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Valentine Nebraska
tht United States for which everv
Kfilionlr nn1 en frrii a rri is
There is little wonder that any one
acquainted with the work as it was
done a year ago is astonished at the
progress made and and perfection at
tained in so short a time Of the 180
attaches of the Havana postoffice
proper only twenty are Americans
and even they are surrendering to
Cubans as rapidly as the latter become
qualified andreliablp for the responsi
bilities of the departments The fifty
carriers are all Cubans They make
two trips a day and receive 600 a year
which will be increased to 800 as they
develop in efficiency and continue in
The visitor in Havana is impressed
with the large number of well dressed
idlers about town The Cuban swell
is afar more artistic and self possessed
product than his American prototype
He is a dapper built fellow generally
good looking and what with a light
Fedora hata dark coatwhite vest cas
siznere trousers and mirror patents he
is picturesque to the eye He is inva
riably distinguished by a cane The
Secondary Cuban swell is much given
to the alpaca suit All of the Cuban
gentlemen powder noticeabry
Old Morro and Cabanas across the
narrow harbor from Havana continue
to attract and traditionally thrill the
general tourist Cabanas was almost
a quarter of a century building and
cost nearly as many millions to say
nothing of countless lives and yet it
was fated to fall to Uncle Sam with
out a shot merely the scratch of a
pen on a piece of paper Cabanas was
death to every Cuban that crossed its
threshold and Spanish suspicion The
famous dead line and bullet pocked
wall remain undisturbed since the
war Cabanas is vast enough to be
and will probably become the Cuban
Xenitentiary of the twentieth century
Despite its colossal cost it is absolutely
worthless as a modern fort
Cuba and Havana are clearly destined
to become the new American winter
resorts of the twentieth century Be
fore the new century or 1901 sets in
let us hope that large and modern
steamers capable of high speed will
have supplanted the present inadquate
gulf crossers and reduced sea sickness
to a minimum or a short shoot from
from Key West to Havana Cuba in
deed is perpetual June and what with
American hotels and means of travel
once introduced over there Florida
will have seen her day
Kitchener in School
Dr Butler the present master of
Trinity college Cambridge may be re
garded as the man who exercised the
most influence on Lord Kitcheners
career It was found upon the death
of his father that the family resources
were so straitened that it would be
diflicult to keep the future hero of Om
durman at Harrow school Dr But
ler who was then the head master of
the school wanted to know why such
a clever lad was leaving He was
frankly told and replied The boy
will reflect honor on the school he
must stay here There will be no
charge I will only request that he
may not be told of this arrangement
at present as it might break his high
spirit New York Press
Telephone Girls Talk Toe Much
According to the Western Electri
cian the women telephone operators
in the Paris exchanges are being dis
placed by men This journal says that
women have hitherto been universally
employed because their voices are
lighter and carry better and also be
cause they have more patience and di
plomacy In spite of these qualifica
tions the women operators must go
because All beseeching and disciplin
ary measures have been powerless to
prevent girls from chattering among
themselves instead of devoting their
sole attention to the subscribers
Pearl in Cocoanut Palms
One of the directors of Kew gardens
lecturing recently at the London in
stitute on some curiosities of tropi
cal plant life said that among these
were the pearls found occasionally
In the cocoanut palm of the Philippine
islands pearls which like those of
the ocean are composed of carbonate
of lime The bamboo too yields an
other precious product in the shape of
true opals which are found in its
Jjli HHIiWIMWiBliiWMli
Marvelous Cure
A Lincoln Girl whose Eyes Were Straightened by Dr Sey
mour and whose Beauty on that Account
is Admired byEverybodj
Neuta Springs and Blockhouse
Chinese Gardeners near Havana
American Soldiers in Cuba
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A Cuban Farmhouse
A Cuban Farm
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The Havana Palacethe Cuban White Housevon the Plaza de Armas
Glimpse of Cuban War Trocha
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