OCR Interpretation

Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 30, 1900, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn95069780/1900-08-30/ed-1/seq-2/

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next day and went into the matter of the
late Mr Brabazons will and personality
and found not a few loop holes and flaws
jit appeared that Mrs Brabazon had so
far overstepped her rights that luorian
was his sisters legal guardian and that
the lady had for years been trading on
the ignorance and innocence of her step
children and regularly pocketing the In
terest of Esmes little fortune Half
the modern silver was the widows share
Ibut of linen plate lace and china there
jwas no mention A very solemn scene
rwas enacted in the dining room when the
silver was divided and weighed under the
jeyes of the lawyer a silversmith Miss
Jane Gussie Esme and Nokes Mrs
JBrabazon cold and trembling stood very
close to the scales with an air of tragic
protest She considered that she was be
How the tidings were broken to Mrs
Brabazon we need not linger to relate
for no pen could give the faintest idea
of that ladys indignant incredulity in the
firsts phase wild incoherent invective in
thesecond and hysterical weeping and
denunciation of Florians inhuman in
gratitude in the third and last scene She
went about her handkerchief applied to
her eyes a model of injured innocence
or posing as a melancholy representation
of fallen greatness She wrote reams of
letters and made many farewell calls in
the neighborhood good naturedly taking
lier acquaintances into her confidence as
regarded her opinion of the bride elect
and she left not a few directions to Esme
of a distinctly testamentary nature In
deed one would imagine from the way
she bore herself that once she had shak
en the dust of Baronsford from off her
feet its downfall was a mere question of
Mrs Brabazon had a large really sur
prising amount of baggage trunk and
case and case and trunk were Oiled and
nailed down day by day and certainly
the china and curios about the house be
came smaller by degrees and beautifully
less as these packages increased in num
ber and size
One morning Esme fetched her aunt
upstairs to the big spare room in which
Nokes and her mistress had been closet
ed since breakfast timev They simultane
ously uttered an exclamation of hasty an
noyance as Esme slowly pushed back the
door against a pile of books and stuffs
on the floor and admitted Miss Jane
Now now Miss Esme just please to
look where you are going said Nokes
tartly and indeed she had need to do so
Also her aunt who stepped nimbly over
all obstacles and stared about her witli a
face of undisguised amazement The car
pet was littered with lace house linen
knick knacks and old china and the bed
was spread from top to bottom with fam
ily silver punch bowls teapots cream
jugs marrow spoons sauce ladles snuff
boxes candlesticks nothing had been too
Insignificant to escape notice The dress
ing table was loaded with piles of old
brocade and needlework and three
greedy looking big trunks yawned open
mouthed in the middle of the room ready
to swallow those treasures Before one
of these boxes Mrs Brabazon was kneel
Good morning Sara said her
briskly - Busy I see as usual
I just came up to ask if I could help you
in any -way
No no thanks I can manage very
well by myself with Nokes looking
greatly put out as she spoke and scuf
fling away some articles out of sight I
never can pack if I am watched it puts
me out altogether Here closing the
lid with a bang Ill come down with
you Jane
But surely you are not packing these
things are you Sara You are only put
ting them away and I can do that for
you you know said the old lady still
hanging back
Putting them by No Im packing
them up to take away now driven to
bay they are my own property
Good gracious Sara what do you
mean Is not that my grandmothers
posset bowl that Nokes has in her hand
ehe asked with an air of pious surprise
There must be some monstrous mistake
in your packing up family silver lace
linen and china
No mistake at all Everything in the
room is mine waving her hand dramat
ically toward the floor the bed and the
dressing table resolved to put down Miss
Jane as she had ever been wont to do
My dear husband gave me all she add
ed with a kind of sniff that might mean
either defiance or a tribute to his mem
But these were heirlooms and for once
the old lady was firm f
He could not give you what never was
bis Sara They are heirlooms they be
long to his children and childrens chil
dren This must be seen to Im really
astonished that you do not sec the mis
take yourself stiffening visibly as she
Mrs Brabazon failed to see any mis
take and her instincts of rapacity and
plunder extinguished everything else in
iher bosom even ordinary prudence Each
llady stoutly maintained her own opin
ion and the result was a very pretty
quarrel to which Esme and Nokes were
the two speechless seconds
Mrs Brabazon figuratively bounded in
to the arena and let herself go for once
he so far forgot herself as to call Miss
Jane a miserly old sneak and a med
dlesome old cat and the latter without
descending to such vulgar expressions
made some very telling hits and managed
to have her say in a collected and im
pressive manner and in the eudj by a
clever maneuver concluded the battle by
locking up the room and carrying off the
key which needless to say was tanta
mount to capturing her enemys colors
and guns and as she departed key in
pocket she sternly announced that it was
her- immediate intention to summon the
family lawyer
The family lawyer duly arrived the
ing shamefully robbed Still she made it
a point to grasp what she could from the
wreck oC her property and once when
her share in the balance was half an
ounce lighter than Florians slie fiercely
Linsisted on her due her half ounce and
to that end wrested a spoon uout of a
mustard pot with her own quivering
claw like fingers On the whole this di
vision of the spoil was harmoniously con
ducted for Miss Jane and her nieces pre
served throughout the ceremony a re
served air and prudential silence
No one was sorry when MrsBrabazon
departed As she stepped into the
brougham and was promptly whirled
away she vowed many many vengeances
on Florian and that little serpent his fu
ture bride However there were crumbs
of comfort very solid pleasant crumbs
in the shape of safe investments in the
three per cents so let no one commiserate
her as she is most cheerfully driven to the
station and thus passes out of the story
Florian is a married man Hatty Clip
perton reigns boisterously at Baronsford
and Esme has been spending a season in
town and has really seen the great world
at last has become alive to the fact that
she is considered one of the beauties
and has had several unexceptionable
offers It is a very warm and almost
tropical afternoon near the end of June
and she and Gussie are alone in Gussies
little front drawing room which is crowd
ed with flowers in banks between the
windows in the gate on the chimney
piece and on every available bracket
shelf and table The windows are open
the rose colored blinds are half drawn
down yet the atmosphere is oppressive
and stifling Both the sisters are dressed
in white Gussie with mauve ribbons and
Esme with black the former is stretched
out on the sofa in an attitude of complete
physical prostration
I have been thinking Esme she ob
served at last thinking seriously about
you aud I have come to the conclusion
that you are an idiot fanning away
briskly as she spoke I dont mean a
candidate for an asylum quite but simp
ly that you have an unusual deficiency
of sense
Im sure I am greatly obliged to you
rejoined Ithe othjr looking up with a
smile May I ask why you think I have
no sense
Certainly you may ask Because here
you are refusing to make hay while the
sun shines obstinately declining offer af
ter offer There was now rapidly count
ing on her fingers Foster Forbes Sir
David Campbell young Galloway all
sent to the right about Pray sarcas
tically what do you expect a duke
No with curt decision
The season is getting on and you
have been considered quite one of the
belles and yet you are not engaged
grumbled Gussie aggrievedly What is
the good of having a pretty sister and ev
eryone maldng a fuss about her when
she will not take any advantage of her
opportunities You are enough to pro
voke a saint
Which you are not returned her
companion with more truth than courte
sy I wonder you are not tired of the
subject Gus I am I have told you at
least fifty times that I do not wish to
marry I mean to take a leaf out of
Aunt Janes book It is not penal to pre
fer single blessedness I intend to be a
very nice old maiden lady j
An old maid disdainfully A likely
tale but angrily Iknow why you talk
like this I believe you have still a lik
ing for Miles you infatuated young wom
an Miles was good looking and gentle
manly I give you that in Yes yes
half sitting up and gazing keenly at her
sister you need not speak your face is
sufficient Positively I could light a can
dle at it I do assure you Ah I see
that it is still Miles And I must say I
wonder you have not more pride even if
he would marry you to marry him would
be madness For instance you know
that I am very fond of Fred but all the
same if he had not been well endowed
with this worlds goods 1 would not have
married him
It is quite superfluous to mention
that rejoined her sister sharply
Now dont be cross Esme Im only
doing my duty and it is really most un
selfish of me to put these things plainly
before you for I would much rather you
remained single and a companion for me
But when I see Craven Hepburn and
twenty five thousand a year actually beg
ging of you to take them 1 feel that I
must speak
Well now you have done your duty
and relieved your conscience I will tes
tify to the fact to all inquiring friends
said Esme impatiently and let us hear
no more about it Never mind my love
affairs Gussie What about going to the
Bohuns this evening Its too hot isnt
it coaxingly
Oh fanning very fast one may just
as Avell be hot there where one is amus
ed as here where theres nothing to do
We will go of course with decision
Mrs Vashou was a little lady who lived
on excitement and was never happy un
less she was flying from one entertain-
ment to another Her appetite for con
stant amusement was insatiable and the
same spirit which prompted her to run
down and play tennis at the Bells to
walk into Byford to volunteer for ba
zaars childrens parties and school feasts
anything for a change anything Jor
novelty was the same that now impelled
her to one continual round of dances
theatricals flower fetes races and din
ner parties If she had one day one af
ternoon even with nothing on hand
she was a miserable woman She was
never exhausted never satisfied No
sooaer was one great event over than she
was thinking of another and the sugges
tion that they should stay at home for
once and have a quiet evening she look-
rA irTi no elmnlir o mftncfrnnc oVicHTrlifT
She was not she frankly stated over and
above fond of the domestic hearth Time j FARMERS PASS RESOLUTIONS
enough when she and Fred were old
oddities in spectacles and slpipers
Leaving Gussie ruminating over het
wardrobe with alkthe nower of her shifty
little brain and l2sme casting anxiously
about for some good excuse to remain at
home we turn once more to Miles and
his friend Captain Gee The latter has
been in England for six mouths on med
ical certificate basking and butterflying
in ladies society not only in his native
north but in the larger pleasanter pas
tures of the great metropolis He does
not look much of the Junior Army and
Navy in the wakeof his friend Miles
Miles whoonly lauded from South Af
rica within the last twelve hours It is
nearly two years since he last stood 12
the dining rootn of the club two drearj
years spent -on Africs sunny strand
struggling to make the best of a dull
monotonous existence endeavoring with
all his might to forget what might have
been and yet dreading every newspaper
he took up every letter he opened to see
the announcement of his cousin Esmes
marriage Of course she would marry
From words ignorantly let fall by his
brother officers lately from home from
copious descriptions from Annie he was
fully alive to the fact that Miss Braba
zon was no longer a mere pretty little
country flower born to blush unseen but
that all through the full fierce light of t
London summer she had ranked as one
of the seasons beauties
It was by no wish of his own that he
found himself in London He had been
sent home at two days notice in charge
of invalids and had only had time to tele
graph to Dicky from St Vincent He
found that gentleman eagerly awaiting
him at Southampton ready to welcome
him the moment the gangway was out
The two friends journeyed up to Lon
don and of course dined at the club to
gether sitting a long time over their meal
and talking any amount of shop for
Captain Gee was greedy of regimental
news When he had severely cross-examined
his companion down to the personal
appearance of the latest he suddenly said
in the most matter-of-fact manner but
f looking askance under his white eye
By the way Miles Im going to take
you to a party to night
Miles merely stared at his friend for
some seconds with lazy amusement and
then said as he deliberately helped him
self to cheese Not if I know it oltf
Oh come you know none of your
nonsense You must come to oblige me
And why What is the special attrac
I promised Mrs De Montmorency Bo
hun to go to be sure and put in an ap
pearance and I could not disappoint her
with conscious importance
Bosh my good sir shell never miss
you said his companion discouragingly
She will never know whether you were
there or not Im afraid you are getting
that red head of yours turned
I promised to go and bring a friend
proceeded Dicky firmly to bring a
friend You are the friend with a
pompous sweep of his hand
Am I ironically I rather fancy
that by the time you are fighting your
way into this good ladys drawing room
I shall be in bed
I have invested in two of the most
touching buttonholes in London and Im
not going to have yours wasted return
ed the other coolly ignoring his friends
remark It would be rather hard lines
if we did not spend the first evening to
gether -eh And strictly between you
and me theres a little -girl 1 particularly
wish you to see
Meaning the future Mrs Gee ex
Im not sure grinning anyway she
does not stand half a bad chance
But can you not manage to present me
some other time Why not to morrow
feebly You know how I loathe par
You wont loath this one Ill go bail
Youll come You must come
Well irritably I suppose I must
but -mind you Ill only look in for half
an hour Remember Im not as keen a
society man as you are and Im only go
ing to oblige you
Within five minutes of midnight we
discover the two gentlemen leisurely
winding their way up Mrs Bohuns tsair
To be continued
An Overworked Word
An artist paints our pictures and an artist
cooks our feed
An artist writes the poems and the novels
that we read
An artist draws the sketches for the
books and magazines
An artist writes of Gatling guns and
wars destructive scenes
An artist serves our drinks to us an
artist shines our shoes
An artist makes our clothing and an
artist sells the news
An artist shaves our faces and an artist
pulls our4 teeth
An artist runs our trolley cars and grinds
us underneath
An artist sells us shirts and socks an
artist nails the crime
Another artist failed in solving once upon
a time
An artist serves our demi tasse an artist
sings our songs
An artist wields a Jorgensou to right his
countrys wrongs
An artist gets our money with his little
game of guff
An artist writes the coon songs goodness
knows he writes enough
An artist makes our sausages au artist
plays a part
The world is full of artists but where
oh where is art
A New Use for Balloons
M Letorey a French architect baa
applied the captive balloon to the
cleaning or decorating of cupolas- high
roofs towers aid monuments The
balloon can be raised or lowered from
a wagon by a windlass and it can be
steadied by stays from the side of the
envelope It has two platforms or
nacelles one on the top the other
underneath and these communicate by
a ladder up a central tube The bal
loon scaffold as it is called might be
useful and safe in many operations
such as now require steeple jacks for
example the wreathing of Nelsons col
umn and also In wireless telegraphy
as an aerial station- London Globe
Delegates Disagree as to the Cost of
vIaisinjr an Acre of Corn t
The farmers nationarcongressin ses
sion at Colorado Springs refnsed to pass
a resolution asking Congress to compel
Sleeping car companies to reduce their
rates Other resolutions were turned
down as follows
Favoring the storage of flood waters
and constructing of canals by -Government
aid -
Asking Congress to pass a bill to com-
pel manufacturers of farm machinery to
make and place on sale interchangeable
L At
paru --
Other resolutions read and passed were
as follows
Favoring appropriations to complete
the work already begun on rivet andha
bor improvements
Favoring the building of an inter
ueeanic canal in Nicaragua
Favoring the extension of rural mail
free delivery i
Protesting against the leasing of the
oublic domain for grazing purposes
Recommending the distribution- of
seeds through experiment stations only
Favoring public ownership of water
ourses for irrigation purposes and favor
ing government investigation of irriga
The subject which seemed to most en
gross the attention of the congress is
the merchant marine The resolutions
committee had several memorials onthis
matter which were referred to a sub
committee A feature of the discussion
at one of the sessions was the wide1 dif
ference in statements of farmers as to
the cost of producing a bushel of corn
W G Whitmore of Nebraska said the
average cost was between 20 and 25
2ents while E Filley of the same State
claimed that lie was producing an -acre
of corn for 20 cents
i i
Sliowa Greater Growth in Population
than Other Cities
Chicago is still in all likelihood the sec f
ond city in population in the United
States The figures of the census bureau
announced Monday giving tht city a to
tal of 1608573 while disappointing to
those who pinned their faith in the cor
rectness of the postollice directory and
school census counts show that Chicago
is still increasing in population at a mar
velous rate lu the percentage column
New Yorks increase of 3533 per cent
was dwarfed by Chicagos showing 5444
increase over the figures of 1S00 Those
who were missed by the enumerators if
there were any will have to wait until
next time to be counted Next time will
be in 1010
Following is a table showing the in
creases in various cities the population
of which has been announced by the cen
sus bureau
Increase Per-
over cent-
hitlon 1S90 age
Greater New York 3437202 904G11 3533
Chicago 1698575 50S725 5444
New York proper 2050GOO 53529 3533
Cincinnati 325yuJ 2Suy4 vrt
Buffalo 352219 X5o5 3377
Washington 2S7316 56024 2003
Milwaukee 25315 804547 3y54
Louisville 203501 42372 2700
Providence 175507 43451 32SS
Iowa Congressman Given the Place
Left Open by Gears Death
Gov Shaw of Iowa has announced the
appointment of Congressman J P
liver of Fort Dodge to be United States
Senator to fill the vacancy caused
by the death of Senator John H Gear
The appointment runs to March 4 1001
The Legislature does not meet in regu
lar session till 1002 and Dollivers ap
pointment is likely to be renewed to run
until his successor is elected
It Means a Shower of 60000000 to
the Farmers
The Kansas farmer has begun to turn
his grain into dollars The movement
of the greatest wheat crop ever raised in
the Southwest is under way Elevators
are kept busy receiving the wheat and
pouring it into cars to be whirled away
to the groat markets But the movement
is not yet well under way Many farm
ers are holding grain for higher prices
Others cannot secure threshers immedi
ately although thousands of them were
purchased this season
It is estimated that this years wheat
crop will require 100000 cars Should
any considerable portion of this crop
be thrown on the market now the rail
roads would be swamped They are now
running night and day shifts in the work
of car building and repairing The wheat
crop of Salina County alone amounts to
3000000 bushels worth 2000000
Eight hundred bushels is counted as a
carload Fifteen counties in the wheat
belt harvested an average of 3000000
bushels each So the sale of this one pro
duct will bring to each of them 2000
000 in cash
A Hartford Conn dog broke into the
poultry yard in the suburbs of that city
a few nights ago and killed 160 chickens
He picked out foe his victims a lot of
fancy poultry the owner of which had
reserved them as fancy specimens of his
different breeds for exhibition purposes
during the coming fall
At the Point Judith Country Club
Naragansett Pier L I As You Like
It was produced Amelie Shaw and
Maurice Bairymore took leading parts
and Kid McCoy filled the role of Charles
the wrestler
5TVr -
This is the Alaid of fair renown
fWho scrubs the floors of Spotless Town
To find a speck when she is through
Would take a pair of specs or two
And her employment isnt slow
For she employs SAPOLIO
How tlie Chinese Unite Words
The Chinese unite the words in a
name so that riiey form one word just
as we write Newtown Hartford or
Deerfiekl Sometimes we unite the
words in a Chinese name and some
times we separate them but there is no
reason for example why we should
write Tien Tsin when we do not write
Pe Kin Each of these names is com
posed of two words Pe means -north
and Kin means the capital or the
the Kings household and thus Pe
kin means the northern capital Tien
means heavenly and Tsin means
place and thus the name of the larg
est city in northwest China means
heavenly place a name it has borne
for many centuries When Marco Polo
visited the city in the thirteenth cen
tury he translated its name into Citta
Celeste Ncv York Sun
Newest Wrinkle
Her marriage seems to be happier
than ibe majority of that kind
Yes aud its all owing to the wisdom
of her father Instead of settling a for
tune upon them he gives his titled son-in-law
an allowance that is to cease if
they ever separate
Oh I see Instead of buying a hus
band for her he 1ms secured one on a
salary Chicago Post
Bavarian Pencil Factorfes
Bavaria can boast of twenty eight
pencil factories which employ 10000
people including men women and
children Together they produce no
fewer than 4000000 black and 300000
colored pencils per week The total
output last year reached the enormous
quantity of 230000000 pencils in the
manufacture of which over 1S00 aeres
of cedar were used
At 1 Per
-What was the trouble at that house
where the complaint came from yesterday-
asked the superintendent of the
gas company
Nothing much replied the inspec
tor WI found a centipede in one of the
Ah an extra hundred feet See that
theyre chafed for that Philadel
phia Press
Melted butter requires three and
half hours for digestion
Spotless Town and Its People
im lis2
This is the Mayor of Spotless Town
The brightest man for miles around
The shining light of wisdom can
Reflect from such a polished man
And so he says to high and low
The brightest use SAPOLIO
w -
This is the Butcher of Spotless Town
His tools are bright as his renown
To leave them stained were indiscreet
For folks would then abstain from meat
And so be brightens his trade you know
By polishing with SAP0L10
V7 -
tiaissjR --
Ver V
ml II ft
tIjL - II
- 1 V
- 1
0 I
Jf I
iiaLjr I J I If
The Cook of Spotless Town you see
Who takes the cake as youll agree
She holds it in ber fingers now
It isnt light but anyhow
Twill lighten her domestic
A cake of plain SAPOLIO
cv ffiilL
rturii lilts D
mmsi f
This brilliant man walks up anddowa
Upon the streets of Spotless Ton
The glitter of his shining star 4
Arrests attention from afar j
K lights the beat and goes to show
That naught can beat SAP0LI07
This lean M D is Doctor Brown
Who fares but ill in Spotless Town
The town is so confounded clean
It is no wonder he is lean
Hes lost all patients now yoa know
Because they use SAPOLIO
Bis Reasons iov Running Away
You ran at the first lire dirt t rm
said the colonel of a colored regiment
Yes sab was the unblushing reply
an 1 would have run soonah if I had
knowed it was comin
I uut have you no regard tor vour
reputation Sam
Reputation is uufbn to me sab by
the side of life s -
Well it you lost yq r lifeyou would
have the satisfaction oCknowing that
j you died for your country
I What satisfaction would dat be to
me sah when de powqirof feelin it
was gone W
Then patriotism is nothing to vou
Nufiin whateber sah m
If our soldiers were like you trait
ors might have Ikokerup the govern
ment without reslsftnee
Yes sah dats so dere would hab
been no help for it J Wouldnt put mv
life into de Wiling gainst any gubern
ment that eber exisva for no gubern
ment could replace de Ipss to me I
spect though dat de gulJernment
would be safe nuff it iill del soldiers
were like me as den dere couldnt be
no fitinV
Shipyards in Germany
There are thirtynine shipyards in
fk fciuany employing altogether nearly
50000 men aud togethar they con
Ftructed last year ZlS vessels of all
kinds for the navy the merchant
marine and for river traffic of the
larger description 0theseyards five
are used for the construction of naval
vessels having an aggregate capacity
for the simultaneous construction of
over forty of the largest ships twenty
eight torpedo destroyers and thirty
torpedo boats
In Boston
Minervn I wouldnt
of marry
ing him Why he said he boped he
could make me happy
thaIanaflt iS the to
wnrTWfa7 he ougbt know
that mortals are put on earth to fulfill
missTonsSnot to be happyf ppc
The Prince of Wales still pursues his
law studies most
systematically He
was chosen a bencher of the Middle
Temple a number of years ao
ft r

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