II l1 1 mm ImmiiWi llmAn jjigjj IIHIH l II IJ iiiUHii I I l I IBIII I IJJjjHjimimjjjiiuii - Xght fakntine tmocvnt I M RICE with under- ncath the brand Horses on Uja left shoul Sfig der Eaa3 Hange Little White River awl mouth of Cedar Creek S D Cody Nebr On left side some X T on left side horses T on left side SHOKTUOKN STOCK Range Betveen Niobrani and the Snake River Falls n ha - M isass Cody Nebr Cattle branded as on cut Horses same as cur Range North Snake - VALENTINE NEB i i Publisher WW HEISKASEO Garner Brothers tlr Cody Nebr fnttft branded Vetal Vlandry 2fcwSns anywhere some g W H Carter f K3 Cody Nebr On hoth sides or jie where oiinnimal Also Sj on hip or shoulder Range Little White River and mouth of Cedar CreekS D gBEBggftqaiyg Cody Nebr Left side on large cattlo On small stock left site Clarence Cutcomb Horses i on left shoulder Range- onit nt fTlltimnll m Lake g Cody Nebr Anvwlicru cm cat tfe Horses on left shoulder Kan go North of Ell KmS U vJbi gggyjfrgg38sstgg J J Peck mr f AGO Cody Nebr On both sides Ilorses CC on left thigh - Range Head Pass Creek S D William Shangran Cody Nebr On leftside Horses same Range Lake Creek S Dakota jF James Goodfellow Son msMm Cody Nebr On left side horses 1 i right side and mobtly on jaw Range let een Clio Niobrara and Medicine Lake r tx I Gustave Gunderson Vm - i I T 1 Geo Li Coleman SW Cody Nebr On left side Horses o on left shoulder Jlange 10 miles west of Snake fvtmx II B Sears S J Goodin Cody Nebr On left side Horses jt on left slioulder Range Between Niobrara and the Snake r HOT Cody Nebr Mostly on right hip some on botli hips lc Range Medicine h ta3 Lakfi SeS18 - - C Evenson ajQiig Codv Nebr On left side and thiKli hon s the same on left side Range -Between iMnhrara and the Snake Frank Livermore ggiibiiiJb Shadbolt Fleishman Bailey Nebr Left side S 3T left slioulder I lerdmark de lap nange Rtnjr SG and 37 be tween Niobrara and the Snake M mmmsm t 4 Stotts tetter Codr7cbrnsli Branded on lrftside Range Tin Can J ike and Morgan Flats WM rjSht Left ear or cattle Split Range head of Hay Greek 0SSS533cCTaifctwra tig9SBt3frWtf Postofflce address Cody Nebraska Same as on cut left side and shoulder Range east and south and west of Cody 3 j e Igw3 FRANK J JONES Postofflce address CodyNebraska On right side hor ses same on left shoulder Range eight miles west of Cody 11 1 aM 4 WJJ i iniii mi u IWJIP i i iniui n ntiiiii umiiiiiiw HMIM IU ytMOww wiwiiiiii W4yJi W W - I iWiW - rfeps Amelia Young A Y llrf Ifr JlSlMSL Cody Neb Cody Nebraska On fight side Right ear split- Range Little White river Wheeler Bros Also 15 on right side Range Chamberlain Flats and Snake River Sms Henry Young I I H Y KriT fr7 HsSflS5fic tlody Nebraska Horse brand H5f on left shoulder Cattle right ear split Range Little White river S D William JM Dunbar Lessee from Heine Kroeger Cody Neb DUfi Either side Also lrttr agjgggggsa ALONZO HEATH PDStofllce address Codj Nebraska On left side Horses leftshoulder wt Tyg 1 Range nortli o Cutcomb Lake S A WTNSLOW Postofflce address Cody Nebraska Branded on either side horses same on left shoulder Range s mi north- east of Eli and south of Niobraniriver 13 mi southwestof Cody k A C RIEMENSCIIISEIDER Postofflce address Cody Nebraska On right side alsoX on right shoulder and 2 on jaw 3 3 on lelt bin also 3 on jaw Range Old Toor Ranch on Niobrara A D COLE jjiy i m t MM CHLVS E ROBERTS Postofflce address Cody Nebraska On either side some REE some EER Range northwest of Cody m m uimjAif Jim wAaiSaS tocftykii33iArfi55H wMftW CHARLES GART3IDE KIU Postofflce address Cody Neb Cattle branded on left side also C G on left hip of cattle and left shoulder on horses Rnmre on Niobrara 10 mi south west Cody JOHN SHANGRAN rosto ce aciuress vft Loay eorasKaeaj On left side Also on left side v norses J S on left slioulder Range between Cody and Luke Creek JiJfcg katrssjj a- uanrji liiTii mi 11 riirrrriifiiiitifi iff r J P GARDINER Postofflce address 3i lyrifl t HK Cody Nebraska On Jeft side of cat tle horses O right arm Range north and south of Niobrara River12 miles south west of Cody FRED AND WILLIAM MA YBEE fostofflce address Cody xebi On left side horses same left shonlder Earmark notcli on underside of right ear Range east and s rath of Ell im J H STEELE Postofflce anress Cody Nebraska Ssggg Oil left side also I O or W I j on left side ot somecaltlCK illSWft on left hiif2 and horses one leftshoulder Ranee Mouth of Bear Creek fjgt tAfiSCrtf MerrmanNeb On both side and Inn Herd mark dewlap Horses same on left shoulder Range Lake Creek and Little White River FRANK MOGLE Postofflce address tl SeS HOB5S TiV i - Cody Nebraska On either de cattle herdmark left ear clipped and ripht ear split horses branded same on leftshoulder SsraRanee on Niobrara andMedicineCanyon G- H SEAGER Postofflce address Codv Neoraska Cattle bnmded as on cut on left side hip and shoulder horses same Range Snake Creek UIcrrimanNeb Some on left side some on left hip horses ame on left thigh Range Six miles northeast of 6Ier nman ROBERT I HINES Postofflce address Cody Nebraska Branded on left side horses same lef tshoul der Range on Snake south of Codv Moiriiuan Nebraska Grant Bixler ggEStiageqsag John Gresh r tSSfa iViirfii Bsagssssi ts - SSe8 I Si John T Green Merriman Neb On left side Horses same on left slioulder Wattle under neck of young siock Rangp Lake Creek and Little White River P AY Pruden MerrTinan Neb Some branded same as cut on both hips Range Northeast of Merriman Meraiman Neb On both sides some on right side and hip Horses same with out bar left thigh f W LVrrT RangeLake Creek Kuku LIie White L BLesserg cx Merriman Neb On left side al so on same side SM underlined Horses under lined M on left thigh lrmnrA Titflf r 5l542HS3 uiiu ii ei -D f Mi W tjsggggmmgm Geo W Monnier faP gggffgggfeBg5g3 Seth Gary Sandy Williams Merriman Neb Mostly on left side Some on right side Horses same on -left shoulder Range Lake Creek b D 2 Merriman Neb Left shoulder and left thigh home ji on left hip S- Horses same o on left thigh icance bast ami ggfeEjsoutheast of ruiiuu J SG i C W Allen Manager 1 55pi J Si 1 taiaiaiawgaww cattle bearing these brands Merriman Neb Stock branded as on cut also A left shoulder B left sideC left hip Range Little White River SD I will pay 5100 for sullicient evi dence to convict anyone of stealing 3J1P T F Franks Merriman Neb P XjXiZZ On left side ear mark under slope Horses JS on left shoulder Ranee 10 miles if VToi iStsF aflHB - C H Little Merriman Neb On either side Horses same on hip Also fi eitnerMdeJ Range Lake Creek South Dakota ILf - lr JimtiteBmt 1 I -- - - - irf Po tofllce address P O address JOHN DUBRAY jrerriman Neb On left side Jaw or hip Range Lake Creek South Dakota Merriman Nebr Right ear cropped Hole in center of left ear Range Lake creek SD der and Bear Creek ROF CHAS S NICnOLS Postofflce address Merriman Neb On hip of cattle horses same left shoulder Range between Bear Creek and Niobrara River 9 ml Foutheast of Merriman SL WtllZZJiT i mfc2V Louis J liichards Merriman Neb Oharles Kiehards Merriman Neb YCCR Louis F Richards Meiriman Neb Joseph W Bownet Smk gBxtZi B F Bovles Merrinian Neb Same as on cut left side G 0 Eairhead Merriman Neb Cattle on left side and hip some on left side only Horses G on left slioulder Range Cotton wood Jike Lean- Range Between Niobrara River and Reservation PS q Arthur Eoff Merriman Neb On side also It on jaw Horses It O on thigh Range Lake Creek and Little White River zSl Hugh Bovill Manager Range north o Eli Merriman Neb Also All on left side or hip Range north of El Charlotte E Bovill Merriman Neb r ft i Tpft Rifle nr liin VMJSSWSZ t CKtT YriTrtfjwjt5fl CffSffi5E EreaKtf j SELDER BROTHERS rijm iii i i iiiQj ii Postofflce address Merriman Neb On left side horses same left shoulder Range Little White River South Dakota Postofflce addres Merriman Neb On left side also con right side horses o leftshoulder Range north and south of Merriman Postofflce address Merriman Neb On left side of cat- tle also fS horseiga on left eisholdrfefol Range nortli and south of Niobrani River mi southeast of Merriman GEORGE STOER 2s6avaS5j GEORGE JESSEN S S8 j Fagrn 1 uiflM Poslofflce address Merriman Neb On either left side or hip horses same on left jjhoulder R nge East of Cot touwood Lake OBE CHURCH gyyHJBBBPpffMMS j Jt r v L 1- 1 fc ei ji J H i 1 ii 2i tf mJtL 3aSRmamhmJmm MAMlSl8Sffe j t 75feew4iB53yv aj MHr fcAnfyiiVllrW IW n j i C - MJ 3a mlif I a Z f liEVINE Postofflce acdres1 Jfzsr Branded on left l3Hi giS e2Rrci 1 aiuuj uuisra same on left slioulder Range between Bear Creek and the Niobrara river9 mi SE of jSIerriman ISrownlee Nebraska i rt555yj Brownlee Neb On left side Range Swan Lake Brownlee B W Pearson I i 4 i IHM Julius Ileckman Brownlee Nebr Postofflce address Brownlee Neb Branded on Jeft side some H eft side andthigh gjja aiuiPw on left thigh s2a Itange Duck Lake BBBBnBBBMni FaHKM I JW iw m Range south of Brow nice Henry Faulhaber Cattle branded on leltside Horses same on left shoulder Range on Loup river gj j flaggdjpgBgisa Charles H Faulhaber c2jfe25 IW und GEO HIGGINS Brownlee Riirht or left side of catitle Horses same on leltjshoiilder Left ear cut off of cattle Range on Loup river WTLLIAM FERDON Postoflice address Brownlee Neb 3l51EiJliE wit Til ttMzMt Like cut on either bin -also rssrnTB ft- si Ci ft vismjw mSm Hoie sameassit j son kit hip 0 9230OO RK WAKP tor con- conviction of anjoneuiUwI illy hauuTinj cattie in these binuds LHAMBERLAIN CO Ptofflce address Btownlee Neb Branttrd on eiMiei side same as on cut also both jdws 1BM P S ROUSCHE Postofflce address Brownlee Neh On left side or any part of animal Ear markright ear cut off hordes bnmded same on left MpAIso has stock branded H on side or shoulder orJK or W orO VL I orO or JPZ Also thelollowiiijcthe fir ton bemglonside andhin Iri t3 ITSZtrriZi vft saotssraJLv Brand and Paper One Yeai S350 I Robert Good Valentine eb mj II j svrazx BrownleeNeb Same as cut Horses same on left shoulder Range Goose- iCreek S E Orr i R -A Frank T Lee Brownlee Neb M IfiL Dick McNall T Brownlee Nebr ftS On left side and hip also 3 on left hip Range North Loun Cattle on left side horses ame on left slioulder Range Four miles northeast of Brownlee I i - Yl iSa John Chaloud Brownlee Neb Jiotli cattle and ff linrsis nn rulit i Si O Range Bigr Creek m Wmmm L K Belding S TT Brownlee Nebr On right side or hip On left sidcES or hip or e Calf lett fffl Creek A n J VLrUSLtUtSvllLL vIil8 SBftiiiW5 fSsO SSfep 3 E ownlae Neb En Vandegrift Same as oa cut Raige Between Goose Creek and Nonli Loup S5 Hyannis Neb on right side hor e same on right shoulder nge six miles northwest of Moth- feaSs I D N GOUBLSY 4ffisgta postofflce address Rushville Neb On left hip also SOOonleltgJgS side horses gS left shoulder KS Rane CedarLake HYAXSIS KEB H A BUCK Postonice address Ijannis Neb Branded on left side Range eighteen miles north of Hvannls Sh Wtlmtii L L MORRILL yaTrrrirTSTmivWTi 1 G COOLEY Postofflce address Postofflce address - i Hyannis Nih On left side also gl f on lort hip horsft gleft shoulder ICangeJ miles north of Hyannis fissaass vma A IIUMPiniEY sS5SS w tJJMMgm Postofflce addres3 Hyani8 Nebj fr Branded anywliertt on right side lior ses same on left shonlder Range sixteen miles northeast ofi k Ilyann W E STANSBIE InD D 0 BAUGH TcfrnrA fl1lrACC wwUv - On left hip anc left side Also on left hip hihI leftside horses same brands on slionUlers Range IW nules orth of Hjannis E E AND II E WOODRUFF dS8 Postofflce address HyauniNei On left hip and left side Also stoclc bran led on lrf SlI and reersol S on riKht shoulder alsongbc t 3 htj an left side BggKgCfta Range Mother Lake GENTRY ARBOTT MONAHAN Postofflce address L Hyannis Nr M Both on left side some stock BSlsH aRAAJ branded C left shoui der A left hip nlso N X S anywhere on left side also C A loft side Range head Middle Loup S A T DAVIS agisKSSgSSJaPi ifAM m rri iiTrrrririfnMrTi H C MASON Postofflce address Hyannis Nel Cn left side some same on lott siueMim hip Some on left hip a Lvxacs tll0uder Range Mother Lake summer shendan Co Postofflce address Hyannis Neb On right side hore on left shouide aBPSg also cattlo o o on riKht sifl iviut jo muea norm or lijannu A J PLTJMER Also have stock branded on right side and hip Horses on right hip Range Southwestern Cherry Countj Postollice address HannisNeb Branded on right side and h j ROSEBITO S i Alfred Bordeaux and Bros Rosebud S D Range between Minnechaduza and St Francis Louis Bordeaux PTiiiijir Rosebud S D Horses branded 12 rf4f9J r l J l Jr i -A r - r i r i 41