill lKi:S OOlJiAICK, accntiipanicH every book. Postmasters, Country Slerchants and ISoolisellers, Librarians of Univer sities, Aeademies, I'rirote and Cirvnlatins l.ihrarhs, Schools, Aii.l nil ntliiT Hlmfi- lill1irn uilt toinMr ttiilit. nrs rr r.,w :lln!iy In lll'.l OMU Di li AI.I'.NIS. All)' iimM.jiii, liy rutin liilR ft Irw r IliliN. nliliiiil a .lln.'l lilr i ulli, tniii o( tliHik Iim liorl 1 1 t,i. vviltiiiut liny t'linl r ol, m (i-w luiHiiFiiti Irtruiif Iiiiii. r .riiliuill i i Is iiIIIih , omit ry, wlin. tn'iili-4 Hiilviii!; Ilifiii-.i'lvi"' Willi v.ilinl..f IjIhiiiis, mi- rsnliz tut: rin.l-miur irillilh fiiim Hi,- uitir ill I, ills, mriiluflll) ilirt til'-il iMMikn. Catalogues giving J'ul imrtitultirs mailed fne to uny address. WHAT THU I'KI SS SAV. Thrv li e int;Mili nil anii tmrjil ol lloukn mil h.ivo prirnl ltie'.itlvrit with iiiiiuiiiiiitilr rlraut fiidi to Itc ihl i iIhiImI mnniif! Ilirtr 'tinu( e ut ItirmU tiitniii tin nl laicr.' - IU.i hi tt. Nut milr rnav i fc'i-i tmn Im niaili- nf any rlinirr ivm k, Ixif with if llti iiiirrhriMT ir"I'hr in rrrrivr Mium urtirli nf JevU y wUuh in mn Lten, tuet quite valuable HALT. IMII.V f.Vl Hit.Mil. I dry mimKi mi iiiiimie(hf ar not perknmeA Irirtlv lo tUe Ifllrr, ml dy thu iniitf limll v raiHrliiiK I t-fir ul.lj. fU"u, (live n nri the pntirf cuiilHiriM-euf nut only our til un, fut flir cuu'ilijr aIimmiI. Hal i. ('Armnr. l yiMinp laiijr ii ii.ihiiJirfe niiHirn iuirtmnl inr 71, a Honh t llui pitliH(imrii(, a few ilav iiirr, ami rn ciivnl a dmil.lf tmn liuM Watrli. valuol at one bnmlrrJ dnlUta. Halt, t i nfin. Iim aurres nlnrh alffnils lb fiifl Itnok ftmifti of .Mtis. M. K. Hitvr i n bn mi prrtwlf ma in the au- IwUuftillt kuleipnwa-lMM BtKAN and Aiturs- V and ee Ihrm.aml our word fur it. you n ill not re firt flitir VMtt. IHKAK M, lUl.T. Thr psiiirmfntato the Kouihernaml WMlpm people to make ihflr purrhmt frum Mrrsta. Ituvt A art Diuf h freatrr tMn n 1 urterrd by any lams' e ol the Mud In the country. KrrlKht fiom lUUIinurf to any WH.lhei 11 point I Ir, aid tin lnimme nrtli-r buainewi dnn by MiW firm isa cuiolceuf Ueu fulfillment ul all nioniiwi Pa mil Jouinal, It in, Ina nwjial, tetllnx hnoVa tor uothinj and being paid to lake them aay Klrvatnr. All order will bt prumiitty int impartially filled, and lurwarded Mithin onailay after bin received. The In all caae will accompany tha Kouka, wttb a wiittca Cet ttTicata to Uw per mom aeitflinjt the Older. Rememlr9 no gifts dirtrihuted of value than 00 els. or more than 9100. Addren II. C HOVT CO., No. i I Baltimore St., Haltimor( MU. HTJ G II FKANCIS, ATTOIUHEY AT LAW. wiHkaner. s cnnenscr, IISJIHO nvu lb. offks of Ctora Mul ol IIM luiS?"" Cwwt WlntSMI.r, UI d.o his tnlli f'-'TTf Iht I.W. 11 I V iKJJEitf fu Cftttmmr, sna DMlWrla W ' STATJS AUTIIOJUTY. Choice First Class Insurance Incorporated 1810. Charier l'er petunl. OasH OADltci.1, 1,00(,00, ABSOLUTE AND UNIMPAIRED, with Losisoh (iiliulily atlliisied and pioiiiptly uUI. E(ietll tlriitlon nlvon l lnsur(iii- or MVKI.Ll.tGS iiU Cuiilioita, lur lerinmir 1 tu 4 yctn. Fire find Inland Navifafion Ftinks ctr.tcJ ut lnrm confluent Willi tolvency mil lull prulll. Applications promptly oltendad to und PULICIKS issund by, Winclmtrr. Ort. H. W.XH0RN & SON. (Oj.o.i.'o ' Suutli Cullc'sc Stri-tt. tirlwrfn G.uii li umI llniaJ, Nashville, Tennessee, IMl'olliKIIS AND liEAl.tltS IN l'itiriti, Oils, (J lass, N'tirnishcs, WA.L1L. PAPEB, Itorders, Window Miades, iiaia boards, &a. fJ5r Orders promptly attended to, may yt! ly MTCTFAKL UAKKIl, On J'opiit Htipt.'iiljoliiiiiKtlii; Ilnrkfll I' ut l or , MiirlVi'Nlkoro, I i im., Ho ih prepared to fill orders for any Kind of Monuments, at the shortest notice und on the best terms. Ho is thankful lor the putrniiiine he has heretofore received, and respectfully solicits a continuance ol the same. He war rants his work to be us (o mil tis any that can he purchased in the count ry, und prices lower than hern or ut Nashville, Vim who hace friends rittinpf in the silent grave, can hero find a uioniinienl that will show where tliny lie nml keep them fresh in your memory. W. J. SLA I' lilt. A ceil I, Wiiieliesler, Trim. Mar. II, IH.')7. J). 1VI. WILLIAMS, t)n WATCHMAKER "i-yw-v' ano JF.WKLtn, Winchester. Tenn. Watches, Clock, nml Jewelry Is I'ully repaired. A lot ol jewelry kept constantly on hand forsnlc. cpi.',')! S. OIIAXI, Mn nn fact urcr, AMI lIKAf-KII Xti ' nil u.n t." Tobacco $ Snuff, fi l nunc sqtiirr, H'lNCIIKSTKR. I-. S. HAWKINS, liennrnl Arrnt for tho sale and purchnsi of Kc'il J'.sltito, Accrues, ivc, (tV" I will '"y tho market price for Mo groes hroiieht lo my ollice. i ( roiiMiiiilly on liaiul. Odico, No. H, (Jeilar iSlreet, (formerly oc cupied liv Tl oh. (!. Jiimes,) N.-iSIIVILLK, TKNMi.S.SKK. I'.h: if " COPPER, TIN. JSXIJZ3HST IRON A N ) S'lDVK KSTAI5LISIIMKXT. is. I I and HI .Market Street, Xnslirillt', Tc'iuu'snrf. I keep on lininl n la rife assortment of cast and wronjrht cimlinr Stoves, inadu by myself nnd of t'lulcst inaleriiils. All descriptions of Copper work dune, such as the. I am at all limes iciuly to till any order for I'm1 iibovo, and promise my prices to bo Mich ns to eive ctiiiri' satisfaction. I employ none lint experienced workmen nnd every article H tested by me before it leaves Ihe simp. Alil'.A.U COM.KV, I'YblO '-'sly IMos. 11 &.!) l:larhet st. IIO W 11 it MMH I ATIO.. i'IIILADI'.I.I'IIIA. A lilirv nl lll'llliltl fstiiiill-tii-.l liy Bj.ffti.ll cil dllUHICIil fcir till- irllrl ill llil. hlikftllil dl. ItrMiril, ll.u tt-il uOli viiiili'i.l mul r.iilriiiU His Iliiv.inl Aiiim 1.1I11111, in vkw of lh an-riil iln. i lliiilinn III liillllftll lilr. ntusnl by Srxual tliarnsrii, ikI !IIii tin ritliin im.lsnl u.ll 1 1:0 uiiIimIlimIc lit link ill .,ii It ilrra-rn liy tplm Ui.r ii-aiHnr;ii illri'i ti-il Ilirlr I uiiMiluns Mirriui. n ( II lr I I HI.K AI T uilliyi, llirll imiiip in iirrll lni Rlisary dir tlir Irralmrnl nl nun rlni ui ili-i--iv , 01 nil ilirlr tin in". In liv Mrilii .il til vii r i'H.W IS, In nil nliimil ly Iit kltrr, nils il.. rlliliiMi ul llirii cuitJili (n;fl.ui'riiiiit!iill, Ii.iI.iim ii liif Ac .Mini in mwi nl CVlll-llll- iiiivriI)', lii t'UI.'Msll M I I ill INKS HlhKClK t IIAKI.K. II In ifrillrMi Inn, ,1 Mill tit. AMOf latum riiniliiawl Ui. Iii'li.l .Mntir.l Mltill i( ih. itr.iiiil will on uiul iiiiioveil niuJcin Irraliii.nt. 'Ih. liiirrlnri. on rprirn ( lli ll. fr.l Mnrpil lhl lli.ll UIMillHM"ili'iriol .iriul, liave ho.ii ,,i cirjl UtmIiI Iii I in- milium, niriiany iu m. yisnit, a i.l lli.y liav r.wilvril lo il.voiri wiih rris-ncsl mI. lo Una nry imporiani tml mucu u can.. i..i nni.H.l.iHl hi Ih. .W.irlaiinn. rt.enrt nn S t rma lerihm.or Mrmioil M.akiir, Ih. Vir. of Ouanmri, u..i...iun....i,r K.IMI.IW. at.l ellinr lllxratri ol in. h.vualUrsairs. by (ha Consulting KulSr'W, vvliich will b Iit mall, (In lnl l.o.r .m.lnf.) FHKK Or" u iiii.t .... rn.liil ill TWO SI AMI'S lor pnslaM (llhiir K-iiUmI I rati! nn Hi. imIiii. and, (realinriil of HenMl dlfart, on, rr re cimaianny iwina pw0"-" Ihi raliiiiHiili(rihulinil.aial v III b. I.nt loltiFaffiirtisl. nl th Mr w r.ninucfl ami ici.ii v. .... 1 .1 n.a tar- lr. nf irfat VallMV. Iliil'llli ruM. Arllnt Snrsrsm, Howard Awnciallun, No. a.i.ii.. liir K.iHjii or irMiiiieni. i'.- oivi....n. a houln Mntb blit.l, niiiaari(inia. ra. Iiyoin.rni mrinmi bra I). ilKArirwiat, Can. FaiatrriLD.Srtr.lary. NASIIVILU: I'OrXDBV AMD MA sJHI.'MC SHOP. Tha ondersirned is prepared 10 execute all kinds of Iron Work, either wrought nr east, Steam Engines, Wator Wheels, Mill Gear inj, Agrieu'tural Implements, Iron Fronts, Mills nf all kinds, Iron Railing-, Ornamental Iron Work of asary variety such a, Veran dahs, Fencing, tic. We would call partic ular attention to this department, as we have a moat extensive assortment of patterns ol the far latest style. T. M. BRENNAN. 07 College Si a W.whs ille, Ttna. en S I mm a . . DocToii iiooriiANP's ; -1 ) CHLE13UATEU A : A GERMAN BITTERS, WILl. KKFUCTtlAaY CUHK Liver Coaipiuiiit, Uyi;plUi Jaun dlce( Chronic or Nervous JJebility, Diseases o the Kidneys, and all disoates arising . from s disorderly livar or stomach. - Ruth as Cotrallpatloa, Inward Kllea, Pullneaa or Blood to Ui llaMl, Acwny vs tin suimacli, Nauwa, HoarlWiri,, Dlauat lor Pood, Kultiiaaa or Vv.ltl.l In Ilia Monucfe, Soar Sructadona, Rlnkleg of Fliirtorlnf it Uia Pit or ll.a MoniicD, SwImnUns or tb Mad, burrlad awl dltscuil rli-nUiliiSi Flutlarlna at Hit llaail, Cliohlngor HulTocailii hmuliuii wli.n In a lylnf iuluie, liliiinen of Malmi, in(ii nr waoa ufj-jr. Ida aialil, ravar anu uuu ihiii in ui llcail, UalUiitnoy or oaraniiadoii, Yallown-u ol Itic SSI and ri), pain In lli cilia, Hick, I'lioal, Lhnlia, rtc, and. di ll Fluthaa or Ileal, Hurnlns in lb Flaali, ConaUnl lin- nliilnii ol ttvll and raat IfeuraiuMoii ol aj.ii II . I ha nroinlalor, lu calllm Ilia attaiiliini ol Hi. public ta (lila jndpuiallon, dota lo with hallns of (ha uimost coa. lidenca In III virluaa and aituiitaUon to Ilia dtauatl lor wlilcb II la rocuiuiiieiiiloU. It it no now and uuliied artlclf, but ons that hai atnod the lakt nl a tan yours' trial bolura Ilia Aniai ii an pcurila, and Ita rapuutioii and nala uia unrlvalleil by any Mlirailaar piqiaiallum ciUnC, 'I lie toaliiiiony In Itklavui given til Iim most ironiliint ml wrll Snonii j'liynkiana ami nd. vidualH in nil "trta ol Ilia counti y ti, and a cara. lul iaiuialil the Alininiuc, iillilit-i unnuully by tlin j,iu. Crleior, und lo Us hail jiuih or any ol bis Aiiama, cannot at Millal) (ho niu"l akiinlKat lliat tins r.iii:dy is reullf disierwiik (ho i ant celu billy it Ima olituincd. IK . 1IUOFI .A.I'S BALSAMIC CORDIAL, tOU illii Sl'KliUY CUKti OK Coughs, colds, injlucnza, croup hoarse mss, bronchitis, diseases of the bowels arising from cold, incipient consump tion, and for the relief and ( f at all possible) cure of patients in admnccd stages of the latter disease, ftitmili, ur Com mm. CoM, unit U fjinlitlnrly rnlleil, ll Will Ul y Ul MUtly, Nlill MI1UUM !MUvl tU hi! U VOillUli, tl j'UH hi l III. Iii'll HU)hi" Will hUl hliy Unit 1 ulilh Hie l( our uilubiUntH tlttit thol'i.Aui hi nil Vhi.Luvv iavKiuiti to lli(it! ul uUif r count lit, tml, 1 t.iin uver uiMifVtill) tiul the) usiici in ilinu .a ul nu'Jlti cuiiiliul)' uihI niuiUlity tllUII lliVf liittlT," IniliM diiugei or Mho.nciiitiw itnl Pmii'moma, vliit li olteu lullciw in tiio-liuin ol n iii'lttii'tl coltl, bihI In I'iriiii'-is l'i t.Mu.vAi.ix, llift UiUviiului it nl ul mn ul whit lhUcvlu.ctl liy Hits mune uiuie, Wo surely Ikivu (iruuf uiiel ur mfiit Miilttlnil for mloiiLiuu, not only lo tliu mvoii' ti vn iiii'iiiif, litil iiKm d tiio cumiIivu ouch ul u illhuafi!, wlii' li liiiwcvei imlu hi ll h hit :i(Mn In iluri.lly i,r Hull li'dly til'Mitlidi vcrhiiictl und alaiuiliig rnulli, 'IIiih ipMbun uhuuia be (jurliculmly iiuiircuhMl on lliustj Wliu liiivc uny cuiikliutiiiiiul teiiUcitcy lu ii, lmu.nauv Con bUMfl ion. 'UiKUMUofllio lliilnainic Conllol, ftgincalily to llift illrrc thini uijniii"iniim PmU kittlfl, Will lea tJily two the niOMt dlnli't'r'SUiKMiHii ol coiikIi. ( o'lhi xuiiirM in iff jnocccd fiom a ilisorderrd or tty. ;:.ii mat i' ol lin; HtuniAch, in which cane the (.crinim Mi 1 1 i h Mm jii lit n uH-il. In ciifi-H nl wiMihiicsti, or (;ciii:iii dulnhty ul tlx! Mytiivin, lesiillinti liuin a piuliucttd cough, the Gciimuii i.lilfin will he loiinil ol iciil beiitftil. In I'uM'H ol ACfih liilluioatiou ol the Loiih, tlin 'ronii. unit io)lonm r;ciifiiilly uii- hoi ried uiitl painful rr8'i ration, lin)ilocl mlerUlixulioij nl tliu blood, couli ami ex fiLUiiiitniii, uttf'i.dril VMl li rvtili'int'iil ul tlifi lnrait, fcM'i , viu iuijh tli:iiiigRiiicn()i (il I ho digi'ulivti und ui inui y h iiein', oosiii.ti(Mi ul stH'ii'tli. Vc. 'ihe Iuhhh may ha diH!i'i.'d without tiny ol tlit.'btJ m yiupluuiu iibiAU Fhomi .Nh.s'i. hut the inurniur pioduot'd dunri'j liif j-irattou nnd M'hj'iiiilitMi, UJid thu dllei imle i.ontl til llOn i.d t-A iliiMI ol the i.hcl, in'Ulciit tu holh Mlit uml Ici'liitL', all luinit-li most liM'Oiliiiit phyKltLl KiyiiH in ttibe oldiacuue, uiid hhniild MM.civc pt (Mil t liltKllllON. '1 Inn dihi-aM! in usually lauM-d hy a roltl fcllUiijj on the tunH, and llio uku ul thu l;U,uiiiic hood iiciliiioi U Mild. 'Hie tcnihli! fatality of Uibpuv' resultliu froni ''coy, nun toi.o" may h pcn hy a chnirf nt the follow! ur flu. liHicv. tukfti liom Ihe irtoiilK ol tho llimid ol llfaltli ol I'hiluiidj lii'i, coiiliiuacdly oiii' ul the uiubl healthy lutdlitiel in the li'inon: llta. TutBt ilrotlis in Ihilndrljiliia, 10,2Cl Jllrd of riMiHiimtitiuii, 1,012 " ull othi'idiwttsesCijOiiiiiuilicr,)Bi-,i,W tX Tof'il death, lui'd ol i.oiiniiiirtlori, I,(S05 ull oiii;r discoscHi 7,N.V1 D,71I 14. Tot I diatli, jjjd ul (.'oiiHiimptlon, " " all other disuses. 2,ns u,toa H,fll4 From tlipnc fiirurp It. wilt W sppii Mint nmrlyonciourtli Of tht; totsil dmt hh in tho coiiiili y ue t(iurd hy conuniU' tion, In say nothiiiu oft ho nuiucious other dt ehCHMpi iny Uit hum a "KlUbt cold." . 'Iim H0irictorH intMiilhi) iorHHnii nf rrrtirM.nli'i Hiowinn that Ihe, IdilKHIIiic I'oidH.I liiin rlkxtrd r.un-i whPicU other tnutdial iTirai.n have luilod. Oivoita 'Iln-Kr liivnlunMr ninlicuirit arc prrimrrd only by Ur C. .M. .larhKmi. -IIH AlTh Slirrt, l'ildclihiii, nn.' ovc fof nalc by dui'.'ntsl nnl stoic hrcpiMh iinrry luwiiiinil vil-Iiici- in thr I nitril sutoi, Catin(lut,ai.d ctt Indian 1'ike 1A cents icr hut tie. FOn SALE BY G. A. SHOOK. s. w. HoiHiirroN VVi.r:ni-:sTnn. J. W. MAHSI! J.l,. Tn.i.AiiOMA. JUII.N A. 1- r OKll. J. I. MAH'lIN riSHKK, WIIKliSS & CO., WIIDl.USAI.n OKOOKIIS, General Commission and Produce MERCHANTS, COTTON AND T0I1ACC0 FACTORS CiiriiiT llinml nml Mnrtti't Ktrrfla. Kaslivillo, 'iViin. Giiocr.iiiKs. Wn nro now rncrivinji nm; of tlin lnrtjest nml most dnsirnliln utoili id' Groceries ever ollbrotl to the trade by any house in the city, to wit: 87 liluls Now Orleans Siiprnr, 150 bllfTS " " CllileC!, 7t)hnrrels Plnnttition Mnlassas. l.- J " 'l."i.r) Imxes filnr Comlles. 1(1111) kejrs Assnrted Nil 1 1. Tit) boxes TullnW I 'n ( lc-3 40 Imrrel-' Onsliml Suar, "lU boxes W It 7.") K I) :il)0 barrels Whisky, nil hmnils. JMeiisks Iniporli'il I'ri'lieli ISruiuly. .) burrels llollninl trill. I.ri0 boxes rmnily Sniii. 1"0 IniMiri French llitisiiis. 100 J " " . " 7."i . " " l,"iO boxes Fresh Cove Oysters. 1 1 (hi biiirs Finn ISnlt. 7!I0 " Cintrso 3..pi00,IHHI Sei'iirs, all hrnii'ls. 175 boxosCiiowinir'I'ulincco, nil brands. Willi many o'ber artijlvs, ton numerous tu uienticii, nil ol'ivbii h u o sell ut uuiiauiilly low to cash dealers. FISH Ell. WI1EI-GSS&. CO. T. S. Special attention given lo 'ho re ceiving nnd ins)eii:ion ol'Tohiiuc t as well us all business intrusted to our rnro. l-cby :i(l FISH KK. WIIF.1.ESS& CO. Jno. G. I'orjrutnii. John L. Suhon. Ferguson V Sehon, ATTOUA'KYS AT LAW. II r I'll A It sritKF.T, KtmJtv lie, Tennessee Will give l heir at lent ion lo the rolloetinn of rlniiiiHtlirnnirhoiil ihe Slate nt' Teimesee. -w .-a w I' It YlsT lv IVI N" 1 This Instilnlioii, located eight imles west of Winchester, is now open for the reception ol patients. All manner of diseases Mealed Kin-i epH: ully on strictly Hygienic principles. The following diseases hnve been cured with in the last ten months at this Institution, viz: Rhcuunmtisni, Neura'gia, Dyspepsia, Chronic Diarhnea, IMes.Ob-itinnte Constipation, ulter inn, ditlicultics and displacements, and either disease peculiar to females. The Electro Chemical liaths arc used for the core of irony disease that cannot bo cured otlicrwbe, and for tho eradication of poisonous drugs from tho system. For further particulars address R. W. CHILDS. M. D. STRAYED. Supposed lo be strayed olf, from tho Sub scriber, a heavy tct cliesinut sorrel lioij-e l"ij or 10 hanili high one white fore foot; 1 hind foot pitches a little forward as il be had been strained a heavy tail with tone of the hairolTthe tail bone. Ilia man. has been wnrn by a Collar bnt hts frown out 'i of 3 inches 9 or U years, said t be. Shod all round old shoos. SIDNEY HARWELL. Marble plains. Franklin city, Teno. June2-4w. ' - ' O. "w. K-lasos, Cak Strati, Odd Kllowl nan. - Nashville, Tennessee, DtaLI 1! Willi . Pftpers. BorJeTs. Decorative Papf ffc Window Shades; xc, BOOTS FOR LADIES 'AND GENTU3a.TCN. . J. NEWELL & CO.. . Hsve fitted up so excellent room on the South-east sidoof the Square, in Winches ter, and will contin ue the boot and shoe business lately con- dueled '-by J.-Resd, deceased. They feel thomselves able to do e good work as can be done AN V WHERE, and ere determined that no exertions shall be wanting on thoir part, to give satisfaction to 11 who may favor thorn with patronage. We intend to kr-ep constantly on nana Large and telect Assortment of Patent French nnd Ameri can Leather. Also, Lnstlncrs to suit the wauls of Ladies.- KKI'AIUING promptly attended to. and all work WARRANTED. I'lUMI CASH. FehlO Sstf J. P. NEWEL t CO. Promote the leisure, health and happiness of home. OFFICE: . No. 4, Public Square, ."Nash ville, ienii. ISc-ismis why tliist ITIiMtliiiic Ih I ni viTftiilly I'ltli'iicd ov r All otUcrti. 1 Rectuiso it is tho only Fewing Muchino in tho world nvnr invented, so const rnctcd us to fully meet thu demands olTotnilies fur gen eral lli-C. '2 it i very simple and is never liable to get out of order. !i ll makes a seam which will not rip, tlionirli every thread stiteh is t'ut. 4 It is not a shuttle mneliine. !j It sews with too noodles, making any luiirrth stitch desired. (I It sons from two ordinary spools, nnd thus all trouble or winding thread is avoided while the same Machine enn be adapted at pleasure, hy a mere change of spools, to all varieliesnf work. 7Tlte snme Machine runs silk or linen thread, and common spool cotton, with equal facility. 8 ThiSiMachine will sew in the sleovosof a coat with the snmo ease and facility that it sews a straight scam. II 1 Ins Machine can ho run to make one thousand five hundred stitches per minute. 10 The senilis nro as clastic nstlie most elas tic fubric so thnt it ia free from all liability to break in washing, ironing orolherwise. 11 Tho stitches made by this mar: li i rn; are more beautiful than any other made either by hand or machine. The price of the Mncliinesnt offirein New York, range from $75 In fRilfiO, an (additional uhnrgn of $10 ih only mudnon each machine over New York pricosat odicein Nashville, to defray expenses of transportation &c. to Nashville R. II. llROCk'WAY, Secretary. Nashville Sewing Machine Company. I am prepared to furnish every description of MAliULE WUliK. at the shortest notice. Moiitimonls of every stylo ; Head and funt stones for graves, Tiles, Tnblc and Bureau tops, hondsomely finished, Mantles of all kinds and prices, which will not fail to suit purchasers. Kept constantly on hand ut iiiyMarblu Wurerootu cor. Spring nnd Summer streets, opposite St. Cloud. All orders strictly attended to. Specimens and drawings can be seen nttho Home Journal of fice, hy call ill!! mi I. K. Sl.ATTi:i:, itgrm. Winchester, Tenn. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT S, JVriiit Troos, Scr. -!'' a- 1 nm ngent t'i r nil Ws, ' if$k Implements which 5 iiKTVijlf '-tiTS&tk I can' sell at rtlanu 'I'ri.ns irrnwinrr in e o my Nursery for sale nt prices as low ns any Nursery, North ur Smith, and of as good qual ity and size. AGENTS WANTED. In tho adjoining Counties to sell Trees, to whom I will pay n liberal per cent and fur nish uny amount of t-ees they mnv wsnl. Apply lo S. W.IIOIJGIITON, Winchester, Tennessee. MEUCIIAXT TAILORING. WINCHESTER, TKNNKSM3R. ri i J. G. GA15LEE. Has opened a shop on JclTerson street, 3 doors from Martin's comer, where he would be pleased to have all rail who wai t clothing of uny description made. C'uttini, nnd Re pairing doiiuou reasonable terms. Feb:. ly K'lii'iiitiii'C ! rarnitiii'C ! GH0025E3. GATOT & 00. No. 13 South College St. Nashville, Tenn. WOULD repoctfully call attention to their large and varied assortment ofFurnituro In doing so thy feel sitiatied that they are preparod to exhibit by far the largest and Best Stock of all kinds of Furniture, ever offered before in this city, and in order to hold out induce ments they are otlcrin; such articles as may be desired to cash buyers at Reduced Prices. Owing tu this reduction, those buying on credit will be charged interest fioin tr.e time tho bills arc made. The heavy stocks now in store and the em ployment of a large number of bands con stantly engaged in manufacturing, induces them to give extra bargains at the present times' We ask an examination of our stock, be lieving that those in want of any article will find it to their interest to purchase of us. GROOMES, CAVERT Si CO. Matt raiues of all kinds constantly on band and fur sale at Ilia lowest market price. . may20 Cm. . BaVftKKB afavttf feserlriloa, asaUs it4,fM ti ti uia cxr. ,w . ..HOTELS. ' Mountain House i Hals ral, . ,;i WINCH ESTiSK, TENN., , vr. o. BUOOK9, ..Proprietor Wirfcalilraat, NASHVILLE, . . TENNESSEE, AND 'NEAR THE PUBLIC SQUARE, ia novf open for the accommodation of lbs public. I'ho house has bean thoroughly ran ova'od and refurnished. The' Proprietor la determined, by attention' to the comfort of bis guests, to merit the patronage of the public. , PRICES. Board porday. ........ ....1 60"" Day Hoard per week.'.... '. 8 60. : "; THOS. S. WATSON. , Fob. 20," 1808.. ly. sr. CI.OUU iiona, II. T.SCOTT, PROPRIETOR, ' Corner 8iiii(nnd Summer Streets NASIIVIIXE, TENNESSEE. SliWANEE IlOlSil, College Street, Nashville, Tenn., WILLIAM ROBERTS, ausM PIIOPRIKTOH. ly ( I'll' HOTEL, SCOTT & CRADDOCK, sProprlolors. ausM NASHVILLE, TUNNKKKKH. . U ASHII.TOi-V HOUSE, " No TOiM iM'MinitKi., aitovv Ttli 1' 1LADELP1IIA. Fepta, iy Ton TsMioTEL, MticMiaAiaii ac rowrxi,; No. 152 CHESTNUT STREET, J'MStiK'iOMiJLMM, Ciirard House, uv rrcslury, Sykes and Company. j lukue G.rnEsnuitY, Jit. James Sykes, Heniiv A. Chadwick. CIIKSNUT STRKUT HETWKKN S'ltl AND 0111 Philadelphia. iIiTeFstates hotel, L. 0. SMITH. PHOI'RIETO , WAsni.iin, u. c. THE only housu in Washington that docs not chnrrB more than $'.2 perdny Soiitlierii Portable Plantation CORN-FEED AND FLOURINU MILL i:staicmsimii:ivt. UKR Mntntonna nfall sir.on nn hnid aiirl mnila to brdi-r. Snuil nillta, mill irons, mill gearing, (letting, hniatiiig lllil ins ncrewa, screen wire, damsel irons, Planter purls, llutcli anrhiir brum! tiolting cjnllis or all liumliers. M'e also conlract Tor the errnljon ol flouring anil saw mills. Also all hii ils of ieiaii nn Jouc in Hie most sub stantial rriauner, hniiiR liolli practical mechanics, we can solely rirninisi- uniciul satlvrncdon. All arlirlrs soli! by uh nro wnrranrril to bo of (be best quality. Millers, Mill. Wright h nml others are rc.ijiecirully inviteJ toexumiiiooui. slock lierore purchasing. All oidors awl coiniiiiiiilcatlnns promptly attended to. VVARNE & RYAN, SepltS ly cor. College and HroadgtsNashvillr. Tlje only Male E'rcp.-i ration tlmt does not dye, but will restore GrFLJiTST HAIR to its original color, by Nature's owu process, is Prof. O. J. Wood's Celebrated HAIR JiESTORATlVE In proof of the above Assertion, read Hie folio wine tea. t ninny hum UisUiigiasliod iieiaous hum alt i.diU ol lite coiiiili y. Hon. Folomon Mmin. Ann Arbor, Mich, unya his wife, whose hnir hU hvcume very tliin, ami entirely white, wiifi to if k original brown color, bud I Inch ciir.l and Iwiqiiio heautilul ami gl)8y upon, end entirely over, tho Otbnsoliuy Lunily anil Iricndiiare uMng your Hentoralive Willi the huppieRt ellectu- Jlou- J uil Kit Hrnns-fl, K SeiMtor ol Illinois, navft my hair whs preuiiilurely giuy, but, by Iheusrof Woiid's Keato raiive, it Ii.ih niiiuird ita oiiinal color, and 1 have no doubt (iRrmaiiri.tty ho. ilmi. II. Siwuit, wiys my hair was very'gray, but after utiiiH two buttli'i, it leMtorrd to ita original color, Jiev. J. K. ItMifi", Hronktiplil, Masn., unys it has re moved from my ln-al inHum-nion, daodrufr, and a con Mant ti'iidi'iicy lo itrliine, und rcatoied my hair, which was Ki ay, tn iUori :inal culor. J. W J Ih viilxon Monmouth, Ills., says my hair was two. thirds giay, or rattier white, but by the application ol the liestoratlvens iliircleil, it ha resinned its original color. Dr. tl. WalliH, thicoRO, aayn, alter using a great many other preparalhia, all to no clTrct, I used one bottle ol your Hair ifcatuiutivr, which has cured a humor in my head of two yearn Htumltim, lienjaniin i.ondi itit, tf-H Fcvonth Avenue, New York, Kas, bavins loat my hair hy tbeehctsof the Erysipelas, when il beiui to urovv, insieuil of black a lieietofoio, it wart well mi.ved with niy. Huvins tried many piepara. tionslo icsliiie the color without eirett 1 was imluted to tt y yours, and in sj iie of all my doubts it had the desired elJe. t. II. I. Williiims, M P., PcrlicnBville, Ala-, says, 1 have u'-ed yor Kttoinhve lii.d it all il is recommeiided tu be. I hnve tvft il for Teller ami find it a certain cure. VV.M Woodwind, M. li. KranMort, Ky., says, hero commends it in his practice as the best preterit t ion lor the hair in we. I'd wind W (droit, Bays, three ninnlhs acomy hair was vi'ty niay, it is now a d;nk blown, the original color ainooth and nloy, nil by the rie or Wood's hVstomtivn. VVjlison hiiijf oys one iiiontb'a proper apjiliralion will restore any person's hair to its original color. J, ll. Iim cays a fi'v ai plicutions liiMeiird my hair fii m ly it heHn to yiow out mid turn black, is oricii;al rolor. Hi'.sy Smith, Noilh Kast lemmylvaniii says that her Imir hiul for a hiniibei or years, been perfectly white but now il in restored to its youthful color, suit and ghwsv. ir, J. W. FomI St. Haul' says that bin bairisstronclhirk and blncl., nlthouch a short time ninre be was holh bald mid ftrny. The people here saw its ellccts and have confi dence in it. .Vorrts (iolin(j, M. P. Pt. T-ouls, snys that after trvlna many other preparations all lo no effect he used two hot ties, whirb rover?) hi head with a new vigorous growth ol hair and invites all to come and see il. Sarah Hrownsay herhair was not only gray hut so thin she fen red its entire lossbut alter UMng two buttles It has restored both the color nnd growth. I'repnred by o. J. Wood A Co., J 1 1 .Market Street, Paint Louis, an13l2 Hromlwny, New VorMntl sold hy all Itnig pisis n ix I'atpiii Medicine Healers; also, hy all Faury and 'loilet -Woods Dealers in the United States and Canada. Dccl'J httiahtily NASHVILLE TENNESSEE. DCALF.Kfl IN MUSICAL MERCHANDISE Piano Pnrtu, Malnrlmna. rhurrh awl Parlor Oririn", Shi-el Muaic, .Music Hook Instruct, ,rs ol all kiwK, inlacl, fverylhint in Ilia Mu-iral nierchamlisa tin. u. ba four) tn our r.utilifthiiiriit Our Mrloiliaii!a are nianufac(ur.d hy O. A. Princa A Co.. HiilUlo, St w York. Ainu w.rranlnl for una yenr. 'Ml onltra from tlin country will mi-rt Willi prom pt attfnllon. Aluatc mailril lo any pari or (h roun(ry (rre or ioa(ar,ii. Trachf r ami aihonla ara rcapectrullr Invilfil to give tia a call, or aend In llieir onieiri. Accuiileons anil all other mu-iral Innlrumenia repaired. No. 90 Union M , oppoiite PUnlera' llai.k. , . IIOISE PAIXT1XG. PAPF.KIXU AND GLAZING. Wiiicliwtcr, TcnncsKrc. R. S. HILL rcnpectftilly tenders his servi ce to (lie citiwtiHof Winchester and vicini ty, anil requests a liberal shnre of patronage. Thankful for favors extended to him in the past, lie pledges himself to ae every effort to give satisfaction in the future. Pecl9 f ' W. J. Slattop FAXCT, BOOK AXD JOB PBHTTSB . WlBfVtrr, TriamMf. Hartni ol added a taree amount o( new ma(erUt lo t food kit heKire. w. sr. unvrillins lo admit laal anjr nffiee la Tannea- tee can etcel aur work In neatnaat. Bealdea, w. hav. (wo excellent pieaaea and caa do our work "la kriy.' In lb. war or beautIM CAKD TYPE our aannrt merit re VKHV LARCK. For Hlaokt.ClrtoUrj, and Ihe like, w. ktTe Mtne lorelf deiini alao, tor drag Ubela.eVc, we nave aomtlilni new. - Wiih Oae aid r Ttrt tn bronM lad HtarsA lakt, ws anfetUBtkerkkeMatrMor , - . FANCYjiPRIiVTINO that tho meal IkitldeoM bner caa ataa. Ordtia turn tumtt preaafi't allaUM let, Aaunaa ' u .i. .t .-. f. h HiTTli WHrHg,Tti. n . MOu3LTUEiyHOK7: ITl,At.nJaMli,iiaJ iarnn1rliaiaaai.MM.riallw . llieunvaiiB,iv .....r.wm,, iniurnt'A b. Public, that he has lust. opened tn.xten sivt) stock of superior furniture Msttraiiiei, 4.O., in the .nacioui' wareroon la-(No. 17,) V Foptr'.'iluildinffi oq Col leg. ttrrt, threo door North nf A. Ilnmilton'a warehpune. It is my intention to keep conataniljr q htnd : ' th. best Furniture of JHom. nc'Ittrn map. ufaature, which I WH afford to sell a cheap ' ' oa any othor in the markot. I have enjrsged h the services of th. most competent workmen, and am prepared to compete with the best manufactories in the West. All orders en "' 1 trusted to me will be executed satisfaotorij., s ly and with promptness, Especial attention , " will be paid to repairing all kinds of Furni lure, and sktjafactlon warranted iflall ntiaa,,. All desiring bargains in Furnitnre and Up- ; holstry, will Hud it to their advantage to irive meacall he.ore purchasing clBowhere.' First Furniture Store on Colletro streeU ' North of broad, w FA Y FebyWth. ' A''"f: ... AQKICULTURAX AND SEED STORE.. cvNiN'iiAiti co!; : , rVo. 0, CollrRc sti ci t, near Church. NASHVILLE, TENN. ' We have opened an extonsive Seed andl Agricultural Store, and shall devote our ex clusive attention to this branch of the busi ness, and purchasers can rely upon boing supplied with froMi Seeds, anil the most ap proved kinds of implements and machines. Our Garden Seeds arc from D. Land roth Si. Sons' House, and all are tho growth of ltS08; our Field Seeds aro selected with care and are warranted lo germinate. SEEDS. - Clover, Timothy, clean and stripped, Blue Gran, Orchard Grass, Herds Grass, Millet, Hungarian Grass, Musquit, Ossage Orange, I'cronniul, Rye Grass. And a full assortment of Garden Seeds, by pound and pnper. CUNNINGHAM & CO. MACHINES AND IMTL1MENTS Tlircahers, Reapers, Straw Cutters, Corn Shelers, Fan Mills, Corn and Cob Crushers, Churns, Scythes, cradles, hoea.lieorec and hand Rukcs, Millers', Garrett & Cottmnn, Peacock & Ilainley's Steel Plows, A vry's Cast Plows. CEMENT. Hydraulic Cement, Plaster Paris, Land Plaster, &c. Feby3d CUNNINGHAM & CO. New Saddle ami Harness Shop. .1. IP. ftfStffiY, saddle and names. W Maker, Main street, opposite li rooks Ho- tel, will make to or der and keep a gen eral asHiirtment o, f Srddles, Bridles and Martingales, Saddle Bags, Halters, dou ble and single Girths, Circingles, web reins, &.c, fine and common coach and buggy and common harness cheap for cash or at a liberal advance on time. All kinds of produce taken in exchange at enfh prices. SepllU JOHN F. VAUGHAN. wnoieeaie aim Kriall Man. ufaclurer of Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper and lira Wares, and dealer in Cooking & Warming STOVES or every pattern. Pumps, Castings, Brass Kettles, Odd Lids, police Mills, Wupon iloxes, &c. . Repairing, Tiotfing, Guttering, &c. done on short notice, Old Copper, Pewter, Brass, Beeswax, and Feathers taken in exchange for work. J, f . V. W. B. FARMER Informs the citizens of Winchester and vi cinity that ho will do all kind of REPAIRING AND VARNISHING of old Furniture for those who may want it done, without removing the furniture from the hpuse where it belongs. Send and hnve your old Furniture varnished and made new. II is charges aro moderate for cash. June 3. tf $150 REWARD Runaway from the subscriber, living near the Tunnel, Franklin county, Tenn., on the lift day of Mny, 1958, a negro boy named JIM, about 20 years old, dark copper color, large size, about live feet ten inches high, bronil face, wide mouth, and large teeth, and very white before; big round shoulders, large arms and no visible scars on him when ho left. Ho is a large and stout negro every wny. I will give $150 for him if taken out of Ihe State, and $100 if taken in the State nf Tennessee, and lodged in some jail so that; 1 enn get him. J. C. MONTGOMERY. Tli Y ill E. The undersigned would most respect fully inform the cit- J0t izonsot Winchester and vicinity that he f nonopened a I K2 1 SHOP 1 door above M. Porter's blaek smithshon, and is prepared to paint Carriage's, Houses, and Chairs. Also, Glazing and Paper Hanging will be done all on liberal tnrms. He hope-, by executing his w ork well, and being punc tual to business, to get a liberal share of pats ronnge. Jnl3 s Om T. J. WALKER. ALL KINDS OP i&STX&V taken la ne atria yjjr in Winchester, by ,1. W. CAIPBELL, A. V A A. B. i:iXH, No. 67 College Street, two doora South ol Square, NASHVILLE TENNESSEE DEALER! 1M Staple and Fancy Dry Good3k FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, Velvet Tapestry, 2 & 3 jbj. Carpets Floor Oil Cloths, 3, C, 9. 12, and IS feet wide, Satin Damak, for Curtains; white, lace, and Mnshn Curt'iin. A full assortment nf HOUSE FJKi'HSHING GOODS, CAK COVtI., Canvass for Wagon Sheets and Tent Cloths, three yards wide, may 20 Uan IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. To Farmer whe are autTering frolh ravages of 1100 CHOLERA w are now prepared to sopply them wiih . Prexrniotiie and Cure which comes highly recommtDded, ffeiagth result of an inveatigatirn by scientific persona selected for that object is Near York. Bif In bulk, it can be supplied in any quantity either to the farmer or dealer. To the le tt" we offer inducement which will make ill his interest to keep iu . - ' " . 411 order, will be promptly llled by it ' and Retail Druggist. Wo. IM, Market StrtjK,, f(MhriHt.' l- -mtx, I. -- riJ mm liiiSflrL''ft.?.Itt i -,J maMEa i PICTURES (WIS -.if: A ML a