- r - THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I M RICE sWcpte EDITOR Local Weather Record U S Department of Agriculture weather Bureau f Valentine Nebr week ending Wednesday Aug l JOOO Highest temp for week G dee on the Aug 1 Lowest temp forweek5G deg on the 28th Mean temp ior week 75 deg Av temp for the week for ioyears73 deg Excess of temp for the week 9 Accumulated excess of temp since Jan 11900 831 deg Total precipitation for week 7G inches Av precipn for week forio years 049 inches Excess of precipitation for the week 27 inches Total precipn from Jan l I900to date 15U1 inches Av precipn for 10 years from Jan 1 to date 13 03 inches Excess of precipn from Jan l 1900 to date 253 inches v E J DAVENPORT Observer Weather Bureau ADDITIONAL LOCAL Cullins Bros ShowsSaturday 4th Mrs J C Dwyer and daughter Lot ta went to Hot Springs Friday morn- Born To Mr and Mrs J E Thack rey Monday July 30 1900 a daugh ter Charles A Towne and WAThomp son will be at Long Pine Chautauqua August 8th John Whillans and Jas B Hull went up to Hot Springs to visit their wives returning Tuesday morning Flora Hornback returned this morn ing from Wood Lake where she has been visiting in the family of Ed Da vis for the past two weeks George Ross came in Tuesday He has been down to Maxwell on the U P road after a bunch of cattle which he drove up to Tom Kellys place at Crookston Ed Parr3r came down from Gordon Sunday morning and stayed over un til Monday eyening stopping off at Cody with the Odd Fellows from Val entine to organize the new lodge t U G McBride stopped off here Monday to see Dr Lewis in regard to a painful knee that was caused by a mislick of a hammer Mr McBride is working for the F E M V re pairing bridges -etc The land office officials received notice this week that all who had ta ken homesteads and commuted and all who relinquished to the govern ment prior to June 5 1900 would be entitled to take a homestead now for a home and to be held as such for a period of five 3rears and then to prove up within two years thereafter A Ministers Good Work I had a severe attack of bilious colic got a bottle of Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy took two doses and was eutirely cured says Rev A A Power of Emporia Kan My neighbor across the street was sick for over a weekhad two or three bottles of medicine from the doctor He used them for three or four days without relief then called in another doctor who treated him for some days and gave him no relief so discharged him I went over to see him the next morning He said his bowels were in a terrible fix that they had been running off so long that it was almost bloody flux I asked him if he had tried Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and he said OJo I went home and brought him my bottle and gave him one dose told him to take another dose in fif teen or twenty minutes if he did not find relief but he took no more and was entirely cured I think it is the best medicine I have ever tried For sale by Quigley Chapman 1 KENNEDY NEWS Several outfits have commenced haying-McKee Bros have taken a contract from N S Rowley to put up 8U0 tons of hay Wm Ericksou has already put up 200 tons of hay F A Kime has just completed a new hay stacker W H Wilkinson and family are making preparations to start for the Black Hills soon Charles and Frank Parker with their families visited at Pass last week Mrs Fine of Sheltou arrived at Lone Tree Ranch last week She will visit with her daughter Mrs C A Gee for the sumaier A number of new mowers have been sold by C Steadmau J W McKee returned from the jail road with a load of grain and provis ions for haying X Helped Win llttttfcrt Twenty nine officers and men wrote from the front to say that for scratches bruises cuts wounds Sore feet and stiff joints Bucklens Arnica Salve is the best in the world Same for burns skin eruptions and piles 25 cts a box Cure guaranteed Sold by Elliott rch 1 uiueo ior lfcbbt ihiik IT IS TIME To buy SHIRT WAISTS and I am de termined that I will not have a Sum mer Waist on hand August 1st Note the following CASH PRICES 3oc 65c 85c 75c 1 00 125 1 50 2 00 2 25 Shirt Waists u It u II it it u u i K 2oc 45c 60c ooc 75c 90c 1 10 140 1 75 These prices are made right in the middle of th season when everyone wants a waist I do not wait to offer you a bargain in Summer Goods in mid winter These prices are CASH T C HORNBY Headquarters for Sewing Machines Model Form and American Lady Corsets Tents and Haymakers Supplies DIED Floyd F Bailey ten-year-old son of C M and Mary Bailey of Woodlake Nebr died Wednesday evening July 2oth 1900 He was born May 211890 Floyd was up and acted as cashier at an ice cream social the Saturday prev ious to his death and Saturday night went to Ainsworth with his aunt re turning Sundav evening lie took sick suddenty on Monday about noon A doctor was immediately called from Ainsworth and stayed as long as there was anything to be done About half an hour after the doctor left little Floyd passed away The cause of death was inflammation of the stomach The funeral which was a very large one was held on Friday The bereaved parents have the sym pathy of all in their sad loss Iu Deaths cold vesture now arrayed Beneath that mound so lately made A fathers pride is lowly laid And he is left iu loneliness A mothers earthly joys have fled Her only son her darlings deaa And lies within that lonely bed A lloweret pale and withering Your darling lives beyond the grave For He who died the lost to save lias borne him oer the troubled wave To dwell in bright eternity Selected Lester Petty crew 19 months old son of R F Pettycrew and wife died at Wm Taylors place in this city yester day morning The child had been sick for the past three weeks first with cholera infantum and later spinal trouble began from which death en sued The bereaved parents have the sympathy of all their friends Melvina 5-year-old daughter of John Simpson diel today at 3 oclock p m Funeral tomorrow 500 Seward For any case of rheumatism which cannot be cured with Dr Drummonds Lightning Reme dies internal and external relieves atoncecure guaranteed Restores stiff joints drawn cords and hardened muscles If your druggist has not got it do not tke anything else Send de scription of your case take the agency and se cure treatment free Dronimond Medicine Co 84 Nassau street x Y l BAILEY BRIEFS George lleyne bought two car loads of horses at Cody the 24th and shipped them to Hooper Walter Goodin was fishing at the lakes on the 28 th Mrs A E Sellers went to see her son Arthur last Sunday Frank Mogle and John Seager were rangKng horses from the river to the Snake the past few days L D Rose went to Cody Monday for barb wire The chinch bugs are quite numerous sapping corn and potatoes The mowers are singing E L Sellers is helping the Heath boys make hay Hugh Sears wants a hay hand W H Sellers was down at the G H ranch recently looking after his stock interests A S Dufur passed through the Hats Saturday from Iiay Springs Lula Sellers and her Frank went sand cherrying Saturday Harry Heath was looking for horses down east last Sunday Lottie Heath was visiting the little folks at Beamendoffers last Sabbath Guess-Who-I- m LOST- July 27th 1900 One vest containing 45 and tax receipt for over 87 AOUW lodge pin on left lapel and a program of Hordeau re union also contained the address of a Mr Evans Whitney Nebr Left it at my camping place 4 miles north east of Metzger Bros 500 reward if returned to S S Barhite Hay Springs Nabr A S DUFUR 28 A lame shoulder is usually caused by rheumatism of tb8 muscles and may be cured by a few applications of Chamberlains Pain Ralra For sale by Quigley Chapman 1 I n I Old Br Drmnmond After years of patient study and experi ment has giveu the world a preparation which is an absolute and permanent cure for every form of rheumatism The price is o but it is two large bottles enough for a months treat ment and will relieve tne worst case from the first dose Sent by express on receipt of price by Drurampnd Medicine CoiNewi York with ftiii partfmls ana tttMrntafoliJ ol wbbdetfui cujes l MACHINE I j OIL I We Handle the 4 Eldorado Castor at 40 cents a gallon ooc in 5gallon Lots QUIGLEY SfCHAPMAN DRUGGISTS Valentine Nebraska Screenings 40c Chop Feed 100 Corn 90c Chop corn 95c Oats 105 t 4 700 I MILL PRICES FOR FEED Bran bulk - 65c per cwt 1200 ton Shorts bulk 70o per cwt 1300 too u 1900 17 00 1800 2000 TAKEN XUP At my place at Thacher Nebr Juke 17 1900 One brown mare branded F on left shoulder 76 left thigh j One bay horse brand not known One sorrel bKmded C on left shoul der C on left thigh and 76 rft thigh One dark iron grer colt brand not known One dark bay horse branded F on left shoulder One dark bay mare with white right fore foot One light bay horse with four white feet and blaze face branded F One brown mare with two white hind feet and blaze face branded C on left shoulder One light bay mare with white stripe in face branded R on left hip 26 T J and HALL TAYLOR TAKEN UP- About May 15 one bay mare about C years old one brown mare about 3 years old wire cut on hind leg and a sorrel yearling horse colt The above horses have been on my range one year and are not branded 20 N S Rowley Kennedy Nebr STRAYED One 4 year old bay horse with a white face one 3 year old bay horse with narrow strip in face one 3 year old horse All branded SlfSl on left shoulder Left my rangelslain 1 898 Liberal reward will be paid for inform ation leading to their recovery 20 N S Howxey Kennedy STRAYED OR STOLEN Last November a 3-year-old brindle cow branded JHHSj3gH la hair JggBm and HI brand left shoulder W L Nichols 22 Merriman Nebr STRAYED 17 head of cows branded WWS on left side or hip A suitable WbtM reward will be paid f or recovery C H CORNELL Valentine Nebr TAKEN UP The latter part of May at my place near Reige German precinct 1 gray mare about 12 years old branded f3 on left shoulder and T n right shoul der weight about 8oD pounds 23 W A WILSON Ask for our pi ices on job work LEGAL NOTICES Appointment of Administrator In the County Court of Cherry County Neb raska In the matter of the Estate of David C Koss deceased Alexander Hoffman having filed in my oflice a petition praying for the appointment of Itosetta Koss as administrator of the estate of David C liossdeceased All persons interested in said estate will take notice that I have fixedSaturday Aug llthJOOO at 10 oclock a m as the time and my oflice In Valentine Cherry County Neb raska as the place for hearing said petition at which time and place all pei sons interested iu said estate may appear and show cause if any there be why such administrator shall not be appointed Witness my hand and the seal of said Seal Countv Court this lSili dav of July 1500 W 11 TOWNE 2C 3t County J u3go Notice of Publication In the County Court ol Cherry Couuty Neb raska Estate of William G Carson deceased Mary A Carson Clarence F Carson Samuel L Carson George II CarsouCbarles UCaisou William W Carson Isaac L Carson Verna A Carson and Dallas Carsonand all otlie persons interested iu said inattar are hereby notifled that on the 19th day ot July isoo Alfred Lewis lited a petition in said county court pruving that his final administration account tiled there in be settled and allowed and that lie be dis charged from iaid trust as administrator and each and all of you are notified tu t if you fall to appear in said court ou the 4th day of Aug ust iikx at 10 oclock am and eonreot eaid pe tition the Court may grant the prayer of such petition and make other and lurtiier orders al lowances and decretrs as the court may see proper to the end that all matters pertannn to said estate may he finally settled and deter mined Witness my hand and the seal of said Coun ty Court this 19th day of Jul v 1300 20 W K TOWNE County Jfedgc A complete press and printing mif Fif colo Wrilr rrr iiinmrn DAN WEBSTER Postofflce address Harlan Nebraska1 On left side or hip borsesbranded same left shoulder Range between Nio brara and Snake riv era south of Merri man Postoflice address Nenzel Nebraska On either side of cat tle horses same Range northeast of Nenzel mk iS4Mi gHtaaKWMMak B Umi tfi eaet oi Gordon v t I l 99 n WE iff llr ufw Mndo by Standard OU Co ftfiafcBaaTi3raIa5 A Reicartl ot SlOO will be uaid to anv I person for information leading to the arrest am nuai conviction oi any person or persons steal iug cattle or botses with above brand ALBERT NKNZEL IgJ S1H C JENSEN ostoffice arldress Gallon rJc93vuBBt3S9nHiHSI9 Left side on private stock and right side on cattle beldrahBi alsotaHHJ on left side of cattle neiuor left side liurses CJon left shoulder Range Eicht miles south of Gallop MOREY HEWETT Postofflce address Gordon Neb On leftside of cattle horses sairieleft shoulder also 240 and fttS Mickel Boltz Nenzel Ne4j Brand registered No lCou Range 2lA miles east of Nenzel neitsiu on left m 5 side of some Ranee south lof Snake 35 mi south- pMl TAKEN UP At my place 2 miles east of Crook ston about May 30 1900 1 bay mare about 3 years Nold branded J C on left shoiilder also one sorrel yearling mare colt ED PIKE 28 TAKEN UP At my place one Arabian gray mare age unknown blind in one eye and branded feri on right shoulder weight uA about 1100 pounds W A Wilson Kilgore Nebr 2S sfRAYED OR STOLEN One black mare stripe in face branded long bar up and down on each thigh Two 3-year-olds branded 3 on left shoulder One mare branded S on left shoulder Reward of 5 pdr head for recovery 28 D M SEARS Kennedy Nebr In every town and village may be had the Mica Axle Grease that makes your horses glad money to start tilings when price will nc greatly iwuuoat izchii soiuj umuuu at ise advanced loojoo at 20c looooo at 23c If Stoclc No of purehd 6hares at for 1 15C fis 173 Per Ct 20c 5 lSOPerCt 23e 4 104PerCt 50c 2 52PerCt S1001 26PerCt Dh idend multiplied by No of shares for Annual Sl00 show annual Profit Profit 2GX6K173 Per CO 26x5 lo Per Ct 2Tx4 104 Per Ct 2GX2 v20xl2tfPerCt The beat chance ever offered of securing stock in a legitimate conper mining enterprise Send for prospectus Organized company on a plan to give a chance to all big and little rich and poor great and smali none need be excluded If quick you can own GH shares for every dollar you remit DAVID BRUSSELL President El Progreso Copper Mining Co G3 Wall Street New York ftftftftft ftftftftft Aft mS THE PALACE SALOON HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES LIQUORS AND CIGARS Of the Choicest Brands Sj VALENTINE NEBRASKA 55 R M Faddis Co Postofllce address Valentine or Kenuely Neb I ZCJIHH I 1 lli i MILLS I5KOS Merriman Nebr Cattle and hor ses branded on left side or shoul der Brand register ed 1091 Itange 12mle3 southwest of Merriman on the Niobrara river MerrimanNpb Brand registered No 10S7 Brand same as cut on left Mde Also left hi p Kange 10 miles south or Mem man on the Nio brara SD FD gy Cattle branded same as cut Some branded grim on left some on leftside or hip lerch Nebr Some on left hip U G Criger tKT iWvwnrar iAiva C F COOrjER Postofflce address Oasis Neb1 Brand registered 2003 Cattle branded on left side same as cut horses branded on left hip Also some cattle branded 173 PER CENT ANNUALLY Thats the Profit Copper the Article Mexico the Country El Progrcsso in its group of six mines has some of the rtehest copper ores in the richest mining country in the world Ore runs 12 per cent copqer 12oz silver a trace of gold total value about W a ton and in two of the mines in addition to copper ami silver ore contains li percent to 5J4 per cent quicksilver or merciuy about 105 aaon The great Lake Superior cop per mines Calumet and Hecla Wolverine and Tamarack Quincy etc tiiat annually return millions run only from S3 to 13 a ton Boston and Montana six years ago sold for 15 a share to dav 27f paying 24o per cent on the investment United Verde old for 5oc a share today stock not in the market and pays 8JCC per cent on investment Calumet and Hecla sold for 1 a share to day worth SS00 and pays on investment J 0010 per cent Entire capital stock of United Verde was oir ered for S100000 and refused Senator Clark later paia 200000 and to day he has annual income from this property of over SiaOOOooo If this is possible here with labor six times higher than in Mexico with ore live times less valuable wite fuel live times dearer ami every toingelsein proportion do you doubt that El Progress will return 173 ner cent and more an na fiy to original Investors to lirst stockhold ers who contribute the money to start the ball rolling who are on the ground iloor Am experienced know the country the peo ple the language lived there 18 years and know the mines of this t cctiou of Mexico and unhesitatingly state El lrogreso is the best have been worked for generations in a Mexican wajvand supplied the copper for the surround ing country No attempt was ever made to ex tract the gold silver quic silver A modern 40 ton concentrating and smelting plant smelting only the S43 ore will return 400000 per annum thus 43 S10 for treatment equals 33x40 tons equals 1320 a day for 300 dajs equals S3iK5000 This will pay 2Gpereeiit on 1500000 total capitalization Tar value of shares 100 DooOOO shares are treasury stock and 400000 of this to be sold very low to raise wins Msa mm m I 3SS Kissaes I T Richardson HOP Horses on left shoulder Si W WILLIAM BEAMEK rsjisTBwsiwtcjea ra - T V- -- Gordon Nebr Cattle branded same as cut on left side Horses branded on left shoulder yM fvgu Ilance i miles south of Irwin IBil3ilI Range South and west of Hackberry Lake and Duck Lake George 3 Damon Albany Neb Cattle branded KI on left ribs or right shoulder SI on right hip and left ribs G on left hip Horses FD or SD on right shoulder Range 7 mi north B gri IB cast VI illUilliy ieu j rvnim Agent for Pasteur llutt Brothers Cordon Nebraska Rangel4 miles north of Gordon F C DuerfeWt Manager Gordon Nebraska Cattle also brauded DO on right hip Horses and mules brauded same as cut on left shoulder H S400 REWARD will be paid to any per son tor information leading to the arrest and final conviction of any nerson or peisous steal ing cattle with the above brand evtyftTy Ujf jVfcf ft ws G i I JJi - llervey Ranch Two miles east of Crookston in Cherrv county Nebraska Cattle branded OC on left hip on right hip and on right side with 3 lnch letter Wm Cavanaugh Mgr Crookston Neb 4C Jr - W ocl A T BRACKETT Postoflice address Eiege Neb Branded on left side Range Three miles Southeast of Georgia G W BEAMER Gordon Nebr Postoflice address McCann Neb Branded on leftside Range McCann i9mfflmjmia Wm Ft Niobrara Neb Brand reuisteed No 870 Horses branded on left hip Range Niobrara rivpr 12 miles east of aleutiue D L Reed Cattle branded on leftside as in cut 6 inch box and 24 inch circle Brand registered S75 Horses PgPB branded fiaH left sl ouIvS inch circle l incli box Registered 87C Range G miles south of Irwin on Niobrara river Cody Xtibr NEBRASKA M RICHARDSON Af HSstibS F T Brackett S5zy mm i ta K iBEl fclttgHaBMWffiMlhifc Gordon Nebraska Brand same as cut on left hip Range head of Gordon Creek forty miles southeast of Gordon Breeder of Hereford cattle t Same as cut on j right side of cat tle Horses same as cut on right shoulder George Heyne Clarence Cutcomb Manager y6 j Cody Neb Brand registered No 10--T Horses branded on left shoulder Range north and south of Cutcomb Lake m Cherry Co nuii que nnM - t ayEARNSHAw i Tuc UffL unLUUIl james hull 83 g0e Agents for SI T TTTI A T T TVC TTYT7 TVim TV7T TrOTTrr 4 HERALD PURE RYE WHISKEY Beer Ale and Porter CHAMPAGNE Choicest Wines and Cigars VALENTINE Riegc Nebr Brand Registered X 14911 Brand right side or hip Horses same ou right shoulder Range Niobrara o miles south of Kilgore S W Chesnut 3H VsH C E Wright 3Br Cooper Nebr Brand registered No 374 Brand anywhere on right side J Alien QftttXmTifflril STABLE v 037 v Jl GODFMI1Y Jleiviman - Kcbrnslm p LIVERY FEED EXCHANGE Spevinl Attention Girrn to Stocnncn s at QiU otHcg 23 ii I AtiBftk ids Tail itobcfrf fcW v yVWWWAfVVV V vVtfWVVJt SZISTj