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The home journal. (Winchester, Tenn.) 1858-188?, May 28, 1884, Image 1

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volume xxiit
Waaaai Chnfi wllfc Marrier mat ker
Ibllsrea Kalis t Testily.
A sfruatlonal leans of n unusual kind, even
m Iruh murder trials, occurred at Currick-oo-Suir,
county Tipparary, Ireland, Tho
vielia of supposed murder wan
jfccliael' Maney, Of . Kilcaah, ' whoaa body
ii reeent'y exhumed and waa found to ahow
InMt of aracnio la sufficient quantity to oaiua
oeiib. Suspicion rested apon the widow, and
ike ww arretted and placed on trial at Carrick-on-Hnir.
Her two children, of Terr ten
der years, wore prodnccd aa witnesses, But on
' bring plMed nPn the witneae1 table the;
itnbwnily refused to ntter a word. Thejr were
threatened wlib imprisonment, and were evi
dently much frightened, but threats and pir
toiin alike failed to elicit from them a single
Bonel of evidence. They were therefore coin
nltted for contempt of court tod ordered to
be kept In confinement leparate from their
notber nnt'' purge themselves of oon
tempt by giving their testimony in open court.
The (event? of Ihe Judge's action under the
peculiar eircumslsnces baa canned a (treat icn
Stlion In the neighborhood and baa turned the
Ijropathiee of the people In favor ol the widow,
who hu hitherto been regarded by moat of the
leighbors a guilty.
, Cendllloa ( Ike Crop.
, Tlie rehires of the Department of Agrlonl
(art for May make the wheat proapoct nearly
u favorable aa in April. Then the general ar
enas waa within Are per sent, of the atandard
of lull condition. The May average ie 94. It
ni in 1883. Barring the change) of the
future, a winter wheat product of about 350,
(00,000 bushels it indicated.
The temperature of April has been lower
then uiual, and low-lying landa have been sat
iraled with moisture, retarding growth. : Well
drained wheat aoila are nearly everywhere
bearing ft vigoroua and healthy growth.
A few report of injury by the fly have been
received, but the aggregate loaa from inaect
ravagei will be trivial.
The winter wheat of New England la a
letrcely appreciable ft quantity. It condition
quite uniformly high. The Middle and
(Southern States make averagei ranging from
W to 100. The Ohio basin niakei a 1cm favor
able showing, with little difference in the
Butts on the north aide of the river.
The' State of largo production make Iho fol
lowing averages, lofl repreaienting not an aver
age condition, bat full stand of healthy
plant! of medium growth: New York, 97;
Penonyrvania, 98; Kentucky, 99; Ohio, 85,
Michigan, 85; Indiana, 86; Illinois, 87; Mis
toori, M; Kansae, 103, and California, 96.
'. T BIG it INK,
Rrnpp, tlie German ordnance manufacturer,
ilaima to hire aettlod the oontoat which haa
been Wftglng for acveral years between armor
plate and heavy guns. He ia constructing
gnni at present of lS-inch boro and 85 calibers
longthwhlcli weigh 121 iotis and carry a pro
Jectilo weighing more than a ton, with achargo
of 770 pound! of powder. These guns can
penetrate, at several miles distance, any armor
which it ia possible for a rossel to float with.
They cost about 175,000 each, and It requires
over two ycara to complete one. Kriipp's"l2
Inoh gun carries a projectile of about half a
ton, and It is claimed that at a distance of two
milei it can penetrate the anuor-of the strong
eat ahlp in tlie English navy,' cousixting of 10
inches of iron plate and 17 inohc! of teak.
A recent writer, why is himself a gambler, ia
Out inclined to believe the atatement thai pro
fessional gamblers have a high standard of
honor among tlicmselvos. Ho says they are a
very suspicious body of men whose bond take!
the form of collateral aeonrity. The two chief
component parte, he aaya, that go to make np
tho professional gambler are cupidity and lazi
ness. These two characteristics predominating
result in the complete demoralization of tho
man. Ho sums np tho whole matter in this
way i ''A business that is illegitimate In itself
and drawa to Its support criminals from every
walk in crime, must on its face bo demoraliz
ing. I do not attempt to lay that every gam
bling room In Boston ia the constant and only
resort of criminals, but I do wish to be under
stood as saying that there is not ft game in this
or any other city that aoulil excludo a man on
social or moral grounds. Cash, no matter how
obtained, is tho 'opon sesame' in every in
stance. Tho conclusion! arrived at in thii
article have their foundation in solid fact, and
the deduction! and suggestions are the out
come of mature thought, by one who has made
tho subject a study, from the vantage ground
of the dealer's chair."
The present outlook of the wheat crop is
generally favorable, though a large part of it is
backward. Tlie returns indicate that the con
dition Is now 94 ft! compared with 100 repre
ssing a full average Tlita implies that the
present outlook Is 17 percent better than a year
ago. The area of the crop reported this season
le tbont 27,000,000 acres, and it is believed that
the yield will be about 350,000,000 bushejg.
It Is wonderful how Europeans stand the
rammer in Calcutta, but they contrive to worry
through it by living in a state of perfect idlo
neia. Servant! fan the sleeper all night, wash
and dress him in the morning, and attend to
every want. The thermometer frequently goes
op to 150 in the shade and 180 in the sun.
Every summer the heat kills people riding in
Mm r&itwav Airs TtiM main hnKinesa nf life
here I. to keep cool Tlie climate seems to be H TRIP AT. AND DRAMATIC.
ins one ining wnicn is raiai 10 nio ueTeiup-
Emma Abbott go to Europo thlsmimmer.
Com it: oiwra will be given on tho iron p or
at C( ney Island this slimmer.
A MONtmKNT is to he erected In raru w
Dcrlioz, the eminent composer.
1 Anna Dickebson. it is nid, will nenre
I forth be seen in public only on tho luctro
A prominent English physician says that a
great many people who are afflicted with mor
tal maladies manage to live to a good old age.
In bis opinion more people are killed by fear
than by disease. There are innumerable In
I'ancca of persons dragging aloug for years in
dally expectation of death, and yet living to
the average, ago of man. Medicine is valuable.,
but it owes more to tho influence of bopo than
it does to drugs. Tlu brain, or mind organ, is
just aa much a part of the body as the liver or
the heart. Tlie influence of hope is frequently
manifested when there is a consultation of
phyaioians in the sick room. Generally the
treatment is not changed, but the patient feels
tho presence of skillful medical advisers, and
he at once calls np his reserve forces to fight
against disease. A resoluto and intelligent
hopefulness and confidence will do more to
ward off and cure sickness than anything else.
Bent of this wonderful country.
A Trula DlMutrr.
The train operator at Connellsville, on the
Baltimore and Ohio Itailroad, ordered a camp
train, bearing forty-six workmen, to "ran
wild" to Ohio Trie Falls, ft station sixteen miles
net of Connellsville, on the Baltimore and
Ohio Itallioad. A few minutes after the train
kit the operator remembered that the second
section of freight train No. 80, which waa due
in Conncllnvllla at four o'clock in the morning,
wai not in yet, but had Jnt loft Indian Creek
elation, and waa constantly beating down on
tlie-camp Irani at that moment. The operator
tried to stop the camp train at Oileon station,
bnt found he waa too . nJ ? ''J?"00: Rpnln before returnins t) the Lyceum then
enrred in which H men. were kuled and ,.,inn f. . lwJlv.i of "Komoo and
Mahik Van Zandt hus been appain'ed a
ro Tt singer by the king of l!b"tml. Ihisil
an ho l'T rarely conforr. 4
BAUTi.EYl'AMPHKi.Lhiui written a four an
dift-ua, which will bo uioduood at the Union
Bquore tneatre, New x oi k, next aeaxon.
Mart Anderson will mnKo a tour or,
nanj arriouiily injured.
The old story about the invention of solldl-
Bed whisky comes no in a new shape. Thil
time tho story goes that a Gorman named
Fetcrman, living near Pittsbnrg, Tenn., haa
discovered ft way of solidifying whisky and
ticking in plugs like tobacco. A plug of
whisky is rather light in color, and can be
easily carried in the vost pocket. It can be
Aiiaolved in water or chewed up. The inventor
myi he can do nothing unless be has perfectly
pure alcohol. He therefore claims that his
solidified whisky will be the pure article, and
till drive out the adulterated stuff which ii so
ulenaively naed at present.
Qunmaker Rrnpp haa a new powder that ii
aid to be more powerful than the powder here
tofore nsed. It is called brown powder to dis
tinguish it from the black powder of everyday
The brown powder contains thft lngre-
Tun Metropolian Opera ho-tso (New York),
has swnllowoi fully isi.OOO during tho dis
nstr.nis sciuon that usod up Mr. Abboy so
Thomas Nast k goinn to locturo noxt sea
son I'e yearned f r ft p ay in wiiich he
might show hii skill ai a dia.vor of cartoons,
but I'Oidd not gel on.
' DKamtl!," a new AniTlron comic opera,
tho music of which U by John Philip Sous,
leader of tho ninrina bnnd in Washington, hai
made a decided hit at tho capital
Minnik Palmer coiitinu
London, and there is somo talk
mnining In Unglana anomcr a
rate it is not atull likely Hint
in August, as arrange 1 s.uno luno ago.
Rcbbnhtein's "Nero'1 was rece itly given
soven tim ii succ sslon at Moscow, the
ho ise being so d out ea h tlmo. 1 his oiicra,
w hi h Kubinstoin considers his best work, is
also in preparation at Vienna, lierlin, and
Other German citio.
Tt ! nimnrnd that Italian oncra will only
be continued another season at Bt Peters
burg. In 1885 the Marie tlieatro Is to lie do-
Eastern nd Mlddls States
The roninlnj of the late Dr. Famuel D.
Gross, a prominent ihilalelphia physician,
were cremated at U'a-liiiigton, i'enn.
Owinh to the fniiure of the Marine bank of
New York, and of tho lirm of Grant & Ward,
General Grant and his soin. I'lyiwus 8. Grant,
Jr., Jetse H. Grant und Kre lerirk 1. (trant,
have all hows into bankrupuy
and ma le sssignmenta for th) brn 'lit of
tluinreditors. Thetlrmof Grant & Ward
ia said to tw involved t thoe:tontof (10.
(KX).O.O. .lames 1). Fish, president of the
Marine lauk.li ut uLso male un as gninent.
The (.U'iier C;ty of Portland, from Bos
ton to St. John s, N. F., struck on a ledge off
the Maine coast. Her possenwis and crow,
ian t obs in nil. were suved. 1'ho vessel was
value I at llffl.txjo.
Joiilf P. HMVTtt, the wrll-known Albany
(N. Y.) politician, banker and broker, has
GeneralGrast and his wife have trans
ferred their l roporty, including two houses
in Washington, a Ii iuhu in 1 nilad lphin, n
fnnn in tho suburbs of rit. Louis, a cottage at
1 0112 I'rnn -h and a ho s'ln New York to
Wiiliam 11. Ya idtrbi t to prole -t him on his
loan of tUO.OilO.
Bi'TLER II. Straw, a pr.niilneiit renreTrl
vania pollt'p'an, o-op 'n!er of tho house and
ex priw di'iit of t: etlte S'n ite, In which
iiitlon h a. t'd bk liei.t naiit-covernor.
committed miic d by shooting liimlf at bis
home in West 11 Id. - Ho haif long been ill
poor hoaltli.
Isaac I). Eiirkiiei, a Now York chemist,
iltlv.fniip v. niv nlit ,-nllrd on bin wllo. wilh
nhotn he vat nit l iiur. and altor a short
cniveifallon shit and kil'e I th'iir six-year
old son. disiH'ia oy wound.il the woman
and kilhd b nis It
fonth end Weft
.Ti'nan V. KKKJAMlN.the noted lawvernnd
a ivo nto. and ex ofllcial of tho Southern
Cnnr, ilnmi'i . ilind in I ari a few davit a:o.
He was b. rn on the island of Wt. t roix, of
Jewish parents, in 1M1, wi s admitted to tho
tar at New Orleans, bcrnine a United Hatos
Fena er in 18M,and was returned in IS.': l e
came ntiorney-geneial in JeTerson liavis
cabinet in ltil, and was appoin'cd Confeder
ate wcretury of war in lvij, ana nnorwara
socretary of stat-, went to Kn-,'lanl at tin
close of Iho vtar, wliere ho prnclisiil law until
his le'.iinnv nt Inst vear. lie was men e'n
sule vdone ot thefori'miistlawyeis In tns
land, and had amassed a lnrgj fortune.
Dvm vo the p ogress of n gamn of baeb ill
in ..n lowd i ui i k nt Chillu otho. Obi i. the
irranil srjind suddenly fell with a terrilio
. n.l. h,ii..lti(r mniiv nennle in tho rtiiin.
Al out furt v ie:sons were injured, eight of
them with s3i ,ous if not fat ii etlcct
T.tnnvwivn ,loatrnved fa mill at KoVBCT. N
C, killed tho engiiuer and injured two othor
Anv RtTcQrt.r. nnn hnncn I at Joneevitlo.
Va.. for the murder of htsbnther-in-law, and
i on tho s imo dav James S. Coloman (colored)
was htinjod at Columbia, S. C, for the mur
der of his sister in-law.
.Tmiv liniii.TSF.ie. a rronvnent barrister
Portngo La l'rnirl . Msniitobi. now In Kortj
lai d ( Irepnn, hat absconded with ,0,000 ot
other pooi lei money.
The Northwe-rtecn Car otimpaay, of Still
water, Minn., ot wh h UnH-eit rviiosneniui
i-nb.n is pre ident. h.is failed and u receivi
iw..n nnimiiit il The lbliilit sareestiliia'fi
nt 1.0 A).i 00, imd tha nsve S largely in exces
of that sum. M s iiniingi'iiioiit is saia v i
t.lm ,.,ni e of the eoiimnnv's downlall.
Lawiikni'E Snu.Eii, a far.nor living near
n- .-.l. w l n.vnl veii -oam e imaiiist
h i .leii; a'lirhti'r and ft hirol man naineil
Tm-lnr. who had eloped a:id got mnrrie
u.'i.k r,,itnunl Urn nair. found th m U
kil o I l avlor wit i a revolver shot,
.i !,, Iit tho niwlv-made biile, in
t'i itinir fatal injur e. Afttr bis ret irn hon
Kniller wan arnsto I.
TflK CinelnnttH t rand jury found flfty four
in lit't.nents against paitoas ton rne I in the
lute r oU.
A mm... I.VM IAI th Minsi s;nnl in I.O'ii-
iann, canned an im n 'a ion wbicii r.iln d the
cMiis for null s Al nnruvepu
The testlmmiy in th,i JeniiiH tte Invest Igv
llon bnlore t. o House naval committee ou.ied
with that of Mrs. To Unr, who toitlllo 1 fius
her hnsbind h ul stuill 'il the subj t of pro
visions for Bit Arctic voyage and b id endeav
ored tj procure tho tost.
by the c inimitto to favorably re ort a .1
reilutinn proKin.' an nine i nlmont to Arti
th, 15 of the Constitution. I hu nm 'iidin tut
ci mists of tlie in rtion of 1hi word " nativ
ity " and ma il's the tirst s ction read as lol
loivs: "Thoiliht of c'tMolM of tho L niteil
Wat"S to ot shall notbedeiiiiMl or aMndgwI
by the I, nit l Stutos, i r by any .Stato on ac
count of nativity, raoe or color, or provioul
condition of servitu lo.1'
The Mcretnrfcsof w.irami ine navy ii"o
s mTiiuw... ...nn n(,l lineral Jollll iVi m uumi ui . ...
nowof herre- mBrg Colon ! Q, A. Gillinoro, corps of
easoii. ai ""j .neineire, and Lieutenant unm nanmr u.
sho will return T.!y.'Ti' '....i ....I l.iuutenaut T. U.
.(...' lln mum an nil;
Iilits, ril-st Art illeryr. order of aboard cre
ated by a resolution nf the tloiwi or ivpro
tentfllives to cons d the expediency of th
construction of a lin of intirior waterways
r the i r t tion of tho seaboard of the At
lantic aud Gull' States.
A 'VTiNNinKi (Manitoba) dbpot-h says that
.. .11..- tvAlnn,nntjl hnVfi IllSt COmO tO
fbnu ef th. black powder, but In dlff.r.nt by the ItaUan opera are to be devoted to f fc
ueoporiions, Ano orowu jjunuci u", i
After a few soV
(Uimed, many points ever the old-fashioned
Hack powder. It Is good in guns of all sizes.
n siplodes only in a tightly-enclosed space. It
s aon-axDloslva when not so confined. It does
sot 1(11 the air with smoke, and better than all
to the runraaker, it produces ft greftter velo
eity. . It Is thought the new Invention will
mpersede the Mack destructive agent
ii.u!Bioii..lra. , w'"'r"r.' i " . . l.u mlln;.ins between
. ii i. t-k. tnnn ii.c inr tna iuu;au u iiicv.t -
troupe altrngiogcuier. . r-vr" h. .luments whl.h
uniiviiuruu'u -" -n -- . nr M.vin.
nia "thevdon'tciiro now that tnoy
our money, tjco. all are sinking togother, so
that they can got through sooner!" I
Mb. Edwin Uooth, the distinguished .
actor, is acquointedpoi'soiially with but fow i
members of his profession. He prefers the
society of literary men, of painters, and of
sculptors to that of ft' tors, and is very much
. .r 1 - -....I, .1... k Mn..a..ta Tn 1
A Bill tm IaereaM Feasleea.
The TJ. 8. House Committee on Invalid Pen-
oe unanimously agreed to report favorably ft I Booth.
nil which provides that ftU pensions now on or
hereafter plaoed on the pension roll, who while
in lbs Military or Naval service ot the
United States ' lost an arm or a leg.
hall ' be entitled to ft pension of
40 per month, and those who have
lost hand nr a foot, shall be en-
will prove that a gigantic system of s.vin
j ' .... i .rf.nn un l Om nium cov. rn-
iiiiiiK mio iw . ,
menu hiwbteii curried on for years by such
enl usion.
Oft of ltO senators elcctd In Spain 150 are
mpi orters of the govenum nt
uv nn emloslon In a dynamite factory In
. r , --:..-..,. u. ...(. In I A l.ln (. n.rlnlll . U'll WOmea "OIO
at nomein me siuuiuii umt "i"D"-- "I thnm aovnralv
norsonal appearance Mr. Booth is getting to blown to atoms anl two others eovoiiiiy
Hweinblehls celebrated fathor. Junius linuus wounded.
The Army Question.
Three or four months ago General
Sherman, while on his last Tonnd of in
epectlon as the head of the army, pre
dicted that dangers would arise in the
future, and that at no distant day the
...nt vnnM offoin have to invoke the
V All Donuua wuu u -o I WUUUj " - - o ,
sapnuied at the hip joint and ell persona who protection of the army as its enrrai kuo
save lost aa arm at the shoulder joint ahall be 1 jje Bngge8ted a plan at the same
a pension or au per n;"i -- i ti . whereby tne army migus oo au-
titled to ft panatonof $30 per month, and if
Jbey hav reoeived ft wonnd or other disability
addition thereto they ahall receive ft pension
w sou per roonin. au persons mo u "a
rsriens who have lest an arm and leg shall be
a titled to s pension of tli per month.
creased to one hundred thousand men.
The country ridiouled his fears. Who,
said our wise eauors anu ukiuwuri '
ffoinir to attack nsT Where is then
tion wnicn uaro iitu u i
Amvd T not tjanaaar -v nonsense,
The British government has decided iipon
aending n exieun on lor vu -v-
era! Gonlon to Knarwuui m mj.
MASSArnE of Christians by a native
rf'iw. ia mnnrtnd fr m South Africa.
An anti socialist law has b. en adopted by
l-a ni-inan reiebstax.
Bismarck's lonf (ontomrlated l mmt
fn.m the Uirman iiinnanj . .
. .... i ,na,l l,v LI a emn.rir.
Tint hark Venus nr. I ra at juoiimtj u '
eoftquln Malar thinks the south is the land of
ortrr. He see. in th. book, that bav. sp-
rtared the first little sweet nower. - ninoinnati riot, with the destruction
ton, and winter, ndth. southern,. ,thMwroll(,ht,inRysnggestdftngersinthe
uato or Shelly may yet PP (nlnre 0( whioh we little dream today,
eiiiartcia poet that t3 are looking for. BWney hnndrei regular troops would have
UnUV died Just ai he got ft place to set down 6nifjA tlie Cincinnati riot in a day. The
' indreV oiTicknor'e "Little Olffen," MUlar pregenoe 0f garrison of Ave thousand
jMr U nothing la the Und as good nd Jep, in the vicinity of every large
n. .ui.i.. T.mtan Kozall .nni,1 Aa more to suppress in-
a--ri ia iw .way. aas iui i cut, n .
abm..,. m ... i . r a irreftt recep- ninlflnt rioU than score of militia regt
--;oM uenry Boner is oom,. - vmm. -. - c -
rt work, and TheophUu. B- aau,-"" Meiudice gainst mob
leaauu b . r ir.,,, VnrU
I nndon 1' ti 'lartd, with s -v. n 01 tlie cn w oi
nl TtSn bin in t to a f sh ng s ihooner on
mittwn oi n a,.,,islon..ainl tie
m:n. . , t
Mk'dftraliria rjoat. ia devout and true. TfiO
icd ioHth are t of promlM,
law and
'mob vioWoo.-iVetfl yrk
.. nHnn nt the Antl'
burdena, privileges and powersi asaerte hat
to the. W!?J!V&
national eight hour law mnst 'M.w'','?,a'
rnands the parent 0''h4 Ftf United
Btates Denaiora auuiiiu u - -. ....
the people: calls for ft graduated noome tx;
SemanJ. tU the taril "itShtly
people, shall be so levied aa to ibear aa hgniry
LTpoiible upon-ths neorsaartss 'f!,;T
rouweathe present tariff as bamg rgelf
the interest of monopoly, d dsmndsthft It
Tho Gorman Antl-Hocialist law hu betn
adopted by the itelebstag.
The Swiss elections resulted in a Conserva
tive victory; all the government measures were
Zobchr Taeha declares that he will not rost
nntil he has killed General Gordon.
A treaty of peace has been signed between
France and China. The latter agrees to with
draw bcr tnois from Tonqiun.
At ft nationaliat meeting at Waterfnrd, Mr.
Pavitt arxueil that tivo years' rent would be
an equivalent for Ihe purchase of holdings
Irom laiiuiords.
France has refused to reongnize the Igle-
sias govornraent in l'ern.
Hnaninh flour merohants complain of the
treaty with the United UUtesin regard to Cuba.
Agnero and the insurgentaoontinne to hold
their own in Cuba,
Hie Mexican Coneresa Brants President
Gonzalez authority to cuntiaot ft loan of
Tho Rtailt Theatre In Vienna was totally ilo-
troyed by lire, but fortunately no lives were
Bismarck's resignation nf tho Presidency
at the Prussian Cabinet has been accepted.
The boditaof two fishermen In t dory were
picked up by ft Gloucester scliooner.
After a fight In which he was stubbed,
a man walked away and blod to death in the
streets of Utica.
The officers of the New England Tubacco
Growers' Association have inaugurated a move
ment to secure the repeal of all internal reve
nue taxes on tobacco.
The bill providing eivil service examina
tions fur tlie employees of the cities in the
Buto of New York, passed the Assembly and
now goes to the (Joveruor.
A reduction of t J.000.000 from the .New
York Htate taxation of last year is made In the
bills which painted the Assembly.
A heavy frost took place In Wisconsin.
Three negro miinlciers were hanged at
Greenville, H. C, and two white mcu fur the
same eriiuu at Ashland, Uhio.
A man arrested in Philadelphia for mal
practice was found dead In his (ill.
The coal tounugu of the anthracite, carry
ing companies for April amounted to V.Haviu'J
Umis, an increase oi aw. wins iinuparei
with tho corrorpotidlng month of laat year.
There wero 187 failures and suspension).
in the United Htates reHirted to the agencies
dining Iho pat week, against liii in tlie pro
reding week, and DM. lift and HH in the corre-
pouding weeks ol ihiu, inoe auu 1901, rcspec-ively.
The Dakota Democratic Territorial Con
vention elected delegates to the National Con
vention. They are iminstriicteil, but are lw
lieved to be for Tildeii and Hendricks. Itewiln
tions were adopted favoring revenuo reform
according to the Morrison bill, a correction nf
the evils of the present tariff system, civil ser
vice reform, and a land bounty for soldiers,
opposing sumptuary laws, and favoring a cur
rency of gold, silver, and convertible paper.
The Vermont Htate Greenback Convention
adopted resolutions which demand the pay
ment or ino piinuc (lent as raiiuuy aa uie
money shall ueciimulate in the Treasury; that
the government shall imnio greenback money:
favor intor-stnte commercial regulations, and
extend thanks to the Hnpronie Court for lis de
cision that the greenback Is a legal tender. 1110
delegates favor Gen. Duller.
llogan Cash, the fugitive mnnlorer, was
overtaken by a poase near Chersw, S. (!., but,
on answering with a shotgun a summons to
surrender, the entire taisse tired and ho fill
pierced with twenty balls.
Joseph Hurling, sixty-four year old, while
walking along Third avenue, New York city, at
noon, was attacked by three men, who dragged
Him inioa nauway, ami, niwr pmiuuik iio",
choked and beat 1 1 in) to death. His murderors
were arrested.
In the New York Btato Senate a bill allow
ing Now York city to contribute .ri0,000 for the
Hart holi Ii dtatuo of Liberty lVdestal Fund
was passed.
Lieutenant Emoi , commanding the Boar,
reports from Ht. John's generally favorable
conditions in tho Arctic for the relief of Grccly
and parly.
In Bontli Worcester. Jiass,, Iho l'apaclioag
mill, owned by Georgo Coniptnii, wan burned.
The null was lour siories uigii ami mini.
brick. It was used for the manufacture of
woolen yarn, and was running day and night.
The lire originated in the picker room, and
spread so rapidly that many of the operative
bad to jump from the upper windows. Fully
'211 of them were badly injured and some of
them it is feared fatally.
A nromlnent barrister of Winnepeg ran off
lib (170.000 of other peoplo's money.
Tho expected results of Csnadian Imml-
ation are L-reatlv lessened bv the number or
persons who Immediately cross me ininier aim
ttlc in 1110 uuitcu mates.
Tho Norwegian bark Theresa, having on
board the remainder of the survivors of the
illision between tho steamship Hlato ol Wor
lds and I'onieiia, has arrived at Quebco.
A young man named Walls liecanie insano
lrough acciilentolly killing 111s nioiner in
Burscx county, I'd.
is feared among the Choctaw III'
dlans owing to somo of them lieing dissatisfied
with a recently enaeieu law regar g 1110
trial nf crlniinaia. Tlie militia havo been culled
out and stationed at different parts of the Na
Tli sniniiers' strike at Fall Itiver, Masa,
is practically ended, and diastrutly for the
Tho witnesses who acknowledged their
eriurv in the Hill-Hliaron case in the Ban
' . 1 1 .M.U..J ,wl r.1..ml
'ralicisco vnai nave uuou w.mwi
uuder heavy bail
Two fatal cases or erimtnal negugonoe on
tho part of druggists occurred In 1'ittsburg.
Tlie Seymour Satin Compsny, of Minne
apolis, Is in the hands of a rocelver.
1 . . . , . . . .... . .
Cyrus IL Mccormica, neaa 01 mo Kre.v
harvester manufacturing company, and one of
the richest men in uiucago. oiea iiiesuai, aaru
75. Ho had been an invalid for several years.
He was nevor known as a pouuemu.
Tlio Oovernor of New York vetoea the
Broadway Aroado or Undcrgrouua liauroau
n..i,int rirevr. nf France, has pardoned
malnril f.f the miners who were imprisoned
for having participated in the labor riot, at
m. ffnirliuh irnvernment has finally deter
mined to send a relief expedition to tlie Sou
dan in July. "Chineso" Gordon has made a
sucocearai sortie irom nuaru.mu.
Tn .tmirirla between the German Im'
porial government and the German Liberals
becomes oauy mum ui.wi
rbtvpoannmlanta at riaiDhonK cable the re
newal of hostilities against the Annamite and
Chinese pirates. In the mountain, the Frenob
cantured ft gun.
Outbreaks between tne souuers ana na
tives at Cairo are of aauy oceiirrenoe. u ia
reported that Lord Woleley win command th
October expedition to naarunuu.
The Emoreas of China approve, of peace
between China ana i runoe.
A band of Persian nomads have plundored
several villages on the ngnt Dana; 01 tne Kurd.
In the New Jersey Demooratte State
Convention Tilden and Bendrloks were
j-i.rwl to be. in the onlnlon of the Conven
tinn th mnat e lilble candidates for President
and Vice-President. The platform arraigns
tlie record of the Republican party and.doolaree
In favor of revenue and national civil service
VvJknatnr Henderson aavJ the Benublloan
delegation from Missouri will be divided be
tween liOgan, JJiaine, nruiur uu auaiawu,
with Arthur as the second choice of the friends
of the latter, tuaine s nomuMuoa ww,
thinks, imperil the party.
The Virgin! Democrats In State OonvenUoa
j,iinA an inatrnet the delegatae to Chicago.
while manifesting ft deojded prefarenea for
J oWtWwV
Cr.A AlixaNdkr. the Flinnertir Framit
Joseph of Austria-Hungiirv.and other 10 er
eigus and hailing stateKiueii will probab.y
nu el at .Mce tnu suinin t.
Mum at Pahiia. th 1 great Turk bh status-
man who dep. sed tho .Suit 111 Abdul A 'ia
and was afterward convlit d of hit intirdor
ami M-ntcnced to imprl nnm lit for life, is
dead in bis sixty third )r,
Thb Norwe ian bark Theresa, having on
hoard the reniaiiiili r little survivors of the
million lt.vn the ste ni h p rstnto of 1
Honda and the bar roiienin, arrived nt
Oi:e'. ec. .
Viuvi'i ami Clilnn have Aziv i a treaty f
peace, the letter areeing to withdraw Iiur
tnpi from lonquin. ami in.' loriu r uuaii
,l,..,iinr all . I lima lo iiuh mult V lor lo-xea aua-
t lined? during t ie troJidei Uite n the two
In the Senate Onri. Igan, from the Military
Committee, reMirled favorably the bill to place
Gen. Grant on the retired list, with tho rank
and full pay of General of the Army, and the
Dill was pasaea at once without acnate.
Tlie Indian Appropriation bill waa amended
anil panned by tlie rsenate.
The House passed the Senate bill to provide
ft civil government for Alaska. There w as a
spirited debate on the bill providing that no
Territory shall form a constitution, or apply
lor admission as a htate, until 11 contains a
permanent population equal to that required
Messrs. Cox and 1'otter. of New York, chain-
iiioni'd the bill, bnt it was filially tabled, lull to
A man who was helping to hoist a safe Into
a third story window in Acw York had Ins fin
gers caught in Ihe tackle so that the ro)iea hsd
to be cut to release him, the great mass ol
metal fell to the sidewalk, demolishing the
cellar roof of Ihe building.
At the interstate drill and encampment in
Texas, the infantry first nrixe of ftA.OnO wss
awarded to tn Houston Ligii. uuanis.
Lieutenant BchuetM baa niado a report of
his search through the 1ina delta fur l.icut.
Chipp and parly, emlmihing a description of
tho country, character of the inhabitants, local
government, etc., of the regions through which
lie Journeyed.
In New York, the notorious James Irvlngi
an ex-Ahlerniaii and ex-Assemblyman, was
surrendered in court by his bundsiiieii and
1,1 n.n lVnit.mtiarv to servo tho two ycara
rrntence inqHiw d upon htm by tho Court of
Genera Ses-lons 111 May.
Tlie Grand Jury of Cincinnati report their
findings in tlie riot mailer witu uuy-iour in
dict meiits.
f'atitain Monro, of the City of Home,
positively denied that any signals of distrust
w ere nhaurved on board the ship Louisa or that
any signals at all wero raised ny tne uira
Theresa, wnicn vessels nao on uoaru nm m-
vivurs of the Htate 01 1 inruia uinaiur.
It has been discovered that the eivil service
law practically preveiita all federal ollicials of
every character from acting nn political cam
paign committees, nun an ncnaiors aim nci.ro
seutatives will have to resign.
A bloody street right between 1 while man
ml neerii. which reunited ill four deaths, oc
curred in llaltimore. The negro had threo
loaded ruvolveis, and the deaths wero at bis
Inrnalieatliin into the caso of Inaan P.
F.ilrl.i. in New York citv.who shot bis soli and
wife before committing suicide, shows that ho
was crazed by tho taking away of his child by
its mother.
Charles O'Conor. the noted New York law.
yer, died at Nantucket on Monday atternooii.
Ilia remains were taken bi New York city and
deposiUil 111 Ht. Patrick's Cathedral, when, the
funeral service, were Held.
Doth hnnaes of the New York TucgMatnro
passed the bill Ui coiiihiI telegraph, telephone
and electric iigui eonqiauirs w imi men bum
tinder ground 111 New York and llrooklyu
It is nimoreilfin Paris that Prince I)i
murck nrged China to coueludo a fieaco with
France, and that therein be waa influenced by
a benevolent and human uiotivo.
Tim court martial assomhlcd at Pamplona,
Spain, to try the banditti recently captured in
a ngnt at rtavarrn. nas sciucncm uiuui iu im
prisonment, witn naru taihir mr inc.
A family of aix Pomona wero murdered at
itiiezaas. a town of Galicea, in Austria. One
child hid and so escaped. The motive prompt
ing tho murder was rubbery. The miscreant!
The Taris 7Vm,i! has a dispatch from
Aden reKirting that a revolt baa occurred near
Nena, and lliaiaou liiras nave oeen niaanacniii.
An earthquake has occurred in Turkey, in
the region soulli or tna nea 01 jnariuora.
Hume daniaao waa done at Pandemia ami Kr-
dek, in the province of llroiis-a. Two alight
shocks were felt at llalikoaz, but uo damage
was cuuseiL
Fourteen hundred Egyptisn troops have
lieen ordered to proceed a lew days tnarcii uo
vond Aasouan so as to be ready to assist
It was rumored in Dublin that there was a
plot to blow up the Nelson column in backviilo
nf (ha loans of the Marine Dank, ft little
more than t)'j,OU0,OIM were made to Grant A
Ward. Of these, :t0il,000 were made on giaxl
securities, whiuh are available. There aro
isuO.OdO additional made on aeonrities which
aro behoved to lie in good part rehypothecated,
and about tlHX,000 loaned ou no security what
ever. As illustrating the profitableness of tho
Grant A Ward pool, and indicating where its
receipta have gone, attention was called to tho
fact that within less man iwu yearn n nru
aconirctl at least 750,OUO in real estate. Fish
. 1 . ...... ,, . T j,uin luui
abotll Sl,ISHI,iajll, U. O. virau, Ul,, TU.',w.i,
anil W. H. Warner at least s)D0,000, a total ot
Among tho heavy loser! by tho failuro are
mi.ntii.ncrl lllA following. tllOllgll of OOllrSS it
is iniHWHiblo to get any accurate account 01
the losses niltll III" several awieiin'ina ruu..ni'
r,l,.iil , Krie. H. 500.000: Nickel Plate, 1.
400,(KK)i lluflalo, N. Y., and Philadi'lphia,
irwims , Work. e.KS . nni: cx-nenauir s iinnoo.
U00,0lKI; First National Hank, 'il3,O0H; War
ner. MIMI.OOOi Now York city, 1,000,000. Fish
li.aes . l.uuu. ui'li. uraui amilll v iuu,uuu.
Col. Fred Grant, Ulysses, Jr., and Jesse at
least a half million each, anu ward estimated
himself aa worth a million when mo orasu
Th"R'nnte"l7irlslnil on its niiiondinnnts to
the Kite John Porter bill ami Iho pleuro
pneumonia bill, which w ro rojoctsHl b
the House.... The ci nuiiitUM 011 liensions
rerlel favorably, with an amend-
inunt, the House 11111 granting pension- vi ..."
ildiers of tlie Mexican war. The amend
ment provides that nn such oITIcit, enlisted
nmn, or w now snnn do enuuou ui ix.nn-
Ots of thia act unb s dep n lent tn wiiolo or
in art upon his or tier own latior or a-s si-
ance from 0' hers for s ipirt Coiisiduro-
tion of tho shipping bill was romm.d, and it
was llnnliy pa s a wiinnniiiuunieiiw.
Tne BOllttie II Oi p V nnmi n.n'nin.
Inn Mil ami Mr. DuwiH briorlv recupitu.av
te-l lis provisioiia. The estimates for the year,
hesBid, ha I been ,H .l Tim amount
of the bill as it came from the Hoiisj bail
biin $.',4oO,:tMl.3l. The amendment, pro
ro-ed by the Hennto Increa e I the amount by
7fi7,41H.U, making the total amount rirto I
to tlio r-'enate for fie Indian wrviiv fur the
coining year 6.3i:S'.r. This aiiiount ex-
roeds tho 111 lian bill of Inst year by sun,"',
tho Chief element of which Increase., .nr.
liawei anld, was the amount for In.linn
The bill aimronrlatiiu l.00),0OT as n l"nn
1 1 lh Now Orleans exHition 1 ame up. M r.
Ilolninn strongly opio.i me 0111, ueciunn ;
that t'ongr. silia l no ennstilutional kwt to
loan money to a pilvnit cor,iraii m. -nr.
Potior tKik similar ground. The bill wai
pass.al lit." to N7.... The secretary of the in
terior submittMl a siipplcinenliiryistininto
of fJT'J.ti.n lor a lililloniil clerical force in the
nlll nf t'ie commissi 'iter of pensions.. ..A
b II reviving tbopatsiit lia waa Introduceil.
ine lions ' Imsso I tlio oil riiin.uiK c
to the widow of General ! rain is r. blnir lor
he: hu-l .iiinl ss 'i-v;ci in ornnt'in tr.a lie
during the war. and increasing her ien-i n
lo - u a 1110n.11. . . . .nom o im- unj .
In dnliatn on two till a. one appropriat ing
f.l 10 1 for ti e reliof ufHillis Anioit 01
lln..,lr.nn 1,1.11 . wnicn wns ro mirieu 111-
v .rah v bv the eoinm tli on war rliilins tho
other tor the relief of llirntii Johnson and
inn visiTon,
"Wlmt is yon doin' to bo, Tommy,
vlion ymi ilit n ninn?''
"I dim know. Wbut is you tloiu' to
"Why, I'm iioin' to bo n liver'-stablo
man, so I kin rido in a Liorao and buggy
overy dny."
"Oh, I know wliat I'm doin' to bo I I'e
doin' to be a preacher, so 1 kin dit chick
ens to cat nil tho timo, nnd pouu' cake,
-Kentucky State, Journal.
Jones "It is too bad. I boJifcve I was
born on nn milttcky day."
Smith "Why so ?"
"Here lam, rrevo!ody, find yet
tlie ninn tbut 1 mndo sits to-day in the
halls of CongroHH, nnd he don't ac
knowlcdg eliis debt, cithor."
"That is struugo. To whom are yoa
"To Colonel Blank."
"Hut he owes all his political success
to his brilliant war record."
"Yen; but if it had not boon for mo
he would not havo hud any war reoord."
"How so?"
"I was drafted nnd I sont him to tlio
war as my substitute." J'hitadctphta
De bee' work w but a man does is alius
slow. Do oo'n sprout doan rush its way
through do clod. When a coward takes
np de notion o' ttghtiu', bo ken whup a
, ii,. anrtt,:l A,rr wl,,i( li,La
wtfxx 1 iu,er ae r' ta. rfc
. , . u l.- I. .1, I 'rnian ennlCH tor run fill tells mO (lilt onO
111 coiniiu.w'e iinimy a u.hhiiw kmw
I III (.,.- t Ariui'il l.ill.
Mr. I 'ox. of New Yoik. Introduced a 0111 to
pbt v ( loneial 111 ant on On n t red list. Hills
were also introduce ! to resti ict tlie ownership
of i mil estate in the 'Irr.itorim lo 1 1 i.ons o.
the Unite I Mat s; ts) m eal iiitsTiial r.-vence
tuxes on tluio and brandy, and wine made
fr.in fruit; and ti n'nvil pre-oiiii-
liou and timlwr ciiliuro biws.....iir.
llnwltt i.toliiifd a bill ameniliii'i the
tnriir. The bid provides for Minplifyin,,
thoa lmin s ratio i of ilu c;isto:n laws. Co'.
ton and c it o i goo Is a:e not to pay a hl;hur
into of duly than forty pur c nt ad valoivui;
hemp, Jute an I nai. i an mini ..,
wool enl woolens, thim seventy per cent ;
tara ts and carp.-ting, than tu rtv-Uve r
cent. ; eattlieimnrv, gias-wam aui n-uu.
than liftv percent. Oniheiiiii'ii'K, wwsl, pr.
viaions, biKiks, Mindriis lother than prcos
S Olios', and Hic.'iir. iho esl all be levied nine y
p.Tcent. of Ihod III s now unpwi, niei i"
baceo shall iay lk hty pur cent, of t .t ilut es
now imss.'d. lue inn iiskoi rram.o.,u
tho unui s hnl.uV, nn I a numlHir of add.tio.is
to tlie ireo Hit
A rnAVKMNd show hns secured iSllt'nj
Hull for nn exhibition to ir.
John Wakamakkii, t' eeinl1 ent 1 hllailel
I Inn m 'reliant, lond.icts a itible class uuiu-
ler.ug .;:.).
Jamks Goiinnn Hknnktt'h Income Is esti
mated at I'.'.UOJ a dav. lie is forty-lli e and
the rii'hnd buclKihir in the w. rid.
Sin Mii'Haki. AitTiii R Mass, who died re
(eiitly in Kngl mil attlieng.i of forty-nine,
w.is limit of 1 10 knells i brewing lirm.
t.'iiiiNKi, IliuiKiiT Hkatv, ngedeighty four
VeoiM. o' I'nl .n coiin'v, South Carolina, has
In Id tho olli- a of shoi'i r i i tl.at o inty since
18 1
Kinii Cut i,Ai.onkiin, of Slum, Isnot Orl"
en nl in npi'Oiiiani'e, tut lo iks like a Kuro
p nu priie o w.io is willing to marry nn
Am ri nn heiiws to.' her money. Ho spea'ii
English very well.
Un. .ai.iiivah, th" pnsi hnt of Snlvndor,
now visitinir this cn n rv. is a S .uiiiard of
line nldrus and i (irdiiil iiiauner. He is as
brown ns a berry, ami is r.igar.led ai a hund
C mo pociiiieii of Ihe Iropi nl Au:e 1 in.
Tun i r.Kid uit of th il rugon l'licillcr.illway
retni , in lli.i nil 111 'il' I. l'g:ilrlon lllUK.
He is n very elllciont and laipuhir o'lh 1 .1, but
beisiaidto have mi iimiui y "inc'iid ' sev
er .1 einp oves who llippnntly allud.sl to bun
an "Ham and r.ggs.
fjKNKRAi. Swaiv. th- Itidri' ndvocato cen
eial of the army, nn I lorn er coo Iriend of
llnrlhd.l. Is nicLnr. il iisa.hort. atout mail.
with a rustic air. He I as (l.ir t bnir and
K li.sk r. n florid fa e La carries i ill h s ilre s.
tiMinlly hnsaii;nr in hit iiioiiti, unl i ifuiet
ai d retiring in hi. manner.
John Hurkis, the eminent hnglish nrt
rriti - and auth ir, is sixty live yoirs o.d. b,it
iss li to act like annul of lorly-llve. lie is
not moro than live f t Ave in 'hoi in height
ndeo I, he is i ot it. Ill complexion original
y was prolmbly full', though now his face
iretlv nearly tip to the eyes is covered with
an irm gray b anl; Ih" nhiindaiit bnir is un-
o.iVi'lillonnllv lung, anil moiir. n ueiap -roiia
lv in at and 'triin, his hair s i nis to h ive
had no recent SM'nking acquaintance wuu a
l.rn.h 'Ihn fondie id is low nnd retrea'init;
thi oyea uray and siiarkling-iut.'.inig aun
huh h.ei o is
Oman comes ter mo fin' tells mo tint ono
o' de neighbors ia bad, I knows dnt one
o' dem is bad, but do 'oman whnt does
de tnlkin' is do ono. -Do man whnt am
alius nt work aiu' no sign dnt do neigh
borhood kain' do widout him. De snok-
aig dog is pekin' ronn' while do fox honu'
is er eluep. Do prospecks o' mail is alius
greater den do fnek whnt follows. De
Huh pulls mighty hard foro yer git him
outer do water nn' yer thinks dnt a ottuoe
ent ObIi weighs ten potiu's. Aaiaw
Minks "Yes, my boy, lam going to
Suit Lake City to live."
Finks "But von don't expect to do-
come a Mormon, do you ?"
Minkii-"Cenainiy not; mil uon t ton
Mrs. Minks I said so. You seo, I havo
a miecial object in settling whoro a man
can hnve s many wives as he wants,
though, ot course, I will never have but
Finks "A special object?"
Minks "Yea: I never can get Mrs.
Minks to keep my buttons sewed on, bnt
I think there will be no trouble nliont
'lint after wo settle in Suit Lake City."
Finks "Why not? '
Minks "When the buttons are off I
will itist centlv hint to Mrs. Mink. that
sho needs more help, and they will go
on in a jiffy." J'hila. Kvcnlng Call. ,
A Hoira TnntT8T.
A humorous editor, living in Austin.
Texas, received a cruel rebuke from his
wife not long since. She had been to
the theatre, and on her return home,
gave such a very ami wing account of the
performance, that her literary nusuanu
exclaimed :
"Why don t yon wrtlo that out just aa
you have told it to mo ? It would make
urat-claHS copy. You ought to write (or
the paper."
"No, I thank yon. One crank in the
family is enough," was tho outtiug reply.
7'cxa HilinyR.
An individual who was very unsteady
in bis movements wished to obtain more
lintior at one the boulevard cafes.
"I shall not serve yoa anything at
all," said the owner of the cafe, "You
have drank like a sponge."
'Monsieur." replied the intoxicated
individual, "yon have a right to put me
out of doors, but I forbid you to insult
I havo not insulted von: 1 have sim
ply stated yonr condition."
"Whnt 1 have you not insulted me in
comparing me to a sponge? Please to
remember that sponges are eniy Uiioa
with water I trench fun.
How Prisoners are Treaien la Order ! Es
ter! tanleaaigna.
T?nnnt tlira was a InwRuit at Bor-
deni, noar Galntz, between a landowner
and some peasants. The magistrates
lodged at the landowner s The peasanb,
believed the latter would bribe the mug-
ietrates, and about two nonurou
went with cudgels to the ' h"
Btrnck him dead and wonld have sot fire
to the honBe nU not ncip
the inquiry they refused to toll who
had committed the crime many
were tortured in different manners. Some
were bound to trees without their hats,
iheir faces toward the sun, and I water was
refused them. Others had their hands
tied on their backs and a piece of wood
T in The magistrates threatened to
ire to the" Tard. if they did not
Zd upright. Other sort, of erne U
are related with other pnaonon i. A sin.i
lar case a so ooottrrod recently, rhf
i, ! . in..Bj tortured a few inof-
tensive men to make them confess that
tw bad stolen. One oi
men, Costache Negoitse,
the tortured
said that th
Hurled Under tlio Snow.
The early winter was so pleasant in
Colorado that huudreds of men, disre
garding the advice ot old settlers, re
mained in the mountains. The fate ot
some of these is already known. As to
others there is great and increasing
anxioty. The men who have been scour
ing the conutry on snow shoes, riding
on avalanoues, ana siuung aowu b u"
ing mountains of ice have some strange
stories to tell of their IPren0v'V
Crested Butte, Irwin, and all
Jog places the snow lies ten to sixteen
feet deepen a level by actual measure
ment Two-story dwellings are buried
to the roofs, and in numerous instauoes
it has been found necessary to piece out
chimneys with sootions of stove-pipe.
The people hnve tunneled out as beet
they could, and cut air holes through the
solid masses whioh surround their
habitations. A man liviug in a one
story cabin delves out to the surface with
a shovel in hand, and after olearing a
hole for his smokestack and opening up
holes for the windows, sets about oou
tmntinff a snow stairway leading down
to his door. The snow is packed so
hard that this becomes comparatively
easy, (letting the pitch oi his steps to
suit him, be has but to lift the chunks
out as they are out with the shovel, and,
with the aid ot small pieces of wood,
whioh serve to protect each step, the
cassageway remains firm, growing hard
er with use. Comiug out ot his house
a man has but to climb to the surface of
the snow, don his snow shoes, and sail
away ever the tops ot honsea and stores
at wilL Many a "city" whioh outa as
big a figure on the map as Uenver aoes,
consist at this moment ot twenty or
"Yonr mother and tatuer aro well,
Miss Do Cook?" asked jonug Feathoriy,
who was making an evening call.
"Papa is enjoying excellent health,"
replied the young Indy, toying grace
fully with her fan, "but ninmuia, I am
sorry lo sov, is far from robust."
"Indeed 1" said Fentherly, putting on
an anxious look and getting in a little
uenteel work; "her condition is not serf- ,
r t t'
una. m seas i
"Oh, no; nothing afawmfag. Wbrt i '
been without servant gfrf for week
past and dear mamma is tmnuig to
fed the effects of it, that is all It is a
(rreartrial to ns. Are yon an wmirer ol
Whistler's etchings, Mr. Featherly I
Phila, Call
A dwelling bouse took fire in one of
the ohombers the other night from an
exploding oil lamp. The flames were
extinguished altera sharp struggle by
the woman of the house, who had her
hands pretty badly burned. She was re
lating her adventures to a neighbor next
morning, and the woman asked:
"Why didn't you raise an alarm
where iras Bessie ?"
"Bessie and her beau were courting in
the parlor," was the calm reply.
"And you never called on them?"
"Not a word. I have known of oases
where a sudden alarm has upset a young
man Just as he was about to propose and
ohanged the whole future of two Jirs ...
Chicago Sun. . ' . : ;
Watch for ftersrspp,
ho), in tha leave- hfX,ebore
beMerixeS with water, a
.""filfulof the powder in a
,j water and apply with a sy
nan. Costacne hck"'""! : t . " . - 1Vi
MaVor:OavraNMulan,no oniywmpperj
i fiour,

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