OCR Interpretation

Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 09, 1900, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn95069780/1900-08-09/ed-1/seq-7/

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Diagnosis Is Cortflrmed Jt Is Not
Thought ThcrcVJliT5o Turtber
Spread of the Dread Disease Ad
Tices Come from American Official
Four Gases and Two Deaths from
theDread Disease
Washington The marine hospital
service has received the following telegram
xrom Past Assistant Surgeon Thomas an
nouncing the outbreak of bubonic plague
in London
London There have been four cases
of plague and two deaths from plague in
London The diagnosis is confirmed by
bacteriological examination Do not think
there will be further spread
City Officials Kick Package Which
Proves tOBe Dynamite
Paterson N J A bomb was accident
ally exploded in a vault of the old city
hall used as a recorders court The loud
report caused a sensation and report that
anarchists had attempted to wreck the
jcity hall became current City Counsel
jMichael Dunn and John Eainey olerfe of
the street department who were in the
tvaultin search of olql documents had a
narrow escape Harneys foot was injured
A small dynamite bomb which was sehzed
by the police from an Italian bomb MRkerj
a month ago and placed in the vault by
them for safekeeping was accidentally
ticked by one of the officials and the ex
plosion followed
Hivalry Between Cowboy and Shep
herd Takes on Deadly Form
Rawlins Wyo It iscurrently reported
here that one lynching has occurred as a
xesult of the war in Routt County Col
orado between the sheep and cattlemen
The report is that the body of Bert Char
ters was found hanging toa tree near
Slater Colo in an advanced stateof pu
trefaction Pinned to the eoat was a card
with the words You may look all you
want to but dont make any inquiries
Great excitement was caused here by the
report as Charters is a well known stock
man 3Jany ranchmen refused to believe
the report and a body of men will be sent
to investigate the truth
Whole Estate Amounts to Nearly a
Million and a Half
St Paul The will of the late Arch
fbishop John Hennessy of Dubuque Io wa
has been filed for probate here byhis
executors Mgr Ryan and Clement Jo
hannes of Dubuque The whale estate
amounts to about 141000 the bulk of
which is in ilinnesotau Jil estate The re
mainder is real and personal property in
Iowa nnd Minnesota The Minnesota
Iproperty is divided among nine relatives
The Iowa property is divided between rel
atives and sisterhoods of the church y
Machinists anil3hop Men Out on
the Canadian -Pacific
Winnipeg Man A strike oflarge m
mitude which threatens to grow was de
olared on the Canadian Paciio Aug 4
Machinists blacksmiths
fitters and laborers are out from Lake Su
perior to the Pacific coast Several men
were dismissed last week and the strikers
claim it is an attempt on the part of the
railway to break up the union hence the
Accomplice of Humberts Slayer
Makes a Confession
New York Information from Rome
printed here is to the effect that Antoine
Tana arrested as an accomplice of Bressj
has confessed affirming a plot existed in-
fe volving the simultaneous assassination of
King numDert anu vjueeu juarguerua
College Sells Diplomas
Columbus Ck Robert H Day appoint
ed master commissioner to take testimony
in the case of the state against the Mount
Hope College company charged with sell
ing diplomas has filed his report with the
supreme court fie finds that all of the
allegations made in the states return
against the institution whose headquarters
is in Rogers Columbia County are true
and that the college so called should be
ousted from its charter rights and pro
hibited from conferring degrees
Royalty to Be Abolished
Victoria B C E C Seakler gold
commissioner of the Yukon territory has
received unofficial information that the
Canadian government is about to intro
duce sadical reforms in the Klondike The
-royalty system is to be done away with al
together and a government assay dffioe is
to be established at Dawson and a compul
sory fee of 8 per cent chargedfor assaying
gold and exchanging drafts The 8 per
cent must be paid on all gold leaving the
country whether the government assay
office be patronized or not
Collision Injures Five
Cumberland Md During a heavy
fog Aug 1 the Baltimore Ohio Duquesno
limited from Pittsburg collided with a
freight at Mt Savage three miles west of
here Five persons were injured none
India Wants to Negotiate Loan
Washington D C Consul Fee at
Bombay has advised the state department
that the government of India desires to
contract a S per cent loan to the amount
of 10000000
f h tfl
Attempt Made in Paris on Life of
Shah of Persia
Paris An attempt on the life of the
stiah of Persia was made Aug 2 but luck
ily resulted in no harm to his majesty
The man broke through a lino of police
men as the shah was leaving his apart
ments and tried to mount the royal car
riage step He was arrested The would
be assassin held a revolver in his hand but
was disarmed by the police before he could
fire At the police station the man ex
pressed regret that he had been unable to
carry out his intentions He said This
is an affair between me and my con
The would be assassin declines to give
his name or nationality Tho police be
lieve he is an Italian He is about 28 years
old The shah received a letter during the
morning dated from Italy signed with an
Italian name but posted in Paris an
nouncing that he was to be assassinated
during the day
New York According to a dispatch
from Rome to the Journal Bressi the as
sassin of King Humbert said to the war
den It will be the czars turn next
Believed Missing Man Is Only Re
sponsblc for About 70000
Kansas City Mo It now looks as
though the losses resulting from the sup
posed crooked transactions of Edward A
Swazey the missing member of the live
stock commission firm of Ladd Penny
Swazey will not aggregate over 70000
although there is more than 1000000 of
the firms paper in circulation
Banks and cattlemen all say the coun
try will lose 70000 in duplicate mortgages
and trust money on account of the business
transactions of Swazey said T E Ladd
partner in the defunct firm of Ladd Penny
Swazey There is 1800000 worth of
our firms paper in circulation and while
there will be some loss on it due to cred
itors hastily pressing their claims there is
no single bank holding enough of our pa
per to be crippled by our failure Every
thing I made during the years I have been
in busjnss has been swept away said
Mt Ladd 1 did not know that anything
was wrong until Mr Swazey left
Story that She Was Murdered Has
Proven Untrue
St Charles Mo The alleged murder
of Mrs Arthur Smiley by her husbaad on
Mnllanphy Island in Missouri River just
above the Bellefontame bridge some three
weeks ago about which so much has been
said in the newspapers proves to be a
fako as a letter has been received here
from Justioe W H Perkinson of West
Alton in which he says that Simon Hardy
a near neighbor of tlte Smileys was in
West Alton last week and stated that there
was no truth whatever in the reported
murder of Mrs Smiley He stated further
that he has seen both Smiley and his wife
almost every day for some time and that
they are well and work together frequently
in their onion field
Green Moss in Missouri River
Thousands of Fish Dying
Helena Mont The oldest residents on
the upper Missouri say that the river was
never so low in their recollection as now
A green moss is forming on the bottom of
the river and the white fish are dying by
the thousands presumably from the low
stage of the water which deprives them
of their usual feeding grounds All
streams of the main range are muoh lower
than usual at this time of the year The
placer season is a month shorter than ordi
narily and the ranges in eastern and
northern Montana are burning up although
as yet live stock has not suffered greatly
from lack of feed
Unconfirmed Report of an Attempt
to Assassinate Him
London The Vienna correspondent of
the Daily Chronicle wiring Aug 1 says
A minor has reached here from Bel
grade that an attempt was made to assas
sinate Khig Alexander this afternoon
while he was driving throagh the tewn
It is said he was shot at but was not in
jured The rumor is unconfirmed
Physician to Be Selected and Guard
ian Appointed
Hartford Conn The decision of Judge
Freeman of the proBate court in the case
of Charles H Hoyt the playwright was
announced Wednesday Hoyt was re
leased from the retreat for insane on the
condition that he be placed under the care
of a physician selected by his friends and
that a guardian be appointed
Will Succeed William F Draper as
Ambassador to Italy
Washington Former governor of Mass
achusetts Roger Wolcott has accepted
the position of United States ambassador
to Italy and his cmmission has been is
sed He succeeds Ambassador William
F Draper resigned
Kcw CTjartar Sustained
St Paul The supreme court unani
mously sustained the law under which the
new St Paul city charter wasVjrecently
adopted The test was over the power of
the nolice commission under the new ohar
ter to remove the former chief of police
The court sustained the police commission
and upheld tiio validity of the new charter
Will Be Shot for Murder
Farmington Utah Judge Rulapp sen
tenced Jack Hawarth to be shot on Friday
Sept H for the murder of 3fight Watch
man Sandall The muoder was committed
last year and Hawarth was oajotured in
Oregon arid brought back fer trial
Alleged Embezzler Arrested
Chicago John Clark a depufcy collector
of revenues of the city of New York was
lodged in a cell at the central station for
thB alleged embezzlement of 12000 of the
ollr of New Yorks funds
Americans British and Japanese
Assumed to Be Taking Part
London Aug 2 The allies began an
advance yesterday
London Tiiiis announces an agency
bulletin dated Shangkai It is assumed
the Americans British and Japanese are
taking part in the forward movement
whether other nationalities are or not
The advance base will probabiybe estab
lished twenty or thirty miles nearer
Pekin Supplies are to be assembled pre
paratory to a direct stroke at the capital
English military observers consider that
80000 allies are available for an advance
beyond Tien Tsin The Chinese forces
according to vague gatherings from the
allies intelligence officers up to the 27th
are disclosed in a great arc thirty miles
long and distant ten or fifteen miles The
numbers and exact location of the several
divisions is utterly unknown The Peiho
Uiver is blockaded by sunken stone laden
junks for twenty miles beyond Tien Tsin
A dam is being constructed further up for
the purpose of flooding the low lying
Undertow Draws Fair Bathers Be
yond Their Depth
Ocean City N J Four persons were
drowned in the surf here Aug 1 They
were Tirginia and Elsie Lowe of German
town Pa and Jennie and Bertie Lons
dale of Windmere Pa None of the girls
were more than 20 years old They were
in the breakers when they were car
ried out by a heavy undertow Their
screams for help attracted the attention of
a life guard who succeeded in bringing
the young women ashore The Lowe sis
ters were dead The Lonsdale girls showed
signs of life and doctors were speedily
summoned anddid all they could to save
their lives but to no purpose They both
died while the doctors were trying to re
store them
Animosity Toward Kruger Is Grow
ing Much Misery Prevails
Pretoria Mrs Botha was the guest of
Lord Roberts at dinner Aug 1 Boer ani
mosity to Kruger grows on account of the
fact that he and his officials are persuading
the people of the South African
republic that their paper money is
as good as Bank of England notes
because based on inalienable state
seourities even though the state is con
quered As the English have not recog
nized this contention many burghers have
been ruined and much misery prevails
The wives and children of the poorer Boers
are almost starving
Bothas force is being kept together by
extraordinary inventions
Gordon May Be Guest of G A R
Atlanta Ga Gen John B Gordon
commander in chief of the United Con
fe erate Yeterans may be a guest at the
thirty fourth annual encampment of the
Grand Army of the Republic at Chicago
Aug 27 Gen Gordon was extended an
invitation at the request of Gen Albert IX
Shaw commander in chief of the Grand
Array He has accepted conditionally
Jester Fouud Not Guilty
New Loridon Mo Alexander Jester
the octogenarian who has been on trial
here for the past four weeks for the mur
der twenty nine years
Gates was acquitted
three ballots-
ago of Gilbert
The jury took
Union Pacific Gives Dividend
New York The directors of the Union
Pacific Railroad Company have declared a
semi annual dividend on the common
stock of 2 per cent The last dividend was
a semi annual one of 1 per cent
Earthquake Shock in Utah
Tintic Utah The whole of the Tintlo
mining district was shaken by an
2 The first shock occurred
at 1245 and was so severe that the people
became thoroughly frightened
Big Fire in Buffalo
Buffalo Fire has destroyed seven build
ings belonging to Jacob Dold and occupied
by business houses The loss is 150000
Fire Captain Besancou and Fireman Reiq
jtvere seriously hurt
Sioux City Cattfc common to prime
375650 hos 312520 sheep
225523 wheat G9c corn 3835c oats
zzgxic ouuer uairy lais creamery
19 22
Chicago Cattle common to prime
300 to 575 hogs shipping grades
300 to 5 35 sheep fair to choice 300
to 450 wheat No 2 red 7Gc to 77c
corn No 2 39c to 40c oats No 2 21c
to 22c rye No 2 40c to 50c butter
choice creamery 17c to 10c eggs fresh
9c to 12c potatoes 29c to 3Gc per bushel
Indianapolis Cattle shipping 300 to
555 hogs choice light 500 to 540
sheep common to prime 300 to 425
wheat No 2 74c to 75c corn No 2
white 42c to 43c oats No 2 white
26c to 27c
St Louis Cattle 325 to 5S0 hogs
300 to 535 sheep 300 to 425
wheat No 2 73c to 74c corn No 2
yellow 37c to 3Sc oats No 2 21c to
22c rye No 2 52c to 53c
Cincinnati Cattle 300 to 525 hogs
300 to 540 sheep 250 to 425
wheat No 2 7Sc to 79c corn No 2
mixed 44c to 45c oats No 2 mixed 26c
to 27c rye No 2 GOc to 61c
Detroit C rtle 250 to 575 hogs
300 to 545 sheep 300 to -40
wheat No 2 77c to 7Sc corn No 2
yellow 40c to 41c oats No 2 white 27c
to 28c rye 55c to 5Gc
Toledo Wheat No2 mixed 77c to
78c corn No 2 mixed 42c to 43c oats
No 2 mixed 22c to 23c rye No 2 52c
to 53c clover seed prime 505 to 5G0
Milwaukee Wheat No 2 northern
75c to 76c corn No 3 40c to 41c oats
No 2 -white 2Gc to 27c rye No 1 54c
to 55c barley No 2 46c to 47c pork
iress 51100 to 1170
Buffalo Cattle choice shipping steers
p300 to 575 hogs fair to prime 300
to S565 sheep fair to choice 325 to
450 lambs common to extra 350 to
New York Cattle 325 to 585 hogs
30 to 580 sheep 300 to 475
wheat No 2 red 78c to 79c corn No 2
44c to 45c oats No 2 white 27c to 28c
butter creamery 17c to 20c eggs west
era 15c to 17c
news of the week in a con-
dnsed form
War Has Been
Dcplared Against
in Western Part of
State Parmersand Busiiic
Organize to Fight Them
A meeting of farmers and business men
was held in McCook to consider ways of
handling the grasshopper question It was
finally decided to raise a fund among the
business men and purchase poison to be
furnished free to farmers who will agree
to use it and report The following formula
is furnished with directions to each farmer
Paris green one pound sugar one
pound salt one pound boiling water
one gallon Mix Boil thirty minutes
then whilestilf boiling add ten gallons of
cold water and to this solution add bran
until suitable for scattering JDrive
through cornfields on every twelfth row
dropping from half a tablespoonful to a
tablespoon ful every twenty feet
Distribute along fences tree rows etc
amongst alfalfa put on bare ground as
much as possible 4
Dont put too close to where chickens
run at large -
Go over the ground twice a week
i vr
Governor Directs Assembly of the
State Soldiery for Instruction
Under direction of Gov Poynter orders
have been issued for the Nebraska Na
tional Guard to assemble in camp of in
struction August 23 place
ted in a subsequent order
uncertainty however as
There is still
to whether a
camp of instruction will be held this year
The funds at the command of the military
department will notmeet the necessary ex
penses of the camp and a referendum vote
of the officers of the guard is being taken
to determine whether the militiamen are
willing to go into camp on half pay It is
proposed by the military authorities to pay
the officers and enlisted men one half of
the usual per diem and give them vouchers
for the balance This plan was resorted
to several years ago when the National
Guard fund was in a similar condition and
the legislature voted a special appropria
tion to take up the vouchers
Managers of Allied Parties Hold a
Conference at Lincoln
After having been two days in session
the state executive committee of the fusion
parties arrived at a satisfactory conclusion
of the ways and means problem and the
fusion campaign from now until election
day will be active aggressive and harmo
nious The new finance committee is com
posed of Henry Blum Democrat C J
West Populist and A fl Gleason silver
Republican They will at once begin the
work of securing the funds necessary to
the legitimate prosecution of the campaign
It was decided to move the Populist na
tional and state headquarters from the
Lincoln Hotel to the Lindell The changQ
in location will be ejfecjtedjit on co
Tossed by a Cow
Mrs John Waltemath living near Te
cumseh had a narrow escapefrom bejng
killed by an enraged cow Mrs Walte
math had just finished milking and was
paying some attention to the calf when
the cow made for her knocked her down
and quite severely bruised her The ani
liils horns barely missed Mr Waltemath
siie being tossed on the animals head be
tween them The prompt action of a
daughter saved her from further injury
South Sioux City Fatality
After investigating the circumstances of
the death of Garrett Osborn and William
St Cyr who were killed by a freight train
on the Omaha road in South Sioux- ty
while returning home from teh circus at
Sioux City last week the coroners jury
found that the men came to their death
by the train running at a high rate of
speed but failed to give the name of the
company or the date of the accident
Death in Corn Bin
While Petqr Gakemeier was loading
shelled corn at Louisville the chute which
conveyed the corn from the bottom of the
bin became clogged and a search for the
cause proved that his 8-year-old son had
fallen into the bin and was down head
first and smothered Mr Gakemeier is a
well to do farmer living about four miles
west of Louisville -
Would Be Good for Gandy
W H McDonald is in receipt of a com
munication from an eastern loan and trua
company asking for information concern
ing the advisability of constructing a rail
road from North Platte to Gandy The
company desires Mr McDonald to furnish
it considerable information andif what he
gives is satisfactory fuller investigation
will be made
Accident to a Bicyclist
While Miss Kennedy of Hastings was
bicycle riding she met with a serious
accident She was riding down First Street
when Nick Damerson who was driving in
the same direction suddenly turned Miss
Kennedy had turned in the Same moment
and she ran her wheel against the buggy
and was thrown to the ground and badly
Fatal Mishap on Farnf
While stacking hay on his farm near
Thayer Samuel T Shirley met with an
accident that cost him his life His farm
hand left his fork leaning against a stack
with the handle up and in sliding down off
the stack Mr Shirley struck the fork
handle which penetrated his body about
ten inches and death soon followed
Land Office Decision -
The federal land office at North Platte
has received notice of a new rule wnich
gives any person who has entered upon a
homestead and paid out on it before June 6
1600 the right to make another homestead
entry Persons who abandoned their
homestead claims before the above date
are given the same privilege
Soldiers Homeward Bonnd
Eli Bussler of Plattsmouth has received
a letter stating that his brothers Albert
and Edward young Searles and severaL
others who became members of the
Thirty ninth Nebraska regiment and went
to the Philippines have been invalided
home after having been confined in the
hospital in Manila for some time
Wm Moore a farmer living just east of
Tecumseh allowed a tramp to sleep at his
place During the night the tramp arose
took 20 from Mr Moores trousers and de
parted The sheriff is searching for him
All vHis
Gfronble Caused by
Theft of a Horse
Gov Poynter has paroled G A Porter
of Keya Paha County from a ten years
sentence in the stale penitentiary Ac
cording to the story told the governor and
which was accepted by him as the truth
Porter has been followed for the last seven
or eight years by aperies of disasters All
his trouble was caused by the theft of a
horse by a gang of horse thieves He suc
ceeded in tracing his stolen animal to the
abode of the thieves and in a scuffle for its
rightful possession he shot and killed one
of them He was convicted on the charge
of murder and sentenced to ten years in
the penitentiary
Saddened by his conviction
ceration his wife became ill
quently died leaving three
children without any means
of support
The youngest a girl of only a few months
afterwards died For some time past the
youngest of the two children has been liv
ing with S N Dophins 2303 South Four
teenth Street in Lincoln and the ther a
boy is now working in Iveya Paha Coun
ty Porter will remain in the custody of
Dophins for the remaining years of his
One of Omahas Pioneers Succumbs
to Pneumonia at Cape Nome
Tidings of the death of Capt Charles B
Rustm were contained in telegrams re
ceived in Omaha Aug 2 by his family and
lifelong friends Capt Itustin died at
Cape Nome on July 15 whither- he had
gone on a short visit to look after the in
terests of several business associates who
had claims in that region He had been
absent from Omaha since May 16 and ex
pected to return -within a few weeks The
telegraphic announcement of his death
was brief stating simply that the malady
was pneumonia Capt Eustin was oneol
the oldest and most highly esteemed ciu
zens of Omaha having made his residence
there with several short intermissions
since 1853
Fremont Man Falls from a Second
Story Window
As Policeman Crawford was passing
Welchs Hotel in Fremont the other morn
ing about 1 oclock he heard someonecall
ingfor help He went around to the side
of the building and there fouud John-Anderson
a boarder at the hotel lying on thje
ground seriously injured He had fallen
from a second story window about fifteen
feet striking on his back Ho was at once
removed to the hospital where it was dis
covered that his spine was fractured and
his recovery is considered very doubtful
Anderson does not profess to know how
the accident happened He is about A
years of age and unmarried
Farmer Seriously Injured
Wm Lang -a farmer living three miles
southeast of David City met with a sad
accident Mr Lang was driving a team
of colts when the team became frightened
and ran The tongue and doubletree
broke upsetting the carriage and throwing
Mr Lang and family to the ground Mr
Lang suffered a dislocation of t the sixth
cervical vertebrae Mrs Lang and her
four children were not hnrt
Seeking Pardon for Davis
Gov Poynter has been petitioned by G
W Berge J H Broady C E Adams and
about fifty citizens to pardon George Wash
ington Davis now serving a life sentence
in the penitentiary for wrecking a Bock
Island passenger -train near Lincoln sev
eral years ago On the first trial of Davis
the jury disagreed and failed to return a
verdict and it is claimed he was unjustly
convicted rr
Fire and Tiobbery
The elevator belonging to Lewis Meyers
at Germantown about eight miles east of
Seward was destroyed by fire the other
night and while the fire was raging the
home of John Kohler a wealthy bachelor
living in the north part of the villager was
ransacked and 100 in money stolen The
origin of the fire is not known
Dr Andrews in Lincoln
Dr E Benjamin Andrews chancellor
elect of the state university arrived in
Lincoln July 80 He will assume the
duties of the chancellorship at once but
will not be formally inaugurated until
Sept 22 when he will deliver his first ad
dress to students outlining the policy of
his administration
Boy Badly Hurt
Will C
ran into
cutting the bone of his leg in two He lay
on the prairie during the night and suc
ceeded in crawling near enough to a neigh
bors house to be seen next morning Dr
Dodd says there are doubts about his being
able to save the limb
Seeks Her Fathers Pardon
Mrs E Stout of Hastings is circulating
a petition asking Gov Poynter to grant
a pardon of her father Garl Shultz who is
serving a life sentence in the penitentiary
for the murder of Hi Farr in 1881 Schultz
is now 66 years of age and is broken down
in health
Nebraska Short Notes
The new Odd Fellows hall in Wakefield
is nearing completion
The old soldiers who met at Macon last
week for the purpose of deciding on a re
union concluded to hold a two days
session at Franklin on the 7th and 8th of
Jane Miller of Beaver City the woman
who caused the commotion by stealing a
horse and buggy was adjudged insane by
the board of insanity She was taken lo
the asylum at Lincoln
The farmers of Bed Willow County are
preparing to make a united effort to clean
out all the grasshoppers in the county It
is proposed to all start in on the same day
and clean them out
The apple crop in Nemaha County this
year will be very short The recent hail
did very much damage and the fruit that
escaped is now being attacked by scab and
the result will be that one of Nebraskas
best fruit counties willjiot produce enough
for home consumption
Boyd County this year has the best crop
raised since the county was settled
Alex Murray of Nelson was bathing in
the river when he fell and broke his leg
From a small institution the farmers co
operative creamery at Neligh has grown
year by year until today it is one of the
best equipped in the state Kecently two
new combined cream vats were added
These are of a late patent and are the only
ones in use in the state outside of Omaha
The largo amount of money which this in
stitution brings into the county and dis
tributes among its patrons each mbnthns
of great benefic Last month 3000 was
naid to patrons for cream
Chinese Attacks Suspended All tho
ISavoys Saffe Imt General Massacre
Fearecl Americas IesationWell Pro
vlsloned but Bhert of Ammunition
Minister Conger has been -heard from
again Under date of July 21 in a letter
to the consuls at Tien Tsin he says the
armistioe prevails but if they continue
to shell us as they have done we cannot
hold out long Mr Conger confirms the
othe reports that all the legations are
running short oi ammunition There is
even Imter news from Pekin A letter
from Lieut Col Shitia military attache
of the Japanese legation left the capital
the evening of the 22d It graphically
recites tie anxiety of the brave little
colony for the coming of the relief col
imnj It is not probable we will be able
to hold out longer than a week
Little by little says a Washington cor
respondent the terrible story Of Pekin
is leaking out to the world There can
be no doubt that when the full narrative
becomes known we shall have a tale of
savagery of brave defense of heroism
well nigh unparalleled in history A
haudful of Europeans and Americans
penned up within brick walls and sur
rounded by tens of thousands of savage
fanatics All the women and chiWren
gathered in the strongest inclosure the
British legation and all of them be it
said to the honor of the international
guards safe up to the time the latest re
ports were sent out
The enemy attacked with both rifle ahd
artillery One night the shelling contin
ued for six hours without interruption
More than sixty of the brave defenders
have lost their lives and ninety eight have
been wounded Two thousand of the
Chinese assailants are estimated to have
been killed Four attempts were made to
fire the British legation in which more
than 400 non combatants are Sheltered
The cowardice of the Chinese and the
bravery of the defenders averted the de
struction of the buildings and wholesale
Thanks to the certainly authentic let
ters and dispatches of Sir Claude Mac
donald and Minister Conger and the va
rious other reports received of late the
State Department officials now believe
r ixj A rzr
Oldest Christian place o worship In Che
Fco built by Dr Hunter Corbett shortly
after he went to China In 1SG6 Dr Corbett
occupies the foreground the others being
assistants and pupils
they have a fair understanding of the
situation in Pekin There is little or no
doubTthat all the foreign ministers and
their suites excepting two or tnree Brit
ish attaches and of course the German
minister and the Japanese secretary of
legation were safe up to the evening of
the 22d inst It is believed the sixty de
fenders killed were all among the ma
rines sent from Tien Tsin early in June
to guard the legations But for the pres
ence of those guards and their heroic de
fense every foreigner in Pekin must have
perished -
Officials in Washington believe the
members of the various legations have
been able to communicate with one an-
other and that by throYing up defensive
walls the guards were able to keep the
enemy out of legation street
The most discouraging inference drawn
crura tne iucts now -Known is xnau xne war
upon the legationers was made directly
by the Chinese Goivernment This is the
belief which prevails in ofiicjal circles
not only in Washington but in everygaj
ital of Europe Not only have Minister
Conger Sir Claude Macdonaldand oth
ers sent out word that the attacks were
made by Chinese troops but many
facts now known clearly corroborate thc ii
---- -1
It is eye for eye and tooth for toth
continues the Washington writer The
governments of France and Great Brit
ain have solemnly notified the empress
dowager Prince Tuan and their advis
ers that the Chinese Government will
be held to rigid accountability for the
safety of the French and English iti
zens in Pekin If our ministers and
their suites perish these government
have said to the Pekin junta we shall
hold you personally responsible
These ominous warnings were conveyed
through the Chinese ministers at Pari
and London To these ministers signifi
cant intimations have been made thai
for a murdered envoy the head of s
prince of the blood will be demanded in
for every secretary or attache or womar
or child the head of a Chinese general oi
mandarin of the first class
So far no other government has Joined
In these direct threats through official
channels The United States has jriven
no warnings but has permitted it to lh
understood that it is eager to join in tfee
campaign of punishment That is the
attitude of all the other powers save that
Germaay throughthe Kaiser has pub-
licly announced a policy of implacablere
Ciiaa Bars Cipher THessasrea
The governor of Shantung has tele
Craphed to United States Consul Fowler
at Chefoo that the dl
rects him to notify the consuls that a
the military operations it Pekin and
Tien Tsin are unsettled only message
in plain language without cipher orref
erence to military affairs will be
ered to the ministers
Troops Arrive atTokyo
u b
nn i i i
xne xi ouneentn united States infantrj
from Manila has arrived at Tokyo
A w

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