jS 5
- 101 103 W 8tk St
xansai crrr ico
ffta Oiert it Aye n Longest LecaUM
jL -Regular Oraduate in Medicine
ter 3 rear Spetial JPraetlet
by tb State to tntfe g522
tathoriaed U2f2 8FEOIAL DISEASES
T Curwi guaranteed or money r
JBgrt fnndsd All medicines famished
2 A ready for use no mercury or in-
AKk m Jorioua medicines used No de
iHIIIISlI tentlon from business Patients
IkSEbII at distance treated by mail and
WkWkmkW express Medicines sent every-
where free from gaze or breakage
csntC O D only by agreement Charges
gnes Orer 40000 cases cured Age and expert
nee are Important State your case and send
for terms Conaultatioa free and confldeoaal
personally or by letter
Seminal Weakness JSffW
sind SeXUa Debility lies and excess
ee camtfng losses by dreams or ime urmo
Dimples and blotches on the face rushes of blood
foreetfulness basbfulnoss aveirion to society
Iocs of sexual power low of manhood impo
Jence etc cured for life I can stop night
Josses restore sexual power restore nerre and
train power enlarge and strengthen weak parts
and make you fit for marriage
m Badicallz cured with a new and
OiriCXUre kuniMe gw TreitnesL No in
nd OleeC Btrumonts no pain no deten
tion from business Cure ffuarantesd Book
and list of questions free soaiea
Private Diseases or money refunded
or both eoxcapaess 24picturei
DU U H true to life with full description oj
aboTe diseases the effects and cure sent saalec
In plain wrapper for 6 cents In stamps xot
should read this book for the information ii
N B State case and ask for list of question
JFra Museum ef Anatomy for men colfft
41 Miles Shortest to St Louis
28 Miles Shortest to Qulncy
Leave Omaha 505 p m
Arrive St Louis 700 a m
Trains leave Union Station daily for
St Louis Quincy Kansas City and all
points East or South
Homeseekers Excursion on sale 1st
and 3d Tuesday of each month
Steamship tickets to all parts of the
For full Information call at O St
Ticket Office 1415 Farnam St Pax
n Hotel Block or write
C P T A Omaha Neb
Drt v A II Write about yourself
r w i suimmercd from
childhood aud was per
fectly cured 12 years
aco Only the afflicted
can appreciate the intense desire one has to
be cured If you are afflicted or have children
who are iyrlio to me for terms literature etc
Wants to Add Letter to 11st Hoping to In
due ce Other Sufferers Bad Case of
Itupture and Other Troubles for
Years Cured in three w eks Bid
Not Take One Cent of Pay
Until Cured
McPherson Bans June 8 1899
Dr Ernest Henderson Kansas City Mo
Dear Doctor I want to add my testimonial
letter to your aiready large list hoping to In
fluence some sufferer to go to you
I had a bad case of rupture for years and
suffered great agony I went to Dr Henderson
and was cured in three weeks I cannot say too
much for him I know he can do just what he
avs he can do The doctor does not ask one
eht sf pav until thepatient is well This is
the best guarantee be can possibly give to any
person afflicted as I was I will answer anyone
Who wishes to kaow more about my case
Very truly yours A R OLSON
Desires to Add Testimonial Case a Bad One
Permanent Cure in Short Time
Would Not be Back in ame Con
v ditlonfor SlOOO
Dr Ernest Henderson
My Dear Doctor I desire to add my testimo
nial to those vou have cured or rupture My
case was a bad one and you made a permanent
cure in a short time without pam and I never
lest a day from my work 1 cannot say too
much for your cure and would no be backin
the condition I was for a thousand dollars I
thank you and would recommend your Rupture
cure toanyoce Use this 1 you wish I am
truly thankfully yours
FBED HARPER on Indiana Ave
i t
60 years old
Office over
215 8 14th St
fa the treatment of all forms of DISEASES
85 Years Experience 14L Tears In Omaha
UADIPfiPCI C cured quickly and porman
YAnluUbLLC ently Thu most natural
and scientific treatment that has yet been
FEW DAYS to cure Varicocele without cut
ting pain or loss of time CHARGES LOW
I positively guarautoe a cure
OYDUII C in all stages and condition
0 l f III Ltd cured and every trace of the
disease is thoroughly eliminated from tht
blood All appearances of the disease quickly
disappear No BREAKING OUT of tht
disease on the skin or face A cure that is
permanent for life
from Excesses or Early Vices Night Losses
Stricture Hydrocele Diseases of the Bladder
ana iiiunuys nervous ucuiuty
Treatment by mall or express free from
public gaze Free Consultation Sand for
free book on DISORDERS OF HEN
Hours 8 a m to o p m 7 to 8 p m Sundays
3 to 12 P O Box 706 Office over 215 Si4th
Street between Farnam and Douglas Streets
s43 nPh 5etv yV
TJCURES all Kidney
in Diseases
imh ptn
fists or by mail
1 Frea book ad
vice etc of Dr B J Kay Saratoga N Y
What a noiseless world this would
be if women were as quiet all the time
as they are when it comes to telling
their age
Why not doctor yourself Gonova
Tablets are guaranteed bv KIdd Drug Co
Elgin 111 to cure all diseases Inflamma
tions ulcerations of the urinary system
organs bladder etc or send free medi
cine until cured if guaranteed lot fails
An Internal remedy with injection com
bined the only one in America Price 3
or 2 for 3 sent per mall Retail and
wholesale of Myers Dillon Drug Co
Omaha M A Dillon South Omahaw Da
vis Drug Co Council Bluffs Rlggs Phar
macv Lincoln H S Baker Sioux City
Complete line of rubber goods ask- for
what you want
You Pay
Motliing Until Cured
Facts Stdted by
ly Former
If You Are Afflicted With
L Rupture Dont Fail
to Read them
My Guarantee is Valuable Be
cause You do Not Pay Me
One Cent Until You Are
I present to the Teaders of this paper
few testimonial letters and names of
former patients whom 1 have cured of
rupture believing that the afflicted
would rather correspond with some one
who has been cured than read what I
might say about myself They can more
fuily investigate and convince them
selves as to the merits of my treatment
I could use this entire space singing my
own praises but believe the statement
of those 1 have cured will be more satis
factory to the afflicted I will ask you
to write to any or all of them If you
are satisfied with what they say about
my reliability and methods of treatment
write to me or calland see me Remem
ber that in all cases I guarantee a cure
and do not accept one cent of money un
til you are well Consultation by mail
or in person is entirely f ree I will be
pleased to correspond with you regard
mir your case
Suffered foi Years Pronounced Incurable
by Uoctors Glud He Tok Treatment
After Three Weeks was Sound and
Vr 11 Treatment In All That Is
Claimed for It Hopes Letter
Will be Weans of Inducing
Otliets to Take Treat
Dr Ernest Henderson Kansas City Mo
Dear Doctor I wish to state that I can most
heartily recommend your rupture treatment
Since early youth I had been seriously treubled
with a right scrotal rupture that was pro
nounced by doctors to be incurable except pos
siply by a dangerous surgical operation Hear
ing of jour treatment I determined to try the
same and am glad I did so for after taking
your treatment but three weeks I am now sounct
and well Your treatment isall that you claim
for It
If this letter will do you any good I would be
glad to have you publish the same and I hope
it may be the means of inducing others to take
your treatment and be cured
Yours respectfully
WM liYNN Ransom Kb
Finds Tre tment Successful Examined Oth
er Pnti iitb n d Found Cure Permunent
Had been in the ISusiness Ihinks
This thu MoaI Jtational Treat
ment or thu Day
December 20 1899
To whom it may concern
This will certify that I have taken Dr Ernest
Hendersons treatment for rupture and that I
find it entirely successful I have examined a
number of patients that he has treated and I
find that a permanent care lias been made in
every case examined I have watched this
treatment for some time as 1 have been in this
line of business myself having been an expert
truss titter for a number of years I believe
this is the most rational treatment of the day
and that he will be successful in every case I
would most neartily recommend anyone with a
rupture to consult Dr Henderson
Very respectfully yours
JACOB WEITZEL Independence Mo
Lutheran Minister Cured After SufferingSix
Years Tried Many Truces but Thev All
Failed Upon Advice of Rev F Pfeif
fer of Sedalin Mo Tried Dr Hen
derson the Rupture Specialist
of KansiiR City
The Cure was Complete Has Dispenied
with Trusses W in Answer Letters
From Those Afflicted Who Wih
Further Particulars
Kansas City Mo
This is to certify that I have suffered for six
years with a vory bad rupture and during ill
of the time I have worn different kind of truss
es day and night with the hope of effecting a
cure but they all failed they only held the
rupture in place
Upon the advice of Rev F Pfelff er of Sedalia
Mo 1 consulted Dr Ernest Henderson the
Rupture Speclaltst 103 W 9th St Kansas City
Mo who cured me in a few weeks without sub
jecting me to a dangerous and painful opera
tion The cure was complete and since then I
have dispensed with my trusses without incon
To the interest of all who are afflicted with
ibis trouble I dowritethis and heartily recom
mend Dr Hendersons treatment Anyone de
siring more information will please apply 10
me personally or by letter I am
Nov H 1S99 1317 Oak St Kansas City
N B In writing please enclose a stamp for
No Troube Af er First Treatment Which
wa Fninlcfs Did Not Interfere With
SVork and Cured In JLes Than One
Month RecoinmendsTreat men t
to All Rupture Suffereis
Di ErnesfHenderson 03 V 9th St Cty
My Dear Doctor- I write vou unsolicited to
s ay ifcsi ycu navemaae a permanent urt or mv
rupture whicb nas as you know a large DrecV
- i
- - - tfrv
Sooth Omaha Neb Oct 17
Live Stock Report furnished by th
Flato Commission company of Soutb
Omaha Neb
Receipts of cattle show a large de
crease from last week but this has
had no beneficial effect on the marketi
on the contrary prices have been very
weak and a little extra crowding al
this time would certainly not be of any
benefit to shippers
Beef steers are still being marketed
in limited numbers and while prices
have been just about steady on the
choice grades common and coarse
grades common weak and coarse steeu
have suffered a decline of 10 to 15 cents
during the week and the prospects art
not favorable for any reaction in tht
near future Offerings of cows anc
heifers have been fairly liberal and tht
demand for choice stuff has been strong
principally because there has has been
a scarcity of that class of cattle and
dealers have been able to hold prices
pretty stedy On the common and me
dium grades the feeling has been rathei
weak and market slow There is a gooc
inquiry for milkers and springers but
the rrumber coming is very small
Receipts of stockers and feeders have
not been as heavy this week as ex
pected and prices have recovered somt
of the loss of the past month Trading
was very good last week as prices wer
getting to be attractive to a good manj
feeders who were a little timid abou
taking on anything just at present
The yards were well cleaned up on las
Saturday and with only a small suppl
on hand Monday dealers were able t
get good strong prices and today th
market closes with prices 15 to 25 cent
higher than last Wednesday This ad
vance would apply more generally U
the good heavy steers and choice year
lings the common medium cattle wil
still show a tendency to weakness ane
market for them has not had the sna
noticeable in good yearlings and choici
heavy cattle Buyers from Nebraskj
are taking cattle more freely than al
any time this- season and demand fron
this state should be good from now on
The hog market this week has dupll
cated its performance of last week anc
prices have gone rapidly downward
to 10 cents lower being the usual dailj
reports from that quarter The hlgl
point of the month was on October 4
when the average cost was 5519 todaj
the average cost was 454 1 8 a loss o
55 3 8 cents in the last fifteen days Th
difference which nas existed Detweet
heavy and light hogs of good qualit
was wiped out today and the top pric
was paid for a prime load of heav
hogs There is nothing In sight a
nresent indicating a reaction towar
better prices
Inguinal Hernia t tnink this Is the name yon
gave it Ailing the scrotum I am glad to say
that I never had any trouble retaining it aftr
the first treatment arid that I am now a well
man Thanks to God and yourself
Your treatment was palnloss and did not stop
me from my work A cure was made in less than
a month
Icertainlv will do what lean for you and my
Buffering fellows and most heartily recommend
all ruptured to take your treatment You may
use this letter if you desire I be to remain
your friend WM WELTMAN
K C Slock Yards or 410 Landis Court
Suffered With Bad Case for Over Five Year
Could ot Stand It Anj Longer After
Beading Advertisement Concluded
to Take Treatm nt Paid for
Willi Pleasure Will Gladly
Wrltr Anyone About Ca e
Kansas City Mo June 3 1900
Dr Ernest Henderson City
My Dear Doctor It is with pleasure I Inform
you that 1 am entirely cured ot a bad case ol
rupture for which you treated me first about
two years ago 1 suffered with a very bad rup
ture for over five years many times it was so
bad 1 could scarcely retain it with the aid of a
truss As the rupture was constantly getting
worse and thepaln so great I could notstand it
any longer 1 was much discouraged After
reading vour advertisement over a d ovei
again 1 concluded to try your treatment and
to my surprise 3cu cured me in less than foul
weeks- lam glad to say after such a long timt
of suffering I am absolutely sound and well
I paid vour fee with pleasure and still feel that
I oweyou a debt of gratitude which I hope tc
pav bv inducing other sufferers to go to you foi
treatment thereby doing a kindness to thern
and to you
I will gladly write to anyone about my case
lalmoht forgot to say that I consideied youi
offer of receiving no pay until a cure was ef
fected as the best guarantee you couid give
and that h what lirst gave me coniidence ir
your trpatment as soon as I talked to you
Respectfully your friend
3S East Sixth Street
MikeGavnor2 EwingSt Kansas City Ks
A R Olson McPherson Kas
Robert J Brock county attorney Manhattan
N Iff Kent 401 Orchard St Chicago 111
Oscar Dillon 901 Campbell St Kansas City
H M McDonald Denison Kas
B F Dobbs 1920 N 17th St Kansas City Kas
A Young 3418 Windsor Ave Kansas City Mo
J S Hammlck plumbing 19 E 6th St Kan
sasCity Mo
Thos Baffo Kansas City Mo
W C Peak grocer 21 Central Ave Kansa
City Kas
MS Welch care Goodlander Milling Co Ft
Scott Kas
Dr T F Parker 1517 Brooklyn Ave Kansas
City Mo
Herman Bagull Kansas City Mo
Wm Lvnn Ransom Kas
M G llartzell 719 Felix St St Joe Mo
Fred Harper 2011 Indiana Ave Kanras City
William Weltman 410 Landis Court Kansa
City Mo
Rev F PfelfferSedalia Mo
R J Champion Armour Station Kansas City
JT Wood merchant Greenwood Jacksoi
county Mo
Chas T Hummer 424 Edmond St St Joe Mo
WillB Castor 11 N Soring Ave St Louis Mo
Fred Phares 617 Cherry St Kansas City Mo
E R Demorest Kansas Citv Mo
R B Griffith 207 Lyceum Bldg Kansas City
Thomas McMahon 704 N 7tb St St Louis
K W Dement restaurant keeper 109 E IStr
St residence 1012 Locust St Kansas City Mo
Child 13 months old
G F Shaw assistant county surveyor Inde
pendence Mo
Vashinsin Baker Halls Summit Kas
William Hlggins 117 Car Ave Armourdale
W L Gray Stanberrv Mo
W T Wlngate Amity Mo
Earl Maxwell Valley Palls Kas
C Sandy 7r6 Kanas Ave Kanas City Kas
James McMocktn tS2 Tullis Court Kans
Cuy Mo
Frank Craig 15th and Topping Ave Kansai
City Mo -
103 West Ninth Street
I 3
Was that why you came she
Yes he answered If we had not
been wrecked tonight I should have
dropped overboard and deserted
Strange she said it was just what
he did when he came to the island
nineteen years ago
Yes nineteen years ago Jason re
He spoke like a man in a sleep and
she began to tremble
What is the matter she said
Within a few minutes his face had
suddenly changed and vit wais now
awful to look upon Not for an instant
did he turn his eyes from the bed
The delirium of the sick man had
deepened by this time the little fool
ish baby play words in the poor bro
ken English came from him no more
but he seemed to ask eager questions
in a tongue that Greeba did not un
This man is an Icelander said
Didnt you know that before said
What is his name said Jason
Havent you heard it yet
What is his name
Then for one quick instant he turned
his face towards her face and she seem
ed to read his thought
Oh God she cried and she stag
gered back
Just then there was a sound of foot
steps on the shingle outside and at
the next moment Steun and Thurstan
Fairbrother and old Davy IOrruish
pushed open the door They had come
to fetch Greeba
The Methodee man tould us said
Davy standing by Jasons side and
my gough but its mortal curous
Whats it saying Talk of the divil
and sure enough it was of the big widda
man hisself we vyere talking of less
nor half a hour afore we struck
Come my lass said Thurstan
No no Ill stay here said Greeba
But your mother Is fidgeting and
this is no place for a slip of a girl
Til stay with him alone said Ja
No no cried Greeba
Its the lads right for all said old
Day He fetched the poor chap out
of the water Come lets take the road
for it -
Will no one stay instead of me
said Greeba
Wheres the use said Davy Hes
raelly past help Hes outward bound
poor chap Poor Oiry Poor
phen v - t
Then they jdrew Greeba away and
GWwv WvWv
e Borkdmecr a
Rachel Jorgenson was tne only daugh
ter of the governor or Iceland She fell
In love with and married an idler
pHen Orry Her father had other hopes
fo her and In his anger he disowned her
Then orry deserted her and ran away to
sea Of this union however a child was
born and Rachel called him Jason Ste
phen Orry was heard from in the Isle of
Man where he was again married and
another son was born Rachel died a
broken hearted woman but told Jason of
his fathers acts Jason swore to kill
him and If not him then his son In the
meantime Orry had deserted his ship and
sought refuge in the Isle of Man and
was sheltered by the governor of the
island Adam Fairbrother Orry went
from bad to worse and marled a disso
lue and their child called Michael Sun
locks war born The woman died and
Orry gave their child to Adam Fair
brother who adopted him and he be
came the playmate of the governors only
daughter Greeba Time passed and the
governor and his wife hecame estranged
their five sons staying with their mother
on account of their jealousy of Sunlocks
who had become a favorite with the gov
ernor Finally Stephen Orry confesses
his misdeeds to Sunlocks who promised
iu go io aceianu to una Kacnei it
unu care ior ner ana tr sne was
ueuu 10 Tina ner son ana treat mm as
a brother He bid good bye to his sweet
heart Greeba and started on his journey
Meantime Jason had started on his
journey of vengeance and his ship was
wrecked on the Isle of Man He saved
the life of his father unknowingly Orry
a Jea and on his death bed was recog
nized by Jason
But hardly had the words been spoken
When he threw back his head and
asked in a firm voice how far it was to
Port Erin
About thirty miles said Greeba
looking up at the sudden question
NoLrnore asked Jason
No He has lived there she an
swered with a motion of her head to
wards the bed
Yes ever since his wife died Be
fore that they lived in this place with
Michael Sunlocks His wife met with
a terrible death
She was murdered by some enemy of
lier husband The man escaped but
left his name behind him It wasPat
Yes That must be fourteen years
ago and since then he has lived alone
at Port Erin Do you wish to go
Ay that is so I intended-
To look for someone
Who is it
My father
For a moment Greeba was silent and
then she said with her eyes down
Why look for him if he wronged
your mother
Thats why I meant to do so
She looked into his face and stam
mered But why
He did not appear to hear her his
eyes were fixed on the man on the bed
and hardly had she asked the question
before she covered her ears with her
haqds as though to shut out his an
r with a look of fear fixed on Jasons face
she passed out at the door
Jason was now alone with Stephen
Orry and felt like a man who had
stumbled into a hidden grave He had
set out over the seas to search for his
father and here at his first setting foot
on the land his father lay at his feet
So this was Stephen Orry this was he
for whom his mother had given up all
this was he lor whom she had taken a
fathers curse this was he for whom
she had endured poverty and shame
this was he who had neglected her
struck her forgotten her with another
woman this was he who had killed her
the poor loving loyal passionate
heart not in a day or an hour or a
momentfbut in twenty long
son stood over the bed and looked
down Surely the Lord God had heard
his great vow and delivered the mnn
into his hands He would have hunted
the world over to find him but here at
a stride he had him It was heavens
own justice and if he held back now
the curse of his dead mother would
follow him from the grave
Yet a trembling shook his whole
frame and his heart beat as If it would
break Why did he wait He remem
bered the tenderness that had crept
upon him not many minutes ago as he
listened to the poor baby babble of the
mans delirium and at that the gall in
his throat seemed to choke him He
hated himself for yielding to it for now
he knew for whom it had been meant
It had been meant for his own father
doating over the memory of another
son That son had supplanted himself
that sons mother had supplanted his
own mother and yet he in his ignor
ance had all but wept for both of
them But no matter he was now to be
Gods own right hand of justice on this
evil doer
Dawn was breaking and its woolly
light crept lazily in at the little win
dow past the lamp that ffvill burned
qn the window board Tho wind had
fallen and the sea lay gloomy and
dark as if with Its own heavy memo
ries of last nights work The gray
light fell on the sick mans face and
under Jasons eyes it seemed to light
up the poor miserable naked soul with
in The delirium had now set in strong
and many were the wild words and fre
quent was the cry that rang through
the little house
Not while he is like that thought
Jason I will wait for the lull
He took up a pillow in beth hands
and stood by the bed and waited never
lifting his eyes off the face But the
lull did not come Would it not come
at all What if the delirium wefe never
to pas saway Could he still do the
thing he intended No no no But
heaven had heard his vow and led him
there The delirium would yet pass
then he would accuse his father face
o face and eye to eye and then
The current of Jasons thoughts was
suddenly arrested by a cry from the
sick man It was Rachel Rachel
Rachel1 spoken in a voice of deep en
treaty and there came after it in dis
jointed words of the Icelandic tongue a
pitiful appeal for forgiveness At that
a great fear seized upon Jason and the
pillow dropped from his hands to the
ground Rachel Rachel It was the
old cry of years that were gone but
working with how great a difference
then to stir up evil passions now to
break down the spirit of revenge
Rachel Rachel came again in the
same pitiful voice of supplication and
at the sound of that name so spoken
the bitterness o Jasons heart went
offlike a wail of the wind It wras a
cry of remorse a cry for pardon a cry
for mercy There could be no jugglery
In that hour of the minds awful van
quishment a human soul stood naked
behind him as before its Maker
Jasons great love was shaken Had
it been only a blind tangle of passion
and pain If the Almighty had called
him to be the instrument of His ven
geance would He have delivered his
enemy into his hands like this dying
delirious with broken brain and broken
heart i
Still hi mothers name came from
his fathers lips and then his mind
went -back to the words that had so
lately passed between them Let me
be your father though I am a dying
man Ah sweet beautiful blind fal
lacycould he not let it be
The end was very near the delirium
passed away and Stephen Orry opened
his eyes The great creature was as
quiet as a child now and as soft and
gentle as a childs was his deep hoarse
voice He knew that he had been
wandering in his mind and when he
looked into Jasons face a pale smile
crossed his own
I thought I had found her he said
very simply my poor young wife that
once was it was she that I lost so
long ago and did such wrong- by
Jasons throat was choking him but
he stammered out Lie still sirr lie still
and rest
But Stephen Orry talked on in the
same simple way Ah how silly I am
I forgot you didnt know
Lie still and rest said Jason again
There was someone with her too 1
thought I was her son her child and
mine that was to come when I left
her And only think looked again
and it seemed to be you Yes you for
it was the face of him that fetched me
out of the sea I thought you were my
son indeed
Then Jason could bear up no longer
He flung himself down on his faaeesa
by the bedside and buried his face 6a
the dying mans breast rm
Father he sobbed I am jxjst
son t
To be continued
K i
But Stephen Orry only smiled aaS
answered very quietly Ah yes I re
memberthat was part of our barsadcJl
my good lad Well God bless yos va
son God bless and speed you
And that was the end of Orry
It was 4 oclock in themornlngr otifr
foremans last night The lights is th
news composing room of the Joand
office burned dim the last form hh
rumbled to the elevator the clanking
singing linotypes were stllL The fore
man was leaving utter eight years ad
work in the office to enter the
qdist ministry The night chapel hafi
prepared days Tsefore for this parting
A handsomely bound copy of Noxi
Topical Bible a Digest of the Hate
Scriptures lay hidden all night codecs
the coat of Scougal the president c
the Sioux City Typographical union
No 180 who was to he spokesman Ox
its front Russia leather cover vxsff
these words
to s
M ZrfH
Days have changed in all print sbsses
Printers are Tiot the roistering lot hs
they were ten years ago But in alt tl
years of which the dingy coposlnff tooas
might tell many tales there never was
scene so strange as when the chagdl
meeting was called to order by WcxsS
slug No 4 chairman of the cfcrrgriL
who admonished Carroll that this chap
el meeting had been called oa falsa
There had been other chapel raetfnga
on Carroll at times when the oisC
chapel did not feel quite so kindly ss
ward him On those nights he fcadE
found a seat on the sttfne taring
circle of men as he did now The
el meeting was a surprise to him anfi
he was not sure of its import Ee aaas
not reassured by Billy Worsts TRtjrfp
when he called the meeting to aniac
There was a shade of trouble Is fcfcs
face when Scougal was introduced t
prefer a complaint against blsa
Mr Carroll frend and co troriEiC
the man with a grievance begaz asE
at the kindly tone and the word JCrfeetSr
Carrolls face flushed and there was
tightening and quivering of his I13
Carroll is only 22 deep loyalty to East
employers and unfailing- ambiticra
become some day a minister of Cia
gcfcpel had- sprung from a ratiira
emotional and sympathetic As fil
words of the speaker went on ttiSisrs
of sincere Interest in his futnie xste
admiration of his e xemplary pajsCwfeaC
wonder in the silence of the rooss Has
strange and yet familiar surrottsIssK
all reminding him of his nightly axca
ety to do his work well dtzxlES tfia
many years he had been there tfrat
Carrolls eyes soon filled with scaZfiniss
tears that he was glad that the es3
went out entirely for a moment Seas-
Ing them all in darkness asd sjfeEsrv
save for the occasional scamper o t
mouse and for the growl of tbs p3S3
down below Then the lights Sase
out again the speaker finished tksa
lnes he was repeating and ended amU
Carroll found himself on his feet mscsS
with the sobs he had suppresses Sfefc
kindliness of the men and the lad off
his going and of the nearness Cbss
realization of the dreamed amhltSrar c
his young manhood the going aTnsy t
study for the ministry that this was K
farewell all these bore YtgaxlCisr cat
his self control and he will net SJorseC
that moment to the day of his deatk
He spoke truly when he said XazsSry
that kindness was often hardest t
bear that he felt that there never ha4
been a young man so weighted witk
obligations to friends as he As fea
went on his voice choked more aiuS
more and the men sat with beads
bowed his voice telling1 them that Gsiy
were in the presence of something sab
ered They sat on- the tables the forsS
anms desk and in the windows Car
roll stopped a moment and then he
asked them to let his pray All arose
reverentially and the voice of the
man who was foreman no longer xtixr
stronger in earnest praying Already
he was in his new calling Two weeks
ago he was given the permission to ex
hort by the full vote of the leaders
stewards of the Whitfield M E church
and it was surely appropriate that he
should first lead in worship among men
with whom he had worked nightly as 2
printer He will enter Northwesters
university Tuesday leaving Sioux City
Monday evening at 530 over the North
western and nothing he will take t
his student life will be so treasured as
will the bible from the night chapel
and the memory of its giving
Beat the yolks of two eggs moil
light ad a pinch of salt and two
blespoons of sugar and when wettf
mixed add one pint of new milk Set
the bowl over hot water and stir the
custard until it is as hot as can be
tasted Flavor with one teaspoon of
vanilla and turn it into a dish suitable
for the table When it becomes Srta
place it in the ice chest Meanwhils
beat the whites of the eggs until stiE
and dry add two tablespoonfuls of
powdered sugar and one teaspoon or
lemon juice Beat until stiff Pileit
lightly on the surface of the custari
and garnish Wjith candied cherries
Serve with cream is desired but Itis
very good without it J
When a man casts his bread uposi
the waters he finds that everybodyia
the Kwim is out for the dough