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100 Ter Year in Advance
Entered at the Post office at Valentine Cherry
county Nebraska as Second class matter
This paper will be mailed regularly
to its subBcribera until a definite order
to discontinue is received and all ar
rears are paid in full
Some of our Republican friends are
not willing to allow greenbacks to be
circulated as money They say that
there must be something back of it
The national banks are willing to pay a
premium on government bonds that
draw interest and there is nothing back
of the bonds any more than there is to
the greenbacks The bonds are prom
ises to pay at some future time and
drawing interest the debt becomes
larger yet they sell at a premium No
one doubts the ability of the govern
ment to pay nor questions what is back
of the bonds Nor does any man ques
tion the ability of the government to
pay the greenbacks but use foolishly
as argument that there is nothing back
of Jthe greenbacks Our government
has stood for nearly i 24 years and has
not yet repudiated a single debt while
many national banks have gone down
Although the Republican party is in
full control of both houses of Congress
their president to favor them also
Republican speaker in the House of
Representatives and president of the
senate they all join in a howl that they
cannot pass the amendment controlling
the trusts without the aid of the Demo
crats But if you will give them
another four years they will try to pass
the amendment controlling trusts
Why dont they do it now
The war is not yet over in South Af
rica On June 11 a British battalion
was annihilated according to the
World Herald 500 of the Derbyshire
Regiment being killed wounded or
captured by the Boers south of Pre
toria Krueger intends to hold out and
keep on fighting
Rioting still goes on in St Louis
Many more are killed and wounded
The G O P would have you believe
that because of such glorious prosperity
the rioters have something to fight
week ago
adjourned Thursday a
- Theres an opening for boxers in
Peoples Independent Party
The Peoples Independent Party electors of
Cherry County are requested to send delegates
from their several precincts to meet in County
Convention in Valentine Nebraska on Satur
day June 30 1000 at 10 oclock A M for the
purpose of electing seven delegates o the state
convention to be held at Lincoln July n 1900
seven delegates to the congressional convention
to b held at Broken Bow July 9 loot seven
delegates to the senatorial and seven delegates
to the lcpresenUitive conventions not yet
called to place in nomination a candidate for
County Attorney and to transact Mich other
business as may properly come before the Con
The delegates from the First Commissioner
District will also meet in convention Immedi
ately after the adjournment of the county
and place in nomination a candidate for
County Commissioner for the full term of three
years and the delegates from the Third Com
missioner District will meet in convention im
mediately after the adjournment of the county
convention and place m nomination a candidate
for County Commissioner to fill vacancy for the
term of one year
The representation from the various precincts
will be based upon the vote cast for lion Silas
A Holcomb in the general election of 1899 one
delegate being allowed for each ten votes and
major fraction thereof and one delegate at
large from each precinct which makes the fol
lowing apportionment
Buffalo Lake 3
Boiling Springs 4
Dewey Lake 3
Georgia a
Irwin 3
Kennedy 3
Lavacca 4
Merriman 3
Nenzel 3
Sparks 3
Schlagel 3
Table 4
Barley 2
Cleveland 3
Enlow -2
Giilasple 4
German 3
Kewanee 3
Loup 5
Minnechaduza 4
Mother I jike o
Pleasant Hill
Sharps Ranch 3
Steen- 2
Valentine n
It is recommeded that the precinct primaries
be held at ihe voting place in each precinct
Juno 23d 1900 at 2 oclock pm unless other
wise called by the precinct committeeman
It is also recommended that no proxies be al
lowed but that the delegates present cast the
full vote of the precinct
Secretary Chairman
Democratic Party
The Democratic electors of Cherry County are
requested to send delegates from their several
precincts to meet in County Convention in Val
entine Nebraska on Saturday Juue 30th J900
at 10 oclock a m for the purpose of electing
seven delegates to the state convention to be
held at Lincoln July 11 I90u seven delegates to
the congressional convention to be held at
Broken Bow July atli J90O seven delegates to
the senatorial and seven delegates Vi the repre
sentative conventions not yet called to place in
nomination a candidate lor county attorney
And to transact sucn outer uusiness as ma
properly come beforu the convention
The delegates from the Mrst Commissioner
District will also meet in convention immedi
ately after the adjournment of the county con
vention and lace in nomination a candidate for
County Commissioner for the full term of three
years and the delegates from the Third Com
missioner District will meet in convention
mediately after the adjournment of the county
convention and place in nomination a county
commissioner to till vacancy for the term of one
The apportionment Is the same as that of the
Peoples independent Party
It is recommended that the precinct primaries
be lielu at the voting place in each precinct
Juue 23 I90uat2 oclock P Jl unless other
wise called by the product committeeman
iltis also recommended that no proxies be a
iowed but that the delegates present cast the
full vote of the precinct
Secretary Cnalruian
Judge J J
was spent in
selecting a
jury Tnirty nme men were exuuimeu
and 12 chosen to act in the case as fol
Wm Dunbar Cody J B Sweeney
Pullman A 13 McAlevy Kennedy
Chas Deaver Wood Lake C D Ains
lie Simeon B W Levee Wood Lake
Wm Alder Merriman B Hunt Eli
W Teeters Chesterfield A F Young
Cody E R Vandegrift Brownlee F
W Pool Steen precinct
After the jury was empaneled the
statement of tne case of the State vs
Cicero H Thompson was outlined by
County Attorney Morrissey During
the statement ex Judge Kinkaid one of
the counsel for defense objected to
some statements made which indicated
the past character and habits of the de
fendant with relation to the deceased
and other parties which the state ex
pected to use as witnesses The coun
ty attorney was sustained in his state
ments by the court and again proceeded
to outline the case but was repeatedly
interrupted though each time sustained
by the court as keeping within legal
During the statements of Judge Kin
kaid as to the outlines of the defense he
was interrupted by County Attorney
Morrissey calling him to order for ar
guing the case at an improper time
After considerable cross tiring at each
other Judge Kinkaid was finally per
mitted by the court to proceed but cau
tioned not to argue the case -at this time
but to confine himself to the defense
which he expected to make The Judge
was repeatedly called to order after this
by the attorneys for the prosecution
and each time was instructed to con
fine himself to a statement of what he
expected to prove in his line of defense
The judge took very kindly to the ad
monitions from the court and finally
avowed tnat mere were a -great niany
things which were very tempting to
him to say but under the circum
stances he would refrain from so doing
lie then attempted to call the jurys at
tention to an incident that happened
while a juror was being examined but
at this juncture Attorney Morrissey
again objected to his entering into a
discussion of immaterial matters and
the judge subsided
Most oi the day was spent by counsel
for the defense and prosecution in ar
guing as to what evidence should be
permitted to go to the jury during
which time the jury was out in the
care and charge of the bailiff At 220
pm the jury was called in and testi
mony of Aug Milliman was begun
The witness testified that on the
night of March 14 1900 he and Arthur
London stood check at the Fort at 11
oclock p m and then came up town
They went to the Owl Saloon Milli
man standing outside while London
went in to see Thompson Witness
was not allowed by the defense to tes
tify as to what passed between Thomp
son andLondon it being hearsay evi
dence J They next went to Joe Morri
sons restaurant awakened the cook
and ordered something to eat While
there witness and London saw Thomp
son pass going south In about a half
hour they followed going to Thomp
sons house Arrived there thev
knocked on the door and receiving no
response went to the north window
rapped on it and called Thompson
Thompson but received no response
They then went to the depot and ask
ed the operator the time of night It
was then about 2 oclock a m From
there they went to the resort south of
town but immediately came back go
ing to Thompsons house and again
rapping on the door calling for Thomp
son and again to the north window
calling Thompson Thompson and
rapping on the window with a silver
dollar but receiyed no response They
then went to the room called Thomp
sons poker room broke open a box and
took some poker chips about two cigar
boxes full put them in their overcoat
pockets and went back to Thompsons
house again rapping on
IHpjgptlfiMBWHBWaBMWi wp
Is the Verdict Rendered hjr the Jury in the
Thompson Case
The adjourned March term of court
convened in this city Monday morning
June 11th The first case to come to
trial was that of the State vs Cicero
H Thompson felony Thompson
it will be remembered shot two sol
diers on the night of March 14 one of
whom died from the effects a few days
Counsel lines up as follows
For the prosecution County Attor
ney A M Morrissey A G Fischer of
Chadron Judge J W Tucker
For the defenso Clark Tucker
Ft M Walcott and M P Kinkaid of
window London then said
hes not here Shall we go
v Hm
door and
I guess
in Mil-
liman said I guess we micht as well
fused and told Shields to take the keys
from his pocket and go down to the sa
loon which he did taking back six
bottles of beer and four quarts of whis
key They broke the necks off two
bottles of beer Thompson drinking
froln one Shields and London from the
other Went back to bed for awhile
and got up about four oclock leaving
Thompson in bed London then took
Thompsons watch and Shields took
his money about 7 London asked
for money and Thompson said he didnt
have anv more as Shields had taken all
Then putting their shoulders to the
storm door they forced it open and
when inside the storm shed put a
broom against the door to hold it shut
Then putting their shoulders to the in
ner door they forced that open and met
Thompson face to face Thompson
fired as Milliman had his foot on the
threshold the bullet taking effect in
the right cheek whereupon he Milli
man stepped back and crouched in the
storm shed London turned to run
and as he ran out of the storm shed
door Thompson fired the bullet enter
ing the back part of the head and pas
sing through to the frontal bone as tes
tified to by the Post surgeon who ex
tracted it
Then Thompson shot Milliman a sec
ond time the bullet entering the left
cheek After this Thompson stepped
outside past the witness and shot Lon
don twice more while he was lying on
the ground struggling and kicking and
crying Thompson Thompson Dont
shoot Dont shoot The two last
shots entered Londons head from the
side Either shot would in ordinary
circumstances prove fatal as was ad
duced by the testimony of the Post sur
The Post surgeon exhibited two of
the bullets which were taken from Lon
dons head by him The other bullet
being at the base of the nasal bone he
refrained from taking it out because it
would mar and disfigure the corpse
A great deal of time was consumed
by the lawyers in arguing what testi
mony to admit and what the jury
should not hear Judge Harrington
having so much to contend with as at
their feet at once
were four attorneys on
raising an objection
or pleading for a point of law that it
was remarked by one in the audience
that he ought to have some one to help
him as he seemed to have the most to
The examination of Milliman took
till 935 xV M J A Hooten testified
that he was called by Thompson
shortly after the shooting oenrred and
that he was dressed in a brown suit of
clothes Milliman was recalled by the
defense to testify as to how he and
London deceased were dressed on the
night of March 14 He said they were
dressed m their soldier blue with brown
ulsters and caps on Sheriff Layporte
testified that he saw London lying on
the ground near Thompsons house
and that he helped to carry him to Dr
Holsclaws office examined his cloth
ing found no gun or revolver on his
person but found the poker chips a
watch and a deck of cards The re
volver with which Thompson shot
was produced and put in evidence
A W liarpar was sleeping in the
office of Tilsons livery barn that night
and was awakened by shooting and
afterwards heard three distinct reports
as of a gun Fred Vincent night op
erator at the depot said two sqldiers
were at the depot and asked about
houses of ill repute aside from the hog
ranch One said Maybe Thompson
has gone there referring to the latter
place They left the depot After
ward he heard two shots fired in the
direction of Thompsons house and
thinking someone was out on a
drunken brawl did not go out of the
depot to see about it
Frank Shields said he knew Thomp
son since last year and was with
London in Thompsons saloon Had
been with London to defendants house
while Thompson was there First
night stayed until about 4 oclock a m
Went there again a short time after
ward Went with Thompson from sa
loon the first night Sat around the
stove and warmed While talking
Thompson said he would fix the bed
They went to bed all three sleeping in
the same bed What then occurred
will not be related nor other details of
like character Wanting something to
drink the soldiers asked Thompson to
get up and go to the saloon but he re
he had with him They came back
again in about six days Thompson
sent them to the house he coming af
ter closing the saloon They went
through similar transactions except go
ing to the saloon as Thompson had a
pint of whiskey This time they stay
ed until about 6 oclock am In leav
ing London said he was going to take
a couple of guns with him and about
400 poker chips Then asked for
money Thompson said What the
h 1 do you want Do you want all
Pve got London said I dont care
if I do get all youve got London
took a silver watch When they got
up to the school house Shields told
London that the watch might be a
pawned one and they returned rapped
on the door which locked with a spring
lock Thompson got up said he was
glad they returned the watch as it had
been pawned by some one living out in
the country
Thompson wrote a letter to Shields
who went by the name of Mickey
asking him to bring back those poker
chips as half of them belonged to an
other man and he couldnt explain to
him what had become of them He
wanted them before the next night as
they were going to have a game If
he had put them up for anything let
Thompson know and he wTould put up
the money to get them out ne told
him to be sure to come and bring his
partner or to send his partner it he
couldnt come or send the chips back
Witness knew Milliman and talked to
him about what passed between
ThompsonXondon and himself while
they were drinking of the four quarts
of whiskey
E Sparks banker said he knew
Thompsons signature as defendant
transacted business Avith him Gave
as his opinion that the letter produced
was written by defendant though only
signed Thompson
Testimony of Johnson and Eay was
not allowed
Sergeants and Neimeier knew
London and recognized the watch as
having been in the possession of de
State rested
D W Hilsmger Judge Towne W
E Haley J W Burleigh M V Nich
olson E Sparks Geo Elliott Lew
Brownell John Shores W S Barker
G lX Crabb P Simons and O W
Morey were called to testify as to the
good reputation borne by the defend
Wm Francke said he knew of the
poker room referred to and that he
locked the door in leaving the night of
the 14th That it was broken open on
the morning of the loth
W F A Meltendorff said he was in
Thompsons saloon when London de
ceased came into saloon on night of
March 14 He was talking with
Thompson when London came in went
to the bar and took a drink of some
kind Didnt hear him talk to Thomp
son but looked at both of them and
theysat him
John G Maher testified that he took
the testimony during preliminary ex
amination of Thompson for the shoot
ing of London and that it was correct
J A Hooton called back by defense
said he examined the door of Thomp
sons house early on morning of March
15 and found part of the lock bioken
and latch holder with screws in it lying
about center of room
Layporte recalled said he went to
the poker room in early morning of
March 15 and neither lock -nor door
was broken
Thompson testified that he went
home about the time the train was
going west That about 20 minutes
after he was asleep some one knocked
on his door and hallowedJlThompson
But he paid no attention as he
thought it was somebody after whis
key or something and that it was cus
tomary to have persons knock at his
home for such things but he never
paid any attention to them that
some time afterward he was aroused
from sleep by a crashing noise in as
he thought the front room that the
noise sounded to him as if a window
came in or was smasnett in tnat ne
immediately jumped out of bed and
went to the front room that as soon
as he got close to the front door the
door was bursted in and some fellows
came in against it that they seemed
to be pushing against the door with
violence as it came in with great
force that he was frightened and
alarmed and thought they were prob
ably coming in to take money away
from him and supposed they were go
ing to kill him one of them came
against his left hand and he put up
his left hand as if to keep them out
and commenced firing that at this
time they were two or three feet in
side the door that he opened fire and
emptied his revolver that he did not
know who they were that it was too
dark and that they had their coat col
lars turned up around their necks
and that he thought they were mask
ed that he did not go out of his
house that after he emptied his re
volver he got the stove poker and
waited for a few moments to see if
T i ith mini
Superintendent of a
Private Hospital
For the Treatment of Diseases All
Kinds of Surgical Operations
Successfully Performed
Speaking About Eyes
to a Specialist who
nway your money coiner
is generally a fraud
for ordinary trouble with your Eyes
sves nitea Dy a man with experi
who knows exactly how to fit you
O W MOREY the Jeweler
has had 22 years experience If you need
a specialist he will tell you so
All work executed with promptness
and accuracy
Office at QuigleyB Drug Store
Valentine House
Recently opened and newly furnished
Not a restaurant but a hotel
The best of viands and treatment given
to our patrons
First Door South of Bank of Valentine
Valentine Nebraska
Practices in District Court and TJ S Land
Office Eeal Estate and ltanch Property
bought and sold Bonded Abstracter
Hair cutting and shaving
pinnir I
With a nice se
lection of Watches ana Jewelry All kinds
ot Repairing and Engraving done prompt
ly and warranted
Taken Up
About 6 miles north of Wood Lake
1 bay mare branded HD on left
shoulder 1 sorrel mare no brands
and 1 iron grav colt mare branded
O on right hind leg F WELKE
June 2 1900 20
A sallow jaundiced skin is a s nip
tom of disordered liver as it springs
from biliary poisons retained in the
blood which destroy energy
npss sfrpnorfh vio nr Imnrnnpsst nnrl
k - v -
zzrSLxziv -
B -0 UV
life Herbme will restore the natural
functions of the liver Trice 50c
Quigley Chapman druggists
Postofllce address
Harlan Nebraska
On left side or hip
horses branded same
left shoulder
Range between Nkr
orara and Snake riv
ers south of Merri
Horses on rightj
t houlder as on cut
Range Gordon andl
Allewara of fOOrtn be JgWKi
leading to tne arre
person for information
final conviction of anyperson or person
i nnoas with above Dranu
HO on right hip
Horses and mules
branded same as cut
on left shoulder
Postofllce address
Pass Neb
Range North Loup
Postofflce address
Nenzei Nebraska
On either side of cat
tle horses same
JKange northeast or
Branded on right
side or hip
on left hip
Cattle branded on
any part of animal
also the following
torses branded tne
Itango between
Gordon on the FE
M VR R and
Hyannls on B M R R in Northwestern
JSebrsska Address Baktiett Richauds
Postofllce address
Simeon Neb
nIK v
ostofflce ardress
Gallop Nebraska
Left side on private
stock and rightside
on cattle heklrxpn
on leftside of cattle
held ori
left side
Horses CJon tet
shoulder Range Eirht miles south of Gallop
Postofllce address
McCann Neb
Branded on left side
Range McCann
C E Wright
1 -
Cooper Nebr
Brand registered
No 374
Brand anywhere
on right side
F T Brackett
Riege Nebr
Brand Reidstered
NO 1 tOO
Brand right side
or hip
Horses same on
right shoulder
Range Niobrara
6 miles south of
Peder Thorsen
Gordon Nebraska
On right side T on
right hip enorse
brand and T on
right shoulder
Also cattle branded
3i s on leftside
Range fowl miles
south of Irwin
F C DuerfeMt Manager
Gordon Nebraska
Cattle also branded
nt it iln in Mi Kill I ilBBBB
JOO MtJEWARD will be paid to nnv per
son lor information leading to the arrest and
final conviction or any oerson or peisous steal
ing cattle with the above braud
S W Chesnut
Gordon Nebraska
Brand same as cut
on left hip
Range head of
Gordon Creek forty
miles southeast of
Gordon Breeder of
Hereford cattle
Ft Niobrara Neb
Brand reeiste ed
Horses branded
on left bin
Range Niobrara
river 12 miles east
oi aientiue
fm b
J Alien
I T Richardson
Perch Nebr
Some on left
worses on
left shoulder
a w fcMiSBfcaaa
my ranch sometime in April -3900
one black mare branded S on
wUVU1UC4tiJgUUaDont 100J jb
auouu iu years old white trin
rtuu uue aim maybe two white
feet A liberal
reward will be paid
for information leading to the recovery
of the above described mare
Latta Oasis ebr
y i