14 j
T -
m doctor
L J 50 years old
Office over
215 S 14tli St
tn the treatment f all forms or DISEASES
25 Years Experience 14 Years In Omaha
1ADIPflPEI C cured quickly and perman
TAniuUOuLL ently The moat natural
and scleutlfic treatment that has yet been
FEW DAYS to cure Varicocele without cut
ting pain or loss of time CHARGES LOW
1 positively guarantee a cure
PYPUII IP in all stages and condition
0 I rniLIO cured and every trace of tho
disease Is thoroughly eliminated from tho
blood All appearances of the disease quickly
disappear No BREAKING OOT of the
disease on the skin or face A cure that is
permanent for life
UfEAPUC of young and middle aged
from ErcoKses or Early Vices Night Losses
Stricture Hydrocele Diseases of the Bladder
and Kidneys Nervous Debility Gonorrhoea
Treatment by mall or express free from
gaze Free Consultation Send for
ree book on DISORDERS OF MEN
Hours 8 a m to 5 p m 7 to 8 p m Sundays
B to 12 P O Box 708 Office over 21ft S 14th
Street between Farnam and Douglas Streets
St Louis and return September 30th
to October 5th
Kansas City and return September
29th to October 6th
To most all points South Sept 4th
and 18th
All Information at
Omaha St Louis R R City
TicKet Office
No 1415 Farnam Street Paxton Block
or write
Harry E Moores G P T A
Omaha Neb
TCt Pjff Si
Farmers and Poultrymen
You can not afford to be without
jyour Hogs from Cholera Horses and
I Sheep from Distemper Scratches and
iMance KeeD vour Cattle free from
I Flies and Poultry from Cholera Roupe
Scaly Leg c If your dealer does not
I keep it send 75 centsforacallon
Kaunas City JUo
x - - -- -
J3 r
Are Usually Buried Six Feet Under Grouud
But Hene Are Two Exceptions -
When after suffering two years with
what was called appendicitis Mr John
Boland of 219 No 19th street Omaha
was told by the leading physicians and
surgeons of Nebraska that he would
have to undergo an operation and have
a part of his anatomy removed he
formally bid farewell to the world and
all he knew for he had known of oth
ers who had traveled the same- dan
gerous road Just before he submitted
to the operation he met a friend who
suggested that he try the new treat
ment Magnetic Osteopathy He said
he would not take the treatment but
would consult with Prof Kharas and
see what he would do later Prof
Kharas as the originator of this new
science of curing diseases without
drugs feels the responsibility of life
anddeath cases so he examined Mr
Boland carefully told him he had no
appendicitis at all His trouble proved
to be simply a nervo muscular stric
ture of the small Intestine duodenum
The professor so accurately described
the difference between the actual ex
isting condition and an appendicital
condition that Mr Boland saw he had
been humbugged by the medical and
surgical practitioners and took a
weeks treatment costing him 5 at
the Kharas Headquarters in Omaha
and is now sound and well and hard
at work He is loud and enthusiastic In
praise of Magnetic Osteopathy and the
Kharas System He realizes that he
would probably have been a buried
mistake if he had followed the advice
of the surgeons for they very much
dislike to have their mistakes come to
light and when they chop into a mans
works and see that they were off
there is only one way to prevent the
world from knowing the result The
patient failed to rally from the opera
tion as we expected etc Every day
we read of their mistakes
Miss Kit Dlstelhorst was expecting
to go to the hospital for an operation
the following day when a relative sug
gested that she see Kharas She did
The operation would have cost her
200 besides had it been successful
the loss of two very important parts
of her anatomy and the surgeons gave
her very very little hope for recovering
from the operation at all As a result
of her coming to Prof Kharas she is
now sound and well She took six
weeks treatment spent 330 and is as
she aptly expresses it all in one
piece yet This mention of her name
is made with her express consent and
she will gladly inform any inquirer ot
the truth of the statement who will
write her at her home 2011 Cass street
Omaha Neb A long list of testimoni
als and positive proofs may be had by
writing Prof Kharas 1515 17 Chicago
street Omaha Neb Literature free
U - aCURES all Kidney
J ar Ray 1 1 i
leases Back
r r jr
ache etc At drug
gists or by mail
81 Free book ad
vice etc of Dr B J Kay Saratoga N Ys
UMAHAVol 3 No38 1900
You Pay Nothing Until Cured
Facts Stated by
My Former
If You Are Afflicted With
Rupture Dont Fail
to Read them
My Guarantee is Valuable Be
cause You do Not Pay Me
One Cent Until You Are
I present to the readers of this paper
l few testimonial letters and names of
former patients whom 1 have cured of
rupture believing that the afflicted
would rather correspond with some one
who has heen cured than read what I
might say about myself They can more
fully- investigate and convince them
selves as to the merits of my treatment
I could use this entire space singing my
own praises but believe the statement
of those 1 have cured will be more satis
factory to the afflicted I will ask you
to write to any or all of them If you
are satisfied with what they say about
my reliability and methods of treatment
write to me or call and see me Remem
ber that in all cases I guarantee a cure
and do not accept one cent of money un
til you are well Consultation by mail
or in person is entirely free I will be
pleased to correspond with you regard
ing your case
Wants to Add letter to List Hoping to In-
flie ce Oclicr Sufferers Bad Case of
Ruptur and Other Troubles Tor
Years Curt d in three w eks Did
Not Take Oim Cent of Pay
Until Cured
JtcPherson Kans June 8 1899
Dr Ernest Henderson Kan as City Mo-
Dear Doctor I ant to add my testimo Iat
letter to your already large list hoping to in
fluence some sufferer to go to you
I had a bad case of rupture for years and
tuffered great agony 1 wont to Dr Henderson
end was cured in three weeks I cannot say too
much for him I know be can do just what be
says he can do The doctor does not ask one
cent ef pav until the patient Is well This is
the best guarantee he canriossibly give to any
person afflicted as I was 1 will answer anyone
ho wishes to know more about my case
Very truly yours -A R OLSON
Desires to Add Testimonial Case a Bad One
Permanent Cnre in Short Time
Would Not bn Back in Same Con
dition for 81000
Dr Ernest Henderson
My Dear Doctor I desire to add my testimo
nial to those you have cured of rupture My
Tase was a bad onend you made a permanent
tirre in a short time without patn and I never
fost a day from my work I cannot say too
much for your cure and would no be back in
Ibe condition I was for a thousand dollars J
thank you and would recommend your Rupture
sure to anyone Use ths if you wlsn J am
truly thankfully yours
FRED HARPER 201 Indiana Are
Suffered for Years Pronounced Incniable
by Uoctors Glad He Tonk Treatment
After Three Werks whs Sound and
YVV11 Treatment is All Tuat is
Claimed for it Hopes JLetter
Will be Means of Inducing
Others to Take Treat
Dr Ernest Henderson Kansas City Mo
Dear Doctor I wish to state that I can most
heartily recommend your rupture treatment
Since early youth I had been seriously troubled
with a right scrotal rupture that was pro
nounced by doctors to be incurable except pos
biply by a dangerous surgical operation Hear
ing of 3 our treatment I determined to try the
same and am glad I did so for after taking
your treatment but three weeks I am now sound
and well Your treatment is all that you claim
for it
If this letter will do you any good I would be
glad to have you publish the same and I hope
it may be the means of inducing others to take
your treatment and be cured
Yours respectfully
Wll LYNN Ransom Kb
Finds Tre tment Successful Examined Oth
er Patients a d Found Cure Permanent
Had been in the Business Thinks
This tin Most Rational Treat
ment of the Day
December 20 1899
To whom it may concern
This will certify that I have taken Jr Ernest
Hendersons treatment for rupture aiid that 1
find it entirely successful I have examined a
number of patients that he has treated apd I
rind that a permanent cure has been made in
everv case examined I have watched this
treatment for some time as 1 have been in this
line of business myself having been an expert
truss titter for a number of years J believe
this is the most rational treatment of the day
and that he will be successful in every case I
would most neartily recommend anyone with a
rupture to consult Dr Henderson
Verv respectfullv yours
JACOB TVEIT ZEL Independence Mo
Lutheran Minister Cured After Suffering Six
Year Tried 3rnny Truces but Tliev All
Fulled Upon Advice of Rev F Pfeif
ferofSertil la Mo Tried Or Hen
derson thn Rupture Specialist
of Kansas City
Jhe Cure was complete Has Xisprned
with Treses n Answer Letters
From Those Afflicted Who Wish
Further Particulars
Kansas City Mo
This is to certify that I have suffered for six
years with a very bad rupture and during ill
of the time I have worn different kind of truss
es day and night with the hope or effecting a
cure but they ail failed they only held the
rupture In place
Upon the ddriceof Rev F Pfelffer of Sedalia
Mo Tconsuited Dr ErnesV Hendersn the
Rupture Specialist 103 W 9th St Kansas City
Mo who cured me in a few weeks without sub
jecting me to a dangerous and painful opera
tion The cure was complete and since then I
have dispensed with my trusses without Incon
To the Interest of all who are afflicted with
iris trouble I do write this ana beartilv recom
mend Dr Hendersons treatment Anyone de
siring more information will please apply to
me personally or by letter I am
Nov 14 1699 1317 Oak St Kansas City
N B In writing please enclose a stamp for
No Trouble Afler1 First Treatment Which
was Painlers Did Not Inteifere With
Work and Cured lit Less Than One
Month Recommends Treatment
to All Rupture Sufferers
Di Ernest Henderson 03 V 9th St Cty
MyDearDoctor write you unsolicited to
fray itai you bare made a permanent cure of my
lustre which was as you know alarge Brect
V- fc - V
Indianapolis Journal Henry is st
ridiculous Whats the matter now
He says I ought to have God blesl
our home or Love your neighbors en
craved on this blank rilate I wear 08
the back of my belt
Detroit Free Press He How do 1
know that your love for me will last
She What do you ercpect me to give
you a written recommendation from
the last I loved
Philadelphia Press Ethel Im terri
bly disappointed in Laura Edith
Why Ethel Oh when she heard 1
had gossiped about her she talked aw
fully about me
Somerville Journal Hicks I broke
my wifes favorite vase this morning
Wicks Tough luck old man Hicks
Yes but theres one good thing about
it I know what to give her for a
Christmas present
Buffalo Express Hello Jasper ex
claimed Spenders stopping his rich
uncles valet hows uncle this morn
ing Well sir he says he thinks ha
needs a change of heir So hes sent
for the doctor eh No his lawyer
Detroit Journal Such was her exi
treme misery that the wife fell into
the vernacular You are not the only
shirt In the laundry she cried bitter
ly The man her husband shrugged
his shoulders Im not a shirt at all
he retorted If I were a shirt you
wouldnt have done me up so nicely
Now she cursed the day that she was
0 i
When a preparation has an advertised
reputation that is world wide it means
that preparation is meritorious If you
go into a store and buy an article that
has achieved universal popularity like
Cascareta Candy Cathartic for example
you feel it has the endorsement of the
world The judgment of the people is
infallible because it is impersonal The
retailer who wants to sell you some
thing else In place of the article you
ask for has an ax to grind Dont it
stand to reason Hes trying to sell
something that is not what he repre
sents ito be Why Because he ex
pects to derive an extra profit out ol
your credulity Axe you easy Don1
you see through his little garnet The
man who will try and sell you a substi
tute for CASCARETS is a fraud Be
ware of him He is trying to steal
the honestly earned benefits of a repu
tation which another business man has
paid for and If his conscience will al
low him to go so far he will go farther
If he cheats his customer in one way
he will in another and it is not safe to
do business with him Beware of the
CASCARET substitutor Remembei
CASCARETS are never sold in bulk
but in metal boxes with the long tailed
C on every box and each tabiel
stamped C C C
Inguinal Hernia i think this is the name you
gave it filling the scrotum I am plad tosay
that I never had any trouble retaining It after
the first treatment and that I am now a well
man Thanks to God and yourself
Your treatment was painless and did not stop
me from my work A cure was made in less than
a month
I certainly will do what lean for you and my
suffering fellows and most heartily recommend
all ruptured to take your treatment Yon may
use this letter u you aesire l oss xo repuuc
your friend
K C Stock Yards or 410 Landls Court
Suffered With Bad Case for Orer Flye Yean
Could Not Stand It Any Ijouirer After
Keadlnp Advertisement Concluded
to Tuke Treatrm nt Paid for
With Pleasure Will Gladly
Write Anyone About Cae
Kansas City Mo June 3 1800
Dr Ernest Henderson City
My Dear Doctor It is with pleasure I inforra
you that I am entirely cured ot a bad case of
rupture for which you treated me first about
two years ago I suffered with a very bad rup
ture for over five years many times it was so
bad I could scarcely retain it with the aid of a
truss As the rupture was constantly getting
worse and the pain so great I could not stand ft
any longer I was much discouraged After
reading your advertisement over a d over
again 1 concluded to try your treatment and
to my surprise you cured me in less than fouf
weeks I am glad to say after such a long time
of suffering I am absolutely sound and well
paid your fee with pleasure and still feel that
I owe you a debt of gratitude which I hope to
pay by Inducing other sufferers to go to you for
treatment thereby doing a kindness to them
and to you
I will gladly write to anyone about my case
I almot forgot to say that I considered your
offer of receiving no pay until a cure was ef
fected as the best guarantee you eouid give
and that is what first gave me confidence In
your treatment as soon as I talked to you
Respectfully yonr friend
19 East Sixth Street
Mike Gaynor 2 EwingSt Kansas City Ks
A R Olson McPherson Kas
Robert J Brock county attorney Manhattan
N M Kent 401 Orchard St Chicago 111
Oscar Dillon 901 Campbell St Kansas City
H M McDonald Denison Kas
B F Dobbs 1920 N ltb St Kansas City Kas
A Young 3418 Windsor Ave Kansas City Mo
J S Hammick plumbing 19 E Gth St Kan
sas Cit v Mo
Thos Batfo Kansas City Mo
W C Peak grocer 21 Central Ave Kansas
City Kas
MS Welch care Goodiander Milling Co Ft
Scott Kas
Dr T F PaTker 1517 Brooklyn Ave Kansaj
City Mo
Bcrman Bagiill Kansas City Mo
Wm Lvnn Ransom
M G Ilartzell 719 Felix St St Joe Mo
Fred Harper 2011 Indiana Ave Kansas City
William Weltman 410 Landis Court Kansas
Cltv Mo
Rev F Pfeiffer Sedalia Mo
R J Champion Armour Station Kansas City
J T Wood merchant Greenwood Jackson
county Mo
Chas T Hummer 424 Edmond St St Joe Mo
WillB Castor 11 N Spring Are St Louis Mo
rrea rnares or unerry m Kansas city Mo
E R Demorest Kansas Citv Mo
R B Griffith 207 Lyceum Bldg Kansas City
Thomas McMahon 704 N 7th St St Louis
B W Dement restaurant keeper 109- E 13tb
St residence 1012 Locust Su Kansas City Mo
Child 13 months old
G FShaw assistant county surveyor Inde
pendence Mo
Washingten Baker Halls Summit Kas
William Hlggtns 117 Car Ave Armourdale
W L Gray Stanberrv Mo
W T WJngate Amity Mo
Earl Maxwell Valley Falls Kas
C Sandy 756 Kansas Ave Kansas City Kas
James McHockin C32 Tullls Court Kansas
Cny Mo
Frank Craig 15th and TopplDg Ave Kansas
City Mo
103 West Ninth Street
All things In life we may not know
Nor how each soul is tempted
We only know that thin s true
From blame were not exempted
But this I know whateer they say
Or faults with you theyre finding
One smile that plays upon thy Hp3
Like rainbow hues is blinding
And when you gazed with those dear
Where love shone sweet and tender
You sealed for life her who adores
In all things your defender
If eer your bark be roughly tossed
Or fortunes smile may falter
Ill pray their wheels will be reversed
For love can never alter
And thus I hope to ever be
Some joy or inspiration
Although I may not be the one
To -win the declaration
It still will be so sweet to know
With loves great sorrow shading
In loving you I loved thee last
When lifes last sun was fading
Kate Gregory
The newest furniture for the porch Is
made of old hickory in very substantial
and comfortable forms This furniture
It is claimed Is almost indestructible
Something new and airy -in summer
window drapery is colored mull This
material is full a yard wide and fast
In color
Madagascar cross stripe curtains have
recently been selling for about 150 per
pair These curtains are light in
weight and very decorative in effect
Something dainty and cool looking are
the ruffled organdie bed sets in delicate
colors on white grounds Window cur
tains come to match them both are of
the finest quality and would dress the
bed and windows in a guest chamber
very acceptably
India rockers are picturesque and de
lightfully comfortable for the porch as
well as for the house Their frames
are made of bentwood the seats and
backs are composed of red and yellow
splints gayly interwoven The bent
wood gives restful curves to the back
and sides of these chairs
Housewives may now find bargains
in thin summery curtains to make
look cool and inviting during the hot
season of late August and early Sep
tember There are bobbinets with in
sertion and wide ruffles edged with
pretty laces fancy muslin curtains with
lace stripe and coin spot design and
ruffled borders
Dont forget to fteht the little
mites so numerous in the hen house at
this time of year
Dont keep the old hen through the
moulting season if she is two years
old she has outlived her usefulness
Dont forget to keep the young chicks
well fed and growing from the start
Dont have the perches high off the
floor thus yau save many cases of
bumble foot
Dont starve the laying hen keep her
well supplied with good food
Dont let her depend entirely on her
own resources even if you must buy
Dont forget to supply fowls with
plenty of fresh pure water
Dont let their grit boxes get empty
Dont allow the oyster shell sacks to
ever become entirely empty
Dont let them have lousy nest boxes
or filthy nests
Dont send dirty eggs to market
Dont use egg shells to clear the cof
fee it is a nasty habit
Dont sell eggs that you cannot guar
antee to be perfectly fresh
Dont sell sick fowls for any use
Dont sell by the pound corn covered
up in a chickens crop
Dont forget to have good warm
houses for the poultry this winter
- Dont neglect anything about the
poultry or houses and you will make
poultry raising profitable
English Biscuits Beat four eggs five
minutes in half a pound of sugar with
the grated rind of a lemon whisk it
quarter of an hour until light then put
m pound of flour with a little rose
water and bake with sugar over them
Dne may use baking powder if afraid
o bake without
Scripture Cake One cupful butter
hree and one half cupfuls flour three
jupfuls sugar two cupfuls seeded rai
sins two cupfuls figs one cupful water
jne cupful sliced and blanched almond
six eggs one tablespoonful of honey
1 pinch of salt spices to taste two
easpoonfuls of baking powder Chop
raisins and figs flour well and add
ast Beat ingredients together thor
Beef Loaf Three pounds of beef
ground fine three eggs one and one
half pints of dry bread or v cracker
srumbs one pint of milk salt and pep
per Mix- thoroughly roll in crumbs
and bake one and one half hours Serve
20ld cut in thin slices
Take the grapes Concards will do
when they are only juc turned enough
to make the jelly of a clear red color
Wash drain and put on to scald with
a small quantity of cherry leaves
When sufficiently scalded or so that
the skins are broken enough to let the
juice out but not enough to cook the
juice take off and strain Do not
squeeze if clear jelly is wanted Heat
the juice skim add sugaF in propor
tion as for other jelly and make as you
do other jelly The cherry leaves give
the flavor of cherries which I think
s finer and then it adds to the variety
The new queen of Itaiy Is fond of
hunting and shooting her favorite
game being wild boar She Is also a
splendid revolver shot
The large loose waves so essential to
the low fluffy half parted pompadour
style of hair dressing can fcs made by
wetting the hair and tying brosd bands
of tape around it
One of the most stylish jloras for
wear with light gowns is old fashioned
looking of soft thin kid with no stitch
ing on the back nd only one pearl
Childrens shoes like those of their
elders have the broad comfortable toe
and the heavy sole the little girls
shoes being made on the same lines as
those of their brothers
Some of the cold weather street bo
lero and Eton jackets of black royaJ
blue Russian green and Grenat valvet
or velours de Nord will be finished with
long pointed revers and Robespierre
hood of otter seal mink or other cost
ly fur
Natty French jackets of covert doth
are made with loose fronts without dart
seams double breasted and finishes
with three graduated circular shoulde
capes the roll of the lining showing
like a silk or satin piping at tho ex
treme edge of each cape
Real laces are being used to a re
markable extent Cluny Arabian point
dAiencon Irish point point de Flan
ders and renaissance taking the lead
Batiste laces are also much work as
trimming for cloth or silk designs cop
ied from rare old laces being embroi P
dered on ecru batistp
Ostrich feathers are already showing
themselves in the millinery establish
ments in all colors and they can be
found to blend with the soft shades of
the handsome new cloths It was pro
phesied early in the spring that they
would be popular and it Is probable
that they will be certainly an effort
is being made in that direction
Long chains are still popular but
they are hung with odd pendants and
charms Turquoise matrix Is much
used In this kind of jewelry and an
opaque stone of malachite green ii also
a favorite Fresh water pearls in their
Irregular shapes lend themselves readily
to odd and original designs and make
particularly attractive pendants or
drops on curiously wrought chains of
Apparently this Is to be a season of
buckles They are steadily growing
larger and more popular and are much
more beautiful from an artistic point
of view than ever before Antique de
signs are first favorites particularly
the Egyptian in dull metal and opaque
stones This fad for the odd and the
unique extends through all the field
of Jewelry and the demand is bringing
some work that is wonderfully beau
tiful and original
Very smart looking tailor costumes of
military blue bourete cloth have made
their armearance with their new ex
tension front boleros trimmed with rows
of narrow flat gold braid and expen
sive gold buttons flecked with blue en
amel Suits In delicate silver blue fac
ed cloth have short double breasted
Eton jackets with revers facings and
folded girdles of soft Persian satin in
beautiful color blendings Other cos
tumes have vests of pale cameo pink
or doe colored cloth braided very elab
orately in brown soutache and fastened
with buttons of old bronze and French
The name of the new bolero is legion
Instead of waning in favor its autumn
varieties are almost past counting and
its new effects strictly and minutely
chronicled would fill a small volume
It appears In models of every beautiful
fabric from lace net silk crepe de
chine sheer wool ettc to velvet bro
cade panne watered silk French ve
lours and so on through the glowing
fall exhibit to fur of every costly de
scription The bolero and the Eton
1 models complete elegant costumes for
visiting for the promenade for day
functions and in the preparing of elab
orate evening toilets
The skirts of some of the smart
autumn dresses of light wool are shirred
several inches below the belt after be
ing slightly gored on the front and side
breadths The back breadths are box
plaited and the lower part of the skirt
is laid in horizontal tucks of gradu
ated width beginning with one about
two and a half inches wide at the ex
treme edge of the skirt Sometimes
the tucks are stitched in with silk of a
color contrasting with that which forms
the skirt and very often there is a
taffeta or surah waist the exact shade
of the wool fabric pindotted in silk
the color of the machine stitching The
effect is very pretty in gray and cherry
red blue and old rose or fawn color
with Persian mause dots and stitching
Empress Eugenie has been staying in
Paris in the strictest incognito but i
expected to return shortly to her coun
try place at Farnborough Hill Sussex
after an absence of nearly seven
Beatrice Harraden while tryIngto re
gain lost health on her California ranch
has taken up carpentry and has become
skilled in the use of th saw and plane
She has also become proficient as an
orchardist and In other work upon hei
Rebecca Lynn is tollgate keeper at a
bridge over the Delaware river The
other day a crowd of thirty railroad la
borers attempted to pass without pay
ing their way When Miss Lynn show
ed a revolver and pushed it under the
leading rowdys nose they all changed
their minds
Mrs Ti Di of Idaho City will vote as
an American citizen at the fall election
Being born in that state Idahos wo
man suffrage law took her in while her
husband a native of China is barred
from the franchise Mrs Ti Di re
ceived a common school education and
is a constant reader of the American
i dailies
- a
It has been very definitely deterraingfi
that no kind of feed nor any nmaas4SS
feeding will increase the richness effi
the milk of a cow One cow will fifeac
say 3 per cent milk and another oC
that tests 4 per cent and no deS2afiT
the feeder can increase or dlmlnlsi CSat
per cent of butter fat in that cow
milk Whether she gives a quazt ezr
six quarts the milk will be the suss
Us percentage of butter fat The raaQy
thing we can do to make a cow prodn
more butter is to so feed her that
will give mdre milk As the milk dees
cot change it follows that the mac
milk a cow gives the more butter sS
will produce and up to a certain IlnK1
It Is profitable to feed a cow so as ito
stimulate the flow of milk
We have never found it of any a-
vantage to feed oows grain whole ae
ground when the pasture is plenriSftfl
and fresh in the spring as grass is m
perfect feed for a dairy cow But wfcarf
the pasture gets short and dry azxi Ciac
days hot with the flies bad we Gs OS
profitable to give them ail the n5o
sweet clover hay they would eat cazSBi
day and with this about four ponai a
wheat bran This with plenty of xcalsr
that is fresh and cool will keep ctk
milk flow during the hot weatfser s
well as anything we have ever tsfeS
We let the cow stay In the field aarSlEa
In the shade until about 5 oclock wIizes
we bring them up and put them in a
shed on the shady side of the baza azi
feed them their hay or green stelL
When we milk in the evening uce jaiS
the cows in the stable which 5s faesit
dark and feed them two pounds aSS
bran In the morning we feed 82
same quantity of bran and give theoasx
bucket of freshly pumped water si fibs
same time
Then they eat until the sun gets tro
hot for comfort when they retire to J3a
shade and lie there sometimes rrxan
they are brought home in the
We have our cows come in in the ftT
so they will go dry about the Zjsspst
ning of September and come in 2333m
about the middle of October ThisjROs
the calves a chance to get a start lie
fore cold weather begins and gives zza
fresh cows for making butter aSwKli
the time the price gets best la Qss
fall and through the winter
The new university farm buildizs 5a
a two story brick structure one Sasc
dred and eight feet long by nrXF Sre
feet wide The exterior is of pizsn
brick but the lines of the buiklins are
It will house the agricultural esseas
ment station and a portion of the schat
of agriculture not already honssf Mzt
the dairy building on the farm i
first floor is for the use of the essr5
ment station and the remainder jaf ibe
building is to be devoted to the sclaaSfc
Connected with the building is j
greenhouse arranged so that stviStcitiB
can be taught tree setting and jnrtsfc37
during the winter months whex -sac-at
of the farm boys find it most
to attend the schooL In thelsase
ment of the building and coTnrpratog
with the greenhouse are the hcettacErir
tural work rooms where sjrS
grafting are to be taught and irtssx
spraying machines and other
fural implements can be -Upstairs
are the various MfcLarc22ra
and class rooms In the -soil labctaaacs
students will study the property a
soiis as affecting crop productive- 22n
the entomological laboratory p
learn the life history and habits xifxde
structive insects so that they
able to combat them successfully Sse
ilar practical results are attairasS 5
the botanical and chemical Isbassr
The first floor is devoted to ftreoSBceu
and laboratories of theexperimear Sta
tion This is the institution snjfBatoE
by the government which is WDTzns
out the problems of the farmer nn
making it possible to teach agricnltoss
in a practical way The scientist 5te
here brought directly in contact vrit
practical farm Operations and tsss s31
theories before advocating thero Stee
erection of this building last yssr
marked a new era In agricultural edz
cation in Nebraska
Those who are in position to Jcfige 5c
not anticipate large supplies aaii ia
breaks in the hog market before tbs
opening of the winter packing seasos
November 1 Reports from ail over iSse
country indicate that numbers of hsgs
to be finished this summer and E5f
are not large In spite of a bis csste
crop ahead it is very likely that the
winter season will open with bgs weE
above the prices of last year aaS
moreover that prices during the comiTjs
winter will average welL A burcpar
corn crop usually means very chaap
hogs but this condition promises to fcs
modified next winter by an exceHeor
demand for provisions Definite cakre
lations are impossible at such tons
range but there is every Indira ficra
1 heolthy hog market next winter a
prices comparing favorably Witt valuec
of corn
Those who read the representaSw
sales of cattle in market will note taalt
a good many sell at comparativeiy Star
prices reason is that there is no pfcuas
for which they are especially wanted
They are not fat enough to make 5a
airable killers nor good enough to make
first class feeders They are classed by
salesmen as in betweens and thsft
very aptly describes them Stuff of 2aiE
kind must always sell at comparative
tow prices There is no special demznE
for the misfits in any kind of Hc