fi ii - - - f ti - liedmiiw jgenioirat i I irmcE Cody Nebr - J WP VVw4iMir -- PtJBLlSEB J - 1 Garner Brothers ym fa g r J - fFrTJZ5TTA WfTtyt mi Vetal Vlandry an v litre y e1iie with imdr iieath the bpd Horses on GK leit slioul E5 der CEa Hange Little White Riverand mousli of Cedar Creek S D Cody Nebr Anywhere on cat- H6res on left snouiuer Range North on Qlarenue Cutcomb Cody Nebr Left side oh large caitlo - - Un small Vr stock left side Horses At on left shonlduv Ratigc - Soutli east olJCiitcomb Lake - T -- JW j Ell W t iTFi hrzrw ISiifti J J Peck AOC William Shangran Cody Nebr On left side Horses same Range Lake Creek S Dakota Cody Nebr On -left side i some X T on left side horses T on left side SHdRTHOKN - STOCK -Range Between Niobrara and the Snake River Falls CodyJebr dattle branded as on cue Horses same as cut Range Noth Snake Cody Nphr on Dotn sides or an where on animal Also It on hip or shoulder Range Little White River and mouth of Cedar Creek S D JfrV r 4i afegg Cody Nebr On both sides Horses CO on left thigh Ranee Head Pass Creek S D JamesljioodfeHoYv Son 3 W H Carter Cody Nebr On left side horses J Wright side and mostly on jaw Range Between the Niobrara and Medicine Lake fTT1 tiri m J Gustave Gunderson Cody Nebr On left side Horses j on leit shoulder Range rBetween Niobrara and the Snake Geo Jb Coleman Cody Nebr On left side Horses o on left shoulder Range 10 miles west of Snakti HOT H K Sears fa -en ft S J Goodin C Cody Nebr TMostly on right Jiip some on botli hips Range Medicine Lake Evenson rjS Codv Nebr Oa left side and tldgh horses the same ou left side Range -Between Niobrara and the Snake Prank Livermore Shadbolt Pleishman Railey Nebr Left side S 3a leftslmulder nerdnarkde lap Kange Ranjrv SC and 37 be tween Niobrara and the Snake 3- p M T 6Eifc3iKtf - ifllp1 - Stotlsifc tetter v W Rrniried on left side Raupe Tin Con lake aiid Merman Flats A Y i j grcflfflwj8JL Cody Neb Wheeler Bros Also 1 on right side Range Chamberlain Flats and Snake River jQpHV flHH ia EH Branded on either side horses same on left shoulder Range 3 mi north east of Eli and south of Niobrara river 13 mi southwestof Cody Cody Nebraska Same as on cut left side and shoulder Range east and south- and west of Cody TNC i i uu 1 Amelia Yourig gfiB Cody Nebraska Cm right swift Right ear split Range Little White river eli Henry xoung t WSSSSM Cody Nebraska Horsexbrand IIY on left shoulder Cattle right ear v split lfanjrp Tntlft Vhif rivpr S T William M Dunbar Lessee from Heine Kroeger Cody Neb DUfi Either side AlSCftin low m risut Left ear oi cattle Split Range head of Hay Creek 4PJ 9 TrtiiijiiTWiin rWfr 7 ALONZO HEATH Postofflce address Cody Nebraska On left side ji uorses leftshoulder Range north Cutcomb Lake S A WLNSLOW Postofflce address Cody Nebraska1 FRANK J JONES Postofflce address CodyNebraska On right side hor ses same on left shoulder Range eight miles west of Cody JOHN Posto ce address Cody Nebraska On left side Also on leftside Horses J S on left shoulder Range between Cody and Lafe Creek A C RIEMENSCHNEIDER 1 Postofflce address A D COLE Postofflce address Codv Nebniska On right side alsoX on rignt snouiuer and 2 on jaw ii 3 on leit hlu also 3 on jaw Range Old Poor Rancnon Niobrara CHAS E ROBERTS wR9 Postofflce address Cody Nebraska On either side some REE some EER Range north west of Cody CHARLES GARTSIDE te sfey Postofflce address Cody Neb Cattle branded on left side also CG on left hip of cattle and left shoulder on horses JEtamre on Niobrara 10 mi south west Cddv SHANGRANf Br WWI J P GARDINER Postofflce address Cody Nebraska On Jeft side of cat tle horsesqxight arm Range north and south of Niobrara RiyrjQ miles south west of Cody FRED AND WILLIAM MAYBEE Postofflce address Cody eb On left sider horses same left shpnlder Earmark notch on underside of right ear Range east and 3uthpLli - 6SSISQ9BShBEB sTi -- f J Merrimaneb V sMm J H STEELE Riisfrlpa a4lress Cody Nebraska On leftside also LO or V L on left side ol someeaitlei AISS on left liiprB and uorses oui leit Jhoinder Rauire Mouth of Rpur Creek FRANK KffffrTli I iMIlii I JJYllil5ll cattle bearing these brands MOGLE Postofflce address G II SEAGER Fostotilce address Codv Neoraska Cattle branded as on cut on left side hip and shoulder horses ame Rauge Snake Creek Cody Nebraska On either de cattle herd mark left ear clipped and rtoht ear spJlthorses branded same on left shoulder Range on Niobrara and Medicine Canyon ftj3g fevJD ROBERT I HINES maSjSMSJaKSt Some en left side some on left hip horses same oh left thigh Range Six miles lortheast of rinian Postofflce address Cody Nebraska Branded on left side horses sameleftshoul der Range on Snake south of Codv Merriman Nebraska Grant Bixler 22r25s k John Gresh mm R W Pruden aierrlraan Neb Sonfe branded same as cut on both hips Range Northeast of Merriraan irjiSfe Merjlman Neb On both sides some on right side and hip Horses same with out bar left thigh RangeLake Creek mmmsEiec wnTO MerrimanNeb On left side Horses same on left shoulder Wattle under neck of young stock Range Lake Creek and Little White River John T Green riij L BLesserg JVIerriman Neb Sandy Williams MerrimanNeb Mostly on left side Some on right side left shoulder Ranges Lake Creek S U wjBQEJimi1 I jfc3 yaamMas imSSB 5-T- On leftside al so on same side SM underlined IforsesjLinder lined M on left thigh Rauge Little Vrnite River WSb iffainHv9MvaaaMacKr KJBwijfeimSgbaiKtHUPYfi Geo V Monnier v IHHMMvfVii n nrjRiM ni hi i i i iii ------ MerrmanNeb On both side and bin Herd mark dewlap Horses saiie on left sljoulder Range Lake Creek and Little wiuie iiiyer Seth Gary MerrimanNeb Leftshoulder and left thigh f on left hip V- Horses same on left thigh Range East and southeast of nman SG 1 t C W Allen Manager jSSS w MerrimanNeb I frrrar9 Stock branded as on cut also A left shoulder B left sideC left hip Range Little White River SD I will nav S100 for sufficient evi idence to convict anyone of stealing T F Franks Merriman Neb- r SB 1 C H Little Merriman Neb On eitherside Horses same on hip Also eitnersiaeV j Range Lake Creels South Dakota V On leftside ear mark under slope Horses T S on left shoulder Range- 30 miles nottheast of Mer riman Bffjy tt titsSSSSSSSSSiAs - He FostofUce address DUEPAiT jlerrlman Neb On left side Jaw or hip Ranee Lae Greek South Dakota Charles Meriinian Neb at- P O address Mernnian Nebr Right ear cropped Hole injeenter of left ear Range Lake creek SD SSS2sl3 Louis J liichards MerrimanNeb Itifhards yCCRJ Louis F Richards Merriman Neb Joseph W Bownet B P Eoyles G 0 Pairhead MerrimanNeb Cattle on left side and hip some on left side only Horses O on left shoulder Range Cotton wood Lake Lean- der and Bear Creek ar -- Mill lllit 111 Ti - - f Postofflce address Merriman Neb On left side horses same left shoulder Range Little White River South Dakota oe sfeMSfsri Merriirian Neb Same as on cut left side Range Between Niobrara River and Reservation sfill r o I 6i Arthur Eofi ROF Merriman Neb On side also It on jaw Horses It on thigh Range Lake Creek and Little White River -CHAS S NICHOLS Postofflce address Merriman Neb On hip of cattle horses same left shoulder Range between Bear Creek and Niobrara River 9 mi southeast of Merriman tf2j0Rsf fH UnKw Hugh Bovill Manager Merriman Neb Also All on left side or hip Range north of El Charlotte E Bovill Merriman Neb Left side or hip Range north o Eli J SELDER BROTHERS Postofflce address Merriman Neb On leftside of rat tle jalso R3 horsetg on left shoIdrI Range north and south of Niobrara Ri ver9 mi southeast of Merriniau GEORGE STOVER GEORGE JESSEN MpfcEsyijfl Postofflce addres Merriman Neb On left side also right side horses a leftshoulder Range north and south of Merriman Postofflce address MerrimanNeb On either left side or hip horses same on left shoulder R nge East of Cot tonwood Lake OBE CHURCH I i P ardress Merriman Neb Branded on loft side horses same on left shoulder Range between Hear Creek and the Niobrara river9 mi SE of Merriman 2t KEVINS ISroxvnlee Kebvaska yL B W Pearson IwMr N i r2F Brownlee Neb On left side i Ranse Swan Lake rf E Orr Brownlee Neb Same as cut Horses same on left shoulder Range Creek Goose OR j Prank T Lee Brownlee Neb Brownlee Nebr On left side and hip also 3 on left hip Range Loup Dick McNall North Cattle on left side horses same on left shoulder Range Four miles northeast of Brownlee IIp i - Yj L K Eeiding Brownlee Neb x 2fir6Ssfc 1 2Biy555p33t3 Brownlee Brownlee Nebr On right side or hij On or hip or l i 1j on leflMESfj WBBSflk J hip Range Calf Creek John Chaloud Both cattle and horses on right si e N Range Big Creek cis S5u i smsssmns Julius Heckman Brownlee Nebr Range soutli of Brownlee Henry Faulhaber Cattle branded on left side Horses same on left shoulder Range on Loup river 1ItI1I1v v ft Charles H Faulhaber Postofflce address GEO HTGGINS Brownlee Neb Branded on left side some H IC side andthigh S on left thigh Range Duck Lake iiffi Bcownlee Riirht or left side of cattle Horse same on lelt shoulder Left ear cut off of cattle Rauge on Loup river 5j WILLIAM FEHDON CBV Postofflce address li iJiuiuuic nuu p gc 31 1 BbSUUMUMUUtMiUMMi Like cut on either leftsHor hip also SiZ ossS fir4 Ki t tfirii P Ja jtiyn tjyryfiM S3Iett side SlTflKC Hore me niT kwmp on leit hip S250OO iE WAHU tor con- convuiiou of anyone unlawfully handJing cattle in these brands JS CHAMBERLAIN CO rOV 1 x fi Pcofflre address Browulee Neb Branded on eithei side same as on cut also both jdws VteZii gfSfgS5S W P S itOUSCHE Postofflce address Brownlee Neb On left side or any part of animal Ear markright ear cut off horses branded same on left lilpAIso has stock branded II on side or shoulder or JKorWorO vl or o or JFZ Also theioilowiiigJthe firton beinglonside and hip Brand and Paper One Yeai S350 Robert Good Valentine Jieb iii r E H Ysndegriffc B owns Neb Same as oa cut I nee Between t Creek and urh Loup Postofflce address Hyannis Nel Cn Jeft side some same on left sidnd hip home on left hip TTnvcPQ IVI -- sliouiuer Range Mother Lae summer Sheridan Co I 5g i D N GOCSLEY J G COOLEY Postofflce address Hyannis Keb on right side bor es same on right shoulder nge six miles northwest of Moth er Lake precinct Boaofflce address Rushville NeB Oneft hip also 500 on leftn 3 side horses W left shoulder USuiw Range Cedar Lake HYAXXIS 3TEB Postofflce address H A BUCK Hjiinuis Neb Branded on leit side Rangeeighteen miles north of Hvanuis L L MORRILL Postofflce address WsferarSSita vjj vKiSr HE frf8 m Hvannls Nb On left side also on left hip horsed J left shoulder Range 25 miles north of Hyapnis eissksssMMav A HUMPHREY v zFSsir Sz iVS4 ryT4W Postofflce address liysnms Neb- Branded anywhere on right side hor ses same on- left shonlder Range -- sixteen miles northeast ol Hyann W E STAN SBLE AND D 0 BAUGH Postofflce address Hyannis Neb On left hip anc left sine Also on left hip and leftside horses same brands on shoulders Range 23 niiles orth ot Hyannis okh E E AND H E WOODRUFF mOhfr iViTraiVr liniiiriiiii mi Postofflce address HvannisNel Onlefthin and left side Also stock branded on left suit M and reversed fl S on ri ht snouiuer aiso ngnt hip and Uir Niiie Range Mother Lake GENTRY ABBOTT MONxVHAN Postofflce address Hyannis Nel Both on left side some stock ilS branded C left shout der A left hip also N N N anywhere on left side also JC A left side Rjioge head Middle Loup ol A T DAVIS H C MASON Postofflce address Hyaiins Neb On right side horee fn on left - Pp shouide alsq cattl o o on right sit Range 16 miles north of H annis A J PLTJMER Eggg 3WtMMiaS W M3s53 iaiXjara53tsi h k rj7in tbi i Also have stock branded on right side and hip 2X1 ESiS Oil llLIlt IIIT1 SiftV iM OH Range Southwestern Cherry gffiPgfl FAS County EMWAJMmm KOSEBUD S Alfred Bordeaux and Bros Rosebud S D Range bet ween Mirinechaduza and St Francis Louis Bordeaux Rosebud S D Hose3 branded li Postofflce address Hyannis Neb Branded on rhjhp -side and h p 1 - 1 l -v v Hj 1 S M Sf - WA i 4 6