iwsasEZiZ JS
Is a serious complaint Its a warning
that should be heeded It is different
from an honest tired feeling It is a
sure sign of poor blood You can cure
it by making your blood rich and purd
with Hoods Sarsaparilla That is what
other people do thousands of them
Take a few bottles of this gpod
cine now and you will get rid of that
weak languid exhausted feeling
Tirod Foaling I had that tired
feeling and did not have life or ambi
tion to accomplish my usual amount of
household work Hoods Sarsaprilla
gave me relief and also cured a scrof
ula tendency Mrs It Merritt Dowa
giac Mich Itemember
Hoods SarsapariESa
Is the Best Medicine Money Can Buy
3 83m SE SQES gft
3gWorth S4 to S6 compared x
m vith other makes m
Indorsed by over
lOOOCUO weurors
Tlie aenuino have W T
- -
Douglas name and price
stamped on bottom Take
no substitute claimed to be
as good Your dealer
shoud keeo them if
not we will send a pair
on receipt of price andc
l3K Pj
49kL r
extra for State kind of
iTSs16 anJ width plain or cap toe Cat free
cauaErans L DOUGLAS SHOE CO Brockton Mass
to Western Canada and itnr
ticulars as to horr to neehro
100 acres of tho boat TVlteat
Browing land on the Conti
nent cnn be secured on ap
plication to the SniKrin
tondent of Immigration
Ottmva Canada or txio un
dersigned Specially con
ducted excursions -will lenro Ht lanl Minn on the let
and SA Tuesdny in each month and ppeciall y low rates
on all lines of railway nro being quoted for excursions
leaving St Paul on March 2Sth and April 4th for Mani
toba Assiniboia Saskatchewan and Alberta
Write to P rcdley Bupt Immigration Ottawa
Canada or the undeislpned who will mail yu
atlases pamphlets etc free N Bartholomew 306
5th St Des Moines Iowa W II Rogers Water
town South Dakota W V Bennett 801 New York
Life BldR Omaha Neb B Davies 154 East 3d
St St Paul Minn Agents for Govt of Canada
If afflicted with
sore eyes uso
I TborapsonsEyef ater
Government Mines in Prussia
The Prussian Government owns and
works seventeen collieries eight lignite
mines fourteen iron mines five metal
liferous mines other than iron and
three rock salt mines together with
live iron works and eight works for
smelting the other metals six salt
works and five quarries which have
an output of a tptal value of more than
30000000 yearty Besides the above
the Prussian State owns one colliery
that of Ibbenbuhren in the Osna
bruck district of Westphalia the col
lieries of Deister and Osterwald in the
Clausthal district and half the Obern
kirchen colliery in the same district
Iiibby McNeill Libby
Housekeepers frequently feel the need
cf luncheon meats which are either ready
to serve or can he prepared for the table
at a moments notice Such a need is
abundantly supplied in tho superior meats
put up by the old reliable house of Libby
McNeill Libby Chicago one of whose
specialties is advertised in another col
umn of this paper and their booklet
How to Make Good Things to Eat is
offered free on application
Canada in Case of Invasion
Canada is self supporting but in
event of an attack being made upon
the dominion Britain would have to
provide both army and navy for its de
Hows This
Wc offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any
case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by llalls
Oitirrli dure
F J CHENEY CO Props Toledo O
We the undersigned have known F J Cheney
for the last 15 years and believo him perfectly
honorable in all business transactions and finan
cially able to carry out any obligation made by
their firm
West Tkuax Wholesale- Druggists Toledo O
Warding Kixxax Makvix Wholesale
Druggists Toledo O
Halls Catarrh Cure is taken Internally acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system Trice 75c per bottle Sold by all
Druggists Testimonials free
There Is no witness so terrible no
accusation so powerful as conscience
which dwells within us Sophocles
Two of Them Helped by Mrs PinMiam
Read tlicir letters
f Dear Mrs PrxKiiAr lam sixteen
years old and am troubled with my
monthly sickness It is very irregular
occurring only once in two or three
months and also very painful I also
suffer with cramps and once in a while
pain strikes me in the heart and I have
drowsy headaches If there is any tiling
you can do for me I will gladly follow
TTnnr rjnvifP ffv
Miss Mart
Gomes Aptos
Cal July 31
After receiv
ing jour letter
T Vin
-use of your fu
dies taking both
Lvdia E Pink-
hams Vegetable Com
pound and Blood Purifier I am now
regular every month and suffer no pain
Your medicine is the best that any suf
fering girl can take Miss Ma BY
Gomes Aptos Cal July 6 1899
Nervous and Dizzy
Deab Mks Peseham I wish to
express my thanks to you for the great
benefit I have received from the use of
Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Com
pound I suffered constantly from ter
rible sideache had chills was nervous
and dizzy I had tried different kinds
of medicine but they all failed entirely
After taking three bottles of Vegetable
Compound and three of Blood Purifier I
amlillright I cannotthank you enough
for what your remedies have done for
me Miss Matilda Jensen Bos 18
Wis June 161899
Since the close of the Avar with Spain Memorial day has assumed a new sig
nificance The dead of two wars are honored and the real meaning of the day
is brought home to the later generation as it never has been before The haziness
that time gives to memories of those who have gone to their last resting place
is brushed aside and the real import of the day stands out with more distinctness
One day in the year may well be given over entirely to honoring our soldier dead
It is not too much They gave up their lives some to hold the country undivided
and some to relieve a down trodden people at the threshold of our republic TVe
owe them a debt of gratitude that we never can repay whether they fought in
the civil war or the war with Spain Their devotion and their courage entitle
them to the grateful remembrance we show and the recent additions to their
number make the real significance of the exercises more distinct
War now It dont seem like a year hev
gone a hull rouu year
Sence we was fallin into line to celebrate
this here
It dont seem possible yit thats the trick
time alius plays
N every yearll git more short twlxt Dec
oration days
N every year the roll call 11 be gittin
shorter too
Were missin lots o faces that we didn t
use to do
The names is droppin - off no tellln which
one of us may
Be counted out at muster on next Decoration
Its gittin kinder funny too to see the o
Fer blame if every one of us aint showin
silver threads
01 fellers yes the youngest aint got
in else to say
It warnt so ten years ago on Decoration
Why we was ony boys mere boys ten
years ago but then
Wed somehow got the notion up to think
ourselves ol men
X so praps ten years from now if any
of us stay
Well think that we was ony boys this
Decoration Day
Then close In veterns close In men ol
comrades git itf line
Touch elbows once again thats right It
warms you up like wine
Praps taint often more well meet brace
up n step out gay
We might be angels touchin wings nest
Decoration Day
So close In veterns close in men
rades git in step
Play up the tunes we used to march well
keep the time we kep
We aint too ol fer three times three God
save the flag hurray
Shake hands all roun n fall In boys fer
Decoration Day
Madeline S Bridges
E always knew when Mike was
coming the manner of his en
trance never left room for doubt
There was always the confused murmur
of a wordy dispute with the elevator boy
downstairs who refused to operate his
machine for newsboys the quick rush of
bare feet up the stairs to the shrill ac-
companment of Mah Coal Black Lady
or Mr Johnson Turn -Me Loose the
door would fly open with a crash and
Mike would be in the center of the room
shouting Evnen Journal Latst war
news from a golden imagination
the already very yellow news of his
paper in a manner that must have won
him an editorship couid the proprietor of
the sheet have heard him This partic
ular May afternoon the method of his
entrance differed in no way from the
usual routine save that the door flew
open a little more suddenly and swung
to again with a little louder crash if pos
sible But once inside it was evident
that Mike was unduly excited The pa
pers which he usually held out in front at
arms length to display to the best advan
tage their half page scare heads were
tucked securely under one arm his big
black eyes danced jubilantly and hel en
tirely forgot business and the startling
news of his papers in the vastly greater
importance of his own news
Say wot yer tink De ol mans list
ed fer a soger hes gon twar Aint he
a bird he shouted
Whose old man I inquired
Mine Me dad Whosed yer sup
pose Git de w out o yer tinker he
replied scornfu
But Mike v ho is going to support the
family I inquired remembering a vivid
description Mike had once given me of six
little Murphys of whom he was the eld
est and only leven at that
De famIys all right Dad says dat
if he goes off to de scrap de folks wot
stays home is bounj to take care uv his
faniIy Say yer ought to see iin Hes
all right ye bet De regment marches
to morrer
It was the first time I had ever heard
Mike speak of his father with anything
like respect I knew him to be a drunken
who abused his wife and
children and contributed little to their
support The days wore on Regiment
after regiment passed through the city
en route for the South and Mike was joy
ously full of excitement Every after-
noon he blew into the office and every day
ninwl J jm
cAiufi mBfyim0iiu
his stories of the news grew bigger and
more yellow He followed every move of
the army and his imagination ran riot
with the possibilities of the world-changing
drama being enacted Every scrap of
news in regard to his fathers regiment
was on his tongues end and 1 soon found
that with the donning of his blue coat his
father had become a hero As for Mike
himself he was the same impudent sharp
eyed dirty ragged little gamin as of
yore one of the most successful newsboys
on the street an inveterate scrapper and
gambler and on his own confession rare
ly at night having more than half his
days earnings to take home When I
remonstrated with him and pointed out
that he should take his fathers place ho
was always ready with an answer fall
ing back on the old argument that if his
father fought for his country it was his
countrys place to look after his family
The summer wore on The Fourth of
July dawned hot and sultry The temper
ature rose with the sun at 10 oclock it
was 80 at 11 oclock 90 and at noon it
registered 9G in the shade The glare from
the asphalt streets blinded the eyes Men
panted for breath and now and then one
fell The water front and the parks were
thronged with women and children seek
ing relief Those who succumbed were
taken to the hospitals but no one minded
them Down before Santiago 10000 men
in dingy brown canvas blue trimmed uni
forms in the blistering heat of a tropical
climate were fighting against overwhelm
ing odds On the day before had come
the news of a disastrous defeat and the
night had closed down in gloom To day
the defeat had been turned into a victory
and tho cable had flashed home the details
of a great naval victory besides The
great city sweltered and sweated and
waited for confirmation and for the list oi
That afternoon business called me to
the office For an hour I worked and
then fell to thinking of tho great tragedy
being enacted Suddenly I became aware
that someone was standing by my desk
Evnen Journal sir List uv dead and
It was Mike but I hardly recognized
the voice All the impudence the old
time braggadocio was gone and he had
come in so quietly Why Mike I
began Then I noticed the trace of tears
furrowed through the dirt on the two
grimy cheeks There was an unwonted
seriousness in the deep black eyes and
an unmistakable quiver in the voice as he
repeated Evnen Journal sir Extra
jes out Plete list uv dead an wound
I snatched the paper eageriy and tossed
Mike a nickel Never mind the change
I said and plunged into the details of the
fight When I glanced up Mike was still
If yer please sir he began standing
on one leg and uneasily rubbing it with
the dirty brown foot of the other If
yer please sir could I count yer reglar
fer a poiper every night Oi Oi got ter
sport de famly now cause Oim th head
uv it He hes dere sir he finished
with a dry sob pointing to the open page
before me Glancing down Xha column
in heavy black bold faced type I saw the
name of Private Dennis A Murphy on
the roll of honor with the brief explana
tory line Shot through the head
Mike drew a step nearer Say he
said with just a touch of his old time
eagerness hes a hero now urat he
Mike has several regular customers in
the office now but he no longer blows in
like a miniature hurricane He comes
and goes quickly but quietly He is full
of business and although his former im
pudence now and then flashes out it is in
a guarded way that will lose him ao cus
tomers He is always ready for a scrap
when anyone intrudes upon his rights
but he has given up fighting for the fun
of the thing and he no longer pitches
pennies and gambles away his hard-earned
money Yer see Oim de head uv de
famly now an have ter help me mither i
he explains
The other day he came into the office
with the old time rush Theyve got me
fathers body an its ter be buried here
he cried Chen after a moments thought
he inquired wistfully Say do yer spose
de sogersll march ter his grave an put a
Has an flowers on it Morial day
Thornton N Burgess in Orange Judd
iisleys The Flood which was sold
by the artist In 1S7G for 8 was re
cently sold m Paris for 8eCH
Which Causes the Death of Many Sick
Robm Victims
Thoughtlessness and mistaken kind
ness in the sick room slay their thou
sands and the family and nurses are
oft times the unknown accessories to
the deed is the emphatic opinion of
Bland Brunner Huddleston writing of
Visitors to the Sick room in the
Womans Home Companion They
fear criticism too much Their mothers
and grandmothers never dreamed of re
fusing admittance to the sick room it
would cause talk to begin it So the
nurse casts responsibility off on custom
and puts a blind trust in Providence
and the deed is done No matter how
visibly it harrows the spul of a nervous
woman to have outsiders about her
there are those who will persist in in
vading every sick room they can reach
regardless of the condition of the pa
tient or the probability or lack of
probability that they may be of any
service It often happens that it is the
least useful and most tactless women
of a community who are most active
in their attentions to the afflicted Such
visitors seriously handicap the efforts
of the physician and nurses and un
doubtedly cause many a death It is
astonishing to witness the recklessness
of most families in regard to this phase
of the care of their sick Unless a pa
tient is actually in articulo mortis the
country doctor does not like to endan
ger his popularity by ordering the arbi
trary exclusion of visitors Without
his commands to back them up the
family that attempts the innovation
invites and gets the ostracism of the
neighborhood for no short time I
would not be thought to decry the good
sensible self denying neighbor nurse
who in almost all rural communities
and in homes of slender means every
where must supply the place of the
trained nurse when the home force is
not sufficient to properly care for a pa
tient God alone knows the extent of
her usefulness or can adequately re
ward her Only cheerfully sympathetic
society is a benefit to convalescents
and that kind like medicine only at
proper intervals and in right amount
In fact so much depends upon the
mood and manner of the visitor that
one might almost advise the patient to
observe the caution that is affixed to
some prescriptions Shake well before
How Mathews Pawnod a Spoon
Charles Mathews was well known
among his friends and admjrers for his
remarkable powers of rapid imitation
and characterization
He was invited once with his man
ager and two others to dine with a citi
zen who though he carried on a pawn
brokering i business was an amusing
fellow It seems he kept but one as
sistant and during the dinner hour
the host was called out of the dining
parlor at the back of the shop to at
tend a customer
Mathews altering his hair turning
up his collar and putting on another
mans hat of course with suitable
change of countenance took a large
silver gravy spoon from the table ran
into the street and entering one of the
little boxas that universally shield one
customer from another at pawnbrok
ers counters pledged to his unsuspect
ing host his own piece of plate and re
turned to his place at table as the
pawnbroker re entered the room un
conscious of the joke
Modesty is nsver ashamed of uncov
ered face
111 I w
Wm jtefcTOsfe y 5ji A l s if
1 S TBffiffiffjgAsqtrgs lj
Benefit Try it Send for a
Going to Paris
Then let us give jou valuable informa
tion regarding your trip
We can render you good service and
ticket you right through from all stations
on our line via New York and any of the
steamship lines
Call on agents of the Burlington Cedar
Rapids and Northern Bail way or address
Jxo G Fahmeh A G P T A
B C R X Ry
Cedar Bapids la
In certain parts of Africa crocodile
toads and spiders are eaten Ancient
Romans ate caterpillars and some Afri
cans do the same to day
Ask Your Dealer for Allens Foot Ease
A powder to shake Into your shoes It rests
the feet Cures Corns Bunions Swollen Sore
Hot Callous Aching Sweating feet and In
growing Nails Allens Foot Ease makes
new or tight shoes easy Sold by all druggists
and shoe stores 25c Sample mailed 1KI2E
Address Allen S Olmsted Le Koy A 1
Stern Father So you want to marry
my daughter do you
Young Man nervously Yes sir
Stern Fatber Thanks Have a cigar
I am sure Pisos Cure for Consumption
saved my life three years ago Mrs
Thos Bobbins Maple street Norwich
N Y Feb 17 1900
I never knew a man who could not
bear the misfortunes of another per
fectly like a Christian Pope
Mrs Windows hooTtirsn tvrnnr tor Chlin na
teethinc softens the minis reancoH inflammatioa
allays uaiu euros wind colic 25 centa bottla
There is no genius in life like the
genius of energy and activity D G
flfams mmW
I 1 l Xt
I Per Plate
A 10eat can of
g Libby s Premier Soup
makes 8 plates fall of rich pure all-ready-labor-saving
Oxtail MnlUgatawny Mock
Turtle Chicken Tomato Kidney or Giblet
Drop postal for book How to Make
Good Things to Eat
Libby McNeill Llbbj Chicago
4 1
cno Book of ttinionins and 1 0 IAVS tmntuinfit
1KEE ir 11 II Urcenj Boat iioz h Atlanta tio
O Vr lj
No 21 1900
fv Best Couph Syrup Tastes Good use jrjj
X In time Sold by dniTKlsta fn
V l For Infants and Children
BiBBWiThp Kind Ynss Havp
MSjjiTaT i MSW9VS if OiifntRI
liheomaisandEoiveisQf M JJOftlS tiL6 M
m tf I mjT
nessaftdstContaitts neither If np mL Jt m
OpiurnlorpriineiiDrMiflexal g 1 f - li
kot naecotic n LivSi
RscuxiofOldllrSfiIUELPJTCEER A Jg
Pumpkin J u
MxJtnna 1 Bgj JwFw B
Uppsnmnf - f g4 h r 1 ja Sub
f farm Seed - I jj B tr H
XVafpyrcsB Flarun I Sfej eW W as Q
II i Wpr
tionSoutomachDiarrhoea g 1
Worms Convulsions Feverish- M M EbB9 laMQI9
osssandLossOFSEEB g s fyl IJtyGfl
Facsimile Signature of m B
I Ihirtv foors
amy i buib
rnsw ydrk II j
Do you forget thaf summers coming with
all its dangers to the little ones all troubles
bred in the bowels
The summers heat kills babies and little
children because their little insides are not in
good clean strong condition
Winter has filled the system with hile
Belching vomiting up of sour food rash
flushed skin colic restlessness diarrhoea or
constipation all testify that the bowels are out
of order
If you want the little ones to face the coming dangers with
out anxious fear for their lives see that the Babys hotels are
gently soothingly hut positively cleaned out in the spring time
and made strong and healthy before hot weather sets in
The only safe laxative for children pleasant to take they
ask for more is CASCARETS Nursing- mothers make their
imik mJly purgative for the baby by eating a CASCARET
now and then Mama eats a CASCARET baby p ets the
JOc box of CASCARETS to day and you will find that as wc
guarantee all irregularities of the little and big childrens insides are
25c Jc Tf ii in iiKUyliliii li u
swivjpmmLir kw9wbMjij3zz
T any seedy mortal stesbtg fifemWrrsi t6fci sad to peor t bay CASCARETS wc will send 2 box free Addxtss
Sterlkig Remedy sssy Gfaigo or Nsw York meatiooiag advertisement and paper
Kt s