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Trepanning Restores Speech
The day of the great Johnstown flood
May 31 1889 Horace Tetlow had his
skul crushed by a falling timber Since
that time he has been a mute imbecile
He met with a slight accident recently
and was taken to a hospital The phy
sician in charge made a thorough ex
amination of the wound in his skull
Trepanning was decided on The op
eration was successfully performed a
bone button about the size of a half
dollar being removed He talks now
jut his mind is a blank as to the hap
penings during the last seven years
Man Was Made to Mourn
Pertiips but rheumatism need not add to
Hie calamities to which we are more or less
subject when there is such an efficient
means of counteracting the dire complaint
as Ilostetters Stomach Bitters When the
liver bowels or stomach are out of order
or the kidneys or nerves troublesome the
Uitters Is also an efficient reined v It pre
vents and remedies all malarial disorders
liussinn lovers send a daily present to
heir fiancees
A Trip to the Garden Spots of the
On March 10 tickets will be sold from
principal cities towns and villages of the
north to all points on the Louisville and
Nashville Railroad in Tennessee Ala
bama Mississippi Florida and a portion
of Kentucky at one single fare for the
round trip Tickets will be good to re
turn within thirty days on payment of 2
to agent at destination and will allow
stop over at any points on the south
bound trip Ask your ticket agent about
it and if he cannot sell you excursion
tickets write to C P Atmore General
Passenger Agent Louisville Ky or
Geo 13 Horner D P A St Louis Mo
Mechanics head the list of inventors
clergymen next
Dobbins Electrc Soap has been made for 31 years
acli j ears sales have increased In 1895 6ales were
047620 boxes Superior quality and absolute uni
formity mid purity made this possible Do you uso
It Try it
Dickens youngest son is a member of
Parliament in New South Wales
Mrs Wlnslown Soothing Sthdp for Children
teething softens the gums reduces inflammation
allays pain cure wind colic 25 cents a bottle
Football was a crime
Henry YIIIs reign
England in
Infests the blood of humanity It ap
pears in varied forms but is forced to
yield to Hoods Sarsaparilla which pu
rifies and vitalizes the blood and cures
all such diseases Read this
In September 18941 made a missep and
injured my ankle Yery soon afterwards
A Sore
twe Inches across formed and in walking
to favor it I sprained my ankle The sore
became worse I could not put my boot on
and I thought I should have to give up at
every step I could not get any relief and
had to stop work I read of a cure of a
similar case hy Hoods Sarsaparilla and
concluded -to try it Before I had taken
all of two bottles the sore had healed and
the swelling had gone down My
Is now well and I have been greatly bene
fited otherwise I have increased in weight
and am in better health I cannot say
enough in praise of Hoods Sarsaparilla
Mns H Blake South Berwick Me
This and other similar cures prove that
1 Sarsaparilla
Is the One True Blood Purifier All druggists 1
Prepared only by G I Hood Co Lowell Mass
Hv nilr the best family cathartic
flood S FllIS and liver stimulant 25c
Gladness Comes
With a better understanding of the
transient nature of the many phys
ical ills which vanish before proper ef
fortsgentle efforts pleasant efforts
rightly directed There is comfort in
the knowledge that so many forms of
sickness are not due to any actual dis
ease but simply to a constipated condi
tion of the system which the pleasant
family laxative Syrup of Figs prompt
ly removes That is why it is the only
remedy with millions of families and is
everywhere esteemed so highly by all
who value good health Its beneficial
effects are due to the fact that it is the
one remedy which promotes internal
cleanliness without debilitating the
organs on which it acts It is therefore
all important in order to get its bene
ficial effects to note when you pur
chase that you have the genuine article
which is manuf actured by the California
Fig Syrup Co only and sold by all rep
utable druggists
If in the enjoyment of good health
and the system is regular then laxa
tives or othor remedies are not needed
If afflicted with any actual disease one
may be commended to the most skillful
physicians but if in need of a laxative
then one should have the best and with
the well informed everywhere Syrup of
Figs stands highest and is most largely
used and gives most general satisfaction
fADMQ WANTED in exchango
r A2SflO for other clear realty Send
full description to Box 5 Franklin Grove 111
Morplilno Habit Cared in 10
to 20 days No pay till cured
Hundreds of Thousands of the Birds
Iaternlly Overwhelm the Vessel
It is often said that one swallow does
not make a summer It can also be
truthfully asserted that one swallow
cannot cause a shipwreck but what a
multitude of swallows may do in this
line is another thing These birds came
near being responsible for running a
steamer on the rocks of the Spanish
coast near Malaga A Russian steam
er hailing from Odessa has for some
time been engaged in the Mediterra
nean trade principally carrying passen
gers between Leghorn and Malaga On
one of the recent trips it encountered
an adventure which will never be for
gotten by either the crew or the pas
sengers The passage had been a
stormy one but the day of the occur
rence was unusually fine Though a
rather heavy sea was running most of
the passengers were on deck Sudden
ly the lookout called Hurricane
cloud leeward At once there was
great consternation aboard and a num
ber of people sought safety below The
Captain however after glancing at the
barometer gave it as his opinion that
it was no hurricane cloud The black
mass that they saw hovering near the
horizon was he thought a particularly
dense volume of smoke from some
steamer But the solution of the mys
tery came much sooner than they had
expected The threatening mass grew
larger and larger and soon was seen
to bear down in the direction of the ves
sel with terrific speed Everybody
both crew and passengers became
frightened at the mysterious cloud
which seemed to move with great ra
pidity notwithstanding that a perfect
calm prevailed Then came the solu
tion The vast cloud that they had seen
was composed of swallows The fore
runners a small detachment of some
10000 swooped down on the deck to
the bewilderment of the people on
board These were soon followed not
by thousands but by hundreds of thou-
1 -
herits his fathers propensities except
in his inalienable love for nature in her
wildest expressions
Tall and thin but rugged as the little
peaks that leap into the sky around
him he is as picturesque and full of
color as any hunter drawn by Cooper
or Ileid He never knew a days illness
and never will His taking off will come
some night when he lies dowTn to sleep
in the mountains heart and slumbers
forever Out of the hunting season the
old man works a wee bit of a ranch in
the canon and sells the product in Santa
Monica But he despises this one link
that binds him to civilization and would
as soon abandon it as not The inte
rior of his hut is neat and suggestive
of his lineage Here are gathered relics
of his celebrated father which should
be worth much to any museum of Ameiv
ican history
The of the Boer
Is an American
Gen George P T Jouberr the leader
of the Boers who defeated the British
under Dr Jameson in their intended in
vasion of the Transvaal is a Pennsyl
vania n Gen Jouberts parents came
sands The birds literally overwhelm
ed the vessel The man at the wheel
lost his bearings and the wildest dis
order prevailed The birds poured into
every available opening hatchways
windows and everywhere else They
got tangled in the ropes and sails and
clustered about the rigging Even the
smokestack was so filled up at one
time that the fires were nearly extin
guished The most amazing part of
the whole thing was that the birds did
not evince any disposition to leave To
heighten the confusion the steamer had
got out of its course and ran ashore
However on account of going very
slow no material damage was done
though the passengers were badly
frightened When the crew had re
covered from their amazement they be
gan to clear the deck and the vessel
in general of these unexpected and not
at all welcome guests The Captain
ordered the men to use shovels and
whatever they could to throw the birds
overboard After getting fairly in shape
the vessel proceeded on its voyage
having been delayed for nearly eight
hours on account of this singular expe
rience The Captain could not offer
any theory as to where this vast army
of swallows came from All he said
was that the birds evidently were ex
hausted from a prolonged flight during
the storm of the previous day and
sought rest on his vessel
Me Lives Like a Hermit in the Wildest
Part of the Sierras
In the wildest part of the Sierras
Where the ridge takes a dip into the
Pacific Ocean at Santa Monica Bay
Cal lives Samuel Carson the son of
the famous Kit Carson scout soldier
and pioneer For twenty years the old
man has been buried out of sight and
out of mind in this more than hermits
retreat He has few acquaintances and
no friends save the dozen or more
dogs setters pointers spaniels and
Newfoundlands that He around his
shack and stable or feed from his hand
on the meat he has killed with his gun
Like many sons of great original men
Sam Carson in no fashion or form in-
from Holland and located at Union
town where he wTas born in 1S41
When 14 years old he went to Holland
and from there to South Africa At
the outbreak of the civil war he return
ed to America and served in the navy
under Admiral Dupont He wTas after
wards captain of a colored company
under Gen Weitzel When the war
was over he went to Holland again and
next to South Africa In 1SS1 he was a
plain farmer when the Boers revolted
He led a handful of Dutch wTarriors
and defeated the British amiy at Ma-
juba securing freedom for the Boers
After the victory over the British the
Boers made him vice president of their
republic and commander-in-chief in all
military matters In 1S90 he visited
America and arranged for an exhibi
tion of South African products at the
Worlds Fair He illooked upon by the
Boers as the George Washington of the
South African republic
Good for a Fire
TT1J 4 vn ntAftAn fill t P Pllffll rrWl 4
XJil 11 It icu51kjuijiui ui ooul awk
tered over a dying fire is4better than
kerosense and has no element of dag
Discovered Jim Fisk
The newspaper biographers of the
late Eben D Jordan the Boston dry
goods merchant have overlooked one of
his claims to fame It was he who
discovered James Flsk Jr Mr Jor
dan was first attracted to Fisk when
the latter came to his store as a ped
dler to replenish stock The rich mer
chant was so impressed with the young
mans shrewdness that he engaged him
as a clerk In a little while the very
qualities of character which brought
Fisk to his benefactors notice made
him also a good deal of a load to carry
Demands for increased pay followed
each other fast and before long Fisk
was drawing the largest salary in the
establishment and one which would
iave been considered enormous any
where else The next step was the en
trance of the high salaried clerk into
partnership with his employer and he
etained this position as long as it was
deemed safe New York Evening Post
Walter Baker Co Limited Dorches
ter Mass the well known manufactur
ers of Breakfast Cocoa and other Cocoa
and Chocolate preparations have an ex
traordinary collection of medals and diplo
mas awarded at the great international
and other exhibitions in Europe and
America The house has had uninterrupt
ed prosperity for nearly a century and a
quarter and is now not only the oldest but
the largest establishment if the kind on
this continent The high degree of per
fection which the company has attained
in its manufactured products is the result
of long experience combined with an in
telligent use of the new forces Which are
constantly being introduced to increase
the power and improve the quality of pro
duction and cheapen the cost to the con
The full strength and the exquisite nat
ural flavor of the raw material are pre
served unimpaired in all of Walter Baker
Companys preparations so that their
products may truly be said to form the
standard for purity and excellence
In view of the many imitations of the
name labels and wrappers on their goods
consumers should ask for and he sure that
they get the genuine articles made at Dor
chester Mass
A Hancock Mich judge sentenced
Charles Conlette to twenty days impris
onment because in a poker game in which
another player held four kings Conlette
held four aces
Horn eseekers Excursion to the South
March 10th 18 Land Seekers Excur
sion tickets will be sold from all points
in the north and northwest over the Big
Four Route to points south and south
east at one fare plus two dollars Tickets
will be good thirty days returning For
excursion rates time cards and free
phamplet descriptive of southern farm
lands address J C Tucker G N A Big
Four Ronte 281 Clark Street Chicago
There are said to be 1500 different spe
cies of snakes in the world and gentle
men who know whereof they speak say
that they have seen the entire menagaerie
all at once
There is moro Catarrli In this section of tlio
country than all other diseases put together
and until tho last few years was supposed to bo
incurable For a great many years doctors pro
nounced it a local disease and proscribed local
remedies and by constantly failing to euro
with local treatment pronounced it incurable
Science has proven catarrli to bo a constitu
tional disease and therof5re requires constitu
tional treatment Halls Catarrh Curo manu
factured by P J Cheney Co Toledo Ohio is
tho only constitutional curo on tho market It
is takon internally in doso3 from ten drops to a
teaspoonful It acts directly upon tho blood
and mucous surfaces of tho system They offor
ono hundred dollars for any caso it fails to
cure Send for circulars and testimonials Ad
dress F T CHENEY CO Toledo O
jfiSrSold by Druggists 75c
A St TSflrnard was sold tor 23oU at tne i
Birmingham England dog show This is
said to be the highest price ever paid for a
St Bernard at auction
I shall reeommend Pisos Cure for Con
sumption far and wide Mrs Mulligan
Plumstead Kent England Nov 8 1S95
Mrs Jerry Simpson was recently thrown
from a wagon and run over For a few
hours she was in a critical condition
Her husband was driving tho team
Irritation of the throat and hoarseness
are immediately relieved by Browns Bron
chial Troches Have them always ready
Zanesville reckons among her citizens a
gentleman who answers to the name of
Ebenezer Evilsizer
The Roumanian Government own3
the biggest wine cellar in the world
It was built for a railrcad tunnel half
a mile long but wi3 never used for
that purpose and has been rented to
a wine dealer
FITS AUFitsBtoiipedfroo by Dr mines Grent
6rro llostos er o I itu after first days use Mar
lelous cures Treatise sal 200 trial bottle free to
Fit caaes Send to Dr ltliue Cl Arch fat IM la la
One sailor in 250 is lost at sea
The first acuta twinge of C
Is tho
0 to USO
y xmmam wHflas
Delay and those
Sgp twibt your leg X
fife out of 3liano li
That is what Baron von Liebig said
of good chocolate All of Walter
Baker Cos Cocoas and Choco
lates are good the best in fact
Walter Baker Co Ltd Dorchester Mass
For washing clothes or doing housework it cant be
equalled Try it Sold everywhere Made only by
The N K Fairbank Company - cmcsio
ere is no soap in the world
stands so high in the opinion
thoughtful women as
iy2 sSifv i
umjji i - nmujr ygn
aSSk Pggag 2g R
i LJfll
H JS atvi yfe
THE AETtTiIOTOIt CO doti half the worlds
windmill biuineM bocauso It baa reduced the coat of
wind power to l o what It was It baa many branch
boused and supplies Its goods and repair
ai your uoor i can aim uoes lurnuii n
bettor artlcio for less money than
f others It mates Pumping and
iQoarod Stoel Gahranlzod aftcr
Completion Windmills TllUcn
and Fixed Stool Towers Steel Cuss Saw
tf xrumos otcei ierci cuuors ana xeeti
vfS3i Orlndara On uppllcatlun It will nnmo ono
114 or tneso articles that It will furnish until
January 1st at 13 tho usual prlcor It also makeo
Tancs and Pumps of all kinds Sena for catalogue
TcHory J2tb Rockwell end Flllnorc Streets Cfclcaio
4lJ Iiai tt In l1W Mtntd
XaitAC Y fVi o
ii mr ii i v r m i mi ti
sfcA lTuirjcltii Ono Ifos cn5po
1 jttv tj kui in r fcr lnr in mi ini niK imm
I 53S5SJ5n Address TIIOS VU1U3 lIZILl PA
ms -
Sena Yam- mp Eg
CO 211 lVnrl St Sioux City Iowa
and et the Highest Market Price
T3 SI rM roiiN wbiokkis
ilaUiil a a 2
WaKliliijiton I
Successfully Prosecutes Claims
r Late Principal Bzamlnor US Penalon Bureau
3 vra iu last war 15 adjudicating claims atty since
ITiirwanmnMrrnnTTmiMin fum i ibiim imwi girB imiaiiHTgiMniM lrnwrm i niBiiinrmmiirniwTiiWM
Big as a Bam Door
For 5 cents you get almost as
much u Battle Ax as you do of
other high grade goods for 0 cents
Before the days of Battle Ax
consumers paid JO cents for same
quality Now Battle Ax
Highest Grade 5 cents Thats
true economy
A well known sporting man who
is too modest to allow his name to
be printed here relates the follow
ing experience I was out yachting
on the Fourth of July and I got
very much exhausted having to
manage the yacht myself in a
northeast gale I did not have an
opportunity to eat properly
consequently my stomach was very
tired so that when I did eat I ate
too much and that resulted in a
condition which was followed by
severe neuralgia in my head My
experience with Ripans Tabules
previously taught me that possibly
the trouble might be remedied by
treating the stomach Before I had
taken the third Tabule my
neuralgia had gone and I was
feeling pretty well I had neuralgia
very bad and I could feel those
Tabules were working upon my
digestive organs and as they
worked my head improved in
RlnnitQ TnhnlAo ova aii i a
price 50 CCntfl a hmrl la tout tn ri di JiCTlt
fi T T - Z m w AbDUlU4U3Lnimi
rn m jnmiwi M v i
al 10 cents
- vr uyiuwj CUCOl C XOTX
Patent Patrick OFarrcllWHshlagtog1
KinnFRs Msfiii tiSssSSmssL
mfn w u im PinTwifl
g oyu iJF1
ra uei Cough Syrup Tastea Good Ue gl