Newspaper Page Text
t 'Sf. 1 i - v ! 1 i 1 ; 1:. I: i 'Ji C i ' !. f," ' I P! of ii r w w . i i Tin , t 18i . re8l' f ; exti i H-H f. ' ono' r;of j - ItJ'iWinl R.l;com, rOITLAIt SCIENCE. A hodt rniicd to a t; miir r.-tturo nbovo 2000" emits all tho niyH of the bud. The cutiro number of HpcnicH of tho. liunimitig bii'il is oidiniiitt'd to bo 100. In nmiisu to improve the color of ginger it in frequently rtibbi d over with lime. Tim pricipnl oloini-ntH of proloiliism are oxygon, emboli, hydrofoil nnd nitro gen. ; Soap made from coconnnt nil dinsoIvcH in wilt water iu which ordinary soup w iimulublo. Sui.rin.'iir.rn:ij Jiydrogoii di'Htroys tlm rod Kinder without' injury to tit- I' tvliciktu phuilH. Im i-lastu a ill f 1 -it i.t diet rosuH.i-hi ntt execs of nudes. M. J i-jiii Iiiih ra-onlly found Hint in t.idpol.H u rich, nitro genous diet f;iY,,ra tlm devi lopim-nt of Ml excensivo number of Hunles. Tiik provinco of Memlozu, iu South America conlniiis un immense kiij)''.V petroleum of lino quiilily, bo th: I tho country need not bo d j rtuli :t on tho United States for her iii'ily. It w nr.'u..'l by a w-ecnt writu that tho art of music in prehi..toric tiin'K jiiuiso.l through tlneo distinct hlue . of dov lopnu nt,' nu h (huniet'-ii-'.'d b.v tho invention of ii now of iustriiiin-iit. Diiti'.uknt opium nlk;i'oi l:i do nt net hI:Ko on men and n'iiiu:i!s. . mi ii ..viiem n luMl IS lili-.O'lii ! V fc-'iis.n inoiphiii", while nnii....i.i uro only n!i' el- id by it when iidMii.i.iti -red in lc;;oj sloUCM. I A I''l:i::.' ii niitnr:di st lins i hov. n tnit .iifilKrt,i,.uo-fdxtli iiiiiliini ti'i i in ! nj'Hi, Jmvo ii complete iiiiulomicid oi;;:iih..i tion, ii iiioiilh, Hl"i.i:icli, iiliiiii'iibry ciimil, nhin, mid even u v.i !l-ii . liie d niiiHciilnr iivmIciii. (lonoin fir nioro wiiTely dislribu!' d tlniu'wiw formerly Kiipjiosi-d. 'Imiy iIiivh coiih'iii it in iii'pi'ciaM'' qui:-':- lieH. J n ll Vil;iini;t ('old mine, DCl,'- :l worth of ,u:i. i;o!d vas t-c nt ,V t.l-.'-n from a Kpneo of three KipiMi) f: t. Jin. ll Aim ;., of the I'inv -iMily of Utrecht, lniiilc Homoy ami;-", in" 'io cxpi-,rini"iit:i on 1'j".!m, 'i:;e.ins tun I im'i bit."., Jf tlm experiments were f";V' r.d times reji' nt' d on (Iu! i-en..: niiiinid ils nervous i-ysleiii ias much 1Ii::i:st uliii-rvafinns on li:;'it yiidl (ho ciui'.us rc.iilt liiut ('.' niu U in reality ii bri'dit Muo cl .r, and wi.i.ld npienr i.o bi thn eye v,-i io i:. nut for tie) tilliidiou of the liht r.'VS t.hi'Mii;;',i our rtuiophci'o which blends tlmni into while li',ht. JiorsT l'.l" leel cliini"cd lli peet i-ilieo tit'.: lust euii leili. flit hciehlh is but .:) 1 tr. hint tweivo ut liiiil t -in'-, v. niie Hid rraler, but, a f'-'.v Mont lis Onncd to Ills Record. Tho editor wns Bitting in bin revolving caiiul ottom chair when Tornado Tom, tho traveling terror of Tcxuh, caino in Mid deiiiiiiided retraction of tho btato inent Unit ho had swindled ou orphan out of t. '''Jl's a lio clear thfl nigh," Baid tho 'J'erior, utriking tho table with bin fist. " J'ni us t'ood ft mini a" smells the atmos phere, iu tli j section." "Pci liiipH you uro better," eaid tho editor, meekly. ".My Jeeoid will c'linpiiro favorably with your-," said the terror with u sheer ; "pei'lmp.i Ihero Itro ll few little buck rackets in your iir, that wouldn't bear a miiToc(i.ii: investigation." "Oh, Kb," Hidil the ediiur, vi-,ibly n;;i tilted, "1 don't li'dtll the p.'ht ; d iij't briiig up the iiieiui'iiiM of tlm ton.h ; I i.liuw I've led ft hard life J. don't deny it. 1 l;i led Shorty Jhunes, (ho ilowery boy of New York - bucked him all to pieces with n knih'. I bavo atonul for tl.uta thoii-nnil tiu.cH. I blew a lion's beinrolVata log-roll in Kentucky, and Pitt, ily bavo 1 repented of my billy. I lileW ll lot (if'enMUl ('it, .(hi of ( lii'iiha ovi r ft paltry I pot, simply l.e eaiixi) I got i''it"d. Uh, could I but cl,i at the tomb of tho men I bavo placed iu ils maw I would bo happy. Jiut it wi.s all ov.iiigto my high temper ami hick of early training. 1 know that I have, been wavward, wicliul, ami you .... . i . . ii ii .. . have ft right to conn; Here ami reran uioso unhappy memories ; but it's mean fur all thc.l. Nobody with ft heart would treat a man lik" vim buvo me. 1 on't leave, Mr i g r; I'll ti il you all. I fuwnl u a muii's bead oil' with nil old army saber just for" Tim Texas Terror was down stairs and half v.uv i.roiind tlm comer, while tho editor. (V.'.ingii fresh chew of ruttii'snako t v. i , continued l.i ( Ii! II l.l-;v! 1!!1, S AY. kijukwhw tnnwmi III! "" HISTORICAf-. Rtetoem Pax was tho printer of thft iilumnao publ;slied in Americu, id 10''!!). . , , A Lire of On. Grant has been printed in Japan. It was seven volumes in hi'iKtb. ;i:nkiiv:t, an It.dian, bom in 480, was (ho founder of tho order of Ilelio dictine monks. The colonists of Ireland ftniong whom Cromwell portioned out Iho comiucrcd territory are still called (Immwclliai.s. Locis Xlf. was tin ist famous King of Fiance hinee the days of Saint Ijoiiim, and ac'iuiied the tith. of "Father of hm ' V'mrolncd brick builoing in Knglaml evcel.t tho biliit by till) Uoiiiaiis, is saul in , ii castle in Sussex, built by JA Fleniu.i, In ahiirerot Henry I. As Ci'ir.iiivqis') Arciiieological (,'oti- i-s has recently been lieni in amu-, in AN ATTENTIVE COft'GREGATIOX. Ancient Chinese Burial. Tlio Celestial Empire gives in ft recent number an account of n Chinese burial in f,.i-mer times. A ninuui mei.uo r- I'V ill mill el nearly all iroin iiii-i:n, pi liOeflll iivora'iloliS e:ing cili.'.en. S'lll Ui. Iii .ii0i;s or yuir b:it it i e .l.!ra l:s i n s .,itli.,v;ug the. ligo Hilly l.:ioi) 'd in i ireiind. i". ik c, is ii'."V I, Si It). TllK city of Aurolii, III., tlin cleetiic, lnv.'ir plan, consi.-ls of nix ' leelrieal to iron reds mid i t a : 1; , i I. it'll, 'i'iirv nro eriiv.m d 'hi'! 1 by 'J !;t) ivslem il l-:) l.l l In of ll ll bill f"ct with eie. h ii) I" ell, or lamps of o.llMbcmdli riual to lil") gas jeti. (Hiih sal pi Ire, eoimuoii milt and pobui l.illlli ehloiide have all, when upple d to the soil, u d"p'" i, in'.; effect ou the ali inptiou of r.iuiooiiiuunil ! I'l'of. Tuxeu Uii.V'l that tie -y convey tie ut con- Hlitiiciil.i of pi. mt I. mil lower ihi ' ii into the eailh, and prevent thru1 rppropria lion by Ihonrablu I:iv r. On lie' olli.T iiinid, pho..p!ioiic acid is nbiiued in tho soil to ii ('icier extent iu the piY.vhci) of sodium and poln-'inm Milts. (Iniii) work from human b. in;' '., jui.t lis from machinery, requires go. id In i.t liuMit. and the I'iiu't' l;ie iiimhly an 1 tho gresti r tlio (jiiiii.tily ol the l.iriier liill.'.t be 1 h oull.iv. bin lories that, supply pure mr, iidempl".v s will prudlic.) mole; but they v. ill a k for morn pay, b(iiu..o tiny v.iil i- lllime nioro I'liO'l, llii'l camiot live oil low wages. A donkiycaii rti.-l on tiiialb-.s, of eoiirsn, nml give a donkey return-, but ll 1'acediolMi cannot be d oil the inline faro with iiiotil to an V one. the .il.l I'. i Is a lo't'. ry you j yotl liave im elioiee. Will'.:." is a hoih- libra b e in trouble? When bo breaks. Jim it ever occur b you that ft su.n's nil-side hide is in '.T ( o.'.n? J)u ror prw.olii) ii ti';!it willi an ii -dertakcr; rememti. r, ho is l.ol- d for lajing pcplo out. One of tho i.iedieid jour;::. Is s iys : "Tlierois no luii't to tlio ii.g'Tiuity of a hysterical woman when onc i i he com ineiiees to deceive." I A .V:w YmiiC young wo'ic'ii faint -d j v.lnlei.lin was get'in marre d, bivaiit..! I ft p"ii,oii who wen iiebii,; ;u usin rwaa I tho in. ;u nil's really lovct. Ma. .-'i nays "t ist ?. novel is tho world is liiilii, Willi n i.t .in ' i "ii milium walking through it." (Sciier.illy, wo may add, Willi it man nl'.er le r. A Cni.'A'io v"ii)iiu. while touring in Oregon, flight nr. I oil' a bi .u- Bimpiy by brr i.kii's at him. Tho motion probably leT lect into view. J'liilaili .' .'. 11:1. Tiir.iu: i.-i an in lido going (ho rounds bcudr.1, " Who Ki. si',1 Awv.y '1 li.i. Tear?'' Veil, wo Ml ( it is as Well to own up to it us In t.. It is ii mighty mean mini that won't lti:.s away a tear, l'i '!' n .V'O'i. A l-A'irv of Ioaii e.;i.!i"er.i wi n1 tr.ving i to oiil-ilu eseli (.ther iii lolling ht'iru O iiooiil, r ilih'TS. Finally one of bieni in : "I luce tin re was a lailr. ml' hi but you know Hi" f' st, and, iillhoiu'h b'i ripht tiiei-', they agreed that his isb.ry b -a!, them all. As Al.lMiiANT for the p..-itiH of pltbllO tieliool leaener ill iniie is, .v.:.i.-..-.i "in iinrMi'Ui thus: "A. iiinrolu (ii"d. April P.). ho was lierned at f-ipnug in '-i m the !-',.. i. ir r.ioto in which lie w. iit. to Washiin Ion. Tlm cans w. id lira pi. I m I black the principal buildings every per iu li woro b nl;e of mourning." which hundred pi rsolis, and Caucasus. I ti'K time of Alexander tho (Ircat i'M-.-st iu natiitiil enrio.atieS was so far ii'iv. loped that he ut-ed to send baekfr.uu bi( expeditious such objects to Ins i..,irhi r Ari.-ito'.lc ,li ,nvhi raised Th 'O.lori'.i, n the ilne il iieiform-r, to the throne of tho 1! ,, 'F. npirr. If (iibboli'ii account of her bo true, i-he was in many respcels her hie bund's sup ui'ir. An im 'oiiTANT clii ii-ieul discovery is n poit. ,1 from Athens. It i. u msiiUM'ripl ,f 11 n.'T, ihiting from tluj llitli Olviu piad, g'lH Ik ''. Jt was found by 1'rof. Kokos, iu an At'nriiian nioiiiislry. .bur; Avi.mi'.I! mi.vs of (.lueeii Fli.:i 0, Hi that, "when all the ladies went with h. ir I .or fioiiiic. d, curled and doubly -i.,. .1 he idtered nothing, but kept her 1 -iiilii nlv I'hameliieeouers. " .. i o . i... i: ,..l V IC lUO pllOild leeiili;', n;;.ii..nv ( atholics during tho reign of 11. tlmt meiiibeis of I'aiiiaiiuTit l-ei'dred to make ft declaration I l.a'isiibitantiatii ll, which IX .1 P.. .man Catholics from their scats. ... i (.,!.. I... puoilcalioii oi ii. i""1 liell' is an i Vent in the world of j.., . iters ; I n- tlm rcr.dcr kiiows ,', i..,einiid that in it will bu found tho e nt and cxaiiiiiialiiin of Homo .nniing pruh'i m of coiite'jiporiuy lllld mil hie and politic:!. i.rrrm k Wormy lrrir.Timn' F.mpe- .i.i..-Truiiieu rrom in '"" :. !:,., a innn of menus It was Sunday and raining; raining m-lhiacofiln when ho reached tho ago hard, ruining as it usually does at a sea- f( I(J tllRU llful it 1)amted tlirco port town ond on tho lirst day of tho . ' vury year with nspecies of vnrnish, week. In this particular town there i waa d witf, .)Uiverized porcelniu a coin a modest, unpretending church, from " -.ij wuic, resembled a silicate pamt wliicli' Hih lintish tlaff was occasionally . 1' . mm... bv which the distilnyed to anuouneo tlmt religious y " h waAa llllg 1)6(.n iost to the ser'vieu would bo conducted thoroiu for j lliut,8li Each coating of this paint mo lira nml Heft-iariUK neooiu, u III-: :! .11! ill I in: ''ii'". Aiircibdes of -Mr. I.nii','fclloiv. Aimletoll to hi tlie (itorv of "11V- lie t. till He. A l.i's'idii fidiii Immigrants. A iiiilieiit wilding for a I )c ollg- series i jf Aiumu' ius jirotilH'' ii. Iho nrising country il . is not a ehaineli-rii.lic ' (,hii. k ...ales ini'l small limlhi Hot oi Hie ellter hlorr kreiM-r alone ; it ippears ill oiie loini or uuoiner ovei in most every bu-uiicas iiuiioil'ieeiiiviil. Ihroug.hoiil tho euiiiitry. To its being m'ted unoii. however, is iiniloiil teilly due the irreiiressiblo iiie.h which dis- tiiiL'iiii.hes tho Ann i iciin fiom all man kind. To it is iiiiiloiibh dlv due 11. rapid iiibhlituiiou of murium ry for hand 'iiluir: the iiileiiniiialile divii.ioiis .alior in everv bniiich of indusli v: to it '.s duo tho " Miiiiularlui-"" of larm pro- .luets. and to It l'.due the striking i iueliiiiition. immifest nVtTvwlierr. of Iho averiero American lo outer upon a gen nil ol. in for nioiiev nuikiii;' which in volves patient waiting through a .'.t ries of years, 'i'lio rapid destruction of available forests has for some time attracted tho "seii'lis iittenlloli of tho ( lov. ruiuelit, and of individual iuti rested iu f.uestry, nnd inauv indiiceuients bavo been held out to any ono who would iindi ilako tho growing ot useful trees. Hut thiiB fur not many ot tho lmUvcH have beeu nt trueted iy tlio offers, mid it 1ms re mained for tho sober, industrious, and patient, emigrants, (Irnuiins, Sweden, and Norwegians, to net u ft wiso ex ample. The Fedi rid (lovi rntnenl oilers to give every Hum w ho is Iho head of a family one hundred and sity acres of land, if ho will plant twenty acres of it. in IoickI trees. Cull u young mau iill'ord to ac cept this oiler and wait for his trees to grow? There is no doubt of it-but will ho? Tlm Hull, tin reccnlly alluded lo (he ivnmikahh) scincily of black wal nut. This tree nourishes iu many of tho Western States, especially iu Iowa, JWiniiosotn, nml Wisconsin. On filly acres of such laud as could be obi nil led hero, Jli.ODO trees could Implanted; when twenty years old they would bo worth to a tree, or $fM),O0U; when thirty yours old they would bo worth a tree, or IVit),(H)0. It is said that every year, after-tho trees uro ten years old, tho nuts would bo worth as muoh as n wheat crop from tho same number of acres. AS'hilo tho trees aro growing any in dustrious farmer could obtain n buml somo living from tho remaining 110 iieres. Surely, all this is ft great induce ment ; at any rate, hundreds of fur sighted immigrants think no, and many young men out West nro beginning to think s , too. AVliilo it is probable that tho llgurcs given abovo are rose-coi'TC a, it is certainly true tout te-re is nioro m tho Government ctl'er tlimi most people aro Awuro of. ami tuoimlitful '.'ouiik men in' tho F.ast who seo but little chiineo for rapid ucetiniuliiliou hero may well uon sider it. Jyciu York JUdktin. nevi opinion Why the Hoibi ri-ogn sses. It wail a f ivoritr theory witil I'melde that tho world's progress is not made by tha eminent goodie SS of nu ll or Iho distinguished lueuniiess of linn. Iu oilier words, ho bi-lirvrd that goodm ss did not create civilization, but that tlio "f..rc. s of civilization" cain-ed goo.lne-ii nnd ad of Iho world's progress, lb' r become wi urv in i-liiboriuing Hil l II. is the rock on which he S' Is out to build Ins "History oi i -i nida tion." All through that " ndghly fnig liu . lit" in every chapter of that ( real un finished book wo meet the idea. I'.ul no where is it more rloipiently and forcibly stated than when ho wrote: "Tho gigantic crimes of Alexander or Nap ilemi became, idler a time, void i f ell. ct, and tho n Hairs of thowoil l return to their former level. This is the ebb and llow of history, tho perpetual llux to which bv the lairs of our nature we are subject. Abovo nil thin, there is a far higher movement; ami ns tho tide rolls on, now advancing, now receding, there is, amid its endless iluellliiliolis. one thing, nml ouo alone, which endures forever. : Tho actions of bad men produce only temporary evil, the action of good nc-n I only temporary good; and eventually the good and the cvi! altogether subside, aro naturalized by Hiilneipient general urn s, abaoibed by tlio inecsalil nioveineni o future HgcB. lint tho discoveries of great turn novcr leave hh; they are im mortal; they contain those, eternal truths which eiuvvivo tlio shock of empires, out live tlio struggles of rival creeds, and witness the decay ol successive religions, All theso bavo their dilVerent measures nnd their different standards; one set of opinions for ono age, another set for an other. They puss away like a dream; they are as tho fabric of a vision, which leaves not ii ruck behind. The discoveric of genius uloiio remains; it is to them wo own all that wo now have; they arc for all ages and for all times; never young, and never old, they bear the seed of their own life; they llow on iu iu perennial nnd undying stream; they are essentially cumulative, nnd giving birlh to the additions which thoy suhaeipteiitly .i ....... i .. i receive-, tliey inus lnuuouco me mo, i distant posterity, and after the lapse of centuries produce nioro eU'eet than they were ublo to do ovon at tho moment of their promulgation." ir : 1 , ..... .: : ... :.r Ii r;ou. and ran. si leirinioii io on.. u, 11 . . . . it ... I I : . tin' lie lil 'lils do iTlla l US I'UIOHS. ll'S fither, Mr. Nathan Appletoii, and Mr. I.oiigl. llow, were traveling iu Switzer land.' They reached Zurich, whoso tho landlord charged very exorbitant prin s fur their entoitaiii.'nei.t. Mr. Appb-toii wrote i:is lis. im on tho books and paid ... i.i win! ii murrnig at tlio price cnaigen. " I have not put my muiio on tho In..,! s," mud Mr. Longfellow, "and if you v. II allow mo I will treat tho inu ki epi r ;is he d( verves." The imineof the inn was tho "Ihivcn." k tlio book away ami soon re with these lines : ' I',, iv.ii', "f I'm' liiio n ..I Zuri. Ii, I , ii I 1 1 -1 .,1 ..l.l. II ill, Willi mi ii -iy, niu I'iin l"'--l Aii'l ii v.-i y, . i v l"iiii I. ill." Mr. Tjoiipfellow hud a very keen sense f Urn humorous, and in liny a witty im- prompiil was occasioned by some Might I incident or accident. Ouo niimuier I twenty years ago, when tho Apph tuna ' . ' 1 I '.. ...... Weill living 111 ll.Mlll. IO" I no", C'liirle wiiowas very f olid of Hading ft boat, and who hassiiuv become a famous yacht man, came iu his boat, one day to ii.ako a call. The surf was high and thn boat was ciipsi.e.l and. ho was thrown i , , I , . I!,,, u-all-r. III! win Wet lliroilgh, of course, ii 1 1 1 1 was compelled to iiiase mi entire change of clothing. Captain Na than A pletoii, iu place of shoes, binned him ll pair of slippers, which he. wore home. Mr. Icligf. How, the poet, re turned the slippers a few duysiittevwurd, jIoiio iiii in a neat package, with this lit tle slii'izii : " rs Hint i" il'iii Hi'T, S.i-.l '. - III'- "f l.j A ( ..i- s'ii.n'i I- -I ii'-'lii', S... iti;-, lllliy , 111' 'III 11 niu." Tho mother of Captain AppMotl was Mrs. Sumner beloie she married .Mr A leru'viiiau ou tho morning of our nari-ft- tivo bad aiTiuigod for tho proper nervico, and as there was no sign of the storm abating determined to order a carriage. Tho demand for carriages was greftter thaii usual, as indeed it is in every town during stormv weather. A few minute before 11 o'clock, however, one answered bis summons, and arriving at tlio placo of worship, tho clergyman hastily or dered the driver to wuit until tho service was over, to liud himself, however, in the cdillco alone. Apparently sea-faring peoplo hesitates to attend divino scrvico ! :. .1...H ...ill. (1... u,.t.... 1 fin li.ln. Ill rillliy WCIllliri ll oil lion us the sinners of tho land, for not one place was occupied. Tho clergyman being it zealous iiiuu determined to defer tho services for u short while, and per haps then Homo God-fearing person might attend. His patience was re warded, for in a few momenta a man, dripping wet from tho rain, entered, mid modest lv took ft seat on tho back iieiieh. One might think ho came only seeking shelter from tho pouring ruin, iu all the taverns were cloved, it ncing mo em-ioiu throughout F.nghind to close them all on Sunday. Now Ibis spiritual adviser v. as not only ft y.cahnu but a eoiiscioiitioiis man im well, and ho determined, there fore, ( ven before one worshipper, to ren der tho service from beginning to end. II,. v. , i.l willi rani ond deliberation ft port ion of the Scriptures and the Liturgy throughout, find inllueliced probably by the piety and devotion of tho worshipper before him, took occasion to suggest tiuit tho unfavorable weather had certainly deterred tho usual visitors from I'ttcud ing the service and that ho would not preach n sermon, but close tho morning s exercise with n few remarks. Tho wor shipper begged him to continue tho cntiro service, expressing at tho samo timo n dc-iiB to bear the s'-riuon. This dedre for instruction on the part of tho attentive listener grstilied tlio man of God, mul, Haltered not ft little, Im de termined to fulfill tho reipiest. Ho so lected a proper text and cloipiontly en larged upon its firstly, 8e.:omby, thirdly, fourthly, and filially concluded with "a lew words more.' Uio single wor- diiniirr nroved most attentive, ami when the S' rvicen were finally concluded, our zealous lireaeber descended from tho pulpit, and, approaching iho devout wor-,Jiii.oi-i warinlv nrcssed his hand as ho thanked him for tlio attendance and care ful iitl.'tilioii bestowed upon the dis- Tho irratitudu of tho worthy divino was. however, not so ardent when Im li covered that, tho attentive wor- shippir was the driver, who demanded half a crown nioro for waiting during the entire service. W"""". . . . . .1 :..L .l .l.n was miulo 01 some uiicrucoo, . dried had a metallic firmness resembling enamel. Frequent coats of this, if the owner lived long, caused tho coflm to as siime tlta appenranco of a sarcophagus, w-ith ft footw more in thickness o thi ILa .fono.liko shell. After death the A IjOnatio at tho asylum in Utica, N. y., is a United Btates l-rn.s'T ho larcest one in the Unite.d btates. Sinco 1H00 ho has boon paid while hw arreuragos amouui. i as much moro. By tho various acts of Congress ho is entitled to recoivo tho same pay as if he hftd lost both eyes, both arms or both logs, insanity loaving him as helpless as if ho were entirely cripnied. It does not do him mucL pood, as ho is unaware of lua wealth or Uititiuction. LANE & B0DLEY CO; GOLD MEDAL BV THE ATLANTA COTTON EXPOSITION ON THEU ' Steam Engine and Sartfl zhlbltod at Atluu lo 1B81. Monuhoturort of Btoira Knitlne., Bol! Bnw Mill. UanerV-dKorii. .littth Manliinei, ttot "a C....I.U Muh nurv. Khaftllw. IlkllKari U.l Menu mr nyrci v..v... ...... clork in a whole- i ' I..lliuliinint resolves to Bail! UlUUUlJ . - . il.nil f.if KUI'C E miter tho civil service, and bo presents llcll we n rr i.i..,u,.tf .f,.i.n t in eKiimmers. uiiiiuo thn ducKtions is : " What is colTeo, and whero does it come from? " Oh, como . .v. .,.,ii.,u ,f tlm Htonmch I . i. ..... unvu tlm candidate. "I veins uiiu iuw - . i no, jv.. j - - . wcro tilled with ipiieksilver for tho pur- cmt Kiv0 ftWny the boss. Allow niO to oun f iirasorviiig the body. A piece- , d 1)riviw0. That's a professional I '.f 4,i ,m then lilaced m each nostril ... ii j'1 w ... m l - I ami ear and in ono hand, wliilo a pieen o, 1 i ii,,,.. ,.nu t.liicml in the other. Iho ,1U1".S...L. " i"" , 1 body thus prepnrcd was jmt on n layer of mercury within the coilm ; the latter ....... .,!,., niu t in WHO 0 COIUIUllieu w vnia n. in, -" - ... its last restiug-pluco. When somo oi these sarcophagi were opened iiuer mo i..u f.f centuries tho bodies wero found i,. .'. wonderful state of lMvservation, but they crumbled to dust on exposure to tlio nir. Kmrar nnd Teclli. . -...I... T. i.rv oim nmuljcr It was suiiuu (I. .if ,mi... BniPiir nn. 1 ciindios. having no residue, could not, by lodgment about ii . ...,.(!. ii.inru t li.rn : aim luiu u usuu in moderation, neither sugar nor candies .... u.l ul to t he iceiuor ueiuiii ui ...... i.hi'.di-en or gtowu persons; that .''""O " . - . ..ii I was more or less suuar iu uji iuh- (iiblo food, but os concentrations were liubl.i to abuse, we advised that they Warner- Hnfa KlUncy nud Urn tore in Ir.. H...I IIIOI J ll"" . 4.1.1 OMII'l " It is not very dilllctilt to train chil dren. They are adapted w iraiuiu,'?. willow to form ft busiiei was ovei u moro eusUy than children limy bo in lluenced in right ways by wiso pun nts. They can bo fashioned as easily as clay can ba fashioned on tho potter s wheel. Timo Testers and Tinnier! Bearers. Pliochd uttentlon givon to PiBntatioii M cuinnry, J(lu,(ru(fil Circular! r, LANE & BOBLEY CO., John it- Huler ( Cinennu,a . r I T U ' HICHTT. Tllin, I Ril I rl tt. ii. Bp.i ... a..icw .Hi 'ii..'. VM':i"l'A l'ui'el j'','.Vhl,.rel.u.l,..4 . J . ...' el.J nf l-IH.i'l 1" P. Wl.-l. ral I n I III. M. WOOM.ti.,, c i n - HABIT CURE. toaf.dMtl,Ui, Ia1ki,.H,b4 If y Ua h hv nild bo taken at regular meals. -1 o'i,n Mrdifal Jnuruul. of Charleston, South Carolina, states the conclusions of rtr T ...... . "lBt. Itcfincdsilgim-rtijures teeth, either by immediate- contact, or by gas uovei- in tlm slomncii. "".,1 That a tootli BOftlicu in sugar at. r becomes jelly-like, from tlm sugar rot.ibhiini with tho limo of tho tooth. llall't Journal of Jiraun. Kn Trouble lo Swallow ... . . ..:..:..! II lilltft Dr. rirroe'fl "rcli' ts" (Uio nriKum r ')ii't no paui er (,-ie,niiK- 23 CcitU a vial. From ttmn tlm how mnii-s bet li k'ii'l. Hut a l.-w ;-'o '' '1,V"., all n'iu.-in!'r tlio (..iiiinr,iliv;.'ly 1 eiilMa w'isiiswVll Kr,.im''l,iuul rri lu.nly s W.-II f.;' I.n ii. iw. mill ut i iii-ei;ri'iiiK!iiiu'i iii';i-i'-. ii '..""" llinOT-y.m wiiuia M '. the prl.lo of li.u coun ty nml Ktiuo hiiiiich iiu.i mi io llH-re Wiel ft Cill'-P (-'ll..'.lH nimv "I ii.j."" ,. r"'S mi l u "r n-crlew-Wi-ll . 11:10 w..3 ll.o .real iilluanio limit owners in tlio-e itnja 3i-lred to mrivo f'.r. Hat new a i!:10 nn mat l i .. i-..: r...lvli,f. mul I tin (in llillils only ,i,..i.rvn Hi.. tMinu wlii'ii llity niu flimle tlio first ..... i-.i...ii.;..i ...ii.tii.. 'l l.. if uivo Iti'i'iiiai- i'iiiiis(.iiiil.l''Sf'.rwar.Uiitliorlu'lililevel'.aiiiit'' lmrM llesii in iiioi lyiiicu nmunioui i. n. klU.VV II liV LliU LJUlU-iULUlUa Ui I.VM. '- HENS LAY, 1.. I ..all.). ttfri4!UIV Mil tIMI'tl kti'l 111(101.1.1 ;r.ivlliiu iii Hit riMtiiti j, tT t nt" i ot tl lUtnm i'.iiu 1' m. Id )lr r W'irih!cH ttnitti. llaux ihiil tttriiUu' Ci-fi'liiU'ii rwiirnr t-olnt. tint'iy TKl'mi'i. imini'i r.wiH bit licot Ii.t iik hlirritlwi'a i;rttiUit'on r'ni(-r. i'o, ful itt fin luiu in iiiimi. rrtui "uriiTiini ,.i l. iiiiiil f(ir H WMff ffHiit.-. I. h, Mill.N'jOSm,. Slron Sanallvc Pills run TIIK C'uro sick h.K.liiL'lie. inr 'ti.nun'h, and, cieiuuio liiu cyrttL-m anil Ijuhc.h. A ki oMt cur for liver cotnpmiiir, rruurt iHirtcl-.i-'irjriiiif I tit) Mi "Hi .clean- i iii Until iniilaihl bin A .-iii-t tiu fir m-K rMi:tin,( rdjifiiimiii i .it-!,...,.ij. Kdt.i iv n finiiiiu 1'iiiuui'. rur cucui ,- i iiiiifiiH'fl Willi Hill i-aiiiciiiaii, ui.urL, i.v.h sr(-vv .itk l ily. JEWELS Mtlll.llltMttr-.WMi .n.., in tlif ."li'l 1'Krk oin. i.:i.'i n nunc.. ...I .... Ht.,1 nml ..rt.'I.Tf l,.iri''...-. .....i i..wi . . i i i.. ih, oiitf.. Nlull .lll'l. fftlfin., fl'... ,...ii.. .'iur.,..llll.l.-'01ll'"."f S-i'l. s...lMr.iu .' ' -. l.r it.,.. . 1 ,...1 c Uttln 1 r'" 'O. ...... .1 M IIBP...WAI'. 'itp. Whito House 1ms had no general .. .iii i.. lul-. OV. -.'iiaUilll' SHU O ll "lis iuimuu iu jniu, nlii'i- it had be:;ll destroyed by lire by the llritish ti-oons, on the occasion ol tb.-ir mid upon Washington in the wur of 1H1J. lliiril l.ii;mi ! llrrnvl. Ha. It. V. Piisicii, IIulTiilii, K. Y.: Jknr Sir I wini., von t etniie i.'.'o linn 1 inoiiKiii i i.iio ri ciiiic r. 'J lii'io was a luru lump ill my hrent la;-;,,.) as a walnut, ini'l liail beiai Ilium lour iii'Hi'.iM. t conmiKiiccil ihkiiik your vuiuieii Jlnii.-iil liiscuverv," " I'uviiiito lYeHcription uii'l " l'i ileis ill June, mill tlio lump Is gimo. i'.airu tr.ilufiilly, 31 us. II. U. Di.aiik, li viiiKton, Mich. ff? ' -ii-'1 t .. )1i ..k. -i ii l.ltCurH :' :-:'.'' -i '"' .ii.ii Ui" ii (IrniiL'lit ( -nnscHyof Hm liuoililer.liul KMillymnrs ii-il'ul.W' rl.-li.r-e. Jlimy llilnpi luiveeuiriilR'l i.. . n: .1 il.h ili-lrnlilo ciul.eliiel kiiiouk win rave lieeii the tulellii,'e!it euro nnaei.iii ali.Tiil leu 1........ i ..,.,.n th.. fiiiiimtl In his everv rt-hilliiil Iu a WdPl.iipun Hm lirecllue. And tills lins list ri.i!cl to Im tn.lo a Very Ferluiis liHMliili-iilloii (.1 ilie ul'l iiiolln Usof tr(.'atineiit,ili.!ii::nviiy, la many i-in es, with tlio inliiuiinn nml really hiviiko .1.... ......,.! l.i ti,.. crmlii'iillnn or i-Vi-n ssl T: ll .10 !ii..'.li,rd .,'..,1 plliiii.iiN.nnil Hllhstilllliiur rilll"lll'.l lai-iein-i.'S of relief liisteiul. A iir..i:iiiieiit fuctur of lies ri fiirm, nml one iikioh-i-u ny iiwin-n, !'-mi.Knitl K I ili'-n l-.w t.ri.ei.t r.wTllH A1JI.I MAN ATAYI.OII CO. MmiJ.l nr. SKiiilc h I'ciii ilo Tills I'io-.w nit f. neile Ilisr-ase. l'.uliirii"! ili fie. Tin- best I' innate 111 ill Hie world, re tl ..... I.i.v. I Will III (I Mr 111 I 111 I lllll ....... .... ... - - , I.IVtT 1 So. KIllCIl (.11 "( S Ull l.lll-l in'cun Wiiir.inle I tiiciir.! clinis in nitun iinnan l'ri Hi.'.'") by nilil. Addsi'M blJ Toitk, D.yl'iird, Miss. In the Illiiik I'lirest. Fringes of pines displayed themselves in tho immediate neighborhood, each ono distinct mid detached from Hie other but beyond, and far away as the cyo could follow, th,' black mountains neon eoiliitisl in d"iiso dark masses and out- 1 1 tii.4. Htretches of velvety lields and heiv nnd there relieved thn gloom While roads twisted snake-like, about tho vast scene. To tho rieht stretched irreat uninteresting plains, tho llowiug llhine, ll coiispiciums obj. ct, but hero in.! more roiinmtio than tho tamest livers, in the ilislancii roso tho long r,aiu of tho Vosoes Mountains, with iliioir suit, wavy, graceful uudiilations, ! though too fur oil' to bo very conspicuous : or interesting. Small streams ran their i roursn nml villages dotted tho plain, their red root's rising iu contrast wilh tho somber pines. The wind swept great white clouds across tho sky, bring ing out, tho blue beyond in deep relief, w hile they cast lingo shadows upon tho plain that chased each other and dissolved us the clouds died out iu spaco. Ono tree, ono stream, ono Held, one hill, may resemble another, but a thousand times I?.'1IANS siuolto while whitu un ii pipe. tlio pipo of peaco, s.'eoko tho piece of a n.c-imi' Siiimil nml Well." It. V. l'n-.iioi:. M. I).: 7cir .fir My wife, vU hint been ill fur over two yearn, and had trie I many other inuilieiiicii, lieeiouo sound ami well l.v lHing your " l'avorito Proscription." My in ii'0 Wil'i aUo cured liy its use, nf ler several lrVnU':niiH bad failed to do ber liny (,'ood. Yoiiis truly, Tuomas J. Mkiiivis, llatulier'a Ututiou, Ga. . .11'. 11. 1 1 lil.ll.U UI....1 i. Aii-j mi lliner I eioie 1.1111 niiun. n i 1 1 -u. 1111. 1 i. 111...1.14..1.1 ...... .3 toil and before .Mr. liougieiiovy u,,, i:1:,t look is as iresii ami iicuiiiiiui 10 ... ... ..1 1 1... .. 1 i:.. i.. it... u. nu llial'lle.l Ills Woe. 1 mo (lily, worn no ; tun ililllil, ns lllvigoiutuiK 10 1110 njiiiii, no caino from Portland to call upon her, ho tho lirst. Tho only sad spot was tho wore a pair of new boots, which were ! ni; itself, which spoko so loudly of nn vn v noisv. When he went away the ! n.'e nnd u'ciieraiion when other eyes wero i,..vl .1 iv he left a little linem writtrii 011 ' irMinir unoii these Kccnes, as, in turn, 11 curd, which Cal'tain Apl'letnu still j ,,ther eyes again will gu.e, when theso It is as follows : ,1.1s ,1 A oentlkman who, in a public meet ing, was tolling that ho was 81 yours old nnd had not been an abstainer lrom honors, was interrupted by tho remark. " You would lwvo been 100 by this timo u you had r The Ituy at tho Kiiliirnl Itrhlgo, ;. Tho name of tho boy who climbed the side ot the Natural Jlridge, Virginia, and curved bis 11111110 above nil his pro- decensiirs, and eiiuio so uciir losing his life, was James l'lpor. On tho abiitnients of tho brid;;o there are many names curved iu the rod; by persons who have climbed as high us thny dared on tho face of the precipice. Highest of nil, for nearly three-quarters of a century, was that of tlcorgo Wash ington, who, when a youth, ascended to a point liuver before reached. I!uf. this feat was surpassed in 1818 by James Piper, a student iu Washington College, who cl'tubod from tho foot to Uio top 0 the lock. 1 1 ,.. I... 0... I. ..I. tleil wi rivalo Iii-'' Ii .tii i-nli y 11 Ii,iii.'.-i .i in nr. 1 , u,. " II' lli.-r.''ii an.iiM' I" l' l"ini'l 111 Hu' vvil'l, My till u.l 1 1 Urn lan.l in in 1 'I "i i' Ii"1' '' ..f-.. Aiiiiitciir Prnss I'liuiils. Foily-lUe or Ii fly years ago a humor ous reporter in a little v.ny down Kasl M iisaehiisetts bewailed the fact Unit an amateur brass band lm l been or gain'., d. He declined that his slumbers were dishubeii by the incessant tooting f the organization, and ho siivng. ly an- li-.UIICl'il tlllltll till! llllllgcoillllllieii nun 1. longer he would start out with Ins Hint lock musket and make nil .example 01 two. tin wrote morel v in fun. In fact, bu was a member of that very band, and sn-iit half bis income in keeping it go ing, liiit bin contemporaries did not know this. They seized upon his item, mid made it apply to the brasB bands of their own towns, hiuco then it lias an nually made the round of the press of I lie I'nitcd Ktutcs, It is now a staple. The reporter who has not made fun of the nrass baud is not up to the standard. At '.east fnitf-lil'ths of the reporters who denounce amateur bands as 11 boro do so simply because it is expected ot them. Wo haven t lmuleil our orgaiiiz.auoii over the coals to any extent yet, but shall if they don't get to work and practice moro regularly, even though we admit that it i 1 wrong to do it. Fact in, an amateur band is not a nuisance. Alter three or four weeks it plays so well that half tho citizens turn ont'to its rehearsals and uu (iiultlicilly declare that it has made won derful progress. The pride and boast of most towns is the brass band. Yet tlio local paper is expected to refer to it in sneering terms. Larmie City Jlooii trmui days luivo long passed into history. liiiMilnir It Out. 'I'iin editor of the Courier, lie. W. F. (look, was s sized a few- months ago by a i.i'iible nuiii in tho left shoulder and neck. Having been favorably impressed foe noun, t ime with the virtue of an article rwoimm.ii.lod for all sudden liains. and rsoeei illv rheumatism, wo rubbed Hi olVending part, and iu less timo than we write it, relief came. That article is St. Jacobs Oil. Ctinajolmrio (X. Y.) Cmiri'i: The Hay nt tlio Natural Bridge, Vn. The namo of tho boy who climbed tiio side of tho Natural llridgo, Virginia, and carved his namo above nil his pre decessors, and came so near losing his life, was James Piiier. On tho ubutuientu of tho bridgo thoro aro many nnines carved in the rock by pcrsonij who havo climbed ns high 11s t.hov dared on tho faco of tho precunei!. Highest of all, for nearly three-quarters 1 of a century, was that of Ucorgo Wash- 1 iiigton, who, when a youth, nscejided to 1 a iioiut nover boforo readied. Hut tins font was surpassed in 1818 by James ! Filler, a student in Washington College, I who climbed from tho foot to tho top oi I the rock, i No man with money about his clothes , should ever retire without having n j woman with him, a wife, of course, to frighten off tho burglars. A reformed thief yesterday told us that a burglar 1 would' sooner enter a room containing four men and twico as many revolvers as ! one having ouly ono woman in it for neither tho men nor tlio revolvers cau squeal like a woman. Kentucky Slate JouriMl. Jfour. helpful than nil wisdom is ono . lit 1 il.. (!,..( ...ill o,,l f,a- (i::ei;uioi unman i'oj mim 1. .i- " sa'u us. Kiiisrv-Wour rffodivrly nets at Uio same tiim; oil l.uliiojrt, livor alia uuwcis. Tir: commercial value of nil lands in fta'yi-i estimated at JC.Mi.U'.ni.llllll, liix.U , . 1 ,.11' hi 1 1 wliicil moiu aro xio, 000,000 " 'ii-'in-" Tin: iiui. t stubborn casoH of female wraliuo.-s vh lil ulicn the i.ationt U'.os Lydia 12. l'iiik- iialll'H V. getiiUo iJoWlilillllil. PAW.-:nnoKuns do not pet much from servant girls, as tho principal tlung they put up is tlio clothes lino. Hcrllne of Man. Neman Weakness, Dyspepsin, impotence, m. vm .i li.liilitv. ciiitd bv "Wells llt'ttilli la- new. r." 1. llriiKiiisw. tSeiul for natiipiiai lo 12. S. Wtl.LS, Jirboy City, . J. A Human lady, named laluola, in the foiiitii century, lolUliled an iiomo as 1111 act ot, the lirst public hospital, In ! NSMArt'i peptonized href tonic, the only 111 1 1 r.ii i. 1 ion 01 uti'l coniaiiiniK lis riurr rtnu (- iii'itM vrovniUs, H contnins bloo'l-iiinliiiiK, for.v 1:1 i.eriitu.i; nail lifo-umtRiiuiig prnpcrtivi uivala.'l lo for iiiilijji itii.'ii, dvupspsin, tiorvoiu firoHli iilioii, ami all foriuaor ccik ileiaiuy nUo, in till end" Med oouilitiiiiis, wlietlx-r tlio rcnult of luirvuti-i nrostrntiuii. over- work er ai lito oihi-o, particulaily if resulting ftom j 01 1 n.oi.nry i-oniplaiiitK. Cnsncll, Ila.'ini (;o., t.:oi'rielor. New Jtork. cokl by Urumjibln A llaHcr of ln;r-s(. A iiie.lieiiici iimst of iicccisity eland upon Is iii-riis. II it iloes not ueniii Miialibeiof vahie to si ..'r ii'' lui'ii nnty, no I: omit (.1 II. Ver Mil'' .. 1 lH rVI III lis lie 11 liranih'.l a 'nil'.'l by tlio liuhi'e. Anion.' tile iirnnrie'ir v iiicdicint'i .".Iveitiil iii Hie p icrs H i re lira mnir ic-i iiom a niuoer raiiK i. in 1 1 1 nr.. Haktkii Ali:iit( !NK Covi'AXV. St. bonis. Mr. llsrtc.-s Iron loiiii' is win in ir' spcci'l i.ivo cncii noil'c hh'iI p:ovinL'in w unit -fill leii3of nl etloct aiiiiil . rtiM'ine:,! w lech i-c -s lin y sio. lion Imtlli s, 'Uio to-, 'iiiiiion's w t-icli the Ii lbirli r Ciiiiiiuiii" nri nhie to produce l.rnoi (,f the nierh-- -:f ilicir mcdie'.iiu will coiMert tiio't Si-Kpii'tnits to its use. Rend 'liter Hil.'orliseiiient, urn: ll Mine ir; iro.u "iij of the difriises iiivatiniioil write to thcni, or n.-k vour ilriKtjist, for ilicir uieiticliif ;,. i,.r. (-..ptiiorKimil Htni-knien tlio count rv over, t St. .iacoiis (III., reconnizuu. ny nu wn m li-i.l Itiisiiiiexi'epiioimuyK'Kiii ri'iin.i) i.n um ii,.,..iiu ,, in hi. nn, sior'K ni'iieniii . uiv. t- I,.,. ...nrn Inilii'iili.illil f..r 11.1 110 ItlHl Clli'l lill'.: llir ( tier results mull nny nnieieoi 11 i-uinoo. .n riiiH'.llnl liiitiirei'VerintroiliH'i'il. Mu ll lirei . crs nail liorsi'iiieii n ArlMali.'SWcli-li, ii..ot J.r'ieii- ti'-ini, near l'liiiinieipina; )n i.o.-.:iu, i-.--ll., l. ....tit I'urli. l'n Calvin M. l'llest. ftniili-rlv I nr.'oor Jlr. r.iiiii-rt, iionner, M-w lorn', i.n.i iliiitioinilsiit'oiliors tliroimliniit the eoutiirv. v. Iioi'iiiilil no minion, nro on I ne n.-t i iiiiiinui- Lialeiluor.-citol lliucltuwy ol .-T. oils (J1U iitnr"of hoot nr." ! :j 'vi ' a.'i'. i'ci.ii- nkM (i:.,m- I it S 1, '.hi jC .1 a i (.,... W lo. Pri.. il i! 5 l .r.i.i- b..fjB. A., f-'iir .lni.ji.l.or .ri.ih ' ll . 0. K. Illiil.S, 4! N I'.li. llli S4- for S1 - A(!KNT.-. iiii-nt ., 21'7 I NIVKll-'Ali AtTi I-' ilium Hi., Jln'"klyo, l . i i ' c..,. . I. i 'rt A.l'ltt S7lio h il il I'tt I MUIIX' ii...... mrt IMtlw m;tXe fint m rill romv''Melycli'inft thtt blod Ji V V. ii '.' i il I J!lfi(J & I'O.i rl. !l..t-ti..r. II. Bonloo, tlui I'l-r Hl'rcli cn b tnd In ni Ion' u O wnliinlf n.W for RiS-llll. IJ.'W.I'KHM ,llinlii,il-4 ' VlUOIt. KnpfT., tr. UI"I 4ll.('IMM.nv, ...II.., :,l ll.' .! .I'lnplnnn-I.O. 1'AVAHKIilllil iia$: lOOHH'S i8 R3 lo ISTOIAC?! iSfti3fif72 Th f.s-lito nml i-innrlati-il, inir.-rtnii from il.i.ylil tt imliL-i-lion In nnr furiii, un- n.lvi-.'il, fui- tin- miUu ..f lliV i own Willy mul nii.-nlal c,iiif,,il, In try It.otetler'i. Sl..i arli ltitti-r.. I.n.lica tl llu: lunsl ili-ll.'iit. cctitinaiftn In lify to Hi Iiiit' nml iM n-btArilivi. pn.pi: Hm, Pliy.icimin cvi-iywher., 'ilifliisU J with Die a-loltissiirt ti,iinrn of tioiiiiiinrcu, ii'A3enb ltd tlic lafuit iiud H.'fl rollabltj uf nil htnroachiri. For into by til Drussiati nod Doiilci i g.itcr&llr. A voiiMF.rt member of tho Colorado Tjcisluturo is now the proprietor of a baria r-shop in Leadvillo. Not Hatislled with such an advancement, ho hopes to rii-o yet higher and may eventually make a mau of himsulf. Who to Jlurry. If you cau not find a gentleman to marry, girls, do not marry at nil. By that term wo do not mean a man who is above the need of work j ho may bo any thing but a gentleman, but a mnii who knows how th work, who has self-respect enough to keep him from low habits both of speech and action : who is courte ous and honorable; who is not afraid of ! soiling his hands; tho farmer, the black- j smith, tho carpenter, any man may bo a gentleman under dust and soot and j " I nKMEVE St. Jacobs Oil to bo the very best remedy known to mankind," says Jlr. Itoberts, business manager of this pupor. Mdwuuk: :e II .. ; iViUmcl, Wiiun a Chinaman gets ready torobol Ho gets ready to part with liis head. That true friend to all mirroring with Colds and b'oiiidm, Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup will nhviijH holp nnd novor disappoint you, as do "tlior c.juy u roiucdics. ENOtiisn touiist: "Fino day, Donald." Donald: "Aye. lino day. Tourist " How is it. Donald, that you always have your bunds m your pockets t chips, but if he is not, girls, don't marry himl Tlicro is enottgii trouiiio 111 uio without increasing it in uny way. Do not subject yourself to tho mortification (I...I u tiiiro In nomn wit.b n lniit. band who would continually causo you " Ye'll pe frao Loudon, I'm thinking ?" to blush for his ciiari-i'iieHS and rough-: Tourist: "Yes, we're from London. bis Hbiiiierv I'ealini'H or hvno- Donald: " Wool, the reason why I keep rritio'nl nolish. it is not siillicient thai o my hands in my pockets iB thrt hore- l, ,.tr W..1I nml ilreHsi-H well hut lm uhouts we haven t learnt ta pu , oor must act and live well besides. bauds iu ithor folks' pookoto." A man who gives weight to what lio says by an oath, pledges his simple word to lio ligiit, unwortny ot Delict, xie lacks tho character to swear by himself, aud so goes about to And something more stable than he himself is to which he can nail his assertion so that it will stay. An oath is a trellis, witliout w-hioli the assci'tion would fall to tho ground. From Mississippi Coiti.vTir, Miss,, April 2, 1877. Capi. W. l Ellis,,'ey springs, Ala.: IVnr Nr It pives me pleasure to stale tin result of the use of Hailey waters in my ciu.e. 1 had for neve-id years been the victim of Chaoiiie Di arrhoea. The exhausting disch:' Res, and absence of usisimiliitton of Tood, with painful ulceration of the bowels, hud re duced nie from vigorous health to an al most hopeless condition, ilynhvsic n advised atrial of the celebrated B. "Icy waters. In a few- days after my nr. val the functions of the Liver and Kidneys were lavorably nllectcu. my dP'ostioti became comfortable, tho irritable con dition of the bowels disappcard, nnd i com loriifilc state ol healtli was soon es tablished. This occtircd two years aim. and I havo ever l ince enjoyed good lienitii. 1 aitrinmo my recovery en- tirely to the medical virtues of I'ailey Springs. Very llesix'ttf ul W, ' , . :D. 8. M ALONE, Ah tp-cotjntbt man bought a Eoraan candle and lighted it to go to bed by, He swii you can bet your sweot life he'll lek tlio man tliat loaded it. if ho can find him out. Aiiiiii.i. SU&fNESt (in.- .,( t!.e I-imi lira in: rv .'Ir- nl'ir - :-'-i''"-' w" STti AGENTS WANTED FOR Tnt I HISTORY op the Ruibrmii. K lull nml ullm.ll hciiiiMi.1 rtrtjw' llir nw uii'l f:.ll .'t tli (link i"l R"inn l-"iPw-' Bn.l.lvai-., tin-iui,e, tin t.iulnl rIraili' , lliu ill.cuvurf tuu ..U..-IU..1. u. t:."'- v 1 .IM!' ci at hirK.r i-l Hit- WorlfUirt initii9iirt.pj IO. l-4-l.'IHIHIt IIHV'II .1IIU im l UTIIII "I.""- AM-UPM1 TIOl. l l'lllniM-IH ' V 1 yU-mf?nhf. or I'lmultc MinrthM E i 'iulee. ui Hnikp. Willi riii.ii'.tfi'pli::t'l'l'i'1 iliinitiiiii..,, fur lii.gumvrN, mnb on a''liv'Mli"D Hl'.M.N I I I VIA.N, i:iii'V:ilt3l, HEALTH IS WEALTH In. K. e. H-m'i Nekti iiD Bii TM ,.,.-;lic fr llvl.-rlM, piMiiim, ConviiWoM, . ll,.ii,.i.-lip, M.iilal nrnrcui I.o of Memi'i!, nj- lin l l.l Ai!, eauwl liy ovtr-cmHlon, wbitf in -,!, .l-..y ami .l.alli. On. 0.11 will i"":TJ h .. Ii !.-i c, i.l.lm oi, month'! Iriaimeul. i,..,i nil i.njie. i.,r live .i.timr. , ..... "j 1--, r..ii l ..f erli-e. W. iurnle li I'"", ens... Willi .arlt or.irtr rpcel.ea oy u. ior "' . . c puniH.I wilh 0v ttollara, wo will mo4 l i clo.i-r nnr wrillf n (iinrni.tre lo return IIm ""''J, 11 ni in,, til 111... 11 m uni-ct our. w...m.." -r-, liv .1. I.IIIIN. lllirlt-sloll. B. V ma.l .r.,ni.lly allonilfil 10. Orti" .... ..a.fe In r.ut aw lawi, ' till B. H.H.1TT4C... T.ilMU'O'J , ftriiw-j ul MnHTH-iRrn'TCUIAWTED-M 'Mlliiiiarilcli.tiiiiiowi.rl.liliiiiiilJi; A'Urtai Jay Hr.n-iia, ufu.-; Diamond DYES. ZC. TloflirTnlcst.ChoaTotifc- jjycoDvcriuaue. ur.oiuccnii Hflcknrnurll nolnr m or O goods Own any 15 ot 2Bct. dyo ever sold, a popular coIom. Any ono can color nny fabi lo cr J .tncy hi t icle. Bend forcolorwantcdandbecouvint;!. J'ary cnnlsv fcainnlrsof iuV.andp'ky. iIvr, nitulcd 1oe lOctH. EVE RY O U E mu sTc V1U Ri-t Tnlunlile lnfnrnintlun 1 lllilS by scu iliij for drculur to U. ToUlUKU, hosioK, )u. IIBOB'S lMTUOVED UIltCCLAR SAW MltLH S Willi iinlvnrxnl Lug ii 5 Send for T Bvnin, Pontile Ito- ti J CIRCULARS,! ceiitrloKrlctlon N. ctitcr dliWdts Ir w nrora!c-t in IW3 tr;? CO l.-3ili:;.ij iliCT, hm 'A';"?3rclx al i r.-ilililltu 1..J curs-- '. - .tln.,i t'..o nw, propci- ujo of tl: la uiow " i j...,.:n ens Hjroni-iih-l'.oJ rrlUirsiUti Mlijn. !t.xre:t-l.ic::a mo vrr viic.itw -- --j Si-i. nil!-. T.!jori.!.-3 i.v.'ii(v.-i..j . i.-.d l.nvo:-ci.-roi-.'..c'.. Wltyav hr.vo ri towel" Cirae tro-rtwi .TwwilyjT"; riit.Hati.ra' Ttolon, Altnnlt, On.. ViIafMtuettir S.UKW IRDJf WOUKS, HALF.H, N, ll JESSE AND FBI Ji.:.i o, -w',W.TCitM ''."i'V'l. ' "V i i'H'V U-. ,1 linos ..It .-r " - tol ,.. I, I. Ir,-,. I'TII III W'11' , ' .t : ' ii,iini.iciiii-'-.!'i'''-',;.l--:'',j. n' .... .. .. . ,,l ,,,V. l "i ..iJ. I... ,lr r mm I'm'; rJlrt II IMIII. I'lf 110-, i-- llir- ..ul: Mi. ill.-r ol i.lnr.r ll.'.l aXVInXAn I'llMU-. Nu, li l CTtj i,,..ii..-o-''f''r,i.'i Uhrr iron l"r,r 1 llatli usi-.l Int. Il.ntl l.i-.s Ikon- Tdmc'Iii my poirlll'i'." nml ''i' ."."ill! Il"1" run', iiiiv" n.-vcr r,iiin, eiiviIiIhk to nlv.' ill.' icsii..-. -. ill Ni.i-viint l'n.i-lriil(..ii, Kt-niulo Dlwunru. ' '., !-i'' ':, ,ht-rl'lc"li! i- lllia. HI HIV IIHI1II1. lllll"" -'"" 1 i,-.iii!-. ll,l'.Ml-: " IH-i'llly-liyt. yearn III liicillrlni-. luvi' n. viT f..iin.l - .-: -." j IIIIM-I'l.illl ll of llu. IliU l.,,rli. .,. I iikiw tlmt Imvo hiiltltsl mim. of ,ir i,i, cmli.t.-:ti iilivsli'lniie Imvi. vli-l'l'-.l I" IM Plv'' .', , roWl"! alili' n.'iui'ily. I iii-i'm-rUn. n In iiitIVivii.-l. is nny Inm iiitiiuihUoii iiiii.Io. . 1" 'j". . hi'KI.S J 1JI(. IIV" -.- . ..- '".. is ft necessity In my practice, l.orii. Mn.. Nov. ';th. ism. as llu, U.uu'iint'n Iiiun Tunic It ijiriH mlor lo tlw IiIiumIA I lf l'l llfiilthfiil turn- ti, the it iarntlv itfiinim nnit) nervnuK simtnn, making I it )t)inUcnhl to ticnrrnl i Ihhtlitli, l,nm of Aw- tile, l'nutrntiim of i ital I Power and ImpoteurrJ MANUFACTURED BY THE DR. HARXER MD1CINE CO, i ' - .. CI. IV , 213 N. MAIN ai'i" . ' V:,