OCR Interpretation

Cherry County independent. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 18??-1896, March 05, 1896, Image 4

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Cherrg Guuntg Independent
Dozens of Railroad Bridges Washed
Away and It Is Feared Several
Lives Have Been Lost Forty Peo
pie Hurt in a Polo Rink
Great Rainstorm East
HARTFonD Conn The great rain
storm which has prevailed hero caused
great damage throughout the slate The
Connecticut River lias swollen to three
times its normal proportions A portion
of the false work of the big iron bridge at
Middletown was swept away
The bursting of the old Coppermine
dam at Bristol caused the greatest flood
ever known there and the estimated dam
age is over 100003 from this alone Peo
ple living along the Pequaback lliver had
to leave their houses in the dark and many
lost all their possessions Ten highway
bridges were swept away and the New
England tracks were washed out in many
places A freight train ran into a wash
out near Forestville and the engine was
capsized Tho storm in WInsted and
other sections was very severe The New
England tracks are under water in many
places Tho loss in that county alone is
estimated at neatly 100000
At Brooklyn a well known mill owner
lost bis life and several accidents are re
ported from many sections
Forty People Hurt
Fall Riveh Mass A terrible acci
dent occurred in the roller polo rink here
There were 2000 people in the rink to see
the Fall River and New Bedford teams
play and the galleries wero also as
crowded as the seating space about the
surface Suddenly tho gallery on theeaat
side of the rink gave way
When the gallery fell at least 150 peo
ple wero precipitated headlong to the
skating surface Then there was a period
of great excitement and a panic that
would have been fearful in its results was
narrowly averted Of the 160 who fell at
least forty were Injured and twenty five
seriously The accident was caused by a
rush of the people in the gallery to one
point near the center to see the outcome
of a scramble on the surface between the
opposing players The support of the
gallery had probably been weakened in
some manner
Condition of tho Treasury
Washington The treasury lost 155
100 in gold coin and 10800 in bars which
leaves tho reserve 122638093 a net loss
since last Thursday of 1993048 The
amount of gold so far received on bond
acoount is 91700000 and the amount of
bonds so far delivered is 75252250 For
tho month of February the receipts from
customs show a falling off of 2474408
and internal revenue receipts a decrease
of 234649 As the expenditures during
the month however were exceptionally
light a small surplus Is shown The total
deficit for tho present fiscal year amounts to
18558537 and it is the opinion of the
k treasury officials that the deficit on Jan
uary l next will not exceea tins amount
To Carry tho Mails
Cleveland A Leaders Washington
special says Horseless mail wagons will
soon be used in all the large cities and
oountry districts of tho United States
The credit for the application of the
horseless electrlo motor carriage to the
mail service belongs to Second Assistant
Postmaster General Neilson For several
months he has toen studying the project
and a few days ago completed plans for a
model carriage It is now in the course
of construction and will soon be com
Double Lynching
New Obleans Paul Frances and
Gilbert Frances were taken from jail and
lynched by a mob in front of the court
i house of St James Parish They at-
tempted a few nights ago to burglarize
the store and res i den oe of M G Gourge
and assaulted his wife Paul Frances con
fessed the crime of outraging Mrs
To Start a Now Army
New Fobk The World says Bal
lington Booth is making plans for an in
dependent American Salvation Army of
which he and his wife will be tho leaders
Je announoed the decision to start such a
movement but it will be several weeks
before he can tell just on what liues tho
work will be undertaken
Mother and Son Killed
Long Island City As the outcome of
a drinking party Mrs Mary Kraemer
and her son Michael are dead with bul
lets in their brains There is some mys
tery as to who did the shooting but it is
lieved that young Kraemer Skilled his
other and then committed suicide
Cashier Love in Jail
V 1 7 TV i ttttvr N Y John W Tovf rt
cashier of the defunot First National Bank
of this village was brought back toElmira
and lodged in jail having been arrested
in Cincinnati The bail demanded will
be 10000 Hi3 arrest was a complete
surprise to the people here
Killed hy a Policeman
Alexandbia Ind JoeWorthington
a steel worker was shot and instantly
killed by Officer Graham who had a war-
rant for him Wortblngton and a mob of
3 friends attacked Graham and ho waj
Iforced to shoot to save himself
Murder Near Cincinnati
Cincinnati At Chevoit six miles
Vestof Cincinnati Harry Matlack shot
6nd killed Mrs Anna Strong wife of the
proprietor of the Chevoit Hotel The two
udLbeen quarreling when the tragedy oo
0 Edisons Father Dies
Nobwalk Ohio Samuel Edison
f father of Thomas A Edison the inventor
Hied here after an illness of several days
gea 71 years Mr Edisons home was at
lilan Ohio He stoDoed here on his way
po Florida to visit his granddaughter and
sua was taken sick Mr Edison was
ornin Nova Scotia and has lived in
llilan forty years
- raMlH f JV T71 1
- juaujk ouuueeus ruwier
PYokkx The stockholders of the
Vtl Telegraph Company met and
Ctea Clarence H Maokay a director to
ttl Gen E B Fowler
Terrells Complaints
Fobt Worth Ttxas Under a Feb
ruary dale United Steles Minister Terrell
writes from Constantinople to his brother
J C Terrell of this city asfollows
England has play ed her cards badly
All the massacres could have been avoided
had her policy been different Besides
Ihis the American press and American
Congress in abusing the Sultan and the
porto will destroy my influence here
And then the poor missionaries whom 1
have now protected from the Black to the
Caspiant Sea are continuously writing
back home abusing the Sultan and the
porle and their friends in the United
Slates have the letters published and the
papers containing them are sent to the
Government here immediately How can
I any longer protect such people If the
Russian alliance is formed then the worst
will soon be at hand I think I will be
able to start for home in April and when
I see you will tell you more
Uniform Kate Classification
Washington The committee on
mterstale commerce gave a hearing on
Ihe petition of the national board of trade
for legislation requring the interstate
commerce commission publish a uni
form classification of freight rates Tho
advocates of the change suggested repre
ienled that there were now four different
jystems of freight classifications in the
country all so different one from an
other in essential rejpects as to cause
much confusion to ship ers They asked
for a unified systen applying to all sec
tions of the country and claimed that the
necessity for this change was universally
recognized by the people at large and also
by almost all the railroads The inter
state commerce commission was also
quoted as favorably disposed to the inno
Didnt Hold Up Their Hands
Warren Ark A daring but unsuc
cessful attempt was made to rob the Mer
chants and Planters Bank of this place
Three men entered the bank and two of
them went behind tho inclosuro where
Mr Adair the cashier was conversing
with T M Goodwin and D W Sutton
Their salutation was Hold up your
Mr Adair sprang for his pistol when
the men commenced shooting and Mr
Goodwin received what is thought to be a
mortal wound and Mr Adair was shot
through the shoulder He returned the
fire and evidently wounded one of the
men as when he rode off he was seen to
bo bleeding
Startled citizens came running from all
iirections and the robbers were forced to
etire keeping up a fusillade of shots
Shoot Peaceful Cubans
Havana Refugees from Punta Brava
and Guatao have arrived at Havana and
say a reign of terror exists in their looal
Uy in consequence of the troops having
massacred peaceable citizens at Guatao
ilready briefly announoed by the corres
pondents of American newspapers An
official Government report issued a day
or two ago states that a fight occurred
near Punta Brava between troops sent
from Maraino and the insurgent bands of
Villaneuva and Acostu resulting in a
rictory for Spanish arms twenty insur
gents having been killed and fifteen
prisoners taken The residents of Guatao
have identified eighteen of the dead as
peaceable citizens Only two were insur
gents and the prisoners are nearly all said
k be peaceful
Record Breaking Shells
Washington Surprising results were
obtained at a test of shells at the Indian
Head proving ground a day or two ago
and if these shall be confirmed by further
Bxperiments our navy which already
possesses the best armor plate in the
world will have by far the best armor
penetrating shells both of American in
vention At the proving grounds a cast
steel Johnson shell of 6 inch caliber en
tirely penetrated a 7 inch harveyized
nickel steel plate went through the heavy
oak backing and 12 feet into the bank of
clay behind The performance has never
been equalled by any projectile of the like
iliber in the world
Spiritualists Convention
New York Two hundred spiritual
ists and their friends gathered in the
Madison Square Hall to attend the meet
ing of the convention which is being held
in the interest of the National Spiritual
Association Prof Gatt called the con
vention to order Mrs Cora L V Rich
mond introduced Mrs Mary A Newton
president of the Fjrst Society in New
York who gave the address of welcome
consisting mainly of a letter to the con
vention from her late husband Mr New
ton cordially greeted the spiritualists
ffom the other world
Kills a Chicago Hoboer
Chicago Edward well known in po
lice circles as Bull Hickey lost his life
in an attempt to hold up F A Haas pro
prietor of a moat market in Oakley ave
nue Hickey entered Haas place of busi
ness and while the latters back was
turned seized him by the throat and
threw him to the floor A terrific strug
gle ensued during which the butcher man
aged to grasp a long bladed butcher knife
which he plunged into the desperados
side Two pals who accompanied him
Kills Wife and Mother-In-Law
Jersey City John Mackin a shift
less fellow shot and killed his wife Liz
zie Mackin and his mother-in-law
Bridget Connors and fatally wounded
his father-in-law Morris Connors Mack
in was arrested soon afterwards and said
that he did the shooting because they re
fused to allow him to see his children
He has been married several years but
recently hiswife left him and he spent
most of his time in drinking
Ministry May Yet Fall
Paris The newspapers of this city
express the belief that4the coming debate
on the proposed income tax will deter
mine the fate of the Government and in
view of the appointment lately of a bud
get committee containing twenty nine
members out of a total of thirty three
hostile to the proposed tax the outlook is
not very bright for Burgeois and his fel
low ministers
Topeka Boy Murdered
Topeka Kan Jerry Merri wether
aged 18 years wa3 fatally shot here by
another boy named William Brown
There had been some trouble between the
boys and when Brown saw Merri wether
coming down the street he ran into the
house seized a shotgun and fired a load
pointblank into Merriwethers abdomen
Brown escaped
Poisoned by Money
New York Grant Whalen cashier
of the New York excise board has been
badly poisoned through ooming in contact
with germ laden greenbacks
Bradstreets Review
New York Bradstreets savs
able and at times unseasonable weatberj
has continued to unfavorably influence
the distribution of general merchandise
Jobbers at large western centers do not
anticipate a heavy spring trade a9 the
outlook Is for retailers carrying over
larger stocks than was expected The
price movement of leading staples is more
favorable with advances for wheat In
dian corn oals copper leather and tur
pentine Firmer western prices are noted
for wheat flour coffee sugar steel rails
lumber coal and hides Exports of wheat
flour included as wheat from both coasts
of the Uhited States this week shows a
marked falling off not only from the
total one week ago which was 8149000
bushels but as compared with corre
sponding totals for the concluding weks
in February in four preceding years One
year ajro the weeks exports amounted to
2689003 bushels and two years ago it was
2942000 bushels In 1893 the correspond
ing total was 3251000 bushels and in 1892
it was 2908000 bushels
Cut Off His Head
London The following story thougn
dated Ajaccio February 17 has just
reached London Last Monday Theodore
Bonellio was guillotined in one of the
public squares of Ajaccio the whole
island having been shaken with excite
ment since the sentonce was pronounced
in secret This profound interest is due
to Bonellies relationship to Bellacoscia
and Bellagambia chiefs of the brigands
and two of the idols of Corsica Island
Hence it was freely reported that a rescue
would Le attempted and Deibler the ex
ecutioner who arrived from Paris a few
days before the execution went in fear of
his life and had to be closely guarded
The rule in France is that executions
must take place before dawn but in order
to make an example of this case not only
daylight but the high tide of the carnival
was chosen as the hour of the day for the
Walker Against It
Wilmington Del National Com
mander Walker who attended the session
of the G A R at Newark this state
freely expressed himself on the proposed
meeting of the blue and the gray in New
York He said
There is not a loyal union soldier who
would approve of such a thing Loyalty
deserves its reward and treason and
treachery should always be punished
There is a broad distinction between union
soldiers and confederates and so long as
I am at the head of the G A R this dis
tinction shall be observed so far as this
organization is concerned I would not
for a minute favor any suggestion that
would offer to place union and confederate
soldiers side by side in a parade wearing
blue and gray uniforms even though they
both marohed under the flag of the United
No Signs of a Strike
New York Relative to the report
that a general strike of street railway em
ployes was impending in the cities of New
York Philadelphia Baltimore Detroit
Milwaukee and elsewhere a representa
tive of the Metropolitan Traotion Com
pany and the Metropolitan Street Rail
way Company said that as far as his com
pany knew there was no indication of
such a strike Whether formally or other
wise no labor organization whether
composed of street railways or men in
other trades had made demands of them
There was every reason to believe the mep
employed on the system were satisfied
Only recently they were awarded a vol
untary increase in pay by the companies
Zelaya Acts Promptly
Managua via Galveston Texas The
campaign against the insurgents is being
pushed witli the greatest vigor by Pres
ident Zelaya As intimated in these dis
patches the President decided not to wait
for the Leonists to attack Managua but
ordered an advance upon the enemy and
captured the town of Nagarote Nagarote
is now held by a small body of Govern
ment troops and a column is pushing for
ward in the direction of Leon Momeu
tobo was bombarded by a gunboat after
the place had been called upon to surren
der Ten shells were thrown into the
town and firing ceased when the inhabit
ants fled in terror The loss of the rebels
and the amount of damage done is not
Will Not Affect the Canal
New York Warren Miller of th
Nicaragua Canal Construction Company
says he has been expecting for some time
a general uprising in Central America
Such an uprising however he added
would not affeot the Nicaragua canal in
terests The United States has always
afforded us ample protection and all our
grants and concessions have been given
regularly by aots of Congress so that we
have nothing to fear from any political
Piatt Has a Bad Fall
New York Thomas C Piatt slipped
on the sidewalk near the Twenty third
Street entrance to the Fifth Avenue Hotel
and fell heavily injuring his hip and
thigh No bones were broken but the ex
senator suffered a severe nervous shock
and will be confined to his room for sev
eral days
Milwaukee Clothiers Fail
Milwaukee Chauncey Simonds
Co one of the oldest clothing firms in
this city made aft assignment to R E
Notbohm who gave a bond in the sum of
100000 The assets are placed at 80000
and the liabilities at 33000
Killed at a Crossing
New Brunswick As a carriage con
taining four persons was crossing the
railroad it was run into by a train and de
molished Laura Childs was killed Ber
tha Childs fatally hurt and two young
young men named Dunbar severely
Fire in Cincinnati
Cincinnati Fire resulted in the
burning out of the whole interior of J B
Luoke and Cos cigar factory The fac
tory employed 250 hands Loss 80000 on
stock building and equipments insur
ance 85000
Five Hundred Editors in Session
Leavenworth Kans Five hundred
editors were present at the annual meet
ing of tho Kansas Editorial Association
They were addressed by United States
States Senator Lucien Baker and othera
Governor of Bohemia Resigns
London A dispatdh to the Times
from Vienna says that Count Thun Gov
ernor of Bohemia has resigned whjoh
will heal the breach between Czechs and
the Germans
Senator Voorhees Recovering
Washington Senator Yoorhees of In
diana has been ill for some days past but
it is reported at his home that he is con
siderably Improved
Completing the Chinese Loan
London Tho Daily Telegraph says in
its financial article that French German
and American syndicates are completing
the Chinese loan
Governor Holcomb Orders an Inquiry
to Be Made at the Grand Island
Soldiers Home Regarding the Effi
ciency of Commandant Wilson
Will Investigate the Home
Governor Halcorab received a letter
from Col John W Wilson commandant
Df the Soldiers Home at Grand Island in
which the colonel requests that as reports
have been circulated derogatory to his
good name aud efficiency as commandant
Df the home a thorough and open investi
gaton of the reports be made at tho gov
ernors earliest convenience March 10
at 10 oclock is the date set at Grand
Island Governor Holcomb will request
jnformatlon from Adjutant General James
D Gage who presented the resolution
adopled by the Grand Army of the Re
public Comrade Goodell who introduced
ihe resolution and from Mart Howe who
iirculated the report He will also ask
nhera who have industriously kept the
rumors flying Other persons who are in
3luded with Colonel Wilson in the deroga
tory stories in circulation will be asked to
be present at the hearing in person or by
Dodge County People Are Mad
The refusal of Dr Mackay superin
tendent of the Norfolk asylum to receive
Mrs Minnie Krashn of Dodge County is
likely to cause considerable trouble The
action of Dr Mackay was considered by
the board of commissioners of Dodge
County as a reflection upon the honor of
the members and she was again brought
oefore the board At the request of the
hoard Drs Haslam Smith and Crabls of
Fremont and Dr Van Ness of the Omaha
Medical College made a careful examina
tion of the woman and reported that they
found no evidence that she was suffering
from delirium as Dr Mackay had re
ported These physicians and Dr Brown
of the board are positive that the woman
is suffering from acute melancholia and a
proper subject for the asylum The mem
bers of the board are determined that the
woman shall go to the asylum and if D7
Mackay doesnt retract the matter may
he carried before Governor Holcomb
History of a Delayed Letter
How long a letter may be enroute from
one person to another and yet finally
reach its destination was illustrated the
other day when Fred Hedde the former
editor of the Grand Island Independent
received a letter from Segeberg
inclosing another letter
which certainly can claim right to a his
tory The enclosed letter was dated
Luebeck 1849 It reached the person
addressed February 27 1896 And it con
tained 1 in currency which has since
been outlawed The letter was protected
by five seals had on it the postmark Lue
beck 1849 and enclosed was a slip En
closed find 4 due you for correspond
ence The letter was sent by the Lue
beck Gazette Another strange feature is
that Hedde does not remember that he
ver wrote a line for such a paper
Will Arrest Indian Students
Deputy United States Marshal Tomlin
son went to Santee Agency where he was
to make several arrests among the young
Indian pupils who are implicated m set
ting fire to the Government school houses
The large Government boarding school
was burned last summer and two smaller
ones have since gone lip in smoke the
last few weeks since Major Clements
agent of the Santee Indians has gained a
confession from six and more are being
ooked up
Killed in a Runaway
Last Saturday as George Leonard who
lives six miles east of Pender was driving
home accompanied by J O YV Graves
one of the traces unhooked frightening
the team and causing them to run away
In his effort to control them Leonard
jumped out but his foot caught in the
reins and he was thrown under the buggy
and dragged nearly sixty rods His skull
was fractured and his back broken He
leaves a wife and six children entirely
Flames Catch the Baby
The little 6-year-old daughter of Henry
Bedka living a few miles west of Thayer
met with a horrible death Bedka was
Bngaged in burning a lot of rubbish and
had gone in the house for a few moments
when he heard the screams of the little
one and on running out fouud the child
in flames He immediately gathered the
child in his arms and endeavored to
smother the fire The child died a few
moments later in great agony
Defalcation Figured Up
C A McCIoud state examiner is now
ready to make a report on the defalcation
of W E Aldrich ex county treasurer of
Gosper County ne found him 5022
short Aldrich destroyed several of his
important records thereby making the
examination difficult It is believed how
ever that this is the proper figure Aid
rich has not been heard from and so far
his whereabouts is unknown
Contracted to Furnish 75 Bodies
The police of Omaha have information
that Claycolm the man brought from
Des Moines for body snatching made a
contract with the medical college at Des
Moines to furnish it seventy five dead
bodies at 50 each It is unknown how
much of this contract has been filled
Plattsmouth as a Corn Market
S A Davis of Plattsmouth has pur
chased 14000 bushels of corn and Water
man Murray of Maynardjoaded nearly
twelve cars at Plattsmouth for St Louis
Grainmen say they never saw corn being
sold in greater quantities The elevators
are kept running night and day
Made to Disgorge
A leading citizen of a neighboring town
mvested a few dollars in a game of poker
at Fairbury in a joint and at 3 oclock in
the morning Police Judge McCoy held a
Bpecial session of court and assisted tne
business man in making the others dis
gorge a 8 jack pot
Painter Loses a Foot
While attempting to board a train at
Valley J H Loy fell under the wheels
His left foot was so badly crushed that it
will have to be amputated Loy was sent
to Omaha for treatment ne is a painter
by trade His family lives in Ohio
Ate Pork Without Cooking
The family of Mr Thompson living
south of La Porte ate pork without cook
ing it and soon afterwards all were taken
ill Clara Pales 10 years old and a sis
ter of Mrs Thompson died The rest of
the family have recovered
Inspector Edmistens Report Shows
A Falling Off in Totals
Oil Inspector J H Edmisten has sub
mitted his report to Governor Holcomb
for the fiscal year ending February 1896
En his report Mr Edmisten says that no
inspection of gasoline has been made
although all barrels of gasoline have been
stenciled and rejected fcr illuminating
purposes The Foster cup he says is not
safe to make tests of gasoline but works
satisfactory in the inspection of oils No
explosions have occurred in the state
within the past year and but few acci
dents His report shows this summary
Amount of oil Inspected In the state bar
rels 7478u
Gasoline barrels 41541
Total barrels 110321
Amount of moneys received 11032 10
Amount paid obt 9939 5G
Balance on hand S 1072 54
The amount paid out was applied on
salaries and expenses of the city inspector
and his deputiesJThe following is ihe state
ment of the business done by each of the
oil companies doing business in the state
Approved Rejected Totals Fees
Standard 02853 28312 91170 911700
Fidelity 5101 8372 13473 134730
Schotield Schumer
Teaglo 0814 4S57 11071 110710
There has been a falling off in the
amount of oil consqmed in the state to
the amount of 24761 barrels amounting
in fees to 247610 This shows a decrease
of about one sixth of the amount of oils
consumed in 1894
Charges of Jury Fixing
Mr Harrison H Blodgett was recently
tried in the district court at Lincoln by
the full bench on a charge of tampering
with a jury in the case in which he and
the defunct Lincoln Savings Hank Com
pany were embroiled The court has not
yet rendered a decision in the case Sub
sequently to the Lincoln Savings Bank
trial another bank sued Blodgett on a
promissory note for 659 and secured judg
ment for 324 Tho motion for a new trial
was overruled Tho bank has now filed a
motion for a rehearing on the ground of
newly discovered evidence The motion
recites that since adjournment of the court
at its last term the plaintiff had been in
formed that Blodgett had tampered with
the jury in that case and that he had sent
agents and messengers to the jury endeav
oring to influence them to give a Yerdict
avorable to Blodgett
Sorry They Left Nebraska
It is a little remarkable to read the nu
mers letters sent by people who emigrated
from Cheyenne County to Missouri Kan
sas and Arkansas Many of them are
coming back to try their fortunes upon
the broad prairies of western Nebraska
and lots of them are desirous of returning
but lack the necessary funds to pay their
expenses Those who remained have the
widest scope to range their stock to eat of
the nutritious grasses which abound every
where jtfo state in the union has such
valuable resources as Nebraska and more
particularly the western portion whero
diversified industries are so plentiful
The opportunities offered for settlers are
simply remarkable and words fail to
adequately express the wonderful results
achieved upon these vast prairie lands by
the hardy sons of toil
Disturbing Ashland People
Deputy Marshal Thrasher of Omaha
was at Ashland issuing summons to par
ties who own Union Pacific Railway
lands or land originally bought of that
road to appear in chancery at Omaha
April 6 As the parties do not know why
they should be summoned some of them
fear that the Government is making an
effort to take the land away from them
About fifty summons were served The
land in question is a part of the original
grant to the Union Pacific Company and
considerable of it lays in Saunders county
Toung Wolf Hunter Killed
Thomas Biggerstag a young man about
17 years of age residing near Wahoo was
out wolf hunting and in attempting to
pull a shotgun out of the wagon the wea
pon was accidentally discharged and its
contents to through the muscles of one of
the young mans arms above the elbow
The loss of blood which followpd was tnn
great for him and he died shbrtly after
Awaiting Higher Prices
The yeld of oats about Shelby was heavy
last fall and much of the grain is yet in
storage awaiting higher prices From
600a to 8000 bushels have been sold daily
to the three elevators there and a private
buyer since the recent advance in price
Most of the corn is being fed to cattle
Jail Break at Norfolk
John Morrison and Charles Hill broke
out of the jail at Norfolk by digging a
hole through the brick wall Both men
were arrested at Randolph for harness
stealing A reward of 25 is offered for
their capture
Farm House Burns
A farm house on the reservation near
Pender belonging to the Iowa State Sav
ings Bank of Sioux City and occupied by
W W Pounds was totally destroyed by
Wrecked Bank Wound Up
W T Wattles receiver of the Geneva
State Bank has by order of court sold all
uncollected assets and other property of
that bank and has wound up its affairs
Paying for Seed Grain
T W Smith York Countys relief
agent has been the past week at York re
ceiving payment on seed grain note3 The
majority have paid either all or a part
Nebraska Notes
Cass County was visited by a good rain
Schuyler has a lady barber Miss Rath
bone of South Omaha
A barn owned by I E Doty at DaviC
City was burned entailing a loss of 7f
The German Lutheran Orphans Home
of Fremont has received a legacy of 800
bequeathed to it by Mrs Caroline Elholi
of west Point
Platte council No 276 Knights and
Ladies of Security was organized In tfiat
city Friday night
The Warren Live Stock Company of
Duncan shipped out six cars of fine sheep
to Chicago recently
The police raided the Kearney joints
and plucked seventeen victims They
were fined 1470 each
The ladies of the Rebekah degree lodge
of Schuyler have purchased a 400 piano
for use in Odd Fellows hall
Mrs John Hiadman of Ashland while
ill was given a large dose of carbolio acid
by her husband through mistake Prompt
attention saved her life
Eli Jones a worthless character of
Plat smouth struck little Bessie Games
ofthat city a terrible blow with a club
The child was seriously injured Jones
was jailed
Daily Keport of the Measures Intro
duced and the Action Taken
Thereon in Both the Senate and
Lower House
Daily Proceedings
In the House on the 25th Representative Dlng
feys bill was passed to exterminate the Alaska
fur seals in case the modus vivendl cannot be
oncluded for the protection of seals pending tho
adoption of proper and effective regulations by
me countries Interested The Indian appropria
tion bill as amended In committee of the whole
was passed no one demanding a separate vote
jn the sectarian school amendment At5 oclock
he House adjourned
In the Senate on the OTtli Senator Morrill of
Vermont chairman of the Finance Committee
moved to take up the tariff bill The motion was
defeated 22 to 33 A sensational colloquy be
tween Senators Morrill Teller and Sherman fol
lowed the announcement of the vote defeating
the motion Senator Sherman declared there
was no occasion for a deficit Any tax whatever
the most obnoxious that could be collected would
be supported by tho people of the United States
rather than to see the funded debt Increased
Senator Morgan laid before the Senate the facta
In regard to Cuban governmental organization
which were he said complete Senator Gray
Democrat of Delaware spoke of the forbearance
the United States had long shown toward tha
Spanish rule over Cuba which was a constant
source of irritation We cannot stifle tho feel
ings aroused by the sad condition and the suffer
ing of the Cuban people At 5 oclock tho reso
lutions wero laid aside and aftor a brief execu
tive session the Senate at 505 p in adjourned
The House on tho 2flth concurred In tho Sen
ate amendments to the House bill extending tha
time between which the Government may bring
suits to annul patents to public lands under rail
road or wagon grant The House postoflice com
mittee decided to Insert In tho postoflice appro
priatlon bill an item of 1000000 for special
postal facilities from Chicago to Council Bluffs
via Burlington The Van Hom Tarsuey election
contest consumed the remainder of tho day
The tariff crisis In tho Senate brought anothei
day of Intensely dramatic action of impetuous
debate and of stormy personal colloquy The
speech of Senator Cartor of Montana one of tha
five Republican Senators who voted against pro
ceeding with the tariff bill was the main formal
event of the 2Gth There was added Interest In
the speech owing to Senator Carters position as
chairman of the Republican National Committee
The Senator used very plain words In denounc
ing what he termed tho movement to drive nun
and his silver associates out of the Republican
party This however was but the prelude to
more stirring events Senator Hoar questioned
Senator Carter as to whether he intended to de
feat any protective tariff bill unless Senators sur
rendered their convictions to him and whether
his construction of tho Minneapolis platform
agreed with the construction given to It by Pres
ident Harrison Senator Carter responded with
great vigor that Mr Harrisons course had not
been all that was desired but It was at least a
beacon of hope for the future But It was not
the construction applicable to the situation In the
Senate today Tho latter part of the day was
given to tho Cuban resolutions Senator White of
California arguing that the executive was the
proper branch to grant recognition of belliger
On the afternoon of the 27th an ex member of
the House became a member and a member be
came an ex member Such was tho result of tho
three days debate on the Vanhorn Tarsney con
tested election case The vote by which the
Democrat lost his seat and by which It was given
to the Republican contestee was 112 to 164 eight
een Republicans joining with tho Democrats In
opposition to the motion Mr Hitt called up tho
Cuban resolutions which occupied the remainder
of the day
The stirring speech of Senator Vest in Tienalf
of Cuba was the event on the 27th in the Senate
The Senate had agreed that the final vote on the
Cuban resolution would be taken at 4 p m Fri
day and as the debate was proceeding Senator
White of California and Senator Gray of Dela
ware contending as a legal proposition that the
United States could not at this time recognize
Cubas Independence This aroused Senator
Vest who gave vent to one of those bursts of elo
quence with which he at times electrifies the
Senate At the close of tho speech Senator
Gray who opposed Senator vest said that if elo
quence could achieve the freedom of Cuba then
She burning words of the Missouri Senator would
Set her free It is considered certain that favor
able action will be taken on one of the several
resolutions the only doubt being whether It shall
relate to independence or belligerency and as to
the extent of It The army appropriation bill
arrylng about 23000000 was passed during tho
lay Adjourned
There was an enthusiastic demonstration in
ihe House on the 28th when Secretary Cox of tha
Senate shortly before 4 oclock appeared and
announced the passage by the upper branch of
Congress of the Cuban resolutloln but the mat
ter did not come up In any other form during the
day The whole day was spent in the considera
tion of the legislative appropriation bill and con
siderable progress was made An agreement
was reached whereby the bill to change tho com
pensation of United States attorneys and mar
shals from the fee to the salary system Is to be
offered as an amendment to tho bill An amend
Inent offered by Mr Tawney of Minnesota to
brovlde that members shall have 100 per month
tor clerk hire throughout the year Instead of
flurlng the sessions only as Is now tho case pro
roked the charge that It was a salary grab
Mr Payne who was In the chair ruled It out on
a point of order At the night session of the
iouse several private pension bills were favor
ably acted upon
Shortly after the session opened In the Senate
on the 28th Representative Hitt chairman of tha
House Committee on Foreign Relations was in
whispered conference at Senator Shermans
desk The Ohio Senator announced that the
Cuban question as to whether or no the United
States should recognize the Islanders as belllger
ents would be taken up without waiting for tha
usual expiration of the morning hour At 3
oclock Senator Allen populist of Nebraska was
asked to withdraw the resolution for the appoint
ment of Loyd as a Senate official Senator Allen
finally withdrew the resolution Senator Sher
man then moved that the Cuban resolutions b
taken up and this prevailed without objection
Chairman Hitt remained alongside Senato r Shen
man as the debate proceded Baron von Kettler
of the German embassy occupied a seat In th6
diplomatic gallery By this time the public gal
lerles were filled to the limit CondSlderable
time was consumed In debate after which th
rote came on the resolutions of the Committee oq
Foreign Relations SenatorMorrill sought to hav
the resolutions divided but the presiding offlcei
held that it was out of order The roll call pro
seeded amid breathless Interest until it was plahs
the resolutions were overwhelmingly carried
The result was announced yeas i nays 6
A Test for Death
A foreign scientist has a new test for
death With a candle produce a blister
on the hand or foot or the body If tha
blister upon opening with a needle or
other Instrument be found to contain
fluid of any kind there is still life In
the body
Frederick W Wurster mayor elect
of Brooklyn has sent in his applica
tion to become a member of the League
of American Wheelmen
Ah me What Is so rare as a day in
June sighed the mistress of the
boarding house as she deftly nipped a
tack from the hash before her Noth
ing unless perhaps Its a square meal
In this place was the answer that
popped Into the mind of tie cadaverous
boarder at the end of the table te
flared not speak though he was not too
full for utteranne Roxbury Gazette
f V
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