-- i iff Aw r -
japtaii7 grabaot j
Four days later the Portugal had cast
anchor just outside the bar of Durban
land the marchers were at the end of their
voyage all but the two miles which inter
vened between them and the shore It
was too late to disembark or do anything
ithat evening although boats with dis
patches were soon alongside After dinner
Miles came up on deck for a smoke rest
ed his arm on the bulwarks and gazed
ion the scene before him Although it
was night it was not dark the sky was
ilit up with millions and millions of stars
ithat seemed closer and brighter than in
our own Northern region The troop
ship lay just outside the bar and a tine
bay evidently fringed with trees at one
extremity blinked a lighthouse and far
away toward the middle of the curve
were the lamps of the town of Durban
And so this is Africa thought Miles
A new country to me and a hard nut
ifor the Government to crack I wonder
jwhat I shall find there he asked him
JBelf as he looked at its distant silent
shores clothed with the dignity of night
Shall I come home -as I landed shall
1 find a medal or a grave And that
other fellow what would he find in a
tfew months time perhaps even now he
was a spruce young lancer officer he
looked just the sort to shove along and
distinguish himself have his name in all
the papers and go home to receive his
reward at Esmes hands If he does
muttered Miles half aloud may I never
live to know it
Next morning the regiment embarked
for the shere in tugs and boats Durban
town- with its green turf wild flowers
and trees and hedges reminded one of
home although its long sandy streets
and curiously built houses were more
colonial than English It boasted several
places of worship cwo clubs and some
good shops and the marchers as they
passed through en route to the 6tation
were not likely to see anything so civil
ized again for some time
The marchers traveled by rail as far
as the trail went and then the real cam
paigning business commenced then they
began to understand what was meant by
the tented field trek oxen dongas
Bust mosquitoes laagering it was march
march march steadily march day after
day The new arrivals speedily learned
how to make the most of commissariat
flour and beef to pitch and strike tents
to out span and in span but we need not
pause to describe their route as this story
deals more with the fortunes of Miles and
Teddy Brabazon than with the Boer cam
paign which has been aptly and abun
dantly related elsewhere Long monot
onous stretching plains covered with
high grass bowlders and ant hills and
Vexed with aggravating dongas Here
and there along the track a dead bullock
dead a week another dead a fortnight
another oh blessed change a- skeleton
We see no sign of life no cattle no
smoke no trees no villages nothing but
the broiling sun overhead the baking
veldt underfoot One just one or two
ominous objects we do pass near the end
of the march one or two skeletons and
one or two knapsacks lying at the side of
the track in the long coarse yellow
s In due time the column came to a halt
and real camp life commenced It was
dull work enough this waiting for orders
to move to the front was trying to those
who to use their own phraseology were
eager to be talking to the natives
There was nothing to be done but grin
and bear it and the time was put in in
mending kits making forays for food on
Kaffir kraals and Boer farms cutting
wood and grumbling there is a great
luxury in a good grumble Captain Bra
bazon and Gee had pitched their little
tents side by side and were almost as
much together as in the old days
The nights were cold the dew was
heavy and white chill fogs of constant
occurrence Visiting the outposts and
pickets was a duty that fell to Captain
Brabazon about once a week Between
eleven and twelve oclock one night he
was going round the sentries in a dense
fog which had come on quite suddenly
and obscured the moon most completely
swathing every object in a cloak of thick
white mist
I heard a noise just now sir said
one of the sentries in a lonely spot
something like a lot of men on horses
trampling below us in the valley There
it goes again and sure enough Miles
made out the uncertain scrambling of
hoofs scattering stones hither and thith
er as they made their way up the hill
he said promptly
Halt who goes there demanded the
sentry in one long word bringing his
rifle to the charge
And outftff the fog a bold English voice
-replied A friend
Stand friend advance one and give
the countersign
And very shortly a trotting sound was
heard through the soppy grass and from
the midst of the surrounding milk white
fog suddenly loomed a man and a horse
lancer officer in short Teddy Oh hap
py Teddy a lieutenant at last though the
glories of your uniform are concealed be
neath a cape and the water is streaming
from your helmet and your very mus
tache is limp and wet
Are these the outposts of the Itoyal
Marchers he asked in a cheery voice
as he reined up his charger
Yes sir responded the soldier
Ive been rambling over the whole
country lost in this beastly fog to Miles
who now came forward and only 1
heard the challenge of your sentries Id
be rambling still dismounting from his
blowing horse and following Captain
Brabazon to the picket fire As he came
within the light thrown by the brush
wood his companion had he noticed it
started perceptibly and no wonder for he
recognized standing before him in the
itrillkti Just the very one person In the
JAilitapyFjJomaoee ofgoytfriea
Og g
world he never wished to see again
Gentleman Brown
Ive dispatches from Lord Chalmsford
for your chief proceeded Teddy uncon
scious of the sudden and ominous change
that had come over his companions face
Will you show me the way to his dig
Yes if you will follow mei This way
down to the left and look out for the
tent ropes said the marcher officer in a
nard mecnanical voice
Come on then Kitty old girl taking
her by the bridle and mind yourself
We have been among the bogs and holes
and ant hills for the last couple of hours
he went on speaking to his guide who
was walking a few paces before him
and upon my word I thought we were
lost Two or three times Id have come
to awful grief only for the mare here
patting her affectionately shes very
quick on her pins aint you old lady
You seem to have a good sized camp
he continued as they steered and stum
bled their way back to the tents The
marchers column must be pretty strong
What a silent beggar the marcher was
Pretty well laconically Here is
the colonels tent and he was going
to add now Ill leave you but this
would not have been marcher manners
or form he would have to look after this
cub and his horse too finders are keep
The colonel was a veteran who consid
ered four hours of sleep ample for any
man He was sitting up writing when
Miles introduced the young lancer officer
bearing dispatches Having made a few
inquiries about the route he had come
the condition of the roads etc the colo
nel dismissed him by saying Well I
shall see you again to morrow morning
you must be pretty well done up now
Brabazon you will look after him and see
that he has a comfortable shake down
for the night and that his horse is attend
ed to And Miles muttered something
rather indistinct which was meant to
convey the fact that it would be all right
of course and he would be delighted
My servant is in bed but Ill have him
out in a minute he said He will look
after your horse and Ill see what I can
find you in the way of supper you must
not expect anything very gorgeous
Dont mind routing up your fellow
Ill do up the mare myself if youll just
let me have a feed and a sheet and a
picket rope
And sure enough he set to work in the
most professipnal manner unsaddled her
groomed her a bit fed her and made her
up while Miles stood by with a lantern
in his hand and a sneer under his mus
tache and told himself contemptuously
that Gentleman Brown had certainly
not been in the ranks for nothing
This business accomplished Captain
Brabazon conducted the stranger to his
own tent and set the best fare he could
find before him cold stewed beef cold
tea in a silver mug a bunch of bread
and oh luxury a tin of sardines And
Teddy sat on he side of his hosts bed
and did ample justice to the fare in ques
tion for he was hungry having traveled
far and fast and very very tired
Captain Gee was a light sleeper and
had been aroused by this strange loud
voice in Miles tent Who was it There
was but one means of discovering the
fact and that was to go and see For a
time he struggled in his own mind be
tween laziness and curiosity but in the
end the latter gallantly carried the day
He like every one in camp slept nightly
in his clothes so in two minutes his sandy
head was presented in the doorway and
his familiar voice was heard demanding
Whats the row
tns Diinuing eyes quicKiy toon m a
broad shouldered young man sitting upon
Miles bed busily engaged in polishing
off their last tin of sardines
This officer has just ridden in from
Lord Chelmsfords camp with dis
patches said Miles to his friend by
way of an introduction
rrvn ii i j juj
jjui nj icn aiicu iVLiitra luuuui liilll
astute little man as he glanced sharply
over at his brother officer Wiry did he
speak in such a curiously company
voice Why was all usual bonhommie
absent from his manner Why did that
manner convey an idea of mere frigid
Mr Dicky had not been called a cute
little beggar without good reason he
could put two and two together better
than most people In the cavalry in
this country and Miles lace told the
whole story He took in the scene be
fore him with a cool discerning eye and
informed himself that this lancer sitting
on Miles bed playing havoc with their
European stores this good looking chap
with the merry eyes who looked as if
when once he began to laugh he could
never leave off was the other fellow
At daybreak the bugles sounded the
reveille and found Miles still awake He
got up made a hurried toilet and leav
ing Gentleman Brown fast asleep he
liastened out to his Work His morning
rounds of inspection over he strolled
away down the hill from camp and seat-
ed himself on the wall of a deserted
mealie field wherehe could have the full
benefit of the rising sun
iU UCCU IU LtTlUiIl till lililL LUIIUU UUO
gone he said He had done all that hos
pitality required had given him a good
supper and his own bed and now let some
other marcher speed the parting guest
But what was this he saw This lan
cer himself hurrying down the hill look
ing wonderfully spruce and smart his kit
a painful contrast to Miles shabby serge
coat and weather stained leggings
What does he want now said Cap
tain Brabazon to himselfi irritably- 1
believe hes looking for me
Hulioa I say Brabazon he hailed
cheerily from some distance 1 want to
have a word with you before I go clat
tering quickly down over the loose stones
With me returned the other in a
surly tone and most unpromising man-
ner not rising not showing any alacrity
to greet him
Yes with you of course I was too
dead beat to talk to you last night Dont
you know who I am old chap accom
panying the question with a violent sjap
on the back
Yes I know who you are right
enough morosely
Oh you do do you Well you might
seem a bit more pleaserd to see me in
stead of sitting there like an old bear
with a sore head in a tone of surprise
Look here young fellow said Miles
suddenly rising Id advise you to leave
me alone I dont want to have anything
to do- with you Dont provoke me too
far or we might both be sorry for the
Hullo hullo Easy does it You are
on the wrong track you evidently dont
know who I am come now where did
you ever -see me
On board the Resistance Will that
do looking rather dangerous
Oh quite coolly I suppose you rec
ognized me by being with Esme She
was very plucky to come all that way
Poor girl she was in a terrible state I
thought she would never let me go How
she cried
To this remark Miles preserved an om
inous silence
Tell me one thing continued this un-
daunted lancer squariug himself before
his now boiling companion Why did
you not riiarry her What has happened
I declare when I recognized you last
night in the colonels tent you might just
have knocked me down with a feather
Why did you not marry Esme he reit
erated persistently
I should think that no one knows the
reason better than yourself fero
ciously You forget that 1 witnessed
the affecting parting between you and
her he added in a tone of scorching
And what harm if you did indig
nantly I say you know if you are
going to be jealous of a girls brother you
must be a most
Brother brother was all his compan
ion could ejaculate as he leaned against
the wall and stared at Teddy with a daz
ed white face and in so staring brought
conviction home to his very soul For
was not Teddy looking at him with
Esmes own dark blue eyes
Dont you know that Im Teddy Brab
azon exclaimed the lancer seizing his
cousin by the arm and giving him a vigor
ous shake
No I dont returned Miles at last
rousing nis mental faculties rrom tne
shock they had sustained Mrs Brab
azon told me that Teddy was dead
speaking in a strange voice Yes she
said he was dead
Oh Mrs B would say anything con
temptuously but all the same Im alive
and kicking giving his relative another
little shake Why man you look as
dazed as if I had knocked you on the
head Just listen to me and Ill tell you
all about it still holding him by the
arm as though he were afraid he would
escape You must know in the first
place that Im as stupid as a fish brains
nil was plucked three times from the
line and as Mrs B cut up awfully rough
I went off and enlisted was in conse
quence disowned by the family and giv
en out as dead speaking so rapidly that
the words seemed to tumble ovei one an
other in their
The only one
Esme she clunj
eagerness to be uttered
that stuck to me was
j to me like a limpet from
first to last
And why was I never told interrupt
ed Miles fiercely suddenly wrenching
himself away from Teddys eagerly de
taining hand Why did she never speak
of you
Because I would not let her replied
the other frankly Over and over again
she begged and implored leave to let you
into the secret of Sergeant Brown but
I would not listen to her I said time
enough when I could take your hand as
an equal and as a brother officer It was
just a whim of mine now possessing
himself of Miles reluctant fingers and
shaking them very heartily as he spoke
A whim of yours has cost me pretty
dear said his cousin bitterly horty
thousand pounds and Esme
How What do you mean blank
How angrily Why when I saw
her down at Portsmouth that day on the
sly taking an agonizing farewell of a ser
geant of lancers was not that enough
Teddy was now tie one whose face ex
pressed incredulous and blank
I I proceeded Miles with a catch
in his breath rushed after her to the
station feeling like a madman and no
doubt looking the character had just
time to tell her that I had done with her
forever then I exchanged out here with
in forty eight hours and to think clinch
ing his hand to think that after all it
was her brother He stopped unable to
utter another word
To be continued
To Correct Bashfulncv
The bashful young girl must stop
thinking about herself writes Mar
garet E Sangster in the Ladies Home
Journal I heard the other day of a
man a college student who went to
visit his sister r college student also
He was the one man as it happened
in the dining room with live hundred
girls and he had occasion to cross the
room with their bright eyes beaming
on him with curiosity and interest
Said my informant The boy was
completely at his eas e You would
have thought his sister the only girl
present Evidently tlie young mans
mother had brought hi in up in a sen
sible way and he was free from that
bane of comfort self consciousness
It is bard for a very diffident person
to be free from awkwardness and
very acute distress and much humilia
tion may be the results of u extreme
shyness Try not to think how you
look what impression you are making
what sort of gown you have eh Do
not let your mind dwell on yourself
but think of what you are to do and of
making others pleased and happy
Once you are free from self-consciousness
bashfulness will trouble you no
James Whitcomb Riley when speak
ing of his nationality said
Im Irish- from the word go I show it
in mytastes 1 show it in my face and
I show it inmy name Whoever heard
of a man who was not Irish doing busi
ness at the old stand under the name of
- -
Latter Parties Given Attorney Gen
eral and Lieutenant Governor Re
spectively Populists Name the
Balance of the Ticket
Governor W A Poynter Populist
Lieutenant Governor E A Gilbert Sil
ver Republican -
Secretary of State C V Svoboda Pop
Treasurer S B Howard Populist
Attorney General Willis D Oldham
Auditor H S Griess Populist
Land Commissioner P J Carey Popu
Nebraska fusionistsv represented by tho
Democratic Populists and free silver Re
publican parties met in Lincoln July 11 to
nominate a full state ticket
It was nearly 8 oclock when Chairman
Flail of the Democratic State Central Com
mittee rapped for order and introduced as
emporary chairman T J Doyle of Lin
join Chairman Doyle made an address of
considerable length Following the ap
pointment of a committee on credentials
V B Oldham of Lincoln and R S Bibb
Df Beatrice addressed the convention The
convention took a recess until 8 oclock
The Free Silver Republicans organized
by electing George Ilibner of Lincoln tem
porary and then permanent chairman and
ifter appointing a committee on confer
ence took a recess
The Populist state convention was called
to order at 515 p m by State Chairman
Edmisten with over L200 delegates pres
Bnt Chairman Edmisten urged that the
delegates work in the interests of the re
form forces W V Allen was elected
temporary Chairman He made a plea for
harmony and conservatism saying there
never was a time in history of the country
that such a crave situation confronted it
W A Bradbnry was elected temporary
secretary by acclamation A motion to
make the temporary organization perma
nent was carried A recess was taken till
None of tho committees were ready to
report Avh en the Populist convention re
assembled at 830 p m and after waiting
forty five minutes the selection of the state
central committee was taken up The con
vention then listened to speeches until 10
p in when the report of the committee on
rules and order of business was presented
and adopted Charles A Towne was then
introduced amid tremendous cheering
addressed the convention for about
ten minutes concluding with an eloquent
tribute to Adlai E Stevenson Just as he
concluded W J Bryan entered the build
ing and for ten minutes the convention
was wild with enthusiasm When tne
delegates quieted down Mr Bryan made
quite a lengthy address which was well
received by the delegates Mr Bryan also
spoke before the Populist and free silver
Republican conventions
The Democrats on reassembling adopted
the report of the credentials committee
throwing out the Moise contesting delega
tion from Omaha but according the mem
bers seats in the convention hall without a
vote The temporary organization was
made permanent Chairman Thompson
of the committee on resolutions reported
the platform It reaffirms the declarations
of the national convention at Kansas City
commends fusion in the election of United
States senators members of congress and
state officers and pledges the nominees of
the convention to adopt an economical ad
ministration of affairs
The first note of discord among the silver
Republicans came when Delegate Ransom
offered a set of resolutions approving the
reported withdrawal of Charles A Towne
as a candidate for vice president in favor
of Adlai E Stevenson Protests came
from all over the hall and the resolutions
were withdrawn Mr Towne who was
present was called out and in a short
speech practically announced his intention
to withdraw but added that he would take
as active a part in the campaign and work
as hard for the success of the ticket as if
be was a candidate
The resolutions as finally adopted in
dorse the Kansas City silver Republican
platform and recite that in accordance
with the action taken at that convention
the free silver Republican party of Ne
braska pledges its support to W J Bryan
and Adlai E Stevenson for president and
vice president
Charles A Towne in his address to the
Democrats made his statement even more
positive than to the silver Republicans that
he would withdraw from the ticket
It was after midnight when the confer
ence committees of three- parties made
their first report to the conventions of the
apportionment of the state officers The
Democrats and silver Republicans were
agreed in allowing the Democrats state
treasurer and attorney general the silver
Republicans the governor and the Populists
the remainder The Populists opposed
granting the Democrats more than the office
of attorney general and the report was
taken up for disscussion in the convention
The platform adopted by the Populists
reaffirms the Sioux Falls platform and de
votes several planks to state issues but
adheres to and indorses the original tickets
for Bryan and Towne
The Populist convention at 130 a m
Thursday by raising a vote sustained the
action of its conference committee in re
fusing to grant the Democrats but one
place on the ticket and instructed it so to
report to the other conventions
The work of the three conventions was
finished at 530 Thursday afternoon Na
tional politics was injected into the pro
ceedings and at one time though it had in
reality no bearing on the direct issues
threatened a split between the Democrats
and Populists The question was over the
indorsement of Stevenson for vice presi
dent by the Populists The excitement de
veloped by the dispute over the apportion
ment of state officers among the three par
ties and was heightened by the springing of
the vice presidential question and it
reached the climax at 4 oclock Thursday
morning when M F Harrington warned
the convention that it would wreck the
party if they indorsed the withdrawal of
Towne from the ticket and conceded other
Democratic demands Mr Harrington as
serted that the way to increase the middle-of-the-road
movement was to throw
Towne over and put in his place one who
had never been in sympathy with the Pop
J H Edmiston chairman of the Popu
list state central committee and vice chair
man of the national committee declared if
the Populists did not stand their ground
hold their place on the national ticket and
insist on the bulk of the state officers they
could never hold another national conven
tion Just at a time when the nenfcimentl
L f
seemed strong for breaking away from a1
alliances a motion to take a recess pre
vailed The Demooratd adjourned at the
same time and the leaders got together for
conference withthe result tliat the Demo
crats yielded everything accepting a sin
gle office on the state tieket and dividing
with the Populists and free silver Repub
licans the eight presidential electors The
conference committees were discharged
from duty the Populists sent their ultima
tum to the Democrats on the question of
the division of state officers it was accep
ted and Gov Poynters renomiuation fol
lowed before the noon recess The ticket
was completed during the afternoon
The three state central committees to
whom had been delegated the selection of
presidential electors reported the follow
ing before the conventions adjourned and
their recommendation was adopted
Frank Ransom J H FelderW A Gar
rett W G Swan Peter Ebberson Robert
Oberfelder L M Wente and J Hughes
It Is Quite as Important to Knot
What to Buy as to Cook
Good beef should be bright red when
It is first cut and this red flesh should
be well marbled with yellowish fat
with a thick layer of fat on the out
side If it does not present this ap
pearance you may be quite sure eithei
that the ox was not well fatted oi
was too young or was not in good con
dition The flesh should be firm and
no mark should be left when it is
pressed with the finger The suet
should be dry and crumble easily
The first step in demonstration is to
cut the beef into the hind and fore
quarters The hind quarter contains
the finest and most expensive cuts of
the meat Here are found the sirloin
the tenderloin the rump and the round
The cheapest portions of the hind quar
ter are the shin and the flank In the
fore quarter are the ribs the shoulder
the skin the rattle round and the
brisket The ribs are the top of the
back nearest to the loin in fact they
join it when the animal is whole The
first ribs are what are called the
prime ribs these are used for roasts
or steaks the next are the five chuck
ribs lying between the prime ribs and
the neck the meat is of a tougher qual
ity than on the prime ribs although
they are used for the same purposes
The neck is used for beef teas for
stews -and for boiling Below the rib
cuts running along the side of the ani
mal is the rattle round This is used
for corning The under part of tha
animals body is called the brisket and
this also is used for corninj
shoulder is used for steaks and corn-
ing though the less said about the ten
derness of a shoulder steak the better
The skin both from the front and
back is used for soup and stock Wo
mans Home Companion
A Colony Sliut Off from the OutsiJe
For the first time in two years the
little English colony on the island or
Tristan dApunua is to receive news of
the outside world says the Philadel
phia Times The Penguin recently took
out an expedition to the neighboring
islands and will call at Tristan with
mails parcels and such articles of
luxury as charitable people felt in
clined to send
The island used to be regularly vis
ited by her majestys ships of war
But its position between Africa and
South America forty five days steam
from Engltfcid made the journey a
very expensive one especially now
steam alone is used on cruisers Sail
ing vessels too once made it a place
of call but the increase of steamships
has robbed the island of this means of
communication So it comes about
that only by a chance commercial ven
ture shall we be able to obtain tidings
of the little community
Small as the population is it has been
steadily growing In 1S17 when the
British garrison was withdrawn Cor
poral Glass his wife and family and
two other men were the only inhabi
tants left behind In 1S2G there were
seven and two women Recruited from
various shipwrecks these had in
creased in 1S73 to eighty four but
dwindled to sixty four in 189G of
whom the women considerably exceed
ed the men
One of the things most needed by ths
inhabitants is rat poison The ordin
ary English rodent was acclimated
there early in the century probably by
following his usual practice of desert
ing a sinking ship Since then the
tribe has thriven to such an extent that
the cats also English instead of keep
ing down the rats exist only on suffer
ance from the vermin
Queen of All Necklaces
The most magnificent and costly
pearl necklace in the world is said to
be owned by the Countess Henckel a
ladj well known in London and Paris
society It is composed of three his
torical necklaces each of which at
tracted much attention in its day One
of them valued at some 00000 was
sold to the Countess by a Spanish
grandee and is known as the neck
lace of the Virgin of Atokha the sec
ond was once the property of the ex
Queen of Naples sister of the Empress
of Austria the third was the famous
necklace worn by the Empress Eugenie
on state occasions and recently sold
by her majesty to a firm of London
jewelers for 100000 The present
value of the Countless Henckels neck
lace is estimated at not far from 250
000 London Mail
Phonograph In the Council Chamber
The French town of Etampes has in
troduced an interesting novelty by re
placing the recording secretary of the
Municipal Council with a phonograph
Some of the members of the Council
objected to the innovation on account
of the too great faithfulness of the ap
paratus in reproducing defective pro
nunciation and errors of speech One
good result may be to stimulate the
members to polish up their pronuncia
tion and attend to their grammar more
than heretofore
Odd Excuse for Burglary
An ndd excuse forurglary was given
by a on Iegged boy aged 14 He broke
into a hardware store In Kansas City
and was captured He pleaded that he
wanted to steal some tools whlph would
enable him to maka wooden leg for
Johnny Knew
Teacher Now Johnny tell the class
what the Sabbath day Is
Johnny Dats de day I carry de
growler in a feed bag Sing Sing Star
of Hope
A Narrow Escape
The world has narowly missed losin
some of its great leaders before they
grew to manhood The Outlook tells a
story of one of these narrow escapes
One November evening a mother was
Journeying toward the city of Mar
seilles with her son a lad of eight She
had been to a country house near the
city and all day the child had run
about happy in his new surroundings
Now fatigue overtook him and the
mother put him in a peach basket
borne by a donkey and that he might
not catch cold in the chill November
air covered the basket with a thick
brown shawl
The boy cozy arid warm presently
fell asleep The donkey trudged on
getting ahead of the woman in its
eagerness to reach home
There was a local custom house at
the gate of Marseilles and the wary in
spector if he surmised that a package
contained contraband articles resorted
to the expedient of thrusting a sharp
steel pick through it
On the present occasion the donkey
had come up to the gate and the In
spector was preparing to thrust his
pick into the basket when the mother
some distance behind caught sight of
the movement The voice of fear is
strong and the sharp cry of the wom
an that her son was in the basket did
not fail to reach bis ears He threw
down his pick and the child was saved
The boy was Adolpb Thiers
Effect of the Mirror
I have been noticing a curious little
circumstance at my store said a Canal
street business man the other day
There is a very fine plate glass in the
side casing of my show window and
right behind it is a bandsoihe mirror
One day not long ago I observed what
seemed to be a lot of white dust on the
window ledge and told the porter to
wipe it off Next day the ledge was as
dusty as ever and after having it
cleaned half a dozen successive times I
discovered the cause of the trouble
The mirror was certain to catch the eye
of every woman who passed and every
little while one would step up close and
make some mysterious motions over
her face They always did it when no
body was in sight and every time the
operation was performed the accumu
lation of white dust increased It was
a blend of several varieties of face pow
der New Orleans Times Democratr
It is too bad that the man with a deep
voice doesnt always have a mind to
match it
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We take our choice corned
beef cook it and season it all
T Kpfr it in tfio Iisn c
emergencies for suppers for
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