Newspaper Page Text
ft w -vi tt rirv -.. y rp''"tT ""T5 "-r - rrsZ..ZYTZ r&Z. II - tv .TTDw ..TIT . A "TST" 1 rLDi Volume VI. v.." f , : :AVINCE8TEK, TEXJTl,'' DECEMBER 22, I860. Nr hirer !." 'riJEVl'AllIJ AS CO., Woods A Yntennin'sold stand, lately occu ldcd lV lliiniiltoii & Ciiiiiiinghnin, i0 & 122 North College Sr. X A S H V I L L E T EN NESS EE, ' Man ii fuct u lt'ri of the ecleliratctl ' "Wrought Iron Cooking Stove, Cast Iron Cooking and Heating Stove, ENAMELED AND J'EAIN MANTEL (HATES. JMAAl TAt L JlltlW ur Sheet Iron, Tin" and Copper Ware,, l'luln sheet nml Japanned Tinware. ' Xi AMPS, r; We are now nianufaeturlngiind Import ing every variety of Coal Oil Lamps fur tins junior, dining room, bull, oluimbor and kitchen. Chandeliers, patent ii ml common Chimiicvs, limners uml M ick. uml tint Illicit mid purest OIL, idl of which wo will guarantee to sell lit or below Louis ville prices. TRI'TPAUR & CO. HOViS w3ni I'UANIC TilOOItK. ; " W. V. BTO.SK. W. F. MOOK13 & CO., MANUEAGTUKEKSiiml DEALERS IN Stoves, Grates, Ovens, Pots, Skillets,, Lids, &c, and every lUwrljitliiii of l'luln, Japanned mid 1'ix'SeiL'd Tiii-Wiii'i-, H0USE FUKN1SIIING GOODS, and all kinds of WOODEM WARE, No. iiO, North Mirkct Street, Xi-xt door to .Toui Well's old Drujr. Store. nashvii.m:. tknk. t3T '-ash paid for old copper, brass, lead nnd pewter. nov21 Cm HliNllY KWIXO. A. ii. UWISO. EWING & 00, WHOLESALE GROCERS coMMis.sioy ii mien an rs, Corner College and Church, XASIIVII.I.E, - - - TKNNKSSIX Solicit the attention and patronnjjn oftiiV inctchaiils of i'riinklin aud adjoining coun ties. novil wm jJUlTUll WANTKIJ.-AIJOL'T 5(1 Pounds of nice, rich butter, for which market, price will be. paid. Wanted for family use. and not fir speciilutloji, hence none hut nut. butter, with all the water worked out, will be ac ceptetl. Apply ut tb Home 'Journal Oilico Immediately. novlo--Ji. II A3IS WANTCJ). ANV wishing to contract to deliver about liliy nice liains of meat, tlie coming winter, can do so, and upon delivery of the bums get, the money. Apply at the Home Jour- mil Olllce, immediately novlil W.Tl! ITHNKY. JOHN liU7.iAl.. II. W. NKWSAK. . TLUMX. IE17.L1.L i NEWMAN, Attorneys at Law WINCHESTER, TENN., Will practice in the Courts fir Franklin J nnd adjoining counties in Tennessee, anil Jackson county. Ala. Prompt attention given to collections. i'eblT-tl'.. COL YAK & MARKS, . Attorneys atLaw . , WINCHESTER, TENS., .... i Practice In the Courts of I'Vanklin, Cof fee, (ivundy. Warren, and Lincoln coun ties, and tlie Nashville courts. fcb2l-ly. . JUST RECEIVED ' t WHIPPLE & KRUME'S, a large stock of saereil, sentimental, nornio and patriotic publications of Sheet Music The latent Mazurkas, Polkas, Songs, do. Teaehors and students are invited to call. December 1st. It INSOIVKNCV. Having suggested Ui lnsoltiT of the estate of Cornelius .I'arris. dwtaseu, befor the court house door In W inchtstcv. ull por son having claims against said estate are notified to lib' the same with the County Court Clurk on or licfore the 10th of No vember next, or the same will lie barred. J. W. CUijTEU. Adm'r. oci20, fiw om AND I! 10,000 Pomuls old iron; brass and copper; i , Wanted at Uie CPEAP STORE of W. B. BrikrLJEW' Where bo will pay you a gacil ysM.t He sells goods a cheap ! ever. ' "' . ... , III HOME JOURNAL1, . muLISUKD EVERT ATlfRPAT OT YT. ,T. SLATTEtt CO., w.j.surrifR. . . ii. it. dulls. For ' Tonus, ' See Fourth Page, Heading Matter on Every Pngc. XHK CROSS MARK. A cross murk (thnsX) upon ft subscri bers paper Is intended us n 11'oMilratIon for him to nnv up for the same within n rens- oniilili' time, or the paper will Le discon- unui'ti. .. . i The Atlanta (Gn.) folks arc luxuria ting in Ir'osh sluid. ' ' The King next voar. of Prussia visits Paris ': irerscht'l V. Johnson lms -been rc eleclod United States Senator by the Georgia Legislature, , , , The Free School Law pawed both branches of the Georgia Legislature, nnd goes into effect immediately. . Two steamers sailed from New York on Friday last for Vera Cruz, under contract to take troops to Franco. A fancy dress masquerade was given a few nights since by General and Mrs. Grant to juveniles, at their residence in Washington,. , 7 . Gov. Rrownlow has commissioned ... ,,. .-, . R. A, jtillinnn us Altoruoy General for ., . ., , ,. ,. r: t be eircn co niiOKPd o tie eo n les ofi Bedford, Rutherford, Wilson and Can non. Three hundred - pupils aro now in attendance at the six colored schools in Chattanooga. The schools arc all prosperous , , i A supper was given by tho ladies of tho Episcopal Church of Shelbyvillo, on tho evening of the 10th inst. The proceeds will bo appropriated to fur nishing and fitting tip the church. A' rattlesnake was killed in Gaston ONKiCouiity, Notth Carolina, a short time since, said to be over six feet in length, unl in size as largo n3 a man's thigh. , . 0(. ...,,. . ,.(,. ,, 11 "'ul - , lt.,!e3 ani1 0,10 f'titlon sup posed to be 27 years old. Dead Duck Forney publishes i letter declining to be a candidate for the Uni ted States Senate from Pennsylvania, and strongly urging the claims of Tliaddeus Slovens, as the successor of Cowan. Sour grapes A scientific writer in the New York Journal of Commerce states that tho difference of time betweeu Loudon and New York Is four hours and filly-five minutes, eighteen and ninety five liun- drelh seconds. It. has transpired that tha Govern ment has pending in England and France, suits amounting to about. 820, 000,000 for, tha recovery of Confede rate property claimed by other partios, and tho House on Thursday granted tho State Department a considerable sum of money with which to prosecute tliesa units to a conclusion. . Ex President Ruehanan is spending a few days in Philadelphia. He thinks Mr. Lincoln s assassination one of the greatest calamities (hat has ever befnl lon tho country. He doesn't' know what ought to be done with Jefferson Davis. The Houston, Texas, Journal of the 12th says : Wo learn from undoubted authority, that up tho country, before a man can sell his cotton, though be has raised it himself, wjlhout the assistance of freedmeii, ho must obtain a cert 11 cste from the ollicials, which says, "This is to certify that this man hns raised his cotton himself, and they know of no reason why ho shall not sell it." For this certificate he is forced to pay 85 per bale. , Is not this extor tion?. Then ami Now. ' That the South lias been cheated, tricked, imposed upon, there can be 'no doubt. Tho disgraceful terms now proposed to the Southern .people as a means whereby they may be considered in the Union Jhoy . toidd not tccule from, arc in ridiculous contrast with a reso lution passed by tho United States Con gress after the commencement of hos tilities. We do not intend to bore the readers of the Home Journal with itera tions -upon Radical mendacity, but' a little contrail now and then makes hu man uaturo stem anything but God like. . Radical promises threaten to be j come synonyms for Punic fidelity. At tbe.timo referred to, Congress resolved that (ha "war is not waged upon our pitrt, jn any spirit of oppression, nor for any purpose of conquest or subjuga tion, nor purpose of overthrowing or. interfering witb iie rights or establish-, ed iWjttitio'fes of those State ' but to dcfl'iwnud niniutaia the supremacy 'of thu Constitution and all laws made in pursuanco thereof, and to preserve the Union with all the dignity, equality and rights of the several States unimpaired; nnd that as soon as those objects were accomplished the war ought to cease." ' Th" Right Way. ' Ani aeuotoplished ludy render of Uie Home Jbtirnnl setidH us word as- fol lows ; : "We received no Journal last week why, I have noli ieiii'iied, but we miss it much' when it does , upt uuike iU nppearaiiee." ' . . Now, this is the way to do. Inform us wliei. you miss your pr.per, and wo will try and correct the error. . If t!io paper is not worth, tho troublo to in form us when it fails to come regularly, it is unkind and mean to come mouths henco, and for the sake of a few cents contend that you did not j;et all (lie numbers, ii-c. Remember that when our carrier leaves the otllee, tho pro prietors of this jiaper cannot-see that ho may not, where he lias so 1 many to remember, forget or even neglect to fairly distribute his bundle of papers. Tbo Northern mill owner, with his hundreds of female operatives, every one of them counting as a unit in the upportiontueut, while the slave was only throe-fifth of a unit, was loud it bis clam or for war against the .South to deprive it of the basis of that fractions. And now after that basis has been destroyed, he, surrounded by the same 'poor' fe- male operatives, whoso standard of tip- portionment lias not been curtailed,, is at war agaiji for the purpose of annihila ting nil representation on the black male population in the South, tildes , 1 , , ... ' they be made the ouiuus of the while . , . ,.-,!,. . and given tho suf rago, w I-.ij i he hop:' r.i . r to influence in order to keep power, i'i the bauds of his section. i Godey's Lady's (iook ', For January,: lSfi", cannot, be exccl led by nny faihion periodical in the United States or Europe. lis eon- tents in steel plates, lasluon plates, scenes, novelties, patterns, aud literary matter, are superb. Wo put Godey and the Homo Journal one year at five dol lars. 'Wc have received set-oral names would solicit more. Godey is the lady's magazine. Written for Tiie Home Journal. BILL .SIMPSON'S LIXJAL I'ERIENCR. j JiX-l j Many years ago tho Legislaturo of Tennessee, passed nn Act to organize tho county of MeNairy, rtllas Snake. At that timo tbo country embraced in the limits of Snake was occupied by a study sot of backwoodsmen,, totally unacquainted with courts, jails, Ac. The county ass embled at the appointed county site for the purpose of cnlting log,, making boards, . &c, to build a court house and jail. The only theme of daily conversation, when tbo men wero assembled, was tiie Court, Ac. None of them had ever s. cn a Court in ! ,,' ..,.. , t i 1 session, as jet developed. Each oue , would (rive what his idea was of a! . . .. v, Court, Ao. None, however, weroiui- truly satisfactory, until Rill Simpson ! ... . ' , .' . .. .. ,, was called p u to give his ideas. He said ho knew all about a Court that j he bad hud h law suit in North Caroli- nn. One of his neighbor's hogs keptl v. , , , . , ... : coming when ho fed his hogs, until it got fat. , One morning bo got so d mad that he shot tho hog. I e thought it would not do to throw it awayj so ho cleaned and salted it away.- Shortly after, Ids neighbor and a man camo to his house, examined tho 'smokehouse,'' and took him to town and put him in a little office. About three months after that this man came and took him up to a large room A large man sit upon a high bench a man was silling at a desk about a dozen line-dressed men sat in a'plaee that was paled around. The man put in a pen just behind them. Ho then called in twelve men'; they took scats in a box in front of the fine dressed men. Tho man that was wri ting gave the twelve men u book aud snid something about Rill Simpson and the State. Thou one of the fine men read something about Rill Simpson and the hog, and ho and another one of the fine-dressed men had the biggest quarrel you ever heard. I thought they , would fight every minute, but they didn't. It was Rill Simpson and the hog, and the hog and Rill Simpson, and sometimes Mr. S Impson, but d d seldom. After they quit qnarreltng. the big man talked awhile to the 12 men, and they went out and staid n: short time, ahd lack and said something to ' tlie mail nt the desk. Then the man on tha bench said some thing to the man that put me in office, and he took mo out and tied mc to a persimmon tree and 'commence I fight ing mo with a cowhide,, and it made mesod l mad that I shook all the persimmons off the tree. ' ilr. J. 6. Bluut,. of Defroit, sold n fictitious piece of real estate for $10. 000, last week, and deeampeil after re ceiving C'lO dollars cash, lie had ithu ingratiated himself iuto a family of the highest respectability. One of the female tneruborf of which he wai en gaged to' marry, ' His conversational talent dhl it all, . mmtm- John Mitchell, the exile of Erin, who went to France as a Fenian agent, after his release-"from Fort Warren, some months ago, has returned to New York, an.l will resume bis connection with the Daily News. Our Noble Dead A Tribute. The- following beautiful .tribute, to our uolny.doadj.wo extract from a poem, which ..rupcnUy appeared in tho Mobile Advertiser ana egtster, jroin the .ftraeefuj.pen of John E. Hatcher: We will notwunJer to the gloomy years Through whose dink scenes wit have so ' 1 - ' Intel v pinned, ' ' i Where uo sotV beum of. golden light up- pours i To gild the cloud of sorrow o'er tliem . east. . Thepe scenes are but it solitude of grates U here Love and Memory pour their tears like rain'. Ami where. In voiceless grief, tiie cypress wtivcs Above the hearts 'which died for us Jn vain. Ihe tiead who died, as died that gallant 1 1 1 rnn jr. 1 To shield a cause hldi In their eyes waiul. iSball live enshrined In story and In sdnur While ages roll above, iheir. scattered dnnt. , What though for thorn no marble shaft shall rise. Time shall not see their sai red memory 'wane; Their scroll of fame, expansive as the si;h"'. ' Y cars of oblivion shall corrode ill vnlli. Heroic deed- are deathless and tlie.v live I'niiiaiTcd, while empires crumble into dust; 'J'bi'y master fame, and life and glory give To stor'aal urn and animated bust." ,,,, , ,,,, , , ,,,, I here rose no sculpt a red monument to fl,l Where Spartan valor broke the Persian s.v'iy. ' And , vet we know tuero nobly lougbt and tLToic uieii ill "eld I'labe'sday."' Pence to the nslic: if our noble dead 1 ' each ntuue I'.rUlit ' 1 1 1 1 1 if imirning when nigiit is fled. " And overbroad'nlng on thi dlJe of fame. ! Karcwell ! wel ! I Inspired ye. high, heroic hearts, fare Hps shall Icaeh Ihe world ere Ions.'. Ve fought lo hallow ;torv : and vn fell I To give a new apocalypse t.o .-ung ! T.IOTTO OF THU MASS. 11 V .VI 1.1.3 o UKII.I.V. I've seen enough of life, although Not yet beyond my prime; With men i if all m'iiIs high and low l"v mingled in my lime. Wlieli but. a boy ii came lo pa-'S Thau llifowii upon the lown. I found the inoiio of I lie mass Was, kick I r i lit when be s down." And every year since then baa given Kresb (iroofof ibis deeroe; lint whether made in hell or bcaven 'J'lie doctor- di-agiee. 1 only know the fact is so. Siiiilo al. it or, The an ol'iil'e seems in the -trife, To kick . bovver's down. Yonmr Leon in biJ twentieth year. II ui fi'Wud- 'iix I wot ! a bean: Their h-h-mMi'ip may have been sinceiv , unZ .I- , had And w andering I hrongb the town. Neglected, hungry, well nigh mad; WasklcUcd vbeii be was down. Poor Ediib. too. the lovelb st girl That over charmed nui'ulglit. 0f wm y-s Ul r!Vil,.;t ,...,, Ain.1 good a siie was bright. She fell ! she. fell '. Let scandal t 11 'n,,. tale to all the town, Aloud proclaim u sister's diame, And kick her v, Inn -he's down, ' W ith high and lowbut chiefly so "fio rub's.u!,lii'are fools Who dare its truth debate. Ob. brothers! earlb were paradise, All, ,lraV(. whboni a frown. d : Could wc uproot suelipocbd lies s " Ivie.lx llllil Wlien lie s uown. Till: OL! STOltV. I U5W I UTI I . II I II ! I I' IT. Aud 1 raved of love and o!, And be saw tlie tears to my e cliii- start, Pernors the world tome! Itu whispered low wlien the spring-lime, ! shiped, stands before him a most ter , 'lew, reslrial being, full of failings, wants, t ie tangiou paths In which -men 11 ra v And around me all bis charms he threw, ilis eyes wero on lire thai day, We parted; yes! but I clirngto him. And I put up my lips to be kissed again; l'.ut tlie laughing eyes of tlie heaven grew dim, And were swollen black with rain. They eaiiio ti mo when my love was he was poor mid toiled for gone. And said bread ; Tbev talked of ruin and tears !UOIlP, And my heart was dull as letm And then they laid their bribe tit my feel 'Twas thu same obi tale that is often told They played on the strings of my heart's conceit. And dazzled my eyes with gold. I sold mvself to u lovelc-s thing. And I walked to the altar and there I lied; 1'nruiy heart was away with the primrose spring. 'And! by my liustiand's i-ide. And now you ask me n hat of the lie ' Than to live the lire Head. 1 am alone- but Mill I i nn ring. And pray for tbo ruin of winter's rain. For Ihe scent of tlm primrose-crown of spring Will return tome again. A Washington correspondent snys a friend asked the President a few days ago whether his alleged remark about "losing his head like James tho II,' wan not a blunder of tha reporter- rath er" tjiun of the' President 'himself. "Certainly It was," said Ijr.'1 Johnsuij, "thu whole press, of, the country seem to,.bo brought up to misrepresent what 1 said, and to make me appear ridicu lous in the eyes of the world I never said that James the II. lost his head. It w s Ckarlfi ih II. I sj-oke of." . Henry Iltihvcr, youngest son of the, novelist, is about to publish a work on Tally rand. LON ENOAUNMim'S. by Mits. oon. ni'roiiiE. "When tho heart mirrenrt Tfeonnnn t!io MtHhiii'' proniise' diiicklV' nt the altar's foot,'.' is tho.adjunitioii of every enamored suitor, eujer for. tbo climax of thu wedding ring. , Hut the maiden who reflects will r spond with no hasty 'anieii'' to that fond prayer. Reflect! Docs not King Olieron HtiH walk thu earth, perform, ing as fantastic and feats with his magical llowers as i:i the days oT Uiilly liottoin V And did woman ever reflect after tho fairy monarch had stolen upon her slumbers, and pressed tlie juice of his purple Mosoiiis upon her folded lids.? The portals of her heart open with aer ey es. when the hit , t(T mvp on(,( rtH.(ivt'l the touch of! mat mystic llowers toticli, and tliooyoH tiiKe in anil me ueurt enthrones mo , lirst being looked upon. Lot liuu wear what shape he may. Im; is trnnsiormed and j'lonlh'd to her vn- ion ti.y love s glamour. 1 Hat moment reason is sent out of mm-.s. ; in aiu sue eiamoi j 10 w heard, and warns the infatuated 1'nir out: I against precipitancy; m vain siie re minds her that her happiness is more easily periled than man's: that her sus ceptibilities nro keener; . that her suf ferings will be greater; that her risks are a thousand fold more numerous. h ove fushions u fool's cap out of his I madrigals, to bind it upon Rrti'ion s : . " , ,. ,i t , , brow, and Irom that hour sac passes ! for Folly. I Goldsmith's Citizen of the World o.lil)ty remar!w t,.lt .M:mi,'iL'e has iceii compared t ) a gi.iiic ol sliill lor life : it is genei')i!s, then, in both parties to declare that they are sharpers at the i , n.-' ,J beginning, in JCnglaiul, 1 am tolil,j'' L' bulli parlie are very a pi to conceal: "The first diliieuity will lie in a?ree ' their delects irom. each other belore I marriage, and the rest of their lives 'can I be rennrdeil H:i doing iiouanee for their I dissimulation." I Is this a malicious slander, or only a ! rudely expressed truth ' Are 'not ! lovers, all the world over, zealously en - i gaged in cheating each other V Docs i not, the very stale of mental exhalation pruiluoiM by tin absorbing alb'cliou, give birth to an unpremeditated de ception V Nay, lias not love, in the dawn of its existence, a beautifying in fluence upon the whole constitution of a man s soul t Are not common place minds elevated and rendered poclic by its rcfiuiiu? Viower ? What, then, must be its ell'ect upon spirits of lino mould 1 governments are always appointed by j The period of an open, prosperous ; tho President, as so long as Mr. Johii-; betrothal is the blossoming season of;s.,ii remains in otllce, tho Radicals j lily. The sun of a pure passion calls would gain nothing by the substitution : forth the fairci.l lhvcr.i upo i every ' tion of his appointees for Uie Govern- j tiee, and the air is tilled with the me- ors and Judgua elected niider the State ' loily of bird-, caroling joyful promises (loyernmenis. To be sure, ho would Irom their branches 1 11 the sunshine 1 of bright illusions, the exhilarating ! almiisphi re ofaltcriiule hopes and fears, I tho heart glows aud swells, and takes ( i in all en iiLiiiu with unwonted tender i no s; the dullest prospects aro tinged 1 wilh orient hues: t'u; simplest incidents communicate a thrill ol'iov: nature puts on her gala dross, to weleomu the , seiieine wouhl be frustrated. To ne euauiored pair, wherever they wander, 1 cept such territorial ollleers as the and shakes down odorous tribute up-! I'lvsident would nntioint would bo no on their hen. Is from every bough. , Aud it is well. It is better' for the j soul, even when love is misplaced, to give a boundless devotion, than to eu-! tertain u t.une ail'eetiou for an object worthy ot the whole weallh ol the hearl. The man oT her choice is always a ,i i... i i hi., lien; hi mi! niMiiiiu now uives io-.-ii mi , and her fond fancy ia vests him with an i I abundance of captivating attributes,! which possibly have not the most! I shadowy existence out of her ima;'ina-1 jt'oii. On the other hand, S!iskpeare tells us that, to men, "women ore an ! els wooing." Hut, O! the bitier dis I eiieiiantineie, n, in mo glare ol itv- . ....... . .. . 111,111 .T l"ll..l, l-ll. HI .ll. lliii.i . '" mau's torch, the ideal charms vanish 1 .,v, av. the mantle of glory fulls from : ji,.'s .shoulders, V.i'd the "angel,"' nt whoseshrine the lover devoutly wo'r-, inconsistencies. Unconscious- caprices, inconsistencies. ly his eyes must then forget "The geni e ray They woteon coiiil-hiii".s day." Ilis voice must lose, The limes that shed 4 t..u.. ... u.....,i i, .:,! 'i J luiiiiiji ni-.-n i.jiiiiii ait hi: The roses of her bridal chaplel must wither, and leave n martyr's crown of thorns upon the brow th'ey had encir- cled. The probation of a long eiigancment is the surest talisman against this rude dissolving of the spell that surrounds lovers. During the interval, their va- Hons phases of character aro revealed by unforeseen chances by life's inevi - table mutations, and, being discovered ai nun uiissiiii period, wucn no Uie- suacKies imiKe euaiiruuce compulsory, even grave faults and temper trying ..i- ... - ..,.. . '. peculiarities are rcauiiy loierateu ami excused. ' Menial angularities arc worn .....,. .....1 .,,l.l F l ... .0.,l'.,l ,,, ...... ..' ..I' " ..u fl reiriinenU of .m...l ivlmnllrl nnrifminiliilil,. "- Hill 1113 I association, j lieir souls become at tuned lo tho same key, The indispcu-sable-lcsson of lnu'.ual forbearance is Conned betimes Lbvc hns leisure allowed him to build bis temple upon the rock of perfect trust, which uo storm can. shake. The flash ing flames of oirthusiasin, by which its shrine was illuminated nt consecration, are gradually replaced by that ' steady, holy light, which fiercest gales cannot extinguish". Good spirits have whisper ed to the wife elect Hint she will need Martha's executive hands aud Mary's appreciating saul to keep those altars swept and garnished, and have murmur ed in Her partner's ear that he must reign Within those-jralls with Solomon's wis dom and Job's patience. Thus the pro longed betrothal is often the prelude to a haruioiiious union, aud no harsh dis cord disturb its life long melody." When Don Miguel died, the whole Portuguese Court went into mourning for twenty days; ten days deep, ten days mitigated. . 0m (Jen. Dick Taylor passed through At lanta, IVou Washington, lat Friday. Spirit of thu New York X'resH. Tho "Woiii.b'' is philosophizing on the practical enforcement of tho Radi cal idea of reducing the Southern States to a condition of territorial vas salage. It is an evil, but like most other evils, good may oomo of it, in. tho end. We quote : "It proves that the Republican lead ers despair of getting . their heels on tho necks ol the Southern people by any other method. They peivoivo thuli there is no other way to get control of tho sullrage and introduce the negroes to the ballot box; no other way to carry Mich amendments us they wish to engraft upon the CoiiKtitulion ; no other way to subject the domestic con cerns of tl 10 South to federal control. Turn and squirm as they may, they cannot escape the uglv fact that thir teen States .stand like an immovable inrrier auaiiiHt evci v amendment, to tu. Constitution which the Radicals wjs, ti) l:lVL. !UU.j)to.l ; that tbo number oi- iStilU,s mwl tUv to (iftv-two to over- this opi.osition : and that that nuinber ;ii ,.t i. ,.,o b..,l In this l entocv. if I ,,v. ' The South should lake courage al i ,ig ,ir,,,.i ,,,, ,,,,,, hr in onn .- , i.:,iis l.iat they are educed to their I it li'inim. rmil i''in win onlv liv 11 fla- .raiit violation of tho Constitution. So long us the Southern communities are rooosriiizcd as htates, tlie Coasiitutioii i lo i.m-, m.oi iuu, uie.y ero stands between tliem and further op- to ll while here. We bless theo pession. I'nles.s they can be broken I tll!lt did.a givi. them the wisdom down as Slates. Ihe Radicals are chock-1 u,e treiigth to enlighten the people mated, and will soon be made to bear1011 H"-' great questions at issue before the odium ol keeping tln.s iiangeruus question unsettled." To make "Territories" of these groat States,' however, is not going to lie us !.,.... ,. tj, ,),., r.idicils riav imi- : ing upon the de'.'iils of the Territorial i the -Minighty responsible lor the folly hill. If the State governments are an fanaticism of these men ? Call to Inbolisl ed. oilier guvernmeiits must i memory their devilish outpourings, I immediately be substituted, for not 1 1'11''1" '!'ji'l malice, their low scurrility, j even the Radicals would wish 'to aban-1 heir fiendish hatred, their vehemeni', ; don the South to tho horrors of an-i unappeasable vindiciiw ni ss ; think of ' arch v. The negroes would not be sale tbo appeals to the worst, passions of i in ;) community of outnumbering whites - 'iic people that marked their progress 1 without the lu'otcction of some kind of,throiiffli the Northern and WoMoru- government. 11 tin governments should new Territorial rest on universal siilfrnge, the u 'ppondorancp of the white population would secure the election of hostile white ollicers. Hut M3 in the least of the obstacles to the .success of the. new plan. The execu- live and imlieial ollbvra uf T'orritoriid I have to send thoir names to the Senate I for conlinnatioii ; but nil the Senate i (.,jh , .p, would be to reject them and itwait new npointmcnls bv the Presi-1 dent. If the Senate kont reieclinir bis i appointments as fast as he made them, ib,, Ti.n-li.naiil ,,,voci ,i. eoubl n,.v. it ,r im,, rini.t-.-iiioii. nn, the wlmh,iut ol the pockets of hard gain for tho Radicals over the present : system, while to reject his appointment , would defeat, the oiiu-ation of tlie Tor-1 ritorial schc Tlie. only etl'ecl of tho , 'iYirilorial change one dead lock for another ; the I I i I ILUIUll I'll. I, Vv ' W H I I'V l,. . -V I,,', ,1.11., M-..II ,1 ,1, t,l ,.V would be to present dead-lock between the lion rat-:"1' twelve millions tor llieir pet Un- ! . . ... - .1 V ... I- ... L'.. jfying stales ami Congress for a dead- i - , . , . ,.i 1 liclWCCU I HO i ICSIlieill UUaI UIU Senate.'' vi:t:v !.KK. 1 be "Sun, wlucli is independent in ; i politics, and which usually takes a iK ,.,, ,.,,nini,,n klmso vii.w i.f i.nldb-! t- - , ii Pi men and public measures, altera review j 1 7 1 .. .. 1,1 ' ",""" ia !,,,,'Jl( l'omv I to the conclusion that, uTIll( i,,!;,,,.,, wa,lt ,.ithcr an ad j.istmcnt or dillercnces with tho Presi '"''S"'. v wuaiever name ki own, suan nor a return of tho Southern Slates to j !lll,,'vil1 l ' 'arge more limn thirty full communion in the Government. ; I"'1! i;,rt- ovt'r tliroiitfh or local t' ot Their Radicalism has become hardened, i 1$ a" lw" c-IiurSo.l by radroads intensified, more relentless. Their ex ! transportation of any descr.p prcssions of nnxietv for re-unioi, and ! '"'' f-'"", 'ViU-0M' 01' mcrclmmiiBii cone-.t'd are only a cloak to cover their , v t.ieir roads. ' ,. -il .il ii.i-l vv-liii'b la lliii oiiriwifieitinn ."i- v., ........ ... ..x-..v... of their power at nil hazards and at any cost to the peace and 'prosperity of: the country. What the end will' be, ! no man can tell. It is foil y to tnagni- IV political danucrs, but it is worse than folly to overlook and ignore them, We aro hopeful that all will vet be well. and that the light will, in duo time, break through ' the darkness of our ! national nolilies. but we confess to a present inability lo penetrate that darkness "A Rii.l has beeu Introduced into the lower houso of the Legislature, by one Cleveland, to authorize tlie Governor 7 Wal' men 10 protect uiC pojjs. T he loyal men are negroos, o oourso, as, they nro the only ones.coiuing under that head, who will fight, even, under the influence of whiskey. Cleveland, it is said, was oiieea rebel soldier, but being n cow ard. bucked out. We hope he will be put in command of the black ..reglniouts that arc to drive white men Irom the polls Tho bill means civil war, in its practi cal results, aud for the interests of hu manity for preventing the effusion of blood, we would like to see Cleveland iu command, wilh Wines as drill-master. Roth studied in the rebel school of tac tics; but being too thick headed to coDipnheud Ihe science, and too wak knecd to try to reduce it to practice, on the battlefield, they took refuge, with tlie dusky pets of the abolitionists, under the federal wing, nnd there learn ed the manly art of robbing and insult ing those who had fallen by other hands than theirs. We take pleasure in re commending these men to Parson Rrownlow whose piety will second our humanity in the effort lo prevent blood shed. Such a command, even if it fail ed to drive white men from the polls, would have no blood to wa.-h from its hands. I'laritvillt (J'enn) Chroniel. A "KcverciHl" liluspheiner. Tho second session of the thirty, nitrth C'ongrsss opened on tho 3d lust,, Dr. Hoynlon ollkia. ing us chaplain. Mis prayer to the Almighty on that occasion, Is nnstirpased by any speci men of pulpit blasphemy wo have ever read. Stimulated 'by the utterances of tho lievtrtnd maniacs who, under tho inlluencfl of "tho hearts insanity," Iroth and sputter out their weekly ven- om, shivering with the far of' being outdone, a fear peculiar to your moral coward, and excited by tho excitement around him, Dr. Roy u ton held forth. Prayer is going out of fashion now umr1 preachers " talk u way To Hod himself, and loudly think Ihey pray." ' , they exhort the Almighty, they endorse His course, tliev indicate thu lironcr : Olilocls lor Ills lovo Of hate, but biav ' t0 mm that s quite another thiii ui course nr. itoynton being a pro gressive eh'i'L'Vtnan, was fullv m to ! the times, anil flinging prayers to the winds, or to the old logics, he, with in genius profanity, endeavored to make it appear that tho Almighty was enlis ted on the Radical side. "Wo thank thee," said the preacher, "tliat thou st nerve tip these men now present, 80 Ulllt t!u0' lavo done a duty while alW't Irom this spot, more important i the country ; and we thank Thee, A!- mighty (od, for the magnificent up rising of a free people, instructed as ; they were, to make right decisions in I reu reiice to every givat question pre- ! S'-'Uted, so that we know that it is not j in vain to dep. nd upon the intelligence i of the American people." Was there j ever blasphciny equal to this, making 'l',u uuinig tue congrcssionui recess; marvel at the iupciiUHiuiu audacity of the man who dares titter fcueli ! thank tlx-.s . sacrilegious rLaps jdy, r Aiiui.uhty for the l.ej'pctuat'inii of ilrifo and lll-Wl.l rj. auiLliir latl:. Xtic I He: The 51n-nchunett Senator, Wilson. wc i-('c'' ?''' not:. -e of a bill to continue tlle Fi;ti:i':r's RriiUAr. The bill, of eouip, will follow the notice, in due 'in,' aini tbe Rii:np also as usual, will sll.v "aye " Freedmeii's liureau is now maintained in uie ouru lor no earu.iy purpose but to provide sinecures for New Fiiglaud parsons, Loyal Leaguers other Radical "baggage-smashers." '! 'ost the Federal Treasury ten or t'-'I'.e millions of dollars per annum, a ;lue proiiortion ol winch has to come working I white men. There is lo be no reduction of taxa tion, no lightening the laboring man's burthens by this ( ongrcss, it, is clear. 'vllil(' '' to ""et taxation, m":''t fxpwt to be a bigger slave than ever. nui w .iai wuuu'i s:i mug as uie negro is free, an. I tlie Massachusetts "Ruggiigo smashers" have another ten ,v:111 . t it i oi k r.j'ri JJ. lnt cresting to Shippers. The following bill, which will bo found interesting lo express companies md shippers bv express, was introduced in the House of Representatives a f, w days since, nod passed its first reading. It will doubtless become a law, I'llJi'iliH, lli'L 1111,11 .Hill 1,11; iii'tuuivc 1 , ,,- . . , , , , u- ni'i I w, I inns ho livi, ri,n4,iiln l ,u i. i.i. ....ii n.. it,., I...K !.., . He it enncte I by the General Assom- bly of the State of Tennessee, That no express company or oilier carriers of .. i . ... i . . .... . , .1. lie it iiiriuer euacieii, iiiuiic suan .i i ... I, ,,,! ' ll,1,.V t all exi-ress co npanies ol' otlll;'' l,iri,,, " tiojtrlit, to hang up f conspicuous plnce in their ol .ee or ?m a through nnd local I wight tnr- ill. and tor the tailure to coinply witli i lhlft act, shall be mod or each aud cvVr.v .0II2,Wf: ",! ","""r',l olla,;s: Re it further enacted, That this net take effect from and after its passage. A bankrupt merchant retui iiinghonio one night, said to his noble wife: "My dear, I am ruined : everything we have is in the hands of the sheriff." After a few moments of silence the wife looked calmly into his l'aco uud said : , "Will fhe sheriff self you? Oh, nil Will the sheriff sell me? Oil, no! Will the sheriff sell the children ? Oh, no '. Then do not say wc have lost every thing. All thai is most valuable re inaiiiS to us manhood, womanhood, childhood. We hate lost but tho re sults of ourskill and industry We can make another fortune if our hearts and hands are left ns." Blsjxess is Business. The under taker's business is a monopoly in Paris, and is farmei out by tho city to a Joint stock company. In his last annual report the manager is said to have com menced in the folio wing real and t nsf ness-liko strain: ' . ... Gentlemen,' the ' year opened badlr t the general health of the public was, unrorttinauiy. excefeni; a change ror the better took place lu September; t are happy to say the- cholera made its appearance in Pari, 0d proved fatal iu the majority of cases. ' , A deadly fuel exists between tit- two prominent Austrian Generals, Ben- . edek nnd Clam Gulhts. A dui is tnlked of. IF- v 1 1 1 ..f '