OCR Interpretation

Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 06, 1900, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn95069780/1900-09-06/ed-1/seq-7/

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who adopted him and he became the-
piaymate oi tne governors daugnter
You have been a true wife to me
and led a god life said Adam and
have holpen me through many trou
bles and we have had cheerful hours
together despite rpme crosses
But Mrs Falrbrother was not to be
Then let us not part in anger said
Adam and though I will not do your
bidding and send away the lad no
nor let him go of himself now that for
sake of peace he asks it yet to show
you that I mean no wrong by my own
flesh and blood -this is what T will do
I have my few hundreds for my office
but all I hold that I can call my own
Is Lague Take it it shall be yours for
your lifetime and our sons and their
Bisters after you
At these terms the bad bargain was
concluded and Mrs Falrbrother went
away to Lague leaving Adam with
Michael Sunlocks at government house
And the old man being now alone
with the lad though his heart never
wavered or rued the price he had paid
for him often turned yearningly to
wards thoughts of his daughter Greeba
eo that at length he said speaking of
her aa the child he had parted from I
can live no longer without my little
lass and will go and fetch her
Then he wrote to the Duchess at her
bouse in London and a few days aft
erward he followed his letter
He had been a week gone when Mi
chael Sunlocks having now the gov
ernors routine work to do was sent
for out of the riorth of the island to
see to the light on the Point of Ayre
where there was then no lighthouse
but only a flase stuck out from a pole
at the end of a standstone jetty a poor
proxy involving much risk for ships
Two days he was away and returning
liome he slept a night at Douglas ris
ing at sunrise to make the last stage
of his journey to Castletown He was
Tiding Goldie the governors little roan
the season was spring and the morning
fresh from its long draught of dew
was sweet and beautiful But Michael
Sunlocks rode heavily along for he
was troubled by many misgivings He
was asking himself for the hundredth
time whether it was right of him and
a true mans part to suffer himself to
stand between Adam Falrbrother and
bis family The sad breach being made
all that he could do to heal It was to
take himself away whether Adam fa
vored that course or not And he had
concluded that painful as the remedy
would be yet he must needs take it
and that very speedily when Tie came
Tip to the gate of government house
and turned Goldie down the path to the
left that led to the stables
He had not gone far when over the
lowing of the cattle in the byres and
the steady munching of the sheep on
the other side of the hedge and thro
the smell of the early grass there came
to him the sweetest sounds he had ever
beard and some of the queerest and
craziest Without knowing what he
did or why he did it but -taking him
self at his first impulse he drew rein
and Goldie came to a stand on the
mossgrown pathway Then he knew
that two were talking together a little
in front of him but partly hidden by a
turn of the path and the thick tram
mon that bordered it Rising in his
stirrups he could see one of them
and it was his old friend Chaise AKil
ley the carrier a shambling figure in
a guernsey and blue seamans cap
with tousled hair and a simple vacant
face and lagging lower lip but eyes
of a strange brightness
And Aw yes Chaise was saying
hes a big lump of a boy grown and
no pride at -all at all and a fine Eng
lish tongue at him and clever extraor
dinary Him and mes same as broth
ers and he was mortal fond to ride my
ould donkey when he was a slip of a
lad Aw yes him and mes middlin
well acquent
Then some linnets that were hiding
In the trammon began to twitter and
what was said next Michael Sunlocks
did not catch but only heard the voice
that answered old Chaise and that
ceemed to make the music -of the birds
sound harsh
What is he like It is like it is
old Chaise said again Aw straight
as the backbone of a herrlii and tall
and strong and as for a face maybe
not a man in the island to hold
a candle to him Och no nor a woman
-neither saving yourself maybe And
aw now the sweet and tidy yert
looking this morning anyway as fresh
bs the dewdrop my dhree
Goldie grew restless began -to paw
-the path and twist his round flanks
Into the leaves of the tramman and
at the next Instant Michael Sunlocks
was aware that there was a flutter In
front of him and a soft tread on the
silent moss and before he could catch
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I H6 Bondmocn a j
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Rachel Jorgensen was the only daughter
Df the governor of Iceland She fell In
love and married an Idler Stephen Orry
Her father had other hopes for her and
In his anger he disowned her Orry ran
away to Of this union a child was
born and Rachel called him Jason
hen Orry was heard from In the Isle of
Ian where he was again married and
another son was born Rachel died a
heart broken woman but told Jason of
his fathers acts Jason swore to kill
him and If not him then hla son In the
meantime Orry had deserted his ship and
sought refuge in the Isle of Man He
was sheltered by the governor of the
Island Adam Falrbrother Orry went
from bad to worse and married a dissolute
woman and their child called Michael
Sunlocks was born The woman ded and
Orry gave Sunlocks to Adam Falrbrother
back the lost consciousness of that mo
ment a light and slender figure shot
out with a rhythm of gentle movement
and stood In all Its grace and lovely
sweetness two paces beyond the head
of his horse
Greeba thought Michael Sunlocks
and sure enough It was she in the
first bloo of her womanhood with
gleams of her child face haunting her
still and making her womans face lum
inous with the dark eyes softened and
the dimpled cheeks smoothed out She
was bareheaded and the dark fall of
her hair was broken over her ears by
eddies of wavy curls Her dress was
very light and loose and It left the
proud lift of her throat bare as well
as the tower of her round neck and a
hint of the full swell of her bosom
In a moment Michael Sunlocks drop
ped from his saddle and held out his
hand to Greeba afraid to look Into her
face as yet and she put out her hand
to him and blushed both frightened
more than glad He tried to speak but
never a word would come and he felt
his cheeks burn red But her eyes were
shy of his and nothing she saw but
the shadow of Michaels tall form above
her and a glint of the uncovered shower
of fair hair that had made him Sun
locks She turned her eyes aside a
moment then quickly recovered herself
and laughed a little partly to hide her
own confusion and partly in joy at the
sight of his and all this time he held
her hand arrested by a sudden glad
ness such as comes with the first sunr
shine of spring and the scent of the
years first violet
There was then the harsh scrape on
the path of old Chaise AKilleys feet
going off and the spell being broken
Greeba was the first to speak
You were glad when I went away
are you sorry that I have come back
again T
But his breath was gone and he could
not answer so he only laughed and
pulled the reins of the horse over its
head and walked before it by Greebas
side as she turned towards the stable
In the cowhouse the kine were lowing
over the half -door a calf held out -his
red and white head and munched and
munched on the wall a peacock was
strutting and across the paved yard
the two walked together Greeba and
Michael Sunlocks softly without
words with quick glances and quicker
Adam Falrbrother saw them from a
window of the house and he said with
in himself Now God grant that this
may be the end of all partings between
them and me That chanced to be
the day before Good Friday and it was
only three days afterwards that Adam
sent for Michael Sunlocks to see him
in his room
Sunlocks obeyed and found a strange
man with the governor The strange
man was of more than middle age
rough of dress bearded tanned of long
flaxen hair an ungainly but colossal
creature When they came face to face
the face of Michael Sunlocks fell and
that of the man lightened visibly
That is your son Stephen Orry
said old Adam in a voice that trembled
and broke And this is your father
Michael Sunlocks
The Stephen Orry with a depth of
languor in his slow gray eyes made
one step toward Michael Sunlocks and
half opened his arms as if to embrace
him But a pitiful look of shame
crossed his face at that moment and
his arms fell again At the same in
stant Michael Sunlocks growing very
pale and dizzy drew slightly back and
they stood apart with Adam between
He has come for you to go away to
his own country Adam said falter
It was Easter Day nineteen years
after Stephen Orry had fled from Ice
land LI iii
Stephen Orrys story was soon told
He desired that his son being now of
an age that suited it should go to the
Latin school at Reykjavik to study
there under old Bishop Petersen a good
man whom all Icelanders venerated and
he himself had known from his child
hood up He could bear the expense
of it and saying so he hung his head
a little An Irish brig hailing from
Belfast and bound for Reykjavik was
to put in at Ramsey on the Saturday
following By that brig he wished his
son to sail He should be back at the
little house in between
this and then and he desired to see
his son there having something of con
sequence to say to him That was all
Fumbling- his cap the great creature
shambled out and was gone before
the others were aware
Then Michael Sunlocks declared stout
ly that come what might he would not
go Why should he Who was this
man that he should command his obe
dience His father Then what as a
father had he done for him Aban
doned him to the charity of others
What was he One whom he had
thought of with shame hoping never to
set eyes on his face And now this
man this father this thing of shame
would have him sacrifice all that was
near and dear to him and leave be
hind the only one who had been in
deed his father and the only place
that had been in truth his home But
no this base thing he should not do
And saying this Michael unlocks
tossed his head proudly though there
was a great gulp in his throat and
his shrill voice had risen to a cry
And to all this rush of protest old
Adam who had first stared out of the
window with a look of sheer bewilder
ment and then sat before the fire to
smoke trying to smile though his
mouth would not bend and to say
something more though there seemed
nothing to say answered only in a
thick under breath He is your father
my lad he is your father
Hearing this again and again repeat
ed even after he had fenced it with
many answers Michael Sunlocks sud
denly bethought himself of all that had
so lately occurred and the idea came to
him In the whirl of his stunned senses
that perhaps the governor wished him
to go now that they could part with
out offence or reproach on either side
At that bad thought his face fell and
though little given to womanj ways
he had almost flung himself at old Ad
ams feet to pray of him not to send
him away whatever happened when all
at once he remembered his vow of the
morning What had come over him
since he made that vow that he was
trying to draw back now He thought
of Greeba of the governor and again
of Greeba Had the coming of Greeba
altered all Was it because Greeba
was back home that he wished to stay
Was it for that the governor wished
him to go needing him now no more
He did not know he could not think
only the hot flames rose to his cheeks
and the hot tears to his eyes and he
tossed his head again mighty proudly
and said as stoutly as ever Very well
very well Ill go since you wish it
Now old Adam saw but too plainly
what mad strife was in the lads heart
to be wroth with him for all the Ingrat
itude of his thought so his wrinkled
face working hard with many passions
sorrow and tenderness yearning for
the lad and desire to keep him pity for
the father robbed of the love of his
son who felt an open shame of him
the good man twisted about from the
fire and said Listen and you shall
hear what your father has done for
And then with a brave show of com
posure though many a time his old
face twitched and his voice faltered and
under his bleared spectacles his eyes
blinked he told Michael Sunlocks the
story of his infancy how his father a
rude map little used to ways of ten
derness had nursed him when his
mother being drunken and without
natural feelings had neglected him
how his father had tried to carry him
away and failed for want of the license
allowing them to go how at length in
dread of what might come to the child
yet loving him fondly he had concluded
to kill him and had taken him out to
sea in the boat to do it but could not
compass it from the terror of the voice
that seemed to speak within him and
last of all how his father had brought
him there to that house not abandon
ing him to the charity of others but
yielding him up reluctantly and as one
who gave away in solemn trust the sole
thing he held dear in all the world
And pleading in this way for Stephen
Orry poor old Adam was tearing at his
own heart woefully little wishing that
his words would prevail yet urging
them the more for the secret hope that
in spite of all Michael Sunlocks like
the brave lad he was would after all
refuse to go But Michael who had lis
tened Impatiently at first tramping the
room to and fro paused presently and
his eyes began to fill and his hands to
tremble So that when Adam having
ended said Now will you not go to
Iceland thinking in his heart that
the lad would fling his arms about him
and cry No no never never and he
himself would answer My boy my
boy you shall stay here you shall stay
here Michael Sunlocks his heart
swelling and his eyes glistening with a
great new pride and tenderness said
softly Yes yes for a father like that
I would cross the world
Adam Fairbrother said not a word
more He blew out the candle that
shone on his face sat down before the
fire and through three hours thereafter
smoked in silence
The next day being Monday Greeba
was sent on to Lague that her mother
and brothers might see her after her
long absence from the island She was
to stay there until the Monday follow
ing that she might be at Ramsey to
bid good bye to Michael Sunlocks on
the eve of his departure for Iceland
Three days more Michael spent at
government house and on the morn
ing of Friday being fully ready and
his leather trunk gone on before in
care of Chaise AKilley who would
suffer no one else to carry It he was
mounted for his journey on the little
roan Goldie when up- came the gov
ernor astride his cob
Ill just set you as far as Ballasala
he said jauntily and they rode away
To be continued
Whats the difference between
wages and salary
If a man Is working for 5 a day
running a machine of some kind or
laying brick or doing something else
that makes a white collar and cuffs un
comfortable he gets wages Do you
understand what I mean
Yes sir
But if he sits at a desk and useh
a pen and gets 11 a week and has
soft hands he receives a salary Now
do you see the difference
Small Boy What do they call a
king pa Father His majesty
Small Boy Well if they call a king
his majesty what do they call an
qp - vw
f sweethearts were sweethearts always
Whether as maid or wife
No drop would be half so pleasant
In the mingled draught of life
But the sweetheart has smiles and
When the wife has frowns and sighs
And the wifes have a wrathful glitter
For the glow of the sweethearts eyes
f lovers were lovers always
The same to sweetheart and wife
Who would change for a future of Eden
The joys of this checkered life -
But husbands grow grave and silent
And care on the anxious brow
Jit replaces the sunshine that perished
With the words of the marriage vow
Happy is he whose swetheart
Is wife and sweetheart still
Whose voice as of old can charm him
Whose kiss as of old can thrill
Who has plucked the rose to find ever
Its beauty and fragrance Increase
as the flush of passion is mellowed
In loves unmeasured peace
Who sees in the step a lightness
Who finds in the form a grace
Who reads n unaltered brightness
In he witchery of the face
Undimmed and unchanged ah happy
Is he crowned with such a life
Who drinks the wife pledging the
And toasts in the sweetheart the
wife Queerqulll
At a recent talk Max ORell gave in
England on the women of the world
he remarked that he had found only
two countries where men were in lead
ing strings and women were the lead
ersFrance and the United States
The lecturer manifested a keen admi
ration for the French women who he
went on to say under all the varying
circumstances of life freely offered her
husband advice which he generally
took She advised him in money mat
ters That was why he retained his
money The French woman too al
ways remained Interesting She never
even wore her hair more than three
weeks in the same way She knew that
thesame dishes became insipid if eter
nally served with the same sauce In
business she was her husbands ad
viser and shared all his affairs
English and American women often
did not know their husbands were on
the road to ruin or wealth
Mr ORell then spoke at length of
the American woman In America Mrs
Jonathan was a distinct type An
American girl from the age of sev
enteen had almost every liberty yet
American women inspired respect ev
The different positions which women
occupied in America as compared with
England was due he thought largely
to education American boys and girls
sat together in the same schools and
the girls took a majority of the prizes
He also paid a compliment to the chiv
alry of American men to the opposite
sex which he said he had found in no
other country
Sour Cream Pie One cupful sugar
one cupful of thick sour cream one
egg one scant cupful of raisins stoned
and cut fine one tablespoonful of vin
egar two tablespoonfuls of flour and
a pinch of salt mix thoroughly season
With nutmeg bake with two crusts
same as mince pie
Tomato Scallops In making tomato
scallops place alternate layers of bread
crumbs and tomatoes in a buttered
baking tin The tomatoes may be
either canned or fresh Sprinkle pieces
of butter and salt and pepper over
each layer Cover the top with buttered
bread crumbs and bake until brown
Cucumbers a la Parislenne Pare the
cucumbers rather thick and let them lie
in ice water Shortly before serving
cut lengthwise into four or six por
tions according to the size of the cu
cumber arrange upon an oblong dish
and cover with French dressing Pass
with the fish course says Good House
Curried Rice Boil one cupful of thor
oughly washed rice in two cupfuls of
boiling salted water Boll for ten min
utes and strain add a teaspoonful of
curry powder that has been rubbed
smooth In cold water boil the rice thus
seasoned in a cupful of stock until ten
der Strain place In the center of a
platter cover with the liquor and sprin
kle with chopped parsley
Salad A very pretty form of salad
may b6 made by lining a border mould
with aspic jelly and then filling it up
with finely shred salad lettuce rad
ishes cress cucumber or tomatoes well
mixed with either a plain French or a
mayonnaise dressing pour some liquid
aspic over the whole then put it aside
till set When firm turn it out into a
dish and fill up the center with marin
aded lobster or crab piling this well
- i -
Wash and pare potatoes and slice
thinly into a bowl of cold water Let
stand two hours or over night chang
ing the water twice Drain and plunge
Into a kettle -of boiling water and boil
one minute Again drain them and cool
with cold water Take from the water
and dry them between towels Then
fry in deep fat dry on brown paper
and sprinkle with salt
Prepared in this way by first boiling
they are much more delicious than when
fried without boiling It is more work
but those who have eaten agree that
it is labor well expended
Put one cupful of ground coffee in
strainer strainer in coffee pot and pot
on range Add gradually six cupfuls
of boiling water and allow it to filter
For black coffee use three cupfuls of
boiling water instead of six and serve
without cream
A very strong movement Is again be
ing made in favor of reviving the wear
of the odious hoopsklrt in direct con
trast to the present clinging style of
Squares of oriental cloth make stylish
and Inexpensive trimimng for cloth
gowns If artistically used In combina
tion with gold buttons buckles or braid
Velvet flowers and shaded foliage in
deep green and also In brilliant autumn
leaf effects combined with masses of
black ostrich plumes will constitute
the leading garnitures on felt and vel
vet hats for the autumn and winter sea
There has arisen a sudden fad for
the wearing of bright grass green tulle
or grenadine veils They are worn fre
quently as a rather conspicuous halo
around the hat and are seldom pulled
down over the face The upper ends
are fastened with a single pin and the
lower portion of the veil flutters in the
Shirt waists of soft sheer veiling
cashmere and wool barege will fill up
the interval between the linen and cot
ton styles of the summer and the cloth
and French flannel waists for cold
weather wear These light wool gar
ments are of plain fabric or striped or
dotted with white red black or blue
In several distinct shades
The French felt hats for next season
are as soft and fine as velvet They
are fashioned in many ways some be
coming others less so The Ladysmlth
and Rough Rider styles are still prom
inent Brown grey gold red and black
are among the leading colors white felt
models being retained to wear until
cold weather with costumes of white
cloth mohair serge and cashmere
Women have revolted from the com
monsense shoes to which they went
over unreservedly a few seasons ago
Even on the golf links this summer a
moderately pointed and dainty shoe
has appeared more often than the
clumping bulldog toed extension soled
calf skin shoe of last season The re
sult isnt rational but it is becoming
and makes the reign of short skirts
more endurable from an artistic point
of view
Picture hats are evidently the ac
cepted keynotefor autumn and winter
millinery and it is to be hoped that if
women will affect picture hats they will
take them seriously Such a hat should
be made especially for the wearer and
every detail of its effect studied with
the utmost care The droop of a
feather the curve of a line may make
all the difference between a ravishingly
becoming hat and a fashionably hide
ous picture hat and the brim must be
bent the trimming adjusted to suit
the individual wearers face and head
A great deal of the color of pressed
sea mosses ferns and flowers just now
being used for various decorations on
silk and satin sachets cushion covers
etc appears to be taken from them
during the pressing process A cele
brated chemist says that if the sheets
of blotting paper used for drying the
flowers and mosses are first dipped into
a weak solution of oxalic acid and then
thoroughly dried before laying the flow
ers between them the result will be
much more satisfactory
The memory of Miss Mary Kingsley
the African traveler is to be comem
orated by a Mary Kingsley memorial
hospital It is to be used primarily
for the treatment of diseases peculiar
to the tropics and it will probably be
erected In Liverpool
Miss Rose Cleveland sister of the
ex president is arranging to enjoy her
self thoroughly next summer She has
purchased a farm at Islesboro Me
and Is about to erect there a handsome
summer cottage The whole will be
one of the finest pieces of property in
that section
Mrs Clemens plays a very important
part in her husbands Mark Twains
literary life All that he writes passes
under her severe censorship she is
the most acute critic and if there is
anything in what he has written which
does not meet with her entire approval
it goes straightway to the waste basket
or is held back for revision
Mrs Laura A Alderman owns the
largest orchard in South Dakota Ac
cording to W N Irwin chief of the
division of pomology of the department
of agriculture in Washington she has
near Harley Turner county 150 acres
in which are 8000 trees two acres be
ing given over to plums Besides the
trees there are 1000 currant bushes
1000 gooseberry bushes 500 grape vines
and three acres of strawberries
A little 13-year-old girl of Canton O
named Vera Berliner who was anxious
to play her violin before President Mc
Kinley stole around to his house one
evening while the president and his
friends were on the porch and began to
play Old Folks at Home Mr Mc
Kinley brought her on the porch and
had her play several tunes ending with
Nearer My God to Thee The child
is ambitious to become a great musi
Mrs Henrietta C Oldberg of Albert
Lea Minn has Interested herself for
many years in the cultivation of flax
and is now at the Paris exposition look
ing into this matter Mr Lippon a
Belgian manufacturer of linen visited
Mrs Oldberg at her home and was
much struck with the suitability of the
place for manufacturing the flax fiber
for linenmakers andThas offered to es
tablish a factory there if she will assist
him and offers to pay all the expenses
of Mr Oldberg and her entire party
if she will visit his manufactory and
other places in Belgium where liaen
is made
The oldest method known of ratals
calves without milk and one that
practiced with good success at the pres
ent day Is by means of hay tea Goo
clover hay which has been cut early
Is taken cut five eighths of an Iscfe
long and boiled for one half hourv
Three pounds of hay are allowed fo
each calf After the hay Is boiled tb
short hay is placed on a wire clotla
sieve and strained while the flaxseed
and middlings to be mixed with it ar
put into the kettle with the hay ex
tract and boiled to a jelly Two gal
Ions of the tea In which one quarter
pound of flaxseed and one-quarter-pound
of wheat middlings have beea
boiled are given each day to a calf 3d
day3 old At the end of 60 days that
wheat middlings are Increased to- one
half pound per day A bulletin front
the Ontario Farmers institute says tha
boiling extracts to soluble nutrltivar
constituents of the hay and this ex
tract contains all the food elements re
quired to maice the animal grow and is
moreover as digestible as milk Gains
per day of two pounds per head and
over have been reported in calves upr
to two months old that were fed onr
the extract of tea flaxseed and mid
dlings To insure success however tha
hay must be well cured- bright and ot
good quality and the tea fed at at
temperature of 90 to 92 degrees F Very
often the extract Is weak in albuminous
and fatty matter on account of being
made from late cut or poorly curedt
hay or the mistake Is made of adding
too much water Under the circum
stances It is not surprising If the calves
do not make a good healthy growth
The hay tea may be fed to calves until
they can do without it its place being
then taken by pasture or green feed
in the pen Some discontinue it when
their calves are three months old but
continue the oil and bran In a dry
state all the summer or these can ba
mixed with water If this is considered
advisable The steeped hay after tha
tea is extracted is greedily eaten by
horses and cattle but of course much
of its goodness is removed in the boil
The United States Is the great ho
growing country of the world Nar
other country dan compare with It la
producing healthful pork at so low a
cost In producing pork the great es
sential is a cheap healthy feed The
Amerlcan maize or corn is the basi
for the cheap fattening feed in pro
ducing pork No other country Is sa
situated for producing corn as tha
corn belt of the United States Thar
great profit with the American farmer
is in the use of allt he grass and corn
that can be safely done In growing and
fattening his animals There are vari
ous by products on the farm that In
the economy of pig feeding are usefuL
Nothing is more so than milk from tha
dairy after having the cream separated
from it Skim milk and corn meat
mixed together is a better feed than
either one separate as has been de
termined by the experiment stations
time and again It would be impossi
ble to raise hogs for pork purposes on
so extensive a scale as is done in tha
United States if it were not for tha
great corn fields and Immense crops
that can be grown so easily and profit
ably Secondly If we did not hava
the means of feeding corn It would ba
an almost worthless production as tha
quantities raised would be so larga
there would be no other way to con
sume it We are now in shape to- an
nually consume a two billion crop ojl
corn in the United States
One of the tendencies of breeders to
day is to produce a fine pedigree A
noted name In its pedigree helps to sell
an animal if it appears more than onca
the pedigree is still stronger and it is
an easy course of reasoning to the con
clusion that the more times this name
appears the better the pedigree henca
the more desirable the animalOt course
such pedigree building means in-breeding
one of the most common sources
of disaster to breeders It is true that
inbreeding has produced wonderful re
sults in the hands of a few masters
but it was necessary with them to pro
duce their type Nowadays it Is- not
necessary Type is not confined txona
family or branch of that family it can
be had and improved without resort
to the dangerous methods of ecrlie
Another mistake closely allied to tha
above is to give undue importance ta
certain strains of blood In Shorthorns
for example the presence of Scotch tops
has such an Influence that It often sella
an inferior animal- for the price ot a
good one The buyer of such pays too
much for a pedigree that somebody ha3
built he pays too much for family
He departs from the rule of Cruick
shank himself who founded the useful
families now so popular on the best in
dividuals he could find regardless otr
fashion in their pedigrees He work
ed upon the principle that the surest
indication of good breeding is a good
individual The individual was the im
portant thing with him and it should
be with all breeders then the fancier
the pedigree the better
It is a very common thin for South
American buyers to figure in British
auctions of pure bred stock and has
been for a number of years At
same time there are no buyers for
South America at American sales Tha
reason is very clear and it lies wholly-
In lack of transportation facilities
When the difficulty of shipment Is over
come American breeders should find au
good market for pure bred stock in th
southern continent
s82 i -
sgr rrrss

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