Risk l yis jsp - IlF rF t -
i i
This paper will be mailed regularly
to ita subscribers until a delimte order
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Cor President W J BRYAN
For Governor- W A iOlNTKK Bpone
For Secretary ol State C V SVOBODA How
ForTreasurer 8 H HOWARD Holt
For Commissioner of Public Lauds and Build
ings J CAREY Saunders
For Superintendent ol Public Instruction C F
For Presidential Electors
FRANK T RANSOM Silver Republican
L N WENTE Democrat Lancaster
JAMES HUGHE DHimtrmt Pnliax
JOBNH FEL KR Populist Odir i
W G SWAN Populist Johnson
PFIER EBBESON Populist Howard
For Member of Congress sixth District
For State Senator Fourteenth District
For Hepresentati ve of 53d District
County Ticket
For County Attorney A M MOBRISSEY
For Commissioner of First District
W Ea HAIiri
For Commissioner of Third District
Well vote for Mornssej
A M MorrLsse fusion cairn iiai
for county atiornev will get the sup
port of the people who appreciate
The prosperity howling republican
wind jammera and wise looking countn
redeeming air threshers w ho claim u
be in partnership with high heaven
with a mission to replenish then own
pocket books are leaving their lam
office with little to do It would re 11 -
look much better oi these pie counter
under the political pie couuter to be a
little more modest
Senator John M Thurston is biiieu
to speak in this village Monday night
This is the gentleman who represents
fe tfasa
i 1
9jCOO JPer Fear in AdvaMia
Entered at lb e Fost ofllce at Valentine Cherry
aoonty Nebraska as Second class matter
uuoisiiccw uuuvivoreu SU Ol JL0U1SV
September 5 1000 If ahec reading
this speech carefully you do ndt admir
tho man who has the ability to Wei
yuu au mauy anu varieu reasons ror
supporting the fusion ticket and hbnesL
principles you are biased and
iced against Niiin W J Brjan has
been before the people for several years
and has been eagerly watched by crit
ics for something that he might do or
say that would injure him He stands
today before the American people with
character unspotted with clean hands
and a pure mind
Congressman William Neville hon
est upright and true to his trust never
was more heartily endorsed and appre
ciated than biuce his past years duties
so faithfully performed and being
found looking after the interests of the
people of the Sixth Congressional Dis
William J Bryan does not need to
fee Introduced or described to any
American andlencc The people
fcsow him the farmers the mechan
ics the laborers the merchants the
bnakers the editors the lawyers
All classes of the commnnity hare
atadicd the history of his life and
2vblic services Me has stood the
public scrntiny as tao other ziodern
talesman has done and the people
are satisfied with what they hare
read and seen and are ready to cast
their suff rases for him David D
The Philadelphia Times Re
pents Its Former Sup
port of McKinley
Democrats all over the country gen
erally are gratified to learn that tho
Philadelphia Times one of McKinleys
strongest supporters in lSDU has de
clared for Bryan The Times is an in
dependent paper and says- it is sorry it
was for McKmley four years ago In
an editorial Oct 1 it repents its course
and adds
All of the evils and the perils of the
so called Republican policy have re
turned sevenfold developed and ex
tended till the very foundations of the j
government seem threatened A false
economic system has resuitea in vast
man of honesty and integrity in combinations of capital that throttle
ness as well as in his official capacity
A man who has the courage to tijulii ih
battles of the couun at tbe co t oi l
personal IneuusJup A man u ho nm
rifices his persoi ai matters that iln
county may not Miller Who when
called upbhlorbus op uum would gi
it houestl aid couscjeianiusty inou
it may work to his aisativsiiita0e put
callv A man who is staunch and in
individual industry and hold control
over all tin functions of government
and the spokesman of the administra
tion a representative 6f one of these
great trusts is calling upon his fellow
capitalists for contributions to buy an
other four years license to robj another
four years life for their inflated and
false prosperity r The government thus
controlled has found its fittest expres
sion In schemes of military conquest
and the blood and treasure of the
to his trust and waei not who tm- tlon are poured out to subdue a distant
sayed the county bundled oi tfuimi people and rob them of those rights of
and Independence that America
his undaunted u u 1 ertf
by courage
uy uo u fe
nas always claimed for all mankind
wasngiu win jou ui suur Imperialism militarism are the
defeat on the 6th ol MoveuiViV Jei ural outgrowth of commercialism in i
voter should rallj as one man and cat politics of the power of the few over
a solid vote in appieciauon and let tin the many the elevation of money above i
with all the system of 1
watchword be Honesty and integrity I manhood spe
ciai Jiiviuur v fu -
the Republican party since tue civ
wat has increasingly ffprd
The upholders of thi aystm re
thsroaelves aware of its hollownees
and are calling for aid from the money
power to bolster It UP for a time longer j
The condition is gug that the country j
must meet and meet now and the way i
to meet it Is by a reassertion pt e
office duties to get out to all the coi mi - Democratic idea and the re election of
cross roads and b srajs to educate Hit a Democratic president
coDuerheads and traitors v eii i
their bread and butter depends upou it
They are officials 30U know and cat t
earn a living like working people s
theyll go around just to tell ou thai
Tr mrr nil llutrinrr mnii tltlluu tit VV ft
No one questiao or cn question the J
o ftr tho arncstnci the integrity of the 0
tf Democratic canuiuaics rut uk icui uvw
that has aadff America glorious in the past O
and that can mtkfi her strong in the future
f t j 1 1 x nt11
i 1 a 1 2 it is a duty to up9rt tfeclf pjppiion
are ai 01 us wuu uavo a gumi 5 adelphia Times
V tit
Doubtful RuraJ Districts Are to
Be Given Free Postal Deliv
ery Until After Electiefi
the people of Nebraska at the nations j Information from an official source
capitol and is also the paid attorney 01 has been receivM at Democratic head
the mightiest trust in the world Tne quarters in Chicago that the postoffice
Standard Oil Trust 1 here to ai old department at Washington F pr
adage which goes Une man cannot ders from Mark Hanna is making ar
serve two masters 11m being u tact rangements to make a 30 days trial of
beyond dispute which master is John rural postal delivery in 11 doubtful
M serving the people or the tiuU localities in Iowa Illinois ian
You can rest assured that the trusts and Indiana in fact in all doubtfujl
interests are iooked alter tirat last and states They hope ia 3ing this to
all the time Come out luteiligeut make the farmers believe he public
voterand hear the mau wno is hghung party is doing much for tltem TOi
the people of his own state who i iit mm scneme js to be instituted in all doubt
in the high place he now occupies m ful iocaHtiee early in Octoher while
mthe interests of the Standard Oil trust is 0 tkdfixwn in strong Kepub
T7 llcan localities
The Hastings Republican the oldest Tnat such is Hana latest gold
largest and strongest lepublican news- bricjj scheme is borne cut fa jl Wash
paper in central aud western Nebraska ington repors raying that be de
bas goue over to the f usnuisis budii Uvery aSstesM was inaugurated i
Hastings republicans are dazed 1 h week iQ or four close C0Unties in
are especially dejected that their lead- 3 aa1 lt is to be extended
ing organ in the home of their
date for governor should desert them at 5oou as ectlon i3 beia the
this time be abolished
carrier joutes will
GRAND RALLY dUTO BEB zb and the farmers will continue to go to
i i
- r A VXSy til iV
SU SS fTilS I lift
l HBSftFtSBIBssSr v
ssflsssu4zri 1 85 j y
Have you heard of the full dinner pail Well this is it
New York World
Glance at Hannas Record In t Contrasts Strangely With
His Dealings With
It is the fashion of partisan newspa
pers and of strenuous politicians of
both parties to inveigh against Hauna
merely as the representative of a fat
frying administration and as a thor
oughly unscrupulous man
He is more than this Let the min
ers of Hahuas own subterranean hell
In the Pittsburg district stand forth
and testify Even before the Ohio sen
ate had branded the word Briber on
his brazen forehead his coal mine
starvelings bad written him down as a
soulless brute
In the years from 1SS2 to 1SSG Han
na acquired many steamers and sail
ing vessels which plied up and down
the lakes doing his bidding in a mad
race for wealth These vessels were
manned by labor unloncrews Hanna
thought so much of these union sailors
and was so deeply concerned in their
welfare that he cut their wages from
225 to 1 per day just one peg above
starvation point and practically dis
rupted their organization
Leechlike he has thrived pn strikes
aud fattened on human misery Those
who pick and blast his dollars from
coal veins hundreds of yards beneath
the sand of his carriage wheels will
give you many instances of his pecul j
iar philanthropy toward labor and la
bor unions
In 1S93 Hanna sat with many coal
operators in a meeting which preluded
the throwing of thousands of miners
out of work When the meeting broko
upvword was sent out to keep all min
prs at work day and night In this
Wily 2000000 tons of coal wero stored
for a f uftjFp giarke
T5hen began tho pjilftttjropip scheino
of cutting and trimming and
McKinleys Policy of
Shifty Evasion
President McKinley says there Is no
such thing as imperialism in this
country Mark Hanna says there are
no trusts
Mr Bryan has no difficulty in discov
ering imperialism or in putting bis fin
ger on trusts
Imperialism in its essence is the gov
ernment of others just as democracy
is self government Mr McKinley is
today governing the Forto Ricans with
their implied consent but without giv
iug them any voice in their own affairs
or any share in ours He is trying by
means of military force to govern the
Filipinos against their consent Mr
Bryan says that this is imperialism
And unless words have lost their
meaning and analogies have lost their
force he is indubitably right
While Mr Hanna says there are no
trusts Mr Bryan goes into a communi
ty in his own state where tho farmers
are profiting temporarily by a starch
trust and boldly tells them This is a
monopoly and all private monopolies
are wrong To angry cries of dissent
from self interest he retorts to the corn
growers You have Already seen a dis
tillery in your town closed down by the
whisky trust What is to pvent the
Argo company from being clbsed down
by the starch trust
This is Mr Bryans way honest
fearless undevlating from what ho
knows to be true and what he believes
to be right New York World
The Qnly trust tltnt any lUcpubllcan
In tbis country noems to know about
in the ice trust and the Republicans
dont know much about that for if
they Aid they would know that ev
pry director is a Republican W J
ing the miners in their coal hells of YHE SAME OLD GAME
plucking them at the bunko stores of T
dopkjpg jtheir wages of keeping from
them the mepe pittance they worked
forNand of so starving an3 persecuting
them that the gauni grimed Vopms rf
the earth turned at last with a snarl
and utruek at the heels of Hanna and
bis fellows
CoaUproduction was stopped at oupo
A coal famine set in Its price went
up little by little while the miners
starved in their hovels until it was 2
ft tQU foeoer tlian was before the
Then opt camp tliP 3PfiQppo tops rp
serve from Hanna and his gagg an4
a net profit of g4000000 was the rpsuJJ
In the meantime many miners had
died of sickness and starvation homes
had been disrupted and families ruined
to enrich the Hanna pocket
QQBiP a bit farther down the line on
thP spoor Pf t8 philanthropic vam
pire You rememWiioF ffaesa in t
Xoushi3lnjr rVf hP P10 cut
them f ro ti to 54 cents per ton the
ifiwent te oi aKca ever paid in
iive Wltllnr5 district Do the min
ers vtiiiJr hat this man will keep
lil xtrni
Uses now
Langdo Smith
ie Hanna
-T-- w - 1J IT
Whpf tianna ueciarus uiut
nn pakirg an- ass of himself he
Bhowsw0 things first that he has
aat lbs0 wel1 urouSbt up and second
er Lt he is getting the worst of the
Jfliit It is hoped however that
tor will continue tq ornament
imp 4inn tne uemocratic cam-
CcoinniIttet ought to make it an
Republican Mnapror Revanip
rinyotl Out Scheme
Void if Bryan is elected
That Is the latest scheme being work
ed by the Uepublican managers
through the administration organs It
is claimed that every contract now bo
ing made In the east contains such r
In effect it is the same old game that
was worked four years ago the game
of scare Then the scheme wiis to
frighten labor into the belief that if the
pepiopratic party should be successful
thpre wpuld bo no niorp work for tftP
people who make their living by daily
This year the idea Is to frighten eppjr
tal as well as labor But the- Republic
an managers are counting without
their host in this Hundreds even
campaign of 1890 promised ajj sorts gf ousangs of nien who possess capital
work not only to his own miners but
to the miners of the entire United
kes in esse McKinley was elected
fi miners hearkened unto his
voice and was elected Then
u Anna 1i ia Minii oar lnilnpsc
man Wed to do llSosf fgre Tear It will work on neither the labor
McKinley Vld warmed the presidential jns people nor the capitalist
is i c
XJbW CitU persou
and rp Willing tq Invest if havp
ed In the oaqsp of Ppjpopracy They
are not a bit frightened it seems
Four years ago the scheme worked
on the laboring people of the east This
Charles Sumner fn the gpnate in
1SG3 speaking on iprannpjnntipn
Immediate said VEvery
common sense rfnd feistory al de
manded the instant pessatipn at an
intolerable wrong without procras
tination or delay Sir Samners
appeal for the immediate freeing pf
the slave applies even more strong
ly to striking- off the political fetters
of the Inhabitants of Porto Rico
Robert 2 Pattlson
There Is nothing to be said forxtbe
JWpSfor do 0- Bingham ton enrichment of the few at the expense roposition
Sf 5tljtJCjauy KusStiryasa foiif
It Is Fairly Well Known Whom
He Would Not Have
Republican Papcrn Exercised Over
the Possible Nominations by Mr J
Bryan They Would Differ Essen
tially In Character From the Selec
tion of Mark Hnnna
The McKinley organs are busy con
structing a cabinet for Mr Bryan tyt
course no one is in a position to speak
authoritatively in this matter No one
knows just who he would have but it
is fairly well understood whom he
would not have In his cabinet
He Trould not have a secretary of
state who vrotild licit the boots of
He Tvould not have a secretary of
the treasury who would jylve to a co
terie of national bankers the con
trol of the public finances and free
use of the public money
He would hot have an attorney
general owned by the trusts
He would not have a secretary of
the interior dominated by land
grabbing corporations
He would not have a postmaster
general who would conceal frauds
that were perpetrated by Rathbonc
and Neely
He would not have a secretary of
the navy controlled by the armor
plate trust
He would not have n secretary of
war controlled by the beef trust
In this connection it may be remark
ed that the Republican newspapers are
also exercised over another matter
They profess to be greatly alarmed ow
ing to the fact that Mr Bryan If elect
ed might perhaps be called upon to ap
point seven members of the supreme
It is well for the Republican papers
to call the attention of the people to
these supreme court nominations
The people of America have many
tilings to think about today They
have trusts imperialism municipal
ownership the Declaration of Inde
pendence versus commercial Interests
and in addition to these they must
make up their minds whether they
prefer William J Bryan or Mr Hanna
to name seven supreme court justices
to interpret the United States constitu
We believe that every intelligent
American whether he be the poorest
laborer or the most prosperous mer
chant or manufacturer would prefer
that the supreme court justices should
be named by Mr Bryan rather than by
Mr Ilanna We dont believe that
many voters even in the Republican
party doubt that Mr Hanna would be
extremely Influential if not omnipotent
in the selection of the men who may
succeed Justices Gray Fuller Shiras
Harlan Brewer Brown and White
Everybody knows the sort of men that
Mr Hanna would select if the choice
were left to him and everybody knows
also what sort of men Mr Bryan
would select
The supreme court of the United
States is the greatest power for good
or evil in the nation Yet It is only
after all the judgment and integrity of
the men who select supreme court jus
tices that the people have to rely upon
There is no need to discuss the sort
of men that Mr Ilanna would select
for the supreme court Even if he act
ed conscientiously it would be the
worst possible thing for the country
since his view oftlie nations welfare
is based on the belief tbat courts and
laws should tend to make tho rich free
from taxes and the trusts mightier
Mr Bryan would name for the su
preme court and every fair minded
man knoAvs it perfectly well the
ablest interpreters of constitutional
law whom he could find He would be
guided solely by the desire to put upon
the supreme bench men worthy of the
highest judicial office in the world
If sucli men slipuld interpret the con
stitution so as to permit of an income
tax and we believe that they would
Mr Bryan would undoubtedly be glad
of it
But It is impossible for a moment to
think that ho would ask in advance
the opinion of any man whom he might
appoint or accept any pledge He
would select the ablest available Amer
ican jurists He would certainly not
select pien who had spent their lives as
paid legal clerks of trusts or corpora
tions HP would select honorable
American statesmen accustomed to
look upon the constitution as the na
tions great defender nnd not accus
tomed to look upon it as an obstacle to
be overcome in the service of bribe
giving trusts and monopolies
Jt you want Bryan to nominate the
justing qf the supreme court vote
for Bryan
f you want Hnnna tq noinjnate the
justices of jie supreme court vote
for McKinley
The blacklist as now employed In
ppme places enables the employer to
place thp employee under practical
duress fpr the skilled laborer loses
1 independence when the employ-
lion of humanity religion reason prs pan not only discharsre him but
prevent him securing any similar
employment The blacklist enables
employers tp secure by mutual
ngrppment that control -over the
Wage earners which a private mon
opoly exercises without contract
From Bryans better of Acceptance
Time to Think
According to Assistant Secretary of
the Treasury Taylor the Republican
congress will repeal the Chinese
trusts which can begin to offset the ob- sjon act and permit the Boxers to flood
jections against them They are the the country with cheap labor This
outgrowth of an abominable system of while 150000 miners are starving in
favoritism called protection and they the United States Wbrkingmen of
carry out the idea of that doctrinethe America what do you think of the
Is It net time to stop and
EveryJol3 except Mr H
knows that we Lnve trasts Mr
Hanna made a sbcccb the other day
in which he said he did not believe
there was a trast in the United
States I think he Is the only mam
In the country who says he does not
know there Is a trust and ray own
opinion Is there Is not a man in the
country who knows more abnt the
trusts than he does or knows better
their names and places f dolnff
buslHess W J Bryaa
Gloom Prevails In Republican
Ranks and They Are
on the Run
Two features of the present cam
paign deseive special notice First
the defections from the Republican
party can no longer be denominated
local incidents The tide Bryamvard
sweeps over tho nation and Democ
racy counts Its recruits in states all the
way from Maine to Oregon Early in
the campaign the Republicans assert
ed and perhaps even believed that
large numbers were deserting their
party as a result of local conditions
They now concede their mistake ac
knowledge the defection to be nation
al the dissatisfaction general and are
using every expedient that can occur
to the minds of desperate politicians
in order to keep the followers of their
party in lino
The second feature of the campaign
that deserves special notice Is this
that the Republicans now acknowledge
themselves to be fighting upon tbe de
fensive They no longer under the com
mand of their party generals make bold
attacks upon Democratic positions
Offensive warfare has become with
them an Impossibility They are fight
ing strictly on the defensive and they
acknowledge It
The Chicago Tribune in headlining
the speech of Senator Beveridge re
cently delivered at the Auditorium
Chicago used the following as a sub
head He Defends Policy of War
and the speech was in very truth an
elaborate detense oE the foreign policy
of the present administration Sen
ator Beveridge was kept so busy dur
ing his entire speech explaining the
actions of McKinleys administration
that he did not find time during his
entire oration to attack a single prin
ciple of the Democratic platform Ev
ery practical politician appreciates the
disadvantage of fighting upon the de
fensive It is a condition calculated
to fill the managers of McKinleys
campaign with gloom and to cause the
Democratic leaders to become jubilant
over the prospects of a victory that is
every day becoming more and more a
matter of certainty
The Republicans arc upon the de
fensive More than that they are
on the run
O o
V Rights never conflict duties never clash J
9 Can it be our duty to usurp political rights 9
g which belonj to others Can it be our duty X
g to kill those who following the example of s
O our forefathers love liberty well enough to O
fight for it W J Bryan
Empire or Democracy
Empire is the strut of the interna
tional bully true democracy is the rule
of conduct of a free people whereby
their individual and concertive action
may make to the common good The
duty which such a people owes to the
outside world is not the logic of force
or the beneficence of national vanity
but the impressment of political truth
by the peaceful means of fact argu
ment and example Buffalo Times
The so called Republican party of
Hnnna and SIcKlnlcy defends the
trusts for the same reason that a
man defends his life The Republic
an party without the trusts wonld
be dead They sive it vitality they
nnimnfe its movements they furnish
It with tbe wealth to corrupt legisla
tures nnd carry on costly campaigns
of bribery and intimidation New
York News
Betting Odds Lessen
The odds on McKinley are growing
less When the campaign opened bets
were made at 5 to 1 A week ago the
odds were generally 2 to 1 On Fri
day sand Saturday 2 to 1 was the figure
The New York betting is referred to
There does not seem to be a great deal
of money anywhere else that is seek
ing investment on the political race
Savannah News
3Ir McKinley has been president
for three and a half years and dar
ing that time more- trusts have been
organized than In all the previous
history of the country and he has
allowed three sessions of congress
to convene and adjourn and he did
not recommend a specific measure
for the destruction of the trusts
W J Bryan
Belittling the Deluge
McKinley Roosevelt and Hanna
all pooh pooh the idea of there being
trusts Perhaps they will do the same
as to snch protests as are now being
made against the coal trust in Penn
sylvania They may prove like the fel
low who belittled the deluge when It
set in and said It was merely a shower
Courier Journal
Between government by starvation
and government by injunction the
American worklngman knows what
it Is to be ground between the upper
and nether millstones Xew York
Only Good 3Ien on Guard
The Anaconda Standard brij
suggests that if Mr McKinley will
wait a few months longer Mr Bryan
will appoint him to the arbitration
commission himself but he sbouJdnot
rely on It Mr Bryan will putonly
true friends of the republic dd gUrd